ManDude 812efd92ca
[decomp] prototype-h, a few enums and other random things (#422)
* [decompiler] fix missing error in asm output

* decomp prototype-h, cleanup pat-h and res-h, prep for fact-h & res

* fix types

* Update all-types.gc

* fix a methos in `res-h`
2021-05-06 19:00:30 -04:00

1413 lines
42 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: gcommon.gc
;; name in dgo: gcommon
;; dgos: KERNEL
;; gcommon is the first file compiled and loaded.
;; it's expected that this function will mostly be hand-decompiled
(defconstant NEW_METHOD_ID 0)
(defconstant DELETE_METHOD_ID 1)
(defconstant PRINT_METHOD_ID 2)
(defconstant INSPECT_METHOD_ID 3)
(defconstant LENGTH_METHOD_ID 4)
(defconstant ASIZE_METHOD_ID 5)
(defconstant COPY_METHOD_ID 6)
(defconstant RELOC_METHOD_ID 7) ;; or login?
(defconstant MEM_USAGE_METHOD_ID 8)
(defglobalconstant PC_PORT #t)
(defglobalconstant USE_VM #t)
(defmacro get-vm-ptr (ptr)
"Turn an EE register address into a valid PS2 VM address"
(vm-ptr ,ptr)
;; distance from a symbol pointer to a (pointer string)
;; this relies on the memory layout of the symbol table
;; this must match SYM_INFO_OFFSET in goal_constants.h + offset of the str field in struct SymUpper.
(defconstant SYM_TO_STRING_OFFSET #xff38)
;; pointers larger than this are invalid by valid?
(defconstant END_OF_MEMORY #x8000000)
;; boxed object offset (16-byte alignement offsets)
(defconstant BINTEGER_OFFSET 0)
(defconstant PAIR_OFFSET 2)
(defconstant BASIC_OFFSET 4)
(defmacro symbol-to-string (sym)
;; "Convert a symbol to a goal string."
`(-> (the-as (pointer string) (+ SYM_TO_STRING_OFFSET (the-as int ,sym))))
;; forward declarations.
(define-extern name= (function basic basic symbol))
(defun identity ((x object))
"Function which returns its input. The first function of the game!"
(defun 1/ ((x float))
"Reciprocal floating point"
;; likely inlined? nothing calls this.
(declare (inline))
(/ 1. x)
;; these next 4 functions are just function wrappers around the build in add/subtract/multiply/divide.
;; this will let you use + as an operation on integers and also as a function pointer.
(defun + ((x int) (y int))
"Compute the sum of two integers"
(+ x y)
(defun - ((x int) (y int))
"Compute the difference of two integers"
(- x y)
(defun * ((x int) (y int))
"Compute the product of two integers"
;; TODO - verify that this matches the PS2 exactly.
;; Uses mult (three operand form) in MIPS
(* x y)
(defun / ((x int) (y int))
"Compute the quotient of two integers"
;; TODO - verify this matches the PS2 exactly
(/ x y)
(defun ash ((value int) (shift-amount int))
"Arithmetic shift value by shift-amount.
A positive shift-amount will shift to the left and a negative will shift to the right.
;; OpenGOAL does not support ash in the compiler, so we implement it here as an inline function.
(declare (inline))
(if (> shift-amount 0)
(shl value shift-amount)
(sar value (- shift-amount))
(defun mod ((a int) (b int))
"Compute mod. It does what you expect for positive numbers. For negative numbers, nobody knows what to expect.
This is a 32-bit operation. It uses an idiv on x86 and gets the remainder."
;; The original implementation is div, mfhi
;; todo - verify this is exactly the same as the PS2.
(mod a b)
(defun rem ((a int) (b int))
"Compute remainder (32-bit). It is identical to mod. It uses a idiv and gets the remainder"
;; The original implementation is div, mfhi
;; todo - verify this is exactly the same as the PS2.
(mod a b)
(defun abs ((a int))
"Take the absolute value of an integer"
(declare (inline))
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support abs, so we implement it here.
