ManDude 324def1303
split new pc features in some files into their own code files + address some old issues + ripple graphics improvements (#2216)
Moves PC-specific entity and debug menu things to `entity-debug.gc` and
`default-menu-pc.gc` respectively and makes `(declare-file (debug))`
work as it should (no need to wrap the entire file in `(when
*debug-segment*` now!).

Also changes the DGO descriptor format so that it's less verbose. It
might break custom levels, but the format change is very simple so it
should not be difficult for anyone to update to the new format. Sadly,
you lose the completely useless ability to use DGO object names that
don't match the source file name. The horror!

I've also gone ahead and expanded the force envmap option to also force
the ripple effect to be active. I did not notice any performance or
visual drawbacks from this. Gets rid of some distracting LOD and some
water pools appearing super flat (and pitch back for dark eco).

Fixes #1424
2023-02-13 21:39:14 +00:00

592 lines
22 KiB

#include "final_output.h"
#include "common/goos/PrettyPrinter.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/Form.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/GenericElementMatcher.h"
#include "decompiler/ObjectFile/LinkedObjectFile.h"
#include "decompiler/util/DecompilerTypeSystem.h"
namespace decompiler {
goos::Object get_arg_list_for_function(const Function& func, const Env& env) {
std::vector<goos::Object> argument_elts;
if (func.type.arg_count() < 1) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Function {} has unknown type.\n", func.name()));
ASSERT(func.type.arg_count() >= 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < func.type.arg_count() - 1; i++) {
auto reg = Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::A0 + i);
auto name = fmt::format("{}-0", reg.to_charp());
pretty_print::build_list(env.remapped_name(name), func.type.get_arg(i).print()));
return pretty_print::build_list(argument_elts);
namespace {
void append_body_to_function_definition(goos::Object* top_form,
const std::vector<goos::Object>& inline_body,
const FunctionVariableDefinitions& var_dec,
const TypeSpec& ts) {
// Some forms like docstrings and local-vars we _always_ want to be at the top level and first (in
// the order added)
std::vector<goos::Object> initial_top_level_forms;
std::vector<goos::Object> body_elements;
body_elements.insert(body_elements.end(), inline_body.begin(), inline_body.end());
// If the first element in the body is a docstring, add it first
if (body_elements.size() > 0 && body_elements.at(0).is_string()) {
// add local vars if applicable
if (var_dec.local_vars) {
std::vector<goos::Object> final_body;
for (const auto& elem : initial_top_level_forms) {
// If the form contains the ppointer and isn't a behavior, we need to wrap the body in `with-pp`
if (var_dec.had_pp && !ts.try_get_tag("behavior")) {
std::vector<goos::Object> body_with_pp;
body_with_pp.insert(body_with_pp.end(), body_elements.begin(), body_elements.end());
} else {
// otherwise, just construct the form from the body
for (const auto& elem : body_elements) {
pretty_print::append(*top_form, pretty_print::build_list(final_body));
} // namespace
goos::Object final_output_lambda(const Function& func) {
std::vector<goos::Object> inline_body;
func.ir2.top_form->inline_forms(inline_body, func.ir2.env);
auto var_dec = func.ir2.env.local_var_type_list(func.ir2.top_form, func.type.arg_count() - 1);
auto behavior = func.type.try_get_tag("behavior");
if (behavior) {
auto result = pretty_print::build_list(fmt::format("lambda :behavior {}", *behavior),
get_arg_list_for_function(func, func.ir2.env));
append_body_to_function_definition(&result, inline_body, var_dec, func.type);
return result;
} else {
auto result = pretty_print::build_list("lambda", get_arg_list_for_function(func, func.ir2.env));
append_body_to_function_definition(&result, inline_body, var_dec, func.type);
return result;
goos::Object final_output_defstate_anonymous_behavior(const Function& func,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
std::vector<goos::Object> inline_body;
// docstring if available - lookup the appropriate info
const auto& type_name = func.guessed_name.type_name;
const auto& state_name = func.guessed_name.state_name;
const auto& handler_kind = func.guessed_name.handler_kind;
const auto handler_name = handler_kind_to_name(handler_kind);
if (func.guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::V_STATE) {
if (dts.virtual_state_metadata.count(type_name) != 0 &&
dts.virtual_state_metadata.at(type_name).count(state_name) != 0 &&
dts.virtual_state_metadata.at(type_name).at(state_name).count(handler_name) != 0) {
} else if (func.guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::NV_STATE) {
if (dts.state_metadata.count(state_name) != 0 &&
dts.state_metadata.at(state_name).count(handler_name) != 0) {
func.ir2.top_form->inline_forms(inline_body, func.ir2.env);
auto var_dec = func.ir2.env.local_var_type_list(func.ir2.top_form, func.type.arg_count() - 1);
auto result = pretty_print::build_list("behavior", get_arg_list_for_function(func, func.ir2.env));
append_body_to_function_definition(&result, inline_body, var_dec, func.type);
return result;
std::string final_defun_out(const Function& func,
