Hat Kid 2969833b2d
decomp3: more engine stuff, detect non-virtual state inheritance (#3377)
- `speech`
- `ambient`
- `water-h`
- `vol-h`
- `generic-obs`
- `carry-h`
- `pilot-h`
- `board-h`
- `gun-h`
- `flut-h`
- `indax-h`
- `lightjak-h`
- `darkjak-h`
- `target-util`
- `history`
- `collide-reaction-target`
- `logic-target`
- `sidekick`
- `projectile`
- `voicebox`
- `ragdoll-edit`
- most of `ragdoll` (not added to gsrc yet)
- `curves`
- `find-nearest`
- `lightjak-wings`
- `target-handler`
- `target-anim`
- `target`
- `target2`
- `target-swim`
- `target-lightjak`
- `target-invisible`
- `target-death`
- `target-gun`
- `gun-util`
- `board-util`
- `target-board`
- `board-states`
- `mech-h`
- `vol`
- `vent`
- `viewer`
- `gem-pool`
- `collectables`
- `crates`
- `secrets-menu`


- Detection of non-virtual state inheritance
- Added a config file that allows overriding the process stack size set
by `stack-size-set!` calls
- Fix for integer multiplication with `r0`
- Fixed detection for the following macros:
	- `static-attack-info`
- `defpart` and `defpartgroup` (probably still needs adjustments, uses
Jak 2 implementation at the moment)
- `sound-play` (Jak 3 seems to always call `sound-play-by-name` with a
`sound-group` of 0, so the macro has been temporarily defaulted to use

One somewhat significant change made here that should be noted is that
the return type of `process::init-from-entity!` was changed to `object`.
I've been thinking about this for a while, since it looks a bit nicer
without the `(none)` at the end and I have recently encountered init
methods that early return `0`.
2024-03-03 15:15:27 -05:00

4066 lines
138 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: generic-obs.gc
;; name in dgo: generic-obs
;; dgos: GAME
(deftype mystery-cquery-type0 (structure)
"(event explode explosion)"
((cquery collide-query :inline)
(explosion-trans vector :inline)
(proc-trans vector :inline)
(probe float)
(dist float)
(define-extern lookup-part-group-pointer-by-name (function string (pointer object)))
(define-extern process-entity-set! (function process entity entity))
(define-extern cshape-reaction-default (function control-info collide-query vector vector collide-status))
(define *part-tracker-params-default* (new 'static 'part-tracker-init-params))
(define *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default* (new 'static 'part-tracker-subsampler-init-params))
(defskelgroup skel-spotlight spotlight spotlight-lod0-jg -1
((spotlight-lod0-mg (meters 999999)))
:bounds (static-spherem 0 0 0 10)
:shadow-joint-index 5
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs (pointer sparticle-launch-group).
(defun entity-lookup-part-group ((arg0 entity-actor) (arg1 (pointer string)) (arg2 symbol))
(local-vars (sv-16 res-tag))
(let ((gp-0 (the-as object #f)))
(set! sv-16 (new 'static 'res-tag))
(let ((s4-0 (res-lump-data arg0 arg2 pointer :tag-ptr (& sv-16))))
(if (not s4-0)
(go process-drawable-art-error (the-as string #f))
(let ((s3-0 (the-as object (-> (the-as (pointer uint32) s4-0)))))
((part-group-pointer? (the-as pointer s3-0))
(set! gp-0 (-> (the-as (pointer uint32) s4-0)))
((= (-> (the-as string s3-0) type) string)
(if arg1
(set! (-> arg1 0) (the-as string s3-0))
(set! gp-0 (lookup-part-group-pointer-by-name (the-as string s3-0)))
(if (the-as (pointer object) gp-0)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer int32) s4-0)) (the-as int gp-0))
(go process-drawable-art-error (the-as string s3-0))
(the-as (pointer sparticle-launch-group) gp-0)
(defbehavior clone-anim-once process-drawable ((arg0 handle) (arg1 symbol) (arg2 string))
(logclear! (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status valid-spooled-frame))
(let ((gp-0 (handle->process arg0)))
(if gp-0
(joint-control-copy! (-> self skel) (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) skel))
((and gp-0 (joint-control-remap!
(-> self skel)
(-> self draw art-group)
(-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) draw art-group)
(when arg1
(let* ((s5-1 (-> self root))
(a0-7 (if (type? s5-1 collide-shape)
(if a0-7
(move-to-point! (the-as collide-shape a0-7) (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) root trans))
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) root trans quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self root quat) (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) root quat))
(if (logtest? (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) skel status) (joint-control-status valid-spooled-frame))
(logior! (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status valid-spooled-frame))
(logclear! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw no-draw-temp uninited))
(if (or (zero? (-> self skel active-channels)) (not (-> self skel root-channel 0 frame-group)))
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw-temp))
(let* ((gp-1 self)
(v1-38 (if (type? gp-1 manipy)
(if (and v1-38 (not (-> (the-as manipy v1-38) draw?)))
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw-temp))
(update-anim-data (-> self skel))
(do-joint-math (-> self draw) (-> self node-list) (-> self skel))
(let ((a0-22 (-> self skel effect)))
(if a0-22
(effect-control-method-9 a0-22)
(if (logtest? (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status blend-shape blend-shape-valid))
(merc-blend-shape self)
(if (logtest? (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status eye-anim-valid eye-anim))
(merc-eye-anim self)
(set! (-> self skel active-channels) (the-as uint 0))
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw))
(defbehavior clone-anim process-drawable ((arg0 handle) (arg1 symbol) (arg2 string))
(while (handle->process arg0)
(clone-anim-once arg0 #t arg2)
(logclear! (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status valid-spooled-frame))
(defmethod swingpole-method-22 ((this swingpole))
(if (nonzero? (-> this draw))
((nonzero? (-> this path))
(set! (-> this path-pos) (get-norm! (-> this sync) 0))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(get-point-at-percent-along-path! (-> this path) s5-0 (-> this path-pos) 'interp)
(set! (-> this speed) (* (vector-vector-distance s5-0 (-> this root trans)) (-> pp clock frames-per-second)))
(move-to-point! (the-as collide-shape (-> this root)) s5-0)
((>= (-> this joint-track) 0)
(let ((v1-15 (ppointer->process (-> this parent)))
(s5-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(let ((s4-0 (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-15) node-list data (-> this joint-track))))
(vector<-cspace! s5-1 s4-0)
(vector-normalize-copy! (-> this dir) (the-as vector (-> s4-0 bone transform)) 1.0)
(move-to-point! (the-as collide-shape (-> this root)) s5-1)
(when (nonzero? (-> this sound))
(set! (-> this sound trans quad) (-> this root trans quad))
(let ((f30-0 (lerp-scale -0.1 -0.05 (-> this speed) 8192.0 20480.0))
(f0-6 (lerp-scale 0.7 1.0 (-> this speed) 8192.0 20480.0))
(set! (-> this sound pitch) (the int (* 1524.0 f30-0)))
(set! (-> this sound volume) (the int (* 1024.0 f0-6)))
(update! (-> this sound))
(defstate idle (swingpole)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(('touch 'attack)
(if (send-event proc 'pole-grab (-> block param 0))
(go-virtual active (process->handle proc))
:code (behavior ()
(if (nonzero? (-> self draw))
(update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)))
((or (nonzero? (-> self path)) (>= (-> self joint-track) 0))
(until #f
(swingpole-method-22 self)
(logior! (-> self mask) (process-mask sleep))
(defstate active (swingpole)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ((arg0 handle))
(swingpole-method-22 self)
(while (let* ((s5-0 (handle->process arg0))
(a0-7 (if (type? s5-0 process-focusable)
(and a0-7 (focus-test? (the-as process-focusable a0-7) pole))
(swingpole-method-22 self)
(let ((gp-1 (current-time)))
(until (time-elapsed? gp-1 (seconds 0.5))
(swingpole-method-22 self)
(go-virtual idle)
(defmethod get-trans ((this swingpole))
(-> this root trans)
(defmethod init-collision! ((this swingpole))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape this (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(let ((v1-2 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-2 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec collectable))
(set! (-> v1-2 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec jak player-list tobot))
(set-vector! (-> v1-2 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 12288.0)
(set! (-> s5-0 total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s5-0 root-prim) v1-2)
(set! (-> s5-0 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s5-0 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-5 (-> s5-0 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-5 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-5 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> this root) s5-0)
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this swingpole) (arg0 entity-actor))
"Copy defaults from the entity."
(stack-size-set! (-> this main-thread) 128)
(init-collision! this)
(set! (-> this root trans quad) (-> arg0 extra trans quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> this root quat) (-> arg0 quat))
(vector-identity! (-> this root scale))
(vector-y-quaternion! (-> this dir) (-> this root quat))
(set! (-> this joint-track) -1)
(let ((a1-5 (res-lump-struct (-> this entity) 'art-name structure)))
(if a1-5
(initialize-skeleton-by-name this (the-as string a1-5))
(set! (-> this dir y) 0.0)
(vector-normalize! (-> this dir) 1.0)
(set! (-> this edge-length) 8192.0)
(let ((s4-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'sync-info-params)))
(let ((a0-13 (res-lump-value arg0 'options uint128 :time -1000000000.0))
(v1-17 0)
(if (not (logtest? (the-as int a0-13) 8))
(set! v1-17 (logior v1-17 1))
(set! (-> s4-0 sync-type) 'sync-eased)
(set! (-> s4-0 sync-flags) (the-as sync-flags v1-17))
(set! (-> s4-0 period) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> s4-0 entity) arg0)
(set! (-> s4-0 percent) 0.0)
(set! (-> s4-0 ease-in) 0.2)
(set! (-> s4-0 ease-out) 0.2)
(set! (-> s4-0 pause-in) 0.0)
(set! (-> s4-0 pause-out) 0.0)
(initialize! (-> this sync) s4-0)
(when (nonzero? (-> this sync period))
(set! (-> this path) (new 'process 'curve-control this 'path -1000000000.0))
(logior! (-> this path flags) (path-control-flag display draw-line draw-point draw-text))
(set! (-> this sound) (new 'process 'ambient-sound (-> this entity) (-> this root trans) 0.0))
(go (method-of-object this idle))
(defbehavior swingpole-init swingpole ((arg0 int))
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 128)
(let ((s5-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape self (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(let ((v1-4 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-4 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec collectable))
(set! (-> v1-4 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec jak player-list tobot))
(set-vector! (-> v1-4 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 12288.0)
(set! (-> s5-0 total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s5-0 root-prim) v1-4)
(set! (-> s5-0 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s5-0 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-7 (-> s5-0 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-7 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-7 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> self root) s5-0)
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> (the-as process-drawable (-> self parent 0)) root trans quad))
(quaternion-identity! (-> self root quat))
(vector-identity! (-> self root scale))
(set! (-> self joint-track) arg0)
(set-vector! (-> self dir) 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0)
(set! (-> self edge-length) 8192.0)
(go-virtual idle)
(defstate die (process-hidden)
:virtual #t
:code nothing
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this process-hidden) (arg0 entity-actor))
"Copy defaults from the entity."
