Hat Kid a857061e96
jak2: focus-test? macro, fix (zero? (logand ...)) -> (not (logtest? ...)) detection (#2321)
There are *a lot* of file changes and while I have carefully gone
through every gsrc change to fix up manual patches, there might still be
spots that I missed.
2023-03-14 22:57:31 -04:00

657 lines
23 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: collide-touch.gc
;; name in dgo: collide-touch
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; Touching List
;; The idea behind the touching list is to determine which things were touched during collision resolution, then
;; send events to processes based on this.
;; In the end, we want to track pairs of collide-shape-prims, and possibly triangles (if one of the prims has triangles).
;; The logic for this is more confusing than you might expect because they don't count every single intersection that
;; occurs in every single iteration of the collision solve.
;; Entry Pool
;; there's a global shared pool of entries that you can alloc and free from.
(defmethod get-free-node-count touching-prims-entry-pool ((obj touching-prims-entry-pool))
"Get the number of nodes that are not in use."
(let ((v0-0 0))
(let ((v1-0 (-> obj head)))
(while v1-0
(+! v0-0 1)
(set! v1-0 (-> v1-0 next))
(defmethod alloc-node touching-prims-entry-pool ((obj touching-prims-entry-pool))
"Allocate a node. Will return #f if there are none left."
(let ((gp-0 (-> obj head)))
(let ((v1-0 (-> gp-0 next)))
(set! (-> obj head) v1-0)
(if v1-0
(set! (-> v1-0 prev) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 allocated?) #t)
(set! (-> gp-0 next) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 prev) #f)
(format 0 "ERROR: touching-prims-entry-pool::alloc-node() failed!~%")
(defmethod free-node touching-prims-entry-pool ((obj touching-prims-entry-pool) (arg0 touching-prims-entry))
"Free a node allocated with alloc-node"
(when (-> arg0 allocated?)
(set! (-> arg0 allocated?) #f)
(let ((v1-1 (-> obj head)))
(set! (-> arg0 next) v1-1)
(set! (-> arg0 prev) #f)
(set! (-> obj head) arg0)
(if v1-1
(set! (-> v1-1 prev) arg0)
;; Shapes Entry
;; a single shape entry represents a pair of shapes that collide.
;; There can be multiple colliding primitives.
(defmethod free-touching-prims-list touching-shapes-entry ((obj touching-shapes-entry))
"Return all nodes used by this touching-shapes-entry to the touching-prims-entry-pool"
(when (-> obj cshape1)
(set! (-> obj cshape1) #f)
(let ((gp-0 (-> obj head)))
(when gp-0
(set! (-> obj head) #f)
(let ((s5-0 *touching-prims-entry-pool*))
(while gp-0
(let ((a1-0 gp-0))
(set! gp-0 (-> a1-0 next))
(free-node s5-0 a1-0)
;; Touching List
;; A touching list is a list up to TOUCHING_LIST_LENGTH pairs of colliding collide-shapes.
(defmethod free-all-prim-nodes touching-list ((obj touching-list))
"Free all prim nodes used by all touching shapes in this touching-list."
(let ((s5-0 (the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> obj touching-shapes))))
(countdown (s4-0 (-> obj num-touching-shapes))
(free-touching-prims-list s5-0)
(&+! s5-0 16)
(set! (-> obj num-touching-shapes) 0)
(set! (-> obj resolve-u) 0)
(defmethod get-shapes-entry touching-list ((obj touching-list) (arg0 collide-shape) (arg1 collide-shape))
"Get a touching-shapes-entry for the two shapes. If one exists, it will be returned. Otherwise a new one will be made."
