2021-10-23 10:41:11 -04:00

2395 lines
92 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: game-save.gc
;; name in dgo: game-save
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; The game-save system implements the "background autosave" feature.
;; The process works like this:
;; - The useful parts of game-info are packed into a game-save (all at once)
;; - The auto-save process runs a state machine to write this to memory card.
;; - Additionally, the main loop calls mc-run to run the C++ memory card state machine.
;; Having two state machines, one in C++ and one in GOAL is kind of a questionable and confusing design.
;; version identifier
(defconstant SAVE_VERSION 1)
;; the C++ memory card functions also use these codes.
(defenum mc-status-code
:type uint32
(busy 0)
(ok 1)
(bad-handle 2)
(format-failed 3)
(internal-error 4)
(write-error 5)
(read-error 6)
(new-game 7)
(no-memory 8)
(no-card 9)
(no-last 10)
(no-format 11)
(no-file 12)
(no-save 13)
(no-space 14)
(bad-version 15)
(no-process 16)
(no-auto-save 17)
;; state serialization
;; identifier for game save fields
(defenum game-save-elt
:type uint16
(name 100)
(base-time 101)
(real-time 102)
(game-time 103)
(integral-time 104)
(continue 200)
(life 201)
(money 202)
(money-total 203)
(moeny-per-level 204)
(buzzer-total 205)
(fuel-cell 206)
(death-movie-tick 207)
(task-list 300)
(perm-list 301)
(hint-list 303)
(text-list 304)
(level-open-list 305)
(total-deaths 400)
(continue-deaths 401)
(fuel-cell-deaths 402)
(game-start-time 403)
(continue-timke 404) ;; typo in game
(death-time 405)
(hit-time 406)
(fuel-cell-pickup-time 407)
(continue-time 408)
(fuel-cell-time 409)
(enter-level-time 410)
(deaths-per-level 411)
(death-pos 412)
(auto-save-count 413)
(in-level-time 414)
(sfx-volume 500)
(music-volume 501)
(dialog-volume 502)
(language 503)
(screenx 504)
(screeny 505)
(vibration 506)
(play-hints 507)
(video-mode 508)
(aspect-ratio 509)
;; the game save is a bunch of "game-save-tag"s
;; the elt-type field identifies what it is.
;; the data may be stored in one of the user fields, or
;; may be stored after the tag itself.
;; the count/size fields determine how big it is.
(deftype game-save-tag (structure)
((user-object object 2 :offset-assert 0)
(user-uint64 uint64 :offset 0)
(user-float0 float :offset 0)
(user-float float 2 :offset 0)
(user-int32 int32 2 :offset 0)
(user-uint32 uint32 2 :offset 0)
(user-int16 int16 4 :offset 0)
(user-uint16 uint16 4 :offset 0)
(user-int8 int8 8 :offset 0)
(user-int80 int8 :offset 0)
(user-int81 int8 :offset 1)
(user-uint8 uint8 8 :offset 0)
(elt-count int32 :offset-assert 8)
(elt-size uint16 :offset-assert 12)
(elt-type game-save-elt :offset-assert 14)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
;; A game-save is a dynamic type that contains the full save.
;; it contains common metadata plus all the tags
;; the common metadata is used to display info about a save, without needing to
;; fully unpack the data stored in the tags.
(deftype game-save (basic)
((version int32 :offset-assert 4)
(allocated-length int32 :offset-assert 8)
(length int32 :offset-assert 12)
(info-int32 int32 16 :offset-assert 16)
(info-int8 int8 64 :offset 16)
(level-index int32 :offset 16)
(fuel-cell-count float :offset 20)
(money-count float :offset 24)
(buzzer-count float :offset 28)
(completion-percentage float :offset 32)
(minute uint8 :offset 36)
(hour uint8 :offset 37)
(week uint8 :offset 38)
(day uint8 :offset 39)
(month uint8 :offset 40)
(year uint8 :offset 41)
(new-game int32 :offset 44)
(tag game-save-tag :inline :dynamic :offset-assert 80)
:method-count-assert 12
:size-assert #x50
:flag-assert #xc00000050
(new (symbol type int) _type_ 0)
(save-to-file (_type_ string) _type_ 9)
(load-from-file! (_type_ string) _type_ 10)
(debug-print (_type_ symbol) _type_ 11)
(defmethod asize-of game-save ((obj game-save))
"Get the size in memory of the save"
(the-as int (+ (-> game-save size) (the-as uint (-> obj allocated-length))))
(defmethod new game-save ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
"Allocate a game save. arg0 is the number of bytes for tags."
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (the-as uint arg0))))))
(set! (-> v0-0 version) SAVE_VERSION)
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(defun-debug game-save-elt->string ((arg0 game-save-elt))
(enum->string game-save-elt arg0)
(defun progress-level-index->string ((arg0 int))
"Convert an index for a level in the progress menu (not actual data levels)
to a string (translated)."
