{ system ? builtins.currentSystem , config ? { } , pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system config; } }: let inherit (import ../lib/testing-python.nix { inherit system pkgs; }) makeTest; inherit (pkgs.lib) concatStringsSep maintainers mapAttrs mkMerge removeSuffix replaceStrings singleton splitString makeBinPath; /* * The attrset `exporterTests` contains one attribute * for each exporter test. Each of these attributes * is expected to be an attrset containing: * * `exporterConfig`: * this attribute set contains config for the exporter itself * * `exporterTest` * this attribute set contains test instructions * * `metricProvider` (optional) * this attribute contains additional machine config * * `nodeName` (optional) * override an incompatible testnode name * * Example: * exporterTests. = { * exporterConfig = { * enable = true; * }; * metricProvider = { * services..enable = true; * }; * exporterTest = '' * wait_for_unit("prometheus--exporter.service") * wait_for_open_port(1234) * succeed("curl -sSf 'localhost:1234/metrics'") * ''; * }; * * # this would generate the following test config: * * nodes. = { * services.prometheus. = { * enable = true; * }; * services..enable = true; * }; * * testScript = '' * .start() * .wait_for_unit("prometheus--exporter.service") * .wait_for_open_port(1234) * .succeed("curl -sSf 'localhost:1234/metrics'") * .shutdown() * ''; */ exporterTests = { apcupsd = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { services.apcupsd.enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("apcupsd.service") wait_for_open_port(3551) wait_for_unit("prometheus-apcupsd-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9162) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9162/metrics | grep 'apcupsd_info'") ''; }; artifactory = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; artiUsername = "artifactory-username"; artiPassword = "artifactory-password"; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-artifactory-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9531) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9531/metrics | grep 'artifactory_up'" ) ''; }; bind = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { services.bind.enable = true; services.bind.extraConfig = '' statistics-channels { inet port 8053 allow { localhost; }; }; ''; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-bind-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9119) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9119/metrics | grep 'bind_query_recursions_total 0'" ) ''; }; bird = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { services.bird2.enable = true; services.bird2.config = '' router id; protocol kernel MyObviousTestString { ipv4 { import all; export none; }; } protocol device { } ''; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-bird-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9324) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9324/metrics | grep 'MyObviousTestString'" ) ''; }; bitcoin = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; rpcUser = "bitcoinrpc"; rpcPasswordFile = pkgs.writeText "password" "hunter2"; }; metricProvider = { services.bitcoind.default.enable = true; services.bitcoind.default.rpc.users.bitcoinrpc.passwordHMAC = "e8fe33f797e698ac258c16c8d7aadfbe$872bdb8f4d787367c26bcfd75e6c23c4f19d44a69f5d1ad329e5adf3f82710f7"; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-bitcoin-exporter.service") wait_for_unit("bitcoind-default.service") wait_for_open_port(9332) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9332/metrics | grep '^bitcoin_blocks '") ''; }; blackbox = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; configFile = pkgs.writeText "config.yml" (builtins.toJSON { modules.icmp_v6 = { prober = "icmp"; icmp.preferred_ip_protocol = "ip6"; }; }); }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-blackbox-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9115) succeed( "curl -sSf 'http://localhost:9115/probe?target=localhost&module=icmp_v6' | grep 'probe_success 1'" ) ''; }; collectd = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; extraFlags = [ "--web.collectd-push-path /collectd" ]; }; exporterTest = let postData = replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ "" ] '' [{ "values":[23], "dstypes":["gauge"], "type":"gauge", "interval":1000, "host":"testhost", "plugin":"testplugin", "time":DATE }] ''; in '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-collectd-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9103) succeed( 'echo \'${postData}\'> /tmp/data.json' ) succeed('sed -ie "s DATE $(date +%s) " /tmp/data.json') succeed( "curl -sSfH 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST --data @/tmp/data.json localhost:9103/collectd" ) succeed( "curl -sSf localhost:9103/metrics | grep 'collectd_testplugin_gauge{instance=\"testhost\"} 23'" ) ''; }; deluge = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; port = 1234; listenAddress = ""; delugeUser = "user"; delugePort = 2345; delugePasswordFile = pkgs.writeText "password" "weak_password"; }; metricProvider = { services.deluge.enable = true; services.deluge.declarative = true; services.deluge.config.daemon_port = 2345; services.deluge.authFile = pkgs.writeText "authFile" '' localclient:abcdef:10 user:weak_password:10 ''; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("deluged.service") wait_for_open_port(2345) wait_for_unit("prometheus-deluge-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(1234) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:1234 | grep 'deluge_torrents'") ''; }; dnsmasq = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; leasesPath = "/var/lib/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases"; }; metricProvider = { services.dnsmasq.enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("dnsmasq.service") wait_for_open_port(53) wait_for_file("/var/lib/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases") wait_for_unit("prometheus-dnsmasq-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9153) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9153/metrics | grep 'dnsmasq_leases 0'") ''; }; dnssec = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; configuration = { records = [ { zone = "example.com"; record = "@"; type = "SOA"; } ]; }; resolvers = [ "" ]; }; metricProvider = { services.knot = { enable = true; settingsFile = pkgs.writeText "knot.conf" '' server: listen: template: - id: default storage: ${pkgs.buildEnv { name = "zones"; paths = [(pkgs.writeTextDir "example.com.zone" '' @ SOA ns1.example.com. noc.example.com. 2024032401 86400 7200 3600000 172800 @ NS ns1 ns1 A '')]; }} zonefile-load: difference zonefile-sync: -1 zone: - domain: example.com file: example.com.zone dnssec-signing: on ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("knot.service") wait_for_open_port(53) wait_for_unit("prometheus-dnssec-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9204) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9204/metrics | grep 'example.com'") ''; }; # Access to WHOIS server is required to properly test this exporter, so # just perform basic sanity check that the exporter is running and returns # a failure. domain = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-domain-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9222) succeed("curl -sSf 'http://localhost:9222/probe?target=nixos.org'") ''; }; dovecot = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; scopes = [ "global" ]; socketPath = "/var/run/dovecot2/old-stats"; user = "root"; # <- don't use user root in production }; metricProvider = { services.dovecot2.enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-dovecot-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9166) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9166/metrics | grep 'dovecot_up{scope=\"global\"} 1'" ) ''; }; fastly = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; tokenPath = pkgs.writeText "token" "abc123"; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-fastly-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9118) ''; }; fritzbox = { # TODO add proper test case exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-fritzbox-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9133) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9133/metrics | grep 'fritzbox_exporter_collect_errors 0'" ) ''; }; graphite = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; port = 9108; graphitePort = 9109; mappingSettings.mappings = [{ match = "test.*.*"; name = "testing"; labels = { protocol = "$1"; author = "$2"; }; }]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-graphite-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9108) wait_for_open_port(9109) succeed("echo test.tcp.foo-bar 1234 $(date +%s) | nc -w1 localhost 9109") succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9108/metrics | grep 'testing{author=\"foo-bar\",protocol=\"tcp\"} 1234'") ''; }; idrac = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; port = 9348; configuration = { hosts = { default = { username = "username"; password = "password"; }; }; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-idrac-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9348) wait_until_succeeds("curl localhost:9348") ''; }; influxdb = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; sampleExpiry = "3s"; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-influxdb-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9122) succeed( "curl -XPOST http://localhost:9122/write --data-binary 'influxdb_exporter,distro=nixos,added_in=21.09 value=1'" ) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9122/metrics | grep 'nixos'" ) execute("sleep 5") fail( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9122/metrics | grep 'nixos'" ) ''; }; ipmi = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-ipmi-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9290) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9290/metrics | grep 'ipmi_scrape_duration_seconds'" ) ''; }; jitsi = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { systemd.services.prometheus-jitsi-exporter.after = [ "jitsi-videobridge2.service" ]; services.jitsi-videobridge = { enable = true; colibriRestApi = true; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("jitsi-videobridge2.service") wait_for_open_port(8080) wait_for_unit("prometheus-jitsi-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9700) wait_until_succeeds( 'journalctl -eu prometheus-jitsi-exporter.service -o cat | grep "key=participants"' ) succeed("curl -sSf 'localhost:9700/metrics' | grep 'jitsi_participants 0'") ''; }; json = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; url = "http://localhost"; configFile = pkgs.writeText "json-exporter-conf.json" (builtins.toJSON { modules = { default = { metrics = [ { name = "json_test_metric"; path = "{ .test }"; } ]; }; }; }); }; metricProvider = { systemd.services.prometheus-json-exporter.after = [ "nginx.service" ]; services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts.localhost.locations."