ManDude 6884b0f73e
start blit-displays decomp & renderer + improve decompilation of some DMA macros (#2616)
Adds sprite distort, fixes buggy sprite rendering in progress, adds
scissoring support (used in various scrolling menus) and a very basic
implementation of `blit-displays`. This is enough to make the fade
effect in the progress menu work, along with all the menus working
properly without needing to use the REPL. This does not make screen
flipping and the filter when failing a mission work.

Added support in the decompiler for detecting `dma-buffer-add-gs-set`
and `dma-buffer-add-gs-set-flusha` and updated all of the Jak 2 code to
use it. Readability improved!

Fixes decompiler issue with `with-dma-buffer-add-bucket` not inlining
forms which broke syntax. Fixes store error warnings showing up for
non-existent stores, there is now a dedicated pass for this at the end.

I started work on making `BITBLTBUF` stuff work in the DirectRenderer,
but stopped for now because it wasn't strictly necessary. It will still
assert like before.
2023-05-04 18:34:09 -04:00

872 lines
35 KiB

#include "AtomicOp.h"
#include "Form.h"
#include "common/type_system/TypeSystem.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/bitfields.h"
#include "decompiler/ObjectFile/LinkedObjectFile.h"
#include "decompiler/util/DecompilerTypeSystem.h"
#include "decompiler/util/data_decompile.h"
namespace decompiler {
namespace {
RegClass get_reg_kind(const Register& r) {
switch (r.get_kind()) {
case Reg::GPR:
return RegClass::GPR_64;
case Reg::FPR:
return RegClass::FLOAT;
return RegClass::INVALID;
} // namespace
ConditionElement* BranchOp::get_condition_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
return m_condition.get_as_form(pool, env, m_my_idx);
ConditionElement* IR2_Condition::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env, int my_idx) const {
RegSet consumed;
if (env.has_reg_use()) {
consumed = env.reg_use().op.at(my_idx).consumes;
std::optional<SimpleAtom> vars[2];
for (int i = 0; i < get_condition_num_args(m_kind); i++) {
vars[i] = m_src[i];
return pool.alloc_element<ConditionElement>(m_kind, vars[0], vars[1], consumed, m_flipped_eval);
FormElement* SetVarOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
if (env.has_type_analysis() && m_src.args() == 2 && m_src.get_arg(1).is_int() &&
m_src.get_arg(0).is_var() && m_src.kind() == SimpleExpression::Kind::ADD) {
if (m_src.get_arg(0).var().reg() == Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::SP)) {
// get a stack structure.
int offset = m_src.get_arg(1).get_int();
for (auto& structure : env.stack_structure_hints()) {
if (structure.hint.stack_offset == offset) {
// match!
return pool.alloc_element<SetVarElement>(
m_dst, pool.alloc_single_element_form<StackStructureDefElement>(nullptr, structure),
true, structure.ref_type);
// get a stack variable
auto& spill_map = env.stack_spills().map();
if (spill_map.find(offset) != spill_map.end()) {
return pool.alloc_element<SetVarElement>(
nullptr, GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::ADDRESS_OF),
pool.alloc_single_element_form<StackSpillValueElement>(nullptr, -1, offset, false)),
true, env.stack_slot_entries.at(offset).typespec);
} else {
// access a field
const auto& arg0_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(m_src.get_arg(0).var().reg());
if (arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPESPEC) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.deref = std::nullopt;
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.offset = m_src.get_arg(1).get_int();
rd_in.base_type = arg0_type.typespec();
auto rd = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(m_src.get_arg(0).var()).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens;
for (auto& x : rd.tokens) {
auto load =
pool.alloc_single_element_form<DerefElement>(nullptr, source, rd.addr_of, tokens);
return pool.alloc_element<SetVarElement>(m_dst, load, true,
// create element
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(nullptr, m_src, m_my_idx);
auto result = pool.alloc_element<SetVarElement>(m_dst, source, is_sequence_point(),
// do some analysis to look for coloring moves which are already eliminated,
// dead sets, and dead set falses.
if (env.has_local_vars() && env.has_reg_use()) {
if (m_src.kind() == SimpleExpression::Kind::IDENTITY) {
if (env.op_id_is_eliminated_coloring_move(m_my_idx)) {
} else if (m_src.get_arg(0).is_var()) {
auto& src_var = m_src.get_arg(0).var();
auto& ri = env.reg_use().op.at(m_my_idx);
// Note: we don't technically need to require consumes here.
