2022-06-29 22:20:09 -04:00

322 lines
11 KiB

#include "common/goos/PrettyPrinter.h"
#include "common/goos/PrettyPrinter2.h"
#include "common/goos/Reader.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third-party/fmt/core.h"
using namespace goos;
namespace {
Object read(const std::string& str) {
auto body = pretty_print::get_pretty_printer_reader().read_from_string(str).as_pair()->cdr;
return body.as_pair()->car;
std::string pprint(const Object& o, int len = 80) {
return pretty_print::to_string_v1(o, len);
// read then pretty print a string.
std::string ppr(const std::string& in, int len = 80) {
return pprint(read(in), len);
} // namespace
TEST(PrettyPrinter, Basics) {
EXPECT_EQ(ppr("test"), "test");
EXPECT_EQ(ppr("(l 12 asdf)"), "(l 12 asdf)");
// force it to break
EXPECT_EQ(ppr("(thing 12 asd asfd sdfjk)", 10), "(thing\n 12\n asd\n asfd\n sdfjk\n )");
TEST(PrettyPrinter, ReadAgain) {
// first read the gcommon file
auto gcommon_code = pretty_print::get_pretty_printer_reader().read_from_file(
{"goal_src", "jak1", "kernel", "gcommon.gc"});
// pretty print it
auto printed_gcommon = pretty_print::to_string(gcommon_code);
auto gcommon_code2 = pretty_print::get_pretty_printer_reader()
auto printed_gcommon2 = pretty_print::to_string_v1(gcommon_code);
EXPECT_TRUE(gcommon_code == gcommon_code2);
TEST(PrettyPrinter, ReadAgainVeryShortLines) {
// first read the gcommon file
auto gcommon_code = pretty_print::get_pretty_printer_reader().read_from_file(
{"goal_src", "jak1", "kernel", "gcommon.gc"});
// pretty print it but with a very short line length. This looks terrible but will hopefully
// hit many of the cases for line breaking.
auto printed_gcommon = pretty_print::to_string(gcommon_code, 80);
auto gcommon_code2 = pretty_print::get_pretty_printer_reader()
auto printed_gcommon2 = pretty_print::to_string_v1(gcommon_code);
EXPECT_TRUE(gcommon_code == gcommon_code2);
TEST(PrettyPrinter, DefunNoArgs) {
// wrong old printing
std::string code =
"(defun looping-code () (while #t (suspend)\n"
" )\n"
" (the-as symbol #f)\n"
" )";
auto obj = pretty_print::get_pretty_printer_reader()
auto printed = pretty_print::to_string_v1(obj, 80);
"(defun looping-code ()\n"
" (while #t\n"
" (suspend)\n"
" )\n"
" (the-as symbol #f)\n"
" )");
TEST(PrettyPrinter2, Debugging) {
// first read the gcommon file
auto gcommon_code = pretty_print::get_pretty_printer_reader().read_from_file(
{"goal_src", "jak1", "kernel", "gcommon.gc"});
// pretty print it
auto printed_gcommon = pretty_print::to_string(gcommon_code);
auto gcommon_code2 = pretty_print::get_pretty_printer_reader()
EXPECT_TRUE(gcommon_code == gcommon_code2);
namespace {
std::string pretty_print_v2(const std::string& str, int line_length = 110) {
auto obj =
return pretty_print::to_string(obj, line_length);
} // namespace
TEST(PrettyPrinter2, Defun) {
// checks that edefun is split up properly
std::string code = "(defun identity ((obj object)) obj)";
R"((defun identity ((obj object))
TEST(PrettyPrinter2, MultiLine) {
// check that multiple lines are split correctly
std::string code =
"(defmethod inspect vec4s ((obj vec4s)) (format #t \"[~8x] ~A~%\" obj 'vec4s) (format #t "
"\"~Tx: ~f~%\" (-> obj x)) (format #t \"~Ty: ~f~%\" (-> obj y)) (format #t \"~Tz: ~f~%\" (-> "
"obj z)) (format #t \"~Tw: ~f~%\" (-> obj w)) obj )";
R"((defmethod inspect vec4s ((obj vec4s))
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" obj 'vec4s)
(format #t "~Tx: ~f~%" (-> obj x))
(format #t "~Ty: ~f~%" (-> obj y))
(format #t "~Tz: ~f~%" (-> obj z))
(format #t "~Tw: ~f~%" (-> obj w))
TEST(PrettyPrinter2, LetUntilIf) {
std::string code =
"(defun basic-type? ((obj basic) (parent-type type)) (let ((obj-type (-> obj type)) "
"(end-type object) ) (until (= obj-type end-type) (if (= obj-type "
"parent-type) (return #t) ) (set! obj-type (-> obj-type parent)) "
") ) #f )";
// this checks that let defs are properly aligned, until is properly aligned (body only indented
// by two), if indented properly (aligned with condition)
R"((defun basic-type? ((obj basic) (parent-type type))
(let ((obj-type (-> obj type))
(end-type object)
(until (= obj-type end-type)
(if (= obj-type parent-type)
(return #t)
(set! obj-type (-> obj-type parent))
TEST(PrettyPrinter2, Overhang) {
std::string code =
"(defun nassoc ((item-name string) (alist object)) (while (not (or (null? alist) (let ((key "
"(car (car alist)))) (if (pair? key) (nmember item-name key) (name= (the-as basic key) "
"item-name) ) ) ) ) (set! alist (cdr alist)) ) (if (not (null? alist)) (car alist) ) )";
// this case is tricky: you have several lists starting at the (while with their last elements
// split. this makes sure that the close parens of these list are right.
