
2322 lines
161 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: game-save.gc
;; name in dgo: game-save
;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME
;; NOTE - for default-menu
(declare-type auto-save process)
(define-extern auto-save-command (function symbol int int process-tree symbol (pointer auto-save)))
(defenum game-save-elt
:type uint16
(task-deaths 402)
(task-node-list 306)
(task-list 300)
(real-time 102)
(aspect-ratio 509)
(play-hints 507)
(continue-deaths 401)
(node-close-time 419)
(continue-time 408)
(dialog-volume 502)
(vibration 506)
(real-frame-time 105)
(task-complete-time 409)
(total-game-time 108)
(frame-time 104)
(in-level-time 414)
(sfx-volume 500)
(life 201)
(gun-ammo 216)
(task-start-time 415)
(auto-save-count 413)
(eco-pill-dark-total 212)
(game-time 103)
(screenx 504)
(death-movie-tick 207)
(buzzer-total 205)
(bigmap-data 308)
(stereo-mode 513)
(task-pickup-time 407)
(name 100)
(level-open-list 305)
(disk-tester 600)
(camera-stick-dir 510)
(continue 200)
(deaths-per-level 411)
(karma 210)
(scores 221)
(session-time 106)
(bg-time 107)
(screeny 505)
(total-trys 421)
(music-volume 501)
(node-death-count 416)
(gem 218)
(base-time 101)
(node-name 420)
(eco-pill-dark 211)
(skill-total 209)
(bigmap-offsets 309)
(death-pos 412)
(talker-state 307)
(features 214)
(game-start-time 403)
(hit-time 406)
(subtitle 511)
(total-deaths 400)
(death-time 405)
(video-mode 508)
(fuel-cell 206)
(node-gem-count 417)
(skill 208)
(subtitle-language 512)
(secrets 220)
(shield 213)
(gun-type 215)
(gem-total 219)
(node-skill-count 418)
(money-per-level 204)
(money-total 203)
(money 202)
(enter-level-time 410)
(purchase-secrets 222)
(perm-list 301)
(language 503)
(defun-debug game-save-elt->string ((arg0 game-save-elt))
(enum->string game-save-elt arg0)
(deftype game-save-tag (structure)
((user-object object 2 :offset 0)
(user-uint64 uint64 :offset 0)
(user-float0 float :offset 0)
(user-float float 2 :offset 0)
(user-int32 int32 2 :offset 0)
(user-uint32 uint32 2 :offset 0)
(user-int16 int16 4 :offset 0)
(user-uint16 uint16 4 :offset 0)
(user-int8 int8 8 :offset 0)
(user-int80 int8 :offset 0)
(user-int81 int8 :offset 1)
(user-uint8 uint8 8 :offset 0)
(elt-count int32 :offset-assert 8)
(elt-size uint16 :offset-assert 12)
(elt-type game-save-elt :offset-assert 14)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(deftype game-save (basic)
((version int32 :offset-assert 4)
(allocated-length int32 :offset-assert 8)
(length int32 :offset-assert 12)
(info-int32 int32 16 :offset-assert 16)
(info-int8 int8 64 :offset 16)
(level-index int32 :offset 16)
(gem-count float :offset 20)
(skill-count float :offset 24)
(completion-percentage float :offset 28)
(minute uint8 :offset 36)
(hour uint8 :offset 37)
(week uint8 :offset 38)
(day uint8 :offset 39)
(month uint8 :offset 40)
(year uint8 :offset 41)
(new-game int32 :offset 44)
(game-time time-frame :offset 48)
(secrets uint32 :offset 56)
(features uint32 :offset 60)
(tag game-save-tag :inline :dynamic :offset-assert 80)
:method-count-assert 12
:size-assert #x50
:flag-assert #xc00000050
(new (symbol type int) _type_ 0)
(save-to-file (_type_ string) _type_ 9)
(load-from-file (_type_ string) _type_ 10)
(debug-inspect (_type_ symbol) _type_ 11)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int.
(defmethod asize-of game-save ((obj game-save))
(the-as int (+ (-> game-save size) (-> obj allocated-length)))
(defmethod new game-save ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) arg0)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 version) 3)
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(defmethod debug-inspect game-save ((obj game-save) (arg0 symbol))
(local-vars (sv-16 int) (sv-32 string) (sv-48 string))
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format #t "~Tversion: ~D~%" (-> obj version))
(format #t "~Tallocated-length: ~D~%" (-> obj allocated-length))
(format #t "~Tlength: ~D~%" (-> obj length))
(format #t "~Tlevel-index: ~D~%" (-> obj level-index))
(format #t "~Tgem-count: ~f~%" (-> obj gem-count))
(format #t "~Tskill-count: ~f~%" (-> obj skill-count))
(format #t "~Tcompletion-percentage: ~f~%" (-> obj completion-percentage))
"~Tsave-time: ~x:~x ~x/~x/~x~%"
(-> obj hour)
(-> obj minute)
(-> obj day)
(-> obj month)
(-> obj year)
(format #t "~Tgame-time: ~E~%" (-> obj game-time))
(format #t "~Tsecrets: #x~x~%" (-> obj secrets))
(format #t "~Tfeatures: #x~x~%" (-> obj features))
(format #t "~Ttag[]: @ #x~X~%" (-> obj tag))
(let ((s4-0 (the-as object (-> obj tag)))
(s3-0 0)
(while (< (the-as int s4-0) (the-as int (&-> obj tag 0 user-int8 (-> obj length))))
(let ((s2-0 format)
(s1-0 #t)
(s0-0 "~T [~3D] ~-32S [~3D/~3D] ~12D ~8f ")
(set! sv-16 s3-0)
(let ((a3-2 (game-save-elt->string (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-type)))
(t0-1 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(t1-1 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-size))
(t2-1 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64))
(t3-0 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(s2-0 s1-0 s0-0 sv-16 a3-2 t0-1 t1-1 t2-1 t3-0)
(let ((v1-0 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-type)))
(if (or (= v1-0 (game-save-elt name)) (= v1-0 (game-save-elt continue)))
(format #t "= \"~G\"~%" (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1))
(format #t "~%")
(when arg0
(case (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-type)
(((game-save-elt node-death-count) (game-save-elt node-skill-count) (game-save-elt node-gem-count))
(dotimes (s2-1 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(let ((s1-1 format)
(s0-1 #t)
(set! sv-32 " ~-32S: ~D~%")
(let ((a2-15 (game-task-node->string (the-as game-task-node s2-1)))
(a3-3 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1 user-uint16 s2-1))
(s1-1 s0-1 sv-32 a2-15 a3-3)
(((game-save-elt node-close-time))
(dotimes (s2-2 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(let ((s1-2 format)
(s0-2 #t)
(set! sv-48 " ~-32S: ~D~%")
(let ((a2-16 (game-task-node->string (the-as game-task-node s2-2)))
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* s2-2 8))))
(s1-2 s0-2 sv-48 a2-16 a3-4)
(((game-save-elt enter-level-time))
(dotimes (s2-3 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(when (< s2-3 (-> *task-level* length))
(let ((a2-17 (task-level->string s2-3)))
(if a2-17
" ~-32S: ~D~%"
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* s2-3 8))))
(((game-save-elt in-level-time))
(dotimes (s2-4 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(when (< s2-4 (-> *task-level* length))
(let ((a2-18 (task-level->string s2-4)))
(if a2-18
" ~-32S: ~D~%"
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* s2-4 8))))
(((game-save-elt task-complete-time) (game-save-elt task-start-time))
(dotimes (s2-5 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(let ((a2-19 (game-task->string (the-as game-task s2-5))))
(if a2-19
" ~-32S: ~D~%"
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* s2-5 8))))
(((game-save-elt disk-tester))
(set! s4-0 (&+
(the-as pointer s4-0)
(logand -16 (+ (* (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-size))
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count)
(+! s3-0 1)
(defmethod inspect game-save ((obj game-save))
(debug-inspect obj #f)
(defmethod save-game game-info ((obj game-info) (arg0 game-save) (arg1 string))
(dotimes (s4-0 (-> *level* length))
(let ((a1-1 (-> *level* level s4-0)))
(if (= (-> a1-1 status) 'active)
(copy-perms-from-level! obj a1-1)
(set! (-> arg0 length) 0)
(set! (-> arg0 version) 3)
(let ((s4-1 (get-continue-by-name obj (-> obj current-continue name))))
(when (not s4-1)
"ERROR: SAVE: attempting to save continue ~A which is not in level-info~%"
(-> obj current-continue name)
(set! s4-1 (get-continue-by-name obj "title-start"))
(let ((v1-19 (-> *task-manager-engine* alive-list next0)))
(let ((s2-0 (-> v1-19 next0)))
(while (!= v1-19 (-> *task-manager-engine* alive-list-end))
(let ((a1-5 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> a1-5 from) (process->ppointer pp))
(set! (-> a1-5 num-params) 0)
(set! (-> a1-5 message) 'fail-continue)
(let ((a1-6 (send-event-function (the-as process-tree (-> (the-as connection v1-19) param1)) a1-5)))
(when a1-6
(let ((a0-13 (get-continue-by-name obj (the-as string a1-6))))
(if a0-13
(set! s4-1 a0-13)
(set! v1-19 s2-0)
(set! s2-0 (-> s2-0 next0))
(set! (-> arg0 level-index) (the-as int (-> (lookup-level-info (-> s4-1 level)) task-level)))
(set! (-> arg0 gem-count) (-> obj gem))
(set! (-> arg0 skill-count) (-> obj skill))
(set! (-> arg0 completion-percentage) (calculate-percentage obj))
(set! (-> arg0 game-time) (+ -300000 (-> *display* total-game-clock frame-counter)))
(set! (-> arg0 secrets) (the-as uint (-> obj purchase-secrets)))
(set! (-> arg0 features) (the-as uint (-> obj features)))
