
991 lines
34 KiB

#include "extract_merc.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/colors.h"
#include "decompiler/level_extractor/MercData.h"
#include "decompiler/level_extractor/extract_common.h"
#include "decompiler/util/goal_data_reader.h"
namespace decompiler {
// number of slots on VU1 data memory to store matrices
constexpr int MERC_VU1_MATRIX_SLOTS = 18;
// the size of each "matrix". Includes a transformation and rotation matrix (for normals)
constexpr int MERC_MATRIX_STRIDE = 7;
// converts a vu1 address to an index of a matrix slot.
// as far as I can tell, nothing in the game uses indices, they are always addresses already
u32 vu1_addr_to_matrix_slot(u32 addr) {
ASSERT(addr >= 6);
addr -= 6;
return addr / MERC_MATRIX_STRIDE;
u32 matrix_slot_to_vu1_addr(u32 slot) {
return 6 + (slot * MERC_MATRIX_STRIDE);
* The GS settings of a merc draw (shader + tex)
struct MercGsState {
// the blending, clamp, etc settings. from adgif shaders
DrawMode mode;
// the texture to use, as a "pc combo" texture index.
u32 pc_combo_tex_id;
u64 as_u64() const { return (((u64)pc_combo_tex_id) << 32) | mode.as_int(); }
* This is all the state that's required to understand how to draw a vertex. including both the GS
* state, and stuff (matrices) left behind in VU memory. The matrix slots are matrix indices into
* the original bones matrices (all the matrices in the skeleton). An index of -1 indicates that
* there is no known matrix in this slot.
struct MercState {
MercGsState merc_draw_mode;
// vu1_matrix_slots[x] = y
// where x is the slot in VU1 memory, and y is the matrix index for the bones/skeleton stuff.
std::array<int, MERC_VU1_MATRIX_SLOTS> vu1_matrix_slots;
MercState() { vu1_matrix_slots.fill(-1); }
* Required information for a "draw", consisting of a strip of triangles (represented as indices for
* OpenGL triangle strip) and the draw settings.
struct MercDraw {
size_t ctrl_idx; // which merc ctrl in the level we correspond to
size_t effect_idx; // which effect within that control
size_t frag_idx; // which frag within that effect
// note that the above triple isn't enough to uniquely identify a draw - there can be multiple
// draws within a fragment.
// draw settings
MercState state;
// opengl indices. currently into a per-effect vertex list (likely to merge into a giant buffer
// eventually)
std::vector<u32> indices;
// where we would be in VU1 data memory (used in construction)
u32 vtx_offset; // relative to writing output zone
u32 vtx_nloop; // nloop that goes in the gif tag drawing us.
* Merc Vertex. Not the format we'll want in the game data files, but most useful as an intermediate
* when building up draws.
struct MercUnpackedVtx {
int kind = 0; // 1, 2, or 3 matrix
math::Vector3f pos; // position
math::Vector3f nrm; // normal (as input to the merc math, pretty sure legnth is bogus)
math::Vector2f st; // texture coordinates
math::Vector<u8, 4> rgba;
int skel_mats[3];
float mat_weights[3];
u16 dst0;
u16 dst1;
* An entire merc-effect, split into draws.
* Note that copied or multiply-placed vertices will be de-deduplicated, but not identical vertices
* that actually appear in the input to merc.
struct ConvertedMercEffect {
size_t ctrl_idx;
size_t effect_idx;
// draws from all fragments.
std::vector<MercDraw> draws;
std::vector<MercUnpackedVtx> vertices;
* Extract a merc-ctrl data structure. This is mostly just copying the GOAL data to C++ classes,
* but does include the effect of processing the DMA data through VIF.
MercCtrl extract_merc_ctrl(const LinkedObjectFile& file,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts,
int word_idx) {
Ref ref;
ref.data = &file;
ref.seg = 0;
ref.byte_offset = word_idx * 4;
auto tr = typed_ref_from_basic(ref, dts);
MercCtrl ctrl;
ctrl.from_ref(tr, dts); // the merc data import
return ctrl;
* Find the word indices for the merc ctrls (the type tags)
std::vector<int> find_merc_ctrls(const LinkedObjectFile& file) {
std::vector<int> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < file.words_by_seg.at(0).size(); i++) {
const auto& word = file.words_by_seg[0][i];
if (word.kind() == LinkedWord::TYPE_PTR && word.symbol_name() == "merc-ctrl") {
return result;
namespace {
* Merc models tend to have strange texture ids. I don't really understand why.