(process-entity-status! this (entity-perm-status dead) #t)
(go (method-of-object this die))
(deftype target-start (process-hidden)
(deftype camera-start (process-hidden)
(deftype cam-slope (process-hidden)
(defbehavior manipy-post manipy ()
((-> self cur-post-hook))
(when (and (>= (-> self shadow-volume-joint) 0) (-> self draw shadow-ctrl))
(let ((a2-0 (-> self node-list data (-> self shadow-volume-joint)))
(a3-0 (-> self draw shadow-ctrl))
(format *stdcon* "shadow-volume for ~A ~A~%" a2-0 a3-0)
(defstate idle (manipy)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(local-vars (s4-0 object))
(case message
(when (nonzero? (-> self skel))
((-> block param 0)
(set! s4-0 (logior (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status blend-shape eye-anim)))
(set! (-> self skel status) (the-as joint-control-status s4-0))
(set! s4-0 (logclear (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status blend-shape eye-anim)))
(set! (-> self skel status) (the-as joint-control-status s4-0))
(when (nonzero? (-> self draw))
((-> block param 0)
(set! s4-0 (-> self shadow-backup))
(set! (-> self draw shadow) (the-as shadow-geo s4-0))
(set! (-> self draw shadow) #f)
(let ((v1-14 (the-as
(get-art-by-name-method (-> self draw jgeo) (the-as string (-> block param 0)) (the-as type #f))
(if v1-14
(set! (-> self shadow-volume-joint) (+ (-> v1-14 number) 1))
(when (and (-> self draw shadow-ctrl) (< 1 argc) (>= (the-as int (-> block param 1)) 0))
(let ((v0-1 (command-get-int (-> block param 1) 0)))
(set! (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings flags) (the-as shadow-flags v0-1))
(if (and (-> self draw shadow-ctrl) (> argc 0))
(set! (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings shadow-type) (command-get-int (-> block param 0) 0))
(when (nonzero? (-> self draw))
((-> block param 0)
(when (-> self draw shadow-ctrl)
(set! s4-0 (logior (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings flags) (shadow-flags shdf08)))
(set! (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings flags) (the-as shadow-flags s4-0))
(when (-> self draw shadow-ctrl)
(set! s4-0 (logclear (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings flags) (shadow-flags shdf08)))
(set! (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings flags) (the-as shadow-flags s4-0))
(when (and (-> self draw shadow-ctrl) (> argc 0))
(set! s4-0 (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings shadow-dir))
(set! (-> (the-as vector s4-0) x) (the-as float (-> block param 0)))
(set! (-> (the-as vector s4-0) y) (the-as float (-> block param 1)))
(set! (-> (the-as vector s4-0) z) (the-as float (-> block param 2)))
(set! (-> (the-as vector s4-0) w) (the-as float (if (< 3 argc)
(command-get-param (-> block param 3) #f)
(when (and (-> self draw shadow-ctrl) (>= argc 4))
(set! s4-0 (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings top-plane))
(set! (-> (the-as plane s4-0) x) (the-as float (-> block param 0)))
(set! (-> (the-as plane s4-0) y) (the-as float (-> block param 1)))
(set! (-> (the-as plane s4-0) z) (the-as float (-> block param 2)))
(set! (-> (the-as plane s4-0) w) (the-as float (-> block param 3)))
(when (and (-> self draw shadow-ctrl) (>= argc 4))
(set! s4-0 (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings bot-plane))
(set! (-> (the-as plane s4-0) x) (the-as float (-> block param 0)))
(set! (-> (the-as plane s4-0) y) (the-as float (-> block param 1)))
(set! (-> (the-as plane s4-0) z) (the-as float (-> block param 2)))
(set! (-> (the-as plane s4-0) w) (the-as float (-> block param 3)))
(if (-> self draw shadow-ctrl)
(set! (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings fade-dist) (the-as float (-> block param 0)))
(set! s4-0 (logior (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status disable-fog)))
(set! (-> self draw status) (the-as draw-control-status s4-0))
(when (-> self draw shadow-ctrl)
(let ((v1-80 (command-get-process "spotlight" *target*)))
(when v1-80
(let ((s5-1 (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-80) node-list data 3)))
(vector<-cspace! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) s5-1)
(let ((s5-2 (vector-normalize-copy! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> s5-1 bone transform fvec) -1.0))
(vector<-cspace! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> self node-list data (-> self draw shadow-joint-index)))
(f30-0 1638400.0)
(s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-query))
(f28-0 122880.0)
(set! (-> s3-0 start-pos quad) (-> s4-1 quad))
(vector-normalize-copy! (-> s3-0 move-dist) s5-2 f28-0)
(let ((v1-91 s3-0))
(set! (-> v1-91 radius) 1638.4)
(set! (-> v1-91 collide-with) (collide-spec obstacle hit-by-others-list))
(set! (-> v1-91 ignore-process0) self)
(set! (-> v1-91 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> v1-91 ignore-pat)
(new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noendlessfall #x1 :board #x1)
(set! (-> v1-91 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(let* ((f0-14 (fill-and-probe-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* s3-0))
(f28-1 (if (< 0.0 f0-14)
(* f0-14 f28-0)
(-> self draw shadow-ctrl)
(- f28-1 (command-get-float (-> block param 0) 0.0))
(+ f28-1 (command-get-float (-> block param 1) 0.0))
(when (>= argc 4)
(set! s4-0 (-> self draw color-mult))
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf s4-0) x) (command-get-float (-> block param 0) 0.0))
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf s4-0) y) (command-get-float (-> block param 1) 0.0))
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf s4-0) z) (command-get-float (-> block param 2) 0.0))
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf s4-0) w) (command-get-float (-> block param 3) 0.0))
(set! s4-0 (-> self draw color-mult))
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf s4-0) quad) (-> (the-as vector (-> block param 0)) quad))
(set! s4-0 (-> self draw color-emissive))
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf s4-0) quad) (-> (the-as vector (-> block param 0)) quad))
(let ((a1-34 (/ (the-as int (-> block param 0)) 8))
(a2-5 (/ (the-as int (-> block param 1)) 8))
(setup-masks (-> self draw) (the-as int a1-34) (the-as int a2-5))
(set! s4-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self new-trans-hook) (the-as (function none) s4-0))
(set! s4-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self new-post-hook) (the-as (function none) s4-0))
(set! s4-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self userdata) (the-as uint s4-0))
((the-as (function manipy none) (-> block param 0)) self)
(set! (-> self speed) (the-as float (-> block param 0)))
(set! s4-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self cur-event-hook) (the-as (function none) s4-0))
(set! (-> self new-joint-anim)
(get-art-by-name (-> self draw art-group) (the-as string (-> block param 0)) art-joint-anim)
(set! (-> self new-joint-anim-blend) (the-as uint (if (>= argc 2)
(the-as int (-> block param 1))
(set! (-> self new-joint-anim-frame) (the-as float (if (>= argc 3)
(-> block param 2)
(when (nonzero? (-> self skel))
(set! (-> self anim-mode) (the-as symbol (-> block param 0)))
(if (= (-> self anim-mode) 'clone-anim)
(-> self anim-mode)
(('origin-joint-index 'center-joint)
(set! (-> self draw origin-joint-index) (-> block param 0))
(set! s4-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self draw shadow-joint-index) (the-as uint s4-0))
(set! (-> self draw lod-set lod (-> self draw lod-set max-lod) dist) (the-as float (-> block param 0)))
(set! (-> self cur-grab-handle) (process->handle (the-as process (-> block param 0))))
(let ((v1-127 (handle->process (-> self cur-grab-handle))))
(when v1-127
(set! s4-0 (-> self old-grab-pos))
(set! (-> (the-as vector s4-0) quad) (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-127) root trans quad))
(set! s4-0 (process->handle (the-as process (-> block param 0))))
(set! (-> self cur-target-handle) (the-as handle s4-0))
((type? (-> self root) collide-shape)
(move-to-point! (-> self root) (the-as vector (-> block param 0)))
(set! s4-0 (-> self root trans))
(set! (-> (the-as vector s4-0) quad) (-> (the-as vector (-> block param 0)) quad))
(set! s4-0 (-> self root scale))
(set! (-> (the-as vector s4-0) quad) (-> (the-as vector (-> block param 0)) quad))
(let ((s5-3 (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix)))
(matrix-rotate-y! s5-3 (the-as float (-> block param 0)))
(matrix->quaternion (-> self root quat) s5-3)
(quaternion-copy! (-> self root quat) (the-as quaternion (-> block param 0)))
(set! s4-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self clone-copy-trans) (the-as symbol s4-0))
(set! (-> self cur-grab-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self draw?) (the-as symbol (-> block param 0)))
((-> block param 0)
(let ((v1-146 (logtest? (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw))))
(logclear! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw))
(when v1-146
((nonzero? (-> self skel))
(let ((gp-1 (-> self skel status)))
(logior! (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status sync-math))
(set! s4-0 (ja-post))
(set! (-> self skel status) gp-1)
(set! s4-0 (logior (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw)))
(set! (-> self draw status) (the-as draw-control-status s4-0))
(when (nonzero? (-> self skel))
((-> block param 0)
(set! s4-0 (logior (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status sync-math)))
(set! (-> self skel status) (the-as joint-control-status s4-0))
(set! s4-0 (logclear (-> self skel status) (joint-control-status sync-math)))
(set! (-> self skel status) (the-as joint-control-status s4-0))
(case (-> block param 0)
(handle->process (-> self cur-grab-handle))
(case (-> self anim-mode)
(('play1 'play)
(>= (ja-frame-num 0) (the float (+ (-> (ja-group) frames num-frames) -2)))
(let ((v1-179 (-> self skel root-channel 0)))
(set! (-> v1-179 num-func) num-func-identity)
(set! (-> v1-179 frame-num) (the-as float (-> block param 0)))
(set! s4-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self prefix) (the-as basic s4-0))
(let ((v0-29 (command-get-int (-> block param 0) 0)))
(set! (-> self draw light-index) (the-as uint v0-29))
(set! (-> self draw mgeo header eye-ctrl eye-slot) (command-get-int (-> block param 0) 0))
(let ((v0-31 (command-get-int (-> block param 0) 0)))
(set! (-> self draw shadow-mask) (the-as uint v0-31))
(let ((v0-32 (command-get-int (-> block param 0) 0)))
(set! (-> self draw shadow-values) (the-as uint v0-32))
((-> block param 0)
(set! s4-0 (-> self node-list data 2))
(set! (-> (the-as cspace s4-0) param0)
(the-as (function cspace transformq none) cspace<-parented-matrix-mirror!)
(set! (-> (the-as cspace s4-0) param1) (the-as basic (-> *math-camera* mirror-trans)))
(set! (-> (the-as cspace s4-0) param2) (the-as basic (-> *math-camera* mirror-normal)))
(set! s4-0 (-> self node-list data 2))
(set! (-> (the-as cspace s4-0) param0) #f)
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> self child)) 'draw (-> block param 0))
(set! s4-0 (-> block param 1))
(set! (-> self user-uint64 (/ (the-as int (-> block param 0)) 8)) (the-as uint s4-0))
(deactivate self)
(if (and (nonzero? (-> self skel)) (-> self skel effect))
(do-effect (-> self skel effect) (the-as symbol (-> block param 0)) (the-as float (-> block param 1)) -1)
(set! s4-0 (logclear (-> self mask) (process-mask actor-pause)))
(set! (-> self mask) (the-as process-mask s4-0))
(if (-> self cur-event-hook)
((-> self cur-event-hook))
:trans (behavior ()
(if (!= (-> self cur-trans-hook) (-> self new-trans-hook))
(set! (-> self cur-trans-hook) (-> self new-trans-hook))
(if (!= (-> self cur-post-hook) (-> self new-post-hook))
(set! (-> self cur-post-hook) (-> self new-post-hook))
(when (and (-> self new-joint-anim)
(nonzero? (-> self skel))
(and (!= (ja-group) (-> self new-joint-anim)) (!= (-> self anim-mode) 'clone-anim))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (the-as time-frame (-> self new-joint-anim-blend)))
(ja :group! (-> self new-joint-anim) :num! (identity (ja-aframe (-> self new-joint-anim-frame) 0)))
(let ((v1-20 (handle->process (-> self cur-grab-handle))))
(when v1-20
(let ((gp-1 (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-20) root trans)))
(if (type? (-> self root) collide-shape)
(move-by-vector! (-> self root) (vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) gp-1 (-> self old-grab-pos)))
(-> self root trans)
(-> self root trans)
(vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) gp-1 (-> self old-grab-pos))
(set! (-> self old-grab-pos quad) (-> gp-1 quad))
((-> self cur-trans-hook))
:code (behavior ()
(logclear! (-> self mask) (process-mask heap-shrunk))
(until #f
(case (-> self anim-mode)
(ja :num! (loop!))
(ja :num! (seek!))
(let ((v1-17 (-> self skel root-channel 0)))
(set! (-> v1-17 num-func) num-func-identity)
(let ((a0-10 (-> self parent)))
(set! (-> v1-17 frame-num) (-> (the-as process-drawable (if a0-10
(the-as process-drawable (-> a0-10 0 self))
(let ((gp-0 (ppointer->process (-> self parent))))
(set! (-> self post-hook) #f)
(joint-control-copy! (-> self skel) (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) skel))
(-> self skel)
(-> self draw art-group)
(-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) draw art-group)
(update-anim-data (-> self skel))
(do-joint-math (-> self draw) (-> self node-list) (-> self skel))
(if (handle->process (-> self cur-target-handle))
(the-as handle (-> self cur-target-handle))
(ppointer->handle (-> self parent))
(-> self clone-copy-trans)
(the-as string (-> self prefix))
(let ((gp-1 (if (handle->process (-> self cur-target-handle))
(-> self cur-target-handle)
(ppointer->handle (-> self parent))
(clone-anim-once gp-1 (-> self clone-copy-trans) (the-as string (-> self prefix)))
(logior! (-> self draw global-effect) (draw-control-global-effect disable-envmap))
(set! (-> self draw light-index) (the-as uint 5))
(if (logtest? (-> (the-as process-drawable (handle->process gp-1)) draw status)
(draw-control-status no-draw no-draw-temp no-draw-bounds)
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw-temp))
(ja :num! (seek! max (-> self speed)))
(if (ja-done? 0)
(deactivate self)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defbehavior manipy-init manipy ((arg0 vector) (arg1 entity-actor) (arg2 skeleton-group) (arg3 vector) (arg4 manipy-options))
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 128)
(logior! (-> self mask) (process-mask heap-shrunk))
(process-entity-set! self arg1)
((= arg3 'collide-shape-moving)
(let ((s3-1 (new 'process 'collide-shape-moving self (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(set! (-> s3-1 dynam) (copy *standard-dynamics* 'process))
(set! (-> s3-1 reaction) cshape-reaction-default)
(set! (-> s3-1 no-reaction)
(the-as (function collide-shape-moving collide-query vector vector object) nothing)
(let ((v1-11 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s3-1 (the-as uint 0))))
(set-vector! (-> v1-11 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4096.0)
(set! (-> s3-1 total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s3-1 root-prim) v1-11)
(set! (-> s3-1 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s3-1 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-14 (-> s3-1 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s3-1 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-14 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s3-1 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-14 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> self root) s3-1)
(let ((s3-2 (new 'process 'collide-shape self (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(let ((v1-18 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s3-2 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-18 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec collectable notice-blue-eco-powerup))
(set! (-> v1-18 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec jak player-list))
(set-vector! (-> v1-18 local-sphere) (-> arg3 x) (-> arg3 y) (-> arg3 z) (-> arg3 w))
(set! (-> s3-2 total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s3-2 root-prim) v1-18)
(set! (-> s3-2 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s3-2 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-21 (-> s3-2 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s3-2 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-21 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s3-2 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-21 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> self root) s3-2)
(set! (-> self root) (the-as collide-shape (new 'process 'trsqv)))
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(initialize-skeleton self arg2 (the-as pair 0))
(if (type? (-> self root) collide-shape)
(update-transforms (-> self root))
(set! (-> self shadow-backup) (-> self draw shadow))
(set! (-> self shadow-volume-joint) -1)
(set! (-> self options) arg4)
(when (-> self draw shadow)
(set! (-> self draw shadow-ctrl) (new
(the-as vector #f)
(quad-copy! (the-as pointer (-> self draw shadow-ctrl settings)) (the-as pointer *default-shadow-settings*) 5)
(set! (-> self new-trans-hook) nothing)
(set! (-> self cur-trans-hook) nothing)
(set! (-> self new-post-hook) nothing)
(set! (-> self cur-post-hook) nothing)
(set! (-> self cur-event-hook) #f)
(set! (-> self cur-grab-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self cur-target-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self clone-copy-trans) #t)
(set! (-> self draw?) #t)
(set! (-> self prefix) "")
(set! (-> self speed) 1.0)
(when (logtest? (-> self options) (manipy-options mo0))
(let ((v1-56 (the-as joint (get-art-by-name-method (-> self draw jgeo) "neckA" (the-as type #f)))))
(when v1-56
(set! (-> self joint 0) (new 'process 'joint-mod (joint-mod-mode flex-blend) self (+ (-> v1-56 number) 1)))
(set! (-> self joint 0 parented-scale?) #t)
(when (logtest? (-> self options) (manipy-options mo1))
(let ((v1-64 (the-as joint (get-art-by-name-method (-> self draw jgeo) "horns" (the-as type #f)))))
(when v1-64
(set! (-> self joint 1) (new 'process 'joint-mod (joint-mod-mode joint-set) self (+ (-> v1-64 number) 1)))
(set! (-> self joint 1 parented-scale?) #t)
(set! (-> self joint 1 track-mode) (track-mode no-trans no-rotate))
(trs-set! (-> self joint 1) (the-as vector #f) (the-as quaternion #f) *null-vector*)
((nonzero? (-> self skel))
(set! (-> self new-joint-anim) (ja-group))
(set! (-> self new-joint-anim-frame) 0.0)
(set! (-> self anim-mode) 'loop)
(set! (-> self anim-mode) 'still)
(set! (-> self event-hook) (-> (method-of-object self idle) event))
(go-virtual idle)
(defmethod deactivate ((this part-tracker))
"Make a process dead, clean it up, remove it from the active pool, and return to dead pool."