(when (string= (-> s4-1 name) "title-start")
(set! (-> arg0 new-game) 1)
(set! (-> arg0 level-index) 0)
(set! (-> arg0 gem-count) 0.0)
(set! (-> arg0 skill-count) 0.0)
(set! (-> arg0 completion-percentage) 0.0)
(set! (-> arg0 game-time) 0)
(set! (-> arg0 features) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> arg0 secrets) (the-as uint 0))
(when (logtest? (-> *game-info* secrets) (game-secrets hero-mode))
(set! (-> arg0 new-game) 2)
(set! (-> arg0 secrets) (the-as uint #x8000))
(let ((s2-1 (new 'stack 'scf-time)))
(scf-get-time s2-1)
(when (zero? (-> s2-1 stat))
(set! (-> arg0 minute) (-> s2-1 minute))
(set! (-> arg0 hour) (-> s2-1 hour))
(set! (-> arg0 day) (-> s2-1 day))
(set! (-> arg0 week) (-> s2-1 week))
(set! (-> arg0 month) (-> s2-1 month))
(set! (-> arg0 year) (-> s2-1 year))
(let ((s2-2 (the-as object (-> arg0 tag))))
(let ((s1-0 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s2-2) 0)))
(set! (-> s1-0 elt-type) (game-save-elt name))
(set! (-> s1-0 elt-count) (+ (length arg1) 1))
(set! (-> s1-0 elt-size) (the-as uint 1))
(copy-charp<-charp (the-as (pointer uint8) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s2-2) 1)) (-> arg1 data))
(let ((v1-59
(inline-array game-save-tag)
(+ (the-as int s2-2)
(&+ (logand -16 (&+ (the-as pointer (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s2-2) 0 elt-count)) 15)) 16)
(let ((a0-31 (-> v1-59 0)))
(set! (-> a0-31 elt-type) (game-save-elt base-time))
(set! (-> a0-31 elt-count) 2)
(set! (-> a0-31 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((s3-1 (-> v1-59 1)))
(save! (-> *display* base-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) s3-1))
(let ((v1-63 (the-as object (&+ s3-1 16))))
(let ((a0-33 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-63) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-33 elt-type) (game-save-elt game-time))
(set! (-> a0-33 elt-count) 2)
(set! (-> a0-33 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((s3-2 (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-63) 16)))
(save! (-> *display* game-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) s3-2))
(let ((v1-67 (the-as object (&+ s3-2 16))))
(let ((a0-35 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-67) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-35 elt-type) (game-save-elt total-game-time))
(set! (-> a0-35 elt-count) 2)
(set! (-> a0-35 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((s3-3 (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-67) 16)))
(save! (-> *display* total-game-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) s3-3))
(let ((v1-71 (the-as object (&+ s3-3 16))))
(let ((a0-37 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-71) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-37 elt-type) (game-save-elt real-time))
(set! (-> a0-37 elt-count) 2)
(set! (-> a0-37 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((s3-4 (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-71) 16)))
(save! (-> *display* real-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) s3-4))
(let ((v1-75 (the-as object (&+ s3-4 16))))
(let ((a0-39 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-75) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-39 elt-type) (game-save-elt frame-time))
(set! (-> a0-39 elt-count) 2)
(set! (-> a0-39 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((s3-5 (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-75) 16)))
(save! (-> *display* frame-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) s3-5))
(let ((v1-79 (the-as object (&+ s3-5 16))))
(let ((a0-41 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-79) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-41 elt-type) (game-save-elt real-frame-time))
(set! (-> a0-41 elt-count) 2)
(set! (-> a0-41 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((s3-6 (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-79) 16)))
(save! (-> *display* real-frame-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) s3-6))
(let ((v1-83 (the-as object (&+ s3-6 16))))
(let ((a0-43 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-83) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-43 elt-type) (game-save-elt session-time))
(set! (-> a0-43 elt-count) 2)
(set! (-> a0-43 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((s3-7 (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-83) 16)))
(save! (-> *display* session-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) s3-7))
(let ((v1-87 (the-as object (&+ s3-7 16))))
(let ((a0-45 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-87) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-45 elt-type) (game-save-elt bg-time))
(set! (-> a0-45 elt-count) 2)
(set! (-> a0-45 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((s3-8 (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-87) 16)))
(save! (-> *display* bg-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) s3-8))
(let ((s3-9 (the-as object (&+ s3-8 16))))
(let ((s4-2 (-> s4-1 name)))
(let ((s2-3 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s3-9) 0)))
(set! (-> s2-3 elt-type) (game-save-elt continue))
(set! (-> s2-3 elt-count) (+ (length s4-2) 1))
(set! (-> s2-3 elt-size) (the-as uint 1))
(copy-charp<-charp (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as game-save-tag s3-9) 16)) (-> s4-2 data))
(let ((v1-99 (the-as
(&+ (the-as pointer s3-9) (+ (logand -16 (+ (-> (the-as game-save-tag s3-9) elt-count) 15)) 16))
(let ((a0-52 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-99) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-52 elt-type) (game-save-elt life))
(set! (-> a0-52 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-52 user-float0) (-> obj life))
(let ((v1-100 (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) (&+ (the-as pointer v1-99) 16))))
(let ((a0-53 (-> v1-100 0)))
(set! (-> a0-53 elt-type) (game-save-elt buzzer-total))
(set! (-> a0-53 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-53 user-float0) (-> obj buzzer-total))
(let ((v1-101 (the-as object (-> v1-100 1))))
(let ((a0-54 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-101) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-54 elt-type) (game-save-elt fuel-cell))
(set! (-> a0-54 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-54 user-float0) (-> obj fuel))
(let ((v1-102 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-101) 16))))
(let ((a0-55 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-102) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-55 elt-type) (game-save-elt death-movie-tick))
(set! (-> a0-55 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-55 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj death-movie-tick)))
(let ((v1-103 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-102) 16))))
(let ((a0-56 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-103) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-56 elt-type) (game-save-elt money))
(set! (-> a0-56 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-56 user-float0) (-> obj money))
(let ((v1-104 (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-103) 16))))
(let ((a0-57 (-> v1-104 0)))
(set! (-> a0-57 elt-type) (game-save-elt money-total))
(set! (-> a0-57 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-57 user-float0) (-> obj money-total))
(let ((v1-106 (the-as object (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) (-> v1-104 1)) 2))))
(let ((a0-58 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-106) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-58 elt-type) (game-save-elt skill))
(set! (-> a0-58 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-58 user-float0) (-> obj skill))
(let ((v1-107 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-106) 16))))
(let ((a0-59 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-107) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-59 elt-type) (game-save-elt skill-total))
(set! (-> a0-59 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-59 user-float0) (-> obj skill-total))
(let ((v1-108 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-107) 16))))
(let ((a0-60 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-108) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-60 elt-type) (game-save-elt gem))
(set! (-> a0-60 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-60 user-float0) (-> obj gem))
(let ((v1-109 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-108) 16))))
(let ((a0-61 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-109) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-61 elt-type) (game-save-elt gem-total))
(set! (-> a0-61 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-61 user-float0) (-> obj gem-total))
(let ((v1-110 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-109) 16))))
