#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys commands = {} commands['seq'] = { # non-arg commands 0xff: ['end'], 0xfe: ['delay1'], 0xfd: ['delay', 'var'], 0xfc: ['call', 'addr'], 0xfb: ['jump', 'addr'], 0xfa: ['beqz', 'addr'], 0xf9: ['bltz', 'addr'], 0xf8: ['loop', 'u8'], 0xf7: ['loopend'], 0xf5: ['bgez', 'addr'], 0xf2: ['reservenotes', 'u8'], 0xf1: ['unreservenotes'], 0xdf: ['transpose', 's8'], 0xde: ['transposerel', 's8'], 0xdd: ['settempo', 'u8'], 0xdc: ['addtempo', 's8'], 0xdb: ['setvol', 'u8'], 0xda: ['changevol', 's8'], 0xd7: ['initchannels', 'hex16'], 0xd6: ['disablechannels', 'hex16'], 0xd5: ['setmutescale', 's8'], 0xd4: ['mute'], 0xd3: ['setmutebhv', 'hex8'], 0xd2: ['setshortnotevelocitytable', 'addr'], 0xd1: ['setshortnotedurationtable', 'addr'], 0xd0: ['setnoteallocationpolicy', 'u8'], 0xcc: ['setval', 'u8'], 0xc9: ['bitand', 'u8'], 0xc8: ['subtract', 'u8'], # arg commands 0x00: ['testchdisabled', 'bits:4'], 0x50: ['subvariation', 'bits:4:ign'], 0x70: ['setvariation', 'bits:4:ign'], 0x80: ['getvariation', 'bits:4:ign'], 0x90: ['startchannel', 'bits:4', 'addr'], } commands['chan'] = { # non-arg commands 0xff: ['end'], 0xfe: ['delay1'], 0xfd: ['delay', 'var'], 0xfc: ['call', 'addr'], 0xfb: ['jump', 'addr'], 0xfa: ['beqz', 'addr'], 0xf9: ['bltz', 'addr'], 0xf8: ['loop', 'u8'], 0xf7: ['loopend'], 0xf6: ['break'], 0xf5: ['bgez', 'addr'], 0xf3: ['hang'], 0xf2: ['reservenotes', 'u8'], 0xf1: ['unreservenotes'], 0xe4: ['dyncall'], 0xe3: ['setvibratodelay', 'u8'], 0xe2: ['setvibratoextentlinear', 'u8', 'u8', 'u8'], 0xe1: ['setvibratoratelinear', 'u8', 'u8', 'u8'], 0xe0: ['setvolscale', 'u8'], 0xdf: ['setvol', 'u8'], 0xde: ['freqscale', 'u16'], 0xdd: ['setpan', 'u8'], 0xdc: ['setpanmix', 'u8'], 0xdb: ['transpose', 's8'], 0xda: ['setenvelope', 'addr'], 0xd9: ['setdecayrelease', 'u8'], 0xd8: ['setvibratoextent', 'u8'], 0xd7: ['setvibratorate', 'u8'], 0xd6: ['setupdatesperframe_unimplemented', 'u8'], 0xd4: ['setreverb', 'u8'], 0xd3: ['pitchbend', 's8'], 0xd2: ['setsustain', 'u8'], 0xd1: ['setnoteallocationpolicy', 'u8'], 0xd0: ['stereoheadseteffects', 'u8'], 0xcc: ['setval', 'u8'], 0xcb: ['readseq', 'addr'], 0xca: ['setmutebhv', 'hex8'], 0xc9: ['bitand', 'u8'], 0xc8: ['subtract', 'u8'], 0xc7: ['writeseq', 'u8', 'addr'], 0xc6: ['setbank', 'u8'], 0xc5: ['dynsetdyntable'], 0xc4: ['largenoteson'], 0xc3: ['largenotesoff'], 0xc2: ['setdyntable', 'addr'], 0xc1: ['setinstr', 'u8'], # arg commands 0x00: ['testlayerfinished', 'bits:4'], 0x10: ['startchannel', 'bits:4', 'addr'], 0x20: ['disablechannel', 'bits:4'], 0x30: ['iowriteval2', 'bits:4', 'u8'], 0x40: ['ioreadval2', 'bits:4', 'u8'], 0x50: ['ioreadvalsub', 'bits:4'], 0x60: ['setnotepriority', 'bits:4'], 0x70: ['iowriteval', 'bits:4'], 0x80: ['ioreadval', 'bits:4'], 0x90: ['setlayer', 'bits:4', 'addr'], 0xa0: ['freelayer', 'bits:4'], 0xb0: ['dynsetlayer', 'bits:4'], } commands_layer_base = { # non-arg commands 0xc0: ['delay', 'var'], 0xc1: ['setshortnotevelocity', 'u8'], 0xc2: ['transpose', 's8'], 0xc3: ['setshortnotedefaultplaypercentage', 'var'], 0xc4: ['somethingon'], # ?? (something to do with decay behavior) 0xc5: ['somethingoff'], # ?? 