(if (nonzero? (-> this part))
(kill-particles (-> this part))
((method-of-type process deactivate) this)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defmethod notify-parent-of-death ((this part-tracker))
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> gp-0 from) (process->ppointer pp))
(set! (-> gp-0 num-params) 1)
(set! (-> gp-0 message) 'notify)
(set! (-> gp-0 param 0) (the-as uint 'die))
(let ((s5-0 send-event-function)
(s4-0 (ppointer->process (-> this parent)))
(if (type? s4-0 process)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch process vs part-tracker-subsampler.
(defmethod relocate ((this part-tracker-subsampler) (offset int))
(if (nonzero? (-> this root))
(&+! (-> this root) offset)
(if (nonzero? (-> this subsampler))
(&+! (-> this subsampler) offset)
(the-as part-tracker-subsampler ((method-of-type process relocate) this offset))
(defstate active (part-tracker)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(local-vars (v0-0 object))
(case message
(+! (-> self clock ref-count) -1)
(+! (-> (the-as process (-> block param 0)) clock ref-count) 1)
(set! v0-0 (-> (the-as process (-> block param 0)) clock))
(set! (-> self clock) (the-as clock v0-0))
(when (not (-> block param 0))
(set! v0-0 1)
(set! (-> self duration) (the-as time-frame v0-0))
(set! v0-0 (-> self root trans))
(set! (-> (the-as vector v0-0) quad) (-> (the-as vector (-> block param 0)) quad))
(deactivate self)
:enter (behavior ()
(set-time! (-> self state-time))
:trans (behavior ()
(if (and (nonzero? (-> self duration)) (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (-> self duration)))
(go-virtual linger)
(if (-> self callback)
((-> self callback) self)
(let* ((gp-0 (handle->process (-> self target)))
(v1-15 (if (type? gp-0 process-drawable)
((and v1-15
(nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-15) root))
(nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-15) node-list))
(-> self part)
(-> (the-as process-drawable v1-15) node-list data (-> self target-joint))
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> self part origin trans quad))
(let ((a0-11 (-> self root trans)))
(set! (-> self mat trans quad) (-> a0-11 quad))
(sparticle-launch-control-method-17 (-> self part) (-> self mat))
:code sleep-code
(defstate linger (part-tracker)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
(set-time! (-> self state-time))
:trans (behavior ()
(if (-> self linger-callback)
((-> self linger-callback) self)
(if (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (-> self linger-duration))
(go-virtual die)
(let* ((gp-0 (handle->process (-> self target)))
(v1-13 (if (type? gp-0 process-drawable)
(if (and v1-13
(nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-13) root))
(nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-13) node-list))
(-> self root trans)
(-> (the-as process-drawable v1-13) node-list data (-> self target-joint))
:code sleep-code
(defstate die (part-tracker)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
(notify-parent-of-death self)
:code (behavior ()
(defstate active (part-tracker-subsampler)
:virtual #t
:trans (behavior ()
(if (and (nonzero? (-> self duration)) (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (-> self duration)))
(go-virtual linger)
(if (-> self callback)
((-> self callback) self)
(let* ((gp-0 (handle->process (-> self target)))
(v1-15 (if (type? gp-0 process-drawable)
((and v1-15
(nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-15) root))
(nonzero? (-> (the-as process-drawable v1-15) node-list))
(-> self subsampler)
(-> (the-as process-drawable v1-15) node-list data (-> self target-joint) bone transform)
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> self subsampler spawn-mat trans quad))
(let ((a0-11 (-> self root trans)))
(set! (-> self mat trans quad) (-> a0-11 quad))
(sparticle-subsampler-method-10 (-> self subsampler) (-> self mat))
(defbehavior part-tracker-init-base part-tracker ((arg0 sparticle-launch-group)
(arg1 time-frame)
(arg2 (function part-tracker vector))
(arg3 uint)
(arg4 process-drawable)
(arg5 object)
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 16)
(when (= pointer process-tree)
(+! (-> self clock ref-count) -1)
(+! (-> *display* part-clock ref-count) 1)
(set! (-> self clock) (-> *display* part-clock))
(set! (-> self target) (process->handle arg4))
(set! (-> self target-joint) (the-as int arg5))
((logtest? (-> arg0 flags) (sp-group-flag sp5))
(let* ((s1-1 (-> self mat))
(a2-1 (math-camera-matrix))
(v1-18 (-> a2-1 rvec quad))
(a0-10 (-> a2-1 uvec quad))
(a1-2 (-> a2-1 fvec quad))
(a2-2 (-> a2-1 trans quad))
(set! (-> s1-1 rvec quad) v1-18)
(set! (-> s1-1 uvec quad) a0-10)
(set! (-> s1-1 fvec quad) a1-2)
(set! (-> s1-1 trans quad) a2-2)
(set! (-> self mat trans quad) (-> (the-as matrix arg5) trans quad))
(set! (-> self offset quad) (-> self mat trans quad))
(let* ((v1-21 (-> self mat))
(a3-1 (the-as matrix arg5))
(a0-15 (-> a3-1 rvec quad))
(a1-3 (-> a3-1 uvec quad))
(a2-3 (-> a3-1 fvec quad))
(a3-2 (-> a3-1 trans quad))
(set! (-> v1-21 rvec quad) a0-15)
(set! (-> v1-21 uvec quad) a1-3)
(set! (-> v1-21 fvec quad) a2-3)
(set! (-> v1-21 trans quad) a3-2)
(set! (-> self offset quad) (-> self mat trans quad))
(set! (-> self root) (new 'process 'trsqv))
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> self mat trans quad))
(if (zero? arg0)
(go process-drawable-art-error "null group")
(set! (-> self callback) arg2)
(set! (-> self linger-callback) #f)
(set! (-> self userdata) arg3)
(set! arg1 (cond
((> arg1 0)
((= arg1 -1)
(the-as time-frame (-> arg0 duration))
(set! (-> self duration) (the-as time-frame arg1))
(set! (-> self linger-duration) (the-as time-frame (-> arg0 linger-duration)))
(if (or (zero? (+ (-> self duration) (seconds 0.007))) (= (-> self duration) (seconds 218.447)))
(deactivate self)
(defpart 57
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x3d :page #x4))
(:num 1.0)
(:scale-x (meters 1))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:timer (seconds 0.1))
(defbehavior part-tracker-subsampler-init part-tracker-subsampler ((arg0 part-tracker-subsampler-init-params))
(-> arg0 group)
(-> arg0 duration)
(-> arg0 callback)
(-> arg0 userdata)
(-> arg0 target)
(-> arg0 mat-joint)
(dotimes (s5-0 1)
(let* ((v1-2 (-> arg0 group launcher s5-0))
(s4-0 (-> *part-id-table* (-> v1-2 launcher)))
(let ((a2-1 (if (logtest? (-> v1-2 flags) (sp-group-item-flag is-3d))
(set! (-> self subsampler)
(new 'process 'sparticle-subsampler a2-1 (-> *part-id-table* 57) (-> arg0 subsample-num))
(set! (-> self subsampler sp-launcher) s4-0)
(go-virtual active)
(defbehavior part-tracker-init part-tracker ((arg0 part-tracker-init-params))
(-> arg0 group)
(-> arg0 duration)
(-> arg0 callback)
(-> arg0 userdata)
(-> arg0 target)
(-> arg0 mat-joint)
(set! (-> self part) (create-launch-control (-> arg0 group) self))
(when (and (-> arg0 target) (logtest? (-> self part group flags) (sp-group-flag sp12 sp14)))
(let* ((gp-0 (-> self part))
(s5-0 (method-of-object gp-0 sparticle-launch-control-method-20))
(s4-0 (add-connection *part-local-space-engine* self local-space-proc-joint (-> self target-joint) 0 0))
(let ((v1-10 (process->handle (-> arg0 target))))
(if (= v1-10 #f)
(set! v1-10 (process->handle self))
(set! (-> (the-as particle-local-space-info s4-0) hand) (the-as handle v1-10))
(matrix-identity! (-> (the-as particle-local-space-info s4-0) mat-new))
(matrix-identity! (-> (the-as particle-local-space-info s4-0) mat-prev))
(set! (-> (the-as particle-local-space-info s4-0) flags)
(if (logtest? (-> self part group flags) (sp-group-flag sp14))
(part-local-space-flags pls0)
(s5-0 gp-0 (the-as float s4-0))
(set! (-> self event-hook) (-> (method-of-object self active) event))
(go-virtual active)
(defun part-tracker-track-root ((arg0 sparticle-system) (arg1 sparticle-cpuinfo) (arg2 vector))
(let ((v1-3 (-> arg1 key proc root trans)))
(set! (-> arg2 x) (-> v1-3 x))
(set! (-> arg2 y) (-> v1-3 y))
(set! (-> arg2 z) (-> v1-3 z))
(defun part-tracker-move-to-target ((arg0 part-tracker))
(let* ((a0-1 *target*)
(a2-0 (if (not a0-1)
(-> arg0 root trans)
(get-trans a0-1 3)
(-> arg0 root trans)
(-> arg0 offset)
(* 0.006666667 (the float (- (current-time) (-> arg0 state-time))))
(defun part-tracker-track-target ((arg0 part-tracker))
(set! (-> arg0 linger-callback) (-> arg0 callback))
(let* ((a0-1 *target*)
(v1-2 (if (not a0-1)
(-> arg0 root trans)
(get-trans a0-1 3)
(v0-1 (-> arg0 root trans))
(set! (-> v0-1 quad) (-> v1-2 quad))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defmethod notify-parent-of-death ((this lightning-tracker))
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> gp-0 from) (process->ppointer pp))
(set! (-> gp-0 num-params) 1)
(set! (-> gp-0 message) 'notify)
(set! (-> gp-0 param 0) (the-as uint 'die))
(let ((s5-0 send-event-function)
(s4-0 (ppointer->process (-> this parent)))
(if (type? s4-0 process)
(defmethod update ((this lightning-tracker))
(if (-> this callback)
((-> this callback) this)
(let ((a0-6 (cond
((>= (-> this target-joint0) 0)
(let ((s5-0 (handle->process (-> this target0))))
(if (type? s5-0 process-drawable)
(the-as process #f)
((< (-> this target-joint0) 0)
(when (and (!= (-> this lightning spec rand-func) 3) (!= (-> this lightning spec rand-func) 2))
(let ((v1-17 (-> this lightning))
(a0-9 (-> this offset0))
(set! (-> v1-17 state meet data 0 quad) (-> a0-9 quad))
((or (not a0-6) (zero? (-> (the-as process-drawable a0-6) root)))
(deactivate this)
((= (-> this target-joint0) 256)
(let ((s5-1 (-> this lightning))
(a0-12 (get-trans (the-as process-focusable a0-6) 3))
(set! (-> s5-1 state meet data 0 quad) (-> a0-12 quad))
(let ((s5-2 (-> this lightning))
(a0-16 (vector<-cspace!
