ManDude 18ddd1613c
Jak 2 pc subtitle support (#2672)
Adds support for adding custom subtitles to Jak 2 audio. Comes with a
new editor for the new system and format. Compared to the Jak 1 system,
this is much simpler to make an editor for.

Comes with a few subtitles already made as an example.
Cutscenes are not officially supported but you can technically subtitle
those with editor, so please don't right now.

This new system supports multiple subtitles playing at once (even from a
single source!) and will smartly push the subtitles up if there's a
message already playing:



Unlike in Jak 1, it will not hide the bottom HUD when subtitles are


Sadly this leaves us with not much space for the subtitle region (and
the subtitles are shrunk when the minimap is enabled) but when you have
guards and citizens talking all the time, hiding the HUD every time
anyone spoke would get really frustrating.

The subtitle speaker is also color-coded now, because I thought that
would be fun to do.

- [x] proper cutscene support.
- [x] merge mode for cutscenes so we don't have to rewrite the script?


Co-authored-by: Hat Kid <6624576+Hat-Kid@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-06-08 01:04:16 +01:00

1512 lines
48 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: menu.gc
;; name in dgo: menu
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; This file contains the UI and rendering for the debug menu, but not the actual menu layout and callbacks.
;; The "context" is the entire multi-level debug menu. There's a separate context for the main debug and the "popup" menu.
;; A "menu" is a listing of "items".
;; An item is a line in the menu. It can be a flag, function, or variable.
;; this file is debug only
(declare-file (debug))
(declare-type debug-menu basic)
(declare-type debug-menu-item basic)
;; context, menu, and item
;; There is one for the normal menu, and one for the "popup" one that appears when you press L3/R3
;; This stores a stack of open menus in sel-menu.
;; The 0th index is the selection in the root-menu.
(deftype debug-menu-context (basic)
((is-active symbol :offset-assert 4) ;; should we draw?
(sel-length int32 :offset-assert 8) ;; depth of open menus
(sel-menu debug-menu 8 :offset-assert 12) ;; at each level, what is selected?
(root-menu debug-menu :offset-assert 44) ;; the top level menu
(joypad-func (function basic none) :offset-assert 48) ;; if not, #f, callback for getting joystick inputs
(joypad-item basic :offset-assert 52) ;; object passed as arg to joypad-func
(font font-context :offset-assert 56) ;; font rendering settings
(is-hidden symbol :offset-assert 60) ;; set to #t to temporarily hide.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x40
:flag-assert #x900000040
(new (symbol type) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new debug-menu-context ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type))
"Create a new debug-menu-context"
(let ((gp-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> gp-0 is-active) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 is-hidden) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 sel-length) 0)
(set! (-> gp-0 root-menu) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 joypad-func) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 joypad-item) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 font) (new 'debug 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 0 0 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning pc-hack)))
;; Parent type for entrees in the debug-menu tree.
;; This is used for both entries and menus.
;; Items will be periodically "refreshed" to update their color/status.
;; Updating every item on every frame would be slow, so you can set a nonzero value in refresh-delay
;; to only run the refresh every refresh-delay frames.
(deftype debug-menu-node (basic)
((name string :offset-assert 4) ;; if it's an item, this is its name.
(parent debug-menu :offset-assert 8) ;; note: can actually be an item in rare cases
(refresh-delay int32 :offset-assert 12) ;; how many frames to wait before updating
(refresh-ctr int32 :offset-assert 16) ;; how many frames since we updated.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x14
:flag-assert #x900000014
(defmethod print debug-menu-node ((obj debug-menu-node))
(format #t "#<~A ~A @ #x~X>" (-> obj type) (-> obj name) obj)
;; Parent type for a menu (list of things)
(deftype debug-menu (debug-menu-node)
((context debug-menu-context :offset-assert 20)
(selected-item debug-menu-item :offset-assert 24)
(pix-width int32 :offset-assert 28) ;; background draw size
(pix-height int32 :offset-assert 32)
(items pair :offset-assert 36) ;; children.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x28
:flag-assert #x900000028
(new (symbol type debug-menu-context string) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new debug-menu ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (ctxt debug-menu-context) (name string))
"Create a new debug-menu"
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 context) ctxt)
(set! (-> v0-0 name) name)
(set! (-> v0-0 parent) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 selected-item) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 items) '())
;; Parent type for an item (an individual, selectable entry within a menu)
(deftype debug-menu-item (debug-menu-node)
((id int32 :offset-assert 20)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x18
:flag-assert #x900000018
;; An item that opens a submenu.
(deftype debug-menu-item-submenu (debug-menu-item)
((submenu debug-menu :offset-assert 24)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x1c
:flag-assert #x90000001c
(new (symbol type string debug-menu) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new debug-menu-item-submenu ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name string) (menu debug-menu))
"Create an item that opens the given menu."
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 name) name)
(set! (-> v0-0 parent) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 refresh-delay) 0)
(set! (-> v0-0 refresh-ctr) (-> v0-0 refresh-delay))
(set! (-> v0-0 submenu) menu)
;; in this case, the submenu's parent is set to the item, not a menu.
;; it's possible that the type of parent here is just debug-menu-node, but this value is never used.
(set! (-> v0-0 submenu parent) (the-as debug-menu v0-0))
;; Items
(defenum debug-menu-msg
:type int32
(activate 1)
(deactivate 2)
(update 3)
(press 4)
;; An item that calls a function when you select it.
(deftype debug-menu-item-function (debug-menu-item)
((activate-func (function object object) :offset-assert 24)
(hilite-timer int8 :offset-assert 28) ;; how much longer to stay highlighted for.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x1d
:flag-assert #x90000001d
(new (symbol type string object (function object object)) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new debug-menu-item-function ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name string) id (func (function object object)))
"Create an item for a function."
