2019-08-24 22:26:05 -04:00

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# drawing layers
# sky background params
# geo layout macros
# 0x00: Branch and store return address
# 0x04: scriptTarget, segment address of geo layout
.macro geo_branch_and_link scriptTarget
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.word \scriptTarget
# 0x01: Terminate geo layout
# 0x01-0x03: unused
.macro geo_end
.byte 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x02: Branch
# 0x01: if 1, store next geo layout address on stack
# 0x02-0x03: unused
# 0x04: scriptTarget, segment address of geo layout
.macro geo_branch type, scriptTarget
.byte 0x02, \type, 0x00, 0x00
.word \scriptTarget
# 0x03: Return from branch
# 0x01-0x03: unused
.macro geo_return
.byte 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x04: Open node
# 0x01-0x03: unused
.macro geo_open_node
.byte 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x05: Close node
# 0x01-0x03: unused
.macro geo_close_node
.byte 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x06: Register the current node at the given index in the gGeoViews array
# 0x01: unused
# 0x02: s16 index
.macro geo_assign_as_view param
.byte 0x06, 0x00
.hword \param
# 0x07: Update current scene graph node flags
# 0x01: u8 operation (0 = reset, 1 = set, 2 = clear)
# 0x02: s16 bits
.macro geo_update_node_flags operation, flagBits
.byte 0x07, \operation
.hword \flagBits
# 0x08: Create screen area scene graph node
# 0x01: unused
# 0x02: s16 num entries (+2) to allocate
# 0x04: s16 x
# 0x06: s16 y
# 0x08: s16 width
# 0x0A: s16 height
.macro geo_node_screen_area numEntries, x, y, width, height
.byte 0x08, 0x00
.hword \numEntries
.hword \x, \y, \width, \height
# 0x09: Create orthographic projection scene graph node
# 0x02: s16 scale as percentage
.macro geo_node_ortho param
.byte 0x09, 0x00
.hword \param
# 0x0A: Create camera frustum scene graph node
# 0x01: u8 if nonzero, enable function field
# 0x02: s16 field of view
# 0x04: s16 near
# 0x06: s16 far
# 0x08: [GraphNodeFunc function]
.macro geo_camera_frustum fov, near, far, function=0
.byte 0x0A
.if (\function != 0)
.byte 0x01
.byte 0x00
.hword \fov, \near, \far
.if (\function != 0)
.word \function
# 0x0B: Create a root scene graph node
# 0x01-0x03: unused
.macro geo_node_start
.byte 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x0C: Create zbuffer-toggling scene graph node
# 0x01: u8 enableZBuffer (1 = on, 0 = off)
# 0x02-0x03: unused
.macro geo_zbuffer enable
.byte 0x0C, \enable, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x0D: Create render range scene graph node
# 0x01-0x03: unused
# 0x04: s16 minDistance
# 0x06: s16 maxDistance
.macro geo_render_range minDistance, maxDistance
.byte 0x0D, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.hword \minDistance, \maxDistance
# 0x0E: Create switch-case scene graph node
# 0x01: unused
# 0x02: s16 numCases
# 0x04: GraphNodeFunc caseSelectorFunc
.macro geo_switch_case count, function
.byte 0x0E, 0x00
.hword \count
.word \function
# 0x0F: Create a camera scene graph node.
# 0x01: unused
# 0x02: s16 camera type
# 0x04: s16 fromX
# 0x06: s16 fromY
# 0x08: s16 fromZ
# 0x0A: s16 toX
# 0x0C: s16 toY
# 0x0E: s16 toZ
# 0x10: GraphNodeFunc function
.macro geo_camera type, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, function
.byte 0x0F, 0x00
.hword \type, \x1, \y1, \z1, \x2, \y2, \z2
.word \function
# 0x10: Create translation & rotation scene graph node with optional display list
# Four different versions of 0x10
# cmd+0x01: u8 params
# 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer
# 0b0111_0000: fieldLayout (determines how rest of data is formatted
# 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer
# fieldLayout = 0: Translate & Rotate
# 0x04: s16 xTranslation
# 0x06: s16 xTranslation
# 0x08: s16 xTranslation
# 0x0A: s16 xRotation
# 0x0C: s16 xRotation
# 0x0E: s16 xRotation
# 0x10: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address]
.macro geo_translate_rotate layer, tx, ty, tz, rx, ry, rz, displayList=0
.byte 0x10
.if (\displayList != 0)
.byte 0x00 | \layer | 0x80
.byte 0x00 | \layer
.hword 0x0000
.hword \tx, \ty, \tz
.hword \rx, \ry, \rz
.if (\displayList != 0)
.word \displayList
# fieldLayout = 1: Translate
# 0x02: s16 xTranslation
# 0x04: s16 yTranslation
# 0x06: s16 zTranslation
# 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address]
.macro geo_translate layer, tx, ty, tz, displayList=0
.byte 0x10
.if (\displayList != 0)
.byte 0x10 | \layer | 0x80
.byte 0x10 | \layer
.hword \tx, \ty, \tz
.if (\displayList != 0)
.word \displayList
# fieldLayout = 2: Rotate
# 0x02: s16 xRotation
# 0x04: s16 yRotation
# 0x06: s16 zRotation
# 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address]
.macro geo_rotate layer, rx, ry, rz, displayList=0
.byte 0x10
.if (\displayList != 0)
.byte 0x20 | \layer | 0x80
.byte 0x20 | \layer
.hword \rx, \ry, \rz
.if (\displayList != 0)
.word \displayList
# fieldLayout = 3: Rotate Y
# 0x02: s16 yRotation
# 0x04: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address]
.macro geo_rotate_y layer, ry, displayList=0
.byte 0x10
.if (\displayList != 0)
.byte 0x30 | \layer | 0x80
.byte 0x30 | \layer
.hword \ry
.if (\displayList != 0)
.word \displayList
# 0x11: Create translation scene graph node with optional display list
# 0x01: u8 params
# 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer
# 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer
# 0x02: s16 translationX
# 0x04: s16 translationY
# 0x06: s16 translationZ
# 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address]
.macro geo_translate_node layer, ux, uy, uz, displayList=0
.byte 0x11
.if (\displayList != 0)
.byte 0x80 | \layer
.byte 0x00
.hword \ux, \uy, \uz
.if (\displayList != 0)
.word \displayList
# 0x12: Create rotation scene graph node with optional display list
# 0x01: u8 params
# 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer
# 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer
# 0x02: s16 rotationX
# 0x04: s16 rotationY
# 0x06: s16 rotationZ
# 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params set, display list segmented address]
.macro geo_rotation_node layer, ux, uy, uz, displayList=0
.byte 0x12
.if (\displayList != 0)
.byte 0x80 | \layer
.byte 0x00
.hword \ux, \uy, \uz
.if (\displayList != 0)
