
960 lines
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Common Lisp
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(in-package goal)
;; name: gcommon.gc
;; name in dgo: gcommon
;; dgos: KERNEL
;; Game constants
;; disable PS2 only code and enable PC-specific code
(defglobalconstant PC_PORT #t)
;; whether we're allowed to use more memory than the original game or not
(defglobalconstant BIG_MEMORY #t)
(defglobalconstant PC_BIG_MEMORY (and PC_PORT BIG_MEMORY))
;; redirects access to EE memory mapped registers through get-vm-ptr to valid addresses that
;; are monitored in the runtime for debugging.
(defglobalconstant USE_VM #t)
;; enables the with-profiler statements, which send profiling data from
;; GOAL code to the frame profiler in C++.
(defglobalconstant PC_PROFILER_ENABLE #t)
(defun identity ((arg0 object))
(defun 1/ ((arg0 float))
(declare (inline))
(/ 1.0 arg0)
(defun + ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(+ arg0 arg1)
(defun - ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(- arg0 arg1)
(defun * ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(* arg0 arg1)
(defun / ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(/ arg0 arg1)
(defun mod ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(mod arg0 arg1)
(defun rem ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(mod arg0 arg1)
(defun ash ((value int) (shift-amount int))
"Arithmetic shift value by shift-amount.
A positive shift-amount will shift to the left and a negative will shift to the right."
;; OpenGOAL does not support ash in the compiler, so we implement it here as an inline function.
(declare (inline))
(if (> shift-amount 0)
(shl value shift-amount)
(sar value (- shift-amount))
(defun abs ((a int))
"Take the absolute value of an integer"
(declare (inline))
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support abs, so we implement it here.
(if (> a 0)
(- a)
(defun min ((a int) (b int))
"Compute minimum."
(declare (inline))
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support min, so we implement it here.
(if (> a b) b a)
(defun max ((a int) (b int))
"Compute maximum."
(declare (inline))
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support max so we implement it here.
(if (> a b) a b)
(defun logior ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(logior arg0 arg1)
(defun logand ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(logand arg0 arg1)
(defun lognor ((a int) (b int))
"Compute not or."
;; Note - MIPS has a 'nor' instruction, but x86 doesn't.
;; the OpenGOAL x86 compiler therefore doesn't have a nor operation,
;; so lognor is implemented by this inline function instead.
(declare (inline))
(lognot (logior a b))
(defun logxor ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(logxor arg0 arg1)
(defun lognot ((arg0 int))
(lognot arg0)
(defun false-func ()
(defun true-func ()
;; format
(define format _format)
;; numeric types
(deftype vec4s (uint128)
((x float :offset 0 :size 32)
(y float :offset 32 :size 32)
(z float :offset 64 :size 32)
(w float :offset 96 :size 32)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(defmethod inspect vec4s ((obj vec4s))
(when (not obj)
(return obj)
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj 'vec4s)
(format #t "~1Tx: ~f~%" (-> obj x))
(format #t "~1Ty: ~f~%" (-> obj y))
(format #t "~1Tz: ~f~%" (-> obj z))
(format #t "~1Tw: ~f~%" (-> obj w))
(defmethod print vec4s ((obj vec4s))
(format #t "#<vector ~F ~F ~F ~F @ #x~X>"
(-> obj x)
(-> obj y)
(-> obj z)
(-> obj w)
(defmacro print128 (value &key (stream #t))
"Print a 128-bit value"
`(let ((temp (new 'stack-no-clear 'array 'uint64 2)))
(set! (-> (the (pointer uint128) temp)) ,value)
(format ,stream "#x~16X~16X" (-> temp 1) (-> temp 0))
(defmacro make-u128 (upper lower)
"Make a i128 from two 64-bit values."