(if (< arg0 (-> *level-task-data* length))
(lookup-text! *common-text* (-> *level-task-data* arg0 level-name-id) #f)
(the-as string #f)
(defmethod debug-print game-save ((obj game-save) (detail symbol))
"Print a save to #t"
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format #t "~Tversion: ~D~%" (-> obj version))
(format #t "~Tallocated-length: ~D~%" (-> obj allocated-length))
(format #t "~Tlength: ~D~%" (-> obj length))
(format #t "~Tlevel-index: ~D~%" (-> obj level-index))
(format #t "~Tfuel-cell-count: ~f~%" (-> obj fuel-cell-count))
(format #t "~Tmoney-count: ~f~%" (-> obj money-count))
(format #t "~Tbuzzer-count: ~f~%" (-> obj buzzer-count))
(format #t "~Tcompletion-percentage: ~f~%" (-> obj completion-percentage))
(format #t "~Tsave-time: ~x:~x ~x/~x/~x~%"
(-> obj hour)
(-> obj minute)
(-> obj day)
(-> obj month)
(-> obj year)
(format #t "~Ttag[]: @ #x~X~%" (-> obj tag))
;; loop through tags
(let ((tag (the-as game-save-tag (-> obj tag)))
(tag-idx 0)
(while (< (the-as int tag) (the-as int (-> obj tag (-> obj length))))
(format #t "~T [~3D] ~-32S [~3D/~3D] ~12D ~8f "
(game-save-elt->string (-> tag elt-type))
(-> tag elt-count)
(-> tag elt-size)
(-> tag user-uint64)
(-> tag user-float))
;; name/continue are strings
(let ((v1-0 (-> tag elt-type)))
(if (or (= v1-0 (game-save-elt name)) (= v1-0 (game-save-elt continue)))
(format #t "= \"~G\"~%" (&+ (the-as pointer tag) 16))
(format #t "~%")
(when detail
(let ((v1-4 (-> tag elt-type)))
((or (= v1-4 (game-save-elt moeny-per-level)) (= v1-4 (game-save-elt deaths-per-level)))
;; per level u8's
(dotimes (prog-lev-idx (-> tag elt-count))
(let ((lev-name (progress-level-index->string prog-lev-idx)))
(if lev-name
(format #t " ~-32S: ~D~%"
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer (&-> (the-as (pointer uint8) tag) 16)) prog-lev-idx)))
((= v1-4 (game-save-elt enter-level-time))
;; per level u64's
(dotimes (s2-2 (-> tag elt-count))
(let ((a2-14 (progress-level-index->string s2-2)))
(if a2-14
(format #t " ~-32S: ~D~%"
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (&+ (&+ (the-as pointer tag) 16) (* s2-2 8))))
((= v1-4 (game-save-elt in-level-time))
(dotimes (s2-3 (-> tag elt-count))
(let ((a2-15 (progress-level-index->string s2-3)))
(if a2-15
(format #t " ~-32S: ~D~%"
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (&+ (&+ (the-as pointer tag) 16) (* s2-3 8))))
((= v1-4 (game-save-elt fuel-cell-time))
(dotimes (s2-4 (-> tag elt-count))
(let ((a2-16 (game-task->string (the game-task s2-4))))
(if a2-16
(format #t " ~-32S: ~D~%"
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (&+ (&+ (the-as pointer tag) 16) (* s2-4 8))))
(set! tag (the-as game-save-tag
(&+ (the-as pointer tag)
(logand -16 (+ (* (the-as int (-> tag elt-size)) (-> tag elt-count)) 31))
(+! tag-idx 1)
(defmethod inspect game-save ((obj game-save))
(debug-print obj #f)
(defmethod save-game! game-info ((obj game-info) (arg0 game-save) (arg1 string))
"Update the game-save to have the info from the current game state"
;; some stuff lives in the levels and needs to be copied into game-info.
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> *level* length))
(let ((a1-1 (-> *level* level s3-0)))
(if (= (-> a1-1 status) 'active)
(copy-perms-from-level! obj a1-1)
;; set common data
(set! (-> arg0 length) 0)
(set! (-> arg0 version) 1)
(-> arg0 level-index)
(-> (lookup-level-info (-> obj current-continue level)) index)
(set! (-> arg0 fuel-cell-count) (-> obj fuel))
(set! (-> arg0 money-count) (-> obj money-total))
(set! (-> arg0 buzzer-count) (-> obj buzzer-total))
(set! (-> arg0 completion-percentage) (calculate-completion (the-as progress #f)))
(when (string= (-> obj current-continue name) "title-start")
(set! (-> arg0 new-game) 1)
(set! (-> arg0 level-index) (-> (lookup-level-info 'training) index))
(set! (-> arg0 fuel-cell-count) 0.0)
(set! (-> arg0 money-count) 0.0)
(set! (-> arg0 buzzer-count) 0.0)
(set! (-> arg0 completion-percentage) 0.0)
(let ((s3-1 (new 'stack 'scf-time)))
(scf-get-time s3-1)
(when (zero? (-> s3-1 stat))
(set! (-> arg0 minute) (-> s3-1 minute))
(set! (-> arg0 hour) (-> s3-1 hour))
(set! (-> arg0 day) (-> s3-1 day))
(set! (-> arg0 week) (-> s3-1 week))
(set! (-> arg0 month) (-> s3-1 month))
(set! (-> arg0 year) (-> s3-1 year))
;; set tags.
(let ((s3-2 (the-as object (-> arg0 tag))))
(let ((s2-0 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s3-2) 0)))
(set! (-> s2-0 elt-type) (game-save-elt name))
(set! (-> s2-0 elt-count) (+ (length arg1) 1))
(set! (-> s2-0 elt-size) (the-as uint 1))
(the-as (pointer uint8) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s3-2) 1))
(-> arg1 data)
(the-as pointer s3-2)
(+ (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s3-2) 0 elt-count) 15)
(let ((a0-15 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-37 0))))
(set! (-> a0-15 elt-type) (game-save-elt base-time))
(set! (-> a0-15 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-15 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
(let ((v1-38 (&+ v1-37 16)))
(let ((a0-16 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-38 0))))
(set! (-> a0-16 elt-type) (game-save-elt real-time))
(set! (-> a0-16 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-16 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> *display* real-frame-counter))
(let ((v1-39 (&+ v1-38 16)))
(let ((a0-17 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-39 0))))
(set! (-> a0-17 elt-type) (game-save-elt game-time))