(if (> a 0) ;; condition is "a > 0"
a ;; true case, return a
(- a) ;; false case, return -a. (- a) is like (- 0 a)
(defun min ((a int) (b int))
"Compute minimum."
;; The original implementation was inline assembly, to take advantage of branch delay slots:
;; (or v0 a0 r0) ;; move first arg to output (case of second arg being min)
;; (or v1 a1 r0) ;; move second arg to v1 (likely strange coloring)
;; (slt a0 v0 v1) ;; compare args
;; (movz v0 v1 a0) ;; conditional move the second arg to v0 if it's the minimum
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support min, so we implement it here.
(declare (inline))
(if (> a b) b a)
(defun max ((a int) (b int))
"Compute maximum."
(declare (inline))
;; OpenGOAL doesn't support max so we implement it here.
(if (> a b) a b)
(defun logior ((a int) (b int))
"Compute the bitwise inclusive-or"
(logior a b)
(defun logand ((a int) (b int))
"Compute the bitwise and"
(logand a b)
(defun lognor ((a int) (b int))
"Compute not or."
;; Note - MIPS has a 'nor' instruction, but x86 doesn't.
;; the OpenGOAL x86 compiler therefore doesn't have a nor operation,
;; so lognor is implemented by this inline function instead.
(declare (inline))
(lognot (logior a b))
(defun logxor ((a int) (b int))
"Compute the logical exclusive-or"
(logxor a b)
(defun lognot ((a int))
"Compute the bitwise not"
(lognot a)
(defun false-func ()
"Return false"
(defun true-func ()
"Return true"
;; The C Kernel implements the format function and creates a trampoline function in the GOAL heap which jumps to
;; format. (In OpenGOAL, there's actually two trampoline functions, to make the 8 arguments all work.)
;; For some reason, the C Kernel names this trampoline function _format. We need to set the value of format
;; _format in order for format to work.
;; I suspect this was to let us define (yet another) function here which set up C-style var args (supported from C Kernel)
;; or 128-bit arguments (unimplemented in C Kernel), but both of these were never finished.
(define format _format)
;; vec4s - this is present in the game as a 128-bit integer with 4 packed floats.
;; 128-bit integers seem to be used almost never in GOAL and I suspect they were not
;; fully implemented in the compiler. Instead, 128-bit integer code used inline assembly.
;; OpenGOAL does not support 128-bit integer types, so this is a bit useless.
;; Note - the actually used vector type stores the vector in memory, not a register.
;; inline assembly code puts the register in vf registers, not integer registers.
(deftype vec4s (uint128)
((x float :offset 0)
(y float :offset 32)
(z float :offset 64)
(w float :offset 96))
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
;; NOTE: there is a print/inspect for vec4s that is not implemented.
(defmacro print128 (value &key (stream #t))
"Print a 128-bit value"
`(let ((temp (new 'stack 'array 'uint64 2)))
(set! (-> (the (pointer uint128) temp)) ,value)
(format ,stream "#x~16X~16X" (-> temp 1) (-> temp 0))
;; A "boxed float" type. Simply a float with type information.
(deftype bfloat (basic)
((data float :offset-assert 4))
:size-assert 8
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x900000008
(defmethod print bfloat ((obj bfloat))
"Override the default print method to print a bfloat like a normal float"
(format #t "~f" (-> obj data))
;; Type System
(defmethod asize-of type ((obj type))
"Get the size in memory of a type"
;; The 28 is 8 bytes too large. It's also strange that types have a 16-byte aligned size always,
;; but this matches what the runtime does as well. There's no reason that I can see for this,
;; as other basics don't require 16-byte aligned sizes.
;; - maybe the 16-byte aligned size was a requirement if types were stored in the symbol table?
;; - maybe types used to be a little bit larger, they made an effort to pack fields tightly.
(align16 (+ 28 (* 4 (-> type allocated-length))))
(defun basic-type? ((obj basic) (parent-type type))
"Is obj of type parent-type?
Note: this will return #f if you put a parent-type of object.
Only use this with types that are fully defined."
(local-vars (obj-type type) (end-type type))
;; note - this was likely a "do" loop.
