# Test configuration switching. import ./make-test-python.nix ({ lib, pkgs, ng, ...} : let # Simple service that can either be socket-activated or that will # listen on port 1234 if not socket-activated. # A connection to the socket causes 'hello' to be written to the client. socketTest = pkgs.writeScript "socket-test.py" /* python */ '' #!${pkgs.python3}/bin/python3 from socketserver import TCPServer, StreamRequestHandler import socket import os class Handler(StreamRequestHandler): def handle(self): self.wfile.write("hello".encode("utf-8")) class Server(TCPServer): def __init__(self, server_address, handler_cls): listenFds = os.getenv('LISTEN_FDS') if listenFds is None or int(listenFds) < 1: print(f'Binding to {server_address}') TCPServer.__init__( self, server_address, handler_cls, bind_and_activate=True) else: TCPServer.__init__( self, server_address, handler_cls, bind_and_activate=False) # Override socket print(f'Got activated by {os.getenv("LISTEN_FDNAMES")} ' f'with {listenFds} FDs') self.socket = socket.fromfd(3, self.address_family, self.socket_type) if __name__ == "__main__": server = Server(("localhost", 1234), Handler) server.serve_forever() ''; in { name = "switch-test"; meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ gleber das_j ]; }; nodes = { machine = { pkgs, lib, ... }: { system.switch.enableNg = ng; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.socat ]; # for the socket activation stuff users.mutableUsers = false; # For boot/switch testing system.build.installBootLoader = lib.mkForce (pkgs.writeShellScript "install-dummy-loader" '' echo "installing dummy bootloader" touch /tmp/bootloader-installed ''); specialisation = rec { brokenInitInterface.configuration.config.system.extraSystemBuilderCmds = '' echo "systemd 0" > $out/init-interface-version ''; modifiedSystemConf.configuration.systemd.extraConfig = '' # Hello world! ''; addedMount.configuration.virtualisation.fileSystems."/test" = { device = "tmpfs"; fsType = "tmpfs"; }; addedMountOptsModified.configuration = { imports = [ addedMount.configuration ]; virtualisation.fileSystems."/test".options = [ "x-test" ]; }; addedMountDevModified.configuration = { imports = [ addedMountOptsModified.configuration ]; virtualisation.fileSystems."/test".device = lib.mkForce "ramfs"; }; storeMountModified.configuration = { virtualisation.fileSystems."/".device = lib.mkForce "auto"; }; swap.configuration.swapDevices = lib.mkVMOverride [ { device = "/swapfile"; size = 1; } ]; simpleService.configuration = { systemd.services.test = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; }; simpleServiceSeparateActivationScript.configuration = { system.activatable = false; systemd.services.test = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; }; simpleServiceDifferentDescription.configuration = { imports = [ simpleService.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.description = "Test unit"; }; simpleServiceModified.configuration = { imports = [ simpleService.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.serviceConfig.X-Test = true; }; simpleServiceNostop.configuration = { imports = [ simpleService.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.stopIfChanged = false; }; simpleServiceReload.configuration = { imports = [ simpleService.configuration ]; systemd.services.test = { reloadIfChanged = true; serviceConfig.ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; simpleServiceNorestart.configuration = { imports = [ simpleService.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.restartIfChanged = false; }; simpleServiceFailing.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceModified.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.serviceConfig.ExecStart = lib.mkForce "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/false"; }; autorestartService.configuration = { # A service that immediately goes into restarting (but without failing) systemd.services.autorestart = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "simple"; Restart = "always"; RestartSec = "20y"; # Should be long enough ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; }; autorestartServiceFailing.configuration = { imports = [ autorestartService.configuration ]; systemd.services.autorestart.serviceConfig = { ExecStart = lib.mkForce "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/false"; }; }; simpleServiceWithExtraSection.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.packages = [ (pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "systemd-extra-section"; destination = "/etc/systemd/system/test.service"; text = '' [X-Test] X-Test-Value=a ''; }) ]; }; simpleServiceWithExtraSectionOtherName.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.packages = [ (pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "systemd-extra-section"; destination = "/etc/systemd/system/test.service"; text = '' [X-Test2] X-Test-Value=a ''; }) ]; }; simpleServiceWithInstallSection.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.packages = [ (pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "systemd-extra-section"; destination = "/etc/systemd/system/test.service"; text = '' [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ''; }) ]; }; simpleServiceWithExtraKey.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.serviceConfig."X-Test" = "test"; }; simpleServiceWithExtraKeyOtherValue.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.serviceConfig."X-Test" = "test2"; }; simpleServiceWithExtraKeyOtherName.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.serviceConfig."X-Test2" = "test"; }; simpleServiceReloadTrigger.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.reloadTriggers = [ "/dev/null" ]; }; simpleServiceReloadTriggerModified.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.reloadTriggers = [ "/dev/zero" ]; }; simpleServiceReloadTriggerModifiedAndSomethingElse.