// however, the coloring used by the GOAL compiler seems to always satisfy this, so until
// I find a counterexample, I'm going to leave it like this.
if (ri.written_and_unused.find(dst().reg()) != ri.written_and_unused.end() &&
src_var.reg().allowed_local_gpr() && m_dst.reg().allowed_local_gpr()) {
auto menv = const_cast<Env*>(&env);
if (ri.consumes.find(src_var.reg()) == ri.consumes.end()) {
// lg::print("marked {} as dead set\n", to_string(env));
} else if (m_src.get_arg(0).is_sym_val() && m_src.get_arg(0).get_str() == "#f" &&
m_dst.reg().allowed_local_gpr()) {
auto& ri = env.reg_use().op.at(m_my_idx);
if (ri.written_and_unused.find(dst().reg()) != ri.written_and_unused.end()) {
// lg::print("marked {} as dead set false\n", to_string(env));
if (m_src.kind() == SimpleExpression::Kind::FPR_TO_GPR) {
auto& ri = env.reg_use().op.at(m_my_idx);
// Note: unlike the GPR case, there are sometimes dead moves that don't consume.
if (ri.written_and_unused.find(dst().reg()) != ri.written_and_unused.end() &&
m_dst.reg().allowed_local_gpr()) {
auto& src_var = m_src.get_arg(0).var();
auto menv = const_cast<Env*>(&env);
if (ri.consumes.find(src_var.reg()) == ri.consumes.end()) {
return result;
FormElement* AsmOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env&) const {
return pool.alloc_element<AsmOpElement>(this);
FormElement* SetVarConditionOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
return pool.alloc_element<SetVarElement>(
m_dst, pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, m_condition.get_as_form(pool, env, m_my_idx)),
is_sequence_point(), TypeSpec("symbol"));
namespace {
std::optional<TypeSpec> get_typecast_for_atom(const SimpleAtom& atom,
const Env& env,
const TypeSpec& expected_type,
int my_idx) {
auto type_info = env.dts->ts.lookup_type_allow_partial_def(expected_type);
switch (atom.get_kind()) {
case SimpleAtom::Kind::VARIABLE: {
if (atom.var().reg().get_kind() == Reg::VF) {
return {}; // no casts needed for VF registers.
auto& src_type = env.get_types_before_op(my_idx).get(atom.var().reg());
if (src_type.requires_cast() || !env.dts->ts.tc(expected_type, src_type.typespec())) {
// we fail the typecheck for a normal set!, so add a cast.
return expected_type;
} else {
return {};
} break;
case SimpleAtom::Kind::INTEGER_CONSTANT: {
const auto& type_name = expected_type.base_type();
bool sym_int = (type_name == "int8") || (type_name == "int16") || (type_name == "int32") ||
(type_name == "int64") || (type_name == "int") || (type_name == "integer") ||
(type_name == "seconds");
if (sym_int) {
// do nothing for set.
return {};
} else {
// for uint or other
return expected_type;
} break;
case SimpleAtom::Kind::SYMBOL_PTR:
case SimpleAtom::Kind::SYMBOL_VAL: {
ASSERT(atom.get_str() == "#f");
if (expected_type != TypeSpec("symbol")) {
// explicitly cast if we're not using a reference type, including pointers.
