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Common Lisp
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(in-package goal)
;; name: gcommon.gc
;; name in dgo: gcommon
;; dgos: KERNEL
;; Game constants
;; disable PS2 only code and enable PC-specific code
(defglobalconstant PC_PORT #t)
;; whether we're allowed to use more memory than the original game or not
(defglobalconstant BIG_MEMORY #t)
(defglobalconstant PC_BIG_MEMORY (and PC_PORT BIG_MEMORY))
;; redirects access to EE memory mapped registers through get-vm-ptr to valid addresses that
;; are monitored in the runtime for debugging.
(defglobalconstant USE_VM #t)
;; enables the with-profiler statements, which send profiling data from
;; GOAL code to the frame profiler in C++.
(defglobalconstant PC_PROFILER_ENABLE #t)
;; GOAL language constants
;; distance from a symbol pointer to a (pointer string)
;; this relies on the memory layout of the symbol table
;; this must match SYM_TO_STRING_OFFSET in goal_constants.h
(defconstant SYM_TO_STRING_OFFSET #xff37)
(defmacro symbol->string (sym)
"Convert a symbol to a goal string."
`(-> (the-as (pointer string) (+ SYM_TO_STRING_OFFSET (the-as int ,sym))))
;; pointers larger than this are invalid by valid?
(defconstant END_OF_MEMORY #x8000000)
(defun identity ((arg0 object))
"Return the input. Works for any 64-bit value."
(defun 1/ ((arg0 float))
"Floating point reciprocal"
(declare (inline))
(/ 1.0 arg0)
;; These functions exist a function objects that wrap the compiler's built-in operators.
(defun + ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Add two integers (64-bit)."
(+ arg0 arg1)
(defun - ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Subtract two integers (64-bit)."
(- arg0 arg1)
(defun * ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Multiply two integers (32-bit)"
(* arg0 arg1)
(defun / ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Divide two integers (32-bit, signed)"
(/ arg0 arg1)
(defun mod ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Integer mod (signed, 32-bit)"
(mod arg0 arg1)
(defun rem ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Integer mod (signed, 32-bit). Even though it's called rem, it behaves the same as mod."
(mod arg0 arg1)
(defun ash ((value int) (shift-amount int))
"Arithmetic shift value by shift-amount.
A positive shift-amount will shift to the left and a negative will shift to the right."
;; OpenGOAL does not support ash in the compiler, so we implement it here as an inline function.
(declare (inline))
(if (> shift-amount 0)
(shl value shift-amount)
(sar value (- shift-amount))
(defun abs ((a int))
"Take the absolute value of a 64-bit signed integer"
(declare (inline))
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support abs, so we implement it here.
(if (> a 0)
(- a)
(defun min ((a int) (b int))
"Compute minimum of two 64-bit signed integers."
(declare (inline))
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support min, so we implement it here.
(if (> a b) b a)
(defun max ((a int) (b int))
"Compute maximum of two 64-bit signed integer."
(declare (inline))
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support max so we implement it here.
(if (> a b) a b)
(defun logior ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Logical or (64-bit)"
(logior arg0 arg1)
(defun logand ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Logical and (64-bit)"
(logand arg0 arg1)
(defun lognor ((a int) (b int))
"Compute not or (64-bit)."
;; Note - MIPS has a 'nor' instruction, but x86 doesn't.
;; the OpenGOAL x86 compiler therefore doesn't have a nor operation,
;; so lognor is implemented by this inline function instead.
(declare (inline))
(lognot (logior a b))
(defun logxor ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Logical exclusive or (64-bit)"
(logxor arg0 arg1)
(defun lognot ((arg0 int))
"Logical not (64-bit)"
(lognot arg0)
(defun false-func ()
"Return #f."
(defun true-func ()
"Return #t."
;; format
;; The "format" function is implemented in C but is called _format.
;; This defines the format function to point to the same thing as _format.
