water111 ef011f4fe8
[goalc] add a build system (#704)
* add first attempt at build system

* fix stupid bug

* try again
2021-07-15 21:37:15 -04:00

328 lines
10 KiB

#include <filesystem>
#include "MakeSystem.h"
#include "third-party/fmt/color.h"
#include "third-party/fmt/core.h"
#include "common/goos/ParseHelpers.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
#include "goalc/make/Tools.h"
std::string MakeStep::print() const {
std::string result = fmt::format("Tool {} with input \"{}\" and deps:\n ", tool, input);
for (auto& dep : deps) {
result += dep;
result += '\n';
result += ' ';
result += fmt::format("will produce outputs:\n ");
for (auto& o : outputs) {
result += o;
result += '\n';
result += ' ';
return result;
MakeSystem::MakeSystem() {
m_goos.register_form("defstep", [=](const goos::Object& obj, goos::Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<goos::EnvironmentObject>& env) {
return handle_defstep(obj, args, env);
m_goos.register_form("basename", [=](const goos::Object& obj, goos::Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<goos::EnvironmentObject>& env) {
return handle_basename(obj, args, env);
m_goos.register_form("stem", [=](const goos::Object& obj, goos::Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<goos::EnvironmentObject>& env) {
return handle_stem(obj, args, env);
m_goos.set_global_variable_to_symbol("ASSETS", "#t");
* Load a project file, clearing any project info previously loaded.
void MakeSystem::load_project_file(const std::string& file_path) {
Timer timer;
// clear the previous project
// read the file
auto data = m_goos.reader.read_from_file({file_path});
// interpret it, which will call various handlers.
m_goos.eval(data, m_goos.global_environment.as_env());
goos::Object MakeSystem::handle_defstep(const goos::Object& form,
goos::Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<goos::EnvironmentObject>& env) {
m_goos.eval_args(&args, env);
va_check(form, args, {},
{{"out", {true, {goos::ObjectType::PAIR}}},
{"tool", {true, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}}},
{"in", {false, {goos::ObjectType::STRING}}},
{"dep", {false, {}}}});
auto step = std::make_shared<MakeStep>();
goos::for_each_in_list(args.get_named("out"), [&](const goos::Object& obj) {
step->tool = args.get_named("tool").as_symbol()->name;
if (m_tools.find(step->tool) == m_tools.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("The tool {} is unknown.", step->tool));
if (args.has_named("in")) {
step->input = args.get_named("in").as_string()->data;
if (args.has_named("dep")) {
goos::for_each_in_list(args.get_named("dep"), [&](const goos::Object& obj) {
for (auto& output : step->outputs) {
auto existing = m_output_to_step.find(output);
if (existing != m_output_to_step.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("There are multiple ways to make output {}:\n{}\n{}\n",
output, step->print(), existing->second->print()));
m_output_to_step.insert({output, step});
return goos::EmptyListObject::make_new();
* Fully clear the state of the project.
void MakeSystem::clear_project() {
void MakeSystem::va_check(
const goos::Object& form,
const goos::Arguments& args,
const std::vector<std::optional<goos::ObjectType>>& unnamed,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<bool, std::optional<goos::ObjectType>>>&
named) {
std::string err;
if (!goos::va_check(args, unnamed, named, &err)) {
m_goos.throw_eval_error(form, err);
goos::Object MakeSystem::handle_basename(const goos::Object& form,
goos::Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<goos::EnvironmentObject>& env) {
m_goos.eval_args(&args, env);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::STRING}, {});
std::filesystem::path input(args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data);
return goos::StringObject::make_new(input.filename().u8string());
goos::Object MakeSystem::handle_stem(const goos::Object& form,
goos::Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<goos::EnvironmentObject>& env) {
m_goos.eval_args(&args, env);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::STRING}, {});
std::filesystem::path input(args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data);
return goos::StringObject::make_new(input.stem().u8string());
