water111 f2e7606f1b
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[build_actor] Add skeleton and animation support (#3638)
This adds a feature to `build_actor` to support importing skeletons and
animations from .glb files.

Multiple animations are handled and will use the name in the GLB. The
default `viewer` process will end up playing back the first animation.

There are a few limitations:
- You can only have around 100 bones. It is technically possibly to have
slightly more, but certain animations may fail to compress when there
are more than ~100 bones.
- Currently, all animations have 60 keyframes per second. This is a
higher quality than what is normally used. If animation size becomes
problematic, we could make this customizable somehow.
- There is no support for the `align` bone.


Co-authored-by: water111 <awaterford1111445@gmail.com>
2024-08-16 11:25:53 -04:00

64 lines
2.7 KiB

#include "build_level.h"
void save_pc_data(const std::string& nickname,
tfrag3::Level& data,
const fs::path& fr3_output_dir) {
Serializer ser;
auto compressed =
compression::compress_zstd(ser.get_save_result().first, ser.get_save_result().second);
lg::print("stats for {}\n", data.level_name);
print_memory_usage(data, ser.get_save_result().second);
lg::print("compressed: {} -> {} ({:.2f}%)\n", ser.get_save_result().second, compressed.size(),
100.f * compressed.size() / ser.get_save_result().second);
file_util::write_binary_file(fr3_output_dir / fmt::format("{}.fr3", nickname), compressed.data(),
std::vector<std::string> get_build_level_deps(const std::string& input_file) {
auto level_json = parse_commented_json(
file_util::read_text_file(file_util::get_file_path({input_file})), input_file);
return {level_json.at("gltf_file").get<std::string>()};
// Find all art groups the custom level needs in a list of object files,
// skipping any that we already found in other dgos before
std::vector<decompiler::ObjectFileRecord> find_art_groups(
std::vector<std::string>& processed_ags,
const std::vector<std::string>& custom_level_ag,
const std::vector<decompiler::ObjectFileRecord>& dgo_files) {
std::vector<decompiler::ObjectFileRecord> art_groups;
for (const auto& file : dgo_files) {
// skip any art groups we already added from other dgos
if (std::find(processed_ags.begin(), processed_ags.end(), file.name) != processed_ags.end()) {
if (std::find(custom_level_ag.begin(), custom_level_ag.end(), file.name) !=
custom_level_ag.end()) {
return art_groups;
void add_model_to_level(GameVersion version, const std::string& name, tfrag3::Level& lvl) {
lg::info("custom level: adding custom model {}", name);
auto glb = name + ".glb";
auto merc_data = load_merc_model(
lvl.merc_data.indices.size(), lvl.merc_data.vertices.size(), lvl.textures.size(),
fs::path(file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "custom_assets" / game_version_names[version] /
"models" / "custom_levels" / glb)
name + "-lod0");
for (auto& idx : merc_data.new_indices) {
for (auto& vert : merc_data.new_vertices) {
lvl.textures.insert(lvl.textures.end(), merc_data.new_textures.begin(),