// otherwise, we allow setting references to #f.
if (!type_info->is_reference()) {
return expected_type;
return {};
} break;
return {};
} // namespace
FormElement* StoreOp::get_vf_store_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
ASSERT(m_value.is_var() && m_value.var().reg().get_kind() == Reg::VF);
if (env.has_type_analysis()) {
IR2_RegOffset ro;
if (get_as_reg_offset(m_addr, &ro)) {
auto& input_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(ro.reg);
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = true;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.size = m_size;
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.typespec();
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.offset = ro.offset;
auto rd = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(ro.var).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens;
for (auto& x : rd.tokens) {
ASSERT(!rd.addr_of); // we'll change this to true because .svf uses an address.
auto addr = pool.alloc_single_element_form<DerefElement>(nullptr, source, true, tokens);
return pool.alloc_element<VectorFloatLoadStoreElement>(m_value.var().reg(), addr, false,
} else {
// try again with no deref.
rd_in.deref = {};
auto rd_no_deref = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd_no_deref.success) {
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(ro.var).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens;
for (auto& x : rd_no_deref.tokens) {
auto addr = pool.alloc_single_element_form<DerefElement>(nullptr, source,
rd_no_deref.addr_of, tokens);
// this cast isn't required (.svf will take anything), but it makes it clear that there's
// some sketchy type stuff going on.
addr = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(
nullptr, TypeSpec("pointer", {TypeSpec("uint128")}), addr);
return pool.alloc_element<VectorFloatLoadStoreElement>(m_value.var().reg(), addr, false,
return pool.alloc_element<StoreElement>(this);
FormElement* StoreOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
if (m_kind == Kind::VECTOR_FLOAT) {
return get_vf_store_as_form(pool, env);
if (env.has_type_analysis()) {
if (m_addr.is_identity() && m_addr.get_arg(0).is_sym_val()) {
// we are storing a value in a global symbol. This is something like sw rx, offset(s7)
// so the source can only be a variable, r0 (integer 0), or false (s7)
// we want to know both: what cast (if any) do we need for a set!, and what cast (if any)
// do we need for a define.
auto symbol_type = env.dts->lookup_symbol_type(m_addr.get_arg(0).get_str());
auto symbol_type_info = env.dts->ts.lookup_type(symbol_type);
switch (m_value.get_kind()) {
case SimpleAtom::Kind::VARIABLE: {
auto src_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(m_value.var().reg()).typespec();
std::optional<TypeSpec> cast_for_set, cast_for_define;
if (src_type != symbol_type) {
// the define will need a cast to the exactly right type.
cast_for_define = symbol_type;
if (!env.dts->ts.tc(symbol_type, src_type)) {
// we fail the typecheck for a normal set!, so add a cast.
cast_for_set = symbol_type;
return pool.alloc_element<StoreInSymbolElement>(m_addr.get_arg(0).get_str(),
m_value.as_expr(), cast_for_set,
cast_for_define, m_my_idx);
} break;
case SimpleAtom::Kind::INTEGER_CONSTANT: {
std::optional<TypeSpec> cast_for_set, cast_for_define;
bool sym_int_or_uint = env.dts->ts.tc(TypeSpec("integer"), symbol_type);
bool sym_uint = env.dts->ts.tc(TypeSpec("uinteger"), symbol_type);
bool sym_int = sym_int_or_uint && !sym_uint;
if (TypeSpec("int") != symbol_type) {
// the define will need a cast to the exactly right type.
cast_for_define = symbol_type;
if (sym_int) {
// do nothing for set.
} else {
// for uint or other
cast_for_set = symbol_type;
return pool.alloc_element<StoreInSymbolElement>(m_addr.get_arg(0).get_str(),
m_value.as_expr(), cast_for_set,
cast_for_define, m_my_idx);
} break;
case SimpleAtom::Kind::SYMBOL_PTR:
case SimpleAtom::Kind::SYMBOL_VAL: {
ASSERT(m_value.get_str() == "#f");
std::optional<TypeSpec> cast_for_set, cast_for_define;
if (symbol_type != TypeSpec("symbol")) {
cast_for_define = symbol_type;
// explicitly cast if we're not using a reference type, including pointers.