(let ((v0-0 (the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> obj touching-shapes)))) ;; the candidate
(let ((v1-0 (the-as touching-shapes-entry #f))) ;; a good one
;; loop over all touching shapes
(countdown (a3-0 (-> obj num-touching-shapes))
(let ((t0-0 (-> v0-0 cshape1)))
(set! v1-0
;; in use. If it's match, return it (allows a,b or b,a to match a,b)
(if (or (and (= t0-0 arg0) (= (-> v0-0 cshape2) arg1)) (and (= t0-0 arg1) (= (-> v0-0 cshape2) arg0)))
(return v0-0)
;; otherwise bad
;; not in use. remember it's free and keep looking.
(&+! v0-0 16)
;; done looping.
(v1-0 ;; did we find an unused slot? if so return it
(set! v0-0 v1-0)
;; need to add a new one
(when (>= (-> obj num-touching-shapes) TOUCHING_LIST_LENGTH)
;; but there's no room!
(format 0 "ERROR: touching-list::get-shapes-entry() failed!~%")
(return (the-as touching-shapes-entry #f))
;; enough room, increase the size
(+! (-> obj num-touching-shapes) 1)
;; if we're doing a new one, set it up.
(set! (-> v0-0 cshape1) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 cshape2) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-0 head) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 resolve-u) 1)
(set! (-> obj resolve-u) 1)
(the-as touching-shapes-entry v0-0)
(deftype add-prims-touching-work (structure)
((tri1 collide-tri-result :offset-assert 0)
(tri2 collide-tri-result :offset-assert 4)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x8
:flag-assert #x900000008
;; Touching List Update
;; Note: this code relies a lot on the details of the iterative collision solver they made.
;; Basically, the solver works like this:
;; "What happens if I move forward 1.0 timesteps?"
;; "You'd hit object A after 0.6 of a step, and object B after 0.3 of a step" (touching list has A and B now)
;; "OK. I will move forward 0.3 then. I will remove A from the touching list because I only went 0.3 of a step, and that's not enough to reach A."
;; ~Move forward 0.3, and handle the collision reaction from hitting B~
;; "I moved forward 0.3, so I now have 0.7 left to move (but potentially in a different direction because I bounced off of B)"
;; "What happens if I move forward 0.7 timesteps?"
;; .. repeat ..
(defmethod add-touching-prims touching-list ((obj touching-list)
(arg0 collide-shape-prim)
(arg1 collide-shape-prim)
(arg2 float)
(arg3 collide-tri-result)
(arg4 collide-tri-result)
"Tell the touching list that if we end taking a step of at least arg2, the prims arg0/arg1 will collide.
However, you don't have to know for sure if you're going to take this big of a step yet.
You can provide triangles if you want, but you don't have to.
The logic for calling this twice for the same prims in between calls to update-from-step-size is a little weird
so I suspect this never happens (and it's probably cheaper to avoid this duplication in the actual prim collision code)."
;; I don't know why they made this type, but I'm guessing it's to avoid the compiler spilling to the stack
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'add-prims-touching-work)))
(set! (-> gp-0 tri1) arg3)
(set! (-> gp-0 tri2) arg4)
;; first, grab the entry for the collide-shapes involved.
(let ((s2-0 (get-shapes-entry obj (-> arg0 cshape) (-> arg1 cshape))))
(when s2-0
;; if we ask for a,b, that function might give us b,a. Detect that, and swap our collide shape prims.
(when (= (-> s2-0 cshape1) (-> arg1 cshape))
(let ((v1-4 arg0))
(set! arg0 arg1)
(set! arg1 v1-4)
(let ((s0-0 (-> s2-0 head)))
;; loop over all the entries in the shapes
(while s0-0
;; and only look at the ones that match these prims
(when (and (= (-> s0-0 prim1 cprim) arg0) (= (-> s0-0 prim2 cprim) arg1))
;; if we already have an entry for this one, only update if this one is closer.
(when (< arg2 (-> s0-0 u))
;; this value is unused.
(-> s0-0 u)
(let ((v1-12 (-> s0-0 prim1))
(a1-2 (-> gp-0 tri1))
;; we have a tri, copy it
(set! (-> v1-12 has-tri?) #t)
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> v1-12 tri)) (the-as pointer a1-2) 84)
;; no tri
(set! (-> v1-12 has-tri?) #f)
;; same for the other tri.
