water111 656489e942
[decomp] Clean up - part 2 (#687)
* temp

* temp2

* basic case support

* working for or without else

* support more cases

* clean up to drawable headers

* ocean

* format json
2021-07-11 16:35:25 -04:00

367 lines
13 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: texture-h.gc
;; name in dgo: texture-h
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; The texture system manages:
;; - VRAM allocation and uploads
;; - the texture page directory
;; - adgif shaders
;; There are a lot more details, see texture.gc for more info
;; Texture Control
;; There are different kinds of texture pages for the different renderers
(defenum tpage-kind
:type uint32
:bitfield #f
(tfrag 0) ;; background
(pris 1) ;; foreground
(shrub 2) ;; shrubs/sprites
(alpha 3) ;; effects
(water 4) ;; non-ocean water (fj rivers, water near farmer)
;; bitmask for enabled tpage-kinds (changed in debug menu)
(define *texture-enable-user-menu* #x1f)
;; enabled textures (drawable.gc updates this from reading *texture-enable-user-menu*)
(define *texture-enable-user* 0)
;; Any individual texture can be uniquely identified with a texture-id.
(deftype texture-id (uint32)
((index uint16 :offset 8 :size 12) ;; index of texture in its tpage
(page uint16 :offset 20 :size 12) ;; tpage number
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x4
:flag-assert #x900000004
;; Texture Pool
;; A texture-pool-segment is a chunk of VRAM used to store textures
(deftype texture-pool-segment (structure)
((dest uint32 :offset-assert 0) ;; VRAM address (4-byte VRAM words)
(size uint32 :offset-assert 4) ;; size in 4-byte VRAM words
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x8
:flag-assert #x900000008
(declare-type texture-page basic)
(declare-type level basic)
;; There is a single texture-pool which manages storing textures in VRAM
(deftype texture-pool (basic)
((top int32 :offset-assert 4) ;; seems be 0 always, start of VRAM managed by pool
(cur int32 :offset-assert 8) ;; highest address in use by the pool
;; the allocate function is used to add a texture-page to the pool.
(allocate-func (function texture-pool texture-page kheap int texture-page) :offset-assert 12)
;; the location of the color look-up table for font texture (vram word idx)
(font-palette int32 :offset-assert 16)
;; these were reordered
;; we have 4 segments, but only the near and common are used.
(segment-near texture-pool-segment :inline :offset-assert 20)
(segment-common texture-pool-segment :inline :offset-assert 28)
(segment texture-pool-segment 4 :inline :offset 20)
;; tpages that are not part of level textures are stored here.
(common-page texture-page 32 :offset-assert 52)
;; ??
(common-page-mask int32 :offset-assert 180)
;; for each pool page, stores the id of the tpage which is currently loaded in VRAM.
(ids uint32 126 :offset-assert 184)
:method-count-assert 23
:size-assert #x2b0
:flag-assert #x17000002b0
(new (symbol type) _type_ 0)
(initialize! (_type_) _type_ 9)
(print-usage (_type_) _type_ 10)
(setup-font-texture! (_type_) none 11)
(allocate-defaults! (_type_) none 12)
(login-level-textures (_type_ level int (pointer texture-id)) none 13)
(add-tex-to-dma! (_type_ level int) none 14)
(allocate-vram-words! (_type_ int) int 15)
(allocate-segment! (_type_ texture-pool-segment int) texture-pool-segment 16)
(dummy-17 () none 17)
(dummy-18 () none 18)
(dummy-19 () none 19)
(unload! (_type_ texture-page) int 20)
(upload-one-common! (_type_ level) symbol 21)
(lookup-boot-common-id (_type_ int) int 22)
;; Texture and Texture Page
;; A record for a texture.
;; The texture can contain multiple levels of detail and also a color lookup table (CLUT)
;; This refers to data stored elsewhere, either in the data of a tpage or VRAM.
;; After a tpage has been allocated, the dest will be the VRAM address of the texture.
(deftype texture (basic)