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.services.test = { reloadTriggers = [ "/dev/zero" ]; serviceConfig."X-Test" = "test"; }; }; simpleServiceReloadTriggerModifiedSomethingElse.configuration = { imports = [ simpleServiceNostop.configuration ]; systemd.services.test.serviceConfig."X-Test" = "test"; }; unitWithBackslash.configuration = { systemd.services."escaped\\x2ddash" = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; }; unitWithBackslashModified.configuration = { imports = [ unitWithBackslash.configuration ]; systemd.services."escaped\\x2ddash".serviceConfig.X-Test = "test"; }; unitWithMultilineValue.configuration = { systemd.services.test.serviceConfig.ExecStart = '' ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true \ # ignored ; ignored blah blah ''; }; unitStartingWithDash.configuration = { systemd.services."-" = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; }; unitStartingWithDashModified.configuration = { imports = [ unitStartingWithDash.configuration ]; systemd.services."-" = { reloadIfChanged = true; serviceConfig.ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; unitWithRequirement.configuration = { systemd.services.required-service = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; systemd.services.test-service = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; requires = [ "required-service.service" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; }; unitWithRequirementModified.configuration = { imports = [ unitWithRequirement.configuration ]; systemd.services.required-service.serviceConfig.X-Test = "test"; systemd.services.test-service.reloadTriggers = [ "test" ]; }; unitWithRequirementModifiedNostart.configuration = { imports = [ unitWithRequirement.configuration ]; systemd.services.test-service.unitConfig.RefuseManualStart = true; }; unitWithTemplate.configuration = { systemd.services."instantiated@".serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; systemd.services."instantiated@one" = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; }; systemd.services."instantiated@two" = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; }; }; unitWithTemplateModified.configuration = { imports = [ unitWithTemplate.configuration ]; systemd.services."instantiated@".serviceConfig.X-Test = "test"; }; restart-and-reload-by-activation-script.configuration = { systemd.services = rec { simple-service = { # No wantedBy so we can check if the activation script restart triggers them serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; "templated-simple-service@" = simple-service; "templated-simple-service@instance".overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; simple-restart-service = simple-service // { stopIfChanged = false; }; "templated-simple-restart-service@" = simple-restart-service; "templated-simple-restart-service@instance".overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; simple-reload-service = simple-service // { reloadIfChanged = true; }; "templated-simple-reload-service@" = simple-reload-service; "templated-simple-reload-service@instance".overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; no-restart-service = simple-service // { restartIfChanged = false; }; "templated-no-restart-service@" = no-restart-service; "templated-no-restart-service@instance".overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; reload-triggers = simple-service // { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; }; "templated-reload-triggers@" = simple-service; "templated-reload-triggers@instance" = { overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; }; reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as = simple-service; "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@" = reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as; "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@instance".overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; reload-triggers-and-restart = simple-service // { stopIfChanged = false; # easier to check for this wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; }; "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart@" = simple-service; "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart@instance" = { overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; stopIfChanged = false; # easier to check for this wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; }; }; system.activationScripts.restart-and-reload-test = { supportsDryActivation = true; deps = []; text = '' if [ "$NIXOS_ACTION" = dry-activate ]; then f=/run/nixos/dry-activation-restart-list g=/run/nixos/dry-activation-reload-list else f=/run/nixos/activation-restart-list g=/run/nixos/activation-reload-list fi cat <> "$f" simple-service.service simple-restart-service.service simple-reload-service.service no-restart-service.service reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as.service templated-simple-service@instance.service templated-simple-restart-service@instance.service templated-simple-reload-service@instance.service templated-no-restart-service@instance.service templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@instance.service EOF cat <> "$g" reload-triggers.service reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as.service reload-triggers-and-restart.service templated-reload-triggers@instance.service templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@instance.service templated-reload-triggers-and-restart@instance.service EOF ''; }; }; restart-and-reload-by-activation-script-modified.configuration = { imports = [ restart-and-reload-by-activation-script.configuration ]; systemd.services.reload-triggers-and-restart.serviceConfig.X-Modified = "test"; systemd.services."templated-reload-triggers-and-restart@instance" = { overrideStrategy = "asDropin"; serviceConfig.X-Modified = "test"; }; }; simple-socket.configuration = { systemd.services.socket-activated = { description = "A socket-activated service"; stopIfChanged = lib.mkDefault false; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = socketTest; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; systemd.sockets.socket-activated = { wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ]; listenStreams = [ "/run/test.sock" ]; socketConfig.SocketMode = lib.mkDefault "0777"; }; }; simple-socket-service-modified.configuration = { imports = [ simple-socket.configuration ]; systemd.services.socket-activated.serviceConfig.X-Test = "test"; }; simple-socket-stop-if-changed.configuration = { imports = [ simple-socket.configuration ]; systemd.services.socket-activated.stopIfChanged = true; }; simple-socket-stop-if-changed-and-reloadtrigger.configuration = { imports = [ simple-socket.configuration ]; systemd.services.socket-activated = { stopIfChanged = true; reloadTriggers = [ "test" ]; }; }; mount.configuration = { systemd.mounts = [ { description = "Testmount"; what = "tmpfs"; type = "tmpfs"; where = "/testmount"; options = "size=1M"; wantedBy = [ "local-fs.target" ]; } ]; }; mountOptionsModified.configuration = { systemd.mounts = [ { description = "Testmount"; what = "tmpfs"; type = "tmpfs"; where = "/testmount"; options = "size=10M"; wantedBy = [ "local-fs.target" ]; } ]; }; mountModified.configuration = { systemd.mounts = [ { description = "Testmount"; what = "ramfs"; type = "ramfs"; where = "/testmount"; options = "size=10M"; wantedBy = [ "local-fs.target" ]; } ]; }; timer.configuration = { systemd.timers.test-timer = { wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ]; timerConfig.OnCalendar = "@1395716396"; # chosen by fair dice roll }; systemd.services.test-timer = { serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; }; }; }; timerModified.configuration = { imports = [ timer.configuration ]; systemd.timers.test-timer.timerConfig.OnCalendar = lib.mkForce "Fri 2012-11-23 16:00:00"; }; hybridSleepModified.configuration = { systemd.targets.hybrid-sleep.unitConfig.X-Test = true; }; target.configuration = { systemd.targets.test-target.wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; # We use this service to figure out whether the target was modified. # This is the only way because targets are filtered and therefore not # printed when they are started/stopped. systemd.services.test-service = { bindsTo = [ "test-target.target" ]; serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/sleep infinity"; }; }; targetModified.configuration = { imports = [ target.configuration ]; systemd.targets.test-target.unitConfig.X-Test = true; }; targetModifiedStopOnReconfig.configuration = { imports = [ target.configuration ]; systemd.targets.test-target.unitConfig.X-StopOnReconfiguration = true; }; path.configuration = { systemd.paths.test-watch = { wantedBy = [ "paths.target" ]; pathConfig.PathExists = "/testpath"; }; systemd.services.test-watch = { serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/touch /testpath-modified"; }; }; }; pathModified.configuration = { imports = [ path.configuration ]; systemd.paths.test-watch.pathConfig.PathExists = lib.mkForce "/testpath2"; }; slice.configuration = { systemd.slices.testslice.sliceConfig.MemoryMax = "1"; # don't allow memory allocation systemd.services.testservice = { serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true"; Slice = "testslice.slice"; }; }; }; sliceModified.configuration = { imports = [ slice.configuration ]; systemd.slices.testslice.sliceConfig.MemoryMax = lib.mkForce null; }; }; }; other = { system.switch.enable = true; users.mutableUsers = true; }; }; testScript = { nodes, ... }: let originalSystem = nodes.machine.system.build.toplevel; otherSystem = nodes.other.system.build.toplevel; machine = nodes.machine.system.build.toplevel; # Ensures failures pass through using pipefail, otherwise failing to # switch-to-configuration is hidden by the success of `tee`. stderrRunner = pkgs.writeScript "stderr-runner" '' #! ${pkgs.runtimeShell} set -e set -o pipefail exec env -i "$@" | tee /dev/stderr ''; # Returns a comma separated representation of the given list in sorted # order, that matches the output format of switch-to-configuration.pl sortedUnits = xs: lib.concatStringsSep ", " (builtins.sort builtins.lessThan xs); dbusService = { "dbus" = "dbus.service"; "broker" = "dbus-broker.service"; }.${nodes.machine.services.dbus.implementation}; in /* python */ '' def switch_to_specialisation(system, name, action="test", fail=False): if name == "": switcher = f"{system}/bin/switch-to-configuration" else: switcher = f"{system}/specialisation/{name}/bin/switch-to-configuration" return run_switch(switcher, action, fail) # like above but stc = switcher def run_switch(switcher, action="test", fail=False): out = machine.fail(f"{switcher} {action} 2>&1") if fail \ else machine.succeed(f"{switcher} {action} 2>&1") assert_lacks(out, "switch-to-configuration line") # Perl warnings return out def assert_contains(haystack, needle): if needle not in haystack: print("The haystack that will cause the following exception is:") print("---") print(haystack) print("---") raise Exception(f"Expected string '{needle}' was not found") def assert_lacks(haystack, needle): if needle in haystack: print("The haystack that will cause the following exception is:") print("---") print(haystack, end="") print("---") raise Exception(f"Unexpected string '{needle}' was found") machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target") machine.succeed( "${stderrRunner} ${originalSystem}/bin/switch-to-configuration test" ) # This tests whether the /etc/os-release parser works which is a fallback # when /etc/NIXOS is missing. If the parser does not work, switch-to-configuration # would fail. machine.succeed("rm /etc/NIXOS") machine.succeed( "${stderrRunner} ${otherSystem}/bin/switch-to-configuration test" ) with subtest("actions"): # boot action machine.fail("test -f /tmp/bootloader-installed") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleService", action="boot") assert_contains(out, "installing dummy bootloader") assert_lacks(out, "activating the configuration...") # good indicator of a system activation machine.succeed("test -f /tmp/bootloader-installed") machine.succeed("rm /tmp/bootloader-installed") # switch action machine.fail("test -f /tmp/bootloader-installed") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "", action="switch") assert_contains(out, "installing dummy bootloader") assert_contains(out, "activating the configuration...") # good indicator of a system activation machine.succeed("test -f /tmp/bootloader-installed") # test and dry-activate actions are tested further down below # invalid action fails the script switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "", action="broken-action", fail=True) # no