// otherwise, we allow setting references to #f.
if (!symbol_type_info->is_reference()) {
cast_for_set = symbol_type;
return pool.alloc_element<StoreInSymbolElement>(m_addr.get_arg(0).get_str(),
m_value.as_expr(), cast_for_set,
cast_for_define, m_my_idx);
} break;
IR2_RegOffset ro;
if (get_as_reg_offset(m_addr, &ro)) {
auto& input_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(ro.reg);
if (env.allow_sloppy_pair_typing() && m_size == 4 &&
(input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("object") ||
input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("pair"))) {
if (ro.offset == 2) {
return pool.alloc_element<StoreInPairElement>(false, ro.var, m_value.as_expr(), m_my_idx);
} else if (ro.offset == -2) {
return pool.alloc_element<StoreInPairElement>(true, ro.var, m_value.as_expr(), m_my_idx);
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_PLUS_PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = true;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.size = m_size;
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.get_obj_plus_const_mult_typespec();
rd_in.stride = input_type.get_multiplier();
rd_in.offset = ro.offset;
auto rd = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens;
for (auto& token : rd.tokens) {
// we pass along the register offset because code generation seems to be a bit
// different in different cases.
auto source =
pool.alloc_element<ArrayFieldAccess>(ro.var, tokens, input_type.get_multiplier(),
ro.offset, input_type.flipped_add_order());
// auto val = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
// nullptr, m_value.as_expr(), m_my_idx);
return pool.alloc_element<StoreArrayAccess>(
source, m_value.as_expr(), m_my_idx, ro.var,
get_typecast_for_atom(m_value, env, coerce_to_reg_type(rd.result_type), m_my_idx));
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = true;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.size = m_size;
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.typespec();
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.offset = ro.offset;
auto rd = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(ro.var).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens;
for (auto& x : rd.tokens) {
auto addr = pool.alloc_element<DerefElement>(source, rd.addr_of, tokens);
return pool.alloc_element<StorePlainDeref>(
pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, addr), m_value.as_expr(), m_my_idx, ro.var,
get_typecast_for_atom(m_value, env, coerce_to_reg_type(rd.result_type), m_my_idx),
std::string cast_type;
if (ro.offset == 0 && (input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("pointer") ||
input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_PLUS_PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT)) {
switch (m_size) {
case 1:
cast_type = "int8";
case 2:
cast_type = "int16";
case 4:
cast_type = "int32";
case 8:
cast_type = "int64";
case 16:
cast_type = "int128";
if (m_value.is_var()) {
auto input_var_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(m_value.var().reg());
if (env.dts->ts.tc(TypeSpec("uinteger"), input_var_type.typespec())) {
cast_type.insert(cast_type.begin(), 'u');
if (m_kind == Kind::FLOAT) {
cast_type = "float";
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(ro.var).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
auto cast_source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(
nullptr, TypeSpec("pointer", {TypeSpec(cast_type)}), source);
auto deref =
pool.alloc_element<DerefElement>(cast_source, false, std::vector<DerefToken>());
return pool.alloc_element<StorePlainDeref>(
pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, deref), m_value.as_expr(), m_my_idx, ro.var,
TypeSpec("pointer", {TypeSpec(cast_type)}), std::nullopt, m_size);
return pool.alloc_element<StoreElement>(this);
FormElement* make_label_load(int label_idx,
const Env& env,
FormPool& pool,
int load_size,
LoadVarOp::Kind load_kind) {
auto label = env.file->labels.at(label_idx);
auto label_name = label.name;
// auto hint = env.label_types().find(label_name);
auto hint = env.file->label_db->lookup(label_idx);
if (!hint.known) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Label {} was unknown in AtomicOpForm.", hint.name));
if (!hint.is_value) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"Label {} was marked as reference, but is being loaded like it's a value.", label_name));
if ((load_kind == LoadVarOp::Kind::FLOAT || load_kind == LoadVarOp::Kind::SIGNED) &&
load_size == 4 && hint.result_type == TypeSpec("float")) {
ASSERT((label.offset % 4) == 0);
auto word = env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).at(label.offset / 4);
ASSERT(word.kind() == LinkedWord::PLAIN_DATA);
float value;
memcpy(&value, &word.data, 4);
return pool.alloc_element<ConstantFloatElement>(value);
} else if (hint.result_type == TypeSpec("uint64") && load_kind != LoadVarOp::Kind::FLOAT &&
load_size == 8) {
ASSERT((label.offset % 8) == 0);
auto word0 = env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).at(label.offset / 4);
auto word1 = env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).at(1 + (label.offset / 4));
ASSERT(word0.kind() == LinkedWord::PLAIN_DATA);
ASSERT(word1.kind() == LinkedWord::PLAIN_DATA);
u64 value;
memcpy(&value, &word0.data, 4);
memcpy(((u8*)&value) + 4, &word1.data, 4);
return pool.alloc_element<CastElement>(TypeSpec("uint"),
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_int_constant(value)));
// is it a constant bitfield?