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> obj name) name)
(set! (-> obj parent) #f)
(set! (-> obj refresh-delay) 0)
(set! (-> obj refresh-ctr) (-> obj refresh-delay))
(set! (-> obj id) (the-as int id))
(set! (-> obj activate-func) func)
(set! (-> obj hilite-timer) 0)
;; An item with on/off state.
(deftype debug-menu-item-flag (debug-menu-item)
((activate-func (function object debug-menu-msg object) :offset-assert 24)
(is-on object :offset-assert 28)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x20
:flag-assert #x900000020
(new (symbol type string object (function object debug-menu-msg object)) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new debug-menu-item-flag ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name string) id (func (function object debug-menu-msg object)))
"Create a new item for a flag. By default, the refresh-delay is set to 23."
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 name) name)
(set! (-> v0-0 parent) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 refresh-delay) (#if PC_PORT 1 23))
(set! (-> v0-0 refresh-ctr) (-> v0-0 refresh-delay))
(set! (-> v0-0 id) (the-as int id))
(set! (-> v0-0 activate-func) func)
(set! (-> v0-0 is-on) #f)
;; An item that modifies a variable
(deftype debug-menu-item-var (debug-menu-item)
((display-str string :offset-assert 24) ;; the value as a string, to draw
(grabbed-joypad-p symbol :offset-assert 28)
(float-p symbol :offset-assert 32) ;; treat as float
(range-p symbol :offset-assert 36)
(show-len int32 :offset-assert 40)
(inc-delay int32 :offset-assert 44)
(inc-delay-ctr int32 :offset-assert 48)
(step-delay-ctr int32 :offset-assert 52)
(inc-dir int32 :offset-assert 56)
(fval float :offset-assert 60)
(fundo-val float :offset-assert 64)
(frange-min float :offset-assert 68)
(frange-max float :offset-assert 72)
(fstart-inc float :offset-assert 76)
(fstep float :offset-assert 80)
(fprecision int32 :offset-assert 84)
(factivate-func (function int debug-menu-msg float float float) :offset-assert 88)
(ival int32 :offset 60)
(iundo-val int32 :offset 64)
(irange-min int32 :offset 68)
(irange-max int32 :offset 72)
(istart-inc int32 :offset 76)
(istep int32 :offset 80)
(ihex-p symbol :offset-assert 92) ;; treat as hex
(iactivate-func (function int debug-menu-msg int int int) :offset 88)
(ifloat-p symbol :offset-assert 96) ;; treat as fixed point.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x64
:flag-assert #x900000064
(new (symbol type string int int) _type_ 0)
(defenum debug-menu-dest
:type int32
(root 1)
(open-menus 2)
(current-selection 3)
(activation 0)
(define-extern debug-menu-context-send-msg (function debug-menu-context debug-menu-msg debug-menu-dest debug-menu-context))
(define-extern debug-menu-item-send-msg (function debug-menu-item debug-menu-msg debug-menu-item))
;; Variable Menu Setup
(defun debug-menu-item-var-update-display-str ((arg0 debug-menu-item-var))
"Update display-str to the current value of the variable"
((-> arg0 float-p)
(format (clear (-> arg0 display-str)) "~f" (-> arg0 fval))
((-> arg0 ihex-p)
(format (clear (-> arg0 display-str)) "x~X" (-> arg0 fval))
((-> arg0 ifloat-p)
((and (< (the-as int (-> arg0 fval)) 0)
(< -100 (the-as int (-> arg0 fval)))
(let ((v1-8 (abs (the-as int (-> arg0 fval)))))
(format (clear (-> arg0 display-str)) "-0.~1d" (/ (mod v1-8 100) 10))
(let ((v1-12 (abs (the-as int (-> arg0 fval)))))
(format (clear (-> arg0 display-str)) "~2d.~1d" (/ (the-as int (-> arg0 fval)) 100) (/ (mod v1-12 100) 10))
(format (clear (-> arg0 display-str)) "~D" (-> arg0 fval))
(defun debug-menu-item-var-make-int
((item debug-menu-item-var)
(callback (function int debug-menu-msg int int int)) ;; args are id, msg, value?, value?
(inc int)
(has-range symbol)
(range-min int)
(range-max int)
(hex symbol)
"Set up the given item as an integer variable"
(set! (-> item float-p) #f)
(set! (-> item range-p) has-range)
(set! (-> item irange-min) range-min)
(set! (-> item irange-max) range-max)
(set! (-> item istart-inc) inc)
(set! (-> item istep) inc)
(set! (-> item ihex-p) hex)
(set! (-> item iactivate-func) callback)
(set! (-> item ival) range-min)
(set! (-> item ival) 0)
;; initialize with the callback.
(if callback
(set! (-> item ival) (callback (-> item id) (debug-menu-msg update) (-> item ival) (-> item ival)))
(debug-menu-item-var-update-display-str item)
(defun debug-menu-item-var-make-float
((item debug-menu-item-var)
(callback (function int debug-menu-msg float float float))
(inc float)
(has-range symbol)
(range-min float)
(range-max float)
(precision int)
"Set up the given item as a float variable"
(set! (-> item float-p) #t)
(set! (-> item range-p) has-range)
(set! (-> item frange-min) range-min)
(set! (-> item frange-max) range-max)
(set! (-> item fstart-inc) inc)
(set! (-> item fstep) inc)
(set! (-> item fprecision) precision)
(set! (-> item factivate-func) callback)
(if has-range
(set! (-> item fval) range-min)
(set! (-> item fval) 0.0)
;; note: the return value of the callback is treated as an integer and int->float converted. This is a bug in the original code.
(if callback
(set! (-> item fval)
(the float (the-as int (callback (-> item id) (debug-menu-msg update) (-> item fval) (-> item fval))))
(debug-menu-item-var-update-display-str item)
(defmethod new debug-menu-item-var ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name string) (id int) (max-width int))
"Create a new item for modifying a variable. Will default to int."