(define format _format)
;; numeric types
;; vec4s: 4 floats packed into a 128-bit integer register. This is rarely used.
(deftype vec4s (uint128)
((x float :offset 0 :size 32)
(y float :offset 32 :size 32)
(z float :offset 64 :size 32)
(w float :offset 96 :size 32)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(defmethod print vec4s ((obj vec4s))
"Custom print for vec4s that prints the 4 values."
(format #t "#<vector ~F ~F ~F ~F @ #x~X>"
(-> obj x)
(-> obj y)
(-> obj z)
(-> obj w)
;; vector: main 4-element floating point vector.
(deftype vector (structure)
((data float 4 :offset-assert 0)
(x float :offset 0)
(y float :offset 4)
(z float :offset 8)
(w float :offset 12)
(quad uint128 :offset 0)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(defmacro print128 (value &key (stream #t))
"Print a 128-bit value"
`(let ((temp (new 'stack-no-clear 'array 'uint64 2)))
(set! (-> (the (pointer uint128) temp)) ,value)
(format ,stream "#x~16X~16X" (-> temp 1) (-> temp 0))
(defmacro make-u128 (upper lower)
"Make a i128 from two 64-bit values."
`(rlet ((result :class i128)
(upper-xmm :class i128)
(lower-xmm :class i128))
(.mov upper-xmm ,upper)
(.mov lower-xmm ,lower)
(.pcpyld result upper-xmm lower-xmm)
(the-as uint result)
;; bfloat: boxed float type. A floating point number with type information.
;; It's a heap allocated basic.
(deftype bfloat (basic)
((data float :offset-assert 4)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x8
:flag-assert #x900000008
(defmethod print bfloat ((obj bfloat))
(format #t "~f" (-> obj data))
;; Type System
(defmethod asize-of type ((obj type))
"Get the size in memory of a type. The value calculated here is wrong."
(the-as int (logand (the-as uint #xfffffff0) (+ (* (-> obj allocated-length) 4) 43)))
(defun basic-type? ((arg0 basic) (arg1 type))
"Is the given basic an object of the given type?"
(let ((v1-0 (-> arg0 type))
(a0-1 object)
(until (= v1-0 a0-1)
(if (= v1-0 arg1)
(return #t)
(set! v1-0 (-> v1-0 parent))
(defun type-type? ((arg0 type) (arg1 type))
"Is the given type equal to, or a child of, the second type?"
(let ((v1-0 object))
(if (= arg1 v1-0)
(return #t)
(until (or (= arg0 v1-0) (zero? arg0))
(if (= arg0 arg1)
(return #t)
(set! arg0 (-> arg0 parent))
(defun type? ((arg0 object) (arg1 type))
"Is the given object an object of the given type? Works for any boxed object (basic, symbol, binteger, pair)."
(let ((v1-0 object)
(a0-1 (rtype-of arg0))
(if (= arg1 v1-0)
(return #t)
(until (or (= a0-1 v1-0) (zero? a0-1))
(if (= a0-1 arg1)
(return #t)
(set! a0-1 (-> a0-1 parent))
(defun find-parent-method ((arg0 type) (arg1 int))
"Go up the type tree and find the first parent type that has a different implementation for the given method."
(local-vars (v0-0 function))
(let ((v1-2 (-> arg0 method-table arg1)))
(until (!= v0-0 v1-2)
(if (= arg0 object)
(return nothing)
(set! arg0 (-> arg0 parent))
(set! v0-0 (-> arg0 method-table arg1))
(if (zero? v0-0)
(return nothing)
(defun ref ((arg0 object) (arg1 int))
"Get the n-th item in a linked list. No range checking."
(dotimes (v1-0 arg1)
(set! arg0 (cdr arg0))
(car arg0)
(defmethod length pair ((obj pair))
"Get the length of a linked list."