action fails the script assert "Usage:" in machine.fail("${machine}/bin/switch-to-configuration 2>&1") with subtest("init interface version"): # Do not try to switch to an invalid init interface version assert "incompatible" in switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "brokenInitInterface", fail=True) with subtest("systemd restarts"): # systemd is restarted when its system.conf changes out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "modifiedSystemConf") assert_contains(out, "restarting systemd...") with subtest("continuing from an aborted switch"): # An aborted switch will write into a file what it tried to start # and a second switch should continue from this machine.succeed("echo ${dbusService} > /run/nixos/start-list") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "modifiedSystemConf") assert_contains(out, "starting the following units: ${dbusService}\n") with subtest("fstab mounts"): switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "") # add a mountpoint out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "addedMount") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: test.mount\n") # modify the mountpoint's options out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "addedMountOptsModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: test.mount\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # modify the device out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "addedMountDevModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.mount\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # modify both out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "addedMount") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.mount\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # remove the mount out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: test.mount\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: ${dbusService}\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # change something about the / mount out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "storeMountModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_contains(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units: -.mount") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: ${dbusService}\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") with subtest("swaps"): switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "") # add a swap out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "swap") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: ${dbusService}\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: swapfile.swap") # remove it out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "") assert_contains(out, "stopping swap device: /swapfile") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: ${dbusService}\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") with subtest("services"): switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "") # Nothing happens when nothing is changed out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Start a simple service out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleService") assert_lacks(out, "installing dummy bootloader") # test does not install a bootloader assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: ${dbusService}\n") # huh assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: test.service\n") # Not changing anything doesn't do anything out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleService") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Only changing the description does nothing out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceDifferentDescription") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Restart the simple service out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceModified") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nstarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Restart the service with stopIfChanged=false out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceNostop") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Reload the service with reloadIfChanged=true out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceReload") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Nothing happens when restartIfChanged=false out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceNorestart") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_contains(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Dry mode shows different messages out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleService", action="dry-activate") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") assert_contains(out, "would start the following units: test.service\n") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "", action="test") # Ensure the service can be started when the activation script isn't in toplevel # This is a lot like "Start a simple service", except activation-only deps could be gc-ed out = run_switch("${nodes.machine.specialisation.simpleServiceSeparateActivationScript.configuration.system.build.separateActivationScript}/bin/switch-to-configuration"); assert_lacks(out, "installing dummy bootloader") # test does not install a bootloader assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: ${dbusService}\n") # huh assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: test.service\n") machine.succeed("! test -e /run/current-system/activate") machine.succeed("! test -e /run/current-system/dry-activate") machine.succeed("! test -e /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration") # Ensure units with multiline values work out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitWithMultilineValue") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "restarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") assert_contains(out, "starting the following units: test.service") # Ensure \ works in unit names out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitWithBackslash") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: escaped\\x2ddash.service\n") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitWithBackslashModified") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: escaped\\x2ddash.