(let ((v1-15 (-> s0-0 prim2))
(a1-3 (-> gp-0 tri2))
(set! (-> v1-15 has-tri?) #t)
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> v1-15 tri)) (the-as pointer a1-3) 84)
(set! (-> v1-15 has-tri?) #f)
;; after we found the matching node for these prims, we're done!
(return 0)
(set! s0-0 (-> s0-0 next))
;; nope, didn't find an entry, so make a new one.
(let ((s0-1 (alloc-node *touching-prims-entry-pool*)))
;; allocate a new node, link it.
(when s0-1
(let ((v1-22 (-> s2-0 head)))
(set! (-> s0-1 next) v1-22)
(set! (-> s0-1 prev) #f)
(set! (-> s2-0 head) s0-1)
(if v1-22
(set! (-> v1-22 prev) s0-1)
;; and set it up.
(set! (-> s0-1 u) arg2)
(when (>= arg2 0.0)
;; if we're >0, we have to move (which we haven't done yet) to actually collide.
;; flag us as resolve-u (meaning our u is from the resolve function, which looks at what _would_
;; happen if we did it all at once.)
;; if we're <0, we started in collision (possible, if we didnt' converge on the last frame)
;; we should still add, but we don't need to bother with the "did we go far enough" checks.
(set! (-> s2-0 resolve-u) 1)
(set! (-> obj resolve-u) 1)
(let ((v1-26 (-> s0-1 prim1))
(a1-4 (-> gp-0 tri1))
(set! (-> v1-26 cprim) arg0)
(set! (-> v1-26 has-tri?) #t)
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> v1-26 tri)) (the-as pointer a1-4) 84)
(set! (-> v1-26 has-tri?) #f)
(let ((v1-29 (-> s0-1 prim2))
(a1-5 (-> gp-0 tri2))
(set! (-> v1-29 cprim) arg1)
(set! (-> v1-29 has-tri?) #t)
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> v1-29 tri)) (the-as pointer a1-5) 84)
(set! (-> v1-29 has-tri?) #f)
(defmethod update-from-step-size touching-list ((obj touching-list) (arg0 float))
"Given that we actually will take a step size of arg0, remove things we won't actually hit."
;; only if we have some un-updated potential collision
(when (nonzero? (-> obj resolve-u))
;; remember we did it
(set! (-> obj resolve-u) 0)
;; loop through touching-shape-entries
(let ((s5-0 (the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> obj touching-shapes))))
(countdown (s4-0 (-> obj num-touching-shapes))
;; only when the entry isn't done yet
(when (nonzero? (-> s5-0 resolve-u))
;; remember we did it
(set! (-> s5-0 resolve-u) 0)
;; we can have empty entries, so check cshape1
(when (-> s5-0 cshape1)
;; loop over nodes (each node is a pair of prims)
(let ((s3-0 (-> s5-0 head)))
(while s3-0
(let ((f0-0 (-> s3-0 u)))
(set! s3-0
((>= f0-0 0.0)
;; we'd have to take a step to hit this one!
((>= arg0 f0-0)
;; our step is big enough!
;; we hit it. To prevent this from being possibly removed later on
;; we set the u to -1.0 to indicate that we're massively intersecting.
;; this will no longer be eligible for removal because we actually hit it.
(set! (-> s3-0 u) -1.0)
(set! s3-0 (-> s3-0 next))
;; we would have needed to move more than arg0 to hit this one.
;; at least for now, remove by splicing out of the list and freeing.
(let ((a1-1 s3-0)) ;; this
(let ((v1-7 (-> s3-0 next))) ;; next
(let ((a0-1 (-> s3-0 prev))) ;; prev
(if a0-1
(set! (-> a0-1 next) v1-7)
(set! (-> s5-0 head) v1-7)
(if v1-7
(set! (-> v1-7 prev) a0-1)
(set! s3-0 v1-7)
(free-node *touching-prims-entry-pool* a1-1)
;; not touching, advance to the next.