(set! obj-type (-> obj type))
(set! end-type object)
(until (begin
(set! obj-type (-> obj-type parent))
(= obj-type end-type)
(if (= obj-type parent-type)
(return '#t)
(defun type-type? ((child-type type) (parent-type type))
"Is child-type a child (or equal to) parent-type?
It is safe to use this on a type that is not fully set up,
but in this case it will return #f."
(local-vars (end-type type))
(set! end-type object)
(until (begin
(set! child-type (-> child-type parent))
(or (= child-type end-type) (zero? child-type))
(if (= child-type parent-type)
(return '#t)
(defun find-parent-method ((child-type type) (method-id int))
"Search the type tree for a parent type with a different method
from the child, for the given method ID.
DANGER: only call this if you expect to find something.
There are method-table range checks, so it may run off the end
of a method table and return junk"
(current-method function)
(original-method function)
(set! original-method (-> child-type method-table method-id))
(until (!= current-method original-method)
(if (= child-type object)
(return nothing)
(set! child-type (-> child-type parent))
(set! current-method (-> child-type method-table method-id))
(if (zero? current-method)
(return nothing)
(defun ref ((lst object) (index int))
"Get an entry in a proper list by index"
(let ((count 0))
(while (< count index)
;; inserted by GOAL compiler for EE loop bug (short loop)
(set! lst (cdr lst))
(set! count (+ count 1))
(car lst)
(defmethod length pair ((obj pair))
"Get the length of a proper list"
(local-vars (result int) (iter object))
((= obj '())
;; length of empty list is 0
(set! result 0)
(set! iter (cdr obj))
(set! result 1)
(while (and (!= iter '())
(pair? iter) ;; manually replaced.
(set! result (+ result 1))
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(defmethod asize-of pair ((obj pair))
"Get the size in memory of pair.
Note: if you make a child type of pair,
you must override this. (nobody does this?)"
(the-as int (-> pair size))
(defun last ((lst object))
"Get the last element in a proper list"
(local-vars (iter object))
(set! iter lst)
(while (!= (cdr iter) '())
;; for EE loop bug.
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(defun member ((obj object) (lst object))
"Is obj in the list lst? Returns pair with obj as its car, or #f if not found."
(local-vars (iter object))
(set! iter lst)
;; loop until we reach the end or the object
(while (not (or (= iter '())
(= (car iter) obj)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(if (!= iter '())
;; return the pair containing obj as its car.
;; #f is returned in the other case.
(defun nmember ((obj basic) (lst object))
"Is obj in the list lst? Check with the name= function."
(while (not (or (= lst '())
(name= (the-as basic (car lst)) obj)
(set! lst (cdr lst))
(if (!= lst '())
(defun assoc ((item object) (alist object))
"Is item in the association list alist?
Returns the key-value pair."
(local-vars (iter object))
(set! iter alist)
(while (not (or (= iter '())
(= (car (car iter)) item)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(if (!= iter '())
(car iter)
(defun assoce ((item object) (alist object))
"Is there an entry with key item in the association list alist?
Returns the key-value pair.
Treats a key of 'else like an else case"
(local-vars (iter object))
(set! iter alist)
(while (not (or (= iter '())
(= (car (car iter)) item)
(= (car (car iter)) 'else)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(if (!= iter '())
(car iter)
(defun nassoc ((item-name string) (alist object))
"Is there an entry named item-name in the association list alist?
Checks name with nmember or name= so you can have multiple keys.
Returns the ([key|(key..)] . value) pair."
(local-vars (key object))
(while (not (or
(= alist '())
(set! key (car (car alist)))
(if (pair? key)
;; multiple keys
(nmember item-name key)
;; only one key
(name= (the-as basic key) item-name)
(set! alist (cdr alist))
(if (!= alist '())
(car alist)
(defun nassoce ((item-name string) (alist object))
"Is there an entry named item-name in the association list alist?
Checks name with nmember for multiple keys or name= for single.
Allows else as a single key that always matches"
(local-vars (key object))
(while (not (or
(= alist '())
(set! key (car (car alist)))
(if (pair? key)
;; multiple keys
(nmember item-name key)
;; single key, try match or accept else.
