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decompiler: support merc model replacements and adding custom actor models to vanilla fr3s (#3597)
This adds support for replacing existing merc models in FR3 files with
custom GLB model files. The replacements go in
`custom_assets/<GAME>/merc_replacements`, similar to texture
replacements. When a `.glb` file with a file name that matches any model
present in an FR3 is detected (e.g. `eichar-lod0` for Jak), all merc
model data is replaced with the given model.

Additionally, models for custom actors can now also be added to vanilla
FR3s. The models for this go in
`custom_assets/<GAME>/models/<LEVEL_NAME>` (e.g.
`custom_assets/jak1/models/jungleb/test-actor-lod0.glb`) and will be
added to the FR3 that has a matching name (exception: to add things to
the common level file, the folder should be named `common` instead of
For custom levels, these now go in
`custom_assets/<GAME>/models/custom_levels` (previously

Another small change: When level ripping is enabled, the resulting model
files will now be stored in game name subfolders inside of `glb_out`.
2024-07-21 01:51:31 +02:00

211 lines
7.2 KiB

#include "merc_replacement.h"
using namespace gltf_util;
namespace decompiler {
void extract(const std::string& name,
MercExtractData& out,
const tinygltf::Model& model,
const std::vector<NodeWithTransform>& all_nodes,
u32 index_offset,
u32 vertex_offset,
u32 tex_offset) {
std::map<int, tfrag3::MercDraw> draw_by_material;
int mesh_count = 0;
int prim_count = 0;
for (const auto& n : all_nodes) {
const auto& node = model.nodes[n.node_idx];
if (node.extras.Has("set_invisible") && node.extras.Get("set_invisible").Get<int>()) {
if (node.mesh >= 0) {
const auto& mesh = model.meshes[node.mesh];
for (const auto& prim : mesh.primitives) {
// extract index buffer
std::vector<u32> prim_indices = gltf_util::gltf_index_buffer(
model, prim.indices, out.new_vertices.size() + vertex_offset);
ASSERT_MSG(prim.mode == TINYGLTF_MODE_TRIANGLES, "Unsupported triangle mode");
// extract vertices
auto verts =
gltf_util::gltf_vertices(model, prim.attributes, n.w_T_node, true, true, mesh.name);
out.new_vertices.insert(out.new_vertices.end(), verts.vtx.begin(), verts.vtx.end());
out.new_colors.insert(out.new_colors.end(), verts.vtx_colors.begin(),
out.normals.insert(out.normals.end(), verts.normals.begin(), verts.normals.end());
ASSERT(out.new_colors.size() == out.new_vertices.size());
// TODO: just putting it all in one material
auto& draw = draw_by_material[prim.material];
draw.mode = gltf_util::make_default_draw_mode(); // todo rm
draw.tree_tex_id = 0; // todo rm
draw.num_triangles += prim_indices.size() / 3;
draw.no_strip = true;
draw.index_count = prim_indices.size();
draw.first_index = index_offset + out.new_indices.size();
out.new_indices.insert(out.new_indices.end(), prim_indices.begin(), prim_indices.end());
tfrag3::MercEffect e;
out.new_model.name = name;
out.new_model.max_bones = 120;
out.new_model.max_draws = 200;
for (const auto& [mat_idx, d_] : draw_by_material) {
auto& draw = e.all_draws.back();
draw.mode = make_default_draw_mode();
if (mat_idx == -1) {
lg::warn("Draw had a material index of -1, using default texture.");
draw.tree_tex_id = 0;
const auto& mat = model.materials[mat_idx];
int tex_idx = mat.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorTexture.index;
if (tex_idx == -1) {
lg::warn("Material {} has no texture, using default texture.", mat.name);
draw.tree_tex_id = 0;
const auto& tex = model.textures[tex_idx];
ASSERT(tex.sampler >= 0);