(-> s3-0 next)
;; if we removed everything from this, mark it as dead (the allocation function will reuse it now)
(if (not (-> s5-0 head))
(set! (-> s5-0 cshape1) #f)
(&+! s5-0 16)
(defmethod send-events-for-touching-shapes touching-list ((obj touching-list))
"Send all events for touching shapes.
Note that the order of event sending is basically random.
(this could explain lava walks's unreliable behavior)"
;; PC port note : there is a fatal bug here where the processes are NOT SAFE to use without a handle.
;; this can lead to crashes if for example target hits 2 things at once, and one of those things kills the other.
;; e.g.: target hits eco1 and eco2. eco1 gets processed first and kills eco2 as a result. eco2 is now dead, but
;; the touching list will run its logic on it regardless.
;; this is fixed here by creating a really large list of 2 handles per collide shape and storing all collided
;; process handles there. (process->handle) is then safe to use.
(let ((handles (new 'stack-no-clear 'array 'handle 64)))
(let ((entry (the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> obj touching-shapes))))
(countdown (i (-> obj num-touching-shapes))
(let ((c1 (-> entry cshape1)))
(when c1
(let ((c2 (-> entry cshape2)))
;; not quite sure why, but we make it look like cshape1 (s4) is target always.
;; I guess this makes it so the target/enemy events are always sent in the same order.
(when (= (-> c2 process type) target)
(swap! c1 c2)
(set! (-> handles (+ 0 (* 2 i))) (process->handle (-> c1 process)))
(set! (-> handles (+ 1 (* 2 i))) (process->handle (-> c2 process)))
(set! entry (-> (the-as (inline-array touching-shapes-entry) entry) 1))
(let ((entry (the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> obj touching-shapes))))
(countdown (i (-> obj num-touching-shapes))
(let ((c1 (-> entry cshape1)))
(when c1
(let ((c2 (-> entry cshape2)))
;; not quite sure why, but we make it look like cshape1 (s4) is target always.
;; I guess this makes it so the target/enemy events are always sent in the same order.
(when (= (-> c2 process type) target)
(swap! c1 c2)
;; send events!
(let (
(c1-proc (handle->process (-> handles (+ 0 (* 2 i)))))
(c2-proc (handle->process (-> handles (+ 1 (* 2 i)))))
(let ((v1-4 (-> c1 event-self)))
(if v1-4
(send-event c1-proc v1-4 :from c2-proc entry)
(let ((v1-5 (-> c1 event-other)))
(if v1-5
(send-event c2-proc v1-5 :from c1-proc entry)
(let ((v1-6 (-> c2 event-self)))
(if v1-6
(send-event c2-proc v1-6 :from c1-proc entry)
(let ((v1-7 (-> c2 event-other)))
(if v1-7
(send-event c1-proc v1-7 :from c2-proc entry)
(set! entry (-> (the-as (inline-array touching-shapes-entry) entry) 1))
(defmethod prims-touching? touching-shapes-entry ((obj touching-shapes-entry) (arg0 collide-shape-moving) (arg1 uint))
"In a pair of collide shapes, is a prim from the given collide shape with the given prim-id mask touching the other shape?"
((= (-> obj cshape1) arg0)
(let ((v1-1 (-> obj head)))
(while v1-1
(if (logtest? (-> v1-1 prim1 cprim prim-id) arg1)
(return v1-1)
(set! v1-1 (-> v1-1 next))
((= (-> obj cshape2) arg0)
(let ((v1-4 (-> obj head)))
(while v1-4
(if (logtest? (-> v1-4 prim2 cprim prim-id) arg1)
(return v1-4)
(set! v1-4 (-> v1-4 next))
(format 0 "ERROR: touching-shapes-entry::prims-touching? : Bogus cshape value!~%")
(the-as touching-prims-entry #f)
(defmethod prims-touching-action? touching-shapes-entry ((obj touching-shapes-entry) (arg0 collide-shape) (arg1 collide-action) (arg2 collide-action))
"In a pair of collide shapes, find a pair of colliding prims where the prim from the given collide shape has at least one of the actions in arg1
and none of the actions in arg2."