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nstarting the following units: escaped\\x2ddash.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Ensure units can start with a dash out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitStartingWithDash") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: escaped\\x2ddash.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: -.service\n") # The regression only occurs when reloading units out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitStartingWithDashModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: -.service") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Ensure units that require changed units are properly reloaded out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitWithRequirement") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: -.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: required-service.service, test-service.service\n") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitWithRequirementModified") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: required-service.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nstarting the following units: required-service.service, test-service.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Unless the unit asks to be not restarted out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitWithRequirementModifiedNostart") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: required-service.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nstarting the following units: required-service.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Ensure templated units are restarted when the base unit changes switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitWithTemplate") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "unitWithTemplateModified") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: instantiated@one.service, instantiated@two.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nstarting the following units: instantiated@one.service, instantiated@two.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") with subtest("failing units"): # Let the simple service fail switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceModified") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceFailing", fail=True) assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nstarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") assert_contains(out, "warning: the following units failed: test.service\n") assert_contains(out, "Main PID:") # output of systemctl # A unit that gets into autorestart without failing is not treated as failed out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "autorestartService") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: autorestart.service\n") machine.systemctl('stop autorestart.service') # cancel the 20y timer # Switching to the same system should do nothing (especially not treat the unit as failed) out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "autorestartService") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: autorestart.service\n") machine.systemctl('stop autorestart.service') # cancel the 20y timer # If systemd thinks the unit has failed and is in autorestart, we should show it as failed out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "autorestartServiceFailing", fail=True) assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") assert_contains(out, "warning: the following units failed: autorestart.service\n") assert_contains(out, "Main PID:") # output of systemctl with subtest("unit file parser"): # Switch to a well-known state switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceNostop") # Add a section out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceWithExtraSection") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Rename it out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceWithExtraSectionOtherName") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Remove it out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceNostop") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # [Install] section is ignored out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceWithInstallSection") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Add a key out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceWithExtraKey") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Change its value out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceWithExtraKeyOtherValue") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Rename it out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceWithExtraKeyOtherName") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Remove it out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceNostop") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Add a reload trigger out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceReloadTrigger") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Modify the reload trigger out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceReloadTriggerModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Modify the reload trigger and something else out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceReloadTriggerModifiedAndSomethingElse") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Remove the reload trigger out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceReloadTriggerModifiedSomethingElse") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") with subtest("restart and reload by activation script"): switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simpleServiceNorestart") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "restart-and-reload-by-activation-script") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: test.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "restarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nstarting the following units: ${sortedUnits [ "no-restart-service.service" "reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as.service" "simple-reload-service.service" "simple-restart-service.service" "simple-service.service" "templated-no-restart-service@instance.