#! /somewhere/python3 from contextlib import contextmanager from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator import _thread import atexit import json import os import ptpython.repl import pty import queue import re import shutil import socket import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import unicodedata CHAR_TO_KEY = { "A": "shift-a", "N": "shift-n", "-": "0x0C", "_": "shift-0x0C", "B": "shift-b", "O": "shift-o", "=": "0x0D", "+": "shift-0x0D", "C": "shift-c", "P": "shift-p", "[": "0x1A", "{": "shift-0x1A", "D": "shift-d", "Q": "shift-q", "]": "0x1B", "}": "shift-0x1B", "E": "shift-e", "R": "shift-r", ";": "0x27", ":": "shift-0x27", "F": "shift-f", "S": "shift-s", "'": "0x28", '"': "shift-0x28", "G": "shift-g", "T": "shift-t", "`": "0x29", "~": "shift-0x29", "H": "shift-h", "U": "shift-u", "\\": "0x2B", "|": "shift-0x2B", "I": "shift-i", "V": "shift-v", ",": "0x33", "<": "shift-0x33", "J": "shift-j", "W": "shift-w", ".": "0x34", ">": "shift-0x34", "K": "shift-k", "X": "shift-x", "/": "0x35", "?": "shift-0x35", "L": "shift-l", "Y": "shift-y", " ": "spc", "M": "shift-m", "Z": "shift-z", "\n": "ret", "!": "shift-0x02", "@": "shift-0x03", "#": "shift-0x04", "$": "shift-0x05", "%": "shift-0x06", "^": "shift-0x07", "&": "shift-0x08", "*": "shift-0x09", "(": "shift-0x0A", ")": "shift-0x0B", } def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def create_vlan(vlan_nr): global log log.log("starting VDE switch for network {}".format(vlan_nr)) vde_socket = os.path.abspath("./vde{}.ctl".format(vlan_nr)) pty_master, pty_slave = pty.openpty() vde_process = subprocess.Popen( ["vde_switch", "-s", vde_socket, "--dirmode", "0777"], bufsize=1, stdin=pty_slave, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, ) fd = os.fdopen(pty_master, "w") fd.write("version\n") # TODO: perl version checks if this can be read from # an if not, dies. we could hang here forever. Fix it. vde_process.stdout.readline() if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(vde_socket, "ctl")): raise Exception("cannot start vde_switch") return (vlan_nr, vde_socket, vde_process, fd) def retry(fn): """Call the given function repeatedly, with 1 second intervals, until it returns True or a timeout is reached. """ for _ in range(900): if fn(False): return time.sleep(1) if not fn(True): raise Exception("action timed out") class Logger: def __init__(self): self.logfile = os.environ.get("LOGFILE", "/dev/null") self.logfile_handle = open(self.logfile, "wb") self.xml = XMLGenerator(self.logfile_handle, encoding="utf-8") self.queue = queue.Queue(1000) self.xml.startDocument() self.xml.startElement("logfile", attrs={}) def close(self): self.xml.endElement("logfile") self.xml.endDocument() self.logfile_handle.close() def sanitise(self, message): return "".join(ch for ch in message if unicodedata.category(ch)[0] != "C") def maybe_prefix(self, message, attributes): if "machine" in attributes: return "{}: {}".format(attributes["machine"], message) return message def log_line(self, message, attributes): self.xml.startElement("line", attributes) self.xml.characters(message) self.xml.endElement("line") def log(self, message, attributes={}): eprint(self.maybe_prefix(message, attributes)) self.drain_log_queue() self.log_line(message, attributes) def enqueue(self, message): self.queue.put(message) def drain_log_queue(self): try: while True: item = self.queue.get_nowait() attributes = {"machine": item["machine"], "type": "serial"} self.log_line(self.sanitise(item["msg"]), attributes) except queue.Empty: pass @contextmanager def nested(self, message, attributes={}): eprint(self.maybe_prefix(message, attributes)) self.xml.startElement("nest", attrs={}) self.xml.startElement("head", attributes) self.xml.characters(message) self.xml.endElement("head") tic = time.time() self.drain_log_queue() yield self.drain_log_queue() toc = time.time() self.log("({:.2f} seconds)".format(toc - tic)) self.xml.endElement("nest") class Machine: def __init__(self, args): if "name" in args: self.name = args["name"] else: self.name = "machine" try: cmd = args["startCommand"] self.name = re.search("run-(.