Tyler Wilding eb703ee96e
REPL related improvements and fixes (#3545)
Motivated by - https://github.com/open-goal/opengoal-vscode/pull/358

This addresses the following:
- Fixes #2939 spam edge-case
- Stop picking a different nREPL port based on the game mode by default,
this causes friction for tools in the average usecase (having a REPL
open for a single game, and wanting to connect to it). `goalc` spins up
fine even if the port is already bound to.
- For people that need/want this behaviour, adding per-game
configuration to the `repl-config.json` is on my todo list.
- Allows `goalc` to permit redefining symbols, including functions. This
is defaulted to off via the `repl-config.json` but it allows you to for
example, change the definition of a function without having to restart
and rebuild the entire game.
![Screenshot 2024-06-02
- Updates the welcome message to include a bunch of useful metadata
up-front. Cleaned up all the startup logs that appear when starting
goalc, many of whom's information is now included in the welcome
  - Before:


  - After:
![Screenshot 2024-06-01
2024-06-03 00:14:52 -04:00

516 lines
10 KiB

;; goos macro to define a new goos macro
(define defsmacro (macro (name args &rest body)
`(define ,name (macro ,args ,@body))
;; macro to define a new goos function
(defsmacro desfun (name args &rest body)
`(define ,name (lambda ,args ,@body))
;; goos macro to let us define goal macros from goos:
(defsmacro defgmacro (name args &rest body)
`(define :env *goal-env* ,name (macro ,args ,@body))
(defsmacro if (clause true false)
`(cond (,clause ,true) (#t ,false))
(defsmacro when (clause &rest body)
`(if ,clause (begin ,@body) #f)
(defsmacro not (x)
`(if ,x #f #t)
(defsmacro unless (clause &rest body)
`(if (not ,clause) (begin ,@body) #f)
(defsmacro aif (condition true false)
"Anaphoric if, similar to Common Lisp"
`(let ((it ,condition))
(if it
(desfun factorial (x)
(if (= x 1)
(* x (factorial (- x 1)))
(defsmacro max (a b)
`(if (> a b) a b)
(defsmacro min (a b)
`(if (< a b) a b)
(defsmacro caar (x)
`(car (car ,x)))
(defsmacro cadr (x)
`(car (cdr ,x)))
(defsmacro cdar (x)
`(cdr (car ,x)))
(defsmacro cddr (x)
`(cdr (cdr ,x)))
(defsmacro caddr (x)
`(car (cdr (cdr ,x))))
(defsmacro cdddr (x)
`(cdr (cdr (cdr ,x))))
(defsmacro cadddr (x)
`(car (cdr (cdr (cdr ,x)))))
(defsmacro caadr (x)
`(car (car (cdr ,x))))
(defsmacro cadar (x)
`(car (cdr (car ,x))))
(desfun first (x)
(car x))
(desfun rest (x)
(cdr x))
(desfun second (x)
(car (cdr x))
(desfun third (x)
(car (cddr x)))
(defsmacro push! (lst x)
`(set! ,lst (cons ,x ,lst))
(defsmacro pop! (lst)
`(set! ,lst (cdr ,lst))
(desfun count (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(+ 1 (count (cdr lst))))
(desfun apply (fun x)
(if (null? x)
(cons (fun (car x))
(apply fun (cdr x))
;; same as apply but interleaves with two functions and lists