(set! (-> a0-17 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-17 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> *display* game-frame-counter))
(let ((v1-40 (&+ v1-39 16)))
(let ((a0-18 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-40 0))))
(set! (-> a0-18 elt-type) (game-save-elt integral-time))
(set! (-> a0-18 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-18 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> *display* integral-frame-counter))
(let ((s4-1 (the-as object (&+ v1-40 16))))
(let ((s3-3 (-> obj current-continue name)))
(the-as game-save-tag (-> (the-as game-save-tag s4-1) user-object))
(set! (-> s2-1 elt-type) (game-save-elt continue))
(set! (-> s2-1 elt-count) (+ (length s3-3) 1))
(set! (-> s2-1 elt-size) (the-as uint 1))
(pointer uint8)
(the-as game-save-tag (&+ (the-as game-save-tag s4-1) 16))
(-> s3-3 data)
(the-as pointer s4-1)
(logand -16 (+ (-> (the-as game-save-tag s4-1) elt-count) 15))
(let ((a0-24 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-50 0))))
(set! (-> a0-24 elt-type) (game-save-elt life))
(set! (-> a0-24 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-24 user-float0) (-> obj life))
(let ((v1-51 (&+ v1-50 16)))
(let ((a0-25 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-51 0))))
(set! (-> a0-25 elt-type) (game-save-elt buzzer-total))
(set! (-> a0-25 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-25 user-float0) (-> obj buzzer-total))
(let ((v1-52 (&+ v1-51 16)))
(let ((a0-26 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-52 0))))
(set! (-> a0-26 elt-type) (game-save-elt fuel-cell))
(set! (-> a0-26 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-26 user-float0) (-> obj fuel))
(let ((v1-53 (&+ v1-52 16)))
(let ((a0-27 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-53 0))))
(set! (-> a0-27 elt-type) (game-save-elt death-movie-tick))
(set! (-> a0-27 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-27 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> obj death-movie-tick))
(let ((v1-54 (&+ v1-53 16)))
(let ((a0-28 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-54 0))))
(set! (-> a0-28 elt-type) (game-save-elt money))
(set! (-> a0-28 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-28 user-float0) (-> obj money))
(let ((v1-55 (&+ v1-54 16)))
(let ((a0-29 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-55 0))))
(set! (-> a0-29 elt-type) (game-save-elt money-total))
(set! (-> a0-29 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-29 user-float0) (-> obj money-total))
(let ((v1-56 (&+ v1-55 16)))
(let ((a0-30 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-56 0))))
(set! (-> a0-30 elt-type) (game-save-elt moeny-per-level))
(set! (-> a0-30 elt-count) 32)
(set! (-> a0-30 elt-size) (the-as uint 1))
(let ((v1-57 (&+ v1-56 16)))
(dotimes (a0-31 32)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ v1-57 a0-31)))
(-> obj money-per-level a0-31)
(let ((v1-58 (&+ v1-57 32)))
(let ((a0-34 (the-as object (&+ v1-58 0))))
(-> (the-as game-save-tag a0-34) elt-type)
(game-save-elt level-open-list)
(set! (-> (the-as game-save-tag a0-34) elt-count) 32)
(-> (the-as game-save-tag a0-34) elt-size)
(the-as uint 1)
(let ((v1-59 (&+ v1-58 16)))
(dotimes (a0-35 32)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ v1-59 a0-35)))
(-> obj level-opened a0-35)
(let ((v1-60 (&+ v1-59 32))
(-> (the-as (pointer int32) (-> obj perm-list)) 0)
(let ((a0-39 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-60 0))))
(set! (-> a0-39 elt-type) (game-save-elt perm-list))
(set! (-> a0-39 elt-count) s4-2)
(set! (-> a0-39 elt-size) (the-as uint 16))
(let ((s3-4 (&+ v1-60 16)))
(dotimes (s2-2 s4-2)
(the-as game-save-tag (&+ s3-4 (* s2-2 16)))
(the-as pointer (-> obj perm-list data s2-2))
(let ((v1-68 (&+ s3-4 (logand -16 (+ (* s4-2 16) 15))))
(s4-3 (-> obj task-perm-list length))
(let ((a0-45 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-68 0))))
(set! (-> a0-45 elt-type) (game-save-elt task-list))
(set! (-> a0-45 elt-count) s4-3)
(set! (-> a0-45 elt-size) (the-as uint 16))
(let ((s3-5 (&+ v1-68 16)))
(dotimes (s2-3 s4-3)
(the-as game-save-tag (&+ s3-5 (* s2-3 16)))
(the-as pointer (-> obj task-perm-list data s2-3))
(let ((a0-49 (&+ s3-5 (logand -16 (+ (* s4-3 16) 15))))
(+ (-> obj text-ids-seen allocated-length) 7)
(let ((a1-46 (the-as object (&+ a0-49 0))))
(-> (the-as game-save-tag a1-46) elt-type)
(game-save-elt text-list)
(set! (-> (the-as game-save-tag a1-46) elt-count) v1-79)
(-> (the-as game-save-tag a1-46) elt-size)
(the-as uint 1)
(let ((a0-50 (&+ a0-49 16)))
(dotimes (a1-47 v1-79)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ a0-50 a1-47)))
(-> obj text-ids-seen bytes a1-47)
(let ((a0-51 (&+ a0-50 (logand -16 (+ v1-79 15))))
(v1-84 (-> obj hint-control length))
(let ((a1-51 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ a0-51 0))))
(set! (-> a1-51 elt-type) (game-save-elt hint-list))
(set! (-> a1-51 elt-count) v1-84)
(set! (-> a1-51 elt-size) (the-as uint 32))
(let ((a0-52 (&+ a0-51 16)))
(dotimes (a1-52 v1-84)
(pointer int64)
(&+ a0-52 (* (* a1-52 4) 8))
(-> obj hint-control a1-52 start-time)
(pointer int64)
(&+ a0-52 (* (+ (* a1-52 4) 1) 8))
(-> obj hint-control a1-52 last-time-called)
(pointer int8)
(&+ a0-52 (+ (* a1-52 32) 16))
(-> obj hint-control a1-52 num-attempts)
(pointer int8)
(&+ a0-52 (+ (* a1-52 32) 17))
(-> obj hint-control a1-52 num-success)
(let ((v1-86 (&+ a0-52 (* v1-84 32))))
(let ((a0-54 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-86 0))))
(-> a0-54 elt-type)
(game-save-elt auto-save-count)
