Tyler Wilding 4d751af38e
logs: replace every fmt::print with a lg call instead (#1368)
Favors the `lg` namespace over `fmt` directly, as this will output the
logs to a file / has log levels.

I also made assertion errors go to a file, this unfortunately means
importing `lg` and hence `fmt` which was attempted to be avoided before.
But I'm not sure how else to do this aspect without re-inventing the
file logging.

We have a lot of commented out prints as well that we should probably
cleanup at some point / switch them to trace level and default to `info`

I noticed the pattern of disabling debug logs behind some boolean,
something to consider cleaning up in the future -- if our logs were more
structured (knowing where they are coming from) then a lot this
boilerplate could be eliminated.

Closes #1358
2022-10-01 11:58:36 -04:00

314 lines
8.6 KiB

#include "collide_bvh.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/Assert.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
// Collision BVH algorithm
// We start with all the points in a single node, then recursively split nodes in 8 until no nodes
// have too many faces.
// The splitting is done by doing median cuts along the x, y, or z axis.
// The bspheres are built at the end.
namespace collide {
namespace {
constexpr int MAX_UNIQUE_VERTS_IN_FRAG = 128;
* The Collide node.
* If it's a leaf, it has faces
* Otherwise it has 2, 4, or 8 children nodes.
struct CNode {
std::vector<CNode> child_nodes;
std::vector<CollideFace> faces;
math::Vector4f bsphere;
struct VectorHash {
size_t operator()(const math::Vector3f& in) const {
return std::hash<float>()(in.x()) ^ std::hash<float>()(in.y()) ^ std::hash<float>()(in.z());
* Recursively get a list of vertices.
void collect_vertices(const CNode& node, std::vector<math::Vector3f>& verts) {
for (auto& child : node.child_nodes) {
collect_vertices(child, verts);
for (auto& face : node.faces) {
* Find the vertex in verts that is most distant from pt.
size_t find_most_distant(math::Vector3f pt, const std::vector<math::Vector3f>& verts) {
float max_dist_squared = 0;
size_t idx_of_best = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < verts.size(); i++) {
float dist = (pt - verts[i]).squared_length();
if (dist > max_dist_squared) {
max_dist_squared = dist;
idx_of_best = i;
return idx_of_best;
* Compute a bounding sphere for a node and its children.
void compute_my_bsphere_ritters(CNode& node, const std::vector<math::Vector3f>& verts) {
ASSERT(verts.size() > 0);
auto px = verts[0];
auto py = verts[find_most_distant(px, verts)];
auto pz = verts[find_most_distant(py, verts)];
auto origin = (pz + py) / 2.f;
node.bsphere.x() = origin.x();
node.bsphere.y() = origin.y();
node.bsphere.z() = origin.z();
float max_squared = 0;
for (auto& pt : verts) {
max_squared = std::max(max_squared, (pt - origin).squared_length());
node.bsphere.w() = std::sqrt(max_squared);
* Compute a bounding sphere for a node and its children.
void compute_my_bsphere_ritters(CNode& node) {
std::vector<math::Vector3f> verts;
collect_vertices(node, verts);
compute_my_bsphere_ritters(node, verts);
* Split faces in two along a coordinate plane.
* Will clear the input faces
void split_along_dim(std::vector<CollideFace>& faces,
int dim,
std::vector<CollideFace>* out0,
std::vector<CollideFace>* out1) {
std::sort(faces.begin(), faces.end(), [=](const CollideFace& a, const CollideFace& b) {
return a.bsphere[dim] < b.bsphere[dim];
lg::print("splitting with size: {}\n", faces.size());
size_t split_idx = faces.size() / 2;
out0->insert(out0->end(), faces.begin(), faces.begin() + split_idx);
out1->insert(out1->end(), faces.begin() + split_idx, faces.end());
* Split a node into two nodes. The outputs should be uninitialized nodes
void split_node_once(CNode& node, CNode* out0, CNode* out1) {
CNode temps[6];
split_along_dim(node.faces, 0, &temps[0].faces, &temps[1].faces);