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> (the-as process-focusable a0-6) node-list data (-> this target-joint0))
(set! (-> s5-2 state meet data 0 quad) (-> a0-16 quad))
(let ((a0-22 (cond
((>= (-> this target-joint1) 0)
(let ((s5-3 (handle->process (-> this target1))))
(if (type? s5-3 process-drawable)
(the-as process-focusable s5-3)
(the-as process-focusable #f)
((< (-> this target-joint1) 0)
(when (and (!= (-> this lightning spec rand-func) 3) (!= (-> this lightning spec rand-func) 2))
(let ((a0-26 (-> this lightning))
(v1-44 (-> this offset1))
(set! (-> a0-26 state meet data (+ (-> a0-26 state points-to-draw) -1) quad) (-> v1-44 quad))
((or (not a0-22) (zero? (-> a0-22 root)))
(deactivate this)
((= (-> this target-joint1) 256)
(let ((gp-1 (-> this lightning))
(v1-51 (get-trans a0-22 3))
(set! (-> gp-1 state meet data (+ (-> gp-1 state points-to-draw) -1) quad) (-> v1-51 quad))
(let ((s5-4 (-> this lightning))
(v1-54 (vector<-cspace! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> a0-22 node-list data (-> this target-joint1))))
(set! (-> s5-4 state meet data (+ (-> s5-4 state points-to-draw) -1) quad) (-> v1-54 quad))
(defstate active (lightning-tracker)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(deactivate self)
:exit (behavior ()
(when (nonzero? (-> self sound))
(let ((v1-1 (the-as sound-rpc-set-param (get-sound-buffer-entry))))
(set! (-> v1-1 command) (sound-command set-param))
(set! (-> v1-1 id) (-> self sound))
(set! (-> v1-1 params volume) -4)
(set! (-> v1-1 auto-time) 240)
(set! (-> v1-1 auto-from) 2)
(set! (-> v1-1 params mask) (the-as uint 17))
(-> v1-1 id)
:code (behavior ()
(set! (-> self sound) (new 'static 'sound-id))
(when (!= (+ (-> self lightning spec delay) (-> self lightning spec delay-rand)) 0.0)
(let ((gp-0 (current-time))
(s5-0 (the int (rand-vu-float-range
(-> self lightning spec delay)
(+ (-> self lightning spec delay) (-> self lightning spec delay-rand))
(while (not (time-elapsed? gp-0 s5-0))
(let ((gp-1 (-> self lightning spec sound)))
(when gp-1
(let ((s5-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> s5-1 quad) (-> self offset1 quad))
(when (and (>= (-> self target-joint1) 0) (< (-> self target-joint1) 256))
(let* ((s4-0 (handle->process (-> self target1)))
(v1-28 (if (type? s4-0 process-drawable)
(the-as process-drawable s4-0)
(if (and v1-28 (nonzero? (-> v1-28 root)))
(set! (-> s5-1 quad)
(-> (vector<-cspace! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> v1-28 node-list data (-> self target-joint1))) quad)
(set! (-> self sound) (sound-play-by-spec (the-as sound-spec gp-1) (new-sound-id) s5-1))
(let ((v1-33 (-> self lightning))
(a0-10 1)
(let ((a1-10 (!= a0-10 (-> v1-33 state mode))))
(case a0-10
(if a1-10
(set! (-> v1-33 state counter) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-33 state start-color) (-> v1-33 spec start-color))
(set! (-> v1-33 state end-color) (-> v1-33 spec end-color))
(set! (-> v1-33 state mode) (the-as uint a0-10))
(set-time! (-> self start-time))
(while (or (zero? (-> self duration)) (not (time-elapsed? (-> self start-time) (-> self duration))))
(update self)
(let ((f30-0 (-> self lightning spec fade-time)))
(when (< 0.0 f30-0)
(let ((v1-47 (-> self lightning))
(a0-14 3)
(let ((a1-20 (!= a0-14 (-> v1-47 state mode))))
(case a0-14
(if a1-20
(set! (-> v1-47 state counter) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-47 state start-color) (-> v1-47 spec start-color))
(set! (-> v1-47 state end-color) (-> v1-47 spec end-color))
(set! (-> v1-47 state mode) (the-as uint a0-14))
(set-time! (-> self start-time))
(while (not (time-elapsed? (-> self start-time) (the int f30-0)))
(let ((v1-54 (-> self lightning))
(a0-17 0)
(let ((a1-30 (!= a0-17 (-> v1-54 state mode))))
(case a0-17
(if a1-30
(set! (-> v1-54 state counter) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-54 state start-color) (-> v1-54 spec start-color))
(set! (-> v1-54 state end-color) (-> v1-54 spec end-color))
(set! (-> v1-54 state mode) (the-as uint a0-17))
(notify-parent-of-death self)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defbehavior lightning-tracker-init lightning-tracker ((arg0 lightning-spec) (arg1 time-frame) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 process-drawable) (arg4 vector) (arg5 vector))
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 128)
(set! (-> self target0) (process->handle arg3))
(let ((s1-1 (ppointer->process (-> self parent))))
(set! (-> self target1) (process->handle (the-as process (if (type? s1-1 process-drawable)
((>= 256 (the-as int arg4))
(set! (-> self target-joint0) (the-as int arg4))
(vector-identity! (-> self offset0))
(set! (-> self target-joint0) -1)
(set! (-> self offset0 quad) (-> arg4 quad))
((>= 256 (the-as int arg5))
(set! (-> self target-joint1) (the-as int arg5))
(vector-identity! (-> self offset1))
(set! (-> self target-joint1) -1)
(set! (-> self offset1 quad) (-> arg5 quad))
(set! (-> self root) (new 'process 'trsqv))
(set! (-> self callback) (the-as (function lightning-tracker none) arg2))
(set! arg1
((> arg1 0)
((= arg1 -1)
(the int (rand-vu-float-range (-> arg0 duration) (+ (-> arg0 duration) (-> arg0 duration-rand))))
(set! (-> self duration) (the-as time-frame arg1))
(set! (-> self lightning) (new 'process 'lightning-control arg0 self 0.0))
(let ((v1-21 (-> self lightning))
(a0-17 0)
(let ((a1-7 (!= a0-17 (-> v1-21 state mode))))
(case a0-17
(if a1-7
(set! (-> v1-21 state counter) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-21 state start-color) (-> v1-21 spec start-color))
(set! (-> v1-21 state end-color) (-> v1-21 spec end-color))
(set! (-> v1-21 state mode) (the-as uint a0-17))
(go-virtual active)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs symbol.
(defbehavior process-grab? process ((arg0 process) (arg1 symbol))
(let ((a0-1 (command-get-process arg0 *target*)))
(the-as symbol (if a0-1
(send-event a0-1 'change-mode 'grab (cond
((= arg1 #t)
((= arg1 'dead)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs symbol.
(defbehavior process-release? process ((arg0 process))
(let* ((gp-0 (command-get-process arg0 *target*))
(a0-2 (if (type? gp-0 process-focusable)
(the-as symbol (if (and a0-2 (focus-test? (the-as process-focusable a0-2) grabbed))
(send-event a0-2 'end-mode 'grab)
(defun camera-look-at ((arg0 pair) (arg1 uint))
(let ((gp-0 (command-get-process arg0 *target*)))
(if gp-0
(send-event *camera* 'change-target gp-0 arg1)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs symbol.
(defun ja-anim-done? ((arg0 process))
(let ((gp-0 (command-get-process arg0 *target*)))
(when gp-0
((type? gp-0 manipy)
(send-event gp-0 'query 'done)
((type? gp-0 process-drawable)
(when (not (logtest? (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) skel status) (joint-control-status spooling-not-last-block))
(let ((s5-0 pp))
(set! pp gp-0)
(let ((v0-1 (the-as object (ja-done? 0))))
(set! pp s5-0)
(defun camera-pov-from ((arg0 pair) (arg1 uint))
(let ((gp-0 (command-get-process arg0 *target*)))
(when gp-0
(when (= arg1 -10)
(set! arg1 (the-as uint 0))
(when (> (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) skel active-channels) 0)
(let ((v1-7 (the-as
(get-art-by-name-method (-> (the-as process-drawable gp-0) draw jgeo) "camera" (the-as type #f))
(if v1-7
(set! arg1 (the-as uint (+ (-> v1-7 number) 1)))
(let ((v1-9 (process->ppointer gp-0)))
(set-setting! 'pov-handle v1-9 (the float arg1) (-> v1-9 0 pid))
(deftype med-res-level (process-drawable)
((level-name symbol)
(part-mode symbol)
(index int32)
(defstate idle (med-res-level)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(until #f
(let ((v1-1 (level-get *level* (-> self level-name))))
((and v1-1 (= (-> v1-1 display?) 'special))
(logclear! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw))
(if (nonzero? (-> self skel))
(ja :num! (loop!))
((and v1-1 (= (-> v1-1 status) 'active))
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw))
(logclear! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw))
(if (nonzero? (-> self skel))
(ja :num! (loop!))
:post ja-post
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this med-res-level) (arg0 entity-actor))
(stack-size-set! (-> this main-thread) 128)
(let ((s4-0 (res-lump-struct arg0 'art-name structure))
(s3-0 (res-lump-struct (-> this entity) 'level structure))
(v1-5 (res-lump-value (-> this entity) 'index uint128 :time -1000000000.0))
(when s3-0
(set! (-> this level-name) (the-as symbol s3-0))
(set! (-> this index) (the-as int v1-5))
(set! (-> this root) (new 'process 'trsqv))
(process-drawable-from-entity! this arg0)
(logclear! (-> this mask) (process-mask actor-pause))
(initialize-skeleton-by-name this (the-as string s4-0))
(logior! (-> this draw status) (draw-control-status no-closest-distance))
(if (nonzero? (-> this draw))
(go (method-of-object this idle))
(defmethod deactivate ((this part-spawner))
"Make a process dead, clean it up, remove it from the active pool, and return to dead pool."
(if (nonzero? (-> this part))
(kill-particles (-> this part))
(if (nonzero? (-> this sound))
(stop! (-> this sound))
(if (nonzero? (-> this sound-extra))
(stop! (-> this sound-extra))
((method-of-type process deactivate) this)
(defmethod is-in-view? ((this part-spawner))
(sphere<-vector+r! (-> this world-sphere) (-> this root trans) (-> this radius))
(sphere-in-view-frustum? (-> this world-sphere))
(defstate active (part-spawner)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(process-entity-status! self (entity-perm-status subtask-complete) #t)
(set! (-> self enable) #f)
(process-entity-status! self (entity-perm-status subtask-complete) #f)
(set! (-> self enable) #t)
(let ((v0-1 (the-as object (-> (the-as vector (-> block param 0)) quad))))
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (the-as uint128 v0-1))
:trans (behavior ()
(when (-> self enable)
(when (nonzero? (-> self path))
(path-control-method-9 (-> self path))
(get-point-at-percent-along-path! (-> self path) (-> self root trans) (-> self path-pos) 'interp)
(displacement-between-points-at-percent-normalized! (-> self path) (-> self last-velocity) (-> self path-pos))
(let ((f0-3 (+ (-> self path-pos) (* (-> self path-speed) (seconds-per-frame)))))
(set! (-> self path-pos) f0-3)
(set! (-> self path-pos) (- f0-3 (* (the float (the int (/ f0-3 1.0))) 1.0)))
(spawn (-> self part) (-> self root trans))
(when (nonzero? (-> self sound))
(update-trans! (-> self sound) (-> self root trans))
(update! (-> self sound))
(when (nonzero? (-> self sound-extra))
(update-trans! (-> self sound-extra) (-> self root trans))
(update! (-> self sound-extra))
:code sleep-code
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this part-spawner) (arg0 entity-actor))
(local-vars (sv-16 string))
(stack-size-set! (-> this main-thread) 16)
(logior! (-> this mask) (process-mask ambient))
(+! (-> this clock ref-count) -1)
(+! (-> *display* part-clock ref-count) 1)
(set! (-> this clock) (-> *display* part-clock))
(set! (-> this root) (new 'process 'trsqv))
(set! (-> this root trans quad) (-> arg0 extra trans quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> this root quat) (-> arg0 quat))
(vector-identity! (-> this root scale))
(set! (-> this radius) 12288.0)
(set! (-> this enable)
(not (and (-> this entity) (logtest? (-> this entity extra perm status) (entity-perm-status subtask-complete)))
(set! (-> this sound) (new 'process 'ambient-sound (-> this entity) (-> this root trans) 0.0))
(set! (-> this sound-extra) (new 'process 'ambient-sound (-> this entity) (-> this root trans) 1.0))
(when (res-lump-data arg0 'path pointer)
(set! (-> this path) (new 'process 'curve-control this 'path -1000000000.0))
(logior! (-> this path flags) (path-control-flag display draw-line draw-point draw-text))
(set! (-> this path-speed) (res-lump-float arg0 'speed :default 1.0))
(let ((v1-36 (res-lump-struct arg0 'trans-offset structure)))
(if v1-36
(vector+! (-> this root trans) (-> this root trans) (the-as vector v1-36))
(let ((s4-0 (res-lump-struct arg0 'rot-offset (pointer degrees))))