(set! (-> a0-54 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-54 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> obj auto-save-count))
(let ((v1-87 (&+ v1-86 16)))
(let ((a0-55 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-87 0))))
(-> a0-55 elt-type)
(game-save-elt total-deaths)
(set! (-> a0-55 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-55 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> obj total-deaths))
(let ((v1-88 (&+ v1-87 16)))
(let ((a0-56 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-88 0))))
(-> a0-56 elt-type)
(game-save-elt continue-deaths)
(set! (-> a0-56 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-56 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> obj continue-deaths))
(let ((v1-89 (&+ v1-88 16)))
(let ((a0-57 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-89 0))))
(-> a0-57 elt-type)
(game-save-elt fuel-cell-deaths)
(set! (-> a0-57 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-57 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (-> obj fuel-cell-deaths))
(let ((v1-90 (&+ v1-89 16)))
((a0-58 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-90 0))))
(-> a0-58 elt-type)
(game-save-elt game-start-time)
(set! (-> a0-58 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-58 user-uint64)
(-> obj game-start-time)
(let ((v1-91 (&+ v1-90 16)))
((a0-59 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-91 0))))
(-> a0-59 elt-type)
(game-save-elt continue-time)
(set! (-> a0-59 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-59 user-uint64)
(-> obj continue-time)
(let ((v1-92 (&+ v1-91 16)))
((a0-60 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-92 0))))
(-> a0-60 elt-type)
(game-save-elt death-time)
(set! (-> a0-60 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-60 user-uint64)
(-> obj death-time)
(let ((v1-93 (&+ v1-92 16)))
((a0-61 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-93 0))))
(-> a0-61 elt-type)
(game-save-elt hit-time)
(set! (-> a0-61 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-61 user-uint64)
(-> obj hit-time)
(let ((v1-94 (&+ v1-93 16)))
((a0-62 (the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-94 0)))
(-> a0-62 elt-type)
(game-save-elt fuel-cell-pickup-time)
(set! (-> a0-62 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-62 user-uint64)
(-> obj fuel-cell-pickup-time)
(let ((v1-95 (&+ v1-94 16)))
(the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-95 0))
(-> a0-63 elt-type)
(game-save-elt fuel-cell-time)
(set! (-> a0-63 elt-count) 116)
(set! (-> a0-63 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((v1-96 (&+ v1-95 16)))
(let ((a0-64 (the-as object 0)))
(while (< (the-as int a0-64) 116)
(pointer uint64)
(&+ v1-96 (* (the-as int a0-64) 8))
(the-as int a0-64)
(set! a0-64 (+ (the-as int a0-64) 1))
(let ((v1-97 (&+ v1-96 928)))
(the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-97 0))
(-> a0-67 elt-type)
(game-save-elt deaths-per-level)
(set! (-> a0-67 elt-count) 32)
(-> a0-67 elt-size)
(the-as uint 1)
(let ((v1-98 (&+ v1-97 16)))
(dotimes (a0-68 32)
(pointer uint8)
(&+ v1-98 a0-68)
(-> obj deaths-per-level a0-68)
(let ((v1-99 (&+ v1-98 32)))
(the-as game-save-tag (&+ v1-99 0))
(-> a0-71 elt-type)
(game-save-elt enter-level-time)
(set! (-> a0-71 elt-count) 32)
(-> a0-71 elt-size)
(the-as uint 8)
(let ((v1-100 (&+ v1-99 16)))
(dotimes (a0-72 32)
(pointer uint64)
(&+ v1-100 (* a0-72 8))
(-> obj enter-level-time a0-72)
(let ((v1-101 (&+ v1-100 256)))
(&+ v1-101 0)
(-> a0-75 elt-type)
(game-save-elt in-level-time)
(set! (-> a0-75 elt-count) 32)
(-> a0-75 elt-size)
(the-as uint 8)
(let ((v1-102 (&+ v1-101 16)))
(dotimes (a0-76 32)
(pointer uint64)
(&+ v1-102 (* a0-76 8))
(-> obj in-level-time a0-76)
(let ((v1-103 (&+ v1-102 256)))
(&+ v1-103 0)
(-> a0-79 elt-type)
(game-save-elt sfx-volume)
(set! (-> a0-79 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-79 user-float0)
(let ((v1-104 (&+ v1-103 16)))
(&+ v1-104 0)
(-> a0-80 elt-type)
(game-save-elt music-volume)
(set! (-> a0-80 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-80 user-float0)
(let ((v1-105 (&+ v1-104 16)))
(&+ v1-105 0)
(-> a0-81 elt-type)
(game-save-elt dialog-volume)
(set! (-> a0-81 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-81 user-float0)
(let ((v1-106 (&+ v1-105 16)))
(&+ v1-106 0)
(-> a0-82 elt-type)
(game-save-elt language)
(set! (-> a0-82 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-82 user-uint64)
(let ((v1-107 (&+ v1-106 16)))
(&+ v1-107 0)
(-> a0-83 elt-type)
(game-save-elt screenx)
(set! (-> a0-83 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-83 user-float0)
(let ((v1-108 (&+ v1-107 16)))
(&+ v1-108 0)
(-> a0-84 elt-type)
(game-save-elt screeny)
(set! (-> a0-84 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-84 user-float0)
(let ((v1-109 (&+ v1-108 16)))
(&+ v1-109 0)
(-> a0-85 elt-type)
(game-save-elt vibration)
(set! (-> a0-85 elt-count) 0)
(-> a0-85 user-uint64)
(let ((v1-110 (&+ v1-109 16)))
(&+ v1-110 0)
(-> a0-86 elt-type)
(game-save-elt play-hints)
(-> a0-86 elt-count)
(-> a0-86 user-uint64)
((v1-111 (&+ v1-110 16)))
(&+ v1-111 0)
(-> a0-87 elt-type)
(game-save-elt video-mode)
(-> a0-87 elt-count)
(-> a0-87 user-uint64)
(the-as uint (cond
((v1-112 (&+ v1-111 16)))
(&+ v1-112 0)
(pointer int64)
((= a1-125 'aspect4x3)
((= a1-125 'aspect16x9)
(-> arg0 length)
(&+ v1-112 16)
(-> arg0 tag)
(if (< (-> arg0 allocated-length) (-> arg0 length))
"ERROR: SAVEGAME: fatal error, save is using ~D of ~D bytes."