+)-vm$", cmd).group(1) except KeyError: pass except AttributeError: pass self.script = args.get("startCommand", self.create_startcommand(args)) tmp_dir = os.environ.get("TMPDIR", tempfile.gettempdir()) def create_dir(name): path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, name) os.makedirs(path, mode=0o700, exist_ok=True) return path self.state_dir = create_dir("vm-state-{}".format(self.name)) self.shared_dir = create_dir("xchg-shared") self.booted = False self.connected = False self.pid = None self.socket = None self.monitor = None self.logger = args["log"] self.allow_reboot = args.get("allowReboot", False) @staticmethod def create_startcommand(args): net_backend = "-netdev user,id=net0" net_frontend = "-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0" if "netBackendArgs" in args: net_backend += "," + args["netBackendArgs"] if "netFrontendArgs" in args: net_frontend += "," + args["netFrontendArgs"] start_command = ( "qemu-kvm -m 384 " + net_backend + " " + net_frontend + " $QEMU_OPTS " ) if "hda" in args: hda_path = os.path.abspath(args["hda"]) if args.get("hdaInterface", "") == "scsi": start_command += ( "-drive id=hda,file=" + hda_path + ",werror=report,if=none " + "-device scsi-hd,drive=hda " ) else: start_command += ( "-drive file=" + hda_path + ",if=" + args["hdaInterface"] + ",werror=report " ) if "cdrom" in args: start_command += "-cdrom " + args["cdrom"] + " " if "usb" in args: start_command += ( "-device piix3-usb-uhci -drive " + "id=usbdisk,file=" + args["usb"] + ",if=none,readonly " + "-device usb-storage,drive=usbdisk " ) if "bios" in args: start_command += "-bios " + args["bios"] + " " start_command += args.get("qemuFlags", "") return start_command def is_up(self): return self.booted and self.connected def log(self, msg): self.logger.log(msg, {"machine": self.name}) def nested(self, msg, attrs={}): my_attrs = {"machine": self.name} my_attrs.update(attrs) return self.logger.nested(msg, my_attrs) def wait_for_monitor_prompt(self): while True: answer = self.monitor.recv(1024).decode() if answer.endswith("(qemu) "): return answer def send_monitor_command(self, command): message = ("{}\n".format(command)).encode() self.log("sending monitor command: {}".format(command)) self.monitor.send(message) return self.wait_for_monitor_prompt() def wait_for_unit(self, unit, user=None): while True: info = self.get_unit_info(unit, user) state = info["ActiveState"] if state == "failed": raise Exception('unit "{}" reached state "{}"'.format(unit, state)) if state == "inactive": status, jobs = self.systemctl("list-jobs --full 2>&1", user) if "No jobs" in jobs: info = self.get_unit_info(unit) if info["ActiveState"] == state: raise Exception( ( 'unit "{}" is inactive and there ' "are no pending jobs" ).format(unit) ) if state == "active": return True def get_unit_info(self, unit, user=None): status, lines = self.systemctl('--no-pager show "{}"'.format(unit), user) if status != 0: return None line_pattern = re.compile(r"^([^=]+)=(.*)$") def tuple_from_line(line): match = line_pattern.match(line) return match[1], match[2] return dict( tuple_from_line(line) for line in lines.split("\n") if line_pattern.match(line) ) def systemctl(self, q, user=None): if user is not None: q = q.replace("'", "\\'") return self.execute( ( "su -l {} -c " "$'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/`id -u` " "systemctl --user {}'" ).format(user, q) ) return self.execute("systemctl {}".format(q)) def require_unit_state(self, unit, require_state="active"): with self.nested( "checking if unit ‘{}’ has reached state '{}'".format(unit, require_state) ): info = self.get_unit_info(unit) state = info["ActiveState"] if state != require_state: raise Exception( "Expected unit ‘{}’ to to be in state ".format(unit) + "'active' but it is in state ‘{}’".format(state) ) def execute(self, command): self.connect() out_command = "( {} ); echo '|!EOF' $?\n".format(command) self.shell.send(out_command.encode()) output = "" status_code_pattern = re.compile(r"(.*)\|\!EOF\s+(\d+)") while True: chunk = self.shell.recv(4096).decode() match = status_code_pattern.match(chunk) if match: output += match[1] status_code = int(match[2]) return (status_code, output) output += chunk def succeed(self, *commands): """Execute each command and check that it succeeds.""" for command in commands: with self.nested("must succeed: {}".format(command)): status, output = self.execute(command) if status != 0: self.log("output: {}".format(output)) raise Exception( "command `{}` failed (exit code {})".format(command, status) ) return output def fail(self, *commands): """Execute each command and check that it fails.""" for command in commands: with self.nested("must fail: {}".format(command)): status, output = self.execute(command) if status == 0: raise