(or (name= (the-as basic key) item-name)
(= key 'else)
(set! alist (cdr alist))
(if (!= alist '())
(car alist)
(defun append! ((front object) (back object))
(local-vars (iter object))
((= front '())
;; the first list was empty, just return the second one
;; get to the back of the front list
(set! iter front)
(while (!= (cdr iter) '())
;; for EE short loop bug.
(set! iter (cdr iter))
;; this check seems not needed?
(when (!= iter '())
(set! (cdr iter) back)
(defun delete! ((item object) (lst object))
"Remove the first occurance of item from lst (where item is actual a pair in the list)"
(local-vars (iter-prev object) (iter object))
(the-as pair
((= item (car lst))
;; special case for lst starts with object.
(cdr lst)
;; iterate until (car iter) = item (or we reach the end)
(set! iter-prev lst)
(set! iter (cdr lst))
(while (not (or (= iter '()) (= (car iter) item)))
(set! iter-prev iter)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
;; splice out the element to delete!
(if (!= iter '())
(set! (cdr iter-prev) (cdr iter))
;; return original list.
(defun delete-car! ((item object) (lst object))
"Remove the first first occurance of an element from the list where (car elt) is item."
(local-vars (iter-prev object) (iter object))
(cond ((= item (car (car lst)))
;; special case for removing the first item.
(cdr lst)
;; iterate until (car iter) is the thing we want to delete
(set! iter-prev lst)
(set! iter (cdr lst))
(while (not (or (= iter '()) (= (car (car iter)) item)))
(set! iter-prev iter)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
;; splice out element to delete, if we got it.
(if (!= iter '())
(set! (cdr iter-prev) (cdr iter))
(defun insert-cons! ((kv object) (alist object))
"Update an association list to have the given (key . value) pair kv.
If it already exists in the list, remove it.
DANGER: this function allocates memory on the global heap."
(local-vars (updated-list object))
;; possibly remove an existing entry
(set! updated-list (delete-car! (car kv) alist))
;; and put a new one in!
(new 'global 'pair kv updated-list)
(defun sort ((lst object) (compare-func (function object object object)))
"Sort a list, using compare-func to compare elements.
The comparison function can return either an integer or a true/false.
For integers, use a positive number to represent first > second
Ex: (sort lst -) will sort in ascending order
For booleans, you must explicitly use TRUE and not a truthy value.
Ex: (sort my-list (lambda ((x int) (y int)) (< x y))) will sort ascending.
NOTE: if you use an integer, don't accidentally return TRUE."
(compare-result object)
(second-elt object)
(first-elt object)
(iter object)
(unsorted-count int)
;; number of out-of-orders encountered
(set! unsorted-count -1)
;; loop until we have nothing unsorted
(while (nonzero? unsorted-count)
;; assume sorted
(set! unsorted-count 0)
(set! iter lst)
;; loop over list (excluding last element, so we can grab pairs of elements)
(while (not (or (= (cdr iter) '())
;; (>= (shl (the-as int (cdr iter)) 62) 0)
(not-pair? (cdr iter))
;; get the two elements, and compare
(set! first-elt (car iter))
(set! second-elt (car (cdr iter)))
(set! compare-result (compare-func first-elt second-elt))
;; the compare function can return a few possible things.
;; we assume "unsorted" if compare-result is #f explicitly, or if it positive.
;; HOWEVER, '#t itself is positive. So if we get #t, we assume sorted.
;; there is possibly an ambiguity, if you happen to return a positive integer that
;; happens to be a pointer to #t,
(when (and
(or (not compare-result) (> (the-as int compare-result) 0))
(!= compare-result '#t)
;; remember we hit an unsorted sequence
(set! unsorted-count (+ unsorted-count 1))
;; swap!
(set! (car iter) second-elt)
(set! (car (cdr iter)) first-elt)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
;; This is used as base class for boxed inline arrays.
;; The heap-base of the _type_ object will be used to store the stride
;; This way, you don't pay the price of storing the stride in each object.
