Hat Kid c12a5d777c
decomp3: decompile remaining mission code (#3515)
This should make all missions playable with the exception of the end of
`precursor-destroy-ship` because `precurd` asserts on level extraction.

- `trail`
- `trail-graph`
- `wastrail-graph`
- `cty-protect`
- `protect-gunship`
- `protect-path`
- `protect-script`
- `assault-cams`
- `assault-enemies`
- `assault-path`
- `assault-script`
- `assault-shared`
- `assault-task`
- `hover-nav-precura`
- `precura-mood`
- `precura-obs`
- `precura-obs2`
- `precura-part`
- `precurc-mood`
- `precurc-obs`
- `precurc-part`
- `precurd-obs`
- `precurd-part`
- `precurd-scenes`
2024-05-16 16:21:44 +02:00

158 lines
5.2 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: prim-h.gc
;; name in dgo: prim-h
;; dgos: GAME
(defenum prim-flags
:type uint32
:bitfield #t
(alpha-blend-enable 0) ;; set by default
(texture-enable 1) ;; set by default
(fog-enable 2)
(pf3 3) ;; auto-clear vertices?
(pf4 4) ;; has new verts to draw?
(no-texture-name 5) ;; only has the ID.
(define-extern process-drawable-art-error (state string process-drawable))
(define-extern *prim-engine* engine)
(deftype prim-vertex (structure)
"Vertex for the prim renderer. These vertices are generated by
some special effect code, then sent to the prim renderer to be drawn."
((stq vector :inline)
(nokick uint32 :overlay-at (-> stq data 2))
(col rgba :overlay-at (-> stq data 3))
(pos vector :inline)
(deftype prim-base (basic)
"Base class for prim-strip."
(generate-dma! (_type_ matrix) none)
(deftype prim-strip (prim-base)
"A collection of vertices, all with the same texture and draw settings.
These are owned by the thing submitting to prim, not the prim renderer itself."
((flags prim-flags)
(tex-name basic)
(num-verts uint16)
(allocated-num-verts uint16)
(tex-id texture-id)
(adnops gs-adcmd 2 :inline)
(data0 gs-test :overlay-at (-> adnops 0 word 0))
(reg0 gs-reg64 :overlay-at (-> adnops 0 word 2))
(data1 gs-test :offset 48)
(reg1 gs-reg64 :offset 56)
(clamp gs-clamp)
(alpha gs-alpha)
(bucket bucket-id)
(sink uint32)
(level level)
(texture-index uint32)
(data prim-vertex :inline :dynamic)
(new (symbol type int texture-id string) _type_)
(setup-dma-and-tex (_type_ draw-control) none)
(defmethod new prim-strip ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (num-vertices int) (tex-id texture-id) (tex-name string))
"Allocate a new prim-strip and room for vertices. The texture can be specified by name or ID."
(let ((s5-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* num-vertices 32))))))
(if (zero? s5-0)
(go process-drawable-art-error "prim-strip")
(add-connection *prim-engine* pp #f pp s5-0 #f)
(set! (-> s5-0 flags) (prim-flags alpha-blend-enable texture-enable))
(set! (-> s5-0 num-verts) (the-as uint num-vertices))
(set! (-> s5-0 allocated-num-verts) (the-as uint num-vertices))
(set! (-> s5-0 data0) (new 'static 'gs-test))
(set! (-> s5-0 adnops 0 cmds) (gs-reg64 hack))
(set! (-> s5-0 data1) (new 'static 'gs-test))
(set! (-> s5-0 adnops 1 cmds) (gs-reg64 hack))
(set! (-> s5-0 clamp) (new 'static 'gs-clamp :wms (gs-tex-wrap-mode clamp) :wmt (gs-tex-wrap-mode clamp)))
(set! (-> s5-0 alpha) (new 'static 'gs-alpha :b #x1 :d #x1))
(set! (-> s5-0 tex-id) (lookup-texture-id-by-name tex-name (the-as string #f)))
(set! (-> s5-0 tex-name) tex-name)
(logclear! (-> s5-0 flags) (prim-flags no-texture-name))
(set! (-> s5-0 tex-id) tex-id)
(set! (-> s5-0 tex-name) #f)
(logior! (-> s5-0 flags) (prim-flags no-texture-name))
(set! (-> s5-0 bucket) (bucket-id gmerc2-lcom-water))
(set! (-> s5-0 sink) (the-as uint 64))
(set! (-> s5-0 level) (-> *level* level-default))
(set! (-> s5-0 texture-index) (the-as uint 4))
(let ((f0-1 (/ 1.0 (the float (/ (+ num-vertices -1) 2)))))
(dotimes (v1-24 num-vertices)
(let ((a0-7 (-> s5-0 data v1-24)))
(set! (-> a0-7 stq x) (* (the float (/ v1-24 2)) f0-1))
(set! (-> a0-7 stq y) (the float (logand v1-24 1)))
(set! (-> a0-7 stq z) 0.0)
(set! (-> a0-7 col) (the-as rgba 0.0))
(set! (-> s5-0 data v1-24 col) (new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :g #x80 :b #x80 :a #x80))
(the-as vector (+ (the-as uint (the-as vector (-> s5-0 data 0 pos))) (* v1-24 32)))
(* 4096.0 (the float (/ v1-24 2)))
(* 4096.0 (the float (logand v1-24 1)))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int.
(defmethod asize-of ((this prim-strip))
(the-as int (+ (-> this type size) (* (-> this allocated-num-verts) 32)))
(deftype prim-sink (structure)
((vertex-count uint8)
(control-count uint8)
(deftype prim-work (structure)
((vertex-tmpl dma-packet 3 :inline)
(control-tmpl dma-packet 2 :inline)
(giftag generic-gif-tag :inline)
(call-scissor dma-packet :inline)
(call-noclip dma-packet :inline)
(shader adgif-shader :inline)
(mask vector4w :inline)
(in-verts int32)
(num-verts int32)
(vert-ptr (inline-array prim-vertex))
(sinks prim-sink 68 :inline)
(reset! (_type_) none)