(let ((gp-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(let ((max-chars (/ max-width 8)))
(set! (-> gp-0 name) name)
(set! (-> gp-0 parent) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 refresh-delay) (#if PC_PORT 1 31))
(set! (-> gp-0 refresh-ctr) (-> gp-0 refresh-delay))
(set! (-> gp-0 id) id)
(set! max-chars
(if (< 3 max-chars)
(set! (-> gp-0 show-len) max-chars)
(set! (-> gp-0 grabbed-joypad-p) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 ifloat-p) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 display-str) (new 'debug 'string 64 (the-as string #f)))
(debug-menu-item-var-make-int gp-0 (the-as (function int debug-menu-msg int int int) #f) 1 #t 0 0 #f)
;; joypad grabbing
(defun debug-menu-context-grab-joypad ((ctxt debug-menu-context) (callback-arg basic) (callback-func (function basic none)))
"Set up this context to be controlled from a joypad. If we are already, return #f, otherwise return #t"
((-> ctxt joypad-func)
(set! (-> ctxt joypad-func) callback-func)
(set! (-> ctxt joypad-item) callback-arg)
(defun debug-menu-context-release-joypad ((ctxt debug-menu-context))
"Remove joypad control from this context"
(set! (-> ctxt joypad-func) #f)
(set! (-> ctxt joypad-item) #f)
;; menu building
(defun debug-menu-item-get-max-width ((arg0 debug-menu-item) (arg1 debug-menu))
"Determine the width, in screen units"
((= (-> arg0 type) debug-menu-item-submenu)
(+ (the int (get-string-length (-> arg0 name) (-> arg1 context font))) 16)
((= (-> arg0 type) debug-menu-item-var)
(the int (get-string-length (-> (the-as debug-menu-item-var arg0) display-str) (-> arg1 context font)))
(+ (the int (get-string-length (-> arg0 name) (-> arg1 context font))) 6)
(defun debug-menu-context-default-selection ((ctxt debug-menu-context) (keep-current symbol))
"Set the menu to a default selection.
If keep-current-selection is set to #t, this will only change the selection if nothing is selected yet."
;; sel-length = 0 means nothing is selected
(when (or (zero? (-> ctxt sel-length)) (not keep-current))
(let ((menu (-> ctxt root-menu)))
;; check that we have a menu with items
(when (and menu (not (null? (-> menu items))))
(let ((currently-active (-> ctxt is-active)))
;; if we're active, deactivate it
(if currently-active
(debug-menu-context-send-msg ctxt (debug-menu-msg deactivate) (debug-menu-dest activation))
;; reset the selection stack down to a single thing, just the root menu.
(set! (-> ctxt sel-length) 1)
(set! (-> ctxt sel-menu 0) menu)
;; select the first thing within the root menu
(set! (-> menu selected-item)
(the-as debug-menu-item (car (-> menu items)))
;; if we were active, activate again.
(if currently-active
(debug-menu-context-send-msg ctxt (debug-menu-msg activate) (debug-menu-dest activation))
(defun debug-menu-rebuild ((menu debug-menu))
"Set the width and height of the background. If needed, completely reset the menu."
(let ((max-width 0)
(entry-count 0)
;; loop over entries
(let* ((iter (-> menu items))
(current-item (car iter))
(while (not (null? iter))
(+! entry-count 1)
;; link to parent
(set! (-> (the-as debug-menu-item current-item) parent) menu)
(set! max-width (max max-width (debug-menu-item-get-max-width (the-as debug-menu-item current-item) menu)))
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(set! current-item (car iter))
(set! (-> menu pix-width) (+ max-width 18))
(set! (-> menu pix-height) (+ (* entry-count 8) 6))
(let ((a0-2 (-> menu context)))
;; will only reset to default if nothing is selected.
(debug-menu-context-default-selection a0-2 #t)
(defun debug-menu-context-set-root-menu ((context debug-menu-context) (menu debug-menu))
"Set the root menu and reset everything."
;; deactivate, if we are active
(let ((active (-> context is-active)))
(if active
(debug-menu-context-send-msg context (debug-menu-msg deactivate) (debug-menu-dest activation)))
;; the actual set
(set! (-> context root-menu) menu)
;; reset
(debug-menu-context-default-selection context #f)
;; activate if needed
(if active
(debug-menu-context-send-msg context (debug-menu-msg activate) (debug-menu-dest activation))
(defun debug-menu-append-item ((menu debug-menu) (item debug-menu-node))
"Add an entry to the debug menu."
(let* ((context (-> menu context))
(was-active (-> context is-active))
(if was-active
(debug-menu-context-send-msg context (debug-menu-msg deactivate) (debug-menu-dest activation))
(set! (-> item parent) menu)
(set! (-> menu items) (the-as pair (append! (-> menu items) (dcons item '())))) ;; was normal cons
(debug-menu-rebuild menu)
(if was-active
(debug-menu-context-send-msg context (debug-menu-msg activate) (debug-menu-dest activation))
(defun debug-menu-remove-all-items ((arg0 debug-menu))
"Remove all the items from a menu"
(let* ((gp-0 (-> arg0 context))
(s4-0 (-> gp-0 is-active))
(if s4-0
(debug-menu-context-send-msg gp-0 (debug-menu-msg deactivate) (debug-menu-dest activation))
(set! (-> arg0 items) '())
(set! (-> arg0 selected-item) #f)
(debug-menu-rebuild arg0)
(if s4-0
(debug-menu-context-send-msg gp-0 (debug-menu-msg activate) (debug-menu-dest activation))
(defun debug-menu-func-decode ((arg0 object))
"Get a function. The input can be a symbol or a function. Otherwise it will give you the nothing function."