* On login, the texture is checked against a list of textures in the bsp, and replaced with this.
* It doesn't seem to be related to sharing textures between levels - the yakow texture uses this.
u32 remap_texture(u32 original, const std::vector<level_tools::TextureRemap>& map) {
auto masked = original & 0xffffff00;
for (auto& t : map) {
if (t.original_texid == masked) {
return t.new_texid | 20;
return original;
* Set the alpha fields of a DrawMode (for PC renderers) based on gs alpha register
void update_mode_from_alpha1(GsAlpha reg, DrawMode& mode) {
if (reg.a_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::SOURCE && reg.b_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::DEST &&
reg.c_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::SOURCE && reg.d_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::DEST) {
// (Cs - Cd) * As + Cd
// Cs * As + (1 - As) * Cd
} else if (reg.a_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::SOURCE &&
reg.b_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::ZERO_OR_FIXED &&
reg.c_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::SOURCE &&
reg.d_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::DEST) {
// (Cs - 0) * As + Cd
// Cs * As + (1) * CD
} else if (reg.a_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::SOURCE &&
reg.b_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::ZERO_OR_FIXED &&
reg.c_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::ZERO_OR_FIXED &&
reg.d_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::DEST) {
ASSERT(reg.fix() == 128);
// Cv = (Cs - 0) * FIX + Cd
// if fix = 128, it works out to 1.0
// src plus dest
} else if (reg.a_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::SOURCE &&
reg.b_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::DEST &&
reg.c_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::ZERO_OR_FIXED &&
reg.d_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::DEST) {
// Cv = (Cs - Cd) * FIX + Cd
ASSERT(reg.fix() == 64);
} else if (reg.a_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::DEST &&
reg.b_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::SOURCE &&
reg.c_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::ZERO_OR_FIXED &&
reg.d_mode() == GsAlpha::BlendMode::ZERO_OR_FIXED) {
else {
// unsupported blend: a 0 b 1 c 0 d 2 is this part of generic?
fmt::print("unsupported blend: a {} b {} c {} d {}\n", (int)reg.a_mode(), (int)reg.b_mode(),
(int)reg.c_mode(), (int)reg.d_mode());
// ASSERT(false);
* Convert merc shader to PC draw mode
DrawMode process_draw_mode(const MercShader& info) {
DrawMode mode;
* (new 'static 'gs-test
:ate #x1
:atst (gs-atest greater-equal)
:aref #x26
:zte #x1
:ztst (gs-ztest greater-equal)
// check these
mode.set_decal(info.tex0.tfx() == GsTex0::TextureFunction::DECAL);
// the alpha matters (maybe?)
update_mode_from_alpha1(info.alpha, mode);
// the clamp matters
if (!(info.clamp == 0b101 || info.clamp == 0 || info.clamp == 1 || info.clamp == 0b100)) {
ASSERT_MSG(false, fmt::format("clamp: 0x{:x}", info.clamp));
mode.set_clamp_s_enable(info.clamp & 0b1);
mode.set_clamp_t_enable(info.clamp & 0b100);
return mode;
float u32_as_float(u32 in) {
float out;
memcpy(&out, &in, sizeof(float));
return out;
u32 float_as_u32(float in) {
u32 out;
memcpy(&out, &in, sizeof(float));
return out;
} // namespace
* Representing something that can be written to the merc output buffer. 1 qw
struct MercOutputQuadword {
enum class Kind {
INVALID, // uninitialized, or in the middle of another thing
VTX_START, // the first qw of a vertex
SHADER_START, // the first qw of a shader (the giftag)
PRIM_START // the giftag for a list of vertices
} kind = Kind::INVALID;
// if we're a vertex
u32 vtx_idx = -1; // index in the effect's vertex list.
bool adc = false; // if our adc flag is set. this differs between copies, so put it here.
// if we're a primitive giftag, the number of vertices that come after us.
u32 nloop_count = 0;
struct MercMemory {
std::array<MercOutputQuadword, 1024> memory;
* Add vertices from a fragment to memory. Emulates the unpacking.
