westonCoder b2bde849ba Dynamic Captions Building and Enhancements
- python file added and invoked at make that produces a subtitles.c and subtitles.h synamically based on the closed captions files present inside of the resource/ folder
- added an in-game  slider to choose from the languages which were dynamically loaded at time of building.
- if no closecaption files are present at the time of building, the script will still make the subtitles.c/.h but it just wont have any data. This will also result in the two menu items relating to closed captions being removed.
- the names of subtitles in the .yaml files are the upercase versions of the names of subtitles in each subtitle file, so that they are easy to find.
- fixed margins on sides of subtitles
- fixed color of subtitles to be more visible
- sped up the fade in and out animations.
- automated new-line breaks.

Issues I have seen:
- if you load more than like 6 closed caption languages into the resource/ folder the game doesnt seem to want to start up once built. I think this is due to the sheer size of the subtitles.c file that is generated. I would love some feedback on how to make this work a little better/be more memory efficient, as it would be nice to have every closed caption language available on every build.
- languages with very unique characters (chinese, japanese, korean, greek, etc.) do not work because the python codec that is used to decode/encode the files doesnt support them. for now that logic is in a try/except so it wont fail, it will simply skip a language that is not supported.
2023-10-09 21:09:22 -05:00

233 lines
6.8 KiB

# Portal64
A demake of Portal for the Nintendo 64.
## Overview
This project aims to reproduce Valve's original Portal, playable on the N64. [Releases](https://github.com/lambertjamesd/portal64/releases) of this game are fully playable N64 ROM's that can either be played through an emulator or on a physical N64 game cartridge. Please follow specific release instructions to get ROM running on your target hardware. Because this demake has been in development for many years, it has made significant progress in both gameplay systems and fidelity including:
- Twelve+ test chambers completed
- Fully functioning portals, and gun
- Fully functioning physics engine
- Lighting system
- Main/pause menus
- Sound effects/dialogue
- Cutscenes
- Much more!
This is a community driven project that welcomes any and all game testers and or [Contributors](./CONTRIBUTING.md). Updates are constantly being made to the game, so we recommend checking out the author's [YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@happycoder1989) for the latest updates.
## How to build
First, you will need to setup [Modern SDK](https://crashoveride95.github.io/n64hbrew/modernsdk/startoff.html).
After installing modern sdk you will want to also install
sudo apt install libnustd
Next, you will need to download Blender 3.0 or higher. Then set the environment variable `BLENDER_3_0` to be the absolute path where the Blender executable is located on your system.
sudo apt install blender
e.g. add this to your ~/.bashrc
export BLENDER_3_0="/usr/bin/blender"
<br />
You will need to install Python `vpk`.
pip install vpk
<br />
Install `vtf2png`, `sfz2n64`, and setup `skeletool64`.
echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://lambertjamesd.github.io/apt/ ./" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lambertjamesd.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vtf2png sfz2n64 mpg123 sox imagemagick unzip
<br />
Install lua5.4 (remove other perhaps installed versions first, skelatool64 needs to be build with luac 5.4!)
sudo apt install lua5.4 liblua5.4-dev liblua5.4-0
<br />
Setup and build skelatool64 (the version included in this portal64 repo!)
cd skelatool64
<br />
You will need to install nodejs. You can use apt for this
sudo apt install nodejs
<br />
Optionally, for closed captions you will need to add the following files from where Portal is installed to the folder `resource/`. If no files are placed here Portal64 will still build without them, it simply wont have an option for close captions in the game menu. 2-3 languages seems to work best.
portal/resource/closecaption_<your desired language 1>.txt
portal/resource/closecaption_<your desired language 2>.txt
You then need to add the following files from where Portal is installed to the folder `vpk`. (see vpk/add_vpk_here.md for more details!)
Finally, run `make` to build the project.
# Clean out any previous build files
make clean
# Build (default english audio build)
# In case you have any trouble with ROM running on hardware try
# wine install required to run properly
sudo apt install wine
make fix
Alternatively, you can also build with different audio languages, like this:
make german_audio
make french_audio
make russian_audio
make spanish_audio
This requires additional *.vpk files:
- German:
- French:
- Russian:
- Spanish:
## Build with Docker
Using the docker image the only setup step you need is to populating the vpk folder. After that you can build the docker image using
Build the Docker image.
make -f Makefile.docker image
<br />
Then build the rom using
make -f Makefile.docker
That will generate the rom at `/build/portal64.z64`
<br />
## Current New Feature TODO List
- [ ] rumble pak support?
- [ ] Add auto save checkpoints
- [ ] Correct elevator timing
- [ ] pausing while glados is speaking can end her speech early
- [x] Investigate crash after falling into death water on test chamber 8
- [x] wake up objects after opening a portal under them
- [x] button prompts
- [x] investigate no_portals surface under portal pedestal
- [x] Adding loading notice between levels #45
- [x] clear sleeping object physics flag so buttons in savefiles remain pressed after loading
- [x] ball velocity in test chamber 11
- [x] wall in test chamber 07
- [x] near clipping plane when touching portals git
- [x] investigate failed portal hole in test chamber 04
- [x] Change default controls
- [x] Add particle effects (shooting portal gun, energy pellet)
- [x] increaes collider height
- [x] test chamber 11 is broken
- [x] test chamber 4 has an inverted indicator light sign
- [x] test chamber 4 door doesnt close
- [x] Use a much nearer clipping plane when rendering the portal gun
- [x] test chamber 04 has seams in a corner
- [x] Add puzzle element connections and additional signs
- [x] don't count boxes on buttons until it is released and stable
- [x] Portal not rendering recursively sometimes #138
- [x] disable portal surfaces manually on some surfaces #135
- [x] test chamber 02 needs more light in the first room
- [x] Presort portal gun polygon order #102
## Current New Sounds TODO List
- [ ] Box collision sounds
- [ ] Unstationary scaffolding moving sound
- [ ] Ambient background loop
## Current Bug TODO List (Hardware Verified) (High->Low priority)
----------------------- v8
- [ ] player can clip through back of elevator by jumping and strafeing at the back corners while inside.
- [ ] Two wall portals next to eachother can be used to clip any object out of any level by pushing it into corner, then dropping.
- [ ] Passing into a ceiling portal can sometimes mess with the player rotation
- [ ] various visual glitches when running NTSC on PAL console #65
- [ ] various visual glitches when running PAL on NTSC console #65
- [x] Player can trap themselves in chamber 5 by following instructions issue #75
- [x] Can shoot portals, and walk through signage
- [x] Can place portals on ground after final fizzler on all levels