0xc6: ['setinstr', 'u8'], 0xc7: ['portamento', 'hex8', 'u8', 'u8'], 0xc8: ['disableportamento'], 0xc9: ['setshortnoteduration', 'u8'], 0xca: ['setpan', 'u8'], 0xf7: ['loopend'], 0xf8: ['loop', 'u8'], 0xfb: ['jump', 'addr'], 0xfc: ['call', 'addr'], 0xff: ['end'], # arg commands 0xd0: ['setshortnotevelocityfromtable', 'bits:4'], 0xe0: ['setshortnotedurationfromtable', 'bits:4'], } commands['layer_large'] = dict(list(commands_layer_base.items()) + list({ 0x00: ['note0', 'bits:6', 'var', 'u8', 'u8'], 0x40: ['note1', 'bits:6', 'var', 'u8'], 0x80: ['note2', 'bits:6', 'u8', 'u8'], }.items())) commands['layer_small'] = dict(list(commands_layer_base.items()) + list({ 0x00: ['smallnote0', 'bits:6', 'var'], 0x40: ['smallnote1', 'bits:6'], 0x80: ['smallnote2', 'bits:6'], }.items())) sh_chan_overrides = [ (0x80, ['testlayerfinished', 'bits:3']), (0x88, ['setlayer', 'bits:3', 'addr']), (0x60, ['ioreadval', 'bits:4']), (0x90, ['freelayer', 'bits:4']), ] def valid_cmd_for_nbits(cmd_list, nbits): for arg in cmd_list: if arg.startswith('bits:'): return int(arg.split(':')[1]) == nbits return nbits == 0 print_end_padding = False if "--print-end-padding" in sys.argv: print_end_padding = True sys.argv.remove("--print-end-padding") if len(sys.argv) != 2: print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} (--emit-asm-macros | input.m64)") sys.exit(0) if sys.argv[1] == "--emit-asm-macros": print("// Macros for disassembled sequence files. This file was automatically generated by seq_decoder.py.") print("// To regenerate it, run: ./tools/seq_decoder.py --emit-asm-macros > include/seq_macros.inc") print() def print_hword(x): print(f" .byte {x} >> 8, {x} & 0xff") def emit_cmd(key, op, cmd): mn = cmd[0] args = cmd[1:] param_names = [] param_list = [] bits_param_name = None for i, arg in enumerate(args): param_name = chr(97 + i) param_names.append(param_name) param_list.append(param_name + ("=0" if arg.endswith(":ign") else "")) if arg.startswith("bits:"): bits_param_name = param_name print(f".macro {key}_{mn} {', '.join(param_list)}".rstrip()) if bits_param_name is not None: print(f" .byte {hex(op)} + \\{bits_param_name}") else: print(f" .byte {hex(op)}") for arg, param_name in zip(args, param_names): if arg.startswith('bits:'): pass elif arg in ['s8', 'u8', 'hex8']: print(f" .byte \\{param_name}") elif arg in ['u16', 'hex16']: print_hword("\\" + param_name) elif arg == 'addr': print_hword(f"(\\{param_name} - sequence_start)") elif arg == 'var_long': print(f" var_long \\{param_name}") elif arg == 'var': print(f" var \\{param_name}") else: raise Exception("Unknown argument type " + arg) print(".endm") print() def emit_env_cmd(op, cmd): mn = cmd[0] param_names = [] param_list = [] for i, arg in enumerate(cmd[1:]): param_name = chr(97 + i) param_names.append(param_name) param_list.append(param_name + ("=0" if arg.endswith(":ign") else "")) print(f".macro envelope_{mn} {', '.join(param_list)}".rstrip()) if op is not None: print(f" .byte {hex(op >> 8)}, {hex(op & 0xff)}") for param in param_names: print_hword("\\" + param) print(".endm\n") for key in ['seq', 'chan', 'layer']: print(f"// {key} commands\n") if