2023-02-13 08:59:07 -07:00

2.9 KiB


A demake of Portal for the Nintendo 64.

How to build

First, you will need to setup Modern SDK.

Next, you will need to download Blender 3.0 or higher. Then set the environment variable BLENDER_3_0 to be the absolute path where the Blender executable is located on your system.

You will need to install Python vpk.

pip install vpk

Install vtf2png, sfz2n64, and skeletool64.

echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://lambertjamesd.github.io/apt/ ./" \
    | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lambertjamesd.list

sudo apt install vtf2png sfz2n64 skeletool64 mpg123

Install ImageMagick.

sudo apt install imagemagick

You then need to add the following files from where Portal is installed to the folder vpk.


Finally, run make to build the project.

Build with Docker

Build the Docker image.

docker build . -t portal64

Then build.

# Set the environment variable

# Build using docker
docker run \
    -v /home/james/Blender/blender-2.93.1-linux-x64:/blender \
    -e BLENDER_3_0 -v /home/james/portal/portal64/vpk:/usr/src/app/vpk \
    -t -v /home/james/portal/portal64/docker-output:/usr/src/app/build portal64

Where /home/james/Blender/blender-2.93.1-linux-x64 is the folder where Blender is located.

/home/james/portal/portal64/vpk is the folder where the portal *.vpk files are located.

/home/james/portal/portal64/docker-output is where you want the output of the build to locate portal.z64 will be put into this folder.

Current TODO list

  • fix chell animation problem (fixed itself, investigate)
  • sound effects for ball

  • Skips audio sometimes
  • Portal not rending recursively sometimes
  • Passing into a ceiling portal can sometimes mess with the player rotation
  • Correct elevator timing
  • Elevator and door sounds
  • Presort portal gun polygon order
  • Signage should not always be on
  • Camera shake
  • first portal wall
  • the cube bounces the player
  • break constraint after large distance
  • prevent objects from pushing the player around
  • Stop looping sounds betwen levels
  • red light district
  • burn marks
  • close portal in elevator
  • keep stationary portal with fizzle grids
  • add more fizzle grids
  • checkpoint in elevator
  • preserve gun between test chambers
  • Finish up animation pieces (collider/portable surface/culling logic)
  • Implement pedestal button
  • Create piston animaiton test
  • Refactor physics to allow swept collision between two dynamic objects
  • Move constaints to be applied right before contact solving