(local-vars (v0-0 int))
((null? obj)
(set! v0-0 0)
(let ((v1-1 (cdr obj)))
(set! v0-0 1)
(while (and (not (null? v1-1)) (pair? v1-1))
(+! v0-0 1)
(set! v1-1 (cdr v1-1))
(defmethod asize-of pair ((obj pair))
"Get the size in memory of a pair."
(the-as int (-> pair size))
(defun last ((arg0 object))
"Get the last object in a list."
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(while (not (null? (cdr v0-0)))
(set! v0-0 (cdr v0-0))
(defun member ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
"Is obj in the list lst? Returns pair with obj as its car, or #f if not found."
(let ((v1-0 arg1))
(while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car v1-0) arg0)))
(set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0))
(if (not (null? v1-0))
;; need to forward declare this, we haven't loaded the string library yet.
(define-extern name= (function object object symbol))
(defun nmember ((arg0 basic) (arg1 object))
"Is obj in the list lst? Check with the name= function."
(while (not (or (null? arg1) (name= (car arg1) arg0)))
(set! arg1 (cdr arg1))
(if (not (null? arg1))
(defun assoc ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
"Is item in the association list alist?
Returns the key-value pair."
(let ((v1-0 arg1))
(while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car (car v1-0)) arg0)))
(set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0))
(if (not (null? v1-0))
(car v1-0)
(defun assoce ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
"Is there an entry with key item in the association list alist?
Returns the key-value pair.
Treats a key of 'else like an else case"
(let ((v1-0 arg1))
(while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car (car v1-0)) arg0) (= (car (car v1-0)) 'else)))
(set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0))
(if (not (null? v1-0))
(car v1-0)
(defun nassoc ((arg0 string) (arg1 object))
"Is there an entry named item-name in the association list alist?
Checks name with nmember or name= so you can have multiple keys.
Returns the ([key|(key..)] . value) pair."
(while (not (or (null? arg1) (let ((a1-1 (car (car arg1))))
(if (pair? a1-1)
(nmember arg0 a1-1)
(name= (the-as basic a1-1) arg0)
(set! arg1 (cdr arg1))
(if (not (null? arg1))
(car arg1)
(defun nassoce ((arg0 string) (arg1 object))
"Is there an entry named item-name in the association list alist?
Checks name with nmember for multiple keys or name= for single.
Allows else as a single key that always matches"
(while (not (or (null? arg1) (let ((s4-0 (car (car arg1))))
(if (pair? s4-0)
(nmember arg0 s4-0)
(or (name= (the-as basic s4-0) arg0) (= s4-0 'else))
(set! arg1 (cdr arg1))
(if (not (null? arg1))
(car arg1)
(defun append! ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
"Append back to front, return the combined list."
((null? arg0)
(let ((v1-1 arg0))
(while (not (null? (cdr v1-1)))
(set! v1-1 (cdr v1-1))
(if (not (null? v1-1))
(set! (cdr v1-1) arg1)
(defun delete! ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
"Remove the first occurance of item from lst (where item is actual a pair in the list)"
(the-as pair
((= arg0 (car arg1))
(cdr arg1)
(let ((v1-1 arg1)
(a2-0 (cdr arg1))
(while (not (or (null? a2-0) (= (car a2-0) arg0)))
(set! v1-1 a2-0)
(set! a2-0 (cdr a2-0))
(if (not (null? a2-0))
(set! (cdr v1-1) (cdr a2-0))
(defun delete-car! ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
"Remove the first first occurance of an element from the list where (car elt) is item."
((= arg0 (car (car arg1)))
(cdr arg1)
(let ((v1-2 arg1)
(a2-0 (cdr arg1))
(while (not (or (null? a2-0) (= (car (car a2-0)) arg0)))
(set! v1-2 a2-0)
(set! a2-0 (cdr a2-0))
(if (not (null? a2-0))
(set! (cdr v1-2) (cdr a2-0))
(defun insert-cons! ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
"Update an association list to have the given (key . value) pair kv.
If it already exists in the list, remove it.
DANGER: this function allocates memory on the global heap."