(when s4-0
(if (< 0.0 (-> s4-0 0))
(quaternion-rotate-local-x! (-> this root quat) (-> this root quat) (-> s4-0 0))
(if (< 0.0 (-> s4-0 1))
(quaternion-rotate-local-y! (-> this root quat) (-> this root quat) (-> s4-0 1))
(if (< 0.0 (-> s4-0 2))
(quaternion-rotate-local-z! (-> this root quat) (-> this root quat) (-> s4-0 2))
(set! sv-16 "#f")
(set! (-> this mode) (entity-lookup-part-group arg0 (& sv-16) 'art-name))
(when (-> this mode)
(let ((s5-1 (-> this mode 0)))
(when (and (nonzero? s5-1) (= (-> s5-1 type) sparticle-launch-group))
((logtest? (-> s5-1 flags) (sp-group-flag sp8))
(countdown (v1-60 (-> s5-1 length))
(let* ((a0-34 (-> s5-1 launcher v1-60))
(a2-12 (-> *part-id-table* (-> a0-34 launcher)))
(when (nonzero? a2-12)
(let ((a1-22 (-> this level part-engine)))
(when (and a1-22 (< (-> a1-22 length) (-> a1-22 allocated-length)))
(let ((a3-14 (-> a1-22 data (-> a1-22 length))))
(set! (-> a3-14 next1) (the-as connectable a2-12))
(set! (-> a3-14 prev1) (the-as connectable (-> a0-34 hour-mask)))
(set! (-> (the-as vector (&-> a3-14 param0)) quad) (-> this root trans quad))
(set! (-> a3-14 param3) (the-as int (-> a0-34 fade-after)))
(+! (-> a1-22 length) 1)
(process-entity-status! this (entity-perm-status dead) #t)
(deactivate this)
((logtest? (-> s5-1 flags) (sp-group-flag sp9))
(process-entity-status! this (entity-perm-status dead) #t)
(deactivate this)
(set! (-> this part) (create-launch-control s5-1 this))
(when (logtest? (-> s5-1 flags) (sp-group-flag sp10))
(process-entity-status! this (entity-perm-status subtask-complete) #t)
(set! (-> this enable) #f)
(go (method-of-object this active))
(go process-drawable-art-error sv-16)
(deftype launcher (process-drawable)
((spring-height meters)
(camera state)
(active-distance float)
(seek-time time-frame)
(dest vector :inline)
(sound-id sound-id)
(defpartgroup group-beach-launcher
:id 7
:bounds (static-bspherem 0 3 0 5)
:parts ((sp-item 58 :fade-after (meters 100) :falloff-to (meters 100))
(sp-item 59 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100) :flags (is-3d))
(sp-item 60 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100) :flags (is-3d))
(sp-item 61 :fade-after (meters 50) :falloff-to (meters 80))
(sp-item 62 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100))
(defpart 58
:init-specs ((:num 1.5)
(:x (meters 1.5))
(:y (meters -0.5))
(:rot-x 5)
(:r 4096.0)
(:g 2867.2)
(:b 3276.8)
(:vel-y (meters 0.026666667))
(:timer (seconds 0.9))
(:flags (distort))
(:next-time (seconds 0.6))
(:next-launcher 63)
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defpart 63
:init-specs ((:fade-b -4.551111))
(defpart 59
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x18 :page #x4))
(:num 1.0)
(:x (meters 0) (meters 1.8))
(:scale-x (meters 0.2))
(:rot-x (degrees 90))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y (meters 2.5) (meters 2.5))
(:r 0.0 1 128.0)
(:g 64.0 196.0)
(:b 128.0 128.0)
(:a 128.0)
(:scalevel-x (meters -0.0025))
(:scalevel-y (meters 0.24414062) (meters 0.48828125))
(:timer (seconds 0.27))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defpart 60
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x18 :page #x4))
(:num 2.0)
(:x (meters 1.8) (meters 1))
(:scale-x (meters 0.2))
(:rot-x (degrees 90))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y (meters 0.5) (meters 1))
(:r 0.0 1 128.0)
(:g 64.0 196.0)
(:b 128.0 128.0)
(:a 128.0)
(:scalevel-x (meters -0.0025))
(:scalevel-y (meters 0.048828125) (meters 0.09765625))
(:timer (seconds 0.27))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defpart 61
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x50 :page #x4))
(:num 1.5)
(:x (meters 2.9) (meters 2.5))
(:y (meters -0.5))
(:scale-x (meters 0.3) (meters 0.4))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y (meters 0.1) (meters 0.1))
(:r 10.0 6.0)
(:g 64.0 128.0)
(:b 10.0 6.0)
(:a 80.0)
(:vel-x (meters -0.011666667) (meters -0.0033333334))
(:vel-y (meters 0))
(:rotvel-z (degrees -1.2) 1 (degrees 2.4))
(:fade-a -0.2)
(:accel-y (meters 0.0016666667))
(:friction 0.996)
(:timer (seconds 0.6) (seconds 0.397))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2))
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defpart 62
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :page #x4))
(:num 0.5)
(:x (meters 2.9) (meters 2.5))
(:y (meters -0.5))
(:scale-x (meters 2) (meters 1))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 32.0 32.0)
(:g 32.0 32.0)
(:b 10.0 5.0)
(:a 0.0)
(:vel-x (meters -0.011666667) (meters -0.0033333334))
(:vel-y (meters 0))
(:rotvel-z (degrees -1.2) 1 (degrees 2.4))
(:fade-a 0.6)
(:accel-y (meters 0.0016666667))
(:friction 0.996)
(:timer (seconds 0.9))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:next-time (seconds 0.15))
(:next-launcher 64)
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defpart 64
:init-specs ((:fade-a -0.18))
(defpartgroup group-jungle-launcher
:id 8
:bounds (static-bspherem 0 3 0 5)
:parts ((sp-item 58 :fade-after (meters 100) :falloff-to (meters 100))
(sp-item 65 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100) :flags (is-3d))
(sp-item 66 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100) :flags (is-3d))
(sp-item 67 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100))
(defpart 65
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x18 :page #x4))
(:num 1.0)
(:x (meters 0) (meters 1.4))
(:scale-x (meters 0.2))
(:rot-x (degrees 90))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y (meters 2.5) (meters 2.5))
(:r 0.0 1 128.0)
(:g 64.0 196.0)
(:b 128.0 128.0)
(:a 128.0)
(:scalevel-x (meters -0.0025))
(:scalevel-y (meters 0.24414062) (meters 0.48828125))
(:timer (seconds 0.27))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defpart 66
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x18 :page #x4))
(:num 2.0)
(:x (meters 1.4) (meters 0.9))
(:scale-x (meters 0.2))
(:rot-x (degrees 90))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y (meters 0.5) (meters 1))
(:r 0.0 1 128.0)
(:g 64.0 196.0)
(:b 128.0 128.0)
(:a 128.0)
(:scalevel-x (meters -0.0025))
(:scalevel-y (meters 0.048828125) (meters 0.09765625))
(:timer (seconds 0.27))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defpart 67
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :page #x4))
(:num 0.5)
(:x (meters 2.9) (meters 2.5))
(:y (meters -0.5))
(:scale-x (meters 2) (meters 1))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 64.0 32.0)
(:g 32.0 32.0)
(:b 10.0 5.0)
(:a 0.0)
(:vel-x (meters -0.011666667) (meters -0.0033333334))
(:vel-y (meters 0))
(:rotvel-z (degrees -1.2) 1 (degrees 2.4))
(:fade-a 0.6)
(:accel-y (meters 0.0016666667))
(:friction 0.996)
(:timer (seconds 0.9))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:next-time (seconds 0.15))
(:next-launcher 64)
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defpartgroup group-swamp-launcher
:id 9
:bounds (static-bspherem 0 3 0 5)
:parts ((sp-item 58 :fade-after (meters 100) :falloff-to (meters 100))
(sp-item 59 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100) :flags (is-3d))
(sp-item 60 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100) :flags (is-3d))
(sp-item 68 :fade-after (meters 70) :falloff-to (meters 100))
(defpart 68
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :page #x4))
(:num 0.5)
(:x (meters 2.9) (meters 2.5))
(:y (meters -0.5))
(:scale-x (meters 2) (meters 1))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 16.0 16.0)
(:g 16.0 16.0)
(:b 5.0 2.5)
(:a 0.0)
(:vel-x (meters -0.011666667) (meters -0.0033333334))
(:vel-y (meters 0))
(:rotvel-z (degrees -1.2) 1 (degrees 2.4))
(:fade-a 0.6)
(:accel-y (meters 0.0016666667))
(:friction 0.996)
(:timer (seconds 0.9))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2))
(:next-time (seconds 0.15))
(:next-launcher 64)
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(defbehavior cam-launcher-joystick camera-slave ()
(when (not (logtest? (-> *camera* settings master-options) (cam-master-options IGNORE_ANALOG)))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix)))
(set! (-> s5-0 rvec quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 uvec quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 fvec quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 trans quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(let ((gp-0 (vector-reset! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))))
(let* ((f0-0 (analog-input (the-as int (+ (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 rightx) -128)) 0.0 48.0 110.0 -1.0))
(f0-1 (* -546.13336 f0-0))
(f0-3 (fmin 546.13336 (fmax -546.13336 f0-1)))
(matrix-axis-angle! s5-0 (-> *camera* local-down) f0-3)
(vector-! gp-0 (-> self trans) (-> *camera* tpos-curr))
(vector-matrix*! gp-0 gp-0 s5-0)
(vector+! (-> self trans) gp-0 (-> *camera* tpos-curr))
(defstate cam-launcher-shortfall (camera-slave)
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(cam-standard-event-handler proc argc message block)
:enter (behavior ()
(when (not (-> self enter-has-run))
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(vector--float*! (-> self trans) (-> *camera* tpos-curr) (-> *camera* local-down) 28672.0)
(vector-flatten! gp-0 (-> self tracking inv-mat fvec) (-> *camera* local-down))
(vector-normalize! gp-0 1.0)
(set! (-> self pivot-pt quad) (-> gp-0 quad))
(vector+float*! gp-0 gp-0 (-> *camera* local-down) 1000.0)
(vector-normalize-copy! (-> self tracking inv-mat fvec) gp-0 1.0)
(-> self tracking inv-mat uvec)
(-> self tracking inv-mat fvec)
(the-as vector (-> self tracking))
(set! (-> self blend-from-type) (camera-blend-from-type unknown-0))
(set! (-> self blend-to-type) (camera-blend-to-type unknown-0))
:trans (behavior ()
(if (not (logtest? (-> *camera* master-options) (cam-master-options-u32 HAVE_TARGET)))
(cam-slave-go cam-free-floating)
:code (behavior ()
(let ((gp-0 (current-time)))
(until #f
(when (not (paused?))
(vector--float*! (-> self trans) (-> *camera* tpos-curr) (-> *camera* local-down) 28672.0)
(send-event *camera* 'teleport)
(if (and (-> *camera* on-ground) (time-elapsed? gp-0 (seconds 1)))
(send-event *camera* 'change-state cam-string (seconds 0.5))
(defbehavior cam-launcher-long-joystick camera-slave ()
(when (not (logtest? (-> *camera* settings master-options) (cam-master-options IGNORE_ANALOG)))
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix)))
(set! (-> gp-0 rvec quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> gp-0 uvec quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> gp-0 fvec quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> gp-0 trans quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(let* ((f0-0 (analog-input (the-as int (+ (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 rightx) -128)) 0.0 48.0 110.0 -1.0))
(f0-1 (* -546.13336 f0-0))
(f0-3 (fmin 546.13336 (fmax -546.13336 f0-1)))
(matrix-axis-angle! gp-0 (-> *camera* local-down) f0-3)
(vector-matrix*! (-> self view-flat) (-> self view-flat) gp-0)
(vector-normalize! (-> self view-flat) 4096.0)
(defstate cam-launcher-longfall (camera-slave)
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(cam-standard-event-handler proc argc message block)
:enter (behavior ()
(when (not (-> self enter-has-run))
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(vector-negate! (-> self view-flat) (-> self tracking inv-mat fvec))
(vector-normalize! (-> self view-flat) 4096.0)
(vector--float*! (-> self trans) (-> *camera* tpos-curr) (-> *camera* local-down) 28672.0)
(vector+! (-> self trans) (-> self trans) (-> self view-flat))
(set! (-> self blend-from-type) (camera-blend-from-type unknown-0))
(set! (-> self blend-to-type) (camera-blend-to-type unknown-0))
(cam-calc-follow! (-> self tracking) (-> self trans) #f)
(slave-set-rotation! (-> self tracking) (-> self trans) (-> self options) (-> self fov) #f)
:trans (behavior ()
(if (not (logtest? (-> *camera* master-options) (cam-master-options-u32 HAVE_TARGET)))
(cam-slave-go cam-free-floating)
:code (behavior ()
(let ((gp-0 (current-time)))
(until #f
(when (not (paused?))