`(rlet ((result :class i128)
(upper-xmm :class i128)
(lower-xmm :class i128))
(.mov upper-xmm ,upper)
(.mov lower-xmm ,lower)
(.pcpyld result upper-xmm lower-xmm)
(the-as uint result)
(deftype bfloat (basic)
((data float :offset-assert 4)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x8
:flag-assert #x900000008
(defmethod print bfloat ((obj bfloat))
(format #t "~f" (-> obj data))
;; Type System
(defmethod asize-of type ((obj type))
(the-as int (logand (the-as uint #xfffffff0) (+ (* (-> obj allocated-length) 4) 43)))
(defun basic-type? ((arg0 basic) (arg1 type))
(let ((v1-0 (-> arg0 type))
(a0-1 object)
(until (= v1-0 a0-1)
(if (= v1-0 arg1)
(return #t)
(set! v1-0 (-> v1-0 parent))
(defun type-type? ((arg0 type) (arg1 type))
(let ((v1-0 object))
(if (= arg1 v1-0)
(return #t)
(until (or (= arg0 v1-0) (zero? arg0))
(if (= arg0 arg1)
(return #t)
(set! arg0 (-> arg0 parent))
(defun type? ((arg0 object) (arg1 type))
(let ((v1-0 object)
(a0-1 (rtype-of arg0))
(if (= arg1 v1-0)
(return #t)
(until (or (= a0-1 v1-0) (zero? a0-1))
(if (= a0-1 arg1)
(return #t)
(set! a0-1 (-> a0-1 parent))
(defun find-parent-method ((arg0 type) (arg1 int))
(local-vars (v0-0 function))
(let ((v1-2 (-> arg0 method-table arg1)))
(until (!= v0-0 v1-2)
(if (= arg0 object)
(return nothing)
(set! arg0 (-> arg0 parent))
(set! v0-0 (-> arg0 method-table arg1))
(if (zero? v0-0)
(return nothing)
(defun ref ((arg0 object) (arg1 int))
(dotimes (v1-0 arg1)
(set! arg0 (cdr arg0))
(car arg0)
(defmethod length pair ((obj pair))
(local-vars (v0-0 int))
((null? obj)
(set! v0-0 0)
(let ((v1-1 (cdr obj)))
(set! v0-0 1)
(while (and (not (null? v1-1)) (pair? v1-1))
(+! v0-0 1)
(set! v1-1 (cdr v1-1))
(defmethod asize-of pair ((obj pair))
(the-as int (-> pair size))
(defun last ((arg0 object))
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(while (not (null? (cdr v0-0)))
(set! v0-0 (cdr v0-0))
(defun member ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
(let ((v1-0 arg1))
(while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car v1-0) arg0)))
(set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0))
(if (not (null? v1-0))
;; need to forward declare this, we haven't loaded the string library yet.
(define-extern name= (function basic basic symbol))
(defun nmember ((arg0 basic) (arg1 object))
(while (not (or (null? arg1) (name= (the-as basic (car arg1)) arg0)))
(set! arg1 (cdr arg1))
(if (not (null? arg1))
(defun assoc ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
(let ((v1-0 arg1))
(while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car (car v1-0)) arg0)))
(set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0))
(if (not (null? v1-0))
(car v1-0)
(defun assoce ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
(let ((v1-0 arg1))
(while (not (or (null? v1-0) (= (car (car v1-0)) arg0) (= (car (car v1-0)) 'else)))
(set! v1-0 (cdr v1-0))
(if (not (null? v1-0))
(car v1-0)
(defun nassoc ((arg0 string) (arg1 object))
(while (not (or (null? arg1) (let ((a1-1 (car (car arg1))))
(if (pair? a1-1)
(nmember arg0 a1-1)
(name= (the-as basic a1-1) arg0)
(set! arg1 (cdr arg1))
(if (not (null? arg1))
(car arg1)
(defun nassoce ((arg0 string) (arg1 object))
(while (not (or (null? arg1) (let ((s4-0 (car (car arg1))))
(if (pair? s4-0)
(nmember arg0 s4-0)
(or (name= (the-as basic s4-0) arg0) (= s4-0 'else))
(set! arg1 (cdr arg1))
(if (not (null? arg1))
(car arg1)
(defun append! ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
((null? arg0)
(let ((v1-1 arg0))
(while (not (null? (cdr v1-1)))
(set! v1-1 (cdr v1-1))
(if (not (null? v1-1))
(set! (cdr v1-1) arg1)
(defun delete! ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
(the-as pair
((= arg0 (car arg1))
(cdr arg1)
(let ((v1-1 arg1)
(a2-0 (cdr arg1))
(while (not (or (null? a2-0) (= (car a2-0) arg0)))
(set! v1-1 a2-0)
(set! a2-0 (cdr a2-0))
(if (not (null? a2-0))
(set! (cdr v1-1) (cdr a2-0))
(defun delete-car! ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
((= arg0 (car (car arg1)))
(cdr arg1)
(let ((v1-2 arg1)
(a2-0 (cdr arg1))
(while (not (or (null? a2-0) (= (car (car a2-0)) arg0)))
(set! v1-2 a2-0)
(set! a2-0 (cdr a2-0))
(if (not (null? a2-0))
(set! (cdr v1-2) (cdr a2-0))
(defun insert-cons! ((arg0 object) (arg1 object))
(let ((a3-0 (delete-car! (car arg0) arg1)))
(cons arg0 a3-0)
(defun sort ((arg0 pair) (arg1 (function object object object)))
(let ((s4-0 -1))
(while (nonzero? s4-0)
(set! s4-0 0)
(let ((s3-0 arg0))
(while (not (or (null? (cdr s3-0)) (not (pair? (cdr s3-0)))))
(let* ((s2-0 (car s3-0))
