Hat Kid 36f1592b90
decomp3: lightning renderer, nav code, texture remap, fix progress menu crash (#3461)
Also adds:

- Minimap (with missing texture for the map, sprites work)
- Eco Mine files
- Precursor robot boss files
- Sewer files
- Vehicle files
2024-04-12 18:44:38 -04:00

602 lines
22 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: sparticle-launcher-h.gc
;; name in dgo: sparticle-launcher-h
;; dgos: GAME
(declare-type sprite-vec-data-3d structure)
(declare-type sparticle-cpuinfo structure)
(declare-type sparticle-system structure)
(define-extern unlink-part-group-by-heap (function kheap int))
(define-extern particle-adgif-cache-flush (function none))
(define-extern execute-part-engine (function none))
(define-extern execute-particle-local-space-engine (function int none))
;; +++sp-field-id
(defenum sp-field-id
:type uint16
;; todo copied from jak 2
(misc-fields-start 0)
(spt-texture 1)
(spt-anim 2)
(spt-anim-speed 3)
(spt-birth-func 4)
(spt-joint/refpoint 5)
(spt-num 6)
(spt-sound 7)
(misc-fields-end 8)
(sprite-fields-start 9)
(spt-x 10)
(spt-y 11)
(spt-z 12)
(spt-scale-x 13)
(spt-rot-x 14)
(spt-rot-y 15)
(spt-rot-z 16)
(spt-scale-y 17)
(spt-r 18)
(spt-g 19)
(spt-b 20)
(spt-a 21)
(sprite-fields-end 22)
(cpu-fields-start 23)
(spt-omega 24)
(spt-vel-x 25)
(spt-vel-y 26)
(spt-vel-z 27)
(spt-scalevel-x 28)
(spt-rotvel-x 29)
(spt-rotvel-y 30)
(spt-rotvel-z 31)
(spt-scalevel-y 32)
(spt-fade-r 33)
(spt-fade-g 34)
(spt-fade-b 35)
(spt-fade-a 36)
(spt-accel-x 37)
(spt-accel-y 38)
(spt-accel-z 39)
(spt-dummy 40)
(spt-quat-x 41)
(spt-quat-y 42)
(spt-quat-z 43)
(spt-quad-w 44)
(spt-friction 45)
(spt-timer 46)
(spt-flags 47)
(spt-userdata 48)
(spt-func 49)
(spt-next-time 50)
(spt-next-launcher 51)
(cpu-fields-end 52)
(launch-fields-start 53)
(spt-launchrot-x 54)
(spt-launchrot-y 55)
(spt-launchrot-z 56)
(spt-launchrot-w 57)
(spt-conerot-x 58)
(spt-conerot-y 59)
(spt-conerot-z 60)
(spt-conerot-w 61)
(spt-rotate-x 62)
(spt-rotate-y 63)
(spt-rotate-z 64)
(spt-conerot-radius 65)
(spt-mat-scale-x 66)
(spt-mat-scale-y 67)
(spt-mat-scale-z 68)
(launch-fields-end 69)
(spt-scale 70)
(spt-scalevel 71)
(spt-end 72)
;; ---sp-field-id
;; +++sp-flag
(defenum sp-flag
:type uint16
;; todo copied from jak 2
(int 0) ;; int
(float 1) ;; float
(float-int-rand 2) ;; float with int rand
(copy-from-other 3) ;; copy
(object 4) ;; label
(symbol 5) ;; symbol
(launcher 6) ;; launcher from id
(float-store 7) ;; float and store result in *sp-temp*
;; ---sp-flag
;; +++sp-group-item-flag
(defenum sp-group-item-flag
:bitfield #t
:type uint16
;; ---sp-group-item-flag
;; +++sp-launch-state-flags
(defenum sp-launch-state-flags
:bitfield #t
:type uint16
;; ---sp-launch-state-flags
;; +++sp-group-flag
(defenum sp-group-flag
:bitfield #t
:type uint16
;; ---sp-group-flag
(defmacro sp-item (launcher
&key (fade-after 0.0)
&key (falloff-to 0.0)
&key (flags ())
&key (period 0)
&key (length 0)
&key (offset 0)
&key (hour-mask 0)
&key (binding 0)
`(new 'static 'sparticle-group-item
:launcher ,launcher
:fade-after ,fade-after
:falloff-to ,falloff-to
:flags (sp-group-item-flag ,@flags)
:period ,period
:length ,length
:offset ,offset
:hour-mask ,hour-mask
:binding ,binding
(defmacro defpartgroup (name &key id &key parts &key (duration 3000) &key (linger-duration 1500) &key (flags ()) &key bounds
&key (rotate (0.0 0.0 0.0)) &key (scale (1.0 1.0 1.0)))
"define a new part group. defines a constant with the name of the group with the ID as its value"
(defconstant ,name ,id)
(set! (-> *part-group-id-table* ,id)
(new 'static 'sparticle-launch-group
:duration ,duration
:linger-duration ,linger-duration
:flags (sp-group-flag ,@flags)
:bounds ,bounds
