## Build with Docker If `apt install docker` doesn't work, you have to either use `apt install docker.io` or e.g. not use apt at all and install Docker "officially" from docker.com Also, using snap to install Docker is not advised `sudo snap install docker` gives, an [Errno 13] Permission denied error message (for python3.11-minimal) and this blocks creating the Docker image. (also, some may have to run `sudo setfacl -R -m u:$USER:rwx /var/run/docker.sock` first, if Docker wasn't installed from docker.com) Add all desired [languages](/vpk/add_vpk_here.md) for the build process. After that you can build the docker image using: ```sh make -f Makefile.docker image # Builds the Docker image. ``` Then build the rom using; ```sh make -f Makefile.docker ``` ## You can also use the language options, e.g.: ```sh make -f Makefile.docker german_audio ``` ```sh make -f Makefile.docker french_audio ``` ```sh make -f Makefile.docker russian_audio ``` ```sh make -f Makefile.docker spanish_audio ``` ```sh make -f Makefile.docker # Run this after running the commands for the desired languages that you would like to add to your ROM. ``` ## Build all audio languages into the ROM. Make sure to put all the following files in the portal64/vpk folder then run: ```sh make -f Makefile.docker all_languages ``` If you have issues use `make -f Makefile.docker clean` to clean out any previous build files, remember it also removes any languages you set up so you will need to run those commands again. ```sh make -f Makefile.docker clean ``` That will generate the rom at `/build/portal64.z64` If you run Docker in sudo you may want to change the permissions of portal64/build, portal64/portal_pak_dir and portal64portal_pak_modified: ```sh sudo chmod 777 -R build sudo chmod 777 -R portal_pak_dir sudo chmod 777 -R portal_pak_modified ```