2023-08-08 20:53:16 -04:00

458 lines
13 KiB

#include "tfrag_tie_fixup.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/math/Vector.h"
#include "common/util/Assert.h"
// Approach:
// 1: un-strip vertices and make individual strips consistent. Group triangles by strip.
// 2: build a graph of neighboring groups
// 3: find connected components
// 4: for each connected component, order strips in bfs order
// 5: iterate through the strips. If flipping the strip will result in fewer inconsistencies with
// lowered-ordered neighbors, then flip it.
// 6: build final index buffer.
// vertex indices for a single triangle
struct Tri {
u32 idx[3];
// a list of triangles, assumed to have consistent orientation.
struct TriGroup {
std::vector<Tri> tris;
* Step 1: convert strips to groups of un-stripped triangles, determine the old->new mapping.
* Note: for the old->new mapping, we don't have to give the right answer for triangles inside of a
* strip, or for degenerate strips. This mapping is just convenient for users of this data.
void unstrip(const std::vector<u32>& stripped_indices,
std::vector<TriGroup>& groups,
std::vector<u32>& old_to_new_start) {
// first triangle is the first triangle
// doesn't matter, in the middle of a strip
// the tfrag output flips every other triangle, we'll need to unflip that.
bool toggle = false;
// total number of indices created in the output.
size_t num_unstripped_idx = 0;
// the current strip
TriGroup building_group;
// loop over all groups of 3 indices...
for (size_t i = 2; i < stripped_indices.size(); i++) {
u32 a = stripped_indices[i];
u32 b = stripped_indices[i - 1];
u32 c = stripped_indices[i - 2];
if (a == UINT32_MAX || b == UINT32_MAX || c == UINT32_MAX) {
toggle = false;
if (!building_group.tris.empty()) {
} else {
num_unstripped_idx += 3;
auto& tri = building_group.tris.emplace_back();
tri.idx[0] = a;
tri.idx[1] = toggle ? b : c;
tri.idx[2] = toggle ? c : b;
toggle = !toggle;
// A Node in the graph of groups.
// The self and and neighbors fields refers to group indices.
struct Node {
int self_idx = -1;
std::set<int> neighbors;
u64 group_pair_to_neighbor_key(u64 a, u64 b) {
if (a < b) {
std::swap(a, b);
ASSERT(a < UINT32_MAX && b < UINT32_MAX);
return a | (b << 32);
// For each pair of groups that are neighbors:
struct GroupPairInfo {
// which groups are neighbors
int idx[2] = {-1, -1};
// per-triangle-sharing-an-edge
std::vector<bool> matched_edge_twists; // true if twisted
* Arbitrary ordering of vector3's.
* We can use this to make sure that Edge(a, b) and Edge(b, a) are considered the same edge
* by always storing an edge as [min(a,b), max(a,b)].
bool greater_than(const math::Vector3f& a, const math::Vector3f& b) {
for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) {
if (a[dim] > b[dim]) {
return true;
} else if (a[dim] < b[dim]) {
return false;
// ASSERT(false);
return false;
math::Vector3f round_vector(const math::Vector3f& in) {
math::Vector3f rounded;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
s64 x = in[i];
rounded[i] = x;
return rounded;
* Edge that can be hashed, and Edge(a, b) == Edge(b, a), using the trick described above.