((w int16 :offset-assert 4)
(wu uint16 :offset 4) ;; inline asm read this as u16
(h int16 :offset-assert 6)
(hu uint16 :offset 6)
(num-mips uint8 :offset-assert 8) ;; number of mipmap levels
(tex1-control uint8 :offset-assert 9) ;; ?
(psm gs-psm :offset-assert 10) ;; texture format
(mip-shift uint8 :offset-assert 11)
(clutpsm uint16 :offset-assert 12) ;; color look-up table format
(dest uint16 7 :offset-assert 14) ;; per mip VRAM address
(clutdest uint16 :offset-assert 28) ;; color look-up table location.
(width uint8 7 :offset-assert 30) ;; per mip
(name string :offset-assert 40)
(size uint32 :offset-assert 44)
(uv-dist float :offset-assert 48)
(masks uint32 3 :offset-assert 52)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x40
:flag-assert #x900000040
;; tpages themselves are divided into segments.
;; some renderers may know ahead of time that they don't need all segments
;; and can skip uploading unused texture data.
(deftype texture-page-segment (structure)
((block-data pointer :offset-assert 0) ;; location in EE memory of texture data.
(size uint32 :offset-assert 4) ;; ?? units
(dest uint32 :offset-assert 8) ;; VRAM destination where it will be loaded to.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #xc
:flag-assert #x90000000c
(defun texture-mip->segment ((arg0 int) (arg1 int))
"Unknown, not used."
(if (>= 2 arg1) (+ (- -1 arg0) arg1) (max 0 (- 2 arg0)))
;; The actual texture-page header
;; After the dynamic array of texture is the actual texture data.
;; This may be thrown away if the texture is permanently in VRAM.
(deftype texture-page (basic)
((info file-info :offset-assert 4)
(name basic :offset-assert 8)
(id uint32 :offset-assert 12)
(length int32 :offset-assert 16) ;; number of textures.
(mip0-size uint32 :offset-assert 20)
(size uint32 :offset-assert 24) ;; VRAM words
(segment texture-page-segment 3 :inline :offset-assert 28)
(pad uint32 16 :offset-assert 64)
(data texture :dynamic :offset-assert 128)
:method-count-assert 15
:size-assert #x80
:flag-assert #xf00000080
(relocate (_type_ kheap (pointer uint8)) none :replace 7)
(remove-from-heap (_type_ kheap) _type_ 9)
(get-leftover-block-count (_type_ int int) int 10)
(dummy-11 () none 11)
(relocate-dests! (_type_ int int) none 12)
(add-to-dma-buffer (_type_ dma-buffer int) int 13)
(upload-now! (_type_ int) none 14)
;; Texture Shaders
;; The "adgif-shader" is a block of data that can be included in a GS packet
;; to set up GS registers for texturing.
;; There is a linked-list of these per texture that uses the shader-ptr type below
;; A shader-ptr is a reference to an adgif shader.
;; The trick here is that it can fit into unused space in the GS packet.
;; the A+D format only uses bits 0-72, this fits in 72-96. The use of 96-128 is unknown
;; the shader value must be multiplied by 16 first.
(deftype shader-ptr (uint32)
((shader uint32 :offset 8 :size 24))
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x4
:flag-assert #x900000004
;; This is a dynamic array of shader-ptrs
;; There will be one array per texture-page, and this array will have one entry per texture.
;; These arrays will be allocated by the texture system and stored in level heaps.
(deftype texture-link (structure)
((next shader-ptr 1 :offset-assert 0)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x4
:flag-assert #x900000004
;; Each texture-page will have a texture-page-dir-entry for it
(deftype texture-page-dir-entry (structure)
((length int16 :offset-assert 0) ;; number of textures
(status uint16 :offset-assert 2) ;; ??
(page texture-page :offset-assert 4) ;; the actual texture page
(link texture-link :offset-assert 8) ;; the array of texture-links, per texture. #f if unallocated
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #xc
:flag-assert #x90000000c
;; There is a single texture-page-dir with a slot for each texture-page.