split_along_dim(node.faces, 1, &temps[2].faces, &temps[3].faces);
split_along_dim(node.faces, 2, &temps[4].faces, &temps[5].faces);
for (auto& t : temps) {
float max_bspheres[3] = {0, 0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
max_bspheres[i] = std::max(temps[i * 2].bsphere.w(), temps[i * 2 + 1].bsphere.w());
int best_dim = 0;
float best_w = max_bspheres[0];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (max_bspheres[i] < best_w) {
best_dim = i;
best_w = max_bspheres[i];
*out0 = temps[best_dim * 2];
*out1 = temps[best_dim * 2 + 1];
bool needs_split(const CNode& node) {
// quick reject.
if (node.faces.size() > 100) {
return true;
if (node.bsphere.w() > (125.f * 4096.f)) {
return true;
std::unordered_set<math::Vector3f, VectorHash> unique_verts;
for (auto& f : node.faces) {
for (auto& v : f.v) {
return unique_verts.size() >= MAX_UNIQUE_VERTS_IN_FRAG;
void split_recursive(CNode& to_split) {
CNode level0[2];
split_node_once(to_split, &level0[0], &level0[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (needs_split(level0[i])) {
CNode level1[2];
split_node_once(level0[i], &level1[0], &level1[1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if (needs_split(level1[j])) {
CNode level2[2];
split_node_once(level1[j], &level2[0], &level2[1]);
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
if (needs_split(level2[k])) {
} else {
} else {
} else {
ASSERT(to_split.child_nodes.size() <= 8);
bool has_leaves = false;
bool has_not_leaves = false;
for (auto& child : to_split.child_nodes) {
if (!child.faces.empty()) {
has_leaves = true;
if (!child.child_nodes.empty()) {
has_not_leaves = true;
if (has_leaves && has_not_leaves) {
std::vector<CNode> temp_children = std::move(to_split.child_nodes);
to_split.child_nodes = {};
for (auto& c : temp_children) {
if (!c.faces.empty()) {
split_node_once(c, &to_split.child_nodes[to_split.child_nodes.size() - 1],
&to_split.child_nodes[to_split.child_nodes.size() - 2]);
} else {
* Recursively compute bspheres of all children
* (note that we don't do bspheres of bspheres... I think this is better?)
void bsphere_recursive(CNode& node) {
for (auto& child : node.child_nodes) {
void drawable_layout_helper(const CNode& node_in,
CollideTree& tree_out,
DrawNode& parent_to_add_to) {
if (node_in.faces.empty()) {
auto& next = parent_to_add_to.draw_node_children.emplace_back();
next.bsphere = node_in.bsphere;
for (auto& c : node_in.child_nodes) {
drawable_layout_helper(c, tree_out, next);
} else {
size_t frag_idx = tree_out.frags.frags.size();
auto& frag_out = tree_out.frags.frags.emplace_back();
frag_out.faces = node_in.faces;
frag_out.bsphere = node_in.bsphere;
CollideTree build_collide_tree(CNode& root) {
CollideTree tree;
drawable_layout_helper(root, tree, tree.fake_root_node);
return tree;
void debug_stats(const CollideTree& tree) {
float sum_w = 0, max_w = 0;
for (auto& frag : tree.frags.frags) {
sum_w += frag.bsphere.w();
max_w = std::max(frag.bsphere.w(), max_w);
lg::info("Max bsphere radius: {:.2f}m, average {:.2f} (aiming for around 20-30m avg)",
max_w / 4096, sum_w / (4096 * tree.frags.frags.size()));
} // namespace
CollideTree construct_collide_bvh(const std::vector<CollideFace>& tris) {
// part 1: build the tree
Timer bvh_timer;
lg::info("Building collide bvh from {} triangles", tris.size());
CNode root;
root.faces = tris;
lg::info("BVH tree constructed in {:.2f} ms", bvh_timer.getMs());
// part 2: compute bspheres
lg::info("Found bspheres in {:.2f} ms", bvh_timer.getMs());
// part 3: layout tree
auto tree = build_collide_tree(root);
lg::info("Tree layout done in {:.2f} ms", bvh_timer.getMs());
std::map<int, int> size_histogram;
for (const auto& f : tree.frags.frags) {
for (auto [size, count] : size_histogram) {
lg::print(" [{:3d}] {:3d} ({})\n", size, count, size * count);
return tree;
} // namespace collide