(desfun apply2 (fun1 fun2 lst1 lst2)
(if (or (null? lst1) (null? lst2) (not (= (length lst1) (length lst2))))
(cons (fun1 (car lst1))
(cons (fun2 (car lst2))
(apply2 fun1 fun2 (cdr lst1) (cdr lst2))
(desfun filter (pred lst)
(cond ((null? lst) '())
((pred (first lst))
(cons (first lst) (filter pred (cdr lst))))
(#t (filter pred (cdr lst)))))
(desfun member (x a)
(if (null? a)
(if (eq? (car a) x)
(member x (cdr a))
(desfun assoc (x a)
(if (null? a)
(if (eq? (caar a) x)
(car a)
(assoc x (cdr a))
(desfun assocn (x a)
(let ((i -1)
(ret -1)
(iter a))
(while (and (< ret 0) (not (null? iter)))
(inc! i)
(when (eq? (car iter) x)
(set! ret i))
(set! iter (cdr iter)))
(desfun nth (n a)
(let ((i -1)
(ret #f)
(stop? #f)
(iter a))
(while (and (not stop?) (not (null? iter)))
(inc! i)
(when (eq? i n)
(set! ret (car iter))
(set! stop? #t))
(set! iter (cdr iter)))
(desfun list (&rest items)
(apply (lambda (x) x) items)
(desfun reverse (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((old-lst lst)
(new-lst '()))
(while (not (null? old-lst))
(set! new-lst (cons (car old-lst) new-lst))
(set! old-lst (cdr old-lst))
(desfun reverse-recursive (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((old-lst lst)
(new-lst '()))
(while (not (null? old-lst))
(let ((cur-obj (car old-lst)))
(set! new-lst (cons (if (pair? cur-obj)
(reverse-recursive cur-obj)
(set! old-lst (cdr old-lst))
;; These are now implemented in Interpreter.cpp for speed.
;; But I leave these here because it was cool to implement them in GOOS itself.
; (defsmacro let (bindings &rest body)
; `((lambda ,(apply first bindings) ,@body)
; ,@(apply second bindings)))
; (defsmacro let* (bindings &rest body)
; (if (null? bindings)
; `(begin ,@body)
; `((lambda (,(caar bindings))
; (let* ,(cdr bindings) ,@body))
; ;;(begin ,@(cdar bindings))
; ,(car (cdar bindings))
; )
; )
; )
(defsmacro dotimes (var &rest body)
`(let (( ,(first var) 0))
(while (< ,(first var) ,(second var))
(set! ,(first var) (+ ,(first var) 1))
,@(cddr var)
(desfun repeated-list (obj count)
(if (= 0 count)
(cons obj (repeated-list obj (- count 1)))
(defsmacro with-gensyms (names &rest body)
,(apply (lambda (x) `(,x (gensym))) names)
(desfun length (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(+ 1 (length (cdr lst)))
(defsmacro dolist (bindings &rest body)
`(let ((,(car bindings) ,(cadr bindings)))
(while (not (null? ,(car bindings)))
(set! ,(car bindings) (cdr ,(car bindings)))
(defsmacro cons! (lst obj) `(set! ,lst (cons ,obj ,lst)))
(desfun append! (lst obj)
"adds obj to the end of lst. only edits inplace if lst is not null."
(let ((pended #f))
(if (null? lst)
(set! lst (cons obj '()))
(dolist (it lst)
(when (and (not pended) (null? (cdr it)))
(set-cdr! it (cons obj '()))
(set! pended #t)
(desfun delete-last! (lst)
"removes last item in lst. only edits inplace if lst is not null."