/".extraConfig = '' return 200 "{\"test\":1}"; ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("nginx.service") wait_for_open_port(80) wait_for_unit("prometheus-json-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(7979) succeed( "curl -sSf 'localhost:7979/probe?target=http://localhost' | grep 'json_test_metric 1'" ) ''; }; knot = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { services.knot = { enable = true; extraArgs = [ "-v" ]; settingsFile = pkgs.writeText "knot.conf" '' server: listen: template: - id: default global-module: mod-stats dnssec-signing: off zonefile-sync: -1 journal-db: /var/lib/knot/journal kasp-db: /var/lib/knot/kasp timer-db: /var/lib/knot/timer zonefile-load: difference storage: ${pkgs.buildEnv { name = "foo"; paths = [ (pkgs.writeTextDir "test.zone" '' @ SOA ns.example.com. noc.example.com. 2019031301 86400 7200 3600000 172800 @ NS ns1 @ NS ns2 ns1 A '') ]; }} mod-stats: - id: custom edns-presence: on query-type: on zone: - domain: test file: test.zone module: mod-stats/custom ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("knot.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-knot-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9433) succeed("curl -sSf 'localhost:9433' | grep '2\.019031301'") ''; }; keylight = { # A hardware device is required to properly test this exporter, so just # perform a couple of basic sanity checks that the exporter is running # and requires a target, but cannot reach a specified target. exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-keylight-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9288) succeed( "curl -sS --write-out '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null http://localhost:9288/metrics | grep '400'" ) succeed( "curl -sS --write-out '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null http://localhost:9288/metrics?target=nosuchdevice | grep '500'" ) ''; }; lnd = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; lndTlsPath = "/var/lib/lnd/tls.cert"; lndMacaroonDir = "/var/lib/lnd"; extraFlags = [ "--lnd.network=regtest" ]; }; metricProvider = { systemd.services.prometheus-lnd-exporter.serviceConfig.RestartSec = 15; systemd.services.prometheus-lnd-exporter.after = [ "lnd.service" ]; services.bitcoind.regtest = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' rpcauth=bitcoinrpc:e8fe33f797e698ac258c16c8d7aadfbe$872bdb8f4d787367c26bcfd75e6c23c4f19d44a69f5d1ad329e5adf3f82710f7 zmqpubrawblock=tcp:// zmqpubrawtx=tcp:// ''; extraCmdlineOptions = [ "-regtest" ]; }; systemd.services.lnd = { serviceConfig.ExecStart = '' ${pkgs.lnd}/bin/lnd \ --datadir=/var/lib/lnd \ --tlscertpath=/var/lib/lnd/tls.cert \ --tlskeypath=/var/lib/lnd/tls.key \ --logdir=/var/log/lnd \ --bitcoin.active \ --bitcoin.regtest \ --bitcoin.node=bitcoind \ --bitcoind.rpcuser=bitcoinrpc \ --bitcoind.rpcpass=hunter2 \ --bitcoind.zmqpubrawblock=tcp:// \ --bitcoind.zmqpubrawtx=tcp:// \ --readonlymacaroonpath=/var/lib/lnd/readonly.macaroon ''; serviceConfig.StateDirectory = "lnd"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" ]; }; # initialize wallet, creates macaroon needed by exporter systemd.services.lnd.postStart = '' ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl \ --retry 20 \ --retry-delay 1 \ --retry-connrefused \ --cacert /var/lib/lnd/tls.cert \ -X GET \ https://localhost:8080/v1/genseed | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -c '.cipher_seed_mnemonic' > /tmp/seed ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl \ --retry 20 \ --retry-delay 1 \ --retry-connrefused \ --cacert /var/lib/lnd/tls.cert \ -X POST \ -d "{\"wallet_password\": \"asdfasdfasdf\", \"cipher_seed_mnemonic\": $(cat /tmp/seed | tr -d '\n')}" \ https://localhost:8080/v1/initwallet ''; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("lnd.service") wait_for_open_port(10009) wait_for_unit("prometheus-lnd-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9092) succeed("curl -sSf localhost:9092/metrics | grep '^lnd_peer_count'") ''; }; mail = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; configuration = { monitoringInterval = "2s"; mailCheckTimeout = "10s"; servers = [{ name = "testserver"; server = "localhost"; port = 25; from = "mail-exporter@localhost"; to = "mail-exporter@localhost"; detectionDir = "/var/spool/mail/mail-exporter/new"; }]; }; }; metricProvider = { services.postfix.enable = true; systemd.services.prometheus-mail-exporter = { after = [ "postfix.service" ]; requires = [ "postfix.service" ]; serviceConfig = { ExecStartPre = [ "${pkgs.writeShellScript "create-maildir" '' mkdir -p -m 0700 mail-exporter/new ''}" ]; ProtectHome = true; ReadOnlyPaths = "/"; ReadWritePaths = "/var/spool/mail"; WorkingDirectory = "/var/spool/mail"; }; }; users.users.mailexporter = { isSystemUser = true; group = "mailexporter"; }; users.groups.mailexporter = {}; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("postfix.