key == 'layer': cmds = commands['layer_large'] for op in sorted(commands['layer_small'].keys()): if op not in cmds: emit_cmd(key, op, commands['layer_small'][op]) else: cmds = commands[key] eu_sh = [] us_jp = [] sh = sh_chan_overrides if key == 'chan' else [] non_sh = [] for op in sorted(cmds.keys()): mn = cmds[op][0] if mn == 'setnotepriority': eu_sh.append((0xe9, ['setnotepriority', 'u8'])) us_jp.append((op, cmds[op])) elif mn in ['reservenotes', 'unreservenotes']: eu_sh.append((op - 1, cmds[op])) us_jp.append((op, cmds[op])) elif mn in ['testlayerfinished', 'setlayer', 'ioreadval', 'freelayer']: non_sh.append((op, cmds[op])) elif mn not in ['portamento', 'writeseq']: emit_cmd(key, op, cmds[op]) if key == 'chan': print(".macro chan_writeseq val, pos, offset") print(" .byte 0xc7, \\val") print_hword("(\\pos - sequence_start + \\offset)") print(".endm\n") print(".macro chan_writeseq_nextinstr val, offset") print(" .byte 0xc7, \\val") print_hword("(writeseq\\@ - sequence_start + \\offset)") print(" writeseq\\@:") print(".endm\n") print(".macro layer_portamento a, b, c") print(" .byte 0xc7, \\a, \\b") print(" .if ((\\a & 0x80) == 0)") print(" var \\c") print(" .else") print(" .byte \\c") print(" .endif") print(".endm\n") emit_cmd(key, 0xfd, ['delay_long', 'var_long']) if key == 'layer': emit_cmd(key, 0xc0, ['delay_long', 'var_long']) emit_cmd(key, 0x40, ['note1_long', 'bits:4', 'var_long', 'u8']) if eu_sh or us_jp or sh or non_sh: print("#ifdef VERSION_SH\n") for (op, cmd) in eu_sh: emit_cmd(key, op, cmd) for (op, cmd) in sh: emit_cmd(key, op, cmd) print("#else\n") for (op, cmd) in non_sh: emit_cmd(key, op, cmd) print("#ifdef VERSION_EU\n") for (op, cmd) in eu_sh: emit_cmd(key, op, cmd) print("#else\n") for (op, cmd) in us_jp: emit_cmd(key, op, cmd) print("#endif\n") print("#endif\n") print("// envelope commands\n") emit_env_cmd(0, ['disable', 'u16']) emit_env_cmd(2**16-1, ['hang', 'u16:ign']) emit_env_cmd(2**16-2, ['goto', 'u16']) emit_env_cmd(2**16-3, ['restart', 'u16:ign']) emit_env_cmd(None, ['line', 'u16', 'u16']) print("// other commands\n") print(".macro var_long x") print(" .byte (0x80 | (\\x & 0x7f00) >> 8), (\\x & 0xff)") print(".endm\n") print(".macro var x") print(" .if (\\x >= 0x80)") print(" var_long \\x") print(" .else") print(" .byte \\x") print(" .endif") print(".endm\n") print(".macro sound_ref a") print_hword("(\\a - sequence_start)") print(".endm") sys.exit(0) filename = sys.argv[1] try: lang = filename.split('/')[-2] assert lang in ['us', 'jp', 'eu', 'sh'] seq_num = int(filename.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0], 16) except Exception: lang = '' seq_num = -1 try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() except Exception: print("Error: could not open file {filename} for reading.