
98 lines
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Common Lisp
Raw Normal View History

; line comment
;; line comment
;;; '''""""line comment""!@"!!""!()
a block comment
(.push :color #f s0)
(.pop :color #f s0)
(rlet ((vf1 :class vf))
(.jr :color #f s0)
(.sub sp 16)
(.add sp 16)
(.load-sym :sext #f sp *kernel-sp*)
(.mov v1-0 vf1)
(.lvf vf1 (&-> arg0 times 0 quad))
(.svf (&-> arg0 color 0 quad) vf4)
(.mov.vf vf6 vf0 :mask #b1000)
(.blend.vf vf1 vf1 vf0 :mask #b1000)
(.xor.vf vf26 vf26 vf26)
(.xor.p r0 r0 r0)
(.max.vf vf3 vf3 vf5 :mask #b111)
(.max.x.vf vf28 vf28 vf0 :mask #b1000)
(.add.mul.vf vf1 vf0 vf1 acc :mask #b1000)
(.sub.mul.w.vf vf1 vf0 vf1 acc :mask #b1000)
(.outer.product.vf vf14 vf13 vf12 acc)
(.outer.product.a.vf acc vf12 vf13)
(.outer.product.b.vf vf14 vf13 vf12 acc)
(.abs.vf vf23 vf12)
;; use defmacro to define goos macros.
(define defmacro defsmacro)
(define defun desfun)
(defun gc-file->o-file (filename)
"Get the name of the object file for the given GOAL (*.gc) source file."
(string-append "out/obj/" (stem filename) ".o")
(defmacro goal-src (src-file &rest deps)
"Add a GOAL source file with the given dependencies"
`(defstep :in ,(string-append "goal_src/" src-file)
;; use goal compiler
:tool 'goalc
;; will output the obj file
:out '(,(gc-file->o-file src-file))
;; dependencies are the obj files
:dep '(,@(apply gc-file->o-file deps))
(defun make-src-sequence-elt (current previous prefix)
"Helper for goal-src-sequence"
`(defstep :in ,(string-append "goal_src/" prefix current)
:tool 'goalc
:out '(,(gc-file->o-file current))
:dep '(#|"iso/KERNEL.CGO"|#
,(gc-file->o-file previous))
(defmacro goal-src-sequence (prefix &key (deps '()) &rest sequence)
"Add a sequence of GOAL files (each depending on the previous) in the given directory,
with all depending on the given deps."
(let* ((first-thing `(goal-src ,(string-append prefix (first sequence)) ,@deps))
(result (cons first-thing '()))
(iter result))
(let ((prev (first sequence))
(in-iter (rest sequence)))
(while (not (null? in-iter))
;; (fmt #t "{} dep on {}\n" (first in-iter) prev)
(let ((next (make-src-sequence-elt (first in-iter) prev prefix)))
(set-cdr! iter (cons next '()))
(set! iter (cdr iter)))
(set! prev (car in-iter))
(set! in-iter (cdr in-iter))))
`(begin ,@result)))