water111 fe29eae395
Background improvements for custom levels (#3672)
This only applies to the background for now:

- support for alpha for vertex colors in custom levels
- switch time of day palette generation from octree to k-d tree
- support for alpha masking in custom levels
- support for transparent textures
- support for envmap in custom levels


Co-authored-by: water111 <awaterford1111445@gmail.com>
2024-09-21 11:39:50 -04:00

197 lines
7.9 KiB

#include "build_level.h"
#include "decompiler/extractor/extractor_util.h"
#include "decompiler/level_extractor/extract_merc.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/collide/jak3/collide.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/common/Tfrag.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/jak3/Entity.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/jak3/FileInfo.h"
#include "goalc/build_level/jak3/LevelFile.h"
namespace jak3 {
bool run_build_level(const std::string& input_file,
const std::string& bsp_output_file,
const std::string& output_prefix) {
auto level_json = parse_commented_json(
file_util::read_text_file(file_util::get_file_path({input_file})), input_file);
LevelFile file; // GOAL level file
tfrag3::Level pc_level; // PC level file
gltf_util::TexturePool tex_pool; // pc level texture pool
// process input mesh from blender
gltf_mesh_extract::Input mesh_extract_in;
mesh_extract_in.filename =
mesh_extract_in.auto_wall_enable = level_json.value("automatic_wall_detection", true);
mesh_extract_in.double_sided_collide = level_json.at("double_sided_collide").get<bool>();
mesh_extract_in.auto_wall_angle = level_json.value("automatic_wall_angle", 30.0);
mesh_extract_in.tex_pool = &tex_pool;
gltf_mesh_extract::Output mesh_extract_out;
gltf_mesh_extract::extract(mesh_extract_in, mesh_extract_out);
// add stuff to the GOAL level structure
file.info = make_file_info_for_level(fs::path(input_file).filename().string());
// all vis
// drawable trees
// pat
// texture remap
// texture ids
// unk zero
// name
file.name = level_json.at("long_name").get<std::string>();
// nick
file.nickname = level_json.at("nickname").get<std::string>();
// vis infos
// actors
auto dts = decompiler::DecompilerTypeSystem(GameVersion::Jak3);
dts.parse_enum_defs({"decompiler", "config", "jak3", "all-types.gc"});
std::vector<EntityActor> actors;
add_actors_from_json(level_json.at("actors"), actors, level_json.value("base_id", 1234), dts);
std::sort(actors.begin(), actors.end(), [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a.aid < b.aid; });
auto duplicates = std::adjacent_find(actors.begin(), actors.end(),
[](auto& a, auto& b) { return a.aid == b.aid; });
ASSERT_MSG(duplicates == actors.end(),
fmt::format("Actor IDs must be unique. Found at least two actors with ID {}",
file.actors = std::move(actors);
// cameras
// nodes
// regions
// subdivs
// actor birth
for (size_t i = 0; i < file.actors.size(); i++) {
// add stuff to the PC level structure
pc_level.level_name = file.name;
file.drawable_trees.tfrags.emplace_back("drawable-tree-tfrag", "drawable-inline-array-tfrag");
tfrag_from_gltf(mesh_extract_out.tfrag, pc_level.tfrag_trees[0]);
pc_level.textures = std::move(tex_pool.textures_by_idx);
if (mesh_extract_out.collide.faces.empty()) {
lg::error("No collision geometry was found");
} else {
file.collide_hash = construct_collide_hash(mesh_extract_out.collide.faces);
// Save the GOAL level
auto result = file.save_object_file();
lg::print("Level bsp file size {} bytes\n", result.size());
auto save_path = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / bsp_output_file;
lg::print("Saving to {}\n", save_path.string());
file_util::write_binary_file(save_path, result.data(), result.size());
// Add textures and models
// TODO remove hardcoded config settings
if ((level_json.contains("art_groups") && !level_json.at("art_groups").empty()) ||
(level_json.contains("textures") && !level_json.at("textures").empty())) {
lg::info("Looking for ISO path...");
const auto iso_folder = file_util::get_iso_dir_for_game(GameVersion::Jak3);
lg::info("Found ISO path: {}", iso_folder.string());
if (iso_folder.empty() || !fs::exists(iso_folder)) {
lg::warn("Could not locate ISO path!");
return false;
// Look for iso build info if it's available, otherwise default to ntsc_v1
const auto version_info = get_version_info_or_default(iso_folder);
decompiler::Config config;
try {
config = decompiler::read_config_file(
file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "decompiler/config/jak3/jak3_config.jsonc",
R"({"decompile_code": false, "find_functions": false, "levels_extract": true, "allowed_objects": [], "save_texture_pngs": false})");
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Failed to parse config: {}", e.what());
return false;
std::vector<fs::path> dgos, objs;
for (const auto& dgo_name : config.dgo_names) {
dgos.push_back(iso_folder / dgo_name);
for (const auto& obj_name : config.object_file_names) {
objs.push_back(iso_folder / obj_name);
decompiler::ObjectFileDB db(dgos, fs::path(config.obj_file_name_map_file), objs, {}, {}, {},
// need to process link data for tpages
decompiler::TextureDB tex_db;
auto textures_out = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "decompiler_out/jak3/textures";
db.process_tpages(tex_db, textures_out, config, "");
// find all art groups used by the custom level in other dgos
if (level_json.contains("art_groups") && !level_json.at("art_groups").empty()) {
for (auto& dgo : config.dgo_names) {
std::vector<std::string> processed_art_groups;
// remove "DGO/" prefix
const auto& dgo_name = dgo.substr(4);
const auto& files = db.obj_files_by_dgo.at(dgo_name);
auto art_groups =
level_json.at("art_groups").get<std::vector<std::string>>(), files);
auto tex_remap = decompiler::extract_tex_remap(db, dgo_name);
for (const auto& ag : art_groups) {
if (ag.name.length() > 3 && !ag.name.compare(ag.name.length() - 3, 3, "-ag")) {
const auto& ag_file = db.lookup_record(ag);
lg::print("custom level: extracting art group {}\n", ag_file.name_in_dgo);
decompiler::extract_merc(ag_file, tex_db, db.dts, tex_remap, pc_level, false,
// add textures
if (level_json.contains("textures") && !level_json.at("textures").empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> processed_textures;
std::vector<std::string> wanted_texs =
// first check the texture is not already in the level
for (auto& level_tex : pc_level.textures) {
if (std::find(wanted_texs.begin(), wanted_texs.end(), level_tex.debug_name) !=
wanted_texs.end()) {
// then add
for (auto& [id, tex] : tex_db.textures) {
for (auto& tex0 : wanted_texs) {
if (std::find(processed_textures.begin(), processed_textures.end(), tex.name) !=
processed_textures.end()) {
if (tex.name == tex0) {
lg::info("custom level: adding texture {} from tpage {} ({})", tex.name, tex.page,
make_texture(id, tex, tex_db.tpage_names.at(tex.page), true));
// Save the PC level
save_pc_data(file.name, pc_level,
file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "out" / output_prefix / "fr3");
return true;
} // namespace jak3