(-> arg0 length)
(-> arg0 allocated-length)
(defmethod load-game! game-info ((obj game-info) (save game-save))
"Copy save data from a game-save to a game-info"
(let ((save-data (the-as game-save-tag (-> save tag))))
;; loop over all tags
(while (< (the-as int save-data) (the-as int (+ (+ (-> save length) 76) (the-as int save))))
(let ((a0-1 (-> save-data elt-type)))
((= a0-1 (game-save-elt sfx-volume))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default sfx-volume) (-> save-data user-float0))
((= a0-1 (game-save-elt music-volume))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default music-volume) (-> save-data user-float0))
((= a0-1 (game-save-elt dialog-volume))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default dialog-volume) (-> save-data user-float0))
((= a0-1 (game-save-elt language))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default language) (the-as language-enum (-> save-data user-uint64)))
((= a0-1 (game-save-elt vibration))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default vibration) (= (-> save-data user-uint64) 1))
((= a0-1 (game-save-elt play-hints))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default play-hints) (= (-> save-data user-uint64) 1))
(set! save-data (the-as game-save-tag
(&+ (the-as pointer save-data)
(logand -16 (+ (* (the-as int (-> save-data elt-size)) (-> save-data elt-count)) 31))
;; if we're a new game, set our checkpoint.
(when (nonzero? (-> save new-game))
(set-continue! obj "game-start")
(set! save save)
(goto cfg-134)
;; loop over all tags
(let ((data (the-as game-save-tag (-> save tag))))
(while (< (the-as int data) (the-as int (+ (+ (-> save length) 76) (the-as int save))))
(let ((v1-7 (-> data elt-type)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt base-time))
;; updating this requires some care to not break things
(let ((old-base-frame (-> *display* base-frame-counter)))
(set! (-> *display* base-frame-counter) (the int (-> data user-uint64)))
;; remember the old value
(set! (-> *display* old-base-frame-counter) (+ (-> *display* base-frame-counter) -1))
(let ((frame-counter-diff (- (-> *display* base-frame-counter) old-base-frame)))
;; update in-progress counters
(if (nonzero? (-> obj blackout-time))
(set! (-> obj blackout-time) (+ (-> obj blackout-time) frame-counter-diff))
(if (nonzero? (-> obj letterbox-time))
(set! (-> obj letterbox-time) (+ (-> obj letterbox-time) frame-counter-diff))
(if (nonzero? (-> obj hint-play-time))
(set! (-> obj hint-play-time) (+ (-> obj hint-play-time) frame-counter-diff))
(if (nonzero? (-> obj display-text-time))
(set! (-> obj display-text-time) (+ (-> obj display-text-time) frame-counter-diff))
;; vibration may get stuck on if we warp back in time, just kill it
(buzz-stop! 0)
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt game-time))
(set! (-> *display* game-frame-counter) (the int (-> data user-uint64)))
(set! (-> *display* old-game-frame-counter) (+ (-> *display* game-frame-counter) -1))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt real-time))
(set! (-> *display* real-frame-counter) (the int (-> data user-uint64)))
(set! (-> *display* old-real-frame-counter) (+ (-> *display* real-frame-counter) -1))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt integral-time))
(set! (-> *display* integral-frame-counter) (the int (-> data user-uint64)))
(set! (-> *display* old-integral-frame-counter) (+ (-> *display* integral-frame-counter) -1))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt continue))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~G" (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16))
(set-continue! obj *temp-string*)
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt life))
(set! (-> obj life) (-> data user-float0))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt buzzer-total))
(set! (-> obj buzzer-total) (-> data user-float0))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt fuel-cell))
(set! (-> obj fuel) (-> data user-float0))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt death-movie-tick))
(set! (-> obj death-movie-tick) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt money))
(set! (-> obj money) (-> data user-float0))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt money-total))
(set! (-> obj money-total) (-> data user-float0))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt moeny-per-level))
(let ((v1-34 (min 32 (-> data elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-76 v1-34)
(-> obj money-per-level a0-76)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16)) a0-76)
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt level-open-list))
(let ((v1-38 (min 32 (-> data elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-80 v1-38)
(-> obj level-opened a0-80)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16)) a0-80)
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt perm-list))
(let ((s3-2 (min (-> data elt-count) (-> obj perm-list allocated-length))))
(set! (-> obj perm-list length) s3-2)
(dotimes (s2-0 s3-2)
(the-as pointer (-> obj perm-list data s2-0))
(&+ (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16) (* s2-0 16))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt task-list))
(let ((s3-4 (min (-> data elt-count) (-> obj task-perm-list allocated-length))))
(set! (-> obj task-perm-list length) s3-4)
(dotimes (s2-1 s3-4)
(the-as pointer (-> obj task-perm-list data s2-1))
(&+ (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16) (* s2-1 16))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt text-list))
(let ((v1-61 (/ (logand -8 (+ (-> obj text-ids-seen allocated-length) 7)) 8))
(a0-94 (-> data elt-count)))
(dotimes (a1-35 v1-61)
((>= a1-35 a0-94)
(set! (-> obj text-ids-seen bytes a1-35) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> obj text-ids-seen bytes a1-35)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16)) a1-35)
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt hint-list))
((= (-> obj hint-control length) (-> data elt-count))
(let ((v1-65 (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16)))
(dotimes (a0-99 (-> data elt-count))
(set! (-> obj hint-control a0-99 start-time)
(-> (the-as (pointer int64) (&+ v1-65 (* (* a0-99 4) 8))))
(set! (-> obj hint-control a0-99 last-time-called)
(-> (the-as (pointer int64) (&+ v1-65 (* (+ (* a0-99 4) 1) 8))))
(set! (-> obj hint-control a0-99 num-attempts)
(-> (the-as (pointer int8)
(&+ (the-as (pointer uint8) v1-65) (+ (* a0-99 32) 16))