void handle_frag(const std::string& debug_name,
const MercCtrlHeader& ctrl_header,
const MercFragment& frag,
const MercFragmentControl& frag_ctrl,
const MercState& state,
std::vector<MercUnpackedVtx>& effect_vertices,
MercMemory& memory) {
// fmt::print("handling frag: {}\n", debug_name);
// fmt::print("{}\n", frag.print());
// we'll iterate through the lump and rgba data
int lump_ptr = 0; // vertex data starts at the beginning of "lump"
int rgba_ptr = frag.header.rgba_off; // rgba is in u4's
int perc_ptr = frag.header.perc_off;
int last_mat2_perc = perc_ptr - 1;
int perc_toggle = 0;
u32 mat1_cnt = frag.header.mat1_cnt;
u32 mat12_cnt = frag.header.mat2_cnt + mat1_cnt;
u32 mat123_cnt = frag.header.mat3_cnt + mat12_cnt;
// loop through vertices.
int prev_mat0 = -1;
int prev_mat1 = -1;
int prev_mat2 = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mat123_cnt; i++) {
u32 current_vtx_idx = effect_vertices.size(); // idx in effect vertex list.
auto& vtx = effect_vertices.emplace_back();
if (i < mat1_cnt) {
vtx.kind = 1; // 1 matrix
} else if (i < mat12_cnt) {
vtx.kind = 2; // 2 matrix
} else {
vtx.kind = 3;
// the three quadwords in the source data
auto v0 = frag.lump4_unpacked.at(lump_ptr);
auto v1 = frag.lump4_unpacked.at(lump_ptr + 1);
auto v2 = frag.lump4_unpacked.at(lump_ptr + 2);
// ilwr.x vi08, vi01 ;; load mat0 from vertex
u16 mat0_addr;
memcpy(&mat0_addr, &v0.x(), 2);
u16 mat1_addr;
memcpy(&mat1_addr, &v0.y(), 2);
if (vtx.kind == 1) {
vtx.skel_mats[0] = state.vu1_matrix_slots.at(vu1_addr_to_matrix_slot(mat0_addr));
vtx.skel_mats[1] = 0;
vtx.skel_mats[2] = 0;
vtx.mat_weights[0] = 1.f;
vtx.mat_weights[1] = 0.f;
vtx.mat_weights[2] = 0.f;
ASSERT(vtx.skel_mats[0] >= 0);
} else if (vtx.kind == 2) {
u8 m0 = mat0_addr & 0x7f;
u8 m1 = mat1_addr & 0x7f;
if (m0 == 0x7f) {
ASSERT(prev_mat0 != -1);
} else {
prev_mat0 = vu1_addr_to_matrix_slot(m0);
prev_mat1 = vu1_addr_to_matrix_slot(m1);
vtx.skel_mats[0] = state.vu1_matrix_slots.at(prev_mat0);
vtx.skel_mats[1] = state.vu1_matrix_slots.at(prev_mat1);
vtx.skel_mats[2] = 0;
if (m0 != 0x7f && i != mat1_cnt) {
if (perc_toggle) {
perc_toggle = !perc_toggle;
auto perc = frag.unsigned_four_including_header.at(perc_ptr);
last_mat2_perc = perc_ptr;
if (!perc_toggle) {
vtx.mat_weights[0] = perc.x() / 255.f;
vtx.mat_weights[1] = perc.y() / 255.f;
} else {
vtx.mat_weights[0] = perc.z() / 255.f;
vtx.mat_weights[1] = perc.w() / 255.f;
vtx.mat_weights[2] = 0.f;
float sum = vtx.mat_weights[0] + vtx.mat_weights[1];
ASSERT(std::abs(1.f - sum) < 1e-6);
} else if (vtx.kind == 3) {
u8 m0 = mat0_addr & 0x7f;
u8 m1 = mat1_addr & 0x7f;
if (i == mat12_cnt) {
perc_ptr = last_mat2_perc;
if (m0 == 0x7f) {
ASSERT(prev_mat0 != -1);
} else {
prev_mat0 = vu1_addr_to_matrix_slot(m0);
prev_mat1 = vu1_addr_to_matrix_slot(m1);
prev_mat2 = vu1_addr_to_matrix_slot(frag.unsigned_four_including_header.at(perc_ptr).w());
vtx.skel_mats[0] = state.vu1_matrix_slots.at(prev_mat0);
vtx.skel_mats[1] = state.vu1_matrix_slots.at(prev_mat1);
vtx.skel_mats[2] = state.vu1_matrix_slots.at(prev_mat2);
auto perc = frag.unsigned_four_including_header.at(perc_ptr);
vtx.mat_weights[0] = perc.x() / 255.f;
vtx.mat_weights[1] = perc.y() / 255.f;
vtx.mat_weights[2] = perc.z() / 255.f;
