Hat Kid 2969833b2d
decomp3: more engine stuff, detect non-virtual state inheritance (#3377)
- `speech`
- `ambient`
- `water-h`
- `vol-h`
- `generic-obs`
- `carry-h`
- `pilot-h`
- `board-h`
- `gun-h`
- `flut-h`
- `indax-h`
- `lightjak-h`
- `darkjak-h`
- `target-util`
- `history`
- `collide-reaction-target`
- `logic-target`
- `sidekick`
- `projectile`
- `voicebox`
- `ragdoll-edit`
- most of `ragdoll` (not added to gsrc yet)
- `curves`
- `find-nearest`
- `lightjak-wings`
- `target-handler`
- `target-anim`
- `target`
- `target2`
- `target-swim`
- `target-lightjak`
- `target-invisible`
- `target-death`
- `target-gun`
- `gun-util`
- `board-util`
- `target-board`
- `board-states`
- `mech-h`
- `vol`
- `vent`
- `viewer`
- `gem-pool`
- `collectables`
- `crates`
- `secrets-menu`


- Detection of non-virtual state inheritance
- Added a config file that allows overriding the process stack size set
by `stack-size-set!` calls
- Fix for integer multiplication with `r0`
- Fixed detection for the following macros:
	- `static-attack-info`
- `defpart` and `defpartgroup` (probably still needs adjustments, uses
Jak 2 implementation at the moment)
- `sound-play` (Jak 3 seems to always call `sound-play-by-name` with a
`sound-group` of 0, so the macro has been temporarily defaulted to use

One somewhat significant change made here that should be noted is that
the return type of `process::init-from-entity!` was changed to `object`.
I've been thinking about this for a while, since it looks a bit nicer
without the `(none)` at the end and I have recently encountered init
methods that early return `0`.
2024-03-03 15:15:27 -05:00

487 lines
17 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: gstate.gc
;; name in dgo: gstate
;; dgos: KERNEL
(defmacro go (next-state &rest args)
"Change the state of the current process.
This will only return if this is called within the post thread.
Otherwise, execution stops here and the kernel will run the next state next time."
(go-hook pp ,next-state ,@args)
(defmacro process-spawn-function (proc-type func &key (from *default-dead-pool*) &key (to *default-pool*) &key (name #f) &key (stack-size #x4000) &key (stack *scratch-memory-top*) &rest args)
"Start a new process that runs a function on its main thread.
Returns a pointer to the new process (or #f? on error).
Note that the extra jak 3 arg is so far always 1 (checked in decompiler)"
(with-gensyms (new-proc)
`(let ((,new-proc (the-as ,proc-type (get-process ,from ,proc-type ,stack-size 1))))
(when ,new-proc
((method-of-type ,proc-type activate) ,new-proc ,to ,(if name name `(symbol->string ',proc-type)) ,stack)
(run-next-time-in-process ,new-proc ,func ,@args)
(the (pointer ,proc-type) (-> ,new-proc ppointer))
(defmacro process-spawn (proc-type &key (init #f)
&key (from *default-dead-pool*)
&key (to *default-pool*)
&key (name #f)
&key (stack-size #x4000)
&key (stack *scratch-memory-top*)
&key (unk 1)
&rest args)
"Start a new process and run an init function on it.
Returns a pointer to the new process, or #f (or is it 0?) if something goes wrong."
(with-gensyms (new-proc)
`(let ((,new-proc (the-as ,proc-type (get-process ,from ,proc-type ,stack-size ,unk))))
(when ,new-proc
((method-of-type ,proc-type activate) ,new-proc ,to ,(if name name `(symbol->string ,proc-type)) ,stack)
(run-now-in-process ,new-proc ,(if init init (string->symbol (fmt #f "{}-init-by-other" proc-type))) ,@args)
(the (pointer ,proc-type) (-> ,new-proc ppointer))
(defmacro go-virtual (state-name &key (proc self) &rest args)
"Same as go, but use a virtual state."