(-> obj hint-control a0-99 num-success)
(-> (the-as (pointer int8)
(&+ (the-as (pointer uint8) v1-65) (+ (* a0-99 32) 17))
"WARNING: SAVEGAME: hint control list did not match current, ignoring~%"
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt auto-save-count))
(set! (-> obj auto-save-count) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt total-deaths))
(set! (-> obj total-deaths) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt continue-deaths))
(set! (-> obj continue-deaths) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt fuel-cell-deaths))
(set! (-> obj fuel-cell-deaths) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt game-start-time))
(set! (-> obj game-start-time) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt continue-time))
(set! (-> obj continue-time) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt death-time))
(set! (-> obj death-time) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt hit-time))
(set! (-> obj hit-time) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt fuel-cell-pickup-time))
(set! (-> obj fuel-cell-pickup-time) (the-as int (-> data user-uint64)))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt deaths-per-level))
(let ((v1-79 (min 32 (-> data elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-122 v1-79)
(-> obj deaths-per-level a0-122)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16)) a0-122)
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt enter-level-time))
(let ((v1-83 (min 32 (-> data elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-126 v1-83)
(set! (-> obj enter-level-time a0-126)
(-> (the-as (pointer int64) (&+ (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16) (* a0-126 8))))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt in-level-time))
(let ((v1-87 (min 32 (-> data elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-130 v1-87)
(set! (-> obj in-level-time a0-130)
(-> (the-as (pointer int64) (&+ (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16) (* a0-130 8))))
((= v1-7 (game-save-elt fuel-cell-time))
(let ((v1-92 (min 32 (-> data elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-133 v1-92)
(set! (-> obj fuel-cell-time a0-133)
(-> (the-as (pointer int64) (&+ (&+ (the-as pointer data) 16) (* a0-133 8))))
(set! data (the-as game-save-tag (&+ (the-as pointer data)
(logand -16
(+ (* (the-as int (-> data elt-size)) (-> data elt-count)) 31)
;; update entity stuff in levels that are active
(dotimes (s4-1 (-> *level* length))
(let ((a1-68 (-> *level* level s4-1)))
(if (= (-> a1-68 status) 'active)
(copy-perms-to-level! obj a1-68)
;; update tasks
(let ((s5-1 2) ;; jungle eggtop
(s4-2 115) ;; max - 1
(while (>= (the-as uint s4-2) (the-as uint s5-1))
;; calling this will run the function to see if the task is done or not
(get-task-status (the-as game-task s5-1))
(+! s5-1 1)
(label cfg-134)
(defmethod save-to-file game-save ((obj game-save) (arg0 string))
"Write a game save to a file for debugging"
(let ((s5-0 (new 'stack 'file-stream arg0 'write)))
(file-stream-write s5-0
(&-> obj type)
(+ (-> obj type size) (the-as uint (-> obj length)))
(file-stream-close s5-0)
(defmethod load-from-file! game-save ((obj game-save) (filename string))
"Load a game save from a file for debugging"
(let ((stream (new 'stack 'file-stream filename 'read)))
(let ((in-size (file-stream-length stream))
(my-size (-> obj allocated-length))
((>= (asize-of obj) in-size)
;; thing in file is not bigger than we are, safe to read.
((= (file-stream-read stream (&-> obj type) in-size) in-size)
;; read success! set the type tag
(set! (-> obj type) game-save)
;; fail.
(format 0 "ERROR: SAVEGAME: save file ~A did not read correctly.~%" stream)
(set! (-> obj length) 0)
;; file is bigger than we are, just give up because we don't have
;; enough room to put the save
(format 0 "ERROR: SAVEGAME: save file ~A is too big~%" stream)
(set! (-> obj allocated-length) my-size)
(when (!= (-> obj version) SAVE_VERSION)
;; uh-oh, the version is wrong
(format 0 "ERROR: SAVEGAME: save file ~A was version ~d, but only ~d is supported.~%"
(-> obj version)
(set! (-> obj length) 0)
(file-stream-close stream)
;; particles
;; used for the flashing auto-save icon, I think.
(set! (-> *part-group-id-table* 656)
(new 'static 'sparticle-launch-group
:length 1
:duration #xbb8
:linger-duration #x5dc
:flags (sp-group-flag screen-space)
:name "group-part-save-icon"
(new 'static 'inline-array sparticle-group-item 1 (sp-item 2662))
:bounds (new 'static 'sphere :w 409600.0)
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 2662)
(new 'static 'sparticle-launcher
(new 'static 'inline-array sp-field-init-spec 11
(sp-tex spt-texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x6b :page #x1cf))
(sp-flt spt-num 1.0)
(sp-flt spt-scale-x (meters 1.5))
(sp-copy-from-other spt-scale-y -4)
(sp-flt spt-r 128.0)
(sp-flt spt-g 128.0)
(sp-flt spt-b 128.0)
(sp-flt spt-a 128.0)
(sp-int spt-timer 5)
(sp-cpuinfo-flags bit2 bit9 bit13)
;; auto-save process
;; the status of the memory cards.
(define *auto-save-info* (new 'global 'mc-slot-info))
(deftype auto-save (process)
((card int32 :offset-assert 112)
(slot int32 :offset-assert 116)
(which int32 :offset-assert 120)
(buffer kheap :offset-assert 124)
(mode basic :offset-assert 128)
(result mc-status-code :offset-assert 132)
(save game-save :offset-assert 136)
(info mc-slot-info :inline :offset-assert 140)
(notify handle :offset-assert 440)
(state-time int64 :offset-assert 448)
(part sparticle-launch-control :offset-assert 456)
:heap-base #x160
:method-count-assert 23
:size-assert #x1cc
:flag-assert #x17016001cc
(get-heap () _type_ :state 14)
(get-card () _type_ :state 15)
(format-card () _type_ :state 16)
(create-file () _type_ :state 17)
(save () _type_ :state 18)
(restore () _type_ :state 19)
(error (mc-status-code) _type_ :state 20)
(done () _type_ :state 21)
(unformat-card () _type_ :state 22)
(defmethod deactivate auto-save ((obj auto-save))
"Deactivate the auto-save process."
;; kill the particles
(if (nonzero? (-> obj part))
(kill-and-free-particles (-> obj part))
;; and do a normal deactivate.
((method-of-type process deactivate) obj)
(defmethod relocate auto-save ((obj auto-save) (arg0 int))
"Relocate an auto-save process by arg0 bytes."
;; update our reference particle launch control, which is allocated on our process heap
(if (nonzero? (-> obj part))
(&+! (-> obj part) arg0)
;; then relocate the process. This will relocate the heap (memory, and basics on it).