(let ((s4-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(send-event *camera* 'teleport)
(let* ((f0-4 (vector-dot (-> self velocity) (-> *camera* local-down)))
(f30-0 (* 0.975 f0-4))
(vector--float*! s4-0 (-> *camera* tpos-curr) (-> *camera* local-down) 28672.0)
(vector-! s4-0 s4-0 (-> self trans))
(let ((f28-0 (vector-dot s4-0 (-> *camera* local-down))))
(vector--float*! s5-0 s4-0 (-> *camera* local-down) f28-0)
((< f28-0 f30-0)
(set! f30-0 f28-0)
((< 20480.0 f28-0)
(let ((f28-1 (+ -20480.0 f28-0)))
(let ((f0-8 (lerp f30-0 f28-1 0.005)))
(if (< f30-0 f0-8)
(set! f30-0 f0-8)
(if (< (* 0.09 f28-1) f30-0)
(set! f30-0 (* 0.09 f28-1))
(vector+float*! (-> self velocity) s5-0 (-> *camera* local-down) f30-0)
(vector+! (-> self trans) (-> self trans) (-> self velocity))
(set! (-> self trans x) (-> *camera* tpos-curr x))
(set! (-> self trans z) (-> *camera* tpos-curr z))
(vector+! (-> self trans) (-> self trans) (-> self view-flat))
(if (and (-> *camera* on-ground) (time-elapsed? gp-0 (seconds 1)))
(send-event *camera* 'change-state cam-string (seconds 0.5))
(vector-reset! (-> self tracking follow-off))
(vector+! (-> self tracking follow-pt) (-> *camera* tpos-curr-adj) (-> self tracking follow-off))
(-> self tracking follow-pt)
(-> self tracking follow-pt)
(-> *camera* local-down)
(-> *camera* settings target-height)
(slave-set-rotation! (-> self tracking) (-> self trans) (-> self options) (-> self fov) #f)
(defstate idle (launcher)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(go-virtual deactivated)
(move-to-point! (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) (the-as vector (-> block param 0)))
(update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)))
:trans (behavior ()
(when (and *target*
(and (>= (-> self active-distance) (vector-vector-distance (-> self root trans) (-> *target* control trans)))
(not (logtest? (focus-status teleporting) (-> *target* focus-status)))
((send-event *target* 'query 'powerup (pickup-type eco-blue))
(go-virtual active)
(let ((gp-0 'target-launch))
(if (= (send-event *target* 'query 'mode) gp-0)
(send-event *target* 'end-mode 'launch)
(if (and (and *target* (and (>= 32768.0 (vector-vector-distance (-> self root trans) (-> *target* control trans)))
(not (logtest? (focus-status teleporting) (-> *target* focus-status)))
(not (send-event *target* 'query 'powerup (pickup-type eco-blue)))
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 44) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
:code sleep-code
(defstate active (launcher)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(when (or (= message 'touch) (= message 'attack))
(set-time! (-> self state-time))
(send-event proc 'launch (-> self spring-height) (-> self camera) (-> self dest) (-> self seek-time))
((= message 'instant-death)
(go-virtual deactivated)
((= message 'trans)
(move-to-point! (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) (the-as vector (-> block param 0)))
(update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)))
:exit (behavior ()
(let ((v1-0 (the-as sound-rpc-set-param (get-sound-buffer-entry))))
(set! (-> v1-0 command) (sound-command set-param))
(set! (-> v1-0 id) (-> self sound-id))
(set! (-> v1-0 params volume) -4)
(set! (-> v1-0 auto-time) 120)
(set! (-> v1-0 auto-from) 2)
(set! (-> v1-0 params mask) (the-as uint 17))
(-> v1-0 id)
:trans (behavior ()
(if (or (or (not *target*)
(or (< (-> self active-distance) (vector-vector-distance (-> self root trans) (-> *target* control trans)))
(focus-test? *target* teleporting)
(not (send-event *target* 'query 'powerup (pickup-type eco-blue)))
(go-virtual idle)
(spawn (-> self part) (-> self root trans))
(sound-play "launch-idle" :id (-> self sound-id))
(if (and (and *target*
(and (>= (+ 2867.2 (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) root-prim prim-core world-sphere w))
(vector-vector-distance (-> self root trans) (-> *target* control trans))
(not (logtest? (focus-status teleporting) (-> *target* focus-status)))
(not (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (seconds 0.5)))
(send-event *target* 'launch (-> self spring-height) (-> self camera) (-> self dest) (-> self seek-time))
:code (behavior ()
(sound-play "launch-start")
(defstate deactivated (launcher)
:virtual #t
:code sleep-code
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this launcher) (arg0 entity-actor))
(stack-size-set! (-> this main-thread) 128)
(let ((s4-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape this (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(let ((v1-4 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s4-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-4 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec enemy))
(set! (-> v1-4 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec jak player-list))
(set-vector! (-> v1-4 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 12288.0)
(set! (-> s4-0 total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s4-0 root-prim) v1-4)
(set! (-> s4-0 nav-radius) 13926.4)
(let ((v1-6 (-> s4-0 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s4-0 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-6 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s4-0 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-6 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> this root) s4-0)
(process-drawable-from-entity! this arg0)
(update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> this root)))
(set! (-> this active-distance) 409600.0)
(set! (-> this spring-height) (res-lump-float arg0 'spring-height :default 163840.0))
(let ((s4-1 (res-lump-value arg0 'mode uint128 :time -1000000000.0)))
(let ((v1-14 (-> this level name)))
(set! (-> this part) (create-launch-control
((= v1-14 'beach)
(-> *part-group-id-table* 7)
((= v1-14 'swamp)
(-> *part-group-id-table* 9)
(-> *part-group-id-table* 8)
(let ((v1-20 (logand (the-as int s4-1) 255)))
((= (the-as uint v1-20) 1)
(set! (-> this camera) cam-launcher-longfall)
((= (the-as uint v1-20) 2)
(set! (-> this camera) #f)
(set! (-> this camera) cam-launcher-shortfall)
(let ((v1-25 (res-lump-struct arg0 'alt-vector vector)))
(when v1-25
(set-vector! (-> this dest) (-> v1-25 x) (-> v1-25 y) (-> v1-25 z) 1.0)
(set! (-> this seek-time) (the-as time-frame (the int (* 300.0 (-> v1-25 w)))))
(set! (-> this sound-id) (new-sound-id))
(nav-mesh-connect-from-ent this)
(go (method-of-object this idle))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defbehavior launcher-init-by-other launcher ((arg0 vector) (arg1 float) (arg2 int) (arg3 float))
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 128)
(let ((s2-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape self (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(let ((v1-4 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s2-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-4 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec enemy))
(set! (-> v1-4 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec jak player-list))
(set-vector! (-> v1-4 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 12288.0)
(set! (-> s2-0 total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s2-0 root-prim) v1-4)
(set! (-> s2-0 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s2-0 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-7 (-> s2-0 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s2-0 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-7 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s2-0 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-7 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> self root) s2-0)
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(set-vector! (-> self root scale) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0)
(set-vector! (-> self root quat) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)))
(set! (-> self spring-height) arg1)
(set! (-> self active-distance) arg3)
(let ((v1-18 (-> self level name)))
(set! (-> self part) (create-launch-control
((= v1-18 'beach)
(-> *part-group-id-table* 7)
((= v1-18 'swamp)
(-> *part-group-id-table* 9)
(-> *part-group-id-table* 8)
(case (logand arg2 255)
(set! (-> self camera) cam-launcher-longfall)
(set! (-> self camera) #f)
(set! (-> self camera) cam-launcher-shortfall)
(let ((v1-29 (res-lump-struct (-> self entity) 'alt-vector vector)))
(when v1-29
(set-vector! (-> self dest) (-> v1-29 x) (-> v1-29 y) (-> v1-29 z) 1.0)
(set! (-> self seek-time) (the-as time-frame (the int (* 300.0 (-> v1-29 w)))))
(set! (-> self sound-id) (new-sound-id))
(go-virtual idle)
(defstate active (touch-tracker)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(local-vars (v0-0 object))
(case message
(let ((v1-1 (ppointer->process (-> self parent))))
(when (!= v1-1 proc)
((= (-> self event) 'attack)
(-> self event)
:from v1-1
(static-attack-info ((mode (-> self event-mode)) (id (new-attack-id))))
((-> self event)
(send-event proc (-> self event) :from v1-1)
(let ((t0-5 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> t0-5 from) (process->ppointer proc))
(set! (-> t0-5 num-params) argc)
(set! (-> t0-5 message) message)
(set! (-> t0-5 param 0) (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> t0-5 param 1) (-> block param 1))
(set! (-> t0-5 param 2) (-> block param 2))
(set! (-> t0-5 param 3) (-> block param 3))
(set! (-> t0-5 param 4) (-> block param 4))
(set! (-> t0-5 param 5) (-> block param 5))
(send-event-function v1-1 t0-5)
(set! v0-0 (process->handle (the-as process (-> block param 0))))
(set! (-> self target) (the-as handle v0-0))
(set! (-> self event) (the-as symbol (-> block param 0)))
(set! v0-0 (-> block param 1))
(set! (-> self event-mode) (the-as symbol v0-0))
(set! v0-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self run-function) (the-as (function object) v0-0))
((the-as (function touch-tracker object) (-> block param 0)) self)
(set! v0-0 (-> block param 0))
(set! (-> self callback) (the-as (function touch-tracker none) v0-0))
:code (behavior ()
(set-time! (-> self state-time))
(while ((-> self run-function))
(let* ((gp-0 (handle->process (-> self target)))
(a0-4 (if (type? gp-0 process-drawable)
(when a0-4
(let* ((gp-1 (-> (the-as process-drawable a0-4) root))
(a0-6 (if (type? gp-1 collide-shape)
(if a0-6
(set! (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) trans quad)
(-> (the-as collide-shape a0-6) root-prim prim-core world-sphere quad)
(if (-> self callback)
((-> self callback) self)
(update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)))
(let ((a1-3 (new 'stack-no-clear 'overlaps-others-params)))
(set! (-> a1-3 options) (overlaps-others-options oo1))
(set! (-> a1-3 collide-with-filter) (the-as collide-spec -1))
(set! (-> a1-3 tlist) *touching-list*)
(find-overlapping-shapes (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) a1-3)
(let ((v1-21 (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-21 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec))
(set! (-> v1-21 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defbehavior touch-tracker-init touch-tracker ((arg0 vector) (arg1 float) (arg2 time-frame))
(let ((s4-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape-moving self (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(set! (-> s4-0 dynam) (copy *standard-dynamics* 'process))
(set! (-> s4-0 reaction) cshape-reaction-default)
(set! (-> s4-0 no-reaction)
(the-as (function collide-shape-moving collide-query vector vector object) nothing)
(let ((v1-6 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s4-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-6 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec jak enemy))
(set! (-> v1-6 prim-core collide-with)
(set-vector! (-> v1-6 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 arg1)
(set! (-> s4-0 total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s4-0 root-prim) v1-6)
(set! (-> s4-0 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s4-0 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-9 (-> s4-0 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s4-0 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-9 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s4-0 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-9 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> s4-0 event-self) 'touched)
(set! (-> self root) s4-0)
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(set! (-> self duration) arg2)
(set! (-> self target) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self event) #f)
(set! (-> self callback) #f)
(set! (-> self run-function)
(lambda :behavior touch-tracker () (not (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (-> self duration))))
(set! (-> self event-hook) (-> (method-of-object self active) event))
(go-virtual active)
(defmethod explosion-method-22 ((this explosion))
(defbehavior explosion-init-by-other explosion ((arg0 explosion-init-params))
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> self params)) (the-as pointer arg0) 72)
(logclear! (-> self mask) (process-mask actor-pause movie))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape self (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(set! (-> s5-0 penetrate-using) (penetrate explode))
(let ((v1-5 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-5 prim-core action) (collide-action solid))
(set-vector! (-> v1-5 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
(set! (-> s5-0 total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s5-0 root-prim) v1-5)
(set! (-> s5-0 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s5-0 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-8 (-> s5-0 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-8 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-8 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> self root) s5-0)
(set! (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) event-self) 'touched)
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> arg0 spawn-point quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self root quat) (-> arg0 spawn-quat))
(vector-identity! (-> self root scale))
(vector-float*! (-> self root scale) (-> self root scale) (-> arg0 scale))
(trs-matrix-calc! (-> self root) (-> self mat))
(let ((v1-19 (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-19 local-sphere w) (-> arg0 radius))
(set! (-> v1-19 prim-core world-sphere w) (-> arg0 radius))
(set! (-> v1-19 prim-core collide-with) (-> arg0 collide-with))
(let* ((v1-20 *game-info*)
(a0-19 (+ (-> v1-20 attack-id) 1))
(set! (-> v1-20 attack-id) a0-19)
(set! (-> self attack-id) a0-19)
(let ((a0-20 (-> arg0 group)))
(when a0-20
(set! (-> self duration) (-> a0-20 duration))
(set! (-> self linger-duration) (-> a0-20 linger-duration))
(set! (-> self part) (create-launch-control a0-20 self))
(let ((v1-26 (new 'stack-no-clear 'traffic-danger-info)))
(set! (-> v1-26 sphere quad) (-> self root trans quad))
(vector-reset! (-> v1-26 velocity))
(set! (-> v1-26 sphere r) (* 2.0 (-> arg0 radius)))
(set! (-> v1-26 notify-radius) 204800.0)
(set! (-> v1-26 danger-level) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-26 decay-rate) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-26 flags) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> v1-26 danger-type) (the-as uint 5))
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'add-danger-sphere v1-26)
(explosion-method-22 self)
(go-virtual explode)
(defun explosion-spawn-legacy-version ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 type) (arg2 explosion-init-params))
(let ((s4-0 (get-process *default-dead-pool* arg1 #x4000 1)))
(when s4-0
(let ((t9-1 (method-of-type process activate)))
(t9-1 s4-0 arg0 "explosion" (the-as pointer #x70004000))
(run-now-in-process s4-0 explosion-init-by-other arg2)
(-> s4-0 ppointer)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch process vs none.