`(go (method-of-object ,proc ,state-name) ,@args)
(defmacro go-process (proc next-state &rest args)
"Make another process go."
(protect (pp)
(set! pp ,proc)
(go-hook pp ,next-state ,@args)
;; run the given function in a process right now.
;; will return to here when:
;; - you return
;; - you deactivate
;; - you go
;; - you throw to 'initialize
(defmacro run-now-in-process (proc func &rest args)
"Run a function in another process right now."
`((the (function _varargs_ object) run-function-in-process)
,proc ,func ,@args
;; sets the main thread of the given process to run the given thing.
;; this resets the main thread stack back to the top
(defmacro run-next-time-in-process (proc func &rest args)
"Set up a process to run a function the next time it is scheduled."
`((the (function _varargs_ object) set-to-run)
(-> ,proc main-thread) ,func ,@args
;; use a compile-time list to keep track of the type of an anonymous behavior.
(seval (define *defstate-type-stack* '()))
(desfun def-state-check-behavior (beh-form beh-type)
"check if code block is an anonymous behavior. needed for anonymous behaviors on defstate."
(when (and (pair? beh-form) (eq? (first beh-form) 'behavior))
(push! *defstate-type-stack* beh-type)
(defmacro clear-def-state-stack ()
(set! *defstate-type-stack* '())
;; set when inside a defstate.
(seval (define *defstate-current-type* #f))
(seval (define *defstate-current-state-name* #f))
;; *no-state* is just used for the compiler to know whether a handler was actually set or not
(defmacro defstate (state-name parents
&key (virtual #f)
&key (parent #f)
&key (event *no-state*)
&key (enter *no-state*)
&key (trans *no-state*)
&key (exit *no-state*)
&key (code *no-state*)
&key (post *no-state*)
"Define a new state!"
(with-gensyms (new-state)
(let ((defstate-type (first parents)))
(when (not (null? *defstate-type-stack*))
(fmt #t "*defstate-type-stack* leaked! An error probably happened in a previous defstate. stack is: {}"
(set! *defstate-type-stack* '())
(when virtual
(set! *defstate-current-type* defstate-type)
(set! *defstate-current-state-name* state-name)
;; check for default handlers
(let ((default-handlers (assoc defstate-type *default-state-handlers*)))
(when default-handlers
;;(fmt #t "found default-handlers for {}: {}\n" defstate-type default-handlers)
;; event
(set! default-handlers (cadr default-handlers))
(when (and (eq? event '*no-state*) (car default-handlers))
(set! event (car default-handlers)))
;; enter
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (eq? enter '*no-state*) (car default-handlers))
(set! enter (car default-handlers)))
;; trans
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (eq? trans '*no-state*) (car default-handlers))
(set! trans (car default-handlers)))
;; exit
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (eq? exit '*no-state*) (car default-handlers))
(set! exit (car default-handlers)))
;; code
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (eq? code '*no-state*) (car default-handlers))
(set! code (car default-handlers)))
;; post
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (eq? post '*no-state*) (car default-handlers))
(set! post (car default-handlers)))
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(def-state-check-behavior event defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior enter defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior trans defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior exit defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior code defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior post defstate-type)
`(let ((,new-state (new 'static 'state
:name (quote ,state-name)
:next #f
:exit #f
:code #f
:trans #f
:post #f
:enter #f
:event #f
;; the compiler will set the fields of the given state and define the symbol.
;; This way it can check the individual function types, make sure they make sense, and create
;; a state with the appropriate type.
`(define-virtual-state-hook ,state-name ,defstate-type ,new-state ,(eq? virtual 'override) :event ,event :enter ,enter :trans ,trans :exit ,exit :code ,code :post ,post)
(inherit-state ,new-state (the state ,parent))
(set! (-> ,new-state parent) (the state ,parent))
(define-state-hook ,state-name ,defstate-type ,new-state :event ,event :enter ,enter :trans ,trans :exit ,exit :code ,code :post ,post)
`(define-state-hook ,state-name ,defstate-type ,new-state :event ,event :enter ,enter :trans ,trans :exit ,exit :code ,code :post ,post)
(defmacro find-parent-state ()
"Find the first different implementation of the current virtual state above this one."