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-mail-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9225) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9225/metrics | grep 'mail_deliver_success{configname=\"testserver\"} 1'" ) ''; }; mikrotik = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; extraFlags = [ "-timeout=1s" ]; configuration = { devices = [ { name = "router"; address = ""; user = "prometheus"; password = "shh"; } ]; features = { bgp = true; dhcp = true; dhcpl = true; dhcpv6 = true; health = true; routes = true; poe = true; pools = true; optics = true; w60g = true; wlansta = true; wlanif = true; monitor = true; ipsec = true; }; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-mikrotik-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9436) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9436/metrics | grep 'mikrotik_scrape_collector_success{device=\"router\"} 0'" ) ''; }; modemmanager = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; refreshRate = "10s"; }; metricProvider = { # ModemManager is installed when NetworkManager is enabled. Ensure it is # started and is wanted by NM and the exporter to start everything up # in the right order. networking.networkmanager.enable = true; systemd.services.ModemManager = { enable = true; wantedBy = [ "NetworkManager.service" "prometheus-modemmanager-exporter.service" ]; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("ModemManager.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-modemmanager-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9539) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9539/metrics | grep 'modemmanager_info'" ) ''; }; mysqld = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; runAsLocalSuperUser = true; configFile = pkgs.writeText "test-prometheus-exporter-mysqld-config.my-cnf" '' [client] user = exporter password = snakeoilpassword ''; }; metricProvider = { services.mysql = { enable = true; package = pkgs.mariadb; initialScript = pkgs.writeText "mysql-init-script.sql" '' CREATE USER 'exporter'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'snakeoilpassword' WITH MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 3; GRANT PROCESS, REPLICATION CLIENT, SLAVE MONITOR, SELECT ON *.* TO 'exporter'@'localhost'; ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-mysqld-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9104) wait_for_unit("mysql.service") succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9104/metrics | grep 'mysql_up 1'") systemctl("stop mysql.service") succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9104/metrics | grep 'mysql_up 0'") systemctl("start mysql.service") wait_for_unit("mysql.service") succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9104/metrics | grep 'mysql_up 1'") ''; }; nextcloud = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; passwordFile = "/var/nextcloud-pwfile"; url = "http://localhost"; }; metricProvider = { systemd.services.nc-pwfile = let passfile = (pkgs.writeText "pwfile" "snakeoilpw"); in { requiredBy = [ "prometheus-nextcloud-exporter.service" ]; before = [ "prometheus-nextcloud-exporter.service" ]; serviceConfig.ExecStart = '' ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/install -o nextcloud-exporter -m 0400 ${passfile} /var/nextcloud-pwfile ''; }; services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts."localhost" = { basicAuth.nextcloud-exporter = "snakeoilpw"; locations."/" = { root = "${pkgs.prometheus-nextcloud-exporter.src}/serverinfo/testdata"; tryFiles = "/negative-space.json =404"; }; }; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("nginx.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-nextcloud-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9205) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9205/metrics | grep 'nextcloud_up 1'") ''; }; nginx = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; constLabels = [ "foo=bar" ]; }; metricProvider = { services.nginx = { enable = true; statusPage = true; virtualHosts."test".extraConfig = "return 204;"; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("nginx.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-nginx-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9113) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9113/metrics | grep 'nginx_up{foo=\"bar\"} 1'") ''; }; nginxlog = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; group = "nginx"; settings = { namespaces = [ { name = "filelogger"; source = { files = [ "/var/log/nginx/filelogger.access.log" ]; }; } { name = "syslogger"; source = { syslog = { listen_address = "udp://"; format = "rfc3164"; tags = [ "nginx" ]; }; }; } ]; }; }; metricProvider = { services.nginx = { enable = true; httpConfig = '' server { listen 80; server_name filelogger.local; access_log /var/log/nginx/filelogger.access.log; } server { listen 81; server_name syslogger.local; access_log syslog:server=,tag=nginx,severity=info; } ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("nginx.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-nginxlog-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9117) wait_for_open_port(80) wait_for_open_port(81) succeed("curl http://localhost") execute("sleep 1") succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9117/metrics | grep 'filelogger_http_response_count_total' | grep 1" ) succeed("curl http://localhost:81") execute("sleep 1") succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9117/metrics | grep 'syslogger_http_response_count_total' | grep 1" ) ''; }; node = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-node-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9100) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9100/metrics | grep 'node_exporter_build_info{.\\+} 1'" ) ''; }; openldap = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; ldapCredentialFile = "${pkgs.writeText "exporter.yml" '' ldapUser: "cn=root,dc=example" ldapPass: "notapassword" ''}"; }; metricProvider = { services.openldap = { enable = true; settings.children = { "cn=schema".includes = [ "${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/core.ldif" "${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/cosine.ldif" "${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/inetorgperson.ldif" "${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/nis.ldif" ]; "olcDatabase={1}mdb" = { attrs = { objectClass = [ "olcDatabaseConfig" "olcMdbConfig" ]; olcDatabase = "{1}mdb"; olcDbDirectory = "/var/lib/openldap/db"; olcSuffix = "dc=example"; olcRootDN = { # cn=root,dc=example base64 = "Y249cm9vdCxkYz1leGFtcGxl"; }; olcRootPW = { path = "${pkgs.writeText "rootpw" "notapassword"}"; }; }; }; "olcDatabase={2}monitor".attrs = { objectClass = [ "olcDatabaseConfig" ]; olcDatabase = "{2}monitor"; olcAccess = [ "to dn.subtree=cn=monitor by users read" ]; }; }; declarativeContents."dc=example" = '' dn: dc=example objectClass: domain dc: example dn: ou=users,dc=example objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: users ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-openldap-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(389) wait_for_open_port(9330) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9330/metrics | grep 'openldap_scrape{result=\"ok\"} 1'" ) ''; }; pgbouncer = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; connectionStringFile = pkgs.writeText "connection.conf" "postgres://admin:@localhost:6432/pgbouncer?sslmode=disable"; }; metricProvider = { services.postgresql.enable = true; services.pgbouncer = { # https://github.com/prometheus-community/pgbouncer_exporter#pgbouncer-configuration ignoreStartupParameters = "extra_float_digits"; enable = true; listenAddress = "*"; databases = { postgres = "host=/run/postgresql/ port=5432 auth_user=postgres dbname=postgres"; }; authType = "any"; maxClientConn = 99; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("postgresql.service") wait_for_unit("pgbouncer.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9127) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9127/metrics | grep 'pgbouncer_up 1'") succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9127/metrics | grep 'pgbouncer_config_max_client_connections 99'" ) ''; }; php-fpm = { nodeName = "php_fpm"; exporterConfig = { enable = true; environmentFile = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "/tmp/prometheus-php-fpm-exporter.env"; text = '' PHP_FPM_SCRAPE_URI="tcp://" ''; }; }; metricProvider = { users.users."php-fpm-exporter" = { isSystemUser = true; group = "php-fpm-exporter"; }; users.groups."php-fpm-exporter" = {}; services.phpfpm.pools."php-fpm-exporter" = { user = "php-fpm-exporter"; group = "php-fpm-exporter"; settings = { "pm" = "dynamic"; "pm.max_children" = 32; "pm.max_requests" = 500; "pm.start_servers" = 2; "pm.min_spare_servers" = 2; "pm.max_spare_servers" = 5; "pm.status_path" = "/status"; "listen" = ""; "listen.allowed_clients" = ""; }; phpEnv."PATH" = makeBinPath [ pkgs.php ]; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("phpfpm-php-fpm-exporter.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-php-fpm-exporter.service") succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9253/metrics | grep 'phpfpm_up{.*} 1'") ''; }; ping = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; settings = { targets = [ { "localhost" = { alias = "local machine"; env = "prod"; type = "domain"; }; } { "" = { alias = "local machine"; type = "v4"; }; } { "::1" = { alias = "local machine"; type = "v6"; }; } { "google.com" = {}; } ]; dns = {}; ping = { interval = "2s"; timeout = "3s"; history-size = 42; payload-size = 56; }; log = { level = "warn"; }; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-ping-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9427) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9427/metrics | grep 'ping_up{.*} 1'") ''; }; postfix = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { services.postfix.enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-postfix-exporter.service") wait_for_file("/var/lib/postfix/queue/public/showq") wait_for_open_port(9154) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9154/metrics | grep 'postfix_up{path=\"/var/lib/postfix/queue/public/showq\"} 1'" ) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9154/metrics | grep 'postfix_smtpd_connects_total 0'" ) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9154/metrics | grep 'postfix_up{.*} 1'") ''; }; postgres = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; runAsLocalSuperUser = true; }; metricProvider = { services.postgresql.enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-postgres-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9187) wait_for_unit("postgresql.service") succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9187/metrics | grep 'pg_exporter_last_scrape_error 0'" ) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9187/metrics | grep 'pg_up 1'") systemctl("stop postgresql.service") succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9187/metrics | grep -v 'pg_exporter_last_scrape_error 0'" ) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9187/metrics | grep 'pg_up 0'") systemctl("start postgresql.service") wait_for_unit("postgresql.service") succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9187/metrics | grep 'pg_exporter_last_scrape_error 0'" ) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9187/metrics | grep 'pg_up 1'") ''; }; process = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; settings.process_names = [ # Remove nix store path from process name { name = "{{.Matches.Wrapped}} {{ .Matches.Args }}"; cmdline = [ "^/nix/store[^ ]*/(?P[^ /]*) (?P.*)" ]; } ]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-process-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9256) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf localhost:9256/metrics | grep -q '{}'".format( 'namedprocess_namegroup_cpu_seconds_total{groupname="process-exporter ' ) ) ''; }; pve = let pveExporterEnvFile = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "pve.env"; text = '' PVE_USER="test_user@pam" PVE_PASSWORD="hunter3" PVE_VERIFY_SSL="false" ''; }; in { exporterConfig = { enable = true; environmentFile = pveExporterEnvFile; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-pve-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9221) wait_until_succeeds("curl localhost:9221") ''; }; py-air-control = { nodeName = "py_air_control"; exporterConfig = { enable = true; deviceHostname = ""; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-py-air-control-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9896) succeed( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9896/metrics | grep 'py_air_control_sampling_error_total'" ) ''; }; redis = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider.services.redis.servers."".enable = true; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("redis.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-redis-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(6379) wait_for_open_port(9121) wait_until_succeeds("curl -sSf localhost:9121/metrics | grep 'redis_up 1'") ''; }; restic = let repository = "rest:"; passwordFile = pkgs.writeText "restic-test-password" "test-password"; in { exporterConfig = { enable = true; inherit repository passwordFile; }; metricProvider = { services.restic.server = { enable = true; extraFlags = [ "--no-auth" ]; }; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.restic ]; }; exporterTest = '' # prometheus-restic-exporter.service fails without initialised repository systemctl("stop prometheus-restic-exporter.service") # Initialise the repository wait_for_unit("restic-rest-server.service") wait_for_open_port(8000) succeed("restic init --repo ${repository} --password-file ${passwordFile}") systemctl("start prometheus-restic-exporter.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-restic-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9753) wait_until_succeeds("curl -sSf localhost:9753/metrics | grep 'restic_check_success 1.0'") ''; }; rspamd = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { services.rspamd.enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("rspamd.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-rspamd-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(11334) wait_for_open_port(7980) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf 'localhost:7980/probe?target=http://localhost:11334/stat' | grep 'rspamd_scanned{host=\"rspamd\"} 0'" ) ''; }; rtl_433 = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { # Mock rtl_433 binary to return a dummy metric stream. nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { rtl_433 = self.runCommand "rtl_433" { } '' mkdir -p "$out/bin" cat < "$out/bin/rtl_433" #!/bin/sh while true; do printf '{"time" : "2020-04-26 13:37:42", "model" : "zopieux", "id" : 55, "channel" : 3, "temperature_C" : 18.000}\n' sleep 4 done EOF chmod +x "$out/bin/rtl_433" ''; }) ]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-rtl_433-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9550) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf localhost:9550/metrics | grep '{}'".format( 'rtl_433_temperature_celsius{channel="3",id="55",location="",model="zopieux"} 18' ) ) ''; }; sabnzbd = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; servers = [{ baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080"; apiKeyFile = "/var/sabnzbd-apikey"; }]; }; metricProvider = { services.sabnzbd.enable = true; # unrar is required for sabnzbd nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (pkgs.lib.getName pkg) [ "unrar" ]; # extract the generated api key before starting systemd.services.sabnzbd-apikey = { requires = [ "sabnzbd.service" ]; after = [ "sabnzbd.service" ]; requiredBy = [ "prometheus-sabnzbd-exporter.service" ]; before = [ "prometheus-sabnzbd-exporter.service" ]; script = '' grep -Po '^api_key = \K.+' /var/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini > /var/sabnzbd-apikey ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("sabnzbd.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-sabnzbd-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(8080) wait_for_open_port(9387) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf 'localhost:9387/metrics' | grep 'sabnzbd_queue_size{sabnzbd_instance=\"http://localhost:8080\"} 0.0'" ) ''; }; scaphandre = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { boot.kernelModules = [ "intel_rapl_common" ]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-scaphandre-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(8080) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf 'localhost:8080/metrics'" ) ''; }; shelly = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; metrics-file = "${pkgs.writeText "test.json" ''{}''}"; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-shelly-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9784) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf 'localhost:9784/metrics'" ) ''; }; script = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; settings.scripts = [ { name = "success"; script = "sleep 1"; } ]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-script-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9172) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf 'localhost:9172/probe?name=success' | grep -q '{}'".format( 'script_success{script="success"} 1' ) ) ''; }; smartctl = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; devices = [ "/dev/vda" ]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_until_succeeds( 'journalctl -eu prometheus-smartctl-exporter.service -o cat | grep "Unable to detect device type"' ) ''; }; smokeping = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; hosts = [ "" ]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-smokeping-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9374) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf localhost:9374/metrics | grep '{}' | grep -v ' 0$'".format( 'smokeping_requests_total{host="",ip="",source=""} ' ) ) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf localhost:9374/metrics | grep '{}'".format( 'smokeping_response_ttl{host="",ip="",source=""}' ) ) ''; }; snmp = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; configuration = { auths.public_v2 = { community = "public"; version = 2; }; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-snmp-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9116) succeed("curl -sSf localhost:9116/metrics | grep 'snmp_request_errors_total 0'") ''; }; sql = { exporterConfig = { configuration.jobs.points = { interval = "1m"; connections = [ "postgres://prometheus-sql-exporter@/data?host=/run/postgresql&sslmode=disable" ]; queries = { points = { labels = [ "name" ]; help = "Amount of points accumulated per person"; values = [ "amount" ]; query = "SELECT SUM(amount) as amount, name FROM points GROUP BY name"; }; }; }; enable = true; user = "prometheus-sql-exporter"; }; metricProvider = { services.postgresql = { enable = true; initialScript = builtins.toFile "init.sql" '' CREATE DATABASE data; \c data; CREATE TABLE points (amount INT, name TEXT); INSERT INTO points(amount, name) VALUES (1, 'jack'); INSERT INTO points(amount, name) VALUES (2, 'jill'); INSERT INTO points(amount, name) VALUES (3, 'jack'); CREATE USER "prometheus-sql-exporter"; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE data TO "prometheus-sql-exporter"; GRANT SELECT ON points TO "prometheus-sql-exporter"; ''; }; systemd.services.prometheus-sql-exporter.after = [ "postgresql.service" ]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-sql-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9237) succeed("curl http://localhost:9237/metrics | grep -c 'sql_points{' | grep 2") ''; }; statsd = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-statsd-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9102) succeed("curl http://localhost:9102/metrics | grep 'statsd_exporter_build_info{'") wait_until_succeeds( "echo 'test.udp:1|c' > /dev/udp/localhost/9125 && \ curl http://localhost:9102/metrics | grep 'test_udp 1'", timeout=10 ) wait_until_succeeds( "echo 'test.tcp:1|c' > /dev/tcp/localhost/9125 && \ curl http://localhost:9102/metrics | grep 'test_tcp 1'", timeout=10 ) ''; }; surfboard = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; modemAddress = "localhost"; }; metricProvider = { systemd.services.prometheus-surfboard-exporter.after = [ "nginx.service" ]; services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts.localhost.locations."/cgi-bin/status".extraConfig = '' return 204; ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("nginx.service") wait_for_open_port(80) wait_for_unit("prometheus-surfboard-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9239) succeed("curl -sSf localhost:9239/metrics | grep 'surfboard_up 1'") ''; }; systemd = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; extraFlags = [ "--systemd.collector.enable-restart-count" ]; }; metricProvider = { }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-systemd-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9558) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf localhost:9558/metrics | grep '{}'".format( 'systemd_unit_state{name="basic.target",state="active",type="target"} 1' ) ) succeed( "curl -sSf localhost:9558/metrics | grep '{}'".format( 'systemd_service_restart_total{name="prometheus-systemd-exporter.service"} 0' ) ) ''; }; tor = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { # Note: this does not connect the test environment to the Tor network. # Client, relay, bridge or exit connectivity are disabled by default. services.tor.enable = true; services.tor.settings.ControlPort = 9051; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("tor.service") wait_for_open_port(9051) wait_for_unit("prometheus-tor-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9130) succeed("curl -sSf localhost:9130/metrics | grep 'tor_version{.\\+} 1'") ''; }; unpoller = { nodeName = "unpoller"; exporterConfig.enable = true; exporterConfig.controllers = [{ }]; exporterTest = '' wait_until_succeeds( 'journalctl -eu prometheus-unpoller-exporter.service -o cat | grep "Connection Error"' ) ''; }; unbound = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; unbound.host = "unix:///run/unbound/unbound.ctl"; }; metricProvider = { services.unbound = { enable = true; localControlSocketPath = "/run/unbound/unbound.ctl"; }; systemd.services.prometheus-unbound-exporter.serviceConfig = { SupplementaryGroups = [ "unbound" ]; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("unbound.service") wait_for_unit("prometheus-unbound-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9167) wait_until_succeeds("curl -sSf localhost:9167/metrics | grep 'unbound_up 1'") ''; }; v2ray = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { systemd.services.prometheus-nginx-exporter.after = [ "v2ray.service" ]; services.v2ray = { enable = true; config = { stats = {}; api = { tag = "api"; services = [ "StatsService" ]; }; inbounds = [ { port = 1080; listen = ""; protocol = "http"; } { listen = ""; port = 54321; protocol = "dokodemo-door"; settings = { address = ""; }; tag = "api"; } ]; outbounds = [ { protocol = "freedom"; } { protocol = "freedom"; settings = {}; tag = "api"; } ]; routing = { strategy = "rules"; settings = { rules = [ { inboundTag = [ "api" ]; outboundTag = "api"; type = "field"; } ]; }; }; }; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-v2ray-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9299) succeed("curl -sSf localhost:9299/scrape | grep 'v2ray_up 1'") ''; }; varnish = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; instance = "/var/spool/varnish/varnish"; group = "varnish"; }; metricProvider = { systemd.services.prometheus-varnish-exporter.after = [ "varnish.service" ]; services.varnish = { enable = true; config = '' vcl 4.0; backend default { .host = ""; .port = "80"; } ''; }; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-varnish-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(6081) wait_for_open_port(9131) succeed("curl -sSf http://localhost:9131/metrics | grep 'varnish_up 1'") ''; }; wireguard = let snakeoil = import ./wireguard/snakeoil-keys.nix; publicKeyWithoutNewlines = replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ "" ] snakeoil.peer1.publicKey; in { exporterConfig.enable = true; metricProvider = { networking.wireguard.interfaces.wg0 = { ips = [ "" "fc00::1/128" ]; listenPort = 23542; inherit (snakeoil.peer0) privateKey; peers = singleton { allowedIPs = [ "" "fc00::2/128" ]; inherit (snakeoil.peer1) publicKey; }; }; systemd.services.prometheus-wireguard-exporter.after = [ "wireguard-wg0.service" ]; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-wireguard-exporter.service") wait_for_open_port(9586) wait_until_succeeds( "curl -sSf http://localhost:9586/metrics | grep '${publicKeyWithoutNewlines}'" ) ''; }; zfs = { exporterConfig = { enable = true; }; metricProvider = { boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ]; networking.hostId = "7327ded7"; }; exporterTest = '' wait_for_unit("prometheus-zfs-exporter.service") wait_for_unit("zfs.target") wait_for_open_port(9134) wait_until_succeeds("curl -f localhost:9134/metrics | grep 'zfs_scrape_collector_success{.*} 1'") ''; }; }; in mapAttrs (exporter: testConfig: (makeTest ( let nodeName = testConfig.nodeName or exporter; in { name = "prometheus-${exporter}-exporter"; nodes.${nodeName} = mkMerge [{ services.prometheus.exporters.${exporter} = testConfig.exporterConfig; } testConfig.metricProvider or { }]; testScript = '' ${nodeName}.start() ${concatStringsSep "\n" (map (line: if builtins.any (b: b) [ (builtins.match "^[[:space:]]*$" line != null) (builtins.substring 0 1 line == "#") (builtins.substring 0 1 line == " ") (builtins.substring 0 1 line == ")") ] then line else "${nodeName}.${line}" ) (splitString "\n" (removeSuffix "\n" testConfig.exporterTest)))} ${nodeName}.shutdown() ''; meta = with maintainers; { maintainers = [ willibutz ]; }; } ))) exporterTests