(let ((v1-1 (rtype-of arg0)))
(the-as function
((or (= v1-1 symbol) (= v1-1 type))
(-> (the-as symbol arg0) value)
((= v1-1 function)
(defun-recursive debug-menu-make-from-template debug-menu-node ((arg0 debug-menu-context) (arg1 pair))
"Make a debug menu from static layout data. The keys are:
- menu : make a new submenu
- main-menu : make the root menu
- flag - flag entry
- function - function entry
- var, int-var, int-var-gat1, hex-var, float-var, flat-fixed-var"
(s5-0 debug-menu-node)
(sv-16 object)
(sv-32 int)
(sv-48 float)
(sv-64 float)
(sv-80 float)
(sv-96 float)
(when (or (not arg1) (null? arg1))
(set! s5-0 (the-as debug-menu-node #f))
(goto cfg-41)
(let ((s4-0 (car arg1))
(s5-1 (the-as string (cadr arg1)))
((= s4-0 'menu)
(let ((s4-1 (new 'debug 'debug-menu arg0 s5-1)))
(set! s5-0 (new 'debug 'debug-menu-item-submenu s5-1 s4-1))
(let* ((gp-1 (cddr arg1))
(a1-3 (car gp-1))
(while (not (null? gp-1))
(let ((a1-4 (debug-menu-make-from-template arg0 (the-as pair a1-3))))
(if a1-4
(debug-menu-append-item s4-1 (the-as debug-menu-item a1-4))
(set! gp-1 (cdr gp-1))
(set! a1-3 (car gp-1))
((= s4-0 'main-menu)
(set! s5-0 (new 'debug 'debug-menu arg0 s5-1))
(let* ((gp-2 (cddr arg1))
(a1-6 (car gp-2))
(while (not (null? gp-2))
(let ((a1-7 (debug-menu-make-from-template arg0 (the-as pair a1-6))))
(if a1-7
(debug-menu-append-item (the-as debug-menu s5-0) (the-as debug-menu-item a1-7))
(set! gp-2 (cdr gp-2))
(set! a1-6 (car gp-2))
(debug-menu-context-set-root-menu arg0 (the-as debug-menu s5-0))
(set! s5-0 (cond
((= s4-0 'flag)
(new 'debug 'debug-menu-item-flag
(the-as int (caddr arg1))
(the (function int debug-menu-msg object) (debug-menu-func-decode (cadddr arg1)))
((or (= s4-0 0) (= s4-0 'function))
(new 'debug 'debug-menu-item-function
(the-as int (caddr arg1))
(the (function int object) (debug-menu-func-decode (cadddr arg1)))
((= s4-0 'var)
(new 'debug 'debug-menu-item-var s5-1 (the-as int (caddr arg1)) (the-as int (cadddr arg1)))
((or (= s4-0 'int-var)
(= s4-0 'int-var-gat1)
(= s4-0 'hex-var)
(set! s5-0 (new 'debug 'debug-menu-item-var s5-1 (the-as int (caddr arg1)) (the-as int (ref arg1 4))))
(the-as debug-menu-item-var s5-0)
(the-as (function int debug-menu-msg int int int) (debug-menu-func-decode (cadddr arg1)))
(/ (the-as int (ref arg1 5)) 8)
(the-as symbol (ref arg1 6))
(/ (the-as int (ref arg1 7)) 8)
(/ (the-as int (ref arg1 8)) 8)
(= s4-0 'hex-var)
;; changed... i have no idea what they were trying to do here
(set! (-> (the-as debug-menu-item-var s5-0) ifloat-p) (= s4-0 'int-var-gat1));;#t)
((= s4-0 'float-var)
(set! s5-0 (new 'debug 'debug-menu-item-var s5-1 (the-as int (caddr arg1)) (the-as int (ref arg1 4))))
(the-as debug-menu-item-var s5-0)
(the-as (function int debug-menu-msg float float float) (debug-menu-func-decode (cadddr arg1)))
(the float (/ (the-as int (ref arg1 5)) 8))
(the-as symbol (ref arg1 6))
(the float (/ (the-as int (ref arg1 7)) 8))
(the float (/ (the-as int (ref arg1 8)) 8))
(/ (the-as int (ref arg1 9)) 8)
((= s4-0 'float-fixed-var)
(set! s5-0 (new 'debug 'debug-menu-item-var s5-1 (the-as int (caddr arg1)) (the-as int (ref arg1 4))))
(the-as debug-menu-item-var s5-0)
(the-as (function int debug-menu-msg float float float) (debug-menu-func-decode (cadddr arg1)))
(* 0.001 (the float (/ (the-as int (ref arg1 5)) 8)))
(the-as symbol (ref arg1 6))
(* 0.001 (the float (/ (the-as int (ref arg1 7)) 8)))
(* 0.001 (the float (/ (the-as int (ref arg1 8)) 8)))
(/ (the-as int (ref arg1 9)) 8)
(the-as debug-menu-node #f)
(label cfg-41)
(defun debug-menu-find-from-template ((arg0 debug-menu-context) (arg1 pair))
"Find a debug-menu that was added by a template. This could be used to modify it after,
for example to add in options that might not be known at compile-time."
(let ((s4-0 (the-as object (-> arg0 root-menu))))
(while (begin (label cfg-17)
(and s4-0 (type-type? (-> (the-as debug-menu-node s4-0) type) debug-menu)
(not (null? arg1))
(let ((s3-0 (-> (the-as debug-menu s4-0) items))
(s4-1 (the-as string (car arg1)))
(set! arg1 (cdr arg1))
(let ((s5-0 (car s3-0)))
(while (not (null? s3-0))
(string= s4-1 (-> (the-as debug-menu-item s5-0) name))
(if (type-type? (rtype-of s5-0) debug-menu-item-submenu)
(set! s4-0 (-> (the-as debug-menu-item-submenu s5-0) submenu))
(set! s4-0 s5-0)
(goto cfg-17)
(set! s3-0 (cdr s3-0))
(set! s5-0 (car s3-0))
(set! s4-0 #f)
(goto cfg-24)
(label cfg-24)
(the-as debug-menu s4-0)
;; rendering
(defun debug-menu-item-submenu-render ((item debug-menu-item-submenu) (x int) (y int) (submenus int) (selected symbol))
"Draw the text for a submenu. Like Render...