auto& ts = env.dts->ts;
auto as_bitfield = dynamic_cast<BitFieldType*>(ts.lookup_type(hint.result_type));
if (as_bitfield && load_kind != LoadVarOp::Kind::FLOAT && load_size == 8) {
// get the data
ASSERT((label.offset % 8) == 0);
auto& word0 = env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).at(label.offset / 4);
auto& word1 = env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).at(1 + (label.offset / 4));
ASSERT(word0.kind() == LinkedWord::PLAIN_DATA);
ASSERT(word1.kind() == LinkedWord::PLAIN_DATA);
u64 value;
memcpy(&value, &word0.data, 4);
memcpy(((u8*)&value) + 4, &word1.data, 4);
// for some reason, GOAL would use a 64-bit constant for all bitfields, even if they are
// smaller. We should check that the higher bits are all zero.
int bits = as_bitfield->get_size_in_memory() * 8;
ASSERT(bits <= 64);
if (bits < 64) {
ASSERT((value >> bits) == 0);
// technically ub if bits == 64.
auto defs = decompile_bitfield_from_int(hint.result_type, ts, value);
return pool.alloc_element<BitfieldStaticDefElement>(hint.result_type, defs, pool);
if (load_kind == LoadVarOp::Kind::FLOAT && load_size == 4) {
ASSERT((label.offset % 4) == 0);
const auto& words = env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment);
if ((int)words.size() > label.offset / 4) {
auto word = words.at(label.offset / 4);
ASSERT(word.kind == LinkedWord::PLAIN_DATA);
float value;
memcpy(&value, &word.data, 4);
return pool.alloc_element<ConstantFloatElement>(value);
if (load_kind != LoadVarOp::Kind::FLOAT && load_size == 8) {
if ((int)env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).size() > (label.offset / 4) + 1) {
ASSERT((label.offset % 8) == 0);
auto word0 = env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).at(label.offset / 4);
auto word1 = env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).at(1 + (label.offset / 4));
ASSERT(word0.kind == LinkedWord::PLAIN_DATA);
ASSERT(word1.kind == LinkedWord::PLAIN_DATA);
u64 value;
memcpy(&value, &word0.data, 4);
memcpy(((u8*)&value) + 4, &word1.data, 4);
return pool.alloc_element<CastElement>(TypeSpec("uint"),
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_int_constant(value)));
return nullptr;
Form* LoadVarOp::get_load_src(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
if (env.has_type_analysis()) {
IR2_RegOffset ro;
if (get_as_reg_offset(m_src, &ro)) {
auto& input_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(ro.reg);
if ((input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPE_OF_TYPE_NO_VIRTUAL ||
input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPE_OF_TYPE_OR_CHILD) &&
ro.offset >= 16 && (ro.offset & 3) == 0 && m_size == 4 && m_kind == Kind::UNSIGNED) {
// method get of fixed type
auto type_name = input_type.get_type_objects_typespec().base_type();
auto method_id = (ro.offset - 16) / 4;
auto method_info = env.dts->ts.lookup_method(type_name, method_id);
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<MethodOfTypeElement>(
nullptr, ro.var, input_type.get_type_objects_typespec(), method_info);
// todo structure method
// todo product trick
// todo type of basic fallback
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::DYNAMIC_METHOD_ACCESS && ro.offset == 16) {
// access method vtable. The input is type + (4 * method), and the 16 is the offset
// of method 0.
