{ system ? builtins.currentSystem , allPackages ? import ../../top-level/all-packages.nix , platform ? null , config ? {} }: rec { allPackages = import ../../top-level/all-packages.nix; bootstrapTools = derivation { inherit system; name = "trivial-bootstrap-tools"; builder = "/bin/sh"; args = [ ./trivialBootstrap.sh ]; mkdir = "/bin/mkdir"; ln = "/bin/ln"; }; # The simplest stdenv possible to run fetchadc and get the Apple command-line tools stage0 = rec { fetchurl = import ../../build-support/fetchurl { inherit stdenv; curl = bootstrapTools; }; stdenv = import ../generic { inherit system config; name = "stdenv-darwin-boot-0"; shell = "/bin/bash"; initialPath = [ bootstrapTools ]; fetchurlBoot = fetchurl; cc = "/no-such-path"; }; }; buildTools = import ../../os-specific/darwin/command-line-tools { inherit (stage0) stdenv fetchurl; xar = bootstrapTools; gzip = bootstrapTools; cpio = bootstrapTools; }; preHook = '' export NIX_IGNORE_LD_THROUGH_GCC=1 export NIX_DONT_SET_RPATH=1 export NIX_NO_SELF_RPATH=1 dontFixLibtool=1 stripAllFlags=" " # the Darwin "strip" command doesn't know "-s" xargsFlags=" " export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.7 export SDKROOT= export SDKROOT_X=/ # FIXME: impure! export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE+=" --sysroot=/var/empty -idirafter $SDKROOT_X/usr/include -F$SDKROOT_X/System/Library/Frameworks -Wno-multichar -Wno-deprecated-declarations" export NIX_LDFLAGS_AFTER+=" -L$SDKROOT_X/usr/lib" export CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64 ''; # A stdenv that wraps the Apple command-line tools and our other trivial symlinked bootstrap tools stage1 = rec { nativePrefix = "${buildTools.tools}/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr"; stdenv = import ../generic { name = "stdenv-darwin-boot-1"; inherit system config; inherit (stage0.stdenv) shell initialPath fetchurlBoot; preHook = preHook + "\n" + '' export NIX_LDFLAGS_AFTER+=" -L/usr/lib" export NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY= export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE+=" -isystem ${nativePrefix}/include/c++/v1 -stdlib=libc++" export NIX_CFLAGS_LINK+=" -stdlib=libc++ -Wl,-rpath,${nativePrefix}/lib" ''; cc = import ../../build-support/cc-wrapper { nativeTools = true; nativePrefix = nativePrefix; nativeLibc = true; stdenv = stage0.stdenv; shell = "/bin/bash"; cc = { name = "clang-9.9.9"; cc = "/usr"; outPath = "${buildTools.tools}/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr"; }; }; }; pkgs = allPackages { inherit system platform; bootStdenv = stdenv; }; }; stage2 = rec { stdenv = import ../generic { name = "stdenv-darwin-boot-2"; inherit system config; inherit (stage1.stdenv) shell fetchurlBoot preHook cc; initialPath = [ stage1.pkgs.xz ] ++ stage1.stdenv.initialPath; }; pkgs = allPackages { inherit system platform; bootStdenv = stdenv; }; }; # Use stage1 to build a whole set of actual tools so we don't have to rely on the Apple prebuilt ones or # the ugly symlinked bootstrap tools anymore. stage3 = with stage2; import ../generic { name = "stdenv-darwin-boot-3"; inherit system config; inherit (stdenv) fetchurlBoot; initialPath = (import ../common-path.nix) { inherit pkgs; }; preHook = preHook + "\n" + '' export NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY=1 ''; cc = import ../../build-support/cc-wrapper { inherit stdenv; nativeTools = false; nativeLibc = true; binutils = pkgs.darwin.cctools_native; cc = pkgs.llvmPackages.clang; coreutils = pkgs.coreutils; shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; extraPackages = [ pkgs.libcxx ]; }; shell = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; }; stdenvDarwin = stage3; }