const Env& env,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts,
FunctionDefSpecials special_mode) {
using pretty_print::append;
std::vector<goos::Object> inline_body;
try {
func.ir2.top_form->inline_forms(inline_body, env);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
return e.what();
// int var_count = 0;
auto var_dec = env.local_var_type_list(func.ir2.top_form, func.type.arg_count() - 1);
auto arguments = get_arg_list_for_function(func, env);
if (func.guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::GLOBAL) {
std::string def_name = "defun";
if (special_mode == FunctionDefSpecials::DEFUN_DEBUG) {
def_name = "defun-debug";
} else {
ASSERT(special_mode == FunctionDefSpecials::NONE);
auto behavior = func.type.try_get_tag("behavior");
if (behavior) {
def_name = "defbehavior";
std::vector<goos::Object> top;
if (behavior) {
top.push_back(pretty_print::to_symbol(func.name() + " " + *behavior));
} else {
auto top_form = pretty_print::build_list(top);
// docstring if available
if (dts.symbol_metadata_map.count(func.name()) != 0) {
auto& meta = dts.symbol_metadata_map.at(func.name());
if (meta.docstring) {
inline_body.insert(inline_body.begin(), pretty_print::new_string(meta.docstring.value()));
append_body_to_function_definition(&top_form, inline_body, var_dec, func.type);
return pretty_print::to_string(top_form);
if (func.guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::METHOD) {
ASSERT(special_mode == FunctionDefSpecials::NONE);
std::vector<goos::Object> top;
auto method_info =
dts.ts.lookup_method(func.guessed_name.type_name, func.guessed_name.method_id);
auto top_form = pretty_print::build_list(top);
if (method_info.docstring) {
append_body_to_function_definition(&top_form, inline_body, var_dec, method_info.type);
return pretty_print::to_string(top_form);
if (func.guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::TOP_LEVEL_INIT) {
ASSERT(special_mode == FunctionDefSpecials::NONE);
std::vector<goos::Object> top;
auto top_form = pretty_print::build_list(top);
append_body_to_function_definition(&top_form, inline_body, var_dec, func.type);
return pretty_print::to_string(top_form);
if (func.guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::UNIDENTIFIED) {
std::string def_name = "defun-anon";
ASSERT(special_mode == FunctionDefSpecials::NONE);
std::vector<goos::Object> top;
auto top_form = pretty_print::build_list(top);
append_body_to_function_definition(&top_form, inline_body, var_dec, func.type);
return pretty_print::to_string(top_form);
if (func.guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::NV_STATE ||
func.guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::V_STATE) {
std::vector<goos::Object> top;
auto top_form = pretty_print::build_list(top);
append_body_to_function_definition(&top_form, inline_body, var_dec, func.type);
return pretty_print::to_string(top_form);
return "nyi";
namespace {
std::string careful_function_to_string(
const Function* func,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts,
FunctionDefSpecials special_mode = FunctionDefSpecials::NONE) {
auto& env = func->ir2.env;
std::string result;
if (func->warnings.has_warnings()) {
result += func->warnings.get_warning_text(true);
if (!func->ir2.top_form) {
if (func->mips2c_output) {
std::string output = ";; INFO: function output is handled by mips2c\n";
// Attempt to automatically generate the OpenGOAL code for calling the mips2c varient
// For methods this is - (defmethod-mips2c "(method <METHOD_ID> <TYPE>)" <METHOD_ID>)
if (func->guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::METHOD) {
output += fmt::format("(defmethod-mips2c \"(method {} {})\" {} {})\n",
func->guessed_name.method_id, func->guessed_name.type_name,
func->guessed_name.method_id, func->guessed_name.type_name);
} else if (func->guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::GLOBAL) {
// For functions it is - (def-mips2c <FUNC_NAME> (function <SIGNATURE>))
output += fmt::format("(def-mips2c {} {})\n", func->guessed_name.function_name,
return output + "\n";
} else {
return ";; ERROR: function was not converted to expressions. Cannot decompile.\n\n";
if (!env.has_type_analysis()) {
return ";; ERROR: function has no type analysis. Cannot decompile.\n\n";
if (!env.has_local_vars()) {
return ";; ERROR: function has no local vars. Cannot decompile.\n\n";
if (!env.has_reg_use()) {
return ";; ERROR: function has no register use analysis. Cannot decompile.\n\n";
result += final_defun_out(*func, func->ir2.env, dts, special_mode) + "\n\n";
return result;
} // namespace
std::string add_indent(const std::string& in, int indent, bool indent_first_line) {
if (in.empty()) {
return in;
std::string indent_str(indent, ' ');
std::string result;
char prev_char = indent_first_line ? '\n' : ' ';
for (char c : in) {
if (prev_char == '\n') {
result += indent_str;
result += c;
prev_char = c;
return result;
std::string write_from_top_level_form(Form* top_form,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts,
const LinkedObjectFile& file,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& skip_functions,
const std::vector<std::string>& imports,
const Env& env) {
std::vector<FormElement*> forms = top_form->elts();
// remove a (none) from the end, if it exists.