(let ((a0-62 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-110) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-62 elt-type) (game-save-elt karma))
(set! (-> a0-62 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-62 user-float0) (-> obj karma))
(let ((v1-111 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-110) 16))))
(let ((a0-63 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-111) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-63 elt-type) (game-save-elt eco-pill-dark))
(set! (-> a0-63 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-63 user-float0) (-> obj eco-pill-dark))
(let ((v1-112 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-111) 16))))
(let ((a0-64 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-112) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-64 elt-type) (game-save-elt eco-pill-dark-total))
(set! (-> a0-64 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-64 user-float0) (-> obj eco-pill-dark-total))
(let ((v1-113 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-112) 16))))
(let ((a0-65 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-113) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-65 elt-type) (game-save-elt shield))
(set! (-> a0-65 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-65 user-float0) (-> obj shield))
(let ((v1-114 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-113) 16))))
(let ((a0-66 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-114) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-66 elt-type) (game-save-elt features))
(set! (-> a0-66 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-66 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj features)))
(let ((v1-115 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-114) 16))))
(let ((a0-67 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-115) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-67 elt-type) (game-save-elt secrets))
(set! (-> a0-67 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-67 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj secrets)))
(let ((v1-116 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-115) 16))))
(let ((a0-68 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-116) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-68 elt-type) (game-save-elt purchase-secrets))
(set! (-> a0-68 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-68 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj purchase-secrets)))
(let ((v1-117 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-116) 16))))
(let ((a0-69 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-117) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-69 elt-type) (game-save-elt gun-type))
(set! (-> a0-69 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-69 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj gun-type)))
(let ((v1-118 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-117) 16))))
(let ((a0-70 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-118) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-70 elt-type) (game-save-elt gun-ammo))
(set! (-> a0-70 elt-count) 4)
(set! (-> a0-70 elt-size) (the-as uint 4))
(let ((v1-119 (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-118) 16)))
(dotimes (a0-71 4)
(set! (-> v1-119 user-object a0-71) (-> obj gun-ammo a0-71))
(let ((v1-120 (the-as object (&+ v1-119 16))))
(let ((a0-74 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-120) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-74 elt-type) (game-save-elt level-open-list))
(set! (-> a0-74 elt-count) 32)
(set! (-> a0-74 elt-size) (the-as uint 1))
(let ((v1-121 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-120) 16))))
(dotimes (a0-75 32)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer v1-121) a0-75))) (-> obj level-opened a0-75))
(let ((v1-122 (the-as object (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-121) 2)))
(s3-10 (-> obj sub-task-list length))
(let ((a0-79 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-122) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-79 elt-type) (game-save-elt node-name))
(set! (-> a0-79 elt-count) s3-10)
(set! (-> a0-79 elt-size) (the-as uint 64))
(let ((s4-3 (the-as object (&+ (the-as game-save-tag v1-122) 16))))
(dotimes (s2-4 s3-10)
(copyn-charp<-string (the-as (pointer uint8) s4-3) (-> obj sub-task-list s2-4 name) 64)
(set! s4-3 (&+ (the-as pointer s4-3) 64))
(let ((s3-11 (-> obj perm-list length)))
(let ((v1-129 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-3) 0)))
(set! (-> v1-129 elt-type) (game-save-elt perm-list))
(set! (-> v1-129 elt-count) s3-11)
(set! (-> v1-129 elt-size) (the-as uint 16))
(let ((s4-4 (the-as object (&+ (the-as pointer s4-3) 16))))
(dotimes (s2-5 s3-11)
(mem-copy! (&+ (the-as pointer s4-4) (* s2-5 16)) (the-as pointer (-> obj perm-list data s2-5)) 16)
(let ((v1-137 (the-as object (+ (the-as int s4-4) (logand -16 (+ (* s3-11 16) 15)))))
(s4-5 (-> obj task-perm-list length))
(let ((a0-88 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-137) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-88 elt-type) (game-save-elt task-list))
(set! (-> a0-88 elt-count) s4-5)
(set! (-> a0-88 elt-size) (the-as uint 16))
(let ((s3-12 (+ (the-as int v1-137) 16)))
(dotimes (s2-6 s4-5)
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (+ s3-12 (* s2-6 16))) (the-as pointer (-> obj task-perm-list data s2-6)) 16)
(let ((a0-92 (the-as object (+ s3-12 (logand -16 (+ (* s4-5 16) 15)))))
(v1-147 (-> obj unknown-pad6 allocated-length))
(let ((a1-88 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) a0-92) 0)))
(set! (-> a1-88 elt-type) (game-save-elt talker-state))
(set! (-> a1-88 elt-count) v1-147)
(set! (-> a1-88 elt-size) (the-as uint 2))
(let ((a0-93 (+ (the-as int a0-92) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-89 v1-147)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint16) (+ a0-93 (* a1-89 2))) 0) (-> obj unknown-pad6 a1-89))
(let ((a0-94 (the-as object (+ a0-93 (logand -16 (+ (* v1-147 2) 15)))))
(v1-153 (-> obj game-score allocated-length))
(let ((a1-93 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) a0-94) 0)))
(set! (-> a1-93 elt-type) (game-save-elt scores))
(set! (-> a1-93 elt-count) v1-153)
(set! (-> a1-93 elt-size) (the-as uint 4))
(let ((a0-95 (+ (the-as int a0-94) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-94 v1-153)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer float) (+ a0-95 (* a1-94 4))) 0) (-> obj game-score a1-94))
(let ((s4-6 (the-as object (+ a0-95 (logand -16 (+ (* v1-153 4) 15))))))
(bigmap-method-13 *bigmap*)
(let ((v1-161 (-> *bigmap* compressed-next-index)))
(let ((a0-97 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-6) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-97 elt-type) (game-save-elt bigmap-data))
(set! (-> a0-97 elt-count) (the-as int v1-161))
(set! (-> a0-97 elt-size) (the-as uint 1))
(let ((a0-98 (+ (the-as int s4-6) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-100 (the-as int v1-161))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (+ a0-98 a1-100)) 0)
(-> (the-as game-save-tag (+ (-> *bigmap* compressed-data) a1-100)) user-uint8 0)
(let ((a0-99 (the-as object (+ a0-98 (logand -16 (+ v1-161 15)))))
(v1-165 20)
(let ((a1-104 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) a0-99) 0)))
(set! (-> a1-104 elt-type) (game-save-elt bigmap-offsets))
(set! (-> a1-104 elt-count) v1-165)
(set! (-> a1-104 elt-size) (the-as uint 4))
(let ((a0-100 (+ (the-as int a0-99) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-105 v1-165)
(if (-> *bigmap* compressed-masks a1-105)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint32) (+ a0-100 (* a1-105 4))) 0)
(the-as uint (&- (-> *bigmap* compressed-masks a1-105) (the-as uint (-> *bigmap* compressed-data))))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer int32) (+ a0-100 (* a1-105 4))) 0) -1)
(let ((v1-169 (the-as object (+ a0-100 (logand -16 (+ (* v1-165 4) 15))))))
(let ((a0-102 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-169) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-102 elt-type) (game-save-elt auto-save-count))
(set! (-> a0-102 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-102 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj auto-save-count)))
(let ((v1-170 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-169) 16))))
(let ((a0-103 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-170) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-103 elt-type) (game-save-elt total-deaths))
(set! (-> a0-103 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-103 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj total-deaths)))
(let ((v1-171 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-170) 16))))