(defun explosion-spawn ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 type) (arg2 explosion-init-params))
(let* ((gp-0 (the-as process #f))
(s3-0 (get-process *default-dead-pool* explosion #x4000 1))
(v1-1 (when s3-0
(let ((t9-1 (method-of-type explosion activate)))
(t9-1 (the-as explosion s3-0) (the-as process-tree arg1) "explosion" (the-as pointer #x70004000))
(run-now-in-process s3-0 explosion-init-by-other arg0)
(-> s3-0 ppointer)
(if v1-1
(set! gp-0 (-> v1-1 0))
(defun find-closest-solid-sphere-prim ((arg0 collide-shape) (arg1 vector) (arg2 collide-spec))
(let ((gp-0 (the-as collide-shape-prim #f)))
(let ((s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> s3-0 x) (the-as float #x7f800000))
(let ((s2-0 (-> arg0 root-prim))
(s1-0 1)
(when (zero? (-> s2-0 prim-core prim-type))
(let ((v1-3 s2-0))
(set! s2-0 (-> (the-as collide-shape-prim-group v1-3) child 0))
(set! s1-0 (the-as int (-> v1-3 specific 0)))
(while (nonzero? s1-0)
(+! s1-0 -1)
(when (and (= (-> s2-0 prim-core prim-type) -1)
(logtest? (-> s2-0 prim-core action) (collide-action solid))
(logtest? (-> s2-0 prim-core collide-as) arg2)
(set! (-> s3-0 y) (vector-vector-distance arg1 (the-as vector (-> s2-0 prim-core))))
(set! (-> s3-0 y) (fmax 0.0 (- (-> s3-0 y) (-> s2-0 prim-core world-sphere w))))
(when (< (-> s3-0 y) (-> s3-0 x))
(set! (-> s3-0 x) (-> s3-0 y))
(set! gp-0 s2-0)
(&+! s2-0 80)
(define *explosion-debug-sphere* (new 'static 'sphere))
(defstate explode (explosion)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(local-vars (a0-13 process))
(case message
(let ((s4-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'mystery-cquery-type0)))
(set! (-> s4-0 explosion-trans quad)
(-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) root-prim prim-core world-sphere quad)
(let* ((s2-0 proc)
(s3-0 (if (type? s2-0 process-drawable)
(when (and s3-0 (!= s3-0 (handle->process (-> self params ignore-proc))))
(let ((v1-6 (find-closest-solid-sphere-prim
(the-as collide-shape (-> (the-as process-drawable s3-0) root))
(-> s4-0 explosion-trans)
(-> self params collide-with)
(set! (-> s4-0 proc-trans quad) (-> v1-6 prim-core world-sphere quad))
(let ((s2-2 proc))
(set! a0-13 (if (type? s2-2 process-focusable)
(set! (-> s4-0 proc-trans quad) (-> (get-trans (the-as process-focusable a0-13) 3) quad))
(let* ((s2-4 (-> (the-as process-focusable s3-0) root))
(v1-12 (if (type? s2-4 collide-shape)
(if v1-12
(set! (-> s4-0 proc-trans quad) (-> v1-12 root-prim prim-core world-sphere quad))
(set! (-> s4-0 proc-trans quad) (-> (the-as process-focusable s3-0) root trans quad))
(set! (-> s4-0 dist) (vector-vector-distance (-> s4-0 proc-trans) (-> s4-0 explosion-trans)))
(set! (-> s4-0 dist) (fmax 0.0 (- (-> s4-0 dist) (-> s4-0 proc-trans w))))
(set! (-> s4-0 probe) -1.0)
(when (< 0.0 (-> s4-0 dist))
(set! (-> s4-0 cquery start-pos quad) (-> s4-0 explosion-trans quad))
(vector-! (-> s4-0 cquery move-dist) (-> s4-0 proc-trans) (-> s4-0 explosion-trans))
(let ((v1-23 (-> s4-0 cquery)))
(set! (-> v1-23 radius) 40.96)
(set! (-> v1-23 collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd))
(set! (-> v1-23 ignore-process0) #f)
(set! (-> v1-23 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> v1-23 ignore-pat)
(new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noendlessfall #x1 :board #x1)
(set! (-> v1-23 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(set! (-> s4-0 probe) (fill-and-probe-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* (-> s4-0 cquery)))
(when (< (-> s4-0 probe) 0.0)
(let ((s3-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'inline-array 'vector 2)))
(vector-! (-> s3-1 0) (-> s4-0 proc-trans) (-> s4-0 explosion-trans))
(set! (-> s3-1 1 x) (- 1.0 (fmin 1.0 (/ (-> s4-0 dist) (-> self params radius)))))
(set! (-> s3-1 1 y) (+ 1.0 (* (-> s3-1 1 x) (+ -1.0 (-> self params damage-scale)))))
(set! (-> s3-1 1 z) (* (-> s3-1 1 y) (-> self params damage)))
(vector-normalize! (-> s3-1 0) (-> s3-1 1 w))
(-> block param 0)
:mask (vehicle-impulse-factor)
((id (-> self attack-id))
(damage (-> s3-1 1 z))
(vehicle-damage-factor (-> self params vehicle-damage-factor))
(vehicle-impulse-factor (-> self params vehicle-impulse-factor))
(mode 'explode)
(attacker-velocity (-> s3-1 0))
:code (behavior ()
(set-time! (-> self start-time))
(when (nonzero? (-> self params collide-with))
(update-transforms (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)))
(let ((a1-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'overlaps-others-params)))
(set! (-> a1-0 options) (overlaps-others-options))
(set! (-> a1-0 collide-with-filter) (the-as collide-spec -1))
(set! (-> a1-0 tlist) *touching-list*)
(find-overlapping-shapes (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) a1-0)
(let ((v1-11 (-> (the-as collide-shape (-> self root)) root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-11 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec))
(set! (-> v1-11 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec))
(while (not (time-elapsed? (-> self start-time) (the-as time-frame (-> self duration))))
(sparticle-launch-control-method-17 (-> self part) (-> self mat))
(set-time! (-> self start-time))
(while (not (time-elapsed? (-> self start-time) (the-as time-frame (-> self linger-duration))))
(defun process-drawable-random-point! ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 vector))
(let ((v1-1 (-> arg0 node-list length))
(s4-0 (-> arg0 root))
((>= v1-1 7)
(let ((v1-2 (rand-vu-int-range 3 (+ v1-1 -1))))
(vector<-cspace! arg1 (-> arg0 node-list data v1-2))
((and (nonzero? s4-0) (type? s4-0 collide-shape))
(the-as vector (-> (the-as collide-shape s4-0) root-prim prim-core))
(rand-vu-sphere-point! arg1 (-> (the-as collide-shape s4-0) root-prim prim-core world-sphere w))
(vector+! arg1 (-> arg0 root trans) (rand-vu-sphere-point! arg1 (-> arg0 draw bounds w)))
(defun process-drawable-pair-random-point! ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 process-drawable) (arg2 vector) (arg3 float))
(let ((s4-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(s3-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(process-drawable-random-point! arg0 s4-0)
(process-drawable-random-point! arg1 s3-0)
(vector-lerp! arg2 s4-0 s3-0 arg3)
(deftype simple-prim (process-drawable)
((strip prim-strip)
(init-strip! (_type_) none)
(strip-setup (_type_) none)
(get-alpha (_type_) int)
(allocate-trans-and-strip! (_type_) prim-strip)
(get-color (_type_) rgba)
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this simple-prim) (arg0 entity-actor))
(allocate-trans-and-strip! this)
(process-entity-set! this arg0)
(process-drawable-from-entity! this arg0)
(let ((v1-3 ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-struct)
(-> this entity)
(the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)
(vector+! (-> this root trans) (-> this root trans) (the-as vector v1-3))
(let ((f0-0 (res-lump-float (-> this entity) 'scale :default 1.0)))
(vector-float*! (-> this root scale) (-> this root scale) f0-0)
(vector-float*! (-> this root scale) (-> this root scale) 4096.0)
(let ((f0-2 (res-lump-float (-> this entity) 'rotoffset)))
(quaternion-rotate-y! (-> this root quat) (-> this root quat) f0-2)
(let ((f0-3 (res-lump-float (-> this entity) 'tiltmin)))
(quaternion-rotate-local-x! (-> this root quat) (-> this root quat) f0-3)
(set! (-> this strip tex-id) (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x3 :page #x1))
(go (method-of-object this active))
(defmethod allocate-trans-and-strip! ((this simple-prim))
"Allocate transform and strip."
(set! (-> this root) (new 'process 'trsqv))
(quaternion-identity! (-> this root quat))
(let ((v0-2 (new 'process 'prim-strip 4 (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x3 :page #x1) (the-as string #f))))
(set! (-> this strip) v0-2)
(defbehavior simple-prim-init-by-other simple-prim ((arg0 vector) (arg1 vector) (arg2 texture-id))
(allocate-trans-and-strip! self)
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(set! (-> self root scale quad) (-> arg1 quad))
(set! (-> self strip tex-id) arg2)
(go-virtual active)
(defmethod strip-setup ((this simple-prim))
(set! (-> this strip num-verts) (the-as uint 4))
(set! (-> this strip alpha) *simple-prim-alpha-blend*)
(set! (-> this strip adnops 0 cmds) (gs-reg64 test-1))
(set! (-> this strip data0) (new 'static 'gs-test
:ate #x1
:atst (gs-atest greater-equal)
:aref #x26
:zte #x1
:ztst (gs-ztest greater-equal)
(defstate active (simple-prim)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
:trans (behavior ()
(strip-setup self)
(init-strip! self)
:code sleep-code
(defmethod get-alpha ((this simple-prim))
(defmethod get-color ((this simple-prim))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch rgba vs none.
(defmethod init-strip! ((this simple-prim))
(quaternion-normalize! (-> this root quat))
(let ((s2-0 (vector-x-quaternion! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> this root quat)))
(s3-0 (vector-y-quaternion! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> this root quat)))
(gp-0 (get-alpha this))
(s4-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(s5-0 (get-color this))
(vector-normalize! s2-0 (-> this root scale x))
(vector-normalize! s3-0 (-> this root scale y))
(let ((v1-8 (-> this strip data)))
(vector+! s4-0 (-> this root trans) s2-0)
(vector+! s4-0 s4-0 s3-0)
(set! (-> v1-8 0 pos quad) (-> s4-0 quad))
(set! (-> v1-8 0 stq z) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-8 0 stq x) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-8 0 stq y) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-8 0 col) s5-0)
(set! (-> v1-8 0 col a) gp-0)
(let ((v1-9 (-> v1-8 1)))
(vector+float*! s4-0 (-> this root trans) s2-0 -1.0)
(vector+! s4-0 s4-0 s3-0)
(set! (-> v1-9 pos quad) (-> s4-0 quad))
(set! (-> v1-9 stq z) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-9 stq x) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-9 stq y) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-9 col) s5-0)
(set! (-> v1-9 col a) gp-0)
(let ((v1-10 (&+ v1-9 32)))
(vector+! s4-0 (-> this root trans) s2-0)
(vector+float*! s4-0 s4-0 s3-0 -1.0)
(set! (-> v1-10 pos quad) (-> s4-0 quad))
(set! (-> v1-10 stq z) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-10 stq x) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-10 stq y) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-10 col) s5-0)
(set! (-> v1-10 col a) gp-0)
(let ((v1-11 (&+ v1-10 32)))
(vector+float*! s4-0 (-> this root trans) s2-0 -1.0)
(vector+float*! s4-0 s4-0 s3-0 -1.0)
(set! (-> v1-11 pos quad) (-> s4-0 quad))
(set! (-> v1-11 stq z) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-11 stq x) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-11 stq y) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-11 col) s5-0)
(set! (-> v1-11 col a) gp-0)
(defmethod relocate ((this simple-prim) (offset int))
(if (nonzero? (-> this strip))
(&+! (-> this strip) offset)
(call-parent-method this offset)
(deftype simple-prim-zbuf-mask (simple-prim)
(defmethod strip-setup ((this simple-prim-zbuf-mask))
(set! (-> this strip num-verts) (the-as uint 4))
(set! (-> this strip alpha) *simple-prim-additive*)
(set! (-> this strip adnops 0 cmds) (gs-reg64 test-1))
(set! (-> this strip data0) (new 'static 'gs-test
:ate #x1
:atst (gs-atest greater-equal)
:aref #x26
:zte #x1
:ztst (gs-ztest greater-equal)
(set! (-> this strip bucket) (bucket-id bucket569))
(set! (-> this strip sink) (the-as uint 65))
(defmethod get-color ((this simple-prim-zbuf-mask))
(deftype simple-prim-particle-binding (simple-prim)
((color rgba)
(lifetime time-frame)
(setup! (_type_ int sparticle-cpuinfo sparticle-launchinfo) none)
(defmethod get-color ((this simple-prim-particle-binding))
(-> this color)
(defstate die (simple-prim-particle-binding)
:virtual #t
:code nothing
(defstate active (simple-prim-particle-binding)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
(set-time! (-> self state-time))
:trans (behavior ()
(init-strip! self)
(if (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (-> self lifetime))
(go-virtual die)
:code sleep-code
(defmethod setup! ((this simple-prim-particle-binding) (arg0 int) (arg1 sparticle-cpuinfo) (arg2 sparticle-launchinfo))
"Set up this prim with the given particle info."
(set! (-> this lifetime) (seconds 5))
(set! (-> this root scale x) (-> arg2 launchrot w))
(set! (-> this root scale y) (-> arg2 conerot w))
(set! (-> this color r) (the int (* 128.0 (-> arg2 rotate-x))))
(set! (-> this color g) (the int (* 128.0 (-> arg2 rotate-y))))
(set! (-> this color b) (the int (* 128.0 (-> arg2 rotate-z))))
(set! (-> this color a) (the int (* 128.0 (-> arg2 coneradius))))
(set-vector! (-> this root trans) (-> arg2 launchrot x) (-> arg2 launchrot y) (-> arg2 launchrot z) 1.0)
(set! (-> this strip adnops 0 cmds) (gs-reg64 test-1))
(set! (-> this strip data0) (new 'static 'gs-test
:ate #x1
:atst (gs-atest greater-equal)
:aref #x26
:zte #x1
:ztst (gs-ztest greater-equal)
((logtest? (-> arg1 flags) (sp-cpuinfo-flag aux-list))
(set! (-> this strip alpha) *simple-prim-additive*)
(set! (-> this color) *color-black*)
((logtest? (-> arg1 flags) (sp-cpuinfo-flag sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(set! (-> this strip alpha) *simple-prim-additive*)
(set! (-> this strip alpha) *simple-prim-alpha-blend*)
(set! (-> this strip num-verts) (the-as uint 4))
(defun birth-func-simple-prim ((arg0 int) (arg1 sparticle-cpuinfo) (arg2 sparticle-launchinfo))
(let ((s3-0 (get-process *default-dead-pool* simple-prim-particle-binding #x4000 1)))
(the-as simple-prim-particle-binding (-> (when s3-0
(let ((t9-1 (method-of-type process activate)))
(t9-1 s3-0 *entity-pool* "prim" (the-as pointer #x70004000))
(new 'static 'texture-id :index #x3 :page #x1)
(-> s3-0 ppointer)
(deftype part-controller (process)
((actor-group (pointer actor-group))
(actor-group-count int32)
(spawn-delay time-frame)
(current-part-index uint16)
(state-time time-frame)
(next-reset-time time-frame)
(reset-interval-min time-frame)
(reset-interval-max time-frame)
(particle-launchers (array (pointer sparticle-launch-group)))
(spawn-sound sound-name)
(defmethod relocate ((this part-controller) (offset int))
(if (nonzero? (-> this particle-launchers))
(&+! (-> this particle-launchers) offset)
(call-parent-method this offset)
(defmethod run-logic? ((this part-controller))
"Should this process be run? Checked by execute-process-tree."