The submenus parameter is the number of _open_ menus below the one containing this item"
(let ((s5-0 (-> item parent context font)))
(set-origin! s5-0 x y)
(set! (-> s5-0 color) (cond ((zero? submenus) (font-color menu)) ;; in the active menu, white
(selected (font-color menu-selected-parent)) ;; a parent, but selected
(else (font-color menu-parent)) ;; a parent, but not selected
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s3-0 (-> (current-frame) debug-buf))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf))
(draw-string-adv (-> item name) s3-0 s5-0)
(draw-string-adv "..." s3-0 s5-0)
(defun debug-menu-item-function-render ((item debug-menu-item-function) (x int) (y int) (submenus int) (selected symbol))
"Draw the text for a function entry. Also updates the timer for the highlight."
(let ((v1-2 (-> item parent context font)))
(set-origin! v1-2 x y)
(set! (-> v1-2 color)
((> (-> item hilite-timer) 0)
;; if the hilite is >0, we ran the function successfully, so we hilite in blue for a bit
(1-! (-> item hilite-timer))
(font-color menu-selected)
((< (-> item hilite-timer) 0)
;; if we're negative, it failed, so hilite in red
(1+! (-> item hilite-timer))
(font-color menu-func-bad)
((nonzero? submenus)
;; in a parent menu
(font-color menu-parent)
;; option in the active menu.
(font-color menu)
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s4-0 (-> (current-frame) debug-buf))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf))
(draw-string (-> item name) s4-0 v1-2)
(defun debug-menu-item-flag-render ((item debug-menu-item-flag) (x int) (y int) (submenus int) (arg4 symbol))
"Draw the text for a flag."
(let ((v1-2 (-> item parent context font)))
(set-origin! v1-2 x y)
(set! (-> v1-2 color)
((= (-> item is-on) 'invalid)
(font-color menu-invalid) ;; can't use this one.
((-> item is-on)
(if (zero? submenus)
(font-color menu-flag-on) ;; on, and in active menu
(font-color menu-flag-on-parent) ;; on, and in parent menu
((zero? submenus)
(font-color menu-flag-off) ;; off, and in active menu
(font-color menu-flag-off-parent) ;; off, and in parent menu
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s4-0 (-> (current-frame) debug-buf))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf))
(draw-string (-> item name) s4-0 v1-2)
(defun debug-menu-item-var-render ((item debug-menu-item-var) (x int) (y int) (submenus int) (selected symbol))
"Draw the text for a variable"
(let ((s5-0 (-> item parent context font)))
(set-origin! s5-0 x y)
(set! (-> s5-0 color)
((zero? submenus)
(if (-> item grabbed-joypad-p)
(font-color menu-selected) ;; active menu, using joypad
(font-color menu) ;; active menu, but not grabbed
(font-color menu-selected-parent) ;; not sure how this case can happen
(font-color menu-parent)
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s1-0 (-> (current-frame) debug-buf))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf))
(draw-string-adv (-> item name) s1-0 s5-0)
(draw-string-adv ":" s1-0 s5-0)
((>= (-> item show-len) (length (-> item display-str)))
;; enough room to just draw the whole thing
(draw-string (-> item display-str) s1-0 s5-0)
;; not enough room. normally just draw ...
(draw-string "..." s1-0 s5-0)
;; display the whole thing if: we're selected and there are no submenus.
(set! selected (and (zero? submenus) selected))
(when selected
(set-origin! s5-0 20 204)
(draw-string-adv (-> item name) s1-0 s5-0)
(draw-string-adv ":" s1-0 s5-0)
(draw-string (-> item display-str) s1-0 s5-0)
(defun debug-menu-item-render ((item debug-menu-item) (x int) (y int) (submenus int) (selected symbol))
"Draw an item. This feels like it should have been a method..."
;; do a refresh, if it's time.
(when (> (-> item refresh-delay) 0)
(+! (-> item refresh-ctr) -1)
(when (<= (-> item refresh-ctr) 0)
(set! (-> item refresh-ctr) (-> item refresh-delay))
(debug-menu-item-send-msg item (debug-menu-msg update))
;; call the appropriate render function.
((= (-> item type) debug-menu-item-submenu)
(debug-menu-item-submenu-render (the-as debug-menu-item-submenu item) x y submenus selected)
((= (-> item type) debug-menu-item-function)
(debug-menu-item-function-render (the-as debug-menu-item-function item) x y submenus selected)
((= (-> item type) debug-menu-item-flag)
(the-as debug-menu-item-flag item) x y submenus selected)
((= (-> item type) debug-menu-item-var)
(debug-menu-item-var-render (the-as debug-menu-item-var item) x y submenus selected)
(format 0 "ERROR: Found unknown item type!~%")
(defun debug-menu-render ((menu debug-menu) (x-pos int) (y-pos int) (selected debug-menu-node) (submenus int))
"Render a menu."
;; draw the background
(let ((v1-0 0))
(let* ((a0-1 (-> menu items))
(a1-1 (car a0-1))
(while (not (null? a0-1))
(if (= a1-1 selected)
(goto cfg-7)
(+! v1-0 1)
(set! a0-1 (cdr a0-1))
(set! a1-1 (car a0-1))
(label cfg-7)
(if (< 16 v1-0)
(set! y-pos (- y-pos (* (+ v1-0 -16) 8)))
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s0-0 (-> (current-frame) debug-buf))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf))
;; PC PORT : fixed for widescreen
(draw-sprite2d-xy s0-0 (correct-x-int x-pos) y-pos (correct-x-int (-> menu pix-width)) (-> menu pix-height) (static-rgba #x00 #x00 #x00 #x40))
;; draw each item
(let* ((s3-1 (+ x-pos 3))
(s2-1 (+ y-pos 3))
(s1-1 (-> menu items))
(s0-1 (car s1-1))
(while (not (null? s1-1))
;; draw > on the selected object
(when (= s0-1 selected)
;; dim it if it's in a parent menu.
