
384 lines
13 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: mountain-obs2.gc
;; name in dgo: mountain-obs2
;; dgos: MTN
(deftype mtn-iris-door (process-drawable)
((root collide-shape :override)
:heap-base #x50
:method-count-assert 22
:size-assert #xc8
:flag-assert #x16005000c8
(open () _type_ :state 20)
(close () _type_ :state 21)
(defskelgroup skel-mtn-iris-door mtn-iris-door 0 2
((1 (meters 999999)))
:bounds (static-spherem 0 0 0 13.5)
:origin-joint-index 3
(defstate close (mtn-iris-door)
:virtual #t
:trans (behavior ()
(if (task-node-closed? (game-task-node canyon-insert-items-door))
(go-virtual open)
:code (behavior ()
(let ((root-prim (-> self root root-prim)))
(set! (-> root-prim prim-core collide-as) (-> self root backup-collide-as))
(set! (-> root-prim prim-core collide-with) (-> self root backup-collide-with))
(ja :num-func num-func-identity :frame-num 0.0)
(defstate open (mtn-iris-door)
:virtual #t
:trans (behavior ()
(if (not (task-node-closed? (game-task-node canyon-insert-items-door)))
(go-virtual close)
:code (behavior ()
(let ((root-prim (-> self root root-prim)))
(set! (-> root-prim prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec))
(set! (-> root-prim prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec))
(ja :num-func num-func-identity :frame-num max)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defmethod init-from-entity! mtn-iris-door ((obj mtn-iris-door) (entity entity-actor))
"Typically the method that does the initial setup on the process, potentially using the [[entity-actor]] provided as part of that.
This commonly includes things such as:
- stack size
- collision information
- loading the skeleton group / bones
- sounds"
(let ((cshape (new 'process 'collide-shape obj (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(let ((prim-mesh (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-mesh cshape (the-as uint 0) (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> prim-mesh prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec obstacle))
(set! (-> prim-mesh prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec jak player-list))
(set! (-> prim-mesh prim-core action) (collide-action solid))
(set! (-> prim-mesh transform-index) 3)
(set-vector! (-> prim-mesh local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 40960.0)
(set! (-> cshape total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> cshape root-prim) prim-mesh)
(set! (-> cshape nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> cshape root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((root-prim (-> cshape root-prim)))
(set! (-> cshape backup-collide-as) (-> root-prim prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> cshape backup-collide-with) (-> root-prim prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> obj root) cshape)
(process-drawable-from-entity! obj entity)
(the-as skeleton-group (art-group-get-by-name *level* "skel-mtn-iris-door" (the-as (pointer uint32) #f)))
(the-as pair 0)
(go (method-of-object obj close))
(deftype mtn-plat-shoot (plat)
((incoming-attack-id uint32 :offset-assert 324)
(angle-flip float :offset-assert 328)
(angle-flip-vel float :offset-assert 332)
(axe-flip vector :inline :offset-assert 336)
(state-flip uint32 :offset-assert 352)
(hit-time time-frame :offset-assert 360)
(time-flip float :offset-assert 368)
(disable-track-under basic :offset-assert 372)
(dest-angle float :offset-assert 376)
(on-shake symbol :offset-assert 380)
(hint-count float :offset-assert 384)
:heap-base #x110
:method-count-assert 37
:size-assert #x184
:flag-assert #x2501100184
(defskelgroup skel-mtn-plat-shoot mtn-plat-shoot mtn-plat-shoot-lod0-jg mtn-plat-shoot-idle-ja
((mtn-plat-shoot-lod0-mg (meters 20)) (mtn-plat-shoot-lod1-mg (meters 999999)))
:bounds (static-spherem 0 0 0 5.1)
(defmethod get-art-group mtn-plat-shoot ((obj mtn-plat-shoot))
"@returns The associated [[art-group]]"
(art-group-get-by-name *level* "skel-mtn-plat-shoot" (the-as (pointer uint32) #f))
(defmethod init-plat-collision! mtn-plat-shoot ((obj mtn-plat-shoot))
"TODO - collision stuff for setting up the platform"
(let ((cshape (new 'process 'collide-shape obj (collide-list-enum usually-hit-by-player))))
(let ((prim-mesh (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-mesh cshape (the-as uint 0) (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> prim-mesh prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec pusher))
(set! (-> prim-mesh prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec jak player-list))
(set! (-> prim-mesh prim-core action) (collide-action solid rideable))
(set! (-> prim-mesh transform-index) 0)
(set-vector! (-> prim-mesh local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 20889.6)
(set! (-> cshape total-prims) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> cshape root-prim) prim-mesh)
(pusher-init cshape)
(set! (-> cshape nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> cshape root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((root-prim (-> cshape root-prim)))
(set! (-> cshape backup-collide-as) (-> root-prim prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> cshape backup-collide-with) (-> root-prim prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> obj root) (the-as collide-shape-moving cshape))
(defmethod base-plat-method-32 mtn-plat-shoot ((obj mtn-plat-shoot))
(defmethod init-plat! mtn-plat-shoot ((obj mtn-plat-shoot))
"Does any necessary initial platform setup.
For example for an elevator pre-compute the distance between the first and last points (both ways) and clear the sound."