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@instance.service" "templated-simple-reload-service@instance.service" "templated-simple-restart-service@instance.service" "templated-simple-service@instance.service" ]}\n") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: ${sortedUnits [ "no-restart-service.service" "reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as.service" "reload-triggers-and-restart.service" "reload-triggers.service" "simple-reload-service.service" "simple-restart-service.service" "simple-service.service" "system-templated\\\\x2dno\\\\x2drestart\\\\x2dservice.slice" "system-templated\\\\x2dreload\\\\x2dtriggers.slice" "system-templated\\\\x2dreload\\\\x2dtriggers\\\\x2dand\\\\x2drestart.slice" "system-templated\\\\x2dreload\\\\x2dtriggers\\\\x2dand\\\\x2drestart\\\\x2dby\\\\x2das.slice" "system-templated\\\\x2dsimple\\\\x2dreload\\\\x2dservice.slice" "system-templated\\\\x2dsimple\\\\x2drestart\\\\x2dservice.slice" "system-templated\\\\x2dsimple\\\\x2dservice.slice" "templated-no-restart-service@instance.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@instance.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart@instance.service" "templated-reload-triggers@instance.service" "templated-simple-reload-service@instance.service" "templated-simple-restart-service@instance.service" "templated-simple-service@instance.service" ]}\n") # Switch to the same system where the example services get restarted # and reloaded by the activation script out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "restart-and-reload-by-activation-script") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: ${sortedUnits [ "reload-triggers-and-restart.service" "reload-triggers.service" "simple-reload-service.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart@instance.service" "templated-reload-triggers@instance.service" "templated-simple-reload-service@instance.service" ]}\n") assert_contains(out, "restarting the following units: ${sortedUnits [ "reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as.service" "simple-restart-service.service" "simple-service.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@instance.service" "templated-simple-restart-service@instance.service" "templated-simple-service@instance.service" ]}\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Switch to the same system and see if the service gets restarted when it's modified # while the fact that it's supposed to be reloaded by the activation script is ignored. out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "restart-and-reload-by-activation-script-modified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: ${sortedUnits [ "reload-triggers.service" "simple-reload-service.service" "templated-reload-triggers@instance.service" "templated-simple-reload-service@instance.service" ]}\n") assert_contains(out, "restarting the following units: ${sortedUnits [ "reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as.service" "reload-triggers-and-restart.service" "simple-restart-service.service" "simple-service.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@instance.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart@instance.service" "templated-simple-restart-service@instance.service" "templated-simple-service@instance.service" ]}\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # The same, but in dry mode out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "restart-and-reload-by-activation-script", action="dry-activate") assert_lacks(out, "would stop the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "would NOT stop the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "would reload the following units: ${sortedUnits [ "reload-triggers.service" "simple-reload-service.service" "templated-reload-triggers@instance.service" "templated-simple-reload-service@instance.service" ]}\n") assert_contains(out, "would restart the following units: ${sortedUnits [ "reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as.service" "reload-triggers-and-restart.service" "simple-restart-service.service" "simple-service.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart-by-as@instance.service" "templated-reload-triggers-and-restart@instance.service" "templated-simple-restart-service@instance.service" "templated-simple-service@instance.service" ]}\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nwould start the following units:") with subtest("socket-activated services"): # Socket-activated services don't get started, just the socket machine.fail("[ -S /run/test.sock ]") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simple-socket") # assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") not relevant assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: socket-activated.socket\n") machine.succeed("[ -S /run/test.sock ]") # Changing a non-activated service does nothing out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simple-socket-service-modified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") machine.succeed("[ -S /run/test.sock ]") # The unit is properly activated when the socket is accessed if machine.succeed("socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/run/test.sock") != "hello": raise Exception("Socket was not properly activated") # idk how that would happen tbh # Changing an activated service with stopIfChanged=false restarts the service out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simple-socket") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: socket-activated.