Hat Kid fc43870d85
decompiler: obj -> this, set-time! and time-elapsed? macros (#3026)
This renames the method object in `defmethod`s to `this` and adds
detection for the `set-time!` and `time-elapsed?` macros.

Definitely my biggest PR yet...
2023-09-26 15:17:00 +01:00

346 lines
13 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: decomp.gc
;; name in dgo: decomp
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; This file contains update-vis! which updates the vis-bits string from the loaded VIS file.
;; decompression functions
(defun unpack-comp-rle ((out (pointer int8)) (in (pointer int8)))
"Unpack run-length-encoded data. Has sections of repeated values, then normally copied."
(local-vars (current-input int) (copy-length int))
(while #t
(while #t
;; read the input and see what kind it is, based on number.
(set! current-input (-> in 0))
(set! in (&-> in 1))
(b! (<= current-input 0) cfg-5 :delay (nop!))
;; it's a repated value, loop to copy it.
(let ((repeated-value (-> in 0)))
(set! in (&-> in 1))
(label cfg-3)
(set! (-> out 0) repeated-value)
(set! out (&-> out 1))
(b! (> current-input 0) cfg-3 :delay (set! current-input (+ current-input -1)))
(label cfg-5)
;; check for end
(b! (zero? current-input) cfg-8 :delay (set! copy-length (- current-input)))
;; copy
(label cfg-6)
(let ((src-val (-> in 0)))
(set! in (&-> in 1))
(set! (-> out 0) src-val)
(+! copy-length -1)
(b! (> copy-length 0) cfg-6 :delay (set! out (&-> out 1)))
(label cfg-8)
(deftype huf-dictionary-node (structure)
((zero uint16 :offset-assert 0)
(one uint16 :offset-assert 2)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x4
:flag-assert #x900000004
(defun unpack-comp-huf ((dst (pointer uint8)) (src (pointer uint8)) (arg2 uint) (dict huf-dictionary-node))
"Unpack data compressed with huffman encoding."
(local-vars (t1-1 uint) (t3-2 object))
(let ((t1-0 (-> dict zero))
(a2-1 (+ arg2 -1028))
(t2-0 (-> dict one))
(label cfg-1)
(let ((v1-4 128))
(let ((t0-0 (-> src 0)))
(set! src (&-> src 1))
(label cfg-2)
(let ((t3-0 (logand t0-0 v1-4)))
(.sra v1-4 v1-4 1)
(b! (zero? t3-0) cfg-4 :delay (set! t1-1 t1-0))
(set! t1-1 t2-0)
(label cfg-4)
(let ((t2-1 (+ t1-1 -256)))
(let ((t3-1 (* t1-1 4)))
(b! (< (the-as int t2-1) 0) cfg-8 :delay (set! t3-2 (+ t3-1 a2-1)))
(b! (zero? t2-1) cfg-10
:delay (set! t1-0 (-> (the-as (pointer uint16) t3-2) 0))
(b! (nonzero? v1-4) cfg-2
:delay (set! t2-0 (-> (the-as (pointer uint16) t3-2) 1))
(b! #t cfg-1 :delay (nop!))
(label cfg-8)
(set! (-> dst 0) t1-1)
(set! dst (&-> dst 1))
(set! t1-0 (-> dict zero))
(b! (nonzero? v1-4) cfg-2 :delay (set! t2-0 (-> dict one)))
(b! #t cfg-1 :delay (nop!))
(label cfg-10)
(defmethod update-vis! level ((this level) (vis-info level-vis-info) (arg1 uint) (arg2 uint))
"Update the vis-bits for the level with the given vis info.
arg1 unused. if the vis-file flag isn't set, will use arg2 as vis data."
(local-vars (t0-3 uint128) (vis-buffer object))
(let* ((cam-leaf-idx (-> vis-info from-bsp current-leaf-idx)) ;; current bsp leaf of camera
(curr-vis-str (-> vis-info current-vis-string)) ;; currently loaded vis-string.
(desired-vis-str (-> vis-info vis-string cam-leaf-idx)) ;; vis-string offset for bsp leaf.
