Hat Kid 2969833b2d
decomp3: more engine stuff, detect non-virtual state inheritance (#3377)
- `speech`
- `ambient`
- `water-h`
- `vol-h`
- `generic-obs`
- `carry-h`
- `pilot-h`
- `board-h`
- `gun-h`
- `flut-h`
- `indax-h`
- `lightjak-h`
- `darkjak-h`
- `target-util`
- `history`
- `collide-reaction-target`
- `logic-target`
- `sidekick`
- `projectile`
- `voicebox`
- `ragdoll-edit`
- most of `ragdoll` (not added to gsrc yet)
- `curves`
- `find-nearest`
- `lightjak-wings`
- `target-handler`
- `target-anim`
- `target`
- `target2`
- `target-swim`
- `target-lightjak`
- `target-invisible`
- `target-death`
- `target-gun`
- `gun-util`
- `board-util`
- `target-board`
- `board-states`
- `mech-h`
- `vol`
- `vent`
- `viewer`
- `gem-pool`
- `collectables`
- `crates`
- `secrets-menu`


- Detection of non-virtual state inheritance
- Added a config file that allows overriding the process stack size set
by `stack-size-set!` calls
- Fix for integer multiplication with `r0`
- Fixed detection for the following macros:
	- `static-attack-info`
- `defpart` and `defpartgroup` (probably still needs adjustments, uses
Jak 2 implementation at the moment)
- `sound-play` (Jak 3 seems to always call `sound-play-by-name` with a
`sound-group` of 0, so the macro has been temporarily defaulted to use

One somewhat significant change made here that should be noted is that
the return type of `process::init-from-entity!` was changed to `object`.
I've been thinking about this for a while, since it looks a bit nicer
without the `(none)` at the end and I have recently encountered init
methods that early return `0`.
2024-03-03 15:15:27 -05:00

521 lines
16 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: history.gc
;; name in dgo: history
;; dgos: GAME
;; +++history-channel
(defenum history-channel
:type uint8
(trans 0)
(transv 1)
(transv-in 2)
(transv-out 3)
(intersect 4)
(local-normal 5)
(surface-normal 6)
(collide-status 7)
(pat 8)
(time 9)
(friction 10)
;; ---history-channel
;; this file is debug only
(declare-file (debug))
(defun history-channel->string ((arg0 history-channel))
(case arg0
(((history-channel friction))
(((history-channel transv-out))
(((history-channel pat))
(((history-channel transv-in))
(((history-channel trans))
(((history-channel local-normal))
(((history-channel collide-status))
(((history-channel time))
(((history-channel intersect))
(((history-channel surface-normal))
(((history-channel transv))
(deftype history-elt (structure)
((record-tag-bytes uint8 4)
(record-tag uint32 :overlay-at (-> record-tag-bytes 0))
(record-id uint16 :overlay-at (-> record-tag-bytes 0))
(owner uint8 :overlay-at (-> record-tag-bytes 2))
(channel history-channel :offset 4)
(timestamp time-frame)
(origin vector :inline)
(bytes uint8 16)
(vector vector :inline :overlay-at (-> bytes 0))
(float float :overlay-at (-> bytes 0))
(collide-status collide-status :overlay-at (-> bytes 0))
(collide-reaction-flag uint32 :overlay-at (-> bytes 8))
(pat pat-surface :overlay-at (-> bytes 0))
(deftype history-iterator (basic)
((max-age uint32)
(owner uint8)
(proc process)
(out object)
(channel-mask uint64)
(index int32)
(done? symbol)
(new (symbol type uint) _type_)
(frame-counter-delta (_type_ history-elt) time-frame)
(update-entries! (_type_) history-elt)
(get-age (_type_ history-elt) float)
(deftype history (basic)
((alloc-index int32)
(allocated-length int32)
(elts history-elt :inline :dynamic)
(new (symbol type int) _type_)
(clear-record-tags! (_type_ history-channel uint uint) history-elt)
(clear-history-entries! (_type_) none)
(defmethod length ((this history))
(-> this allocated-length)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int.