(let ((prev '()))
(dolist (it lst)
(when (null? (cdr it))
(if (null? prev)
(set! lst '())
(set-cdr! prev '())
(set! prev it)
(defsmacro append!! (lst obj) `(set! ,lst (append! ,lst ,obj)))
(defsmacro delete-last!! (lst) `(set! ,lst (delete-last! ,lst)))
(defsmacro 1+ (x) `(+ ,x 1))
(defsmacro 1- (x) `(- ,x 1))
(defsmacro inc! (x) `(set! ,x (1+ ,x)))
(defsmacro dec! (x) `(set! ,x (1- ,x)))
(defsmacro +! (place arg) `(set! ,place (+ ,place ,arg)))
(defsmacro -! (place arg) `(set! ,place (- ,place ,arg)))
(defsmacro string? (x)
`(type? 'string ,x))
(defsmacro float? (x)
`(type? 'float ,x)
(defsmacro integer? (x)
`(type? 'integer ,x)
(defsmacro number? (x)
`(or (float? ,x) (integer? ,x))
(defsmacro neq? (a b) `(not (eq? ,a ,b)))
(defsmacro != (a b) `(not (= ,a ,b)))
(defsmacro zero? (x) `(= ,x 0))
(defsmacro nonzero? (x) `(!= ,x 0))
(defsmacro pair? (x)
`(type? 'pair ,x)
(defsmacro symbol? (x)
`(type? 'symbol ,x)
(defsmacro ferror (&rest args)
`(error (fmt #f ,@args))
(desfun apply-i-fun (fun x i)
(if (null? x)
(cons (fun (car x) i)
(apply-i-fun fun (cdr x) (inc! i))
(defsmacro apply-i (fun x)
`(apply-i-fun ,fun ,x 0)
(defsmacro string->symbol-format (str &rest args)
`(string->symbol (fmt #f ,str ,@args))
;; Bootstrap GOAL macro system
;; goal macro to define a goal macro
(defgmacro defmacro (name args &rest body)
,(if (and (> (length body) 1) (string? (first body)))
;; then it's a docstring and we ignore it.
(update-macro-metadata ,name ,(first body) ,args)
(seval (defgmacro ,name ,args ,@(cdr body))))
;; otherwise don't ignore it.
(update-macro-metadata ,name "" ,args)
(seval (defgmacro ,name ,args ,@body)))
;; goal macro to define a goos macro
(defgmacro defsmacro (name args &rest body)
`(seval (defsmacro ,name ,args ,@body))
;; goal macro to define a goos function
(defgmacro desfun (name args &rest body)
`(seval (desfun ,name ,args ,@body))
;; enum stuff
(desfun enum-length (enum)
(length (get-enum-vals enum))
(defsmacro doenum (bindings &rest body)
;; (doenum (name-var val-var 'enum &rest result) &rest body)
(with-gensyms (enum-vals)
`(let ((,enum-vals (get-enum-vals ,(third bindings))))
(while (not (null? ,enum-vals))
(let ((,(first bindings) (caar ,enum-vals)) ;; name
(,(second bindings) (cdar ,enum-vals)) ;; value
(set! ,enum-vals (cdr ,enum-vals))
,@(cdddr bindings)
(desfun enum-max (enum)
"get the highest value in an enum"
(let ((max-val -999999999999))
(doenum (name val enum)
(when (> val max-val)
(set! max-val val))
(defgmacro enum-max (enum)
(enum-max enum))
(defgmacro enum-length (enum)
(enum-length enum))
;; shortcut to quit GOOS
(defsmacro e ()
;; this is checked in a test to see if this file is loaded.
(define __goos-lib-loaded__ #t)
;; *user* is defined when goos starts!
(when *user*
;; (fmt #t "Loading user scripts for user: {}...\n" *user*)
;; i'm not sure what naming scheme to use here. user/<name>/user.gs?
;; the GOAL one is loaded in Compiler.cpp
(try-load-file (fmt #f "goal_src/user/{}/user.gs" *user*))
(defsmacro user? (&rest users)
((null? users) #f)
((eq? *user* (car users)) #t)
(#t `(user? ,@(cdr users)))
;; GAME STUFF!!! ;;
;; a map for art definitions used by art loading code.
(define *art-info* (make-string-hash-table))
;; a map for joint node names used by art loading code.
(define *jg-info* (make-string-hash-table))
;; a map for tpages used by texture macros.
(define *tpage-info* (make-string-hash-table))
;; build system ;;
(define *jak1-full-game* (if (user? dass) #t #f))
(define *default-territory* GAME_TERRITORY_SCEA)
;; whether to enable ps3 test levels for jak 2
(define USE_PS3_LEVELS #f)