(let ((a3-0 (delete-car! (car arg0) arg1)))
(cons arg0 a3-0)
(defun sort ((arg0 pair) (arg1 (function object object object)))
"Sort a list, using compare-func to compare elements.
The comparison function can return either an integer or a true/false.
For integers, use a positive number to represent first > second
Ex: (sort lst -) will sort in ascending order
For booleans, you must explicitly use TRUE and not a truthy value.
Ex: (sort my-list (lambda ((x int) (y int)) (< x y))) will sort ascending.
NOTE: if you use an integer, don't accidentally return TRUE."
(let ((s4-0 -1))
(while (nonzero? s4-0)
(set! s4-0 0)
(let ((s3-0 arg0))
(while (not (or (null? (cdr s3-0)) (not (pair? (cdr s3-0)))))
(let* ((s2-0 (car s3-0))
(s1-0 (car (cdr s3-0)))
(v1-1 (arg1 s2-0 s1-0))
(when (and (or (not v1-1) (> (the-as int v1-1) 0)) (!= v1-1 #t))
(+! s4-0 1)
(set! (car s3-0) s1-0)
(set! (car (cdr s3-0)) s2-0)
(set! s3-0 (cdr s3-0))
;; inline-array-class
;; This is used as base class for boxed inline arrays.
;; The heap-base of the _type_ object will be used to store the stride
;; This way, you don't pay the price of storing the stride in each object.
;; however, as far as we've seen, nothing actually reads the stride.
(deftype inline-array-class (basic)
((length int32 :offset-assert 4)
(allocated-length int32 :offset-assert 8)
(_data uint8 :dynamic :offset 16)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(new (symbol type int) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
"Allocate a new inline-array-class object with room for the given number of objects.
Both length and allocated-length are set to the given size"
(let ((v0-0 (object-new
(the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (the-as uint arg0) (-> type-to-make heap-base))))
(when (nonzero? v0-0)
(set! (-> v0-0 length) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(defmethod length inline-array-class ((obj inline-array-class))
"Get the length of the inline-array-class. This is the length field,
not how much storage there is"
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of inline-array-class ((obj inline-array-class))
"Get the size in memory of an inline-array-class."
(the-as int (+ (-> obj type size) (* (-> obj allocated-length) (the-as int (-> obj type heap-base)))))
;; array
;; the GOAL array type is a boxed array.
;; it is a basic that knows its content type, currently used length, and allocated length.
;; It can hold:
;; any boxed object (gets 4 bytes, so bintegers get clipped to 32-bits)
;; any structure/reference/pointer
;; any integer/float
;; It cannot hold any inlined structures.
(defmethod new array ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 type) (arg1 int))
"Allocate a new array to hold len elements of type content-type.
The content should either be a numeric type (child of number)
or the content should be a reference (will get 4-bytes for a pointer)"
(let ((v0-1 (object-new
(the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* arg1 (if (type-type? arg0 number)
(the-as int (-> arg0 size))
(set! (-> v0-1 allocated-length) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-1 length) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-1 content-type) arg0)
(defmethod print array ((obj array))
(format #t "#(")
((type-type? (-> obj content-type) integer)
(case (-> obj content-type symbol)
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-0)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int32) obj) s5-0)
(dotimes (s5-1 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-1)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array uint32) obj) s5-1)
(dotimes (s5-2 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-2)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int64) obj) s5-2)
(dotimes (s5-3 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-3)
" #x~X"
(-> (the-as (array uint64) obj) s5-3)
(dotimes (s5-4 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-4)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int8) obj) s5-4)
(dotimes (s5-5 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-5)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array uint8) obj) s5-5)
(dotimes (s5-6 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-6)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int16) obj) s5-6)
(dotimes (s5-7 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-7)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array uint16) obj) s5-7)
(('uint128 'int128)
(dotimes (s5-8 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-8)