(deftype inline-array-class (basic)
((length int32 :offset-assert 4)
(allocated-length int32 :offset-assert 8)
(data uint8 :dynamic :offset-assert 12) ;; might not be here...
(_pad uint8 4) ;; ???
(:methods (new (symbol type int) _type_ 0))
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (len int))
"Allocate a new inline-array-class object with room for the given number of objects.
Both length and allocated-length are set to the given size"
(local-vars (obj inline-array-class))
(set! obj
(object-new allocation type-to-make
;; size is the normal type's size + room for elements.
(the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size)
(* (the-as uint len) (-> type-to-make heap-base))
;; don't initialize if allocation failed.
(when (nonzero? obj)
(set! (-> obj length) len)
(set! (-> obj allocated-length) len)
(defmethod length inline-array-class ((obj inline-array-class))
"Get the length of the inline-array-class. This is the length field,
not how much storage there is"
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of inline-array-class ((obj inline-array-class))
"Get the size in memory of an inline-array-class."
(the-as int
(+ (-> obj type size)
(the-as uint (* (-> obj allocated-length)
(the-as int (-> obj type heap-base)))
(defmethod new array ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (content-type type) (len int))
"Allocate a new array to hold len elements of type content-type.
The content should either be a numeric type (child of number)
or the content should be a reference (will get 4-bytes for a pointer)"
(local-vars (obj array))
(set! obj (object-new
(the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size)
(* len (if (type-type? content-type number)
;; if content is a number, use its size
(-> content-type size)
;; otherwise, pointer size
(set! (-> obj allocated-length) len)
(set! (-> obj length) len)
(set! (-> obj content-type) content-type)
(defmethod print array ((obj array))
"Print array."
(content-type-sym symbol)
(i int)
(format '#t "#(")
((type-type? (-> obj content-type) integer)
(set! content-type-sym (-> obj content-type symbol))
((= content-type-sym 'int32)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "~D" " ~D") (-> (the-as (array int32) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'uint32)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "~D" " ~D") (-> (the-as (array uint32) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'int64)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "~D" " ~D") (-> (the-as (array int64) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'uint64)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "#x~X" " #x~X") (-> (the-as (array uint64) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'int8)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "~D" " ~D") (-> (the-as (array int8) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'uint8)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "~D" " ~D") (-> (the-as (array uint8) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'int16)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "~D" " ~D") (-> (the-as (array int16) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'uint16)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "~D" " ~D") (-> (the-as (array uint16) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
;; unhandled integer case.
;; note, decompiler failed to put v1-40 here. I think condition "raising" happens at the wrong time.
((or (= content-type-sym 'uint128) (= content-type-sym 'int128))
(set! i 0)
;; REMOVED. GOAL never uses these type of array (and can't even print int128s)
;; if we need/want it later we'll have to do something more creative
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format #t (if (zero? i) "?" " ?"))
;;(set! t9-10 format)
;;(set! a0-21 '#t)
;;(set! a1-11 (if (zero? i) "#x~X" " #x~X"))
;;(set! v1-42 (+ (shl i 4) (the-as int (the-as (array uint128) obj))))
;;(.lq a2-8 12 v1-42)
;;(t9-10 a0-21 a1-11 a2-8)
(set! i (+ i 1))
;; unknown integer. treat as int32
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t (if (zero? i) "~D" " ~D") (-> (the-as (array int32) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
;; Not an integer cases.
((= (-> obj content-type) float)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(if (zero? i)
(format '#t "~f" (-> (the-as (array float) obj) i))
(format '#t " ~f" (-> (the-as (array float) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
;; totally unknown, try printing as boxed.