(set! (-> menu context font color)
(if (nonzero? submenus)
(font-color menu-parent)
(font-color menu)
(set-origin! (-> menu context font) s3-1 s2-1)
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((sv-16 (-> (current-frame) debug-buf))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf))
(draw-string ">" sv-16 (-> menu context font))
;; actually draw the item.
;; PC PORT note : do not render if text is out of bounds...
(when (and (< -20 s2-1) (> 256 s2-1))
(debug-menu-item-render (the-as debug-menu-item s0-1) (+ s3-1 12) s2-1 submenus (= s0-1 selected))
(+! s2-1 8)
(set! s1-1 (cdr s1-1))
(set! s0-1 (car s1-1))
(defun debug-menu-context-render ((arg0 debug-menu-context))
"Render all menus"
(let ((x-pos 6))
;; loop down the stack of menus
(dotimes (stack-idx (-> arg0 sel-length))
;; the menu being drawn at this depth
(let ((menu (-> arg0 sel-menu stack-idx)))
;; the thing that's selected at this depth.
(let ((selection (-> menu selected-item)))
(debug-menu-render menu x-pos 28 selection (+ (- -1 stack-idx) (-> arg0 sel-length)))
(set! x-pos (+ x-pos 3 (-> menu pix-width)))
;; navigate
(defun debug-menu-context-select-next-or-prev-item ((arg0 debug-menu-context) (arg1 int))
"Go up or down 1 in the currently open thing. The sign of arg1 determines direction"
(local-vars (v1-6 object))
;; search for the currently selected thing.
(let ((s5-0 (-> arg0 sel-menu (+ (-> arg0 sel-length) -1))))
(let ((a2-0 (-> s5-0 selected-item))
(a0-1 '()) ;; thing before selection
(v1-4 '()) ;; current selection
(let ((a3-0 (-> s5-0 items)))
(while (not (null? a3-0))
(if (= (car a3-0) a2-0)
(set! v1-4 a3-0)
(goto cfg-7)
(set! a0-1 a3-0)
(set! a3-0 (cdr a3-0))
(label cfg-7)
(if (null? v1-4)
(format 0 "ERROR: Couldn't find selected item in menu.~%")
(set! arg0 arg0)
(goto cfg-19)
((>= arg1 0)
(if (null? (cdr v1-4))
(set! v1-6 (car (-> s5-0 items))) ;; wrap
(set! v1-6 (car (cdr v1-4))) ;; get next
((null? a0-1)
(set! v1-6 (car (last (-> s5-0 items)))) ;; wrap backward
(set! v1-6 (car a0-1)) ;; get prev.
(set! (-> s5-0 selected-item) (the-as debug-menu-item v1-6))
(label cfg-19)
(defun debug-menu-context-select-new-item ((arg0 debug-menu-context) (arg1 int))
(let* ((a2-0 (-> arg0 sel-menu (+ (-> arg0 sel-length) -1)))
(a1-1 (-> a2-0 selected-item))
(a0-1 0)
(v1-4 -1)
(let ((a2-1 (-> a2-0 items)))
(while (not (null? a2-1))
(if (= (car a2-1) a1-1)
(set! v1-4 a0-1)
(set! a2-1 (cdr a2-1))
(+! a0-1 1)
(if (= v1-4 -1)
(format 0 "ERROR: Couldn't find selected item in menu.~%")
(set! arg0 arg0)
(goto cfg-25)
((>= arg1 0)
((= v1-4 (+ a0-1 -1))
(set! arg1 1)
((>= (+ v1-4 arg1) a0-1)
(set! arg1 (+ (- -1 v1-4) a0-1))
(dotimes (s4-0 arg1)
(debug-menu-context-select-next-or-prev-item arg0 1)
((zero? v1-4)
(set! arg1 -1)
((< (+ v1-4 arg1) 0)
(set! arg1 (- v1-4))
(dotimes (s4-1 (- arg1))
(debug-menu-context-select-next-or-prev-item arg0 -1)
(label cfg-25)
(defun debug-menu-context-open-submenu ((arg0 debug-menu-context) (arg1 debug-menu))
(let ((v1-0 (-> arg0 sel-length)))
(when (>= v1-0 8)
(format 0 "ERROR: Trying to exceed maximum menu depth!")
(return arg1)
(when (null? (-> arg1 items))
(format 0 "ERROR: Submenu has no items!")
(return arg1)
(set! (-> arg0 sel-menu v1-0) arg1)
(if (not (-> arg1 selected-item))
(set! (-> arg1 selected-item) (the-as debug-menu-item (-> arg1 items car)))
(set! (-> arg0 sel-length) (+ v1-0 1))
(debug-menu-context-send-msg arg0 (debug-menu-msg activate) (debug-menu-dest current-selection))
(defun debug-menu-context-close-submenu ((arg0 debug-menu-context))
(debug-menu-context-send-msg arg0 (debug-menu-msg deactivate) (debug-menu-dest current-selection))
(if (< 1 (-> arg0 sel-length))
(+! (-> arg0 sel-length) -1)
;; message handling
;; items each have their own handlers for messages.
(defun debug-menu-item-submenu-msg ((arg0 debug-menu-item-submenu) (arg1 debug-menu-msg))
;; on press, open the submenu
(when (= arg1 (debug-menu-msg press))
(let ((a0-1 (-> arg0 parent context)))
(debug-menu-context-open-submenu a0-1 (-> arg0 submenu))
(defun debug-menu-item-function-msg ((arg0 debug-menu-item-function) (arg1 debug-menu-msg))
((= arg1 (debug-menu-msg press))
;; on press, call the function!