;; oops
(+ 16 #x70000000)
(+ 2064 #x70000000)
;; this is the same string we asked for last time.
(when (= curr-vis-str desired-vis-str)
((logtest? (vis-info-flag waiting-for-iop-to-ee) (-> vis-info flags))
;; we started IOP -> EE, but it might not be done yet.
(when (check-busy *ramdisk-rpc*)
;; not done, wait.
(return #f)
;; we're done! Deal with the vis data.
(logclear! (-> vis-info flags) (vis-info-flag waiting-for-iop-to-ee))
(set! vis-buffer (-> this vis-buffer))
(b! #t cfg-27 :delay (nop!))
;; matched, and loaded! A previous run would have done setup.
(return #t)
;; wait for any pending load to finish before trying to change things.
(when (logtest? (vis-info-flag waiting-for-iop-to-ee) (-> vis-info flags))
(when (check-busy *ramdisk-rpc*)
(return #f)
(logclear! (-> vis-info flags) (vis-info-flag waiting-for-iop-to-ee))
;; ok, we can now change the current string and request from iop.
(set! (-> vis-info current-vis-string) desired-vis-str)
;; this branch picks between .VIS file ramdisk and BSP file visibility data.
;; the self vis is always in the ramdisk, and the adj file is in the BSP file.
(b! (logtest? #x20000000 (-> vis-info flags)) cfg-15)
;; we're a BSP file file vis. Just use the given pointer and skip the ramdisk stuff.
(set! vis-buffer (the-as (pointer uint8) (+ arg2 desired-vis-str)))
(b! #t cfg-27 :delay (nop!))
(label cfg-15)
;; start a ramdisk load. This should have already been done as part of level loading anyway.
;; so this will just get the ramdisk file ID.
(let ((vis-load-result (vis-load this)))
(b! (nonzero? vis-load-result) cfg-21)
;; ramdisk failed, make everything visible.
(let* ((dest-bits (-> vis-info vis-bits))
(len (-> this bsp visible-list-length))
(bsp-bits (the-as (pointer uinteger) (-> this bsp all-visible-list)))
(len-qw (/ (+ len 15) 16))
(dotimes (a2-1 len-qw)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint128) dest-bits) 0)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint128) bsp-bits) 0)
(&+! dest-bits 16)
(set! bsp-bits (&-> (the-as (pointer uint16) bsp-bits) 8))
(let ((result #f))
(b! #t cfg-55 :delay (nop!))
(the-as none 0)
(label cfg-21)
;; if the ramdisk is busy at this point, it means that it's still loading the file
;; from the DVD. So display a message and keep us in loading.
(when (check-busy *ramdisk-rpc*)
(set! (-> vis-info current-vis-string) (the-as uint -1))
(set! (-> this all-visible?) 'loading)
(if (= *cheat-mode* 'debug)
(format *stdcon* "Ramdisk loading~%")
(return #f)
;; now the ramdisk has the file in the IOP for sure. we want to ask for the IOP->EE transfer
;; for the string for our leaf node. Set a flag to remember that we're waiting on IOP->EE:
(set! (-> vis-info flags) (logior (-> vis-info flags) #x40000000))
;; and kick off a load
(the-as int vis-load-result) ;; file ID in ramdisk
desired-vis-str ;; the offset in the VIS file
(the-as uint 2048) ;; always do 2kB. it's a worst case if the string can't be compressed
(-> this vis-buffer) ;; copy to the level buffer for vis data
(set! result #f) ;; this takes time, so quit and report that we failed.
(b! #t cfg-55 :delay (nop!))
;; we'll get here once the compressed vis data is in vis-buffer
;; this can come from IOP->EE or from the BSP file directly
(label cfg-27)
;; the vis info has data on how to decompress the data in the lower flag bits
(let ((lower-flag-bits (the-as int (logand #x1fffffff (-> vis-info flags))))
(spad-start (the-as object (scratchpad-object object :offset 16)))
(spad-end (the-as int (scratchpad-object int :offset 2064)))
(list-len (-> this bsp visible-list-length))
(when (zero? (the-as vis-info-flag lower-flag-bits))
;; set the spad buffer to 0 (but we write over this next??)