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(if (zero? i)
(format '#t "~A" (-> (the-as (array basic) obj) i))
(format '#t " ~A" (-> (the-as (array basic) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(format '#t ")")
;; definition for method of type array
(defmethod inspect array ((obj array))
"Inspect an array"
(content-type-sym symbol)
(i int)
(format '#t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj (-> obj type))
(format '#t "~Tallocated-length: ~D~%" (-> obj allocated-length))
(format '#t "~Tlength: ~D~%" (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~Tcontent-type: ~A~%" (-> obj content-type))
(format '#t "~Tdata[~D]: @ #x~X~%" (-> obj allocated-length) (-> obj data))
((type-type? (-> obj content-type) integer)
(set! content-type-sym (-> obj content-type symbol))
((= content-type-sym 'int32)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~D~%" i (-> (the-as (array int32) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'uint32)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~D~%" i (-> (the-as (array uint32) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'int64)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~D~%" i (-> (the-as (array int64) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'uint64)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] #x~X~%" i (-> (the-as (array uint64) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'int8)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~D~%" i (-> (the-as (array int8) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'uint8)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~D~%" i (-> (the-as (array int8) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'int16)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~D~%" i (-> (the-as (array int16) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
((= content-type-sym 'uint16)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~D~%" i (-> (the-as (array uint16) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
;; again, decompiler created a temp for the or here.
((or (= content-type-sym 'int128) (= content-type-sym 'uint128))
;; REMOVED: GOAL doesn't print int128's anyway.
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
;;(set! t9-14 format)
;;(set! a0-25 '#t)
;;(set! a1-15 "~T [~D] #x~X~%")
(format #t "~T [~D] ??~%" i)
;;(set! a2-13 i)
;;(set! v1-42 (+ (shl i 4) (the-as int obj)))
;;(.lq a3-10 12 v1-42)
;;(t9-14 a0-25 a1-15 a2-13 a3-10)
(set! i (+ i 1))
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~D~%" i (-> (the (array int32) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(cond ((= (-> obj content-type) float)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~f~%" i (-> (the (array float) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(set! i 0)
(while (< i (-> obj length))
(format '#t "~T [~D] ~A~%" i (-> (the (array basic) obj) i))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(defmethod length array ((obj array))
"Get the length of an array"
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of array ((obj array))
"Get the size in memory of an array"
(the-as int (+ (-> array size)
(* (-> obj allocated-length)
(if (type-type? (-> obj content-type) number)
(-> obj content-type size)
(defun mem-copy! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (size int))
"Memory copy. Not a very efficient optimization, but has no restrictions.
Increasing address copy."
(local-vars (result pointer) (i int) (v1-1 symbol) (v1-2 symbol))
(set! result dst)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i size)
;; copy
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) dst)) (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) src)))
;; increment pointers and count
(set! dst (&+ dst (the-as uint 1)))
(set! src (&+ src (the-as uint 1)))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(defun qmem-copy<-! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (size int))
"Memory copy by quadword. More efficient, but has restrictions:
- dst and src should be 16-byte aligned.
- size in bytes will be rounded up to 16-bytes
- Ascending address copy."
(local-vars (result pointer) (qwc int))
(set! result dst)
;; round up to nearest quadword count.
(set! qwc (sar (+ size 15) 4))
(while (nonzero? qwc)
(set! qwc (+ qwc -1))
;; Use 128-bit OpenGOAL integers to do copy by quadword.
(set! (-> (the (pointer uint128) dst))
(-> (the (pointer uint128) src)))
(set! dst (&+ dst 16))
(set! src (&+ src 16))
(defun qmem-copy->! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (size int))
"Memory copy by quadword (16-bytes). More efficient, but has restrictions:
- dst and src should be 16-byte aligned.
- size in bytes will be rounding up to nearest 16-bytes
- Descending address copy"
(result pointer)
(qwc int)
(src-ptr pointer)
(dst-ptr pointer)
(set! result dst)
(set! qwc (sar (+ size 15) 4))
;; start at the end
(set! dst-ptr (&+ dst (the-as uint (shl qwc 4))))
(set! src-ptr (&+ src (the-as uint (shl qwc 4))))
(while (nonzero? qwc)
(set! qwc (+ qwc -1))
(set! src-ptr (&+ src-ptr (the-as uint -16)))
(set! dst-ptr (&+ dst-ptr (the-as uint -16)))
(set! (-> (the (pointer uint128) dst-ptr))
(-> (the (pointer uint128) src-ptr)))
(defun mem-set32! ((dst pointer) (size int) (value int))
"Normal memset, but by 32-bit word.