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<DynamicMethodAccess>(nullptr, ro.var);
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_PLUS_PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = false;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.sign_extend = m_kind == Kind::SIGNED;
dk.size = m_size;
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.get_obj_plus_const_mult_typespec();
rd_in.stride = input_type.get_multiplier();
// this is a bit of a hack to prevent something like arr_of_bytes[val * 4] getting stuck
// with the stride of 4 bytes but load size of 1 byte. I _believe_ it only applies when
// the load size is 1.
if (rd_in.base_type == env.dts->ts.make_pointer_typespec("uint8") && rd_in.stride != 0) {
rd_in.stride = 1;
rd_in.offset = ro.offset;
auto rd = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens;
for (auto& token : rd.tokens) {
// we pass along the register offset because code generation seems to be a bit
// different in different cases.
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<ArrayFieldAccess>(
nullptr, ro.var, tokens, rd_in.stride, ro.offset, input_type.flipped_add_order());
if (env.allow_sloppy_pair_typing() && m_kind == Kind::SIGNED && m_size == 4 &&
(input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("object") ||
input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("pair"))) {
// these rules are of course not always correct or the most specific, but it's the best
// we can do.
if (ro.offset == 2) {
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(ro.var).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<GenericElement>(
nullptr, GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::CDR), source);
} else if (ro.offset == -2) {
// car = some object.
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(ro.var).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<GenericElement>(
nullptr, GenericOperator::make_fixed(FixedOperatorKind::CAR), source);
// cdr = another pair.
// Assume we're accessing a field of an object.
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = false;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.sign_extend = m_kind == Kind::SIGNED;
dk.size = m_size;
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.typespec();
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.offset = ro.offset;
auto rd = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
// todo, error here?
if (rd.success) {
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(ro.var).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
std::vector<DerefToken> tokens;
for (auto& x : rd.tokens) {
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<DerefElement>(nullptr, source, rd.addr_of, tokens);
if (ro.offset == 0 && input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::LABEL_ADDR) {
// we no longer resolve label stuff here because sometimes we need expressions for this
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<LabelDerefElement>(nullptr, input_type.label_id(),
m_size, m_kind, ro.var);
if (ro.offset == 0 && (input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("pointer") ||
input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_PLUS_PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT)) {
std::string cast_type;
switch (m_size) {
case 1:
cast_type = "int8";
case 2:
cast_type = "int16";
case 4:
cast_type = "int32";
case 8:
cast_type = "int64";
case 16:
cast_type = "int128";
if (m_kind == Kind::UNSIGNED) {
cast_type = "u" + cast_type;
} else if (m_kind == Kind::FLOAT) {
cast_type = "float";
auto dest = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(
nullptr, SimpleAtom::make_var(ro.var).as_expr(), m_my_idx);
auto cast_dest = pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(
nullptr, TypeSpec("pointer", {TypeSpec(cast_type)}), dest);
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<DerefElement>(nullptr, cast_dest, false,
// if we fail here, report a LoadSourceElement with the register and offset to be consumed
// by the expression pass, which can detect more complicated cases (see
// LoadSourceElement::update_from_stack, which needs expressions)
auto source =
pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(nullptr, m_src, m_my_idx);
if (!env.func->warnings.has_errors()) {
env.func->warnings.error("Failed load: {} at op {}", to_string(env), m_my_idx);
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<LoadSourceElement>(nullptr, source, m_size, m_kind, ro,
if (m_src.is_identity() && m_src.get_arg(0).is_label()) {