((-> arg0 activate-func)
(if ((-> arg0 activate-func) (-> arg0 id))
(set! (-> arg0 hilite-timer) 6)
(set! (-> arg0 hilite-timer) -6)
(set! (-> arg0 hilite-timer) -6)
((= arg1 (debug-menu-msg deactivate))
;; on deactivate, clear hilite.
(set! (-> arg0 hilite-timer) 0)
(defun debug-menu-item-flag-msg ((arg0 debug-menu-item-flag) (arg1 debug-menu-msg))
((= arg1 (debug-menu-msg press))
;; on press, call the function.
(if (-> arg0 activate-func)
(set! (-> arg0 is-on) ((-> arg0 activate-func) (-> arg0 id) (debug-menu-msg press)))
;; also update all open menus.
(let ((a0-2 (-> arg0 parent context)))
(debug-menu-msg update)
(debug-menu-dest open-menus)
((or (= arg1 (debug-menu-msg update)) (= arg1 (debug-menu-msg activate)))
;; just query the value.
(if (-> arg0 activate-func)
(set! (-> arg0 is-on) ((-> arg0 activate-func) (-> arg0 id) (debug-menu-msg update)))
;; update the refresh counter.
(set! (-> arg0 refresh-ctr) (-> arg0 refresh-delay))
;; joypad handling
(defun debug-menu-item-var-joypad-handler ((arg0 debug-menu-item-var))
"Handle joypad inputs for a variable"
((not (cpad-hold? 0 x))
(let ((a0-1 (-> arg0 parent context)))
(debug-menu-context-release-joypad a0-1)
(set! (-> arg0 grabbed-joypad-p) #f)
(when (cpad-pressed? 0 circle)
((-> arg0 float-p)
(if (-> arg0 factivate-func)
(set! (-> arg0 fval) ((-> arg0 factivate-func) (-> arg0 id) (debug-menu-msg press) (-> arg0 fundo-val) (-> arg0 fval)))
(if (-> arg0 iactivate-func)
(set! (-> arg0 ival) ((-> arg0 iactivate-func) (-> arg0 id) (debug-menu-msg press) (-> arg0 iundo-val) (-> arg0 ival)))
(debug-menu-item-var-update-display-str arg0)
(let ((a0-5 (-> arg0 parent context)))
(debug-menu-context-send-msg a0-5 (debug-menu-msg update) (debug-menu-dest open-menus))
((or (cpad-hold? 0 right)
(cpad-hold? 0 left)
(cpad-hold? 0 down)
(cpad-hold? 0 up)
(let ((v1-39 (cond
((cpad-hold? 0 right) 10)
((cpad-hold? 0 up) 1)
((cpad-hold? 0 down) -1)
(else -10)
(when (!= v1-39 (-> arg0 inc-dir))
(set! (-> arg0 inc-dir) v1-39)
(set! (-> arg0 inc-delay) 15)
(set! (-> arg0 inc-delay-ctr) 0)
(set! (-> arg0 step-delay-ctr) 30)
(set! (-> arg0 fstep) (-> arg0 fstart-inc))
(set! (-> arg0 fstep) (-> arg0 fstart-inc))
((<= (-> arg0 inc-delay-ctr) 0)
(if (> (-> arg0 inc-delay) 0)
(+! (-> arg0 inc-delay) -1)
(when (zero? (-> arg0 inc-delay))
((<= (-> arg0 step-delay-ctr) 0)
(set! (-> arg0 step-delay-ctr) 30)
((-> arg0 float-p)
(if (< (-> arg0 fstep) 10000000.0)
(set! (-> arg0 fstep) (* 2.0 (-> arg0 fstep)))
(if (< (-> arg0 istep) 10000000)
(set! (-> arg0 istep) (* 2 (-> arg0 istep)))
(+! (-> arg0 step-delay-ctr) -1)
(set! (-> arg0 inc-delay-ctr) (-> arg0 inc-delay))
((-> arg0 float-p)
(when (-> arg0 factivate-func)
(let ((f0-8 (+ (-> arg0 fval) (* (the float (-> arg0 inc-dir)) (-> arg0 fstep)))))
(if (-> arg0 range-p)
(fmin (fmax f0-8 (-> arg0 frange-min)) (-> arg0 frange-max))
(set! (-> arg0 fval) ((-> arg0 factivate-func) (-> arg0 id) (debug-menu-msg press) f0-8 (-> arg0 fval)))
(when (-> arg0 iactivate-func)
(let ((a2-4 (+ (-> arg0 ival) (* (-> arg0 inc-dir) (-> arg0 istep)))))
(if (-> arg0 range-p)
(set! a2-4 (min (max a2-4 (-> arg0 irange-min)) (-> arg0 irange-max)))
(set! (-> arg0 ival) ((-> arg0 iactivate-func) (-> arg0 id) (debug-menu-msg press) a2-4 (-> arg0 ival)))
(debug-menu-item-var-update-display-str arg0)
(let ((a0-20 (-> arg0 parent context)))
(debug-menu-context-send-msg a0-20 (debug-menu-msg update) (debug-menu-dest current-selection))
(+! (-> arg0 inc-delay-ctr) -1)
(set! (-> arg0 inc-dir) 0)
(defun debug-menu-item-var-msg ((arg0 debug-menu-item-var) (arg1 debug-menu-msg))
((= arg1 (debug-menu-msg deactivate))
(when (-> arg0 grabbed-joypad-p)
(let ((a0-1 (-> arg0 parent context)))
(debug-menu-context-release-joypad a0-1)
(set! (-> arg0 grabbed-joypad-p) #f)
((= arg1 (debug-menu-msg press))
(when (not (-> arg0 grabbed-joypad-p))
(let ((a0-2 (-> arg0 parent context)))
(when (debug-menu-context-grab-joypad a0-2 arg0 (the (function basic none) debug-menu-item-var-joypad-handler))
(set! (-> arg0 grabbed-joypad-p) #t)
(set! (-> arg0 fundo-val) (-> arg0 fval))
(set! (-> arg0 fundo-val) (-> arg0 fval))
(set! (-> arg0 inc-dir) 0)
((or (= arg1 (debug-menu-msg update)) (= arg1 (debug-menu-msg activate)))
((-> arg0 float-p)
(if (-> arg0 factivate-func)
(set! (-> arg0 fval) ((-> arg0 factivate-func) (-> arg0 id) (debug-menu-msg update) (-> arg0 fval) (-> arg0 fval)))
(if (-> arg0 iactivate-func)
(set! (-> arg0 ival) ((-> arg0 iactivate-func) (-> arg0 id) (debug-menu-msg update) (-> arg0 ival) (-> arg0 ival)))
(debug-menu-item-var-update-display-str arg0)
(set! (-> arg0 refresh-ctr) (-> arg0 refresh-delay))
(defun debug-menu-item-send-msg ((arg0 debug-menu-item) (arg1 debug-menu-msg))
"Call the appropriate message handler for the given item."