NOTE: argument order is swapped from C"
(local-vars (result pointer) (i int))
(set! result dst)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i size)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer int32) dst)) value)
(set! dst (&+ dst 4))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(defun mem-or! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (size int))
"Set the dst to (logior dst src) byte by byte.
Not very efficient."
(local-vars (result pointer) (i int) (v1-1 symbol) (v1-2 symbol))
(set! result dst)
(set! i 0)
(while (< i size)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) dst))
(logior (-> (the-as (pointer uint8) dst))
(-> (the-as (pointer uint8) src)))
(set! dst (&+ dst 1))
(set! src (&+ src 1))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(defun quad-copy! ((dst pointer) (src pointer) (qwc int))
"Optimized memory copy. The original is pretty clever, but this isn't."
(qmem-copy<-! dst src (* qwc 16))
;; we need to forward declare recursive functions so the compiler
;; know their return type.
(define-extern fact (function int int))
(defun fact ((x int))
(if (= x 1)
(* x (fact (+ x -1))))
;; Print utilities.
(define *print-column* (the binteger 0))
(defun print ((obj object))
"Print out any boxed object. Does NOT insert a newline."
(let ((print-method (-> (rtype-of obj) method-table PRINT_METHOD_ID)))
((the (function object object) print-method) obj)
(defun printl ((obj object))
"Print out any boxed object and a newline at the end."
(let ((print-method (-> (rtype-of obj) method-table PRINT_METHOD_ID)))
((the (function object object) print-method) obj)
(format #t "~%")
(defun inspect ((obj object))
"Inspect any boxed object."
(let ((inspect-method (-> (rtype-of obj) method-table INSPECT_METHOD_ID)))
((the (function object object) inspect-method) obj)
(defun-debug mem-print ((data (pointer uint32)) (word-count int))
"Print memory to runtime stdout by quadword.
Input count is in 32-bit words"
(local-vars (current-qword int))
(set! current-qword 0)
(while (< current-qword (sar word-count 2))
(format 0 "~X: ~X ~X ~X ~X~%"
(+ (+ (shl (shl current-qword 2) 2) 0) (the-as int data))
(-> data (shl current-qword 2))
(-> data (+ (shl current-qword 2) 1))
(-> data (+ (shl current-qword 2) 2))
(-> data (+ (shl current-qword 2) 3))
(set! current-qword (+ current-qword 1))
;; not sure what this is.
(define *trace-list* '())
(defun print-tree-bitmask ((bits int) (count int))
"Print out a single entry for a process tree 'tree' diagram"
(local-vars (i int))
(set! i 0)
(while (< i count)
(if (zero? (logand bits 1))
(format '#t " ")
(format '#t "| ")
(set! bits (shr bits 1))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(defun breakpoint-range-set! ((a0 uint) (a1 uint) (a2 uint))
"Sets some debug register (COP0 Debug, dab, dabm)"
(format 0 "breakpoint-range-set! not supported in OpenGOAL~%")
;; these are not quite right, but it's close enough.
(defmacro start-of-symbol-table ()
`(rlet ((st :reg r14 :reset-here #t :type uint))
(the uint (- st 32768))
(defmacro end-of-symbol-table ()
`(rlet ((st :reg r14 :reset-here #t :type uint))
(the uint (+ st 32768))
;; recursive, so needs to be forward declared with return type.
(define-extern valid? (function object type basic basic object symbol))
(defun valid? ((obj object)
(expected-type type)
(name basic)
(allow-false basic)
(print-dest object)
"Check if the given object is valid. This will work for structures, pairs, basics, bintegers, symbols, and types.
If you set expected-type to #f, it just checks for a 4-byte aligned address that's in GOAL memory.
If you're checking a structure, set expected-type to structure. This requires 16-byte alignment
Note: packed inline structures in arrays or fields will not pass this check.
Otherwise, set it to the type you expect. More specific types will pass.
If allow-false is #t, a #f will always pass. Otherwise, #f will fail (unless you're looking for a symbol).
Use allow-false if you want to allow a 'null' reference.