(when (or (not *defstate-current-type*)
(not *defstate-current-state-name*))
(error "use of find-parent-state outside of a defstate.")
(find-parent-method ,*defstate-current-type* (method-id-of-type ,*defstate-current-type* ,*defstate-current-state-name*))
(defmacro behavior (bindings &rest body)
"Define an anonymous behavior for a process state. This may only be used inside a defstate!"
(let ((behavior-type (first *defstate-type-stack*)))
(pop! *defstate-type-stack*)
`(lambda :behavior ,behavior-type ,bindings ,@body)
;; set the default handler functions for a process's state handlers
(seval (define *default-state-handlers* '()))
(defmacro defstatehandler (proc
&key (event #f)
&key (enter #f)
&key (trans #f)
&key (exit #f)
&key (code #f)
&key (post #f))
(let ((old (assoc proc *default-state-handlers*))
(new (list proc (list event enter trans exit code post))))
(if (not old)
(append!! *default-state-handlers* new) ;; add new set of default handlers
(dolist (hnd *default-state-handlers*) ;; replace old handlers with new ones
(when (eq? (car hnd) old)
(set-car! hnd new)
(defmethod new state ((allocation symbol)
(type-to-make type)
(arg0 symbol)
(arg1 function)
(arg2 (function object))
(arg3 function)
(arg4 (function object))
(arg5 (function process int symbol event-message-block object))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 name) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 next) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 parent) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 exit) arg4)
(set! (-> v0-0 code) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-0 trans) arg2)
(set! (-> v0-0 post) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 enter) arg3)
(set! (-> v0-0 event) arg5)
(defun inherit-state ((arg0 state) (arg1 state))
(set! (-> arg0 parent) (-> arg1 parent)) ;; huh???
(set! (-> arg0 exit) (-> arg1 exit))
(set! (-> arg0 code) (-> arg1 code))
(set! (-> arg0 trans) (-> arg1 trans))
(set! (-> arg0 post) (-> arg1 post))
(set! (-> arg0 enter) (-> arg1 enter))
(set! (-> arg0 event) (-> arg1 event))
(defmethod print ((this state))
(format #t "#<~A ~A @ #x~X>" (-> this type) (-> this name) this)
(defun state-type? ((arg0 state) (arg1 symbol))
(let ((v1-0 arg0))
(while v1-0
(if (= (-> v1-0 name) arg1)
(return #t)
(set! v1-0 (-> v1-0 parent))
(define-extern enter-state (function object object object object object object object))
(defun enter-state ((arg0 object) (arg1 object) (arg2 object) (arg3 object) (arg4 object) (arg5 object))
(local-vars (s7-0 none) (sp-0 int) (ra-0 int))
;; added!!
(if (zero? (-> pp next-state))
(logclear! (-> pp mask) (process-mask sleep sleep-code))
(logior! (-> pp mask) (process-mask going))
((= (-> pp status) 'initialize)
(set! (-> pp trans-hook) #f)
(set-to-run (-> pp main-thread) enter-state arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5)
(set! (-> pp status) 'initialize-go)
(throw 'initialize #t)
((!= (-> *kernel-context* current-process) pp)
(let ((s0-0 (-> pp status)))
(set! (-> pp trans-hook) #f)
(set-to-run (-> pp main-thread) enter-state arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5)
(set! (-> pp status) s0-0)
((= (-> pp main-thread) (-> pp top-thread))
(set! (-> pp prev-state) (-> pp state))
(set! (-> pp state) (-> pp next-state))
(let ((s0-1 (-> pp stack-frame-top)))
(while s0-1
(case (-> s0-1 type)
((protect-frame state)
((-> (the-as protect-frame s0-1) exit))
(set! s0-1 (-> s0-1 next))
(logclear! (-> pp mask) (process-mask going))
(let ((s0-2 (-> pp state)))
(set! (-> pp event-hook) (-> s0-2 event))
(if (-> s0-2 exit)
(set! (-> pp stack-frame-top) s0-2)
(set! (-> pp stack-frame-top) #f)
(set! (-> pp post-hook) (-> s0-2 post))
(set! (-> pp trans-hook) (-> s0-2 trans))
(let ((t9-4 (-> s0-2 enter)))
(if t9-4
((the-as (function object object object object object object none) t9-4) arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5)
(let ((t9-5 (-> s0-2 trans)))
(if t9-5
(rlet ((temp)
(sp :reg rsp :type uint)
(off :reg r15 :type uint)
(carg0 :reg rdi)
(carg1 :reg rsi)
(carg2 :reg rdx)
(carg3 :reg rcx))
;; prepare args
;; compiler will likely have these on the stack, we need to get them in regs
;; before messing with the stack.