float sum = vtx.mat_weights[0] + vtx.mat_weights[1] + vtx.mat_weights[2];
ASSERT(std::abs(1.f - sum) < 1e-6);
} else {
u16 mat1;
memcpy(&mat1, &v0.y(), 2);
u16 mat0;
memcpy(&mat0, &v0.x(), 2);
// add.zw vf08, vf08, vf17 ;; lump offset
// vf17 = [2048, 255, -65537, xyz-add.x] (the ?? is set per fragment)
v0.z() += -65537;
v0.w() += frag.fp_header.x_add;
// add.xyzw vf11, vf11, vf18 ;; lump offset
// vf18 = [st-out-X, st-out-X, -65537, xyz-add.y] (X = a if xtop = 0, X = b otherwise)
v1.x() += u32_as_float(ctrl_header.st_out_a);
v1.y() += u32_as_float(ctrl_header.st_out_a);
v1.z() += -65537;
v1.w() += frag.fp_header.y_add;
// add.xyzw vf14, vf14, vf19 ;; lump offset
// vf19 = [st-magic, st-magic, -65537, xyz-add.z]
v2.x() += u32_as_float(ctrl_header.st_magic);
v2.y() += u32_as_float(ctrl_header.st_magic);
v2.z() += -65537;
v2.w() += frag.fp_header.z_add;
vtx.pos = math::Vector3f(v0.w(), v1.w(), v2.w());
vtx.nrm = math::Vector3f(v0.z(), v1.z(), v2.z());
// vtx.mat1 = 0; // not used like this
vtx.dst0 = float_as_u32(v1.x()) - 371; // xtop to output buffer offset
vtx.dst1 = float_as_u32(v1.y()) - 371;
vtx.rgba = frag.unsigned_four_including_header.at(rgba_ptr);
vtx.st = math::Vector2f(v2.x(), v2.y());
// crazy flag logic to set adc
s16 mat1_flag = mat1;
s16 mat0_flag = mat0;
bool dst0_adc, dst1_adc;
if (vtx.kind == 1) {
ASSERT(mat1_flag == -1 || mat1_flag == 0 || mat1_flag == 1);
dst0_adc = mat1_flag <= 0;
dst1_adc = dst0_adc && (mat1_flag != 0);
dst0_adc = !dst0_adc;
dst1_adc = !dst1_adc;
} else {
// adc logic
// ilw.y vi09, -6(vi01)
s16 vi09 = mat1_flag;
// move.xyzw vf21, vf08
bool vf21_has_adc = false;
bool vf08_has_adc = false;
if (!(vi09 > 0)) {
vf21_has_adc = true;
// ibgtz vi09, L47
// addx.w vf21, vf21, vf17
// L47:
// ilw.x vi09, -9(vi01)
vi09 = mat0_flag;
// ftoi4.xyzw vf21, vf21
// sq.xyzw vf21, 2(vi10)
dst0_adc = !vf21_has_adc;
if (!(vi09 >= 0)) {
vf21_has_adc = vf08_has_adc;
dst1_adc = !vf21_has_adc;
// ibgez vi09, L50
// ftoi4.xyzw vf21, vf08
// L50:
// sq.xyzw vf21, 2(vi13)
// dst0_adc = mat1_flag <= 0;
// dst1_adc = dst0_adc && (mat0_flag >= 0);
// dst0_adc = !dst0_adc;
// dst1_adc = !dst1_adc;
// fmt::print("{}\n", dst1_adc);
// write to two spots in memory
auto& dst0_mem = memory.memory.at(vtx.dst0);
auto& dst1_mem = memory.memory.at(vtx.dst1);
dst0_mem.kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::VTX_START;
dst0_mem.vtx_idx = current_vtx_idx;
dst0_mem.adc = dst0_adc;
memory.memory.at(vtx.dst0 + 1).kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::INVALID;
memory.memory.at(vtx.dst0 + 2).kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::INVALID;
dst1_mem.kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::VTX_START;
dst1_mem.vtx_idx = current_vtx_idx;
dst1_mem.adc = dst1_adc;
memory.memory.at(vtx.dst1 + 1).kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::INVALID;
memory.memory.at(vtx.dst1 + 2).kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::INVALID;
fmt::print("place vertex {} @ {} {}: {} (adc {} {}) {}\n", current_vtx_idx, vtx.dst0, vtx.dst1,
vtx.pos.to_string_aligned(), dst0_adc, dst1_adc, mat1_flag);
lump_ptr += 3; // advance 3 qw
* Build OpenGL index list from a single GIF packet.