(the-as auto-save ((method-of-type process relocate) obj arg0))
(defbehavior auto-save-post auto-save ()
;; debug text
(when (and (= *cheat-mode* 'debug)
(logtest? (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 button0-abs 0) (pad-buttons l3))
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 32 160 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning))))
(let ((v1-5 gp-0))
(set! (-> v1-5 width) (the float 440))
(let ((v1-6 gp-0))
(set! (-> v1-6 height) (the float 80))
(set! (-> gp-0 flags) (font-flags shadow kerning))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~S / ~S ~D~%"
(-> self mode)
(-> self state name)
(-> self which)
(print-game-text *temp-string* gp-0 #f 128 22)
;; auto-save drawing
(when (and (= (-> self mode) 'auto-save) (!= (-> self next-state name) 'done))
(let ((gp-1 (new 'stack 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 20 40 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning))))
(let ((v1-15 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-15 scale) 0.8)
(let ((v1-16 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-16 width) (the float 472))
(let ((v1-17 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-17 height) (the float 20))
(set! (-> gp-1 flags) (font-flags shadow kerning middle left large))
;; if this is the first time saving, display a warning.
(when (zero? (-> *game-info* auto-save-count))
(print-game-text (lookup-text! *common-text* (game-text-id saving-data) #f) gp-1 #f 128 22)
(set! (-> gp-1 origin x) 20.0)
(set! (-> gp-1 origin y) 130.0)
(let ((v1-23 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-23 scale) 0.7)
(let ((v1-24 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-24 height) (the float 40))
(let ((s5-2 print-game-text))
((the-as (function object string object none) format)
(clear *temp-string*)
(lookup-text! *common-text* (game-text-id do-not-remove-mem-card) #f)
(s5-2 *temp-string* gp-1 #f 128 22)
;; flash the icon.
(when (< (mod (-> *display* real-frame-counter) 300) 270)
(if (> (-> self part matrix) 0)
(sprite-get-user-hvdf (-> self part matrix))
(the float (+ (the int (* 0.5 (- (* (if (= (get-aspect-ratio) 'aspect16x9)
(-> *video-parms* relative-y-scale)
(the float (-> *video-parms* screen-sy))
(+ -1024.0 (-> *math-camera* hvdf-off z))
(-> *math-camera* hvdf-off w)
(spawn (-> self part) *zero-vector*)
(defstatehandler auto-save :post auto-save-post)
(defbehavior auto-save-init-by-other auto-save ((desired-mode symbol) (notify-proc process-tree) (card-idx int) (file-idx int))
(format 0 "auto-save-init!~%")
;; trying to create multiple auto save procs, bad idea.
(when (handle->process (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc))
(send-event notify-proc 'notify 'error 16)
(return #f)
;; set us as the auto save proc
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc) (process->handle self))
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-status) (mc-status-code ok))
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 512)
(logclear! (-> self mask) (process-mask pause menu progress))
;; setup ourself
(set! (-> self card) card-idx)
(set! (-> self which) file-idx)
(set! (-> self buffer) #f)
(set! (-> self mode) desired-mode)
(set! (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(set! (-> self save) #f)
(set! (-> self notify) (process->handle notify-proc))
(set! (-> self part) (create-launch-control (-> *part-group-id-table* 656) self))
(set! (-> self part matrix) (sprite-allocate-user-hvdf))
((= desired-mode 'auto-save)
(if (not (-> *setting-control* current auto-save))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-auto-save))
(when (and (zero? (-> self card)) (-> *setting-control* current auto-save))
(set! (-> self card) (-> *game-info* auto-save-card))
(set! (-> self which) (-> *game-info* auto-save-which))
((= desired-mode 'error)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default auto-save) #f)
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-card))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default auto-save) #f)
(format 0 "going to get-heap!~%")
(go-virtual get-heap)
;; Get heap memory.
(defstate get-heap (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ()
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-frame-counter))
(let ((a0-1 (reserve-alloc *art-control*)))
(while (not a0-1)
(if (>= (- (-> *display* real-frame-counter) (-> self state-time)) #x4650)
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-memory))
(set! a0-1 (reserve-alloc *art-control*))
(set! (-> self buffer) a0-1)
(go-virtual get-card)
(defstate get-card (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ()
(label cfg-0)
(mc-get-slot-info (-> self slot) (-> self info))
(when (zero? (-> self info known))
(goto cfg-0)
((zero? (-> self info handle))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-card))
((zero? (-> self card))
(set! (-> self card) (-> self info handle))
((!= (-> self info handle) (-> self card))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code bad-handle))
(case (-> self mode)
(('save 'auto-save)
(go-virtual save)
(set! (-> self which) (-> self info last-file))
(if (= (-> self which) -1)
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-last))
(go-virtual save)
(go-virtual restore)
(go-virtual format-card)
(go-virtual unformat-card)
(go-virtual create-file)
(go-virtual done)
(defstate format-card (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ()
(when (zero? (-> self info formatted))
(label cfg-1)
(set! (-> self result) (mc-format (-> self card)))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-1)
(label cfg-3)
(set! (-> self result) (the-as mc-status-code (mc-check-result)))
(let ((v1-4 (-> self result)))
(b! (nonzero? v1-4) cfg-5 :delay (nop!))
(b! #t cfg-10 :delay (nop!))
(label cfg-5)
(b! (= v1-4 (mc-status-code format-failed)) cfg-1 :delay (nop!))
(b! (!= v1-4 (mc-status-code ok)) cfg-9 :delay (nop!))
(b! #t cfg-12 :delay (nop!))
(the-as none 0)
(b! #t cfg-10 :delay (nop!))