(let ((list-qwc (/ (+ list-len 15) 16)))
(dotimes (a0-28 list-qwc)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) spad-start) a0-28) (the-as uint128 0))
;; but then copy the vis buffer directly.
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer spad-start) (the-as pointer vis-buffer) list-len)
(while (nonzero? lower-flag-bits)
(case (logand lower-flag-bits 7)
((1) ;; decomp type 1: this unpacks data that exploits the BVH tree structure.
;; it omits 0's for children of invisible parents. But to unpack, we need
;; to know all the BVHs in the level.
(let ((v1-55 (/ (+ list-len 15) 16)))
(dotimes (a0-32 v1-55)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) spad-start) a0-32) (the-as uint128 0))
(-> this bsp drawable-trees)
(the-as (pointer int8) spad-start)
(the-as (pointer int8) vis-buffer)
((2) ;; decomp type 2: run length encoding. Haven't seen this yet.
(format 0 "hit RLE case in decomp.gc, probably worth checking.~%")
(the-as (pointer int8) spad-start)
(the-as (pointer int8) vis-buffer)
((3) ;; decomp type 3: huffman encoding. most common.
(the-as (pointer uint8) spad-start)
(the-as (pointer uint8) vis-buffer)
(-> vis-info dictionary)
(the-as huf-dictionary-node
(+ (-> vis-info dictionary) (-> vis-info dictionary-length) -4)
;; we have 3 rotating 2kB buffers for this unpacking process.
;; we really only need 2, but I think they did 3 like this so we do RAM -> SPAD, SPAD->SPAD
;; in practice, I've only seen this hit exactly 2 decompressions, so no need for more complicated
;; logic to keep us in scratch after the first.
(set! vis-buffer (the-as (pointer uint8) (the-as int spad-start)))
(set! spad-start spad-end)
(set! spad-end (the-as int vis-buffer))
(.sra lower-flag-bits lower-flag-bits 3)
;; now vis-buffer points to the uncompressed data.
;; if things went well, we shouldn't have any bits set for drawables that don't exist.
;; we can check this by anding with the all visible list, and confirming it doesn't
;; remove any bits.
;; this just prints errors.
(let ((s2-1 (the-as object vis-buffer))
(s1-1 (the-as (pointer uinteger) (-> this bsp all-visible-list)))
(v1-67 #f) ;; found error
(dotimes (s0-1 list-len)
(when (!= (logand (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) s2-1) 0)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) s1-1) 0)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) s2-1) 0)
(format #t "ERROR: illegal vis bits set [byte ~X] ~X -> ~X~%"
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) s2-1) 0)
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) s1-1) 0)
(format #t "bad addr: #x~X~%" s2-1) ;; added
(set! v1-67 #t)
(set! s2-1 (&-> (the-as (pointer uint8) s2-1) 1))
(set! s1-1 (&+ (the-as (pointer uint16) s1-1) 1))
(when v1-67
(format #t "src = #x~x dest = #x~x ~s ~s~%"
(the-as object vis-buffer)
(-> vis-info vis-bits)
(-> vis-info level)
(-> vis-info from-level)
(format #t "leaf-index = ~d~%" (-> vis-info from-bsp current-leaf-idx))
;; just in case we failed the above check, and with the all visible list anyway.
;; also copy from vis-buffer (may be spad) to the final vis-bits output
(let ((v1-71 (the-as object vis-buffer))
(a0-47 (-> vis-info vis-bits))
(a1-22 (the-as (pointer uinteger) (-> this bsp all-visible-list)))
(a2-11 (/ (+ list-len 15) 16))
(dotimes (a3-8 a2-11)
(let ((t0-2 (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) v1-71) 0))
(t1-1 (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) a1-22) 0))
(.pand t0-3 t0-2 t1-1)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) a0-47) 0) t0-3)
(&+! a0-47 16)
(set! v1-71 (&-> (the-as (pointer uint16) v1-71) 8))
(set! a1-22 (&-> (the-as (pointer uint16) a1-22) 8))
;; succeeded!
(set! result #t)
(label cfg-55)