(s1-0 (car (cdr s3-0)))
(v1-1 (arg1 s2-0 s1-0))
(when (and (or (not v1-1) (> (the-as int v1-1) 0)) (!= v1-1 #t))
(+! s4-0 1)
(set! (car s3-0) s1-0)
(set! (car (cdr s3-0)) s2-0)
(set! s3-0 (cdr s3-0))
(deftype inline-array-class (basic)
((length int32 :offset-assert 4)
(allocated-length int32 :offset-assert 8)
(_data uint8 :dynamic :offset 16)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(new (symbol type int) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new
(the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (the-as uint arg0) (-> type-to-make heap-base))))
(when (nonzero? v0-0)
(set! (-> v0-0 length) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(defmethod length inline-array-class ((obj inline-array-class))
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of inline-array-class ((obj inline-array-class))
(the-as int (+ (-> obj type size) (* (-> obj allocated-length) (the-as int (-> obj type heap-base)))))
(defmethod new array ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 type) (arg1 int))
(let ((v0-1 (object-new
(the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* arg1 (if (type-type? arg0 number)
(the-as int (-> arg0 size))
(set! (-> v0-1 allocated-length) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-1 length) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-1 content-type) arg0)
(defmethod print array ((obj array))
(format #t "#(")
((type-type? (-> obj content-type) integer)
(case (-> obj content-type symbol)
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-0)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int32) obj) s5-0)
(dotimes (s5-1 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-1)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array uint32) obj) s5-1)
(dotimes (s5-2 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-2)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int64) obj) s5-2)
(dotimes (s5-3 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-3)
" #x~X"
(-> (the-as (array uint64) obj) s5-3)
(dotimes (s5-4 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-4)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int8) obj) s5-4)
(dotimes (s5-5 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-5)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array uint8) obj) s5-5)
(dotimes (s5-6 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-6)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int16) obj) s5-6)
(dotimes (s5-7 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-7)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array uint16) obj) s5-7)
(('uint128 'int128)
(dotimes (s5-8 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-8)
" #x~X"
(-> (the-as (array uint128) obj) s5-8)
(dotimes (s5-9 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-9)
" ~D"
(-> (the-as (array int32) obj) s5-9)
((= (-> obj content-type) float)
(dotimes (s5-10 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-10)
(format #t "~f" (-> (the-as (array float) obj) s5-10))
(format #t " ~f" (-> (the-as (array float) obj) s5-10))
(dotimes (s5-11 (-> obj length))
(if (zero? s5-11)
(format #t "~A" (-> (the-as (array basic) obj) s5-11))
(format #t " ~A" (-> (the-as (array basic) obj) s5-11))
(format #t ")")
(defmethod inspect array ((obj array))
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format #t "~Tallocated-length: ~D~%" (-> obj allocated-length))
(format #t "~Tlength: ~D~%" (-> obj length))
(format #t "~Tcontent-type: ~A~%" (-> obj content-type))
(format #t "~Tdata[~D]: @ #x~X~%" (-> obj allocated-length) (-> obj data))
((and (= (logand (the-as int (-> obj content-type)) 7) 4) (type-type? (-> obj content-type) integer))
(case (-> obj content-type symbol)
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-0 (-> (the-as (array int32) obj) s5-0))
(dotimes (s5-1 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-1 (-> (the-as (array uint32) obj) s5-1))
(dotimes (s5-2 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-2 (-> (the-as (array int64) obj) s5-2))
(dotimes (s5-3 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] #x~X~%" s5-3 (-> (the-as (array uint64) obj) s5-3))
(dotimes (s5-4 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-4 (-> (the-as (array int8) obj) s5-4))
(dotimes (s5-5 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-5 (-> (the-as (array int8) obj) s5-5))
(dotimes (s5-6 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-6 (-> (the-as (array int16) obj) s5-6))
