Peter Simons 074137a19b pkgs/build-support/cabal/default.nix: add support for running test suites via Cabal
Set 'doCheck = true' to enable building and running of the test suite.
2013-02-22 16:53:23 +01:00

161 lines
6.8 KiB

# generic builder for Cabal packages
{ stdenv, fetchurl, lib, pkgconfig, ghc, Cabal, jailbreakCabal, enableLibraryProfiling ? false }:
mkDerivation =
args : # arguments for the individual package, can modify the defaults
let # These attributes are removed in the end. This is in order not to spoil the build
# environment overly, but also to keep hash-backwards-compatible with the old cabal.nix.
internalAttrs = [
"internalAttrs" "buildDepends" "buildTools" "extraLibraries" "pkgconfigDepends"
"isLibrary" "isExecutable"
# Stuff happening after the user preferences have been processed. We remove
# internal attributes and strip null elements from the dependency lists, all
# in the interest of keeping hashes stable.
postprocess =
x : (removeAttrs x internalAttrs) // {
buildInputs = stdenv.lib.filter (y : ! (y == null)) x.buildInputs;
propagatedBuildInputs = stdenv.lib.filter (y : ! (y == null)) x.propagatedBuildInputs;
defaults =
self : { # self is the final version of the attribute set
# pname should be defined by the client to be the package basename
# version should be defined by the client to be the package version
# fname is the internal full name of the package
fname = "${self.pname}-${self.version}";
# name is the external full name of the package; usually we prefix
# all packages with haskell- to avoid name clashes for libraries;
# if that is not desired (for applications), name can be set to
# fname.
name = if self.isLibrary then
if enableLibraryProfiling then
# the default download location for Cabal packages is Hackage,
# you still have to specify the checksum
src = fetchurl {
# cannot use mirrors system because of subtly different directory structures
urls = ["${self.pname}/${self.version}/${self.fname}.tar.gz"
inherit (self) sha256;
# default buildInputs are just ghc, if more buildInputs are required
# buildInputs can be extended by the client by using extraBuildInputs,
# but often propagatedBuildInputs is preferable anyway
buildInputs = [ghc Cabal] ++ self.extraBuildInputs;
extraBuildInputs = self.buildTools ++
(if self.pkgconfigDepends == [] then [] else [pkgconfig]) ++
(if self.isLibrary then [] else self.buildDepends ++ self.extraLibraries ++ self.pkgconfigDepends);
# we make sure that propagatedBuildInputs is defined, so that we don't
# have to check for its existence
propagatedBuildInputs = if self.isLibrary then self.buildDepends ++ self.extraLibraries ++ self.pkgconfigDepends else [];
# library directories that have to be added to the Cabal files
extraLibDirs = [];
# build-depends Cabal field
buildDepends = [];
# build-tools Cabal field
buildTools = [];
# extra-libraries Cabal field
extraLibraries = [];
# pkgconfig-depends Cabal field
pkgconfigDepends = [];
isLibrary = ! self.isExecutable;
isExecutable = false;
libraryProfiling =
if enableLibraryProfiling then ["--enable-library-profiling"]
else ["--disable-library-profiling"];
# compiles Setup and configures
configurePhase = ''
eval "$preConfigure"
${lib.optionalString (lib.attrByPath ["jailbreak"] false self) "${jailbreakCabal}/bin/jailbreak-cabal ${self.pname}.cabal && "
}${lib.optionalString (lib.attrByPath ["doCheck"] false self) "configureFlags+=\" --enable-test\" && "
}for i in Setup.hs Setup.lhs; do
test -f $i && ghc --make $i
for p in $extraBuildInputs $propagatedBuildNativeInputs; do
if [ -d "$p/include" ]; then
extraLibDirs="$extraLibDirs --extra-include-dir=$p/include"
for d in lib{,64}; do
if [ -d "$p/$d" ]; then
extraLibDirs="$extraLibDirs --extra-lib-dir=$p/$d"
./Setup configure --verbose --prefix="$out" $libraryProfiling $extraLibDirs $configureFlags
eval "$postConfigure"
# builds via Cabal
buildPhase = ''
eval "$preBuild"
./Setup build
${lib.optionalString (lib.attrByPath ["doCheck"] false self) "./Setup test && "
}export GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=$(ghc-packages)
[ -n "$noHaddock" ] || ./Setup haddock
eval "$postBuild"
# installs via Cabal; creates a registration file for nix-support
# so that the package can be used in other Haskell-builds; also
# adds all propagated build inputs to the user environment packages
installPhase = ''
eval "$preInstall"
./Setup copy
ensureDir $out/bin # necessary to get it added to PATH
local confDir=$out/lib/ghc-pkgs/ghc-${ghc.ghc.version}
local installedPkgConf=$confDir/${self.fname}.installedconf
local pkgConf=$confDir/${self.fname}.conf
ensureDir $confDir
./Setup register --gen-pkg-config=$pkgConf
if test -f $pkgConf; then
echo '[]' > $installedPkgConf
GHC_PACKAGE_PATH=$installedPkgConf ghc-pkg --global register $pkgConf --force
eval "$postInstall"
postFixup = ''
if test -f $out/nix-support/propagated-build-native-inputs; then
ln -s $out/nix-support/propagated-build-native-inputs $out/nix-support/propagated-user-env-packages
# We inherit stdenv and ghc so that they can be used
# in Cabal derivations.
inherit stdenv ghc;
in stdenv.mkDerivation (postprocess ((rec { f = defaults f // args f; }).f)) ;