(defmethod asize-of ((this history))
(the-as int (+ (-> this type size) (* 48 (-> this allocated-length))))
(defmethod new history ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* 48 arg0))))))
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(defmethod clear-history-entries! ((this history))
(set! (-> this alloc-index) 0)
(countdown (v1-0 (-> this allocated-length))
(let ((a1-3 (-> this elts v1-0)))
(set! (-> a1-3 record-tag) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> a1-3 timestamp) 0)
(define-perm *history* history (new 'debug 'history 4096))
(clear-history-entries! *history*)
;; WARN: new jak 2 until loop case, check carefully
(defmethod clear-record-tags! ((this history) (arg0 history-channel) (arg1 uint) (arg2 uint))
(let* ((t1-0 (-> this alloc-index))
(v1-0 (-> this elts))
(v0-0 (-> v1-0 t1-0))
(let ((t2-0 (-> v0-0 record-tag))
(t0-2 (-> v0-0 timestamp))
(set! (-> v0-0 channel) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 record-id) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-0 owner) arg2)
(set! (-> v0-0 timestamp) (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter))
(let* ((a1-4 (-> this allocated-length))
(a2-2 (mod (+ t1-0 1) a1-4))
(set! (-> this alloc-index) a2-2)
(when (nonzero? t2-0)
(until #f
(let ((a0-4 (-> v1-0 a2-2)))
(if (!= t0-2 (-> a0-4 timestamp))
(return v0-0)
(set! (-> a0-4 record-tag) (the-as uint 0))
(set! a2-2 (mod (+ a2-2 1) a1-4))
(defmethod new history-iterator ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 uint))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 max-age) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 owner) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> v0-0 proc) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 out) *stdcon*)
(set! (-> v0-0 channel-mask) (the-as uint -1))
(set! (-> v0-0 index) (-> *history* alloc-index))
(set! (-> v0-0 done?) #f)
(defmethod update-entries! ((this history-iterator))
(let ((v1-0 *history*)
(a1-2 (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter))
(while (not (-> this done?))
(let ((a2-1 (+ (-> this index) -1)))
(if (< a2-1 0)
(set! a2-1 (+ (-> v1-0 allocated-length) -1))
(set! (-> this index) a2-1)
(if (= a2-1 (-> v1-0 alloc-index))
(set! (-> this done?) #t)
(let ((a2-5 (-> v1-0 elts a2-1)))
(when (nonzero? (-> a2-5 record-tag))
(when (< (the-as time-frame (-> this max-age)) (- a1-2 (-> a2-5 timestamp)))
(set! (-> this done?) #t)
(return (the-as history-elt #f))
(if (= (-> a2-5 owner) (-> this owner))
(return a2-5)
(the-as history-elt #f)
(defmethod get-age ((this history-iterator) (arg0 history-elt))
(- 1.0 (fmin 1.0 (/ (the float (+ (- 1 (-> arg0 timestamp)) (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter)))
(the float (+ (-> this max-age) 1))
(defmethod frame-counter-delta ((this history-iterator) (arg0 history-elt))
(- (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter) (-> arg0 timestamp))
;; WARN: new jak 2 until loop case, check carefully
(defun history-print ((arg0 history-iterator))
(sv-16 object)
(sv-24 int)
(sv-32 int)
(sv-40 history-elt)
(sv-48 time-frame)
(sv-56 uint)
(sv-64 collide-status)
(sv-72 float)
(sv-80 string)
(sv-96 string)
(set! sv-16 (-> arg0 out))
(set! sv-24 -1)
(set! sv-32 0)
(until #f
(set! sv-40 (update-entries! arg0))
(if (not sv-40)
(goto cfg-71)
(when (logtest? (-> arg0 channel-mask) (ash 1 (the-as int (-> sv-40 channel))))
(set! sv-48 (frame-counter-delta arg0 sv-40))
(set! sv-56 (-> sv-40 record-id))
((!= sv-24 sv-48)
(set! sv-24 (the-as int sv-48))
(set! sv-32 (the-as int sv-56))
(format sv-16 "~3D ~4X " sv-48 (-> sv-40 record-id))
((!= sv-32 sv-56)
(set! sv-32 (the-as int sv-56))
(format sv-16 " ~4X " (-> sv-40 record-id))
(format sv-16 " ")
(let ((v1-22 (-> sv-40 channel)))
((or (= v1-22 (history-channel trans))
(or (= v1-22 (history-channel transv))
(= v1-22 (history-channel transv-in))
(= v1-22 (history-channel transv-out))
(= v1-22 (history-channel intersect))
"~-15S: ~14Mm ~14Mm ~14Mm~%"
(history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel))
(-> sv-40 vector x)
(-> sv-40 vector y)
(-> sv-40 vector z)
((or (= v1-22 (history-channel local-normal)) (= v1-22 (history-channel surface-normal)))
"~-15S: ~14f ~14f ~14f~%"
(history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel))
(-> sv-40 vector x)
(-> sv-40 vector y)
(-> sv-40 vector z)
((= v1-22 (history-channel pat))
(let* ((s2-0 (-> sv-40 vector x))
(s5-2 format)
(s4-2 sv-16)
(s3-2 "~-15S: #x~6X mode:~-8S material:~-10S event:~S~%")
(s1-0 (history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel)))
(s0-0 s2-0)
(set! sv-80 (pat-mode->string (the-as pat-surface s2-0)))
(set! sv-96 (pat-material->string (the-as pat-surface s2-0)))
(let ((t2-0 (pat-event->string (the-as pat-surface s2-0))))
(s5-2 s4-2 s3-2 s1-0 s0-0 sv-80 sv-96 t2-0)