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this part-controller) (arg0 entity-actor))
(local-vars (sv-16 res-tag) (sv-32 string))
(stack-size-set! (-> this main-thread) 32)
(set! sv-16 (new 'static 'res-tag))
(let ((v1-3 (res-lump-data (-> this entity) 'actor-groups pointer :tag-ptr (& sv-16))))
((and v1-3 (nonzero? (-> sv-16 elt-count)))
(set! (-> this actor-group) (the-as (pointer actor-group) v1-3))
(set! (-> this actor-group-count) (the-as int (-> sv-16 elt-count)))
(set! (-> this actor-group) (the-as (pointer actor-group) #f))
(set! (-> this actor-group-count) 0)
(logclear! (-> this mask) (process-mask actor-pause))
(when (<= (-> this actor-group-count) 0)
(process-entity-status! this (entity-perm-status dead) #t)
(deactivate this)
(return 0)
(let ((a0-9 ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-struct)
(the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)
(set! (-> this spawn-sound) (string->sound-name (the-as string a0-9)))
(let ((a3-2 (+ 0 (-> this actor-group 0 length))))
(set! (-> this particle-launchers)
(the-as (array (pointer sparticle-launch-group)) (new 'process 'boxed-array pointer a3-2))
(set! (-> this particle-launchers length) 0)
(dotimes (s4-0 (min 1 (-> this actor-group-count)))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> this actor-group s4-0 length))
(set! sv-32 "#f")
(set! (-> this particle-launchers (-> this particle-launchers length))
(the-as entity-actor (-> this actor-group s4-0 data s3-0 actor))
(& sv-32)
(+! (-> this particle-launchers length) 1)
(set! (-> this spawn-delay) (the-as time-frame (the int (* 300.0 (res-lump-float arg0 'delay :default 1.0)))))
(let ((s4-1 (the int (* 300.0 (res-lump-float arg0 'base-time :default 4.0))))
(v1-50 (the int (* 300.0 (res-lump-float arg0 'offset-time :default 2.0))))
(set! (-> this reset-interval-min) (the-as time-frame (- s4-1 v1-50)))
(set! (-> this reset-interval-max) (the-as time-frame (+ s4-1 v1-50)))
(go (method-of-object this active))
(defstate active (part-controller)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
(set-time! (-> self state-time))
(set! (-> self next-reset-time) (+ (current-time)
(-> self reset-interval-min)
(the-as int (rand-uint31-gen *random-generator*))
(+ (- 1 (-> self reset-interval-min)) (-> self reset-interval-max))
:trans (behavior ()
(when (< (-> self next-reset-time) (current-time))
(set! (-> self current-part-index) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> self state-time) 0)
(set! (-> self next-reset-time) (+ (current-time)
(-> self reset-interval-min)
(the-as int (rand-uint31-gen *random-generator*))
(+ (- 1 (-> self reset-interval-min)) (-> self reset-interval-max))
(when (and (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (-> self spawn-delay))
(< (-> self current-part-index) (the-as uint (-> self particle-launchers length)))
(when (-> self particle-launchers (-> self current-part-index))
(let ((gp-1 (-> self actor-group 0 data (-> self current-part-index) actor extra trans)))
(sound-play-by-name (-> self spawn-sound) (new-sound-id) 1024 0 0 (sound-group) gp-1)
((logtest? (-> self particle-launchers (-> self current-part-index) 0 flags) (sp-group-flag sp13))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> gp-1 quad))
(let ((gp-2 (get-process *default-dead-pool* part-tracker-subsampler #x4000 0)))
(when gp-2
(let ((t9-4 (method-of-type part-tracker-subsampler activate)))
(the-as part-tracker-subsampler gp-2)
(the-as pointer #x70004000)
(let ((t9-5 run-function-in-process)
(a0-18 gp-2)
(a1-3 part-tracker-subsampler-init)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default* group)
(-> self particle-launchers (-> self current-part-index) 0)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default* duration) 0)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default* callback) #f)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default* userdata) (the-as uint #f))
(set! (-> *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default* target) #f)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default* mat-joint) *launch-matrix*)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default* subsample-num) 1.0)
((the-as (function object object object none) t9-5) a0-18 a1-3 *part-tracker-subsampler-params-default*)
(-> gp-2 ppointer)
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> gp-1 quad))
(let ((gp-3 (get-process *default-dead-pool* part-tracker #x4000 0)))
(when gp-3
(let ((t9-7 (method-of-type part-tracker activate)))
(t9-7 (the-as part-tracker gp-3) *entity-pool* "part-tracker" (the-as pointer #x70004000))
(let ((t9-8 run-function-in-process)
(a0-23 gp-3)
(a1-6 part-tracker-init)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-params-default* group) (-> self particle-launchers (-> self current-part-index) 0))
(set! (-> *part-tracker-params-default* duration) 0)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-params-default* callback) #f)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-params-default* userdata) (the-as uint #f))
(set! (-> *part-tracker-params-default* target) #f)
(set! (-> *part-tracker-params-default* mat-joint) *launch-matrix*)
((the-as (function object object object none) t9-8) a0-23 a1-6 *part-tracker-params-default*)
(-> gp-3 ppointer)
(+! (-> self current-part-index) 1)
(set-time! (-> self state-time))
:code sleep-code
(deftype sound-controller (process)
((spawn-sound sound-name)
(sync sync-linear :inline)
(prev-val float)
(pos vector :inline)
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this sound-controller) (arg0 entity-actor))
(stack-size-set! (-> this main-thread) 32)
(let ((a0-3 (the-as string ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-struct)
(the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)
(set! (-> this spawn-sound) (string->sound-name a0-3))
(set! (-> this pos quad) (-> arg0 extra trans quad))
(let ((a1-3 (new 'stack-no-clear 'sync-info-params)))
(let ((v1-5 0))
(if #f
(set! v1-5 (logior v1-5 1))
(set! (-> a1-3 sync-type) 'sync-linear)
(set! (-> a1-3 sync-flags) (the-as sync-flags v1-5))
(set! (-> a1-3 entity) arg0)
(set! (-> a1-3 period) (the-as uint #x6fc23b000))
(set! (-> a1-3 percent) 0.0)
(initialize! (-> this sync) a1-3)
(set! (-> this prev-val) (get-norm! (-> this sync) 0))
(go (method-of-object this active))
(defmethod deactivate ((this sound-controller))
"Make a process dead, clean it up, remove it from the active pool, and return to dead pool."
(call-parent-method this)
(defstate die (sound-controller)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(defstate active (sound-controller)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(go-virtual die)
(-> self sync)
(let ((t9-1 (method-of-type sync-linear sync-info-method-15)))
(sound-play-by-name (-> self spawn-sound) (new-sound-id) 1024 0 0 (sound-group) (-> self pos))
:trans (behavior ()
(let ((f30-0 (get-norm! (-> self sync) 0)))
(if (< f30-0 (-> self prev-val))
(sound-play-by-name (-> self spawn-sound) (new-sound-id) 1024 0 0 (sound-group) (-> self pos))
(set! (-> self prev-val) f30-0)
:code sleep-code
(deftype sound-on-path (process-drawable)
"An [[ambient-sound]] that is being moved along a path."
((spawn-sound sound-name)
(loop-sound uint32 :offset 228)
(amb-sound ambient-sound)
(is-spooling? symbol)
(defmethod deactivate ((this sound-on-path))
"Make a process dead, clean it up, remove it from the active pool, and return to dead pool."
(if (nonzero? (-> this amb-sound))
(stop! (-> this amb-sound))
(if (nonzero? (-> this loop-sound))
(sound-stop (the-as sound-id (-> this loop-sound)))
((method-of-type process-drawable deactivate) this)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch process-drawable vs sound-on-path.
(defmethod relocate ((this sound-on-path) (offset int))
(if (nonzero? (-> this amb-sound))
(&+! (-> this amb-sound) offset)
(the-as sound-on-path ((method-of-type process-drawable relocate) this offset))
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this sound-on-path) (arg0 entity-actor))
(stack-size-set! (-> this main-thread) 32)
(set! (-> this root) (new 'process 'trsqv))
(process-drawable-from-entity! this arg0)
(let ((s4-0 ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-struct)
(the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)
(set! (-> this is-spooling?) (nonzero? (res-lump-value arg0 'spooling-val uint128 :time -1000000000.0)))
(set! (-> this path) (new 'process 'path-control this 'path 0.0 arg0 #f))
(logior! (-> this path flags) (path-control-flag display draw-line draw-point draw-text))
(logclear! (-> this mask) (process-mask actor-pause))
(when (= s4-0 "")
(go (method-of-object this no-play))
(return 0)
((-> this is-spooling?)
(set! (-> this loop-sound)
(add-process *gui-control* this (gui-channel background) (gui-action queue) (the-as string s4-0) -99.0 0)
(set! (-> this amb-sound) (new 'process 'ambient-sound (the-as basic s4-0) (-> this root trans) 0.0))
(let ((f0-0 (res-lump-float arg0 'sound-falloff-far :default 245760.0)))
(set-falloff-far! (-> this amb-sound) f0-0)
(update-vol! (-> this amb-sound) 1.0)
(update-pitch-mod! (-> this amb-sound) 0.0)
(go (method-of-object this active))
(defmethod run-logic? ((this sound-on-path))
"Should this process be run? Checked by execute-process-tree."
(defstate die (sound-on-path)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(defstate no-play (sound-on-path)
:virtual #t
:code sleep-code
(defstate active (sound-on-path)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(go-virtual die)
:trans (behavior ()
(let ((f0-0 (path-control-method-25 (-> self path) (target-pos 0)))
(gp-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(get-point-at-percent-along-path! (-> self path) gp-1 f0-0 'interp)
(set! (-> self root trans quad) (-> gp-1 quad))
((-> self is-spooling?)
(case (get-status *gui-control* (the-as sound-id (-> self loop-sound)))
(((gui-status ready))
(gui-action play)
(the-as sound-id (-> self loop-sound))
(gui-channel none)
(gui-action none)
(the-as string #f)
(the-as (function gui-connection symbol) #f)
(the-as process #f)
(update-trans! (-> self amb-sound) gp-1)
(update! (-> self amb-sound))
:code sleep-code
(defstate active (external-camera-controller)
:virtual #t
:trans (behavior ()
(set-zero! *camera-smush-control*)
:code (behavior ()
(process-entity-status! self (entity-perm-status no-kill) #t)
(set-setting! 'calm #t 0.0 0)
(while (not (process-grab? *target* #f))
(set-setting! 'mode-name 'cam-fixed 0.0 0)
(set-setting! 'interp-time 'abs 450.0 0)
(set-setting! 'entity-name (res-lump-struct (-> self entity) 'camera-name structure) 0.0 0)
(let ((gp-1 (current-time)))
(until (time-elapsed? gp-1 (-> self pause-time))
(if (-> self blur)
(set-setting! 'blur-a 'abs 0.5 0)
(remove-setting! 'mode-name)
(remove-setting! 'entity-name)
(remove-setting! 'interp-time)
(let ((gp-2 (current-time)))
(until (time-elapsed? gp-2 (seconds 0.5))
(while (not (process-release? *target*))
(remove-setting! 'interp-time)
(let ((gp-3 (current-time)))
(until (time-elapsed? gp-3 (seconds 0.5))
(remove-setting! 'blur-a)
(process-entity-status! self (entity-perm-status no-kill) #f)
(defbehavior external-camera-controller-init-by-other external-camera-controller ((arg0 entity) (arg1 time-frame) (arg2 symbol))
(process-entity-set! self arg0)
(set! (-> self pause-time) arg1)
(set! (-> self blur) arg2)
(go-virtual active)
(deftype level-exit (process-drawable)
((minimap connection-minimap)
(task-counter uint32)
(ent basic)
(defmethod init-from-entity! ((this level-exit) (arg0 entity-actor))
(set! (-> this root) (new 'process 'trsqv))
(process-drawable-from-entity! this arg0)
(set! (-> this minimap) #f)
(set! (-> this task-counter) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> this ent) arg0)
(go (method-of-object this active))
(defmethod run-logic? ((this level-exit))
"Should this process be run? Checked by execute-process-tree."
(defmethod deactivate ((this level-exit))
"Make a process dead, clean it up, remove it from the active pool, and return to dead pool."
(if (-> this minimap)
(kill-callback (-> *minimap* engine) (-> this minimap))
(call-parent-method this)
(defstate active (level-exit)
:virtual #t
:trans (behavior ()
(set! (-> self task-counter) (-> *game-info* task-counter))
(if *bigmap*
(bigmap-method-16 *bigmap*)
(let ((gp-0 (res-lump-struct (-> self entity) 'on-running structure)))
((or (not gp-0) (and gp-0 (script-eval (the-as pair gp-0))))
(if (not (-> self minimap))
(set! (-> self minimap) (add-icon! *minimap* self (the-as uint 14) (the-as int #f) (the-as vector #t) 0))
(when (-> self minimap)
(logior! (-> self minimap flags) (minimap-flag fade-out))
(set! (-> self minimap) #f)
:code sleep-code