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) output = [None] * len(data) output_instate = [None] * len(data) label_name = [None] * len(data) script_start = [False] * len(data) hit_eof = False errors = [] seq_writes = [] # Our analysis of large notes mode doesn't persist through multiple channel activations # For simplicity, we force large notes always instead, which is valid for SM64. force_large_notes = True if lang in ['eu', 'sh']: # unreservenotes moved to 0xf0 in EU, and reservenotes took its place commands['chan'][0xf0] = commands['chan'][0xf1] commands['chan'][0xf1] = commands['chan'][0xf2] del commands['chan'][0xf2] # total guess: the same is true for the 'seq'-type command commands['seq'][0xf0] = commands['seq'][0xf1] commands['seq'][0xf1] = commands['seq'][0xf2] del commands['seq'][0xf2] # setnotepriority moved to 0xe9, becoming a non-arg command commands['chan'][0xe9] = ['setnotepriority', 'u8'] del commands['chan'][0x60] if lang == 'sh': del commands['chan'][0x00] del commands['chan'][0xa0] for op, cmd_list in sh_chan_overrides: commands['chan'][op] = cmd_list def gen_label(ind, tp): nice_tp = tp.replace('_small', '').replace('_large', '') addr = hex(ind)[2:].upper() ret = f".{nice_tp}_{addr}" if ind >= len(data): errors.append(f"reference to oob label {ret}") return ret if label_name[ind] is not None: return label_name[ind] label_name[ind] = ret return ret def gen_mnemonic(tp, b): nice_tp = tp.split('_')[0] mn = commands[tp][b][0] if not mn: mn = f"{b:02X}" return f"{nice_tp}_{mn}" decode_list = [] def decode_one(state): pos, tp, nesting, large = state orig_pos = pos if pos >= len(data): global hit_eof hit_eof = True return if output[pos] is not None: if output_instate[pos] != state: errors.append(f"got to {gen_label(orig_pos, tp)} with both state {state} and {output_instate[pos]}") return def u8(): nonlocal pos global hit_eof if pos == len(data): hit_eof = True return 0 ret = data[pos] pos += 1 return ret def u16(): hi = u8() lo = u8() return (hi << 8) | lo def var(): ret = u8() if ret & 0x80: ret = (ret << 8) & 0x7f00; ret |= u8() return (ret, ret < 0x80) return (ret, False) if tp == 'soundref': sound = u16() decode_list.append((sound, 'chan', 0, True)) if sound < len(data): script_start[sound] = True for p in range(orig_pos, pos): output[p] = '' output_instate[p] = state output[orig_pos] = 'sound_ref ' + gen_label(sound, 'chan') return if tp == 'envelope': a = u16() b = u16() for p in range(orig_pos, pos): output[p] = '' output_instate[p] = state if a >= 2**16 - 3: a -= 2**16 if a <= 0: mn = ['disable', 'hang', 'goto', 'restart'][-a] output[orig_pos] = f'envelope_{mn} {b}' # assume any goto is backwards and stop decoding else: output[orig_pos] = f'envelope_line {a} {b}' decode_list.append((pos, tp, nesting, large)) return ins_byte = u8() cmds = commands[tp] nbits = 0 used_b = ins_byte while True: if used_b in cmds and valid_cmd_for_nbits(cmds[used_b], nbits): break used_b &= ~(1 << nbits) nbits += 1 if nbits == 8: errors.append(f"unrecognized instruction {hex(ins_byte)} for type {tp} at label {gen_label(orig_pos, tp)}") return out_mn = gen_mnemonic(tp, used_b) out_args = [] cmd_mn = cmds[used_b][0] cmd_args = cmds[used_b][1:] long_var = False for a in cmd_args: if cmd_mn == 'portamento' and len(out_args) == 2 and (int(out_args[0], 0) & 0x80) == 0: a = 'var' if a.startswith('bits:'): low_bits = ins_byte & ((1 << nbits) - 1) if not (a.endswith(':ign') and low_bits == 0): out_args.append(str(low_bits)) elif a == 'u8': out_args.append(str(u8())) elif a == 'hex8': out_args.append(hex(u8())) elif a == 's8': v = u8() out_args.append(str(v if v < 128 else v - 256)) elif a == 'u16': out_args.append(str(u16())) elif a == 'hex16': out_args.append(hex(u16())) elif a == 'var': val, bad = var() out_args.append(hex(val)) if bad: long_var = True elif a == 'addr': v = u16() kind = 'addr' if cmd_mn == 'call': kind = tp + '_fn' elif cmd_mn in ['jump', 'beqz', 'bltz', 'bgez']: kind = tp elif cmd_mn == 'startchannel': kind = 'chan' elif cmd_mn == 'setlayer': kind = 'layer' elif cmd_mn == 'setdyntable': kind = 'table' elif cmd_mn == 'setenvelope': kind = 'envelope' if v >= len(data): label = gen_label(v, kind) out_args.append(label) errors.append(f"reference to oob label {label}") elif cmd_mn == 'writeseq': out_args.append('') seq_writes.append((orig_pos, v)) else: out_args.append(gen_label(v, kind)) if cmd_mn == 'call': decode_list.append((v, tp, 0, large)) script_start[v] = True elif cmd_mn in ['jump', 'beqz', 'bltz', 'bgez']: decode_list.append((v, tp, nesting, large)) elif cmd_mn == 'startchannel': decode_list.append((v, 'chan', 0, force_large_notes)) script_start[v] = True elif cmd_mn == 'setlayer': if large: decode_list.append((v, 'layer_large', 0, True)) else: decode_list.append((v, 'layer_small', 0, True)) script_start[v] = True elif cmd_mn == 'setenvelope': decode_list.append((v, 'envelope', 0, True)) script_start[v] = True else: script_start[v] = True out_all = out_mn if long_var: out_all += "_long" if out_args: out_all += ' ' out_all += ', '.join(out_args) for p in range(orig_pos, pos): output[p] = '' output_instate[p] = state output[orig_pos] = out_all if cmd_mn in ['hang', 'jump']: return if cmd_mn in ['loop']: nesting += 1 if cmd_mn == 'end': nesting -= 1 if cmd_mn in ['break', 'loopend']: nesting -= 1 if nesting < 0: # This is iffy, and actually happens in sequence 0. It will make us # return to the caller's caller at function end. nesting = 0 if cmd_mn == 'largenoteson': large = True if cmd_mn == 'largenotesoff': large = False if nesting >= 0: decode_list.append((pos, tp, nesting, large)) def decode_rec(state, initial): if not initial: v = state[0] gen_label(v, state[1]) script_start[v] = True decode_list.append(state) while decode_list: decode_one(decode_list.pop()) def main(): decode_rec((0, 'seq', 0, False), initial=True) if seq_num == 0: if lang == 'jp': sound_banks = [ (0x14C, 0x70), (0x8A8, 0x38), # stated as 0x30 (0xB66, 0x38), # stated as 0x30 (0xE09, 0x80), (0x194B, 0x28), # stated as 0x20 (0x1CA6, 0x80), (0x27C9, 0x20), (0x2975, 0x30), # same script as bank 3 # same script as bank 5 ] unused = [ (0x1FC4, 'layer_large'), (0x2149, 'layer_large'), (0x2223, 'layer_large'), (0x28C5, 'chan'), (0x3110, 'envelope'), (0x31EC, 'envelope'), ] elif lang == 'us': sound_banks = [ (0x14C, 0x70), (0x8F6, 0x38), # stated as 0x30 (0xBB4, 0x40), (0xF8E, 0x80), (0x1AF3, 0x28), # stated as 0x20 (0x1E4E, 0x80), (0x2971, 0x20), (0x2B1D, 0x40), # same script as bank 3 # same script as bank 5 ] unused = [ (0x216C, 'layer_large'), (0x22F1, 'layer_large'), (0x23CB, 'layer_large'), (0x2A6D, 'chan'), (0x339C, 