Hat Kid c64eea6337
[buildactor] support generating collide-meshes for custom models (#3540)
This adds support for generating collide meshes when importing custom
models. A couple of things to keep in mind:

- A single `collide-mesh` may only have up to 255 vertices.
- When exporting a GLTF file in Blender, a `collide-mesh` will be
generated for every mesh object that has collision properties applied
(ideally, you would set all visual meshes to `ignore` and your collision
meshes to `invisible` in the OpenGOAL plugin's custom properties).
- Ensure that your actor using the model properly allocates enough
`collide-shape-prim-mesh`es for each `collide-mesh` ([example from the
original game that uses multiple
meshes](f6688659f2/goal_src/jak1/levels/finalboss/robotboss.gc (L2628-L2806))).

~One annoying problem that I haven't fully figured out yet (unrelated to
the actual functionality):
`collide-mesh`es are stored in art groups as an `(array collide-mesh)`
in the `art-joint-geo`'s `extra`, so I had to add a new `Res` type to
support this. The way that `array`s are stored in `res-lump`s is a bit
of a hack right now. The lump only stores a pointer to the array, so the
size of that is 4 bytes, but because we have to generate all the actual
array data too, the current `ResLump` code in C++ doesn't handle this
case well and would assert, so I decided to omit the asserts if an
`array` tag is present and "fake" the size so the object file is
generated more closely to how the game expects it until we figure out
something better.~
This was fixed by generating the array data beforehand and creating a
`ResRef` class that takes the pointer to the array data and adds it to
the lump.
2024-05-29 06:09:20 +02:00

392 lines
13 KiB

* Mesh extraction for GLTF meshes.
#include "gltf_mesh_extract.h"
#include <optional>
#include "color_quantization.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/math/geometry.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
#include "common/util/gltf_util.h"
using namespace gltf_util;
namespace gltf_mesh_extract {
void dedup_vertices(TfragOutput& data) {
Timer timer;
size_t original_size = data.vertices.size();
std::vector<tfrag3::PreloadedVertex> new_verts;
std::vector<u32> old_to_new;
gltf_util::dedup_vertices(data.vertices, new_verts, old_to_new);
data.vertices = std::move(new_verts);
for (auto& draw : data.strip_draws) {
ASSERT(draw.runs.empty()); // not supported yet
for (auto& idx : draw.plain_indices) {
idx = old_to_new.at(idx);
lg::info("Deduplication took {:.2f} ms, {} -> {} ({:.2f} %)", timer.getMs(), original_size,
data.vertices.size(), 100.f * data.vertices.size() / original_size);
void extract(const Input& in,
TfragOutput& out,
const tinygltf::Model& model,
const std::vector<NodeWithTransform>& all_nodes) {
std::vector<math::Vector<u8, 4>> all_vtx_colors;
std::map<int, tfrag3::StripDraw> draw_by_material;
int mesh_count = 0;
int prim_count = 0;
for (const auto& n : all_nodes) {
const auto& node = model.nodes[n.node_idx];
if (node.extras.Has("set_invisible") && node.extras.Get("set_invisible").Get<int>()) {
if (node.mesh >= 0) {
const auto& mesh = model.meshes[node.mesh];
for (const auto& prim : mesh.primitives) {
if (prim.material >= 0 && model.materials[prim.material].extras.Has("set_invisible") &&
model.materials[prim.material].extras.Get("set_invisible").Get<int>()) {
// extract index buffer
std::vector<u32> prim_indices = gltf_index_buffer(model, prim.indices, out.vertices.size());
ASSERT_MSG(prim.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES, "Unsupported triangle mode");
// extract vertices
auto verts =
gltf_vertices(model, prim.attributes, n.w_T_node, in.get_colors, false, mesh.name);
out.vertices.insert(out.vertices.end(), verts.vtx.begin(), verts.vtx.end());
