Tyler Wilding 60db0e5ef9
deps: update fmt to latest version (#3403)
This updates `fmt` to the latest version and moves to just being a copy
of their repo to make updating easier (no editing their cmake / figuring
out which files to minimally include).

The motivation for this is now that we switched to C++ 20, there were a
ton of deprecated function usages that is going away in future compiler
versions. This gets rid of all those warnings.
2024-03-05 22:11:52 -05:00

224 lines
6.6 KiB

#include "Profiler.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/colors.h"
#include "fmt/core.h"
#include "third-party/imgui/imgui.h"
ProfilerNode::ProfilerNode(const std::string& name) : m_name(name) {}
ProfilerNode* ProfilerNode::make_child(const std::string& name) {
return &m_children.back();
void ProfilerNode::finish() {
if (m_finished) {
lg::error("finish() called twice on {}", m_name);
} else {
m_stats.duration = m_timer.getSeconds();
float total_child_time = 0;
for (const auto& child : m_children) {
if (!child.finished()) {
lg::error("finish() not called on {}", child.name());
total_child_time += child.m_stats.duration;
if (!m_children.empty()) {
float unknown_time = m_stats.duration - total_child_time;
if (unknown_time > 0.0001 || unknown_time > (m_stats.duration * 0.05)) {
ProfilerNode unk("unknown");
unk.m_stats.duration = unknown_time;
m_finished = true;
void ProfilerNode::sort(ProfilerSort mode) {
if (mode == ProfilerSort::NONE) {
std::sort(m_children.begin(), m_children.end(),
[=](const ProfilerNode& a, const ProfilerNode& b) {
switch (mode) {
case ProfilerSort::DRAW_CALLS:
return a.m_stats.draw_calls > b.m_stats.draw_calls;
case ProfilerSort::TIME:
return a.m_stats.duration > b.m_stats.duration;
case ProfilerSort::TRIANGLES:
return a.m_stats.triangles > b.m_stats.triangles;
for (auto& child : m_children) {
ScopedProfilerNode ProfilerNode::make_scoped_child(const std::string& name) {
return ScopedProfilerNode(make_child(name));
Profiler::Profiler() : m_root("root") {}
void Profiler::clear() {
m_root = ProfilerNode("root");
void Profiler::finish() {
void Profiler::draw() {
const char* listbox_entries[] = {"None", "Time", "Draw Calls", "Tris"};
ImGui::Combo("Sort", &m_mode_selector, listbox_entries, 4);
bool all = ImGui::Button("Expand All");
ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0.0f, 80.0f));
draw_node(m_root, all, 0, 0.f);
u32 name_to_color(const std::string& name) {
u64 val = std::hash<std::string>{}(name);
return colors::common_colors[val % colors::COLOR_COUNT] | 0xff000000;
void Profiler::draw_node(ProfilerNode& node, bool expand, int depth, float start_time) {
u32 color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
constexpr int origin_x = 40;
constexpr int origin_y = 60;
constexpr int row_height = 15;
constexpr int px_per_ms = 75;
if (node.m_stats.duration > 0.00001) {
color = name_to_color(node.m_name);
bool color_orange = false;
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, color);
auto str =
fmt::format("{:20s} {:.2f}ms {:6d} tri {:4d} draw", node.m_name, node.m_stats.duration * 1000,
node.m_stats.triangles, node.m_stats.draw_calls);
if (node.m_children.empty()) {
ImGui::Text(" %s", str.c_str());
color_orange = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
} else {
if (expand) {
if (ImGui::TreeNode(node.m_name.c_str(), "%s", str.c_str())) {
color_orange = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
float child_start = start_time;
for (auto& child : node.m_children) {
draw_node(child, expand, depth + 1, child_start);
child_start += child.m_stats.duration;
if (node.m_stats.duration > 0.00001 || color_orange) {
if (color_orange) {
color = 0xff00a5ff;
auto dl = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
auto window_pos = ImGui::GetWindowPos();
float x0 = window_pos.x + origin_x + px_per_ms * 1000 * start_time;
float x1 = x0 + px_per_ms * 1000 * node.m_stats.duration;
float y0 = window_pos.y + origin_y + depth * row_height;
float y1 = y0 + row_height;
dl->AddRectFilled(ImVec2(x0, y0), ImVec2(x1, y1), color);
std::string Profiler::to_string() {
std::string str;
m_root.to_string_helper(str, 0);
return str;
void ProfilerNode::to_string_helper(std::string& str, int depth) const {
str +=
fmt::format("{}{:.2f} ms {:30s}\n", std::string(depth, ' '), m_stats.duration * 1000, m_name);
for (const auto& child : m_children) {
child.to_string_helper(str, depth + 1);
void FramePlot::push(float val) {
m_buffer[m_idx++] = val;
if (m_idx == SIZE) {
m_idx = 0;
void FramePlot::draw(float max) {
float worst = 0, total = 0;
for (auto x : m_buffer) {
worst = std::max(x, worst);
total += x;
ImGui::Text("avg: %.1f", total / SIZE);
ImGui::Text("worst: %.1f", worst);
[](void* data, int idx) {
auto* me = (FramePlot*)data;
return me->m_buffer[(me->m_idx + idx) % SIZE];
(void*)this, SIZE, 0, nullptr, 0, max, ImVec2(300, 20));
void SmallProfiler::draw(const std::string& status, const SmallProfilerStats& stats) {
ImGuiWindowFlags window_flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration |
ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize |
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings |
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav;
const float PAD = 10.0f;
const ImGuiViewport* viewport = ImGui::GetMainViewport();
ImVec2 work_pos = viewport->WorkPos; // Use work area to avoid menu-bar/task-bar, if any!
ImVec2 work_size = viewport->WorkSize;
ImVec2 window_pos, window_pos_pivot;
window_pos.x = (work_pos.x + PAD);
window_pos.y = (work_pos.y + work_size.y - PAD);
window_pos_pivot.x = 0.0f;
window_pos_pivot.y = 1.0f;
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(window_pos, ImGuiCond_Always, window_pos_pivot);
ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.85f); // Transparent background
if (ImGui::Begin("Profiler (short)", nullptr, window_flags)) {
ImGui::Text(" tri: %7d\n", stats.triangles);
ImGui::Text(" DC: %4d\n", stats.draw_calls);
if (!status.empty()) {
ImGui::Text("%s", status.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < (int)BucketCategory::MAX_CATEGORIES; i++) {
m_plots[i].push(stats.time_per_category[i] * 1000.f);
ImGui::Text("%6s", BUCKET_CATEGORY_NAMES[i]);