auto back_as_generic_op = dynamic_cast<GenericElement*>(forms.back());
if (back_as_generic_op && back_as_generic_op->op().is_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::NONE)) {
std::string result;
// import deps:
for (const auto& import : imports) {
result += fmt::format("(import \"{}\")\n", import);
if (!imports.empty()) {
result += "\n";
// local vars:
auto var_dec = env.local_var_type_list(top_form, 0);
if (var_dec.local_vars) {
result += pretty_print::to_string(*var_dec.local_vars);
result += '\n';
result += '\n';
// look for the whole thing being in a (when *debug-segment* ....)
if (forms.size() == 1) {
auto as_cne = dynamic_cast<CondNoElseElement*>(forms.at(0));
if (as_cne && as_cne->entries.size() == 1) {
auto& entry = as_cne->entries.at(0);
// a bit gross...
if (entry.condition->to_string(env) == "*debug-segment*") {
forms = entry.body->elts();
result += ";; this file is debug only\n";
result += "(declare-file (debug))\n\n";
// look for the whole thing being in an rlet
bool in_rlet = false;
if (forms.size() == 1) {
auto as_rlet = dynamic_cast<RLetElement*>(forms.at(0));
if (as_rlet) {
forms = as_rlet->body->elts();
in_rlet = true;
result += "(rlet ";
result += add_indent(pretty_print::to_string(as_rlet->reg_list()), 6, false);
result += '\n';
if (as_rlet->needs_vf0_init()) {
result += "(init-vf0-vector)\n";
result += '\n';
// (set! identity L312)
constexpr int func_name = 1;
constexpr int label = 2;
Matcher function_def_matcher =
Matcher::set(Matcher::any_symbol(func_name), Matcher::any_label(label));
// (method-set! vec4s 3 L352)
constexpr int type_name = 1;
// constexpr int method_id = 2;
constexpr int method_label = 3;
Matcher method_def_matcher = Matcher::op(
{Matcher::any_symbol(type_name), Matcher::integer({}), Matcher::any_label(method_label)});
// (type-new 'vec4s uint128 (the-as int (l.d L366)))
Matcher deftype_matcher =
// (if *debug-segment* (set! mem-print L347) (set! mem-print nothing))
auto debug_seg_matcher = Matcher::op(GenericOpMatcher::condition(IR2_Condition::Kind::TRUTHY),
auto debug_def_matcher = Matcher::set(Matcher::any_symbol(0), Matcher::any_label(1));
auto non_debug_def_matcher = Matcher::set(Matcher::any_symbol(2), Matcher::symbol("nothing"));
auto defun_debug_matcher =
Matcher::if_with_else(debug_seg_matcher, debug_def_matcher, non_debug_def_matcher);
// (set! sym-val <expr>)
auto define_symbol_matcher = Matcher::set(Matcher::any_symbol(0), Matcher::any(1));
// define-perm
// (if (or (not <sym>) (zero? <sym>))
// (set! <sym> <init-val>)
// )
auto define_perm_matcher = Matcher::if_no_else(
Matcher::set(Matcher::any_symbol(2), Matcher::any(3)));
for (auto& x : forms) {
bool something_matched = false;
Form f;
auto global_match_result = match(function_def_matcher, &f);
if (global_match_result.matched) {
auto func = file.try_get_function_at_label(global_match_result.maps.label.at(label));
if (func) {
something_matched = true;
result += fmt::format(";; definition for function {}\n",
if (skip_functions.find(func->name()) == skip_functions.end()) {
result += careful_function_to_string(func, dts);
} else {
result += ";; skipped.\n\n";
if (!something_matched) {
auto method_match_result = match(method_def_matcher, &f);
if (method_match_result.matched) {
auto func = file.try_get_function_at_label(method_match_result.maps.label.at(method_label));
if (func && func->guessed_name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::METHOD) {
something_matched = true;
result +=
fmt::format(";; definition for method {} of type {}\n", func->guessed_name.method_id,
if (skip_functions.find(func->name()) == skip_functions.end()) {
result += careful_function_to_string(func, dts);
} else {
result += ";; skipped.\n\n";
if (!something_matched) {
auto deftype_match_result = match(deftype_matcher, &f);
if (deftype_match_result.matched) {
auto& name = deftype_match_result.maps.strings.at(type_name);
if (dts.ts.fully_defined_type_exists(name)) {
result += fmt::format(";; definition of type {}\n", name);