:name ,(symbol->string name)
:length ,(length parts)
:launcher (new 'static 'inline-array sparticle-group-item ,(length parts) ,@parts)
:rotate-x ,(car rotate)
:rotate-y ,(cadr rotate)
:rotate-z ,(caddr rotate)
:scale-x ,(car scale)
:scale-y ,(cadr scale)
:scale-z ,(caddr scale)
(desfun param-float? (p)
(or (float? p) (and (pair? p) (eq? 'meters (car p))) (and (pair? p) (eq? 'degrees (car p))))
(desfun param-int? (p)
(or (integer? p) (and (pair? p) (eq? 'seconds (car p))))
(desfun param-symbol? (p)
(and (pair? p) (eq? 'quote (car p)))
(seval (begin
(define *sparticle-fields* (make-string-hash-table))
(doenum (name val 'sp-field-id)
(if (string-starts-with? (symbol->string name) "spt-")
(string->symbol (string-substr (symbol->string name) 4 0))
val name (member name '(spt-vel-x
;; you cannot define these fields ever.
(define *sparticle-fields-banned* '(misc-fields-start
;; the last field ID defined, to make sure that fields are defined in order.
(seval (define *last-field-id* -1))
(desfun process-init-spec (x)
(let* ((head (symbol->string (car x)))
(params (cdr x))
(field-name (string->symbol (string-substr head 1 0)))
(field-lookup (hash-table-try-ref *sparticle-fields* field-name))
(field (cdr field-lookup))
(store? (member ':store params))
(param-count (if store? (1- (length params)) (length params)))
(when (not (car field-lookup))
(fmt #t "unknown sparticle field {}\n" x))
(when (neq? (string-ref head 0) #\:)
(fmt #t "invalid sparticle field {}\n" x))
; (when (member field-name *sparticle-fields-banned*)
; (fmt #t "you cannot use sparticle field {}\n" field-name))
(let ((field-id (car field))
(field-enum-name (cadr field))
(vel? (and #f (caddr field)))
(param0 (and (>= param-count 1) (first params)))
(param1 (and (>= param-count 2) (second params)))
(param2 (and (>= param-count 3) (third params))))
(when (>= *last-field-id* field-id)
(fmt #t "field {} must come after field {}, not before\n" field-name (car (nth *last-field-id* *sparticle-fields*)))
(set! *last-field-id* field-id)
((eq? field-name 'flags)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :initial-value (sp-cpuinfo-flag ,@param0) :random-mult 1)
((eq? field-name 'texture)
(if (eq? (car param0) 'new)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :tex ,param0 :flags (sp-flag int))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :tex ,(string->symbol-format "{}-{}" (car param0) (cadr param0)) :flags (sp-flag int))
((eq? field-name 'next-launcher)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :initial-value ,param0 :flags (sp-flag launcher))
((eq? field-name 'sound)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :sound ,param0 :flags (sp-flag object))
((and (= 2 param-count) (symbol? param0) (eq? param0 ':copy))
(let* ((other-field-lookup (hash-table-try-ref *sparticle-fields* (cadr (member ':copy params))))
(other-field (cdr other-field-lookup))
(other-field-id (car other-field)))
(when (>= other-field-id field-id)
(fmt #t "warning copying to sparticle field {} from {} - you can only copy from fields before this one!\n" field-name (cadr other-field)) )
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag copy-from-other)
:initial-value ,(- other-field-id field-id) :random-mult 1)
((and (= 2 param-count) (symbol? param0) (eq? param0 ':data))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag object)
:object ,(cadr (member ':data params)))
((and (= 1 param-count) (param-symbol? param0))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag symbol)
:sym ,param0)
((and (= 1 param-count) (param-float? param0))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag ,(if store? 'float-store 'float))