" #x~X"
(-> (the-as (array uint128) obj) s5-8)
(dotimes (s5-9 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-9)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int32) obj) s5-9)
((= (-> obj content-type) float)
(dotimes (s5-10 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-10)
(format #t "~f" (-> (the-as (array float) obj) s5-10))
(format #t " ~f" (-> (the-as (array float) obj) s5-10))
(dotimes (s5-11 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-11)
(format #t "~A" (-> (the-as (array basic) obj) s5-11))
(format #t " ~A" (-> (the-as (array basic) obj) s5-11))
(format #t ")")
(defmethod inspect array ((obj array))
"Inspect an array"
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format #t "~Tallocated-length: ~D~%" (-> obj allocated-length))
(format #t "~Tlength: ~D~%" (-> obj length))
(format #t "~Tcontent-type: ~A~%" (-> obj content-type))
(format #t "~Tdata[~D]: @ #x~X~%" (-> obj allocated-length) (-> obj data))
((and (= (logand (the-as int (-> obj content-type)) 7) 4) (type-type? (-> obj content-type) integer))
(case (-> obj content-type symbol)
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-0 (-> (the-as (array int32) obj) s5-0))
(dotimes (s5-1 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-1 (-> (the-as (array uint32) obj) s5-1))
(dotimes (s5-2 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-2 (-> (the-as (array int64) obj) s5-2))
(dotimes (s5-3 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] #x~X~%" s5-3 (-> (the-as (array uint64) obj) s5-3))
(dotimes (s5-4 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-4 (-> (the-as (array int8) obj) s5-4))
(dotimes (s5-5 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-5 (-> (the-as (array int8) obj) s5-5))
(dotimes (s5-6 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-6 (-> (the-as (array int16) obj) s5-6))
(dotimes (s5-7 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-7 (-> (the-as (array uint16) obj) s5-7))
(('int128 'uint128)
(dotimes (s5-8 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] #x~X~%" s5-8 (-> (the-as (array uint128) obj) s5-8))
(dotimes (s5-9 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-9 (-> (the-as (array int32) obj) s5-9))
((= (-> obj content-type) float)
(dotimes (s5-10 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~f~%" s5-10 (-> (the-as (array float) obj) s5-10))
(dotimes (s5-11 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~A~%" s5-11 (-> (the-as (array basic) obj) s5-11))
(defmethod length array ((obj array))
"Get the length of an array"
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of array ((obj array))
"Get the size in memory of an array"
(+ (-> obj type size) (* (-> obj allocated-length) (if (type-type? (-> obj content-type) number)
(the-as int (-> obj content-type size))
;; memory manipulation
(defun mem-copy! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 pointer) (arg2 int))
"Memory copy. Not a very efficient optimization, but has no restrictions.
Increasing address copy."
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(dotimes (v1-0 arg2)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) arg0)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) arg1)))
(&+! arg0 1)
(&+! arg1 1)
(defun qmem-copy<-! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 pointer) (arg2 int))
"Memory copy by quadword. More efficient, but has restrictions:
- dst and src should be 16-byte aligned.
- size in bytes will be rounded up to 16-bytes
- Ascending address copy."
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(countdown (v1-1 (/ (+ arg2 15) 16))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) arg0)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) arg1)))
(&+! arg0 16)
(&+! arg1 16)
(defun qmem-copy->! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 pointer) (arg2 int))
"Memory copy by quadword (16-bytes). More efficient, but has restrictions:
- dst and src should be 16-byte aligned.
- size in bytes will be rounding up to nearest 16-bytes
- Descending address copy"
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(let* ((v1-1 (/ (+ arg2 15) 16))
(a0-1 (&+ arg0 (* v1-1 16)))
(a1-1 (&+ arg1 (* v1-1 16)))
(while (nonzero? v1-1)
(+! v1-1 -1)
(&+! a0-1 -16)
(&+! a1-1 -16)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) a0-1)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) a1-1)))
(defun mem-set32! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 int) (arg2 int))
"Normal memset, but by 32-bit word.