* TODO: should check we aren't putting in x x R x x R
std::vector<u32> index_list_from_packet(u32 vtx_ptr, u32 nloop, const MercMemory& memory) {
std::vector<u32> result;
u32 prev_vtx = UINT32_MAX;
while (nloop) {
auto& vtx_mem = memory.memory.at(vtx_ptr);
if (vtx_mem.kind == MercOutputQuadword::Kind::VTX_START) {
bool adc = vtx_mem.adc;
if (adc) {
} else {
prev_vtx = vtx_mem.vtx_idx;
} else {
// missing vertex!
fmt::print("MISSING VERTEX at {}\n", vtx_ptr);
vtx_ptr += 3;
return result;
* Dump draws to obj file.
std::string debug_dump_to_obj(const std::vector<MercDraw>& draws,
const std::vector<MercUnpackedVtx>& vertices) {
std::string result;
std::vector<math::Vector4f> verts;
std::vector<math::Vector<int, 3>> faces;
for (auto& draw : draws) {
// add verts...
int queue[2];
int q_idx = 0;
for (size_t ii = 2; ii < draw.indices.size(); ii++) {
u32 v0 = draw.indices[ii - 2];
u32 v1 = draw.indices[ii - 1];
u32 v2 = draw.indices[ii - 0];
if (v0 != UINT32_MAX && v1 != UINT32_MAX && v2 != UINT32_MAX) {
faces.emplace_back(v0 + 1, v1 + 1, v2 + 1);
for (auto& idx : draw.indices) {
if (idx == UINT32_MAX) {
q_idx = 0;
} else {
if (q_idx >= 2) {
faces.emplace_back(queue[0] + 1, queue[1] + 1, idx + 1);
queue[(q_idx++) % 2] = idx;
for (auto& vtx : vertices) {
result += fmt::format("v {} {} {}\n", vtx.pos.x() / 1024.f, vtx.pos.y() / 1024.f,
vtx.pos.z() / 1024.f);
for (auto& face : faces) {
result += fmt::format("f {}/{} {}/{} {}/{}\n", face.x(), face.x(), face.y(), face.y(), face.z(),
return result;
math::Vector4<u16> vtx_to_rgba_bone_debug(const MercUnpackedVtx& vtx) {
math::Vector4<u16> result;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (vtx.skel_mats[i] == -1 || vtx.mat_weights[i] == 0) {
u32 rgba_packed = colors::common_colors[vtx.skel_mats[i] % colors::COLOR_COUNT];
result.x() += ((rgba_packed >> 16) & 0xff) * vtx.mat_weights[i];
result.y() += ((rgba_packed >> 8) & 0xff) * vtx.mat_weights[i];
result.z() += ((rgba_packed >> 0) & 0xff) * vtx.mat_weights[i];
return result;
std::string debug_dump_to_ply(const std::vector<MercDraw>& draws,
const std::vector<MercUnpackedVtx>& vertices) {
std::vector<math::Vector4f> verts;
std::vector<math::Vector<int, 3>> faces;
for (auto& draw : draws) {
// add verts...
for (size_t ii = 2; ii < draw.indices.size(); ii++) {
u32 v0 = draw.indices[ii - 2];
u32 v1 = draw.indices[ii - 1];
u32 v2 = draw.indices[ii - 0];
if (v0 != UINT32_MAX && v1 != UINT32_MAX && v2 != UINT32_MAX) {
faces.emplace_back(v0, v1, v2);
std::string result = fmt::format(
"ply\nformat ascii 1.0\nelement vertex {}\nproperty float x\nproperty float y\nproperty "
"float z\nproperty uchar red\nproperty uchar green\nproperty uchar blue\nelement face "
"{}\nproperty list uchar int vertex_index\nend_header\n",
vertices.size(), faces.size());
for (auto& vtx : vertices) {
auto rgba = vtx_to_rgba_bone_debug(vtx);
result += fmt::format("{} {} {} {} {} {}\n", vtx.pos.x() / 1024.f, vtx.pos.y() / 1024.f,
vtx.pos.z() / 1024.f, rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]);
for (auto& face : faces) {
result += fmt::format("3 {} {} {}\n", face.x(), face.y(), face.z());
return result;
ConvertedMercEffect convert_merc_effect(const MercEffect& input_effect,
const MercCtrlHeader& ctrl_header,
const TextureDB& tdb,
const std::vector<level_tools::TextureRemap>& map,
const std::string& debug_name,
size_t ctrl_idx,
size_t effect_idx,
bool dump) {
ConvertedMercEffect result;
result.ctrl_idx = ctrl_idx;
result.effect_idx = effect_idx;
// full reset of state per effect.