auto label_load_element = make_label_load(m_src.get_arg(0).label(), env, pool, m_size, m_kind);
if (label_load_element) {
return pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, label_load_element);
auto source = pool.alloc_single_element_form<SimpleExpressionElement>(nullptr, m_src, m_my_idx);
if (!env.func->warnings.has_errors()) {
env.func->warnings.error("Failed load: {} at op {}", to_string(env), m_my_idx);
return pool.alloc_single_element_form<LoadSourceElement>(
nullptr, source, m_size, m_kind, std::optional<IR2_RegOffset>{}, TP_Type());
FormElement* LoadVarOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
auto src = get_load_src(pool, env);
if (m_kind == Kind::VECTOR_FLOAT) {
ASSERT(m_dst.reg().get_kind() == Reg::VF);
auto src_as_deref = dynamic_cast<DerefElement*>(src->try_as_single_element());
if (src_as_deref) {
return pool.alloc_element<VectorFloatLoadStoreElement>(m_dst.reg(), src, true, m_my_idx);
auto src_as_unrecognized = dynamic_cast<LoadSourceElement*>(src->try_as_single_element());
if (src_as_unrecognized) {
return pool.alloc_element<VectorFloatLoadStoreElement>(
m_dst.reg(), src_as_unrecognized->location(), true, m_my_idx);
throw std::runtime_error("VF unknown load");
} else {
ASSERT(m_dst.reg().get_kind() != Reg::VF);
return pool.alloc_element<SetVarElement>(m_dst, src, true, m_type.value_or(TypeSpec("object")));
FormElement* BranchOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env&) const {
return pool.alloc_element<BranchElement>(this);
FormElement* SpecialOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env&) const {
return pool.alloc_element<AtomicOpElement>(const_cast<SpecialOp*>(this));
FormElement* CallOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
auto call = pool.alloc_element<FunctionCallElement>(this);
if (m_write_regs.empty() && m_call_type_set == true) {
return call;
} else if (m_write_regs.size() == 1 || !m_call_type_set) {
if (env.has_reg_use() && m_write_regs.size() == 1) {
auto& written_and_unused = env.reg_use().op.at(m_my_idx).written_and_unused;
if (written_and_unused.find(m_write_regs.front()) != written_and_unused.end()) {
return call;
// this is a little scary in the case that type analysis doesn't run and relies on the fact
// that CallOp falls back to writing v0 in the case where the function type isn't known.
RegisterAccess out_var(AccessMode::WRITE, Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::V0), m_my_idx);
TypeSpec result_type("object");
if (m_call_type_set) {
result_type = m_call_type.last_arg();
return pool.alloc_element<SetVarElement>(out_var, pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, call), true,
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("CallOp::get_as_expr not yet implemented");
FormElement* ConditionalMoveFalseOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env&) const {
return pool.alloc_element<ConditionalMoveFalseElement>(m_dst, m_old_value, m_src, m_on_zero);
FormElement* FunctionEndOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env&) const {
return pool.alloc_element<AtomicOpElement>(const_cast<FunctionEndOp*>(this));
FormElement* AsmBranchOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
if (m_branch_delay) {
auto delay = m_branch_delay->get_as_form(pool, env);
auto delay_form = pool.alloc_single_form(nullptr, delay);
return pool.alloc_element<AsmBranchElement>(const_cast<AsmBranchOp*>(this), delay_form,
} else {
return pool.alloc_element<AtomicOpElement>(const_cast<AsmBranchOp*>(this));
FormElement* StackSpillLoadOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
TypeSpec type("object");
auto kv = env.stack_slot_entries.find(m_offset);
if (kv != env.stack_slot_entries.end()) {
type = kv->second.typespec;
return pool.alloc_element<SetVarElement>(m_dst,
nullptr, m_size, m_offset, m_is_signed),
true, type);
FormElement* StackSpillStoreOp::get_as_form(FormPool& pool, const Env& env) const {
std::optional<TypeSpec> cast_type;
// if we aren't a var, we're 0.
TypeSpec src_type = TypeSpec("int");
if (m_value.is_var() && env.has_type_analysis()) {
src_type = env.get_types_before_op(m_my_idx).get(m_value.var().reg()).typespec();
auto kv = env.stack_slot_entries.find(m_offset);
if (kv != env.stack_slot_entries.end()) {
if (!env.dts->ts.tc(kv->second.typespec, src_type)) {
// we fail the typecheck for a normal set!, so add a cast.
cast_type = kv->second.typespec;
return pool.alloc_element<StackSpillStoreElement>(m_value, m_size, m_offset, cast_type);
} // namespace decompiler