.word \displayList
# 0x13: Create a scene graph node that is rotated by the object's animation.
# 0x01: u8 drawingLayer
# 0x02: s16 xTranslation
# 0x04: s16 yTranslation
# 0x06: s16 zTranslation
# 0x08: u32 displayList: dislay list segmented address
.macro geo_animated_part layer, x, y, z, displayList=0
.byte 0x13, \layer
.hword \x, \y, \z
.word \displayList
# 0x14: Create billboarding node with optional display list
# 0x01: u8 params
# 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer
# 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer
# 0x02: s16 xTranslation
# 0x04: s16 yTranslation
# 0x06: s16 zTranslation
# 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params is set, display list segmented address]
.macro geo_billboard layer=0, tx=0, ty=0, tz=0, displayList=0
.byte 0x14
.if (\displayList != 0)
.byte 0x80 | \layer
.byte 0x00
.hword \tx, \ty, \tz
.if (\displayList != 0)
.word \displayList
# 0x15: Create plain display list scene graph node
# 0x01: u8 drawingLayer
# 0x02=0x03: unused
# 0x04: u32 displayList: display list segmented address
.macro geo_display_list layer, displayList
.byte 0x15, \layer, 0x00, 0x00
.word \displayList
# 0x16: Create shadow scene graph node
# 0x01: unused
# 0x02: s16 shadowType (cast to u8)
# 0x04: s16 shadowSolidity (cast to u8)
# 0x06: s16 shadowScale
.set SHADOW_CIRCLE_4_VERTS_FLAT_UNUSED, 0x02 # unused shadow type
.set SHADOW_SQUARE_PERMANENT, 0x0A # square shadow that never disappears
.set SHADOW_SQUARE_SCALABLE, 0x0B # square shadow, shrinks with distance
.set SHADOW_SQUARE_TOGGLABLE, 0x0C # square shadow, disappears with distance
.set SHADOW_CIRCLE_PLAYER, 0x63 # player (Mario) shadow
.set SHADOW_RECTANGLE_HARDCODED_OFFSET, 0x32 # offset of hard-coded shadows
.macro geo_shadow type, solidity, scale
.byte 0x16, 0x00
.hword \type, \solidity, \scale
# 0x17: TODO Create render object scene graph node
# 0x01-0x03: unused
.macro geo_render_obj
.byte 0x17, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x18: Create dynamically generated displaylist scene graph node
# 0x01: unused
# 0x02: s16 parameter
# 0x04: GraphNodeFunc function
.macro geo_asm param, function
.byte 0x18, 0x00
.hword \param
.word \function
# 0x19: Create background scene graph node
# 0x02: s16 background: background ID, or RGBA5551 color if backgroundFunc is null
# 0x04: GraphNodeFunc backgroundFunc
.macro geo_background param, function=0
.byte 0x19, 0x00
.hword \param
.word \function
# 0x1A: No operation
.macro geo_nop_1A
.byte 0x1A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x1B: Copy the shared children from an object parent node from a specific view
# to a newly created object parent.
# 0x02: s16 index of array
.macro geo_copy_view param
.byte 0x1B, 0x00
.hword \param
# 0x1C: Create a held object scene graph node
# cmd+0x01: u8 unused
# cmd+0x02: s16 offsetX
# cmd+0x04: s16 offsetY
# cmd+0x06: s16 offsetZ
# cmd+0x08: GraphNodeFunc nodeFunc
.macro geo_held_object param, ux, uy, uz, nodeFunc
.byte 0x1C, \param
.hword \ux, \uy, \uz
.word \nodeFunc
# 0x1D: Create scale scene graph node with optional display list
# 0x01: u8 params
# 0b1000_0000: if set, enable displayList field and drawingLayer
# 0b0000_1111: drawingLayer
# 0x02-0x03: unused
# 0x04: u32 scale (0x10000 = 1.0)
# 0x08: [u32 displayList: if MSbit of params is set, display list segment address]
.macro geo_scale layer, scale, displayList=0
.byte 0x1D
.if (\displayList != 0)
.byte 0x80 | \layer
.byte 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x00
.word \scale
.if (\displayList != 0)
.word \displayList
# 0x1E: No operation
.macro geo_nop_1E
.byte 0x1E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x1F: No operation
.macro geo_nop_1F
.byte 0x1F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
# 0x20: Create a scene graph node that specifies for an object the radius that
# is used for frustum culling.
# 0x01: unused
# 0x02: s16 cullingRadius
.macro geo_culling_radius cullingRadius
.byte 0x20, 0x00
.hword \cullingRadius