NOTE: argument order is swapped from C"
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(dotimes (v1-0 arg1)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer int32) arg0)) arg2)
(&+! arg0 4)
(defun mem-or! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 pointer) (arg2 int))
"Set the dst to (logior dst src) byte by byte.
Not very efficient."
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(dotimes (v1-0 arg2)
(logior! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) arg0)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) arg1)))
(&+! arg0 1)
(&+! arg1 1)
(defun quad-copy! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (qwc int))
"Optimized memory copy. The original is pretty clever, but this isn't."
(qmem-copy<-! dst src (* qwc 16))
(defun-recursive fact int ((x int))
(if (= x 1)
(* x (fact (+ x -1))))
;; printing
;; the column that will be printed to by format.
(define *print-column* (the-as binteger 0))
;; note: normal use of print/inspect will have the compiler pick the appropriate method
;; for non-basics. However, it may be useful to have print/inspect available as a function
;; as well, allowing you to use it as a function pointer.
;; in this case, we can only do the right thing on boxed objects.
(defun print ((arg0 object))
"Print out any boxed object. Does NOT insert a newline."
((method-of-type (rtype-of arg0) print) arg0)
(defmacro printl (obj)
"Print out a boxed object and a newline.
Note: we define both a macro and a function on purpose.
The compiler will use the macro over the function, which will
allow it to pick the correct print method for non-boxed objects"
(print ,obj)
(format #t "~%")
(defun printl ((arg0 object))
"Print out any boxed object and a newline at the end."
(let ((a0-1 arg0))
((method-of-type (rtype-of a0-1) print) a0-1)
(format #t "~%")
(defun inspect ((arg0 object))
"Inspect any boxed object."
((method-of-type (rtype-of arg0) inspect) arg0)
(defun-debug mem-print ((arg0 (pointer uint32)) (arg1 int))
"Print memory to runtime stdout by quadword.
Input count is in 32-bit words"
(dotimes (s4-0 (/ arg1 4))
"~X: ~X ~X ~X ~X~%"
(&-> arg0 (* s4-0 4))
(-> arg0 (* s4-0 4))
(-> arg0 (+ (* s4-0 4) 1))
(-> arg0 (+ (* s4-0 4) 2))
(-> arg0 (+ (* s4-0 4) 3))
;; unused
(define *trace-list* '())
(defun print-tree-bitmask ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Print out a single entry for a process tree 'tree' diagram"
(dotimes (s4-0 arg1)
(if (zero? (logand arg0 1))
(format #t " ")
(format #t "| ")
(set! arg0 (shr arg0 1))
(defun breakpoint-range-set! ((arg0 uint) (arg1 uint) (arg2 uint))
"Sets some debug register (COP0 Debug, dab, dabm) to break on memory access.
This is not supported in OpenGOAL."
;; valid
(defmacro start-of-symbol-table ()
`(rlet ((st :reg r14 :reset-here #t :type uint))
(the uint (- st 32768))
(defmacro end-of-symbol-table ()
`(rlet ((st :reg r14 :reset-here #t :type uint))
(the uint (+ st 32768))
(define-extern boolean type) ;; not really... but they use it here as if it was one.
(define-extern valid? (function object type symbol symbol object symbol))
(defun valid? ((arg0 object) (arg1 type) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 symbol) (arg4 object))
"Check if the given object is valid. This will work for structures, pairs, basics, bintegers, symbols, and types.
If you set expected-type to #f, it just checks for a 4-byte aligned address that's in GOAL memory.
If you're checking a structure, set expected-type to structure. This requires 16-byte alignment
Note: packed inline structures in arrays or fields will not pass this check.
Otherwise, set it to the type you expect. More specific types will pass.
If allow-false is #t, a #f will always pass. Otherwise, #f will fail (unless you're looking for a symbol).
Use allow-false if you want to allow a 'null' reference.
The name is only used when printing out an error if the check fails.