(let ((a0-104 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-171) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-104 elt-type) (game-save-elt total-trys))
(set! (-> a0-104 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-104 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj total-trys)))
(let ((v1-172 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-171) 16))))
(let ((a0-105 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-172) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-105 elt-type) (game-save-elt continue-deaths))
(set! (-> a0-105 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-105 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj continue-deaths)))
(let ((v1-173 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-172) 16))))
(let ((a0-106 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-173) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-106 elt-type) (game-save-elt task-deaths))
(set! (-> a0-106 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-106 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj task-deaths)))
(let ((v1-174 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-173) 16))))
(let ((a0-107 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-174) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-107 elt-type) (game-save-elt game-start-time))
(set! (-> a0-107 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-107 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj game-start-time)))
(let ((v1-175 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-174) 16))))
(let ((a0-108 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-175) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-108 elt-type) (game-save-elt continue-time))
(set! (-> a0-108 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-108 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj continue-time)))
(let ((v1-176 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-175) 16))))
(let ((a0-109 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-176) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-109 elt-type) (game-save-elt death-time))
(set! (-> a0-109 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-109 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj death-time)))
(let ((v1-177 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-176) 16))))
(let ((a0-110 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-177) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-110 elt-type) (game-save-elt hit-time))
(set! (-> a0-110 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-110 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj hit-time)))
(let ((v1-178 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-177) 16))))
(let ((a0-111 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-178) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-111 elt-type) (game-save-elt task-pickup-time))
(set! (-> a0-111 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-111 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> obj task-pickup-time)))
(let ((v1-179 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-178) 16))))
(let ((a0-112 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-179) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-112 elt-type) (game-save-elt task-complete-time))
(set! (-> a0-112 elt-count) 110)
(set! (-> a0-112 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((v1-180 (+ (the-as int v1-179) 16)))
(dotimes (a0-113 110)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer time-frame) (+ v1-180 (* a0-113 8))) 0) (-> obj unknown-array1 a0-113))
(let ((v1-181 (the-as object (+ v1-180 880))))
(let ((a0-116 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-181) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-116 elt-type) (game-save-elt task-start-time))
(set! (-> a0-116 elt-count) 110)
(set! (-> a0-116 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((v1-182 (+ (the-as int v1-181) 16)))
(dotimes (a0-117 110)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer time-frame) (+ v1-182 (* a0-117 8))) 0) (-> obj task-close-times a0-117))
(let ((v1-183 (the-as object (+ v1-182 880))))
(let ((a0-120 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-183) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-120 elt-type) (game-save-elt enter-level-time))
(set! (-> a0-120 elt-count) 32)
(set! (-> a0-120 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((v1-184 (+ (the-as int v1-183) 16)))
(dotimes (a0-121 32)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer time-frame) (+ v1-184 (* a0-121 8))) 0) (-> obj task-enter-times a0-121))
(let ((v1-185 (the-as object (+ v1-184 256))))
(let ((a0-124 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-185) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-124 elt-type) (game-save-elt in-level-time))
(set! (-> a0-124 elt-count) 32)
(set! (-> a0-124 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((v1-186 (+ (the-as int v1-185) 16)))
(dotimes (a0-125 32)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer time-frame) (+ v1-186 (* a0-125 8))) 0) (-> obj task-in-times a0-125))
(let ((a0-128 (the-as object (+ v1-186 256)))
(v1-188 (-> obj sub-task-list length))
(let ((a1-153 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) a0-128) 0)))
(set! (-> a1-153 elt-type) (game-save-elt node-death-count))
(set! (-> a1-153 elt-count) v1-188)
(set! (-> a1-153 elt-size) (the-as uint 2))
(let ((a0-129 (+ (the-as int a0-128) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-154 v1-188)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint16) (+ a0-129 (* a1-154 2))) 0) (-> obj sub-task-list a1-154 death-count))
(let ((a0-130 (the-as object (+ a0-129 (logand -16 (+ (* v1-188 2) 15))))))
(let ((a1-159 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) a0-130) 0)))
(set! (-> a1-159 elt-type) (game-save-elt node-gem-count))
(set! (-> a1-159 elt-count) v1-188)
(set! (-> a1-159 elt-size) (the-as uint 2))
(let ((a0-131 (+ (the-as int a0-130) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-160 v1-188)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint16) (+ a0-131 (* a1-160 2))) 0) (-> obj sub-task-list a1-160 gem-count))
(let ((a0-132 (the-as object (+ a0-131 (logand -16 (+ (* v1-188 2) 15))))))
(let ((a1-165 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) a0-132) 0)))
(set! (-> a1-165 elt-type) (game-save-elt node-skill-count))
(set! (-> a1-165 elt-count) v1-188)
(set! (-> a1-165 elt-size) (the-as uint 2))
(let ((a0-133 (+ (the-as int a0-132) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-166 v1-188)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint16) (+ a0-133 (* a1-166 2))) 0) (-> obj sub-task-list a1-166 skill-count))
(let ((a0-134 (the-as object (+ a0-133 (logand -16 (+ (* v1-188 2) 15))))))
(let ((a1-171 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) a0-134) 0)))
(set! (-> a1-171 elt-type) (game-save-elt node-close-time))
(set! (-> a1-171 elt-count) v1-188)
(set! (-> a1-171 elt-size) (the-as uint 8))
(let ((a0-135 (+ (the-as int a0-134) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-172 v1-188)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer time-frame) (+ a0-135 (* a1-172 8))) 0) (-> obj sub-task-list a1-172 close-time))
(let ((a0-136 (the-as object (+ a0-135 (logand -16 (+ (* v1-188 8) 15)))))
(v1-194 (-> obj sub-task-list length))
(let ((a1-176 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) a0-136) 0)))
(set! (-> a1-176 elt-type) (game-save-elt task-node-list))
(set! (-> a1-176 elt-count) v1-194)
(set! (-> a1-176 elt-size) (the-as uint 1))
(let ((a0-137 (+ (the-as int a0-136) 16)))
(dotimes (a1-177 v1-194)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer int8) (+ a0-137 a1-177)) 0)
(if (logtest? (-> obj sub-task-list a1-177 flags) (game-task-node-flag closed))
(let ((v1-197 (the-as object (+ a0-137 (logand -16 (+ v1-194 15))))))
(let ((a0-139 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-197) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-139 elt-type) (game-save-elt sfx-volume))
(set! (-> a0-139 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-139 user-float0) (-> *setting-control* user-default sfx-volume))
(let ((v1-198 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-197) 16))))
(let ((a0-140 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-198) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-140 elt-type) (game-save-elt music-volume))
(set! (-> a0-140 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-140 user-float0) (-> *setting-control* user-default music-volume))
(let ((v1-199 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-198) 16))))
(let ((a0-141 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-199) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-141 elt-type) (game-save-elt dialog-volume))