ASSERT(tex.source >= 0);
draw.mode = draw_mode_from_sampler(model.samplers.at(tex.sampler));
const auto& img = model.images[tex.source];
draw.tree_tex_id = tex_offset + texture_pool_add_texture(&out.tex_pool, img);
lg::info("total of {} unique materials", e.all_draws.size());
e.has_mod_draw = false;
lg::info("Merged {} meshes and {} prims into {} vertices", mesh_count, prim_count,
const tfrag3::MercVertex& find_closest(const std::vector<tfrag3::MercVertex>& old,
float x,
float y,
float z) {
float best_dist = 1e10;
int best_idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < old.size(); i++) {
auto& v = old[i];
float dx = v.pos[0] - x;
float dy = v.pos[1] - y;
float dz = v.pos[2] - z;
float dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz);
if (dist < best_dist) {
best_dist = dist;
best_idx = i;
return old[best_idx];
void merc_convert_replacement(MercSwapData& out,
const MercExtractData& in,
const std::vector<tfrag3::MercVertex>& old_verts) {
out.new_model = in.new_model;
out.new_indices = in.new_indices;
out.new_textures = in.tex_pool.textures_by_idx;
// convert vertices
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.new_vertices.size(); i++) {
const auto& y = in.new_vertices[i];
const auto& copy_from = find_closest(old_verts, y.x, y.y, y.z);
auto& x = out.new_vertices.emplace_back();
x.pos[0] = y.x;
x.pos[1] = y.y;
x.pos[2] = y.z;
x.normal[0] = copy_from.normal[0];
x.normal[1] = copy_from.normal[1];
x.normal[2] = copy_from.normal[2];
x.weights[0] = copy_from.weights[0];
x.weights[1] = copy_from.weights[1];
x.weights[2] = copy_from.weights[2];
x.st[0] = y.s;
x.st[1] = y.t;
x.rgba[0] = in.new_colors[i][0];
x.rgba[1] = in.new_colors[i][1];
x.rgba[2] = in.new_colors[i][2];
x.rgba[3] = in.new_colors[i][3];
x.mats[0] = copy_from.mats[0];
x.mats[1] = copy_from.mats[1];
x.mats[2] = copy_from.mats[2];
void merc_convert_custom(MercSwapData& out, const MercExtractData& in) {
out.new_model = in.new_model;
out.new_indices = in.new_indices;
out.new_textures = in.tex_pool.textures_by_idx;
// convert vertices
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.new_vertices.size(); i++) {
const auto& y = in.new_vertices[i];
auto& x = out.new_vertices.emplace_back();
x.pos[0] = y.x;
x.pos[1] = y.y;
x.pos[2] = y.z;
x.normal[0] = in.normals.at(i).x();
x.normal[1] = in.normals.at(i).y();
x.normal[2] = in.normals.at(i).z();
x.weights[0] = 1.0f;
x.weights[1] = 0.0f;
x.weights[2] = 0.0f;
x.st[0] = y.s;
x.st[1] = y.t;
x.rgba[0] = in.new_colors[i][0];
x.rgba[1] = in.new_colors[i][1];
x.rgba[2] = in.new_colors[i][2];
x.rgba[3] = in.new_colors[i][3];
x.mats[0] = 3;
x.mats[1] = 0;
x.mats[2] = 0;
MercSwapData load_replacement_merc_model(const std::string& name,
u32 current_idx_count,
u32 current_vtx_count,
u32 current_tex_count,
const std::string& path,
const std::vector<tfrag3::MercVertex>& old_verts,
bool custom_mdl) {
MercSwapData result;
lg::info("Reading gltf mesh: {}", path);
tinygltf::TinyGLTF loader;
tinygltf::Model model;
std::string err, warn;
bool res = loader.LoadBinaryFromFile(&model, &err, &warn, path);
ASSERT_MSG(warn.empty(), warn.c_str());
ASSERT_MSG(err.empty(), err.c_str());
ASSERT_MSG(res, "Failed to load GLTF file!");
auto all_nodes = flatten_nodes_from_all_scenes(model);
MercExtractData extract_data;
extract(name, extract_data, model, all_nodes, current_idx_count, current_vtx_count,
if (custom_mdl) {
merc_convert_custom(result, extract_data);
} else {
merc_convert_replacement(result, extract_data, old_verts);
return result;
} // namespace decompiler