class HashableEdge {
HashableEdge(const math::Vector3f& a, const math::Vector3f& b) {
if (greater_than(a, b)) {
m_greater_pt = a;
m_lesser_pt = b;
} else {
m_greater_pt = b;
m_lesser_pt = a;
bool operator==(const HashableEdge& other) const {
return m_lesser_pt == other.m_lesser_pt && m_greater_pt == other.m_greater_pt;
struct hash {
std::size_t operator()(const HashableEdge& in) const {
std::size_t result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
result ^= std::hash<float>()(in.m_lesser_pt[i]) ^ std::hash<float>()(in.m_greater_pt[i]);
return result;
math::Vector3f m_lesser_pt, m_greater_pt;
math::Vector3f triangle_normal(const Tri& tri, const std::vector<math::Vector3f>& positions) {
const auto& a = positions.at(tri.idx[0]);
const auto& b = positions.at(tri.idx[1]);
const auto& c = positions.at(tri.idx[2]);
return (b - a).cross(c - a);
float triangle_normal_dot(const Tri& a,
const Tri& b,
const std::vector<math::Vector3f>& positions) {
return triangle_normal(a, positions).dot(triangle_normal(b, positions));
struct PerEdgeInfo {
int source_group = -1;
int tri_idx = -1; // in group
int edge_idx = -1;
bool change_order = false;
* Step 2: build a graph of connected groups. Groups are considered connected if they share an edge.
* Also collect information about pairs of connected groups.
* @param nodes: the node for each group.
* @param neighbor_info: info for each pair of connected group, keyed on group_pair_to_neighbor_key
* @param groups: input groups
* @param positions: vertex position input
void build_graph(std::vector<Node>& nodes,
std::unordered_map<u64, GroupPairInfo>& neighbor_info,
const std::vector<TriGroup>& groups,
const std::vector<math::Vector3f>& positions) {
// to avoid slow O(n^2) edge checks, we'll add all edges to a hash table, recording which
// groups they appear in.
std::unordered_map<HashableEdge, std::vector<PerEdgeInfo>, HashableEdge::hash> edge_info_map;
// first pass: set up nodes and build hash table
for (int group_idx = 0; group_idx < (int)groups.size(); group_idx++) {
const auto& group = groups[group_idx];
// add the node
auto& node = nodes.emplace_back();
node.self_idx = group_idx;
for (int tri_idx = 0; tri_idx < (int)group.tris.size(); tri_idx++) {
const auto& tri = group.tris[tri_idx];
for (int edge_idx = 0; edge_idx < 3; edge_idx++) {
u32 edge_indices[2] = {
tri.idx[(edge_idx + 0) % 3],
tri.idx[(edge_idx + 1) % 3],
HashableEdge edge(round_vector(positions.at(edge_indices[0])),
auto& info_list = edge_info_map[edge];
bool found = false;
for (auto& x : info_list) {
if (x.source_group == group_idx) {
found = true;
if (found) {
auto& info = edge_info_map[edge].emplace_back();
info.source_group = group_idx;
info.tri_idx = tri_idx;
info.edge_idx = edge_idx;
info.change_order =
greater_than(positions.at(edge_indices[0]), positions.at(edge_indices[1]));
// second pass: loop over shared edges
[[maybe_unused]] int shared_edge_count = 0;
for (const auto& [edge, infos] : edge_info_map) {
// skip any edge that only shows up once.
if (infos.size() < 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)infos.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
const auto& info_a = infos.at(i);
const auto& info_b = infos.at(j);
int group_a = info_a.source_group;
int group_b = info_b.source_group;
if (info_a.source_group == info_b.source_group) {
lg::print("duplicate edge in group!\n"); // ??
// link neighbors
// make neighbor info (or append to existing)
auto neighbor_key = group_pair_to_neighbor_key(group_a, group_b);
auto& info = neighbor_info[neighbor_key];
int a_idx = group_a > group_b ? 0 : 1;
int b_idx = 1 - a_idx;
info.idx[a_idx] = group_a;
info.idx[b_idx] = group_b;
info_a.change_order == info_b.change_order // should be opposite dirs.