(set! (-> a0-141 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-141 user-float0) (-> *setting-control* user-default dialog-volume))
(let ((v1-200 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-199) 16))))
(let ((a0-142 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-200) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-142 elt-type) (game-save-elt language))
(set! (-> a0-142 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-142 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> *setting-control* user-default language)))
(let ((v1-201 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-200) 16))))
(let ((a0-143 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-201) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-143 elt-type) (game-save-elt subtitle-language))
(set! (-> a0-143 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-143 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> *setting-control* user-default subtitle-language)))
(let ((v1-202 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-201) 16))))
(let ((a0-144 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-202) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-144 elt-type) (game-save-elt stereo-mode))
(set! (-> a0-144 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-144 user-uint64) (the-as uint (-> *setting-control* user-default stereo-mode)))
(let ((v1-203 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-202) 16))))
(let ((a0-145 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-203) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-145 elt-type) (game-save-elt screenx))
(set! (-> a0-145 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-145 user-float0) (the float (-> *setting-control* user-default display-dx)))
(let ((v1-204 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-203) 16))))
(let ((a0-146 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-204) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-146 elt-type) (game-save-elt screeny))
(set! (-> a0-146 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-146 user-float0) (the float (-> *setting-control* user-default display-dy)))
(let ((v1-205 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-204) 16))))
(let ((a0-147 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-205) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-147 elt-type) (game-save-elt vibration))
(set! (-> a0-147 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-147 user-uint64) (the-as uint (if (-> *setting-control* user-default vibration)
(let ((v1-206 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-205) 16))))
(let ((a0-148 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-206) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-148 elt-type) (game-save-elt subtitle))
(set! (-> a0-148 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-148 user-uint64) (the-as uint (if (-> *setting-control* user-default subtitle)
(let ((v1-207 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-206) 16))))
(let ((a0-149 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-207) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-149 elt-type) (game-save-elt camera-stick-dir))
(set! (-> a0-149 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-149 user-uint64) (the-as uint (if (-> *setting-control* user-default unknowng-symbol-00)
(let ((v1-208 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-207) 16))))
(let ((a0-150 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-208) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-150 elt-type) (game-save-elt play-hints))
(set! (-> a0-150 elt-count) 0)
(set! (-> a0-150 user-uint64) (the-as uint (if (-> *setting-control* user-default play-hints)
(let ((v1-209 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-208) 16))))
(let ((a0-151 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-209) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-151 elt-type) (game-save-elt video-mode))
(set! (-> a0-151 elt-count) 0)
(let ((a1-220 (-> *setting-control* user-default video-mode)))
(set! (-> a0-151 user-uint64) (the-as uint (cond
((= a1-220 'ntsc)
((= a1-220 'pal)
(let ((v1-210 (the-as object (+ (the-as int v1-209) 16))))
(let ((a0-152 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-210) 0)))
(set! (-> a0-152 elt-type) (game-save-elt aspect-ratio))
(set! (-> a0-152 elt-count) 0)
(let ((a1-224 (-> *setting-control* user-default aspect-ratio)))
(set! (-> a0-152 user-uint64) (the-as uint (cond
((= a1-224 'aspect4x3)
((= a1-224 'aspect16x9)
(set! (-> arg0 length) (- (+ (the-as int v1-210) 16) (the-as int (the-as pointer (-> arg0 tag)))))
(if (< (-> arg0 allocated-length) (-> arg0 length))
"ERROR: SAVEGAME: fatal error, save is using ~D of ~D bytes."
(-> arg0 length)
(-> arg0 allocated-length)
(defmethod load-game game-info ((obj game-info) (arg0 game-save))
(let ((v1-0 (the-as object (-> arg0 tag))))
(while (< (the-as int v1-0) (the-as int (&-> arg0 tag 0 user-int8 (-> arg0 length))))
(case (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 elt-type)
(((game-save-elt sfx-volume))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default sfx-volume)
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-float0)
(((game-save-elt music-volume))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default music-volume)
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-float0)
(((game-save-elt dialog-volume))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default dialog-volume)
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-float0)
(((game-save-elt language))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default language)
(the-as language-enum (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-uint64))
(((game-save-elt subtitle-language))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default subtitle-language)
(the-as language-enum (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-uint64))
(((game-save-elt stereo-mode))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default stereo-mode)
(the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-uint64))
(((game-save-elt vibration))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default vibration)
(= (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-uint64) 1)
(((game-save-elt subtitle))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default subtitle)
(= (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-uint64) 1)
(((game-save-elt camera-stick-dir))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default unknowng-symbol-00)
(= (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-uint64) 1)
(((game-save-elt play-hints))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default play-hints)
(= (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-uint64) 1)
(((game-save-elt screenx))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default display-dx)
(the int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt screeny))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default display-dy)
(the int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 user-float0))
(set! v1-0 (&+
(the-as pointer v1-0)
(logand -16 (+ (* (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 elt-size))
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) v1-0) 0 elt-count)
(when (nonzero? (-> arg0 new-game))
(case (-> arg0 new-game)
(logior! (-> *game-info* secrets) (game-secrets hero-mode))
(logior! (-> *game-info* purchase-secrets) (game-secrets hero-mode))
(set-continue! obj "game-start" #f)
(set! arg0 arg0)
(goto cfg-230)
(let ((s4-0 (the-as object (-> arg0 tag)))
(s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'array 'uint16 512))
(dotimes (v1-14 512)
(set! (-> s3-0 v1-14) (the-as uint -1))
(while (< (the-as int s4-0) (the-as int (&-> arg0 tag 0 user-int8 (-> arg0 length))))
(case (-> (the-as game-save-tag s4-0) elt-type)
(((game-save-elt node-name))
(dotimes (s2-0 (-> (the-as game-save-tag s4-0) elt-count))
(dotimes (s1-0 (-> obj sub-task-list length))
(let ((v1-20 (-> obj sub-task-list s1-0)))
(when (string-charp= (-> v1-20 name) (the-as (pointer uint8) (+ (+ (* s2-0 64) 16) (the-as int s4-0))))
(set! (-> s3-0 s2-0) (the-as uint s1-0))
(goto cfg-45)
(label cfg-45)
(((game-save-elt base-time))
(((game-save-elt game-time))
(load! (-> *display* game-clock) (the-as (pointer uint64) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)))
(set! (-> *game-info* kiosk-timeout) (the-as uint (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter)))
(((game-save-elt total-game-time))
(-> *display* total-game-clock)
(the-as (pointer uint64) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1))
(set! (-> *game-info* kiosk-timeout) (the-as uint (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter)))
(((game-save-elt continue))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~G" (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1))
(set-continue! obj *temp-string* #f)
(((game-save-elt life))
(set! (-> obj life) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt buzzer-total))
(set! (-> obj buzzer-total) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt fuel-cell))
(set! (-> obj fuel) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt death-movie-tick))
(set! (-> obj death-movie-tick) (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt skill))
(set! (-> obj skill) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt skill-total))
(set! (-> obj skill-total) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt gem))
(set! (-> obj gem) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt gem-total))
(set! (-> obj gem-total) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt karma))
(set! (-> obj karma) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt eco-pill-dark))
(set! (-> obj eco-pill-dark) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt eco-pill-dark-total))
(set! (-> obj eco-pill-dark-total) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt shield))
(set! (-> obj shield) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt features))
(set! (-> obj features) (the-as game-feature (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt secrets))
(set! (-> obj secrets) (the-as game-secrets (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt purchase-secrets))
(set! (-> obj purchase-secrets)
(the-as game-secrets (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64))
(((game-save-elt gun-type))
(set! (-> obj gun-type) (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt gun-ammo))
(let ((v1-67 (min 4 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-89 v1-67)
(set! (-> obj gun-ammo a0-89)
(the-as float (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1 user-object a0-89))
(((game-save-elt money))
(set! (-> obj money) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt money-total))
(set! (-> obj money-total) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-float0))
(((game-save-elt level-open-list))
(let ((v1-73 (min 32 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-97 v1-73)
(set! (-> obj level-opened a0-97)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) a0-97)))
(((game-save-elt perm-list))
(let ((s2-3 (min (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count) (-> obj perm-list allocated-length))))
(set! (-> obj perm-list length) s2-3)
(dotimes (s1-1 s2-3)
(the-as pointer (-> obj perm-list data s1-1))
(the-as pointer (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* s1-1 16)))
(((game-save-elt task-list))
(let ((s2-5
(min (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count) (-> obj task-perm-list allocated-length))
(set! (-> obj task-perm-list length) s2-5)
(dotimes (s1-2 s2-5)
(the-as pointer (-> obj task-perm-list data s1-2))
(the-as pointer (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* s1-2 16)))
(((game-save-elt talker-state))
(let ((v1-95 (-> obj unknown-pad6 allocated-length))
(a0-108 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(dotimes (a1-57 v1-95)
((>= a1-57 a0-108)
(set! (-> obj unknown-pad6 a1-57) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> obj unknown-pad6 a1-57) (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1 user-uint16 a1-57))
(((game-save-elt scores))
(let ((v1-99 (-> obj game-score allocated-length))
(a0-111 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(dotimes (a1-58 v1-99)
(if (>= a1-58 a0-111)
(set! (-> obj game-score a1-58) 0.0)
(set! (-> obj game-score a1-58)
(the-as float (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1 user-object a1-58))
(((game-save-elt bigmap-data))
(initialize *bigmap*)
(let ((v1-104 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count)))
(set! (-> *bigmap* compressed-next-index) (the-as uint v1-104))
(dotimes (a0-116 v1-104)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (+ (-> *bigmap* compressed-data) a0-116)) 0)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) a0-116)))
(((game-save-elt bigmap-offsets))
(let ((a1-62 20)
(v1-107 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))
(a0-120 (-> *bigmap* compressed-data))
((= a1-62 v1-107)
(dotimes (a1-63 v1-107)
(let ((a2-27 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1 user-object a1-63)))
(if (< (the-as int a2-27) 0)
(set! (-> *bigmap* compressed-masks a1-63) (the-as (pointer int8) #f))
(set! (-> *bigmap* compressed-masks a1-63) (the-as (pointer int8) (+ a0-120 (the-as uint a2-27))))
(initialize *bigmap*)
(((game-save-elt auto-save-count))
(set! (-> obj auto-save-count) (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt total-deaths))
(set! (-> obj total-deaths) (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt total-trys))
(set! (-> obj total-trys) (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt continue-deaths))
(set! (-> obj continue-deaths) (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt task-deaths))
(set! (-> obj task-deaths) (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt game-start-time))
(set! (-> obj game-start-time)
(the-as time-frame (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64))
(((game-save-elt continue-time))
(set! (-> obj continue-time)
(the-as time-frame (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64))
(((game-save-elt death-time))
(set! (-> obj death-time) (the-as time-frame (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt hit-time))
(set! (-> obj hit-time) (the-as time-frame (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64)))
(((game-save-elt task-pickup-time))
(set! (-> obj task-pickup-time)
(the-as time-frame (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 user-uint64))
(((game-save-elt enter-level-time))
(let ((v1-123 (min 32 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-145 v1-123)
(set! (-> obj task-enter-times a0-145)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* a0-145 8)))
(((game-save-elt in-level-time))
(let ((v1-127 (min 32 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-149 v1-127)
(set! (-> obj task-in-times a0-149)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* a0-149 8)))
(((game-save-elt task-complete-time))
(let ((v1-131 (min 32 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-153 v1-131)
(set! (-> obj unknown-array1 a0-153)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* a0-153 8)))
(((game-save-elt task-start-time))
(let ((v1-135 (min 32 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count))))
(dotimes (a0-157 v1-135)
(set! (-> obj task-close-times a0-157)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* a0-157 8)))
(((game-save-elt task-node-list))
(let ((s2-6 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count)))
(dotimes (s1-3 s2-6)
(if (and (nonzero? (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) (&+ (the-as pointer (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) s1-3)))
(>= (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* s1-3 2)))) 0)
(close! (-> obj sub-task-list (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* s1-3 2))))) 'event)
(((game-save-elt node-death-count))
(let ((v1-155 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count)))
(dotimes (a0-164 v1-155)
(if (>= (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* a0-164 2)))) 0)
(set! (-> obj sub-task-list (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* a0-164 2)))) death-count)
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1 user-uint16 a0-164)
(((game-save-elt node-gem-count))
(let ((v1-158 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count)))
(dotimes (a0-167 v1-158)
(if (>= (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* a0-167 2)))) 0)
(set! (-> obj sub-task-list (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* a0-167 2)))) gem-count)
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1 user-uint16 a0-167)
(((game-save-elt node-skill-count))
(let ((v1-161 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count)))
(dotimes (a0-170 v1-161)
(if (>= (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* a0-170 2)))) 0)
(set! (-> obj sub-task-list (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* a0-170 2)))) skill-count)
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1 user-uint16 a0-170)
(((game-save-elt node-close-time))
(let ((v1-165 (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count)))
(dotimes (a0-172 v1-165)
(if (>= (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* a0-172 2)))) 0)
(set! (-> obj sub-task-list (-> (the-as (pointer int16) (&+ s3-0 (* a0-172 2)))) close-time)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint64) (+ (the-as uint (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 1)) (* a0-172 8)))