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") machine.succeed("[ -S /run/test.sock ]") # Socket-activation of the unit still works if machine.succeed("socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/run/test.sock") != "hello": raise Exception("Socket was not properly activated after the service was restarted") # Changing an activated service with stopIfChanged=true stops the service and # socket and starts the socket out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simple-socket-stop-if-changed") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: socket-activated.service, socket-activated.socket\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nstarting the following units: socket-activated.socket\n") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") machine.succeed("[ -S /run/test.sock ]") # Socket-activation of the unit still works if machine.succeed("socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/run/test.sock") != "hello": raise Exception("Socket was not properly activated after the service was restarted") # Changing a reload trigger of a socket-activated unit only reloads it out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "simple-socket-stop-if-changed-and-reloadtrigger") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: socket-activated.service\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units: socket-activated.socket") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") machine.succeed("[ -S /run/test.sock ]") # Socket-activation of the unit still works if machine.succeed("socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/run/test.sock") != "hello": raise Exception("Socket was not properly activated after the service was restarted") with subtest("mounts"): switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "mount") out = machine.succeed("mount | grep 'on /testmount'") assert_contains(out, "size=1024k") # Changing options reloads the unit out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "mountOptionsModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_contains(out, "reloading the following units: testmount.mount\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # It changed out = machine.succeed("mount | grep 'on /testmount'") assert_contains(out, "size=10240k") # Changing anything but `Options=` restarts the unit out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "mountModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: testmount.mount\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # It changed out = machine.succeed("mount | grep 'on /testmount'") assert_contains(out, "ramfs") with subtest("timers"): switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "timer") out = machine.succeed("systemctl show test-timer.timer") assert_contains(out, "OnCalendar=2014-03-25 02:59:56 UTC") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "timerModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_contains(out, "\nrestarting the following units: test-timer.timer\n") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # It changed out = machine.succeed("systemctl show test-timer.timer") assert_contains(out, "OnCalendar=Fri 2012-11-23 16:00:00") with subtest("targets"): # Modifying some special targets like hybrid-sleep.target does nothing out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "hybridSleepModified") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: test-timer.timer\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") # Adding a new target starts it out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "target") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: test-target.target\n") # Changing a target doesn't print anything because the unit is filtered machine.systemctl("start test-service.service") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "targetModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") machine.succeed("systemctl is-active test-service.service") # target was not restarted # With X-StopOnReconfiguration, the target gets stopped and started out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "targetModifiedStopOnReconfig") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") machine.fail("systemctl is-active test-service.servce") # target was restarted # Remove the target by switching to the old specialisation out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "timerModified") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: test-target.target\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: test-timer.timer\n") with subtest("paths"): out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "path") assert_contains(out, "stopping the following units: test-timer.timer\n") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_contains(out, "the following new units were started: test-watch.path\n") machine.fail("test -f /testpath-modified") # touch the file, unit should be triggered machine.succeed("touch /testpath") machine.wait_until_succeeds("test -f /testpath-modified") machine.succeed("rm /testpath /testpath-modified") machine.systemctl("stop test-watch.service") switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "pathModified") machine.succeed("touch /testpath") machine.fail("test -f /testpath-modified") machine.succeed("touch /testpath2") machine.wait_until_succeeds("test -f /testpath-modified") # This test ensures that changes to slice configuration get applied. # We test this by having a slice that allows no memory allocation at # all and starting a service within it. If the service crashes, the slice # is applied and if we modify the slice to allow memory allocation, the # service should successfully start. with subtest("slices"): machine.succeed("echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/panic_on_oom") # allow OOMing out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "slice") # assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") not relevant assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") machine.fail("systemctl start testservice.service") out = switch_to_specialisation("${machine}", "sliceModified") assert_lacks(out, "stopping the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "NOT restarting the following changed units:") assert_lacks(out, "reloading the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nrestarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "\nstarting the following units:") assert_lacks(out, "the following new units were started:") machine.succeed("systemctl start testservice.service") machine.succeed("echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/panic_on_oom") # disallow OOMing ''; })