(logclear! (-> obj mask) (process-mask actor-pause))
(logior! (-> obj mask) (process-mask enemy))
(set-vector! (-> obj axe-flip) 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(set! (-> obj angle-flip) 180.0)
(set! (-> obj time-flip) (the float (the int (* 300.0 (res-lump-float (-> obj entity) 'delay :default 4.0)))))
(set! (-> obj disable-track-under) #f)
(if (>= (res-lump-value (-> obj entity) 'extra-id int :default (the-as uint128 -1) :time -1000000000.0) 0)
(set! (-> obj disable-track-under) (the-as basic #t))
(set! (-> obj hint-count) 0.0)
(if (> (you-suck-stage *game-info* #f) 0)
(set! (-> obj hint-count) 5.0)
(set! (-> obj sound)
(new 'process 'ambient-sound (static-sound-spec "shoot-plat-lp" :fo-max 70) (-> obj root trans))
(defstate plat-path-active (mtn-plat-shoot)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (arg1 int) (event-type symbol) (event event-message-block))
(case event-type
(the-as object (start-bouncing! self))
(when (zero? (-> self state-flip))
(let ((attack-info (the-as object (-> event param 1))))
(when (!= (-> (the-as attack-info attack-info) id) (-> self incoming-attack-id))
(set! (-> self incoming-attack-id) (-> (the-as attack-info attack-info) id))
(let* ((attacking-proc proc)
(attacker (if (type? attacking-proc process-drawable)
(the-as process-drawable attacking-proc)
(when attacker
(let* ((attacker-root (-> attacker root))
(cshape (if (type? attacker-root collide-shape)
(the-as collide-shape attacker-root)
(when cshape
(when (logtest? (-> cshape root-prim prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec projectile))
(when (zero? (-> self state-flip))
(sound-play "mtn-plat-flip1")
(set! (-> self state-flip) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> self hint-count) -1.0)
(vector-! (-> self axe-flip) (-> cshape trans) (-> self root trans))
(set! (-> self axe-flip y) 0.0)
(vector-normalize! (-> self axe-flip) 1.0)
(vector-rotate90-around-y! (-> self axe-flip) (-> self axe-flip))
(set! (-> self angle-flip-vel) -10.0)
(set! (-> self state-time) (current-time))
(when (>= (-> self hint-count) 0.0)
(+! (-> self hint-count) (-> self clock seconds-per-frame))
(when (< (rand-vu-float-range 6.0 10.0) (-> self hint-count))
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 56) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(set! (-> self hint-count) 0.0)
((-> event param 0)
(if (zero? (-> self state-flip))
((and *target*
(-> self disable-track-under)
(< (-> *target* control trans y) (+ -20480.0 (-> self root trans y)))
(zero? (-> self state-flip))
:enter (behavior ()
(let ((func (-> (method-of-type plat plat-path-active) enter)))
(if func
(set! (-> self dest-angle) 180.0)
(set! (-> self on-shake) #f)
(set! (-> self state-time) (current-time))
:trans (behavior ()
(when (>= (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (the int (-> self time-flip)))
(set! (-> self state-flip) (the-as uint 0))
((zero? (-> self state-flip))
(set! (-> self on-shake) #f)
(when (!= (-> self dest-angle) 180.0)
(sound-play "mtn-plat-flip2")
(set! (-> self dest-angle) 180.0)
(if (!= (-> self dest-angle) 0.0)
(set! (-> self dest-angle) 0.0)
(+! (-> self angle-flip-vel)
(* -0.5 (-> self clock seconds-per-frame) (- (-> self angle-flip) (-> self dest-angle)))
(+! (-> self angle-flip-vel) (* -6.0 (-> self clock seconds-per-frame) (-> self angle-flip-vel)))
(+! (-> self angle-flip) (-> self angle-flip-vel))
(quaternion-vector-angle! (-> self root quat) (-> self axe-flip) (* 182.04445 (-> self angle-flip)))
(when (and (>= (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (the int (+ -300.0 (-> self time-flip))))
(= 1 (-> self state-flip))
(when (not (-> self on-shake))
(sound-play "mtn-plat-shake")
(set! (-> self on-shake) #t)
(let ((s5-2 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(gp-2 (new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion))
(rand-vu-float-range -1.0 1.0)
(rand-vu-float-range -1.0 1.0)
(rand-vu-float-range -1.0 1.0)
(vector-normalize! s5-2 1.0)
(quaternion-vector-angle! gp-2 s5-2 1820.4445)
(quaternion-pseudo-seek (-> self root quat) (-> self root quat) gp-2 (-> self clock seconds-per-frame))
(quaternion-normalize! (-> self root quat))
(let ((func (-> (method-of-type plat plat-path-active) trans)))
(if func
:post (behavior ()
(let ((func (-> (method-of-type plat plat-path-active) post)))
(if func
((the-as (function none) func))
(game-task-node canyon-insert-items-door)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(let ((arrow-params (new 'stack-no-clear 'task-arrow-params)))
(set! (-> arrow-params pos quad) (-> self info end-sphere quad))
(quaternion-identity! (-> arrow-params quat))
(set! (-> arrow-params flags) (task-arrow-flags))
(set! (-> arrow-params map-icon) (the-as uint 15))
(set! (-> self arrow) (process->handle (task-arrow-spawn arrow-params (the-as task-arrow self))))
(until #f
(let ((dist-from-target (vector-vector-distance (target-pos 0) (-> self info end-sphere))))
((< dist-from-target (-> self info end-sphere r))
(send-event (handle->process (-> self arrow)) 'leave)
(go-virtual complete)
((< dist-from-target (* 6.0 (-> self info end-sphere r)))
(gui-channel art-load)
(gui-action queue)
(-> self info resolution-scene)
(new 'static 'sound-id)