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2020-09-04 14:44:23 -04:00
(in-package goal)
;; name: path-h.gc
;; name in dgo: path-h
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
(defenum path-control-flag
:bitfield #t
:type uint32
(display 0)
(draw-line 1) ;; TODO - only seen it used to control debug drawing so far
(draw-point 2) ;; TODO - only seen it used to control debug drawing so far
(draw-text 3) ;; TODO - only seen it used to control debug drawing so far
(not-found 4)
;; A path-control is a curve that can be loaded from res-lump/entities.
(deftype path-control (basic)
((flags path-control-flag :offset-assert 4)
(name symbol :offset-assert 8)
(process process-drawable :offset-assert 12)
(curve curve :inline :offset-assert 16)
(num-cverts int32 :offset 20)
(cverts (inline-array vector) :score 100 :offset 16)
:method-count-assert 21
:size-assert #x24
:flag-assert #x1500000024
(new (symbol type process symbol float) _type_)
(dummy-9 (_type_) none 9)
(eval-path-curve-div! (_type_ vector float symbol) vector 10)
(get-random-point (_type_ vector) vector 11)
(TODO-RENAME-12 (_type_ vector float) vector 12)
(eval-path-curve! (_type_ vector float symbol) vector 13)
(TODO-RENAME-14 (_type_ vector float) vector 14)
(length-as-float (_type_) float 15)
(path-distance (_type_) float 16)
(get-num-verts (_type_) int 17)
(should-display? (_type_) symbol 18)
(TODO-RENAME-19 (_type_) float 19)
(TODO-RENAME-20 (_type_) float 20)
;; A curve-control is very similar, but also gets knots.
(deftype curve-control (path-control)
:method-count-assert 21
:size-assert #x24
:flag-assert #x1500000024
(new (symbol type process symbol float) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new path-control ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (proc process) (name symbol) (time float))
(local-vars (tag res-tag))
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(when (zero? obj)
;; allocation failed.
(go process-drawable-art-error "memory")
(set! obj (the-as path-control 0))
(goto cfg-9)
(set! (-> obj process) (the-as process-drawable proc))
(set! (-> obj name) name)
(let ((ent (-> proc entity)))
(when (= name 'path)
;; if we are a path, try to look up the path-actor.
(let ((lookup-entity (entity-actor-lookup (the-as res-lump ent) 'path-actor 0)))
(if lookup-entity
(set! ent lookup-entity)
;; look up the curve data
(set! tag (new 'static 'res-tag))
(let ((data (res-lump-data ent name pointer :tag-ptr (& tag) :time time)))
;; success, we got some data
(set! (-> obj cverts) (the-as (inline-array vector) data))
(set! (-> obj curve num-cverts) (the-as int (-> tag elt-count)))
;; did not find the data. Set flags and zero stuff
(logior! (-> obj flags) (path-control-flag not-found))
(set! (-> obj cverts) (the-as (inline-array vector) #f))
(set! (-> obj curve num-cverts) 0)
(label cfg-9)
(the-as path-control obj)
(defmethod should-display? path-control ((obj path-control))
"Should we display path marks?"
(and *display-path-marks*
(logtest? (-> obj flags) (path-control-flag display))
(defmethod length-as-float path-control ((obj path-control))
"Get the number of edges as a float"
(the float (+ (-> obj curve num-cverts) -1))
(defmethod get-num-verts path-control ((obj path-control))
"Get the number of vertices"
(-> obj curve num-cverts)
(defmethod new curve-control ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (proc process) (name symbol) (time float))
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> obj process) (the-as process-drawable proc))
(set! (-> obj name) name)
(let* ((ent (the-as entity (-> proc entity)))
(v1-2 name)
(s2-0 (cond
((= v1-2 'path)
'path-k ;; for knots?
;; appends a -k to the symbol name.
(let ((s2-1 string->symbol))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~A-k" name)
(s2-1 *temp-string*)
(let ((lookup-entity (entity-actor-lookup ent 'path-actor 0)))
(if lookup-entity
(set! ent lookup-entity)
(when (not (get-curve-data! ent (-> obj curve) name s2-0 time))
((> (-> obj curve num-cverts) 0)
;; downgrade us to a path-control, we got cverts but no knots.
(set! (-> obj type) path-control)
;; couldn't get anything, mark as bad.
(logior! (-> obj flags) (path-control-flag not-found))
(set! (-> obj flags) (logior (-> obj flags) (path-control-flag not-found)))
(set! (-> obj curve cverts) (the-as (inline-array vector) #f))
(set! (-> obj curve num-cverts) 0)