## How to build First, you will need to setup [Modern SDK](https://crashoveride95.github.io/n64hbrew/modernsdk/startoff.html). After installing modern sdk you will want to also install ```sh sudo apt install libnustd ``` Next, you will need to install the latest version of Blender 3.6 LTS (please don't use e.g. 4.x, only 3.6.x will work correctly). Then set the environment variable `BLENDER_3_6` to be the absolute path where the Blender 3.6 executable is located on your system. ```sh sudo snap install blender --channel=3.6lts/stable --classic ``` e.g. add this to your ~/.bashrc if you used snap (or you can use `which blender` to find the path of Blender 3.6) ```bash export BLENDER_3_6="/snap/bin/blender" ```
You will need to install Python `vpk`: ```sh sudo apt install pipx pipx ensurepath pipx install vpk ```
Clone the Portal64 repo or download the zip. ```sh sudo apt install git git clone https://github.com/lambertjamesd/portal64.git cd portal64 ``` Setup and install dependencies for `skelatool64` ```sh echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://lambertjamesd.github.io/apt/ ./" \ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lambertjamesd.list sudo apt update sudo apt install vtf2png sfz2n64 mpg123 sox imagemagick unzip `` ``` Install ffmpeg 4.3.1 ``` sudo snap install ffmpeg # version 4.3.1 ```
Install lua5.4 (You may need to remove other installed versions first, skelatool64 needs to be built with luac 5.4!) ```sh sudo apt install lua5.4 liblua5.4-dev liblua5.4-0 ```
You will need to install nodejs. You can use apt for this ```sh sudo apt install nodejs ```