((= (-> arg0 type) debug-menu-item-submenu)
(debug-menu-item-submenu-msg (the-as debug-menu-item-submenu arg0) arg1)
((= (-> arg0 type) debug-menu-item-function)
(debug-menu-item-function-msg (the-as debug-menu-item-function arg0) arg1)
((= (-> arg0 type) debug-menu-item-flag)
(debug-menu-item-flag-msg (the-as debug-menu-item-flag arg0) arg1)
((= (-> arg0 type) debug-menu-item-var)
(debug-menu-item-var-msg (the-as debug-menu-item-var arg0) arg1)
(format 0 "ERROR: Found unknown item type!~%")
(defun-recursive debug-menu-send-msg debug-menu ((arg0 debug-menu) (arg1 debug-menu-msg) (arg2 symbol))
"Send to all items in menu. Arg2 picks if we are recursive or not."
(let* ((s3-0 (-> arg0 items))
(s2-0 (car s3-0))
(while (not (null? s3-0))
(debug-menu-item-send-msg (the-as debug-menu-item s2-0) arg1)
(if (and arg2 (= (-> (the-as debug-menu-item s2-0) type) debug-menu-item-submenu))
(debug-menu-send-msg (-> (the-as debug-menu-item-submenu s2-0) submenu) arg1 #t)
(set! s3-0 (cdr s3-0))
(set! s2-0 (car s3-0))
(defun debug-menu-context-send-msg ((arg0 debug-menu-context) (arg1 debug-menu-msg) (arg2 debug-menu-dest))
"Send the arg1 message to the given place."
((= arg2 (debug-menu-dest root))
;; sent to root, recursively. This will hit the whole menu.
(debug-menu-send-msg (-> arg0 root-menu) arg1 #t)
((= arg2 (debug-menu-dest open-menus))
;; only send to open things
(when (-> arg0 is-active) ;; only if context is open
(dotimes (s4-0 (-> arg0 sel-length)) ;; go through stack
(let ((a0-2 (-> arg0 sel-menu s4-0)))
;; send, not recursive
(debug-menu-send-msg a0-2 arg1 #f)
((= arg2 (debug-menu-dest current-selection))
(when (-> arg0 is-active) ;; context open
(if (nonzero? (-> arg0 sel-length)) ;; something in the stack
(debug-menu-send-msg (-> arg0 sel-menu (+ (-> arg0 sel-length) -1)) arg1 #f) ;; send to that.
((= arg2 (debug-menu-dest activation))
;; this is a special case for when we want to activate or deactivate something.
((= arg1 (debug-menu-msg activate))
(when (not (-> arg0 is-active))
(set! (-> arg0 is-active) #t)
(debug-menu-context-send-msg arg0 (debug-menu-msg activate) (debug-menu-dest open-menus))
((= arg1 (debug-menu-msg deactivate))
(when (-> arg0 is-active)
(debug-menu-context-send-msg arg0 (debug-menu-msg deactivate) (debug-menu-dest open-menus))
(set! (-> arg0 is-active) #f)
(defun debug-menu-context-activate-selection ((arg0 debug-menu-context))
"Press on the selected thing. Note that we named this enum press, not activate."
(let ((a0-1 (-> arg0 sel-menu (+ (-> arg0 sel-length) -1) selected-item)))
(debug-menu-item-send-msg a0-1 (debug-menu-msg press))
(defun debug-menus-default-joypad-func ((arg0 debug-menu-context))
"Control the menu from the joystick"
((cpad-pressed? 0 square)
(if (< 1 (-> arg0 sel-length))
(debug-menu-context-close-submenu arg0)
((cpad-pressed? 0 x)
(debug-menu-context-activate-selection arg0)
((cpad-pressed? 0 up)
(debug-menu-context-select-new-item arg0 -1)
((cpad-pressed? 0 down)
(debug-menu-context-select-new-item arg0 1)
((cpad-pressed? 0 left)
(debug-menu-context-select-new-item arg0 -5)
((cpad-pressed? 0 right)
(debug-menu-context-select-new-item arg0 5)
(defun debug-menus-active ((arg0 debug-menu-context))
"Run the menu context"
(when (not (-> arg0 is-hidden))
;; grab inputs
(if (-> arg0 joypad-func)
((-> arg0 joypad-func) (-> arg0 joypad-item))
(debug-menus-default-joypad-func arg0)
;; render
(debug-menu-context-render arg0)
(defun debug-menus-handler ((arg0 debug-menu-context))
(if (-> arg0 is-active)
(debug-menus-active arg0)