// we have no idea what the previous effect draw will be - it might be given to
// mercneric.
bool shader_set = false; // no previous shader can reliably be known
MercState merc_state; // current gs settings/matrix slots
MercMemory merc_memories[2]; // double buffered output
int memory_buffer_toggle = 0; // which output we're in
for (size_t fi = 0; fi < input_effect.frag_ctrl.size(); fi++) {
const auto& frag = input_effect.frag_geo[fi];
const auto& frag_ctrl = input_effect.frag_ctrl[fi];
// first, deal with matrices
for (size_t mi = 0; mi < frag_ctrl.mat_xfer_count; mi++) {
const auto& xfer = frag_ctrl.mat_dest_data[mi];
merc_state.vu1_matrix_slots[vu1_addr_to_matrix_slot(xfer.matrix_dest)] = xfer.matrix_number;
if (!shader_set) {
// if we don't have a shader set, we shouldn't have anything that reuses the last shader
ASSERT(frag.header.strip_len == 0);
// and we should set the shader
ASSERT(frag.fp_header.shader_cnt > 0);
shader_set = true;
// run the frag.
// this will add vertices to the per-effect vertex lists and also update the merc memory
// to point to these.
handle_frag(debug_name, ctrl_header, frag, frag_ctrl, merc_state, result.vertices,
// we'll add draws after this draw, but wait to actually populate the index lists until
// we've processed all the vertices.
size_t first_draw_to_update = result.draws.size();
// continuation of a previous shader
if (frag.header.strip_len) {
// add the continued draw
auto& new_draw = result.draws.emplace_back();
new_draw.ctrl_idx = ctrl_idx;
new_draw.effect_idx = effect_idx;
new_draw.frag_idx = fi;
new_draw.state = merc_state;
new_draw.vtx_offset = 1;
// just remember where it started. we might copy some vertices from a later draw in this
// fragment back to this draw, and at this point we don't know what the adc flags would be.
// (or their index, because we are deduplicated)
new_draw.vtx_nloop = frag.header.strip_len;
// loop over fresh shaders
for (size_t i = 0; i < frag.fp_header.shader_cnt; i++) {
const auto& shader = frag.shaders.at(i);
// update merc state from shader (will hold over to next fragment, if needed)
merc_state.merc_draw_mode.mode = process_draw_mode(shader);
u32 new_tex = remap_texture(shader.original_tex, map);
// texture the texture page/texture index, and convert to a PC port texture ID
u32 tpage = new_tex >> 20;
u32 tidx = (new_tex >> 8) & 0b1111'1111'1111;
u32 tex_combo = (((u32)tpage) << 16) | tidx;
// look up the texture to make sure it's valid
auto tex = tdb.textures.find(tex_combo);
ASSERT(tex != tdb.textures.end());
// remember the texture id
merc_state.merc_draw_mode.pc_combo_tex_id = tex_combo;
// add the draw
auto& new_draw = result.draws.emplace_back();
new_draw.ctrl_idx = ctrl_idx;
new_draw.effect_idx = effect_idx;
new_draw.frag_idx = fi;
new_draw.state = merc_state;
// write the shader to memory
merc_memories[memory_buffer_toggle].memory.at(shader.output_offset).kind =
for (int mi = 1; mi < 6; mi++) {
// fill 5qw of adgif data with invalid. make sure we don't read verts from here
merc_memories[memory_buffer_toggle].memory.at(shader.output_offset + mi).kind =
// write the giftag for primitives
auto& prim_packet = merc_memories[memory_buffer_toggle].memory.at(shader.output_offset + 6);
prim_packet.kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::PRIM_START;
prim_packet.nloop_count = shader.next_strip_nloop;
// update draw from hidden fields in adgif.
new_draw.vtx_offset = shader.output_offset + 7;
new_draw.vtx_nloop = shader.next_strip_nloop;
// copy from other places inside this output buffer
u32 srcdst_ptr = frag.header.srcdest_off;
for (u32 sci = 0; sci < frag.header.samecopy_cnt; sci++) {
auto& cpy = frag.unsigned_four_including_header[srcdst_ptr];
// fmt::print("sci: {}\n", cpy.to_string_hex_byte());
u32 src = cpy[0];
auto& vert = merc_memories[memory_buffer_toggle].memory.at(src);
u32 dst = cpy[1];
auto& dvert = merc_memories[memory_buffer_toggle].memory.at(dst);
if (vert.kind == MercOutputQuadword::Kