{pkgs, config, ...}: with pkgs.lib; let ids = config.ids; cfg = config.users; passwordDescription = '' The options hashedPassword, password and passwordFile controls what password is set for the user. hashedPassword overrides both password and passwordFile. password overrides passwordFile. If none of these three options are set, no password is assigned to the user, and the user will not be able to do password logins. If the option users.mutableUsers is true, the password defined in one of the three options will only be set when the user is created for the first time. After that, you are free to change the password with the ordinary user management commands. If users.mutableUsers is false, you cannot change user passwords, they will always be set according to the password options. ''; userOpts = { name, config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "The name of the user account. If undefined, the name of the attribute set will be used."; }; description = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; example = "Alice Q. User"; description = '' A short description of the user account, typically the user's full name. This is actually the “GECOS” or “comment” field in /etc/passwd. ''; }; uid = mkOption { type = with types; uniq int; description = "The account UID."; }; group = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "nogroup"; description = "The user's primary group."; }; extraGroups = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; description = "The user's auxiliary groups."; }; home = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "/var/empty"; description = "The user's home directory."; }; shell = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "/run/current-system/sw/sbin/nologin"; description = "The path to the user's shell."; }; createHome = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' If true, the home directory will be created automatically. If this option is true and the home directory already exists but is not owned by the user, directory owner and group will be changed to match the user. ''; }; useDefaultShell = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' If true, the user's shell will be set to cfg.defaultUserShell. ''; }; hashedPassword = mkOption { type = with types; uniq (nullOr str); default = null; description = '' Specifies the (hashed) password for the user. ${passwordDescription} ''; }; password = mkOption { type = with types; uniq (nullOr str); default = null; description = '' Specifies the (clear text) password for the user. Warning: do not set confidential information here because it is world-readable in the Nix store. This option should only be used for public accounts. ${passwordDescription} ''; }; passwordFile = mkOption { type = with types; uniq (nullOr string); default = null; description = '' The path to a file that contains the user's password. The password file is read on each system activation. The file should contain exactly one line, which should be the password in an encrypted form that is suitable for the chpasswd -e command. ${passwordDescription} ''; }; createUser = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Indicates if the user should be created automatically as a local user. Set this to false if the user for instance is an LDAP user. NixOS will then not modify any of the basic properties for the user account. ''; }; }; config = { name = mkDefault name; shell = mkIf config.useDefaultShell (mkDefault cfg.defaultUserShell); }; }; groupOpts = { name, config, ... }: { options = { name = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "The name of the group. If undefined, the name of the attribute set will be used."; }; gid = mkOption { type = with types; uniq int; description = "The GID of the group."; }; members = mkOption { type = with types; listOf string; default = []; description = '' The user names of the group members, added to the /etc/group file. ''; }; }; config = { name = mkDefault name; }; }; getGroup = gname: let groups = mapAttrsToList (n: g: g) ( filterAttrs (n: g: g.name == gname) cfg.extraGroups ); in if length groups == 1 then head groups else if groups == [] then throw "Group ${gname} not defined" else throw "Group ${gname} has multiple definitions"; getUser = uname: let users = mapAttrsToList (n: u: u) ( filterAttrs (n: u: u.name == uname) cfg.extraUsers ); in if length users == 1 then head users else if users == [] then throw "User ${uname} not defined" else throw "User ${uname} has multiple definitions"; mkGroupEntry = gname: let g = getGroup gname; users = mapAttrsToList (n: u: u.name) ( filterAttrs (n: u: elem g.name u.extraGroups) cfg.extraUsers ); in concatStringsSep ":" [ g.name "x" (toString g.gid) (concatStringsSep "," (users ++ (filter (u: !(elem u users)) g.members))) ]; mkPasswdEntry = uname: let u = getUser uname; in concatStringsSep ":" [ u.name "x" (toString u.uid) (toString (getGroup u.group).gid) u.description u.home u.shell ]; sortOn = a: sort (as1: as2: lessThan (getAttr a as1) (getAttr a as2)); groupFile = pkgs.writeText "group" ( concatStringsSep "\n" (map (g: mkGroupEntry g.name) ( sortOn "gid" (attrValues cfg.extraGroups) )) ); passwdFile = pkgs.writeText "passwd" ( concatStringsSep "\n" (map (u: mkPasswdEntry u.name) ( sortOn "uid" (filter (u: u.createUser) (attrValues cfg.extraUsers)) )) ); # If mutableUsers is true, this script adds all users/groups defined in # users.extra{Users,Groups} to /etc/{passwd,group} iff there isn't any # existing user/group with the same name in those files. # If mutableUsers is false, the /etc/{passwd,group} files will simply be # replaced with the users/groups defined in the NixOS configuration. # The merging procedure could certainly be improved, and instead of just # keeping the lines as-is from /etc/{passwd,group} they could be combined # in some way with the generated content from the NixOS configuration. merger = src: pkgs.writeScript "merger" '' #!