result += dts.ts.generate_deftype(dts.ts.lookup_type(name));
result += "\n";
} else {
result += fmt::format(
";; type {} is defined here, but it is unknown to the decompiler\n\n", name);
something_matched = true;
if (!something_matched) {
auto debug_match_result = match(defun_debug_matcher, &f);
if (debug_match_result.matched) {
auto& first_name = debug_match_result.maps.strings.at(0);
auto& second_name = debug_match_result.maps.strings.at(2);
if (first_name == second_name) {
auto func = file.try_get_function_at_label(debug_match_result.maps.label.at(1));
if (func) {
something_matched = true;
result += fmt::format(";; definition (debug) for function {}\n",
if (skip_functions.find(func->name()) == skip_functions.end()) {
result += careful_function_to_string(func, dts, FunctionDefSpecials::DEFUN_DEBUG);
} else {
result += ";; skipped.\n\n";
if (!something_matched) {
auto define_match_result = match(define_symbol_matcher, &f);
if (define_match_result.matched) {
something_matched = true;
auto& sym_name = define_match_result.maps.strings.at(0);
auto symbol_type = dts.lookup_symbol_type(sym_name);
result +=
fmt::format(";; definition for symbol {}, type {}\n", sym_name, symbol_type.print());
auto setset = dynamic_cast<SetFormFormElement*>(f.try_as_single_element());
if (dts.symbol_metadata_map.count(sym_name) != 0) {
result += pretty_print::to_string(
setset->to_form_for_define(env, dts.symbol_metadata_map.at(sym_name).docstring));
} else {
result += pretty_print::to_string(setset->to_form_for_define(env, {}));
result += "\n\n";
if (!something_matched) {
auto define_perm_match_result = match(define_perm_matcher, &f);
if (define_perm_match_result.matched &&
define_perm_match_result.maps.strings.at(0) ==
define_perm_match_result.maps.strings.at(1) &&
define_perm_match_result.maps.strings.at(0) ==
define_perm_match_result.maps.strings.at(2)) {
something_matched = true;
auto& sym_name = define_perm_match_result.maps.strings.at(0);
auto symbol_type = dts.lookup_symbol_type(sym_name);
result += fmt::format(";; definition (perm) for symbol {}, type {}\n", sym_name,
result += pretty_print::to_string(pretty_print::build_list(
fmt::format("define-perm {} {}", sym_name, symbol_type.print()),
result += "\n\n";
if (!something_matched) {
auto as_cne = f.try_as_element<CondNoElseElement>();
if (as_cne && as_cne->entries.size() == 1) {
auto& entry = as_cne->entries.at(0);
// a bit gross...
if (entry.condition->to_string(env) == "*debug-segment*") {
something_matched = true;
// forms = entry.body->elts();
result += ";; this part is debug only\n";
result += "(when *debug-segment*\n";
result += write_from_top_level_form(entry.body, dts, file, skip_functions, imports, env);
result += ")\n";
if (!something_matched) {
auto empty = dynamic_cast<EmptyElement*>(x);
if (empty) {
something_matched = true;
} else if (!x->active()) {
something_matched = true;
if (!something_matched) {
result += ";; failed to figure out what this is:\n";
result += pretty_print::to_string(x->to_form(env));
result += "\n\n";
if (in_rlet) {
result += ")\n";
return result;
std::string write_from_top_level(const Function& top_level,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts,
const LinkedObjectFile& file,
const std::vector<std::string>& imports,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& skip_functions) {
auto top_form = top_level.ir2.top_form;
if (!top_form) {
return ";; ERROR: top level function was not converted to expressions. Cannot decompile.\n\n";
auto& env = top_level.ir2.env;
if (!env.has_type_analysis()) {
return ";; ERROR: top level has no type analysis. Cannot decompile.\n\n";
if (!env.has_local_vars()) {
return ";; ERROR: top level has no local vars. Cannot decompile.\n\n";
if (!env.has_reg_use()) {
return ";; ERROR: top level has no register use analysis. Cannot decompile.\n\n";
return write_from_top_level_form(top_form, dts, file, skip_functions, imports, env);
} // namespace decompiler