2020-09-04 16:31:35 -04:00

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Build System

Game Build System. The build system should allow us to

  • automatically extract large asset files from the game so we don't have to keep them in this repository
  • support modifications (adding new files, modifying files, etc)
  • have checks that the resulting data matches the original if expected, assuming no modifications are applied

Intermediate files should go somewhere in data and final files should go in out.

1. C++ Build

All C++ code should be built through cmake, including the compiler, decompiler, runtime, and any tools. It's expected to be built in the build folder.

2. Unpack Assets

This step extracts data from asset files from the game. An asset file is any file that's not a CGO/DGO. All files on the DVD will be in iso_data/, and all unpacked data should go in data/

3. Unpack DGOs

This step extracts data from CGO/DGO files and unpacks it. All unpacked data should go in data/

4. Pack Assets

This step creates final asset files from data in data/. The final files should do in out.

5. Compile GOAL Code / Data

This step creates all the data for the CGOs/DGOs. The compiler will have a big list of files which it will compile in order. Each .gc file contains GOAL code, which is compiled to a GOAL code object (.o file) stored in data/obj. Each .gd file is a "GOAL data description file" which contains a short script to launch the appropriate tool to produce the data object. The objects will also be stored in data/obj, but will have a .go extension.

6. Create CGO/DGOs

This step takes the output from step 5, (stored in data/obj) and creates all the DGO/CGO files, which go in out. The list of what goes in the DGOs is in goal_src/build/dgos.txt.

7. Asset Check

There might be some asset files which we expect to be unchanged between the version in iso_data and in out. At this point we should check if these are actually the same.

8. CGO/DGO check

The data objects contained in CGO/DGO files should be the same between the original version and the ported version. We should go through each CGO/DGO file, look at each object, and if it's a data object, make sure it matches.

What can be worked on now?

C++ Build

Getting more things working on Windows.


The compiler right now only supports GOOS, the macro language. It may be useful to play around with this. There may be missing features or bugs in the language.

Unpack Assets

I imagine that each type of asset file will have its own tool to unpack things. We'll need a master "unpacker" tool which runs the correct tool on each file.

This unpacker could take a config file, maybe JSON?, that says what to do for each file:

{"filename":"MUS/SNOW.MUS", "unpack_tool":"music_unpacker", "destination":"data/music/snow/"... arguments to music_unpacker},

and then would run the correct tool on each file. For starters, we could make a simple unpacking tool named copy that just directly copies the asset file into the data folder.

We could also look into particular files and start writing unpacking tools.

Unpack DGOs

Again, there will be a main tool which runs through each DGO/CGO file, finds data objects, then runs an appropriate unpacking tools based on the type of data object (level, texture, art-group,...). I imagine there would a config file (json maybe?) that looks something like this:

{"dgo":"MAI.DGO", "objects":[{"tpage1234", "texture-unpacker", ...}, {"spider", "art-group-unpacker", ...}]}

My plan for duplicate data objects:

  • When there are duplicates, only one will actually be unpacked
  • Ones that aren't unpacked will be checked if they are the same as the unpacked one to make sure we don't make a mistake
  • The list of which objects should be unpacked vs. checked, and what name the unpacking should get will be determined by the decompiler.
  • If there is an object not in the config file, or a missing object, then there is an error

The actual unpacking tools probably can't be developed until I package up the GOAL disassembler into a usable library, and we probably won't be able to understand the data format until later. We could write a very simple copy unpacker which just copies the object data directly into data and doesn't unpack it at all.

Pack Assets

Again, there will be a main tool which runs the appropriate packer for each file. We could write this main tool, and a copy packer which just copies the exact file in data/ to out/.

Asset Check

Just a tool with a list of asset files to check, does a comparison and reports an error if there is a difference. We might expect some files to change slightly in the PC version, and these will be excluded from the check.


Iterates through objects in the original / rebuilt CGO/DGOs. Code objects are not checked, but data objects are checked. Should also check that the order of objects is the same, and all are present.