${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash PATH=${pkgs.gawk}/bin:${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin:$PATH ${if !cfg.mutableUsers then ''cp ${src} $1.tmp'' else ''awk -F: '{ print "^"$1":.*" }' $1 | egrep -vf - ${src} | cat $1 - > $1.tmp'' } # set mtime to +1, otherwise change might go unnoticed (vipw/vigr only looks at mtime) touch -m -t $(date -d @$(($(stat -c %Y $1)+1)) +%Y%m%d%H%M.%S) $1.tmp mv -f $1.tmp $1 ''; idsAreUnique = set: idAttr: !(fold (name: args@{ dup, acc }: let id = builtins.toString (builtins.getAttr idAttr (builtins.getAttr name set)); exists = builtins.hasAttr id acc; newAcc = acc // (builtins.listToAttrs [ { name = id; value = true; } ]); in if dup then args else if exists then builtins.trace "Duplicate ${idAttr} ${id}" { dup = true; acc = null; } else { dup = false; acc = newAcc; } ) { dup = false; acc = {}; } (builtins.attrNames set)).dup; uidsAreUnique = idsAreUnique cfg.extraUsers "uid"; gidsAreUnique = idsAreUnique cfg.extraGroups "gid"; in { ###### interface options = { users.mutableUsers = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' If true, you are free to add new users and groups to the system with the ordinary useradd and groupadd commands. On system activation, the existing contents of the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files will be merged with the contents generated from the users.extraUsers and users.extraGroups options. If mutableUsers is false, the contents of the user and group files will simply be replaced on system activation. This also holds for the user passwords; if this option is false, all changed passwords will be reset according to the users.extraUsers configuration on activation. If this option is true, the initial password for a user will be set according to users.extraUsers, but existing passwords will not be changed. ''; }; users.enforceIdUniqueness = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Whether to require that no two users/groups share the same uid/gid. ''; }; users.extraUsers = mkOption { default = {}; type = types.loaOf types.optionSet; example = { alice = { uid = 1234; description = "Alice Q. User"; home = "/home/alice"; createHome = true; group = "users"; extraGroups = ["wheel"]; shell = "/bin/sh"; }; }; description = '' Additional user accounts to be created automatically by the system. This can also be used to set options for root. ''; options = [ userOpts ]; }; users.extraGroups = mkOption { default = {}; example = { students.gid = 1001; hackers = { }; }; type = types.loaOf types.optionSet; description = '' Additional groups to be created automatically by the system. ''; options = [ groupOpts ]; }; security.initialRootPassword = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; example = "!"; description = '' The (hashed) password for the root account set on initial installation. The empty string denotes that root can login locally without a password (but not via remote services such as SSH, or indirectly via su or sudo). The string ! prevents root from logging in using a password. Note, setting this option sets users.extraUsers.root.hashedPassword. Note, if users.mutableUsers is false you cannot change the root password manually, so in that case the name of this option is a bit misleading, since it will define the root password beyond the user initialisation phase. ''; }; }; ###### implementation config = { users.extraUsers = { root = { uid = ids.uids.root; description = "System administrator"; home = "/root"; shell = cfg.defaultUserShell; group = "root"; hashedPassword = config.security.initialRootPassword; }; nobody = { uid = ids.uids.nobody; description = "Unprivileged account (don't use!)"; group = "nogroup"; }; }; users.extraGroups = { root.gid = ids.gids.root; wheel.gid = ids.gids.wheel; disk.gid = ids.gids.disk; kmem.gid = ids.gids.kmem; tty.gid = ids.gids.tty; floppy.gid = ids.gids.floppy; uucp.gid = ids.gids.uucp; lp.gid = ids.gids.lp; cdrom.gid = ids.gids.cdrom; tape.gid = ids.gids.tape; audio.gid = ids.gids.audio; video.gid = ids.gids.video; dialout.gid = ids.gids.dialout; nogroup.gid = ids.gids.nogroup; users.gid = ids.gids.users; nixbld.gid = ids.gids.nixbld; utmp.gid = ids.gids.utmp; adm.gid = ids.gids.adm; }; system.activationScripts.users = let mkhomeUsers = filterAttrs (n: u: u.createHome) cfg.extraUsers; setpwUsers = filterAttrs (n: u: u.createUser) cfg.extraUsers; setpw = n: u: '' setpw=yes ${optionalString cfg.mutableUsers '' test "$(getent shadow '${u.name}' | cut -d: -f2)" != "x" && setpw=no ''} if [ "$setpw" == "yes" ]; then ${if !(isNull u.hashedPassword) then '' echo "${u.name}:${u.hashedPassword}" | \ ${pkgs.shadow}/sbin/chpasswd -e'' else if u.password == "" then "passwd -d '${u.name}' &>/dev/null" else if !(isNull u.password) then '' echo "${u.name}:${u.password}" | ${pkgs.shadow}/sbin/chpasswd'' else if !(isNull u.passwordFile) then '' echo -n "${u.name}:" | cat - "${u.passwordFile}" | \ ${pkgs.shadow}/sbin/chpasswd -e '' else "passwd -l '${u.name}' &>/dev/null" } fi ''; mkhome = n: u: let uid = toString u.uid; gid = toString ((getGroup u.group).gid); h = u.home; in '' test -a "${h}" || mkdir -p "${h}" || true test "$(stat -c %u "${h}")" = ${uid} || chown ${uid} "${h}" || true test "$(stat -c %g "${h}")" = ${gid} || chgrp ${gid} "${h}" || true ''; in stringAfter [ "etc" ] '' touch /etc/group touch /etc/passwd VISUAL=${merger groupFile} ${pkgs.shadow}/sbin/vigr &>/dev/null VISUAL=${merger passwdFile} ${pkgs.shadow}/sbin/vipw &>/dev/null ${pkgs.shadow}/sbin/grpconv ${pkgs.shadow}/sbin/pwconv ${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList mkhome mkhomeUsers)} ${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList setpw setpwUsers)} ''; # for backwards compatibility system.activationScripts.groups = stringAfter [ "users" ] ""; assertions = [ { assertion = !cfg.enforceIdUniqueness || (uidsAreUnique && gidsAreUnique); message = "uids and gids must be unique!"; } ]; }; }