// triangle_normal_dot(groups.at(group_a).tris.at(info_a.tri_idx),
// groups.at(group_b).tris.at(info_b.tri_idx), positions)
struct ConnectedComponent {
std::vector<int> groups;
* Step 3: find connected components
std::vector<ConnectedComponent> find_connected_components(const std::vector<Node>& nodes) {
std::vector<ConnectedComponent> result;
std::set<int> added;
// loop over each node
for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < (int)nodes.size(); node_idx++) {
// skip nodes already part of a connected component.
if (added.find(node_idx) != added.end()) {
// new node, create a new component and find everything connected.
auto& component = result.emplace_back();
// added this first node
// initialize the search with neighbors of the first node
std::vector<int> to_visit;
for (auto x : nodes.at(node_idx).neighbors) {
// find all connected!
while (!to_visit.empty()) {
int next_idx = to_visit.back();
if (added.find(next_idx) != added.end()) {
// already seen it, skip!
// new node, add it
// also look at neighbors
for (auto x : nodes.at(next_idx).neighbors) {
if (added.find(x) == added.end()) {
return result;
* Step 4: order components in bfs order
ConnectedComponent bfs_order_connected_component(const ConnectedComponent& in,
const std::vector<Node>& graph) {
ConnectedComponent out;
// add the first one
std::set<int> added;
std::vector<int> frontier = {in.groups.at(0)};
// go!
while (!frontier.empty()) {
std::stable_sort(frontier.begin(), frontier.end(), [&graph](int a, int b) {
return graph.at(a).neighbors.size() < graph.at(b).neighbors.size();
std::vector<int> next_frontier;
for (auto x : frontier) {
if (added.find(x) != added.end()) {
auto& node = graph.at(x);
for (auto& neighbor : node.neighbors) {
if (added.find(neighbor) == added.end()) {
frontier = std::move(next_frontier);
return out;
std::vector<bool> compute_flips(const std::vector<Node>& graph,
const std::vector<ConnectedComponent>& components,
const std::unordered_map<u64, GroupPairInfo>& neighbor_info) {
std::vector<bool> flips;
flips.resize(graph.size(), false);
for (const auto& component : components) {
std::set<int> decided;
for (int node_idx : component.groups) {
const auto& group = graph.at(node_idx);
float flip_sum = 0;
for (int neighbor_idx : group.neighbors) {
if (decided.find(neighbor_idx) == decided.end()) {
continue; // skip, don't know this ones orientation
const auto& info = neighbor_info.at(group_pair_to_neighbor_key(node_idx, neighbor_idx));
for (auto originally_twisted : info.matched_edge_twists) {
bool twisted = originally_twisted;
if (flips[neighbor_idx]) {
twisted = !twisted;
if (twisted) {
} else {
if (flip_sum < 0) {
flips[node_idx] = true;
return flips;
void apply_flips(const std::vector<bool>& flips, std::vector<TriGroup>& groups) {
ASSERT(flips.size() == groups.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
if (flips[i]) {
for (auto& tri : groups[i].tris) {
std::swap(tri.idx[0], tri.idx[1]);
void make_final_indices(const std::vector<TriGroup>& groups, std::vector<u32>& idx) {
for (auto& g : groups) {
for (auto& t : g.tris) {
for (auto i : t.idx) {
void fixup_and_unstrip_tfrag_tie(const std::vector<u32>& stripped_indices,
const std::vector<math::Vector3f>& positions,
std::vector<u32>& unstripped,
std::vector<u32>& old_to_new_start) {
// Part 1
std::vector<TriGroup> groups;
unstrip(stripped_indices, groups, old_to_new_start);
// Part 2
std::vector<Node> nodes;
std::unordered_map<u64, GroupPairInfo> neighbor_info;
build_graph(nodes, neighbor_info, groups, positions);
// Part 3
auto connected_components = find_connected_components(nodes);
// Part 4
std::vector<ConnectedComponent> ordered_components;
for (auto& c : connected_components) {
ordered_components.push_back(bfs_order_connected_component(c, nodes));
// Part 5
auto flips = compute_flips(nodes, ordered_components, neighbor_info);
// Part 6
apply_flips(flips, groups);
// Part 7
make_final_indices(groups, unstripped);