((= v1-22 (history-channel collide-status))
(set! sv-64 (-> sv-40 collide-status))
(set! sv-72 (-> sv-40 vector z))
(format sv-16 "~-15S: #x~6X " (history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel)) sv-64)
(let ((s5-4 sv-64))
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-background)) (collide-status touch-background))
(format sv-16 "touch-background ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status on-special-surface)) (collide-status on-special-surface))
(format sv-16 "on-special-surface ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-wall)) (collide-status touch-wall))
(format sv-16 "touch-wall ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status on-surface)) (collide-status on-surface))
(format sv-16 "on-surface ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status impact-surface)) (collide-status impact-surface))
(format sv-16 "impact-surface ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-ceiling)) (collide-status touch-ceiling))
(format sv-16 "touch-ceiling ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status on-ground)) (collide-status on-ground))
(format sv-16 "on-ground ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status glance)) (collide-status glance))
(format sv-16 "glance ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status blocked)) (collide-status blocked))
(format sv-16 "blocked ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-edge)) (collide-status touch-edge))
(format sv-16 "touch-edge ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-ceiling-sticky)) (collide-status touch-ceiling-sticky))
(format sv-16 "touch-ceiling-sticky ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status on-water)) (collide-status on-water))
(format sv-16 "on-water ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-actor)) (collide-status touch-actor))
(format sv-16 "touch-actor ")
(if (= (logand (collide-status probe-hit) s5-4) (collide-status probe-hit))
(format sv-16 "probe-hit ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status stuck)) (collide-status stuck))
(format sv-16 "stuck ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status no-touch)) (collide-status no-touch))
(format sv-16 "no-touch ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-surface)) (collide-status touch-surface))
(format sv-16 "touch-surface ")
(format sv-16 " #x~6X~%" sv-72)
((= v1-22 (history-channel friction))
(let ((f30-0 (-> sv-40 vector x)))
(format sv-16 "~-15S: ~f~%" (history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel)) f30-0)
(label cfg-71)
;; WARN: new jak 2 until loop case, check carefully
(defun history-draw ((arg0 history-iterator))
(local-vars (sv-16 vector) (sv-20 vector) (sv-24 number))
(set! sv-16 (the-as vector #f))
(set! sv-20 (the-as vector #f))
(set! sv-24 0)
(until #f
(let ((s5-0 (update-entries! arg0)))
(if (not s5-0)
(goto cfg-34)
(when (logtest? (-> arg0 channel-mask) (ash 1 (the-as int (-> s5-0 channel))))
(let* ((f0-0 (get-age arg0 s5-0))
(v1-8 (the int (lerp 4.0 128.0 f0-0)))
(case (-> s5-0 channel)
(((history-channel trans))
(if sv-16
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(the-as rgba (logior #xffff00 (shl v1-8 24)))
(the-as rgba -1)
(add-debug-x #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) (-> s5-0 vector) (the-as rgba (logior #xffff00 (shl v1-8 24))))
(set! sv-16 (-> s5-0 vector))
(((history-channel intersect))
(if sv-20
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(the-as rgba (logior #xffffff (shl v1-8 24)))
(the-as rgba -1)
(add-debug-x #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) (-> s5-0 vector) (the-as rgba (logior #xffffff (shl v1-8 24))))
(set! sv-20 (-> s5-0 vector))
(((history-channel transv))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(meters 0.000024414063)
(the-as rgba (logior (shl v1-8 24) #xff00))
(((history-channel transv-in))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(meters 0.000024414063)
(the-as rgba (logior #x408040 (shl v1-8 24)))
(((history-channel transv-out))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(meters 0.000024414063)
(the-as rgba (logior #x404080 (shl v1-8 24)))
(((history-channel local-normal) (history-channel surface-normal))
(let ((t1-7
(logand (the-as uint (-> *pat-mode-info* (shr (shl (the-as int sv-24) 54) 61) hilite-color))
(the-as uint #xffffffff00ffffff)
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(meters 1)
(the-as rgba (logior t1-7 (shl v1-8 24)))
(((history-channel pat))
(set! sv-24 (-> s5-0 vector x))
(((history-channel friction))
(let ((f0-3 (-> s5-0 vector x))
(a3-10 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(set-vector! a3-10 0.0 (* -8192.0 f0-3) 0.0 1.0)
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(meters 0.00024414062)
(the-as rgba (logior #xffffff (shl v1-8 24)))
(label cfg-34)