(.mov carg0 arg0)
(.mov carg1 arg1)
(.mov carg2 arg2)
(.mov carg3 arg3)
;; get the main code as an x86-64 pointer
(.mov func (-> s0-2 code))
(.add func off)
;; reset the stack (scary)
(.mov sp (-> pp main-thread stack-top))
(.add sp off)
;; push the return trampoline for when code returns.
(.mov temp return-from-thread-dead) ;; will deactivate
(.add temp off)
(.push temp)
;; and call!
(.jr func)
;; stupid hack so the compiler doesn't throw away these registers.
(.add carg0 carg1)
(.add carg2 carg3)
#f ;; can't get here
; (let ((v1-29 (-> pp main-thread)))
; (.lwu sp-0 28 v1-29)
; )
; (let ((t9-6 (-> s0-2 code)))
; (.lw ra-0 return-from-thread-dead s7-0)
; (.jr t9-6)
; )
(set! (-> pp trans-hook) #f)
(set-to-run (-> pp main-thread) enter-state arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5)
(when (!= (-> pp top-thread name) 'post)
;; abandon this one too.
;; NOTE - this is different from GOAL.
;; GOAL installs this as the return address for this function and returns normally.
;; but we don't because I don't have an easy way to find where to stick this.
;; I can't see how this makes a difference, as all non-main threads seem
;; temporary, but if this turns out to be false, we will need to change this.
#f ;; can't get here
; (let ((v1-32 return-from-thread))
; (.sw v1-32 0 (the-as none sp-0))
; )
(kmemopen global "event-queue")
(let ((v1-4 (new 'global 'event-message-block-array 64)))
(set! (-> v1-4 length) 0)
(define *event-queue* v1-4) ;; og:preserve-this
(defun send-event-function ((arg0 process-tree) (arg1 event-message-block))
(when (and arg0 (!= (-> arg0 type) process-tree) (-> (the-as process arg0) event-hook) (-> arg1 from))
(let ((gp-0 pp))
(set! pp (the-as process arg0))
(let ((v0-0 ((-> (the-as process arg0) event-hook) (-> arg1 from 0) (-> arg1 num-params) (-> arg1 message) arg1)))
(set! pp gp-0)
(defmethod send-all! ((this event-message-block-array))
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> this length))
(let* ((a1-0 (-> this data s5-0))
(a0-2 (handle->process (-> a1-0 to-handle)))
(if (and a0-2 (handle->process (-> a1-0 from-handle)))
(send-event-function a0-2 a1-0)
(set! (-> this length) 0)
;; WARN: new jak 2 until loop case, check carefully
(defun looping-code ()
(until #f
(defmacro send-event (proc msg &key (from (with-pp pp)) &rest params)
"Send an event to a process. This should be used over send-event-function"
`(let ((event-data (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> event-data from) (process->ppointer ,from))
(set! (-> event-data num-params) ,(length params))
(set! (-> event-data message) ,msg)
,@(apply-i (lambda (x i) `(set! (-> event-data param ,i) (the-as uint ,x))) params)
(send-event-function ,proc event-data)