'envelope'), (0x3478, 'envelope'), ] elif lang == 'eu': sound_banks = [ (0x154, 0x70), (0x8FE, 0x38), # stated as 0x30 (0xBBC, 0x40), (0xFA5, 0x80), (0x1B0C, 0x28), # stated as 0x20 (0x1E67, 0x80), (0x298A, 0x20), (0x2B36, 0x40), # same script as bank 3 # same script as bank 5 ] unused = [ (0xF9A, 'chan'), (0x2185, 'layer_large'), (0x230A, 'layer_large'), (0x23E4, 'layer_large'), (0x2A86, 'chan'), (0x33CC, 'envelope'), (0x34A8, 'envelope'), ] elif lang == 'sh': sound_banks = [ (0x154, 0x70), (0x8FE, 0x38), # stated as 0x30 (0xBBC, 0x40), (0xFA5, 0x80), (0x1B11, 0x28), # stated as 0x20 (0x1E6C, 0x80), (0x298F, 0x20), (0x2B3B, 0x40), # same script as bank 3 # same script as bank 5 ] unused = [ (0xF9A, 'chan'), (0x218A, 'layer_large'), (0x230F, 'layer_large'), (0x23E9, 'layer_large'), (0x2A8B, 'chan'), (0x33D0, 'envelope'), (0x34AC, 'envelope'), ] for (addr, count) in sound_banks: for i in range(count): decode_rec((addr + 2*i, 'soundref', 0, False), initial=True) for (addr, tp) in unused: gen_label(addr, tp + '_unused') decode_rec((addr, tp, 0, force_large_notes), initial=False) for (pos, write_to) in seq_writes: assert '' in output[pos] delta = 0 while output[write_to] == '': write_to -= 1 delta += 1 if write_to > pos and all(output[i] == '' for i in range(pos+1, write_to)): nice_target = str(delta) output[pos] = output[pos].replace('writeseq', 'writeseq_nextinstr') else: tp = output_instate[write_to][1] if output_instate[write_to] is not None else 'addr' nice_target = gen_label(write_to, tp) + ", " + str(delta) output[pos] = output[pos].replace('', nice_target) # Add unreachable 'end' markers for i in range(1, len(data)): if (data[i] == 0xff and output[i] is None and output[i - 1] is not None and label_name[i] is None): tp = output_instate[i - 1][1] if tp in ["seq", "chan", "layer_small", "layer_large"]: output[i] = gen_mnemonic(tp, 0xff) # Add envelope padding for i in range(1, len(data) - 1): if (data[i] == 0 and output[i] is None and output[i - 1] is not None and output[i + 1] is not None and label_name[i] is None and output[i + 1].startswith('envelope')): script_start[i] = True output[i] = "# padding\n.byte 0" # Add 'unused' marker labels for i in range(1, len(data)): if (output[i] is None and output[i - 1] is not None and label_name[i] is None): script_start[i] = True gen_label(i, 'unused') # Remove up to 15 bytes of padding at the end end_padding = 0 for i in range(len(data)-1, -1, -1): if output[i] is not None: break end_padding += 1 if end_padding > 15: end_padding = 0 if print_end_padding: print(end_padding) sys.exit(0) print(".include \"seq_macros.inc\"") print(".section .rodata") print(".align 0") print("sequence_start:") print() for i in range(len(data) - end_padding): if script_start[i] and i > 0: print() if label_name[i] is not None: print(f"{label_name[i]}:") o = output[i] if o is None: print(f".byte {hex(data[i])}") elif o: print(o) elif label_name[i] is not None: print("") errors.append(f"mid-instruction label {label_name[i]}") if hit_eof: errors.append("hit eof!?") if errors: print(f"[{filename}] errors:", file=sys.stderr) for w in errors: print(w, file=sys.stderr) main()