((= (-> obj cshape1) arg0)
(let ((v1-1 (-> obj head)))
(while v1-1
(let ((a0-1 (-> v1-1 prim1 cprim)))
(if (and (logtest? arg1 (-> a0-1 prim-core action)) (not (logtest? arg2 (-> a0-1 prim-core action))))
(return v1-1)
(set! v1-1 (-> v1-1 next))
((= (-> obj cshape2) arg0)
(let ((v1-4 (-> obj head)))
(while v1-4
(let ((a0-5 (-> v1-4 prim2 cprim)))
(if (and (logtest? arg1 (-> a0-5 prim-core action)) (not (logtest? arg2 (-> a0-5 prim-core action))))
(return v1-4)
(set! v1-4 (-> v1-4 next))
(format 0 "ERROR: touching-shapes-entry::prims-touching-action? : Bogus cshape value!~%")
(the-as touching-prims-entry #f)
(defmethod get-touched-shape touching-shapes-entry ((obj touching-shapes-entry) (arg0 collide-shape))
"Get the other shape in a pair of shapes."
((= (-> obj cshape1) arg0)
(return (-> obj cshape2))
((= (-> obj cshape2) arg0)
(return (-> obj cshape1))
(the-as collide-shape #f)
(defmethod get-touched-prim touching-prims-entry ((obj touching-prims-entry) (arg0 trsqv) (arg1 touching-shapes-entry))
"Get the primitive belonging to the collide shape that is touching."
((= (-> arg1 cshape1) arg0)
(return (-> obj prim1 cprim))
((= (-> arg1 cshape2) arg0)
(return (-> obj prim2 cprim))
(the-as collide-shape-prim #f)
(defmethod get-touched-tri touching-prims-entry ((obj touching-prims-entry) (arg0 collide-shape) (arg1 touching-shapes-entry))
"Get the triangle belonging to the the collide shape that is touching (if it has one, otherwise #f)"
(let ((v0-0 (the-as collide-tri-result #f)))
((= (-> arg1 cshape1) arg0)
(let ((v1-2 (-> obj prim1)))
(if (-> v1-2 has-tri?)
(set! v0-0 (-> v1-2 tri))
((= (-> arg1 cshape2) arg0)
(let ((v1-5 (-> obj prim2)))
(if (-> v1-5 has-tri?)
(set! v0-0 (-> v1-5 tri))
(defmethod get-middle-of-bsphere-overlap touching-prims-entry ((obj touching-prims-entry) (arg0 vector))
"This is a bit weird...
But assuming the the bounding spheres overlap, draw a line between their centers, consider the line segment
that is inside of both spheres, and get the midpoint of that."
(let* ((s4-0 (-> obj prim1 cprim))
(s3-0 (-> obj prim2 cprim))
;; compute the offset between the prim cores.
(gp-1 (vector-!
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(the-as vector (-> s3-0 prim-core))
(the-as vector (-> s4-0 prim-core))
;; subtract off the two radius. this is now the offset between the "closest" points (and is negative)
(let ((f1-2 (- (- (vector-length gp-1) (-> s3-0 prim-core world-sphere w)) (-> s4-0 prim-core world-sphere w))))
;; this offset is the radius, minus half the overlap distance
(vector-normalize! gp-1 (+ (-> s4-0 prim-core world-sphere w) (* 0.5 f1-2)))
;; so add it to s4's origin to get to the halfway point
(vector+! arg0 gp-1 (the-as vector (-> s4-0 prim-core)))