R"((defun nassoc ((item-name string) (alist object))
(while (not (or (null? alist) (let ((key (car (car alist))))
(if (pair? key)
(nmember item-name key)
(name= (the-as basic key) item-name)
(set! alist (cdr alist))
(if (not (null? alist))
(car alist)
TEST(PrettyPrint2, Cond) {
// check that cond and its else get split.
// note that for now we allow a short condition and body to be on the same line.
std::string code =
"(defmethod length pair ((obj pair)) (local-vars (result int)) (cond ((null? obj) (set! "
"result 0)) (else (let ((iter (cdr obj))) (set! result 1) (while (and (not (null? iter)) "
"(pair? iter)) (+! result 1) (set! iter (cdr iter)) ) ) ) ) result )";
R"((defmethod length pair ((obj pair))
(local-vars (result int))
((null? obj)
(set! result 0)
(let ((iter (cdr obj)))
(set! result 1)
(while (and (not (null? iter)) (pair? iter))
(+! result 1)
(set! iter (cdr iter))
TEST(PrettyPrint2, ParenWayOutToTheRight) {
std::string code =
"(defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (size int)) (let "
"((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (the-as "
"uint size) (-> type-to-make heap-base)))) ) ) ) (when (nonzero? obj) (set! (-> obj length) "
"size) (set! (-> obj allocated-length) size)) obj ) )";
// checks that the c0 stuff works right.
R"((defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (size int))
(let ((obj (object-new
(the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (the-as uint size) (-> type-to-make heap-base))))
(when (nonzero? obj)
(set! (-> obj length) size)
(set! (-> obj allocated-length) size)
TEST(PrettyPrint2, ParenWayOutToTheRight2) {
std::string code =
"(defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (size int)) (let "
"((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (the-as "
"uint size) (-> type-to-make heap-base)))) ) ) ) obj ) )";
// checks that the c0 stuff works right.
R"((defmethod new inline-array-class ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (size int))
(let ((obj (object-new
(the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (the-as uint size) (-> type-to-make heap-base))))
TEST(PrettyPrint2, ImproperList) {
std::string code = "( ( a . b) ( c . d ) ( e f . g) . #f )";
EXPECT_EQ(pretty_print_v2(code), "((a . b) (c . d) (e f . g) . #f)");
TEST(PrettyPrint2, ImproperListMultiLine) {
std::string code =
"( ( asdfasfdasdf . b) ( casdfsadfasdf . dsadfasfdsf ) ( esdfasdf fdasfsadf . gdfasfd) . "
"#f )";
EXPECT_EQ(pretty_print_v2(code, 40),
"((asdfasfdasdf . b)\n"
" (casdfsadfasdf . dsadfasfdsf)\n"
" (esdfasdf fdasfsadf . gdfasfd)\n"
" .\n"
" #f\n"
" )");
TEST(PrettyPrint2, BreakIfBug) {
std::string code =
" (if (and (= (-> arg0 current-prt-color x) 0.0)"
" (= (-> arg0 current-prt-color y) 0.0)\n"
" (= (-> arg0 current-prt-color z) 0.0)\n"
" )\n"
" (update-mood-prt-color arg0)\n"
" )";
EXPECT_EQ(pretty_print_v2(code, 100),
"(if (and (= (-> arg0 current-prt-color x) 0.0)\n"
" (= (-> arg0 current-prt-color y) 0.0)\n"
" (= (-> arg0 current-prt-color z) 0.0)\n"
" )\n"
" (update-mood-prt-color arg0)\n"
" )");
TEST(PrettyPrint2, AnotherBug) {
std::string code =
" (let ((f0-8 (* (fmin (vector-xz-length arg1) (* (vector-xz-length (-> s5-0 "
"trans)) arg4))\n"
" (-> *display* frames-per-second)\n"
" )\n"
" )\n"
" (t9-2 vector-xz-normalize!)\n"
" ))";
pretty_print_v2(code, 100),
"(let ((f0-8 (* (fmin (vector-xz-length arg1) (* (vector-xz-length (-> s5-0 trans)) arg4))\n"
" (-> *display* frames-per-second)\n"
" )\n"
" )\n"
" (t9-2 vector-xz-normalize!)\n"
" )\n"
" )");