:initial-valuef ,(if vel? `(/ ,param0 60.0) param0)
:random-rangef 0.0
:random-multf 1.0)
((and (= 2 param-count) (param-float? param0) (param-float? param1))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag ,(if store? 'float-store 'float))
:initial-valuef ,(if vel? `(/ ,param0 60.0) param0)
:random-rangef ,(if vel? `(/ ,param1 60.0) param1)
:random-multf 1.0)
((and (= 3 param-count) (param-float? param0) (param-float? param1) (param-float? param2))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag ,(if store? 'float-store 'float))
:initial-valuef ,(if vel? `(/ ,param0 60.0) param0)
:random-rangef ,param1
:random-multf ,(if vel? `(/ ,param2 60.0) param2))
((and (= 3 param-count) (param-float? param0) (param-int? param1) (param-float? param2))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag float-int-rand)
:initial-valuef ,(if vel? `(/ ,param0 60.0) param0)
:random-range ,param1
:random-multf ,(if vel? `(/ ,param2 60.0) param2))
((and (= 1 param-count) (param-int? param0))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag int)
:initial-value ,param0
:random-range 0
:random-mult 1)
((and (= 2 param-count) (param-int? param0) (param-int? param1))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag int)
:initial-value ,param0
:random-range ,param1
:random-mult 1)
((and (= 3 param-count) (param-int? param0) (param-int? param1) (param-int? param2))
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-enum-name) :flags (sp-flag int)
:initial-value ,param0
:random-range ,param1
:random-mult ,param2)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id spt-end))
(defmacro defpart (id &key (init-specs ()))
"define a new sparticle-launcher"
(set! *last-field-id* -1)
`(set! (-> *part-id-table* ,id)
(new 'static 'sparticle-launcher
:init-specs (new 'static 'inline-array sp-field-init-spec ,(1+ (length init-specs))
,@(apply process-init-spec init-specs)
(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id spt-end))
(define-extern local-space-proc-joint (function particle-local-space-info none))
(define-extern *particle-quat* quaternion)
(deftype sparticle-birthinfo (structure)
"Used internally by the sparticle code."
((sprite uint32)
(anim int32)
(anim-speed float)
(birth-func basic)
(joint-ppoint int32)
(num-to-birth float)
(sound basic)
(dataf float 1 :overlay-at sprite)
(data uint32 1 :overlay-at sprite)
(deftype sp-field-init-spec (structure)
"Part of a particle definition - how to initialize a field of a particle."
((field sp-field-id)
(flags sp-flag)
(initial-valuef float)
(random-rangef float)
(random-multf float)
(initial-value int32 :overlay-at initial-valuef)
(random-range int32 :overlay-at random-rangef)
(random-mult int32 :overlay-at random-multf)
(func symbol :overlay-at initial-valuef)
(tex texture-id :overlay-at initial-valuef)
(pntr pointer :overlay-at initial-valuef)
(object basic :overlay-at initial-valuef)
(sym symbol :overlay-at initial-valuef)
(sound sound-spec :overlay-at initial-valuef)
(deftype sparticle-launcher (basic)
"A definition of a single particle, as a list of init specs."
((birthaccum float)
(soundaccum float)
(init-specs (inline-array sp-field-init-spec))
(get-field-spec-by-id (_type_ sp-field-id) sp-field-init-spec)
(setup-special-textures (_type_ string) none)
(deftype sparticle-group-item (structure)
"A reference to a single sparticle-launcher (by ID) and some parameters for using it."
((launcher uint32)
(fade-after meters)
(falloff-to meters)
(flags sp-group-item-flag)
(period uint16)
(length uint16)
(offset int16)
(hour-mask uint32)
(binding uint32)
(deftype sparticle-launch-state (structure)
"The state associated with a launcher of a given sparticle."