(set! s4-0 (&+
(the-as pointer s4-0)
(logand -16 (+ (* (the-as int (-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-size))
(-> (the-as (inline-array game-save-tag) s4-0) 0 elt-count)
(dotimes (s4-1 (-> *level* length))
(let ((a1-106 (-> *level* level s4-1)))
(if (= (-> a1-106 status) 'active)
(copy-perms-to-level! obj a1-106)
(label cfg-230)
(defmethod save-to-file game-save ((obj game-save) (arg0 string))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'stack 'file-stream arg0 'write)))
(file-stream-write s5-0 (&-> obj type) (+ (-> obj type size) (-> obj length)))
(file-stream-close s5-0)
(defmethod load-from-file game-save ((obj game-save) (arg0 string))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'stack 'file-stream arg0 'read)))
(let ((s3-0 (file-stream-length s5-0))
(s4-0 (-> obj allocated-length))
((>= (asize-of obj) s3-0)
((= (file-stream-read s5-0 (&-> obj type) s3-0) s3-0)
(set! (-> obj type) game-save)
(format 0 "ERROR: SAVEGAME: save file ~A did not read correctly.~%" s5-0)
(set! (-> obj length) 0)
(format 0 "ERROR: SAVEGAME: save file ~A is too big~%" s5-0)
(set! (-> obj allocated-length) s4-0)
(when (!= (-> obj version) 3)
(format 0 "ERROR: SAVEGAME: save file ~A was version ~d, but only ~d is supported.~%" s5-0 (-> obj version) 3)
(set! (-> obj length) 0)
(file-stream-close s5-0)
(define *auto-save-info* (new 'global 'mc-slot-info))
(deftype auto-save (process)
((card int32 :offset-assert 128)
(slot int32 :offset-assert 132)
(which int32 :offset-assert 136)
(buffer kheap :offset-assert 140)
(mode symbol :offset-assert 144)
(result mc-status-code :offset-assert 148)
(save game-save :offset-assert 152)
(info mc-slot-info :inline :offset-assert 156)
(notify handle :offset-assert 456)
(force symbol :offset-assert 464)
(state-time time-frame :offset-assert 472)
(icon hud-sprite :inline :offset 480)
:heap-base #x1a0
:method-count-assert 23
:size-assert #x214
:flag-assert #x1701a00214
(get-heap () _type_ :state 14)
(get-card () _type_ :state 15)
(format-card () _type_ :state 16)
(unformat-card () _type_ :state 17)
(create-file () _type_ :state 18)
(save () _type_ :state 19)
(restore () _type_ :state 20)
(error (mc-status-code) _type_ :state 21)
(done () _type_ :state 22)
(defbehavior auto-save-post auto-save ()
(when (and (= *cheat-mode* 'debug) (cpad-hold? 0 l3))
(let ((gp-0
(new 'stack 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 32 320 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning))
(let ((v1-5 gp-0))
(set! (-> v1-5 width) (the float 440))
(let ((v1-6 gp-0))
(set! (-> v1-6 height) (the float 80))
(set! (-> gp-0 flags) (font-flags shadow kerning))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~S / ~S ~D~%" (-> self mode) (-> self state name) (-> self which))
(print-game-text *temp-string* gp-0 #f 44 (bucket-id progress))
(when (and (= (-> self mode) 'auto-save) (not (and (-> self next-state) (= (-> self next-state name) 'done))))
(let ((gp-1
(new 'stack 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 20 80 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning))
(let ((v1-17 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-17 scale) 0.8)
(let ((v1-18 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-18 width) (the float 432))
(let ((v1-19 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-19 height) (the float 20))
(set! (-> gp-1 flags) (font-flags shadow kerning middle left large))
(when (and (>= 1 (-> *game-info* auto-save-count)) (-> self next-state) (= (-> self next-state name) 'save))
(lookup-text! *common-text* (text-id progress-memcard-saving-data) #f)
(bucket-id progress)
(set! (-> gp-1 origin x) 20.0)
(set! (-> gp-1 origin y) 130.0)
(let ((v1-30 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-30 scale) 0.7)
(let ((v1-31 gp-1))
(set! (-> v1-31 height) (the float 200))
(let ((s5-2 print-game-text))
(format (clear *temp-string*) (lookup-text! *common-text* (text-id progress-memcard-dont-remove) #f) 1)
(s5-2 *temp-string* gp-1 #f 44 (bucket-id progress))
(when (< (mod (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter) 300) 270)
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s5-3 (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) global-buf))
(bucket-id progress)
(draw (-> self icon) s5-3 (-> self level))
(defbehavior auto-save-init-by-other auto-save ((arg0 symbol) (arg1 process) (arg2 int) (arg3 int) (arg4 symbol))
(when (handle->process (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc))
(send-event arg1 'notify 'error 16)
(return #f)
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc) (process->handle self))
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-status) (mc-status-code ok))
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 512)
(logclear! (-> self mask) (process-mask freeze pause menu progress))
(set! (-> self card) arg2)
(set! (-> self which) arg3)
(set! (-> self buffer) #f)
(set! (-> self mode) arg0)
(set! (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(set! (-> self save) #f)
(set! (-> self notify) (process->handle arg1))
(set! (-> self force) arg4)
((= arg0 'auto-save)
(if (not (-> *setting-control* user-current auto-save))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-auto-save))
(when (and (zero? (-> self card)) (-> *setting-control* user-current auto-save))
(set! (-> self card) (-> *game-info* auto-save-card))
(set! (-> self which) (-> *game-info* auto-save-which))
(set-setting! 'allow-pause #f 0.0 0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
((= arg0 'error)
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default auto-save) #f)
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-card))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default auto-save) #f)
(let ((v1-51 (-> self icon color2)))
(set! (-> v1-51 0) 128)
(set! (-> v1-51 1) 128)
(set! (-> v1-51 2) 128)
(set! (-> v1-51 3) 128)
(set! (-> self icon pos x) 440)
(set! (-> self icon pos y) 200)
(set! (-> self icon pos z) #xffffff)
(set! (-> self icon pos w) 0)
(set! (-> self icon scale-x) 2.0)
(set! (-> self icon scale-y) 2.0)
(set! (-> self icon angle) 0.0)
(set! (-> self icon flags) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> self icon tex) (lookup-texture-by-id (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x48 :page #x67a)))
(go-virtual get-heap)
(defstate get-heap (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(case (-> self mode)
(when (zero? (-> *game-info* auto-save-count))
(set! (-> self event-hook) (-> (method-of-object self error) event))
(set! (-> self post-hook) #f)
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter))
(while (< (- (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 0.2))
(if (not (progress-allowed?))
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter))
(activate-progress *dproc* 'icon-info)
(while *progress-process*
(set! (-> self event-hook) #f)
(+! (-> *game-info* auto-save-count) 1)
(while (or (< (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter) (-> *game-info* blackout-time))
(!= (-> *setting-control* user-current bg-a) 0.0)
(!= (-> *setting-control* user-current bg-a-force) 0.0)
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter))
(let ((a0-9 (reserve-alloc *art-control*)))
(while (not a0-9)
(if (>= (- (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 60))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-memory))
(set! a0-9 (reserve-alloc *art-control*))
(set! (-> self buffer) a0-9)
(format #t "got buffer #x~X~%" (-> self buffer base))
(go-virtual get-card)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
(defstate get-card (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(label cfg-0)
(mc-get-slot-info (-> self slot) (-> self info))
(when (zero? (-> self info known))
(goto cfg-0)
((zero? (-> self info handle))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-card))
((zero? (-> self card))
(set! (-> self card) (-> self info handle))
((!= (-> self info handle) (-> self card))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code bad-handle))
(case (-> self mode)
(('save 'auto-save)
(if (-> self force)
(go-virtual format-card)
(go-virtual save)
(set! (-> self which) (-> self info last-file))
(if (= (-> self which) -1)
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-last))
(go-virtual save)
(go-virtual restore)
(go-virtual format-card)
(go-virtual unformat-card)
(go-virtual create-file)
(go-virtual done)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
(defstate format-card (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(b! (nonzero? (-> self info formatted)) cfg-11 :delay (empty-form))
(label cfg-1)
(set! (-> self result) (mc-format (-> self card)))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-1)
(until #f
(set! (-> self result) (mc-check-result))
(let ((v1-4 (-> self result)))
(b! (nonzero? v1-4) cfg-5 :delay (nop!))