if (in.get_colors) {
all_vtx_colors.insert(all_vtx_colors.end(), verts.vtx_colors.begin(),
ASSERT(all_vtx_colors.size() == out.vertices.size());
// TODO: just putting it all in one material
auto& draw = draw_by_material[prim.material];
draw.mode = make_default_draw_mode(); // todo rm
draw.tree_tex_id = texture_pool_debug_checker(in.tex_pool); // todo rm
draw.num_triangles += prim_indices.size() / 3;
if (draw.vis_groups.empty()) {
auto& grp = draw.vis_groups.emplace_back();
grp.num_inds += prim_indices.size();
grp.num_tris += draw.num_triangles;
grp.vis_idx_in_pc_bvh = UINT16_MAX;
} else {
auto& grp = draw.vis_groups.back();
grp.num_inds += prim_indices.size();
grp.num_tris += draw.num_triangles;
grp.vis_idx_in_pc_bvh = UINT16_MAX;
draw.plain_indices.insert(draw.plain_indices.end(), prim_indices.begin(),
for (const auto& [mat_idx, d_] : draw_by_material) {
auto& draw = out.strip_draws.back();
draw.mode = make_default_draw_mode();
if (mat_idx == -1) {
lg::warn("Draw had a material index of -1, using default texture.");
draw.tree_tex_id = texture_pool_debug_checker(in.tex_pool);
const auto& mat = model.materials[mat_idx];
int tex_idx = mat.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index;
if (tex_idx == -1) {
lg::warn("Material {} has no texture, using default texture.", mat.name);
draw.tree_tex_id = texture_pool_debug_checker(in.tex_pool);
const auto& tex = model.textures[tex_idx];
ASSERT(tex.sampler >= 0);
ASSERT(tex.source >= 0);
draw.mode = draw_mode_from_sampler(model.samplers.at(tex.sampler));
const auto& img = model.images[tex.source];
draw.tree_tex_id = texture_pool_add_texture(in.tex_pool, img);
lg::info("total of {} unique materials", out.strip_draws.size());
lg::info("Merged {} meshes and {} prims into {} vertices", mesh_count, prim_count,
if (in.get_colors) {
Timer quantize_timer;
auto quantized = quantize_colors_octree(all_vtx_colors, 1024);
for (size_t i = 0; i < out.vertices.size(); i++) {
out.vertices[i].color_index = quantized.vtx_to_color[i];
out.color_palette = std::move(quantized.final_colors);
lg::info("Color palette generation took {:.2f} ms", quantize_timer.getMs());
std::optional<std::vector<jak1::CollideFace>> subdivide_face_if_needed(jak1::CollideFace face_in) {
math::Vector3f v_min = face_in.v[0];
v_min -= 16.f;
bool needs_subdiv = false;
for (auto& vert : face_in.v) {
if ((vert - v_min).squared_length() > 154.f * 154.f * 4096.f * 4096.f) {
needs_subdiv = true;
if (needs_subdiv) {
math::Vector3f a = (face_in.v[0] + face_in.v[1]) * 0.5f;
math::Vector3f b = (face_in.v[1] + face_in.v[2]) * 0.5f;
math::Vector3f c = (face_in.v[2] + face_in.v[0]) * 0.5f;
math::Vector3f v0 = face_in.v[0];
math::Vector3f v1 = face_in.v[1];
math::Vector3f v2 = face_in.v[2];
jak1::CollideFace fs[4];
fs[0].v[0] = v0;
fs[0].v[1] = a;
fs[0].v[2] = c;
fs[0].bsphere = math::bsphere_of_triangle(face_in.v);
fs[1].v[0] = a;
fs[1].v[1] = v1;
fs[1].v[2] = b;
fs[1].bsphere = math::bsphere_of_triangle(fs[1].v);
fs[1].pat = face_in.pat;
fs[2].v[0] = a;
fs[2].v[1] = b;
fs[2].v[2] = c;
fs[2].bsphere = math::bsphere_of_triangle(fs[2].v);
fs[2].pat = face_in.pat;
fs[3].v[0] = b;
fs[3].v[1] = v2;
fs[3].v[2] = c;
fs[3].bsphere = math::bsphere_of_triangle(fs[3].v);
fs[3].pat = face_in.pat;
std::vector<jak1::CollideFace> result;
for (auto f : fs) {
auto next_faces = subdivide_face_if_needed(f);
if (next_faces) {
result.insert(result.end(), next_faces->begin(), next_faces->end());
} else {
return result;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
PatResult custom_props_to_pat(const tinygltf::Value& val, const std::string& /*debug_name*/) {
PatResult result;
if (!val.IsObject() || !val.Has("set_collision") || !val.Get("set_collision").Get<int>()) {
// unset.
