const fs = require('fs'); const lines = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf-8').split('\n'); const symbolMapLines = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[3], 'utf-8').split('\n'); const lineParserRegexp = /(\d+)\/\d+ 0x([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{6})([a-f0-9]{8}) ms (\d+\.\d+)/ const lineMappingRegexp = /addr 0x([a-f0-9]{8}) -> (\w+)/ const dlRegexp = /dl d (\d+) 0x([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{6})([a-f0-9]{8})/ const symbolParserRegexp = /0x([a-f0-9]{16})\s+(\w+)/ const G_DL = 'de'; function parseLine(line) { const match = lineParserRegexp.exec(line); if (!match) { return null; } return { index: parseInt(match[1]), command: match[2], w0: match[3], w1: match[4], startTime: parseFloat(match[5]), } } function parseSymbolLine(line) { const match = symbolParserRegexp.exec(line); if (!match) { return null; } return { address: match[1].substring(8), name: match[2], }; } const memoryMapping = new Map(); const displayListStack = []; let currentDisplayList = []; const profileBatches = []; let lastIndex = -1; function checkDisplayList(line) { const dlMatch = dlRegexp.exec(line); if (!dlMatch) { return; } const depth = +dlMatch[1]; while (displayListStack.length === 0 && depth === 0) { currentDisplayList = []; displayListStack.push(currentDisplayList); } const current = displayListStack[depth]; if (!current) { throw new Error('malformed display list'); } const command = { command: dlMatch[2], w0: dlMatch[3], w1: dlMatch[4], }; if (command.command == G_DL) { const nextList = []; command.child = nextList; displayListStack.push(nextList); } if (command.command == 'df') { displayListStack.pop(); } current.push(command); } const symbolAddressMapping = new Map(); for (const symbolLine of symbolMapLines) { const parsedLine = parseSymbolLine(symbolLine); if (!parsedLine) { continue; } if (symbolAddressMapping.has(parsedLine.address)) { symbolAddressMapping.set(parsedLine.address, symbolAddressMapping.get(parsedLine.address) + ',' +; } else { symbolAddressMapping.set(parsedLine.address,; } } function findChildDisplayLists(dl, memoryMapping, result) { for (const command of dl) { if (command.command == G_DL) { const address = command.w1; const dlName = memoryMapping.get(address) || symbolAddressMapping.get(address); if (dlName) { result.push(dlName); } else { findChildDisplayLists(command.child, memoryMapping, result); } } } } for (const line of lines) { const parsedLine = parseLine(line); if (parsedLine) { if (lastIndex != 0 && parsedLine.index == 0) { const memoryMappingCopy = new Map(memoryMapping); for (const command of currentDisplayList) { if (command.command == G_DL) { const children = []; findChildDisplayLists(command.child, memoryMappingCopy, children); if (children.length) { memoryMappingCopy.set(command.w1, children.join('+')); } } } profileBatches.push({ memoryMapping: memoryMappingCopy, lines: [], currentDisplayList, }) } const latestBatch = profileBatches[profileBatches.length - 1]; latestBatch.lines.push(parsedLine); lastIndex = parsedLine.index; continue } if (line.trim() == 'addr clearall') { memoryMapping.clear(); } const addrMatch = lineMappingRegexp.exec(line); if (addrMatch) { memoryMapping.set(addrMatch[1], addrMatch[2]); } checkDisplayList(line); } function calculateAverage(batch) { const combinedCommands = []; for (const parsedLine of batch.lines) { const existing = combinedCommands[parsedLine.index]; if (existing) { existing.startTime += parsedLine.startTime; += 1; } else { combinedCommands[parsedLine.index] = { ...parsedLine, total: 1, }; } } for (let i = 0; i < combinedCommands.length; ++i) { const current = combinedCommands[i]; if (current) { current.startTime /=; } } for (let i = 0; i + 1 < combinedCommands.length; ++i) { const current = combinedCommands[i]; const next = combinedCommands[i + 1]; current.elapsedTime = next.startTime - current.startTime; } // the last command is always a pipe sync we dont care about combinedCommands.pop(); combinedCommands.sort((a, b) => b.elapsedTime - a.elapsedTime); batch.combinedCommands = combinedCommands; if (fs.existsSync(`log_images/step_${batch.index}.bmp`)) { console.log(`log_images/step_${batch.index}.bmp`); } } profileBatches.forEach(calculateAverage); function formatAddress(address, batch) { return batch.memoryMapping.get(address) || symbolAddressMapping.get(address) || `0x${address}`; } function formatCommandName(command, batch) { switch (command.command) { case 'db': { const segment = parseInt(command.w0.substring(4), 16) / 4; return `gsSPSegment(0x${segment}, 0x${command.w1})`; } case G_DL: return `gsSPDisplayList(${formatAddress(command.w1, batch)})`; case 'f6': return `gsDPFillRectangle`; case 'd8': return `gsSPPopMatrix`; case 'da': return `gsSPMatrix`; default: return `unknown 0x${command.command} 0x${command.w0}${command.w1}`; } } function formatCommand(command, batch) { return `${command.elapsedTime} ${formatCommandName(command, batch)}`; } for (const batch of profileBatches) { console.log('start of batch'); for (const command of batch.combinedCommands) { console.log(formatCommand(command, batch)); } console.log('end of batch'); }