;; It's stored on the DVD and loaded with the engine.
(deftype texture-page-dir (basic)
((length int32)
(entries texture-page-dir-entry 1 :inline)
(relocate (_type_ kheap (pointer uint8)) none :replace 7)
(unlink-textures-in-heap! (_type_ kheap) int 9)
:flag-assert #xa00000014
;; Relocate Later
;; Part of loading textures involves copying some data in EE RAM.
;; It seems to be too slow to as part of tpage login, so its deferred to a second frame.
;; The texture system will set this up, then the level system will do this when there's time.
(deftype texture-relocate-later (basic)
((memcpy symbol :offset-assert 4) ;; set to #t when there's a pending copy
(dest uint32 :offset-assert 8) ;; destination address
(source uint32 :offset-assert 12) ;; source address
(move uint32 :offset-assert 16) ;; size to move
(entry texture-page-dir-entry :offset-assert 20) ;; the entry for the page we're moving
(page texture-page :offset-assert 24) ;; the page header.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x1c
:flag-assert #x90000001c
;; global relocate info
(define *texture-relocate-later* (new 'global 'texture-relocate-later))
(set! (-> *texture-relocate-later* memcpy) #f)
;; set to #f, will be set by texture-page-dir's relocate method on engine load.
(define *texture-page-dir* (the texture-page-dir #f))
;; ADGIF Shader
(defenum link-test-flags
:type uint32
:bitfield #t
;; note that we start at bit 8 because [0-7] are in use.
(needs-log-in 8) ;; set if we should attempt to log in, cleared on log-in
(bit-9 9) ;; cleared on log-in
;; The actual adgif-shader is a 5 quadwords of A+D for GIF PACKED mode.
;; there is some extra data snuck in.
(deftype adgif-shader (structure)
((quad qword 5 :score -100 :inline :offset 0)
(prims gs-reg64 10 :score -100 :offset 0)
;; tex0, contains texture location, size, format, clut settings
(tex0 gs-tex0 :offset 0)
;; prims 1 is the register id
;; prims 1 is shared with the link-test bitfield.
;; tex1, more texture information (LOD/MIP setup)
(tex1 gs-tex1 :offset 16)
;; prims 3
;; prims 3 is shared with texture-id
;; miptb1, mip addresses/widths (levels 1 - 3)
(miptbp1 gs-miptbp :offset 32)
;; prims 5
;; prims 5 is shared with the next shader-ptr
;; clamp, used for texture wrapping
(clamp gs-clamp :offset 48)
(clamp-reg gs-reg64 :offset 56) ;; or prims 7
;; alpha blending. NOTE: this can also be miptbp2 (mip 4+ settings)
(alpha gs-miptbp :offset 64)
;; prims 9
;; sneaky overlays
(link-test link-test-flags :offset 8) ;; don't touch lower 8 bits of this
(texture-id texture-id :offset 24) ;; ok to touch all bits
(next shader-ptr :offset 40) ;; don't touch lower 8 bits of this
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x50
:flag-assert #x900000050
(deftype adgif-shader-array (inline-array-class)
((data adgif-shader :inline :dynamic :offset 16)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(set! (-> adgif-shader-array heap-base) 80)
;; Fixed VRAM
;; These are pre-allocated and always in VRAM.
(define *sky-base-vram-word* 0)
(define *sky-base-block* 0)
(define *sky-base-page* 0)
(define *depth-cue-base-vram-word* 0)
(define *depth-cue-base-block* 0)
(define *depth-cue-base-page* 0)
(define *eyes-base-vram-word* 0)
(define *eyes-base-block* 0)
(define *eyes-base-page* 0)
(define *ocean-base-vram-word* 0)
(define *ocean-base-block* 0)
(define *ocean-base-page* 0)
(defun-extern texture-page-default-allocate texture-pool texture-page kheap int texture-page)
(define-extern texture-page-login (function texture-id (function texture-pool texture-page kheap int texture-page) kheap texture-page-dir-entry))
(define-extern *texture-pool* texture-pool)
(define-extern lookup-texture-by-id (function texture-id texture))
(define-extern adgif-shader<-texture-with-update! (function adgif-shader texture adgif-shader))
(define-extern level-remap-texture (function texture-id texture-id))