(b! #t cfg-10 :delay (nop!))
(label cfg-5)
(b! (= v1-4 (mc-status-code format-failed)) cfg-1 :delay (nop!))
(if (= v1-4 (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-11)
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-10)
(label cfg-11)
(case (-> self mode)
(('create-file 'save 'save-last 'auto-save 'restore)
(label cfg-21)
(mc-get-slot-info (-> self slot) (-> self info))
(when (zero? (-> self info known))
(goto cfg-21)
(go-virtual create-file)
(go-virtual done)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
(defstate unformat-card (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(when (nonzero? (-> self info formatted))
(label cfg-1)
(set! (-> self result) (mc-unformat (-> self card)))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-1)
(until #f
(set! (-> self result) (mc-check-result))
(case (-> self result)
(((mc-status-code busy))
(((mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-10)
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-10)
(go-virtual done)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
(defstate create-file (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
((zero? (-> self info formatted))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-format))
((zero? (-> self info inited))
(if (< (-> self info mem-actual) (-> self info mem-required))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-space))
(let ((v1-12 (-> self buffer)))
(set! (-> v1-12 current) (-> v1-12 base))
(label cfg-6)
(set! (-> self result) (mc-create-file (-> self card) (the-as uint (-> self buffer base))))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-6)
(until #f
(set! (-> self result) (mc-check-result))
(case (-> self result)
(((mc-status-code busy))
(((mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-15)
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-15)
(case (-> self mode)
(go-virtual restore)
(('save 'save-last 'auto-save)
(label cfg-23)
(mc-get-slot-info (-> self slot) (-> self info))
(when (zero? (-> self info known))
(goto cfg-23)
(go-virtual save)
(go-virtual done)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
(defstate save (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
((zero? (-> self info formatted))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-format))
((zero? (-> self info inited))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-file))
(let ((v1-10 (-> self buffer)))
(set! (-> v1-10 current) (-> v1-10 base))
(let ((gp-0 (the-as object loading-level)))
(set! loading-level (-> self buffer))
(set! (-> self save) (new 'loading-level 'game-save #x20000))
(save-game *game-info* (-> self save) "save")
(set! loading-level (the-as kheap gp-0))
(label cfg-5)
(set! (-> self result)
(mc-save (-> self card) (-> self which) (&-> (-> self save) type) (the-as int (-> self save info-int32)))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-5)
(until #f
(set! (-> self result) (mc-check-result))
(let ((v1-20 (-> self result)))
(set! gp-0 (cond
((= v1-20 (mc-status-code busy))
((= v1-20 (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-18)
((= v1-20 (mc-status-code write-error))
(case (-> self mode)
(seekl! (-> *game-info* auto-save-count) 0 1)
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-18)
(go-virtual done)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
(defstate restore (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (arg1 int) (event-type symbol) (event event-message-block))
(case event-type
(go-virtual done)
:code (behavior ()
(local-vars (gp-0 object))
((zero? (-> self info formatted))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-format))
((zero? (-> self info inited))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-file))
(let ((v1-10 (-> self buffer)))
(set! (-> v1-10 current) (-> v1-10 base))
(if (zero? (-> self info file (-> self which) present))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-save))
(label cfg-6)
(set! (-> self result) (mc-load (-> self card) (-> self which) (-> self buffer base)))
(when (!= (-> self result) (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-6)
(until #f
(set! (-> self result) (mc-check-result))
(let ((v1-22 (-> self result)))
(set! gp-0 (cond
((= v1-22 (mc-status-code busy))
((= v1-22 (mc-status-code ok))
(goto cfg-19)
((= v1-22 (mc-status-code read-error))
((= v1-22 (mc-status-code new-game))
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code no-save))
(go-virtual error (-> self result))
(label cfg-19)
(set! (-> self save) (the-as game-save (&+ (-> self buffer base) 4)))
(let ((v1-34 (-> self save)))
(set! (-> v1-34 type) game-save)
(if (!= (-> v1-34 version) 3)
(go-virtual error (mc-status-code bad-version))
(set-setting! 'music-volume 'abs 0.0 0)
(set-setting! 'sfx-volume 'abs 0.0 0)
(set! (-> *game-info* mode) 'play)
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (-> self save) (the-as string #f))
(set-master-mode 'game)
(add-setting! 'process-mask 'set 0.0 (process-mask progress))
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
(go-virtual done)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
(defstate error (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (arg1 int) (event-type symbol) (event event-message-block))
(the-as object (case event-type
(the-as symbol (deactivate self))
:code (behavior ((arg0 mc-status-code))
(if (-> self buffer)
(reserve-free *art-control* (-> self buffer))
(set! (-> self result) arg0)
(let ((s5-0 *auto-save-info*))
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer s5-0) (the-as pointer (-> self info)) 300)
(send-event (handle->process (-> self notify)) 'notify 'error (-> self result) s5-0)
(let ((t9-3 format)
(a0-8 #t)
(a1-3 "SAVE ERROR: ~A~%")
(v1-13 (-> self result))
(t9-3 a0-8 a1-3 (cond
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code bad-version))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-save))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-last))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-space))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code internal-error))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-memory))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code bad-handle))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code busy))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code write-error))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code read-error))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-card))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-format))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code ok))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-process))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-auto-save))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code no-file))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code format-failed))
((= v1-13 (mc-status-code new-game))
(if (= (-> self result) (mc-status-code no-auto-save))
(return #f)
(case (-> self mode)
(('auto-save 'error)
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-status) arg0)
(while (< (- (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 0.2))
(if (not (progress-allowed?))
(set! (-> self state-time) (-> *display* real-clock frame-counter))
(if (= arg0 (mc-status-code no-card))
(activate-progress *dproc* 'card-removed)
(activate-progress *dproc* 'error-auto-saving)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
(defstate done (auto-save)
:virtual #t
:code (behavior ()
(if (and (-> self buffer)
(or (-> *art-control* reserve-buffer) (nonzero? (-> *art-control* dma-reserve-buffer-count)))
(reserve-free *art-control* (-> self buffer))
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-status) (mc-status-code ok))
(case (-> self mode)
(('save 'save-last 'auto-save 'restore)
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default auto-save) #t)
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-card) (-> self card))
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-which) (-> self which))
(case (-> self mode)
(set! (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc) (the-as handle #f))
(let ((gp-0 *auto-save-info*))
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer gp-0) (the-as pointer (-> self info)) 300)
(send-event (handle->process (-> self notify)) 'notify 'done 1 gp-0)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior auto-save) auto-save-post)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch (pointer process) vs (pointer auto-save).
(defun auto-save-command ((arg0 symbol) (arg1 int) (arg2 int) (arg3 process-tree) (arg4 symbol))
(format #t "AUTO SAVE COMMAND ~S~%" arg0)
(process-spawn auto-save arg0 arg3 arg1 arg2 arg4 :to *target-pool* :stack *kernel-dram-stack*)
(defun auto-save-check ()
(when (and (-> *setting-control* user-current auto-save) (not (handle->process (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc))))
(mc-get-slot-info 0 *auto-save-info*)
(if (and (nonzero? (-> *auto-save-info* known))
(or (zero? (-> *auto-save-info* handle)) (!= (-> *auto-save-info* handle) (-> *game-info* auto-save-card)))
(auto-save-command 'error 0 0 *default-pool* #f)
(defun auto-save-user ()
(case *kernel-boot-message*
(('play 'preview)
(auto-save-command 'auto-save 0 0 *default-pool* #f)