((group-item sparticle-group-item)
(flags sp-launch-state-flags)
(randomize uint16)
(center vector)
(sprite3d sprite-vec-data-3d)
(sprite sparticle-cpuinfo)
(offset uint32)
(accum float)
(spawn-time uint32)
(control sparticle-launch-control)
(swarm basic :overlay-at offset)
(seed uint32 :overlay-at accum)
(time uint32 :overlay-at spawn-time)
(spec basic :overlay-at sprite)
(id uint32 :overlay-at sprite3d)
(deftype sparticle-launch-group (basic)
"Definition of multiple a particle-group, which is a collection of particle effects."
((length int16)
(duration uint16)
(linger-duration uint16)
(flags sp-group-flag)
(name string)
(launcher (inline-array sparticle-group-item))
(rotate-x degrees)
(rotate-y degrees)
(rotate-z degrees)
(scale-x float)
(scale-y float)
(scale-z float)
(bounds sphere :inline)
(create-launch-control (_type_ process) sparticle-launch-control)
(define *launch-matrix* (matrix-identity! (new 'global 'matrix)))
(deftype sparticle-launch-control (inline-array-class)
"Top-level type containing all the state needed to launch a particle group.
These are typically owned by a process, and allocated on the process heap.
These refer to static particle definitions, and then spawn particles that are tracked by the
particle system itself. This type just holds the launching-related state."
((group sparticle-launch-group)
(proc process-drawable)
(local-clock int32)
(fade float)
(matrix int8)
(state-mode uint8 3)
(state-counter uint32)
(local-space-binding particle-local-space-info :overlay-at fade)
(last-spawn-frame int32)
(last-spawn-time int32)
(origin matrix :inline)
(center vector :inline :overlay-at (-> origin data 12))
(data sparticle-launch-state :inline :dynamic)
(initialize (_type_ sparticle-launch-group process-drawable) none)
(is-visible? (_type_ vector) symbol)
(spawn (_type_ vector) object)
(spawn-from-mat (_type_ matrix) none)
(spawn-from-cspace (_type_ cspace) none)
(kill-particles (_type_) none)
(set-local-space-info (_type_ particle-local-space-info) none)
(set! (-> sparticle-launch-control heap-base) (the-as uint 48))
(deftype sparticle-subsampler (basic)
((spt-num float)
(sp-system sparticle-system)
(sp-launcher sparticle-launcher)
(spawn-mat matrix :inline)
(inited? symbol)
(new (symbol type sparticle-system sparticle-launcher float) _type_)
(init-with-vec! (_type_ vector) vector)
(init-with-mat! (_type_ matrix) matrix)
(defmethod new sparticle-subsampler ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 sparticle-system) (arg1 sparticle-launcher) (arg2 float))
(let ((s3-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(if (zero? s3-0)
(go process-drawable-art-error "sparticle-subsampler")
(set! (-> s3-0 sp-launcher) arg1)
(set! (-> s3-0 inited?) #f)
(set! (-> s3-0 sp-system) arg0)
(set! (-> s3-0 spt-num) arg2)
(matrix-identity! (-> s3-0 spawn-mat))
(defun compute-rot-in-screenspace ((arg0 vector))
"Unclear what this does, but I'm not actually sure it makes sense. Unused"
(let ((a0-1 (-> (math-camera-matrix) fvec)))
(let ((v1-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(let ((f0-3 (vector-dot a0-1 arg0)))
(vector-float*! v1-0 a0-1 f0-3)
(vector-! arg0 arg0 v1-0)
(let ((a2-1 (matrix-transpose! (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix) (math-camera-matrix))))
(vector-matrix*! arg0 arg0 a2-1)
(the float (sar (shl (the int (atan (-> arg0 y) (* -1.0 (-> arg0 x)))) 48) 48))
(define-extern lookup-part-group-by-name (function string sparticle-launch-group))
(define-extern sparticle-motion-blur (function sparticle-system sparticle-cpuinfo vector none))
(define-extern sp-launch-particles-var (function sparticle-system sparticle-launcher matrix sparticle-launch-state sparticle-launch-control float none))
(define-extern *part-id-table* (array sparticle-launcher))
(define-extern *part-group-id-table* (array sparticle-launch-group))
(define-extern sparticle-set-conerot (function sparticle-launcher vector none))