(label cfg-9)
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-10)
(goto cfg-3)
;;(break ((empty)) ((empty-form)))
(label cfg-12)
(case (-> self mode)
(('create-file 'save 'save-last 'auto-save 'restore)
(go-virtual create-file)
(go-virtual done)
(defstate unformat-card (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ()
(when (nonzero? (-> self info formatted))
(label cfg-1)
(set! (-> self result) (mc-unformat (-> self card)))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-1)
(while #t
(set! (-> self result) (the-as mc-status-code (mc-check-result)))
(case (-> self result)
(((mc-status-code busy))
(((mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-11)
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-11)
(go-virtual done)
(defstate create-file (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ()
((zero? (-> self info formatted))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-format))
((zero? (-> self info inited))
(if (< (-> self info mem-actual) (-> self info mem-required))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-space))
(let ((v1-12 (-> self buffer)))
(set! (-> v1-12 current) (-> v1-12 base))
(label cfg-6)
(-> self result)
(mc-create-file (-> self card) (the-as uint (-> self buffer base)))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-6)
(while #t
(set! (-> self result) (the-as mc-status-code (mc-check-result)))
(case (-> self result)
(((mc-status-code busy))
(((mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-16)
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-16)
(case (-> self mode)
(go-virtual restore)
(('save 'save-last 'auto-save)
(go-virtual save)
(go-virtual done)
(defstate save (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ()
((zero? (-> self info formatted))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-format))
((zero? (-> self info inited))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-file))
(case (-> self mode)
(+! (-> *game-info* auto-save-count) 1)
(let ((v1-14 (-> self buffer)))
(set! (-> v1-14 current) (-> v1-14 base))
(let ((gp-0 loading-level))
(set! loading-level (-> self buffer))
(set! (-> self save) (new 'loading-level 'game-save #x10000))
(save-game! *game-info* (-> self save) "save")
(set! loading-level (the-as kheap gp-0))
(label cfg-7)
(-> self result)
(-> self card)
(-> self which)
(&-> (-> self save) type)
(the-as int (-> self save info-int32))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-7)
(while #t
(set! (-> self result) (the-as mc-status-code (mc-check-result)))
(let ((v1-24 (-> self result)))
((= v1-24 (mc-status-code busy))
((= v1-24 (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-21)
((= v1-24 (mc-status-code write-error))
(case (-> self mode)
(-> *game-info* auto-save-count)
(seekl (-> *game-info* auto-save-count) 0 1)
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-21)
(go-virtual done)
(defstate restore (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ()
(local-vars (gp-0 none))
((zero? (-> self info formatted))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-format))
((zero? (-> self info inited))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-file))
(let ((v1-10 (-> self buffer)))
(set! (-> v1-10 current) (-> v1-10 base))
(if (zero? (-> self info file (-> self which) present))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-save))
(label cfg-6)
(-> self result)
(mc-load (-> self card) (-> self which) (-> self buffer base))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-6)
(while #t
(set! (-> self result) (the-as mc-status-code (mc-check-result)))
(let ((v1-22 (-> self result)))
((= v1-22 (mc-status-code busy))
((= v1-22 (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-20)
((= v1-22 (mc-status-code read-error))
((= v1-22 (mc-status-code new-game))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-save))
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-20)
(set! (-> self save) (the-as game-save (&+ (-> self buffer base) 4)))
(let ((v1-34 (-> self save)))
(set! (-> v1-34 type) game-save)
(if (!= (-> v1-34 version) 1)
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code bad-version))
(set-setting! *setting-control* self 'music-volume 'abs 0.0 0)
(set-setting! *setting-control* self 'sfx-volume 'abs 0.0 0)
(set! (-> *game-info* mode) 'play)
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (-> self save) (the-as string #f))
(set-master-mode 'game)
(push-setting! *setting-control* self 'process-mask 'set 0.0 16)
(copy-settings-from-target! *setting-control*)
(dotimes (gp-1 15)
(go-virtual done)
(defstate error (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ((arg0 process) (arg1 int) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 event-message-block))
(let ((v1-0 arg2))
(the-as object (cond
((= v1-0 'progress-allowed?)
((= v1-0 'die)
(deactivate self)
(behavior ((arg0 mc-status-code))
(if (-> self buffer)
(reserve-free *art-control* (-> self buffer))
(set! (-> self result) arg0)
(let ((s5-0 *auto-save-info*))
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer s5-0) (the-as pointer (-> self info)) 300)
(send-event (handle->process (-> self notify)) 'notify 'error (-> self result) s5-0)
(let ((t9-3 format)
(a0-7 #t)
(a1-3 "SAVE ERROR: ~A~%")
(v1-12 (-> self result))
(t9-3 a0-7 a1-3 (cond
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-auto-save))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-process))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code bad-version))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-space))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-save))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-file))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-format))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-last))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-card))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code no-memory))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code new-game))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code read-error))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code write-error))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code internal-error))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code format-failed))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code bad-handle))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code ok))
((= v1-12 (mc-status-code busy))
(if (= (-> self result) (mc-status-code no-auto-save))
(return #f)
(case (-> self mode)
(('auto-save 'error)
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-frame-counter))
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-status) arg0)
(while (< (- (-> *display* real-frame-counter) (-> self state-time)) 60)
(if (not (progress-allowed?))
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-frame-counter))
(if (= arg0 (mc-status-code no-card))
(activate-progress *dproc* (progress-screen memcard-removed))
(activate-progress *dproc* (progress-screen memcard-auto-save-error))
;; failed to figure out what this is:
(defstate done (auto-save)
:virtual #t
(behavior ()
(if (and (-> self buffer) (-> *art-control* reserve-buffer))
(reserve-free *art-control* (-> self buffer))
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-status) (mc-status-code ok))
(case (-> self mode)
(('save 'save-last 'auto-save 'restore)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default auto-save) #t)
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-card) (-> self card))
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-which) (-> self which))
(let ((gp-0 *auto-save-info*))
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer gp-0) (the-as pointer (-> self info)) 300)
(send-event (handle->process (-> self notify)) 'notify 'done 1 gp-0)
(case (-> self mode)
(when (= (-> *game-info* auto-save-count) 1)
(set! (-> self event-hook) (-> (method-of-object self error) event))
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-frame-counter))
(while (< (- (-> *display* real-frame-counter) (-> self state-time)) 60)
(if (not (progress-allowed?))
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-frame-counter))
(activate-progress *dproc* (progress-screen auto-save))
(defun auto-save-command ((arg0 symbol) (arg1 int) (arg2 int) (arg3 process-tree))
(format #t "auto-save cmd: ~A from ~A~%" arg0 arg3)
(make-init-process auto-save auto-save-init-by-other arg0 arg3 arg1 arg2)
(defun auto-save-check ()
(when (and (-> *setting-control* current auto-save)
(not (handle->process (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc)))
(mc-get-slot-info 0 *auto-save-info*)
(if (and (nonzero? (-> *auto-save-info* known))
(or (zero? (-> *auto-save-info* handle))
(!= (-> *auto-save-info* handle) (-> *game-info* auto-save-card))
(auto-save-command 'error 0 0 (the-as process *default-pool*))