void MakeSystem::get_dependencies(const std::string& master_target,
const std::string& output,
std::vector<std::string>* result,
std::unordered_set<std::string>* result_set) const {
if (result_set->find(output) != result_set->end()) {
const auto& rule_it = m_output_to_step.find(output);
if (rule_it == m_output_to_step.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("No rule to make {}, required for {}\n", output, master_target));
// what deps do we need?
for (auto& dep : rule_it->second->deps) {
get_dependencies(master_target, dep, result, result_set);
const auto& rule = rule_it->second;
for (auto& dep : m_tools.at(rule->tool)
->get_additional_dependencies({rule->input, rule->deps, rule->outputs})) {
get_dependencies(master_target, dep, result, result_set);
for (auto& op : rule->outputs) {
std::vector<std::string> MakeSystem::get_dependencies(const std::string& target) const {
Timer timer;
std::vector<std::string> result;
std::unordered_set<std::string> added_deps;
get_dependencies(target, target, &result, &added_deps);
fmt::print("Successfully found all {} dependencies for target in {:.3f}s\n", result.size(),
return result;
void MakeSystem::add_tool(std::shared_ptr<Tool> tool) {
auto& name = tool->name();
assert(m_tools.find(name) == m_tools.end());
m_tools[name] = tool;
std::vector<std::string> MakeSystem::filter_dependencies(const std::vector<std::string>& all_deps) {
Timer timer;
std::vector<std::string> result;
std::unordered_set<std::string> stale_deps;
std::unordered_set<std::string> compiler_sym_needed;
for (auto& to_make : all_deps) {
auto& rule = m_output_to_step.at(to_make);
auto& tool = m_tools.at(rule->tool);
bool added = false;
if (tool->needs_run({rule->input, rule->deps, rule->outputs})) {
added = true;
if (!added) {
// check transitive dependencies
for (auto& dep : rule->deps) {
if (stale_deps.find(dep) != stale_deps.end()) {
added = true;
if (!added) {
// check transitive dependencies
for (auto& dep :
tool->get_additional_dependencies({rule->input, rule->deps, rule->outputs})) {
if (stale_deps.find(dep) != stale_deps.end()) {
added = true;
fmt::print("Found that {} of {} targets do need rebuilding in {:.3f}s\n", result.size(),
all_deps.size(), timer.getSeconds());
return result;
namespace {
void print_input(const std::string& in, char end) {
if (in.length() > 70) {
fmt::print("{}...{}", in.substr(0, 70 - 3), end);
} else {
fmt::print("{}{}{}", in, std::string(70 - in.length(), ' '), end);
} // namespace
bool MakeSystem::make(const std::string& target, bool force, bool verbose) {
auto deps = get_dependencies(target);
// fmt::print("All deps:\n");
// for (auto& dep : deps) {
// fmt::print("{}\n", dep);
// }
if (!force) {
deps = filter_dependencies(deps);
// fmt::print("Filt deps:\n");
// for (auto& dep : filtered_deps) {
// fmt::print("{}\n", dep);
// }
Timer make_timer;
fmt::print("Building {} targets...\n", deps.size());
int i = 0;
for (auto& to_make : deps) {
Timer step_timer;
auto& rule = m_output_to_step.at(to_make);
auto& tool = m_tools.at(rule->tool);
int percent = (100.0 * (1 + (i++)) / (deps.size())) + 0.5;
if (verbose) {
fmt::print("[{:3d}%] [{:8s}] {}\n", percent, tool->name(), rule->input);
} else {
fmt::print("[{:3d}%] [{:8s}] ", percent, tool->name());
print_input(rule->input, '\r');
bool success = false;
try {
success = tool->run({rule->input, rule->deps, rule->outputs});
} catch (std::exception& e) {
fmt::print("Error: {}\n", e.what());
if (!success) {
fmt::print("Build failed on {}.\n", rule->input);
throw std::runtime_error("Build failed.");
return false;
if (verbose) {
if (step_timer.getSeconds() > 0.05) {
fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::yellow), " {:.3f}\n", step_timer.getSeconds());
} else {
fmt::print(" {:.3f}\n", step_timer.getSeconds());
} else {
if (step_timer.getSeconds() > 0.05) {
fmt::print("[{:3d}%] [{:8s}] ", percent, tool->name());
fmt::print(fg(fmt::color::yellow), "{:.3f} ", step_timer.getSeconds());
print_input(rule->input, '\n');
} else {
fmt::print("[{:3d}%] [{:8s}] {:.3f} ", percent, tool->name(), step_timer.getSeconds());
print_input(rule->input, '\r');
fmt::print("\nSuccessfully built all {} targets in {:.3f}s\n", deps.size(),
return true;