Exception( "command `{}` unexpectedly succeeded".format(command) ) def wait_until_succeeds(self, command): with self.nested("waiting for success: {}".format(command)): while True: status, output = self.execute(command) if status == 0: return output def wait_until_fails(self, command): with self.nested("waiting for failure: {}".format(command)): while True: status, output = self.execute(command) if status != 0: return output def wait_for_shutdown(self): if not self.booted: return with self.nested("waiting for the VM to power off"): sys.stdout.flush() self.process.wait() self.pid = None self.booted = False self.connected = False def get_tty_text(self, tty): status, output = self.execute( "fold -w$(stty -F /dev/tty{0} size | " "awk '{{print $2}}') /dev/vcs{0}".format(tty) ) return output def wait_until_tty_matches(self, tty, regexp): matcher = re.compile(regexp) with self.nested("waiting for {} to appear on tty {}".format(regexp, tty)): while True: text = self.get_tty_text(tty) if len(matcher.findall(text)) > 0: return True def send_chars(self, chars): with self.nested("sending keys ‘{}‘".format(chars)): for char in chars: self.send_key(char) def wait_for_file(self, filename): with self.nested("waiting for file ‘{}‘".format(filename)): while True: status, _ = self.execute("test -e {}".format(filename)) if status == 0: return True def wait_for_open_port(self, port): def port_is_open(_): status, _ = self.execute("nc -z localhost {}".format(port)) return status == 0 with self.nested("waiting for TCP port {}".format(port)): retry(port_is_open) def wait_for_closed_port(self, port): def port_is_closed(_): status, _ = self.execute("nc -z localhost {}".format(port)) return status != 0 retry(port_is_closed) def start_job(self, jobname, user=None): return self.systemctl("start {}".format(jobname), user) def stop_job(self, jobname, user=None): return self.systemctl("stop {}".format(jobname), user) def wait_for_job(self, jobname): return self.wait_for_unit(jobname) def connect(self): if self.connected: return with self.nested("waiting for the VM to finish booting"): self.start() tic = time.time() self.shell.recv(1024) # TODO: Timeout toc = time.time() self.log("connected to guest root shell") self.log("(connecting took {:.2f} seconds)".format(toc - tic)) self.connected = True def screenshot(self, filename): out_dir = os.environ.get("out", os.getcwd()) word_pattern = re.compile(r"^\w+$") if word_pattern.match(filename): filename = os.path.join(out_dir, "{}.png".format(filename)) tmp = "{}.ppm".format(filename) with self.nested( "making screenshot {}".format(filename), {"image": os.path.basename(filename)}, ): self.send_monitor_command("screendump {}".format(tmp)) ret = subprocess.run("pnmtopng {} > {}".format(tmp, filename), shell=True) os.unlink(tmp) if ret.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Cannot convert screenshot") def get_screen_text(self): if shutil.which("tesseract") is None: raise Exception("get_screen_text used but enableOCR is false") magick_args = ( "-filter Catrom -density 72 -resample 300 " + "-contrast -normalize -despeckle -type grayscale " + "-sharpen 1 -posterize 3 -negate -gamma 100 " + "-blur 1x65535" ) tess_args = "-c debug_file=/dev/null --psm 11 --oem 2" with self.nested("performing optical character recognition"): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpin: self.send_monitor_command("screendump {}".format(tmpin.name)) cmd = "convert {} {} tiff:- | tesseract - - {}".format( magick_args, tmpin.name, tess_args ) ret = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, capture_output=True) if ret.returncode != 0: raise Exception( "OCR failed with exit code {}".format(ret.returncode) ) return ret.stdout.decode("utf-8") def wait_for_text(self, regex): def screen_matches(last): text = self.get_screen_text() m = re.search(regex, text) if last and not m: self.log("Last OCR attempt failed. Text was: {}".format(text)) return m with self.nested("waiting for {} to appear on screen".format(regex)): retry(screen_matches) def send_key(self, key): key = CHAR_TO_KEY.get(key, key) self.send_monitor_command("sendkey {}".format(key)) def start(self): if self.booted: return self.log("starting vm") def create_socket(path): if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) s = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_UNIX, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(path) s.listen(1) return s monitor_path = os.path.join(self.state_dir, "monitor") self.monitor_socket = create_socket(monitor_path) shell_path = os.path.join(self.state_dir, "shell") self.shell_socket = create_socket(shell_path) qemu_options = ( " ".join( [ "" if self.allow_reboot else "-no-reboot", "-monitor unix:{}".format(monitor_path), "-chardev socket,id=shell,path={}".format(shell_path), "-device virtio-serial", "-device virtconsole,chardev=shell", "-device virtio-rng-pci", "-serial stdio" if "DISPLAY" in os.environ else "-nographic", ] ) + " " + os.environ.get("QEMU_OPTS", "") ) environment = { "QEMU_OPTS": qemu_options, "SHARED_DIR": self.shared_dir, "USE_TMPDIR": "1", } environment.update(dict(os.environ)) self.process = subprocess.Popen( self.script, bufsize=1, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False, cwd=self.state_dir, env=environment, ) self.monitor, _ = self.monitor_socket.accept() self.shell, _ = self.shell_socket.accept() def process_serial_output(): for line in self.process.stdout: line = line.decode().replace("\r", "").rstrip() eprint("{} # {}".format(self.name, line)) self.logger.enqueue({"msg": line, "machine": self.name}) _thread.start_new_thread(process_serial_output, ()) self.wait_for_monitor_prompt() self.pid = self.process.pid self.booted = True self.log("QEMU running (pid {})".format(self.pid)) def shutdown(self): if self.booted: return self.shell.send("poweroff\n".encode()) self.wait_for_shutdown() def crash(self): if self.booted: return self.log("forced crash") self.send_monitor_command("quit") self.wait_for_shutdown() def wait_for_x(self): """Wait until it is possible to connect to the X server. Note that testing the existence of /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 is insufficient. """ with self.nested("waiting for the X11 server"): while True: cmd = ( "journalctl -b SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=systemd | " + 'grep "Reached target Current graphical"' ) status, _ = self.execute(cmd) if status != 0: continue status, _ = self.execute("[ -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 ]") if status == 0: return def sleep(self, secs): time.sleep(secs) def block(self): """Make the machine unreachable by shutting down eth1 (the multicast interface used to talk to the other VMs). We keep eth0 up so that the test driver can continue to talk to the machine. """ self.send_monitor_command("set_link virtio-net-pci.1 off") def unblock(self): """Make the machine reachable. """ self.send_monitor_command("set_link virtio-net-pci.1 on") def create_machine(args): global log args["log"] = log args["redirectSerial"] = os.environ.get("USE_SERIAL", "0") == "1" return Machine(args) def start_all(): with log.nested("starting all VMs"): for machine in machines: machine.start() def join_all(): with log.nested("waiting for all VMs to finish"): for machine in machines: machine.wait_for_shutdown() def test_script(): exec(os.environ["testScript"]) def run_tests(): tests = os.environ.get("tests", None) if tests is not None: with log.nested("running the VM test script"): try: exec(tests) except Exception as e: eprint("error: {}".format(str(e))) sys.exit(1) else: ptpython.repl.embed(locals(), globals()) # TODO: Collect coverage data for machine in machines: if machine.is_up(): machine.execute("sync") if nr_tests != 0: log.log("{} out of {} tests succeeded".format(nr_succeeded, nr_tests)) @contextmanager def subtest(name): global nr_tests global nr_succeeded with log.nested(name): nr_tests += 1 try: yield nr_succeeded += 1 return True except Exception as e: log.log("error: {}".format(str(e))) return False if __name__ == "__main__": global log log = Logger() vlan_nrs = list(dict.fromkeys(os.environ["VLANS"].split())) vde_sockets = [create_vlan(v) for v in vlan_nrs] for nr, vde_socket, _, _ in vde_sockets: os.environ["QEMU_VDE_SOCKET_{}".format(nr)] = vde_socket vm_scripts = sys.argv[1:] machines = [create_machine({"startCommand": s}) for s in vm_scripts] machine_eval = [ "{0} = machines[{1}]".format(m.name, idx) for idx, m in enumerate(machines) ] exec("\n".join(machine_eval)) nr_tests = 0 nr_succeeded = 0 @atexit.register def clean_up(): with log.nested("cleaning up"): for machine in machines: if machine.pid is None: continue log.log("killing {} (pid {})".format(machine.name, machine.pid)) machine.process.kill() for _, _, process, _ in vde_sockets: process.kill() log.close() tic = time.time() run_tests() toc = time.time() print("test script finished in {:.2f}s".format(toc - tic))