(dotimes (s5-7 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-7 (-> (the-as (array uint16) obj) s5-7))
(('int128 'uint128)
(dotimes (s5-8 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] #x~X~%" s5-8 (-> (the-as (array uint128) obj) s5-8))
(dotimes (s5-9 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~D~%" s5-9 (-> (the-as (array int32) obj) s5-9))
((= (-> obj content-type) float)
(dotimes (s5-10 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~f~%" s5-10 (-> (the-as (array float) obj) s5-10))
(dotimes (s5-11 (-> obj length))
(format #t "~T [~D] ~A~%" s5-11 (-> (the-as (array basic) obj) s5-11))
(defmethod length array ((obj array))
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of array ((obj array))
(+ (-> obj type size) (* (-> obj allocated-length) (if (type-type? (-> obj content-type) number)
(the-as int (-> obj content-type size))
(defun mem-copy! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 pointer) (arg2 int))
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(dotimes (v1-0 arg2)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) arg0)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) arg1)))
(&+! arg0 1)
(&+! arg1 1)
(defun qmem-copy<-! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 pointer) (arg2 int))
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(countdown (v1-1 (/ (+ arg2 15) 16))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) arg0)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) arg1)))
(&+! arg0 16)
(&+! arg1 16)
(defun qmem-copy->! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 pointer) (arg2 int))
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(let* ((v1-1 (/ (+ arg2 15) 16))
(a0-1 (&+ arg0 (* v1-1 16)))
(a1-1 (&+ arg1 (* v1-1 16)))
(while (nonzero? v1-1)
(+! v1-1 -1)
(&+! a0-1 -16)
(&+! a1-1 -16)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) a0-1)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) a1-1)))
(defun mem-set32! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 int) (arg2 int))
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(dotimes (v1-0 arg1)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer int32) arg0)) arg2)
(&+! arg0 4)
(defun mem-or! ((arg0 pointer) (arg1 pointer) (arg2 int))
(let ((v0-0 arg0))
(dotimes (v1-0 arg2)
(logior! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) arg0)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) arg1)))
(&+! arg0 1)
(&+! arg1 1)
(defun quad-copy! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (qwc int))
"Optimized memory copy. The original is pretty clever, but this isn't."
(qmem-copy<-! dst src (* qwc 16))
(defun-recursive fact int ((x int))
(if (= x 1)
(* x (fact (+ x -1))))
(define *print-column* (the-as binteger 0))
(defun print ((arg0 object))
((method-of-type (rtype-of arg0) print) arg0)
(defun printl ((arg0 object))
(let ((a0-1 arg0))
((method-of-type (rtype-of a0-1) print) a0-1)
(format #t "~%")
(defun inspect ((arg0 object))
((method-of-type (rtype-of arg0) inspect) arg0)
(defun-debug mem-print ((arg0 (pointer uint32)) (arg1 int))
(dotimes (s4-0 (/ arg1 4))
"~X: ~X ~X ~X ~X~%"
(&-> arg0 (* s4-0 4))
(-> arg0 (* s4-0 4))
(-> arg0 (+ (* s4-0 4) 1))
(-> arg0 (+ (* s4-0 4) 2))
(-> arg0 (+ (* s4-0 4) 3))
(define *trace-list* '())
(defun print-tree-bitmask ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
(dotimes (s4-0 arg1)
(if (zero? (logand arg0 1))
(format #t " ")
(format #t "| ")
(set! arg0 (shr arg0 1))
(defun breakpoint-range-set! ((arg0 uint) (arg1 uint) (arg2 uint))
;; Profiler Macros
(defmacro profiler-instant-event (name)
"Record an 'instant' event in the profile.
This can be used however you'd like, but there should be a
'ROOT' event logged every now and then (like once per frame)
when no timed events are in progress, to allow the profiler
to correctly recover the event stack."
(pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event instant))
(defmacro profiler-start-event (name)
"Start a timed event with the given name."
(pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event begin))
(defmacro profiler-end-event ()
"End the most recently started event that hasn't been stopped yet.
It is up to you to correctly balance the starts/ends, otherwise
the profiling data will be corrupted."
(pc-prof "" (pc-prof-event end))
(defmacro with-profiler (name &rest body)
"Execute the body in a named profiler block.
Do not `return` or `go` from inside this block,
otherwise the end will be skipped."
(pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event begin))
(pc-prof ,name (pc-prof-event end))