result.set = false;
return result;
result.set = true;
if (val.Get("ignore").Get<int>()) {
result.ignore = true;
return result;
result.ignore = false;
int mat = val.Get("collide_material").Get<int>();
ASSERT(mat < (int)jak1::PatSurface::Material::MAX_MATERIAL);
int evt = val.Get("collide_event").Get<int>();
ASSERT(evt < (int)jak1::PatSurface::Event::MAX_EVENT);
if (val.Get("nolineofsight").Get<int>()) {
if (val.Get("noedge").Get<int>()) {
if (val.Has("collide_mode")) {
int mode = val.Get("collide_mode").Get<int>();
ASSERT(mode < (int)jak1::PatSurface::Mode::MAX_MODE);
if (val.Get("nocamera").Get<int>()) {
if (val.Get("noentity").Get<int>()) {
return result;
void extract(const Input& in,
CollideOutput& out,
const tinygltf::Model& model,
const std::vector<NodeWithTransform>& all_nodes) {
[[maybe_unused]] int mesh_count = 0;
[[maybe_unused]] int prim_count = 0;
int suspicious_faces = 0;
for (const auto& n : all_nodes) {
const auto& node = model.nodes[n.node_idx];
PatResult mesh_default_collide = custom_props_to_pat(node.extras, node.name);
if (node.mesh >= 0) {
const auto& mesh = model.meshes[node.mesh];
for (const auto& prim : mesh.primitives) {
// get material
const auto& mat_idx = prim.material;
PatResult pat = mesh_default_collide;
if (mat_idx != -1) {
const auto& mat = model.materials[mat_idx];
auto mat_pat = custom_props_to_pat(mat.extras, mat.name);
if (mat_pat.set) {
pat = mat_pat;
if (pat.set && pat.ignore) {
continue; // skip, no collide here
// extract index buffer
std::vector<u32> prim_indices = gltf_index_buffer(model, prim.indices, 0);
ASSERT_MSG(prim.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES, "Unsupported triangle mode");
// extract vertices
auto verts = gltf_vertices(model, prim.attributes, n.w_T_node, false, true, mesh.name);
for (size_t iidx = 0; iidx < prim_indices.size(); iidx += 3) {
jak1::CollideFace face;
// get the positions
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
auto& vtx = verts.vtx.at(prim_indices.at(iidx + j));
face.v[j].x() = vtx.x;
face.v[j].y() = vtx.y;
face.v[j].z() = vtx.z;
// now face normal
math::Vector3f face_normal =
(face.v[2] - face.v[0]).cross(face.v[1] - face.v[0]).normalized();
float dots[3];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
dots[j] = face_normal.dot(verts.normals.at(prim_indices.at(iidx + j)).normalized());
if (dots[0] > 1e-3 && dots[1] > 1e-3 && dots[2] > 1e-3) {
auto temp = face.v[2];
face.v[2] = face.v[1];
face.v[1] = temp;
face.bsphere = math::bsphere_of_triangle(face.v);
face.bsphere.w() += 1e-1 * 5;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
float output_dist = face.bsphere.w() - (face.bsphere.xyz() - face.v[j]).length();
if (output_dist < 0) {
lg::print("{}\n", output_dist);
lg::print("BAD:\n{}\n{}\n{}\n", face.v[0].to_string_aligned(),
face.v[1].to_string_aligned(), face.v[2].to_string_aligned());
lg::print("bsphere: {}\n", face.bsphere.to_string_aligned());
face.pat = pat.pat;
std::vector<jak1::CollideFace> fixed_faces;
int fix_count = 0;
for (auto& face : out.faces) {
auto try_fix = subdivide_face_if_needed(face);
if (try_fix) {
fixed_faces.insert(fixed_faces.end(), try_fix->begin(), try_fix->end());
} else {
if (in.double_sided_collide) {
size_t os = fixed_faces.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < os; i++) {
auto f0 = fixed_faces.at(i);
std::swap(f0.v[0], f0.v[1]);
out.faces = std::move(fixed_faces);
if (in.auto_wall_enable) {
lg::info("automatically detecting walls with angle {}", in.auto_wall_angle);
int wall_count = 0;
float wall_cos = std::cos(in.auto_wall_angle * 2.f * 3.14159 / 360.f);
for (auto& face : out.faces) {
math::Vector3f face_normal =
(face.v[1] - face.v[0]).cross(face.v[2] - face.v[0]).normalized();
if (face_normal[1] < wall_cos) {
lg::info("automatic wall: {}/{} converted to walls", wall_count, out.faces.size());
lg::info("{} out of {} faces appeared to have wrong orientation and were flipped",
suspicious_faces, out.faces.size());
lg::info("{} faces were too big and were subdivided", fix_count);
// lg::info("Collision extract{} {}", mesh_count, prim_count);
void extract(const Input& in, Output& out) {
lg::info("Reading gltf mesh: {}", in.filename);
Timer read_timer;
tinygltf::TinyGLTF loader;
tinygltf::Model model;
std::string err, warn;
bool res = loader.LoadBinaryFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, in.filename);
ASSERT_MSG(warn.empty(), warn.c_str());
ASSERT_MSG(err.empty(), err.c_str());
ASSERT_MSG(res, "Failed to load GLTF file!");
auto all_nodes = flatten_nodes_from_all_scenes(model);
extract(in, out.tfrag, model, all_nodes);
extract(in, out.collide, model, all_nodes);
lg::info("GLTF total took {:.2f} ms", read_timer.getMs());
} // namespace gltf_mesh_extract