Use a name of #f to suppress error prints.
(let ((v1-1
(and (>= (the-as uint arg0) (start-of-symbol-table)) (< (the-as uint arg0) END_OF_MEMORY))
((not arg1)
((logtest? (the-as int arg0) 3)
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object (misaligned)~%" arg0 arg2)
((not v1-1)
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object (bad address)~%" arg0 arg2)
((and arg3 (not arg0))
((= arg1 structure)
((logtest? (the-as int arg0) 15)
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((or (not v1-1) (< (the-as uint arg0) (end-of-symbol-table)))
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((= arg1 pair)
((not (pair? arg0))
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((not v1-1)
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((= arg1 binteger)
((zero? (logand (the-as int arg0) 7))
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((or (= arg1 symbol) (= arg1 boolean))
((zero? (logand (the-as int arg0) 1))
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((or (not v1-1) (< (the-as int arg0) (start-of-symbol-table))(>= (the-as int arg0) (end-of-symbol-table)))
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((!= (logand (the-as int arg0) 7) 4)
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((not v1-1)
(if arg2
(format arg4 "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" arg0 arg2 arg1)
((and (= arg1 type) (!= (rtype-of arg0) type))
(if arg2
"ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (invalid type #x~X)~%"
(rtype-of arg0)
((and (!= arg1 type) (not (valid? (rtype-of arg0) type #f #t 0)))
(if arg2
"ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (invalid type #x~X)~%"
(rtype-of arg0)
((not (type? arg0 arg1))
(if arg2
"ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (is type '~A' instead)~%"
(rtype-of arg0)
((= arg1 symbol)
((>= (the-as uint arg0) (end-of-symbol-table))
(if arg2
"ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (not in symbol table)~%"
((< (the-as uint arg0) (end-of-symbol-table))
(if arg2
"ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (inside symbol table)~%"
;; Profiler Macros
(defmacro profiler-instant-event (name)
"Record an 'instant' event in the profile.
This can be used however you'd like, but there should be a
'ROOT' event logged every now and then (like once per frame)
when no timed events are in progress, to allow the profiler
to correctly recover the event stack."
(pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event instant))
(defmacro profiler-start-event (name)
"Start a timed event with the given name."
(pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event begin))
(defmacro profiler-end-event ()
"End the most recently started event that hasn't been stopped yet.
It is up to you to correctly balance the starts/ends, otherwise
the profiling data will be corrupted."
(pc-prof "" (pc-prof-event end))
(defmacro with-profiler (name &rest body)
"Execute the body in a named profiler block.
Do not `return` or `go` from inside this block,
otherwise the end will be skipped."
(pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event begin))
(pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event end))
;; Decompiler Macros
;; inserted by the decompiler for assembly branches.
(defmacro b! (pred destination &key (delay '()) &key (likely-delay '()))
;; evaluate the predicate
`(let ((should-branch ,pred))
;; normal delay slot:
(when should-branch
(goto ,destination)
;; the decompiler may fail to recognize setting fields of a 128-bit bitfield
;; and will rely on this macro:
(defmacro copy-and-set-field (original field-name field-value)
`(let ((temp-copy ,original))
(set! (-> temp-copy ,field-name) ,field-value)
;; inserted by the decompiler if a c->goal bool conversion can't be compacted into a single
;; expression.
(defmacro cmove-#f-zero (dest condition src)
`(if (zero? ,condition)
(set! ,dest #f)
(set! ,dest ,src)
(defmacro empty-form ()
;; PC Port asm macros
(#when PC_PORT
;; SYNC is an EE instruction that waits for various memory access and DMA to be completed
;; DMA will be instant in the PC port, so these are no longer necessary
(fake-asm .sync.l)
(fake-asm .sync.p)
;; Copies the contents of a cop0 (system control) register to a gpr
(fake-asm .mfc0 dest src)
;; Copies the contents of a gpr to a cop0 (system control) register
(fake-asm .mtc0 dest src)