The name is only used when printing out an error if the check fails.
Use a name of #f to suppress error prints.
(in-goal-mem symbol)
(v1-33 symbol)
;; first, check if we are even in valid memory. This is the start of the symbol table to the end of RAM.
(set! in-goal-mem (and (>= (the-as uint obj) (start-of-symbol-table))
(< (the-as uint obj) END_OF_MEMORY)
((not expected-type)
;; we didn't get an expected type, just check the alignment and address.
((nonzero? (logand (the-as int obj) 3))
;; alignment is bad!
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object (misaligned)~%" obj name)
((not in-goal-mem)
;; address isn't within the memory we expect.
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object (bad address)~%" obj name)
;; otherwise, we're good!
(else '#t)
) ;; end (not expected-type) check
((and allow-false (not obj))
;; we got a false, but its allowed!
;; note that we don't reject falses otherwise, as false is a perfectly valid symbol.
((= expected-type structure)
;; no runtime type info, check alignment (16-bytes for a heap allocated or non-packed structure)
((nonzero? (logand (the-as int obj) 15))
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj name expected-type)
((or (not in-goal-mem) (< (the-as uint obj) (end-of-symbol-table)))
;; structures should never be in the symbol table, they have a slightly stricter allowed memory range.
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" obj name expected-type)
(else '#t)
) ;; end structure check
((= expected-type pair)
;; pair alignment is 8 bytes + 2.
((!= (logand (the-as int obj) 7) PAIR_OFFSET)
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj name expected-type)
((not in-goal-mem)
;; the empty pair is in the symbol table, so we allow anything in GOAL memory.
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" obj name expected-type)
;; pass!
(else '#t)
((= expected-type binteger)
;; binteger has 0 in the lower 3 bits.
((zero? (logand (the-as int obj) 7))
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj name expected-type)
;; now we assume desired type is a basic.
((!= (logand (the-as int obj) 7) BASIC_OFFSET)
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (misaligned)~%" obj name expected-type)
;; basics can be in the symbol table (basics are symbols...)
((not in-goal-mem)
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (bad address)~%" obj name expected-type)
((and (= expected-type type) (!= (rtype-of obj) type))
;; special case for type, check the runtime type of the object and be done.
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (invalid type #x~X)~%"
obj name expected-type (rtype-of obj)
;; otherwise... we want to check and see if the type is actually a type.
;; we use valid? to do this check.
;; avoid infinite recursion by skipping this check if the expected-type is type.
((and (!= expected-type type)
(not (valid? (rtype-of obj) type '#f '#t 0))
(if name
;; note: print the invalid type as an address in case it's unprintable.
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (invalid type #x~X)~%"
obj name expected-type (rtype-of obj)
((not (type-type? (rtype-of obj) expected-type))
;; type check failed.
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (is type '~A' instead)~%"
obj name expected-type (rtype-of obj)
((= expected-type symbol)
;; got a symbol, expecting to be in the symbol table.
((>= (the-as uint obj) (end-of-symbol-table))
(if name (format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (not in symbol table)~%"
obj name expected-type
(else '#t)
;; not a symbol, so expecting to be outside st.
((< (the-as uint obj) (end-of-symbol-table))
(if name
(format print-dest "ERROR: object #x~X ~S is not a valid object of type '~A' (inside symbol table)~%"
obj name expected-type
(else '#t)
(#when PC_PORT
;; SYNC is an EE instruction that waits for various memory access and DMA to be completed
;; DMA will be instant in the PC port, so these are no longer necessary
(fake-asm .sync.l)
(fake-asm .sync.p)
;; Copies the contents of a cop0 (system control) register to a gpr
(fake-asm .mfc0 dest src)
;; Copies the contents of a gpr to a cop0 (system control) register
(fake-asm .mtc0 dest src)
(defmacro make-u128 (upper lower)
"Make a i128 from two 64-bit values."
`(rlet ((result :class i128)
(upper-xmm :class i128)
(lower-xmm :class i128))
(.mov upper-xmm ,upper)
(.mov lower-xmm ,lower)
(.pcpyld result upper-xmm lower-xmm)