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2023-10-10 09:41:05 -04:00
(in-package goal)
;; name: shadow-cpu-h.gc
;; name in dgo: shadow-cpu-h
;; dgos: GAME
;; +++shadow-flags
(defenum shadow-flags
:bitfield #t
:type int32
(shdf00) ;; unused
(shdf02) ;; only set, never used.
(shdf04) ;; unused
decomp3: more engine stuff, detect non-virtual state inheritance (#3377) - `speech` - `ambient` - `water-h` - `vol-h` - `generic-obs` - `carry-h` - `pilot-h` - `board-h` - `gun-h` - `flut-h` - `indax-h` - `lightjak-h` - `darkjak-h` - `target-util` - `history` - `collide-reaction-target` - `logic-target` - `sidekick` - `projectile` - `voicebox` - `ragdoll-edit` - most of `ragdoll` (not added to gsrc yet) - `curves` - `find-nearest` - `lightjak-wings` - `target-handler` - `target-anim` - `target` - `target2` - `target-swim` - `target-lightjak` - `target-invisible` - `target-death` - `target-gun` - `gun-util` - `board-util` - `target-board` - `board-states` - `mech-h` - `vol` - `vent` - `viewer` - `gem-pool` - `collectables` - `crates` - `secrets-menu` Additionally: - Detection of non-virtual state inheritance - Added a config file that allows overriding the process stack size set by `stack-size-set!` calls - Fix for integer multiplication with `r0` - Fixed detection for the following macros: - `static-attack-info` - `defpart` and `defpartgroup` (probably still needs adjustments, uses Jak 2 implementation at the moment) - `sound-play` (Jak 3 seems to always call `sound-play-by-name` with a `sound-group` of 0, so the macro has been temporarily defaulted to use that) One somewhat significant change made here that should be noted is that the return type of `process::init-from-entity!` was changed to `object`. I've been thinking about this for a while, since it looks a bit nicer without the `(none)` at the end and I have recently encountered init methods that early return `0`.
2024-03-03 15:15:27 -05:00
;; ---shadow-flags
(declare-type shadow-vu1-constants structure)
2024-03-24 12:27:04 -04:00
(define-extern shadow-execute-all (function dma-buffer none))
2023-10-10 09:41:05 -04:00
(deftype shadow-settings (structure)
"Settings used to draw a shadow."
((center vector :inline)
(flags shadow-flags :overlay-at (-> center data 3))
(shadow-dir vector :inline)
(dist-to-locus float :overlay-at (-> shadow-dir data 3))
(bot-plane plane :inline)
(top-plane plane :inline)
(fade-vec vector :inline :offset 64)
(fade-dist float :overlay-at (-> fade-vec x))
(fade-start float :overlay-at (-> fade-vec y))
(dummy-2 int32 :overlay-at (-> fade-vec z))
(shadow-type int32 :overlay-at (-> fade-vec w))
(deftype shadow-control (basic)
((settings shadow-settings :inline)
(new (symbol type float float float vector shadow-flags float) _type_)
(enable-draw (shadow-control) int)
(disable-draw (shadow-control) int)
(set-top-plane-offset (shadow-control float) int)
(set-bottom-plane-offset (shadow-control float) int)
(probe-line-for-shadow (_type_ vector float float float) none)
(shadow-control-method-14 (_type_ vector vector float float float) none)
(defmethod enable-draw ((this shadow-control))
(logclear! (-> this settings flags) (shadow-flags disable-draw))
(defmethod disable-draw ((this shadow-control))
(logior! (-> this settings flags) (shadow-flags disable-draw))
(defmethod set-bottom-plane-offset ((this shadow-control) (arg0 float))
(set! (-> this settings bot-plane w) (- arg0))
(defmethod set-top-plane-offset ((this shadow-control) (arg0 float))
(set! (-> this settings top-plane w) (- arg0))
(deftype shadow-data (structure)
"DMA data for the shadow renderer."
((dma-unpack-template dma-packet :inline)
(dma-cnt dma-tag)
(vif-nop vif-tag)
(vif-unpack-v4-8 vif-tag)
(pdc basic)
(dist float)
(waits uint32)
(inside-volume? uint32)
(deftype shadow-work (structure)
((shadow-data shadow-data :inline)
(inbuf uint128 600)
(deftype shadow-bucket (structure)
((first pointer)
(next pointer)
(bucket-id bucket-id)
(shadow-color rgba)
(constants shadow-vu1-constants)
(deftype shadow-globals (structure)
((num-buckets uint32)
(cur-bucket uint32)
(bucket shadow-bucket 3 :inline)
(define *shadow-globals* (new 'global 'shadow-globals))
(set! (-> *shadow-globals* bucket 0 bucket-id) (bucket-id shadow))
(set! (-> *shadow-globals* bucket 1 bucket-id) (bucket-id shadow2))
(set! (-> *shadow-globals* bucket 2 bucket-id) (bucket-id shadow3))
(deftype shadow-vertex (structure)
((x float)
(y float)
(z float)
(weight float)
(deftype shadow-matrix-ref (structure)
((joint-0 uint8)
(joint-1 uint8)
(deftype shadow-edge (structure)
((ind-0 uint8)
(ind-1 uint8)
(tri-0 uint8)
(tri-1 uint8)
;; ERROR: failed type prop at 14: Could not figure out load: (set! a2 (l.hu gp))
(deftype shadow-tri (structure)
((ind-0 uint8)
(ind-1 uint8)
(ind-2 uint8)
(faces uint8)
; (deftype shadow-edge (structure)
; ((ind-0 uint8)
; (ind-1 uint8)
; (tri-0 uint8)
; (tri-1 uint8)
; )
; )
(deftype shadow-frag-header (structure)
((qwc-data uint32)
(num-joints uint32)
(num-verts uint16)
(num-twos uint16)
(num-single-tris uint16)
(num-single-edges uint16)
(num-double-tris uint16)
(num-double-edges uint16)
(ofs-verts uint32)
(ofs-refs uint32)
(ofs-single-tris uint32)
(ofs-single-edges uint32)
(ofs-double-tris uint32)
(ofs-double-edges uint32)
(deftype shadow-frag-ref (structure)
((header shadow-frag-header)
(qwc uint32)
(deftype shadow-geo (art-element)
"The low poly model used for drawing the shadow."
((version uint32 :overlay-at (-> pad 0))
(total-size uint32 :overlay-at (-> pad 4))
(total-qwc uint32)
(num-joints uint32)
(num-fragments uint32)
(frags shadow-frag-ref :inline :dynamic)
(defmethod new shadow-control ((allocation symbol)
(type-to-make type)
(arg0 float)
(arg1 float)
(arg2 float)
(arg3 vector)
(arg4 shadow-flags)
(arg5 float)
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(if arg3
(set! (-> v0-0 settings center quad) (-> arg3 quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 settings flags) arg4)
(set-vector! (-> v0-0 settings shadow-dir) 0.0 -1.0 0.0 arg2)
(set-vector! (-> v0-0 settings bot-plane) 0.0 1.0 0.0 (- arg0))
(set-vector! (-> v0-0 settings top-plane) 0.0 1.0 0.0 (- arg1))
(set! (-> v0-0 settings fade-dist) arg5)
(set! (-> v0-0 settings shadow-type) 0)
(define *shadow* #f)
(define *shadow-object* #f)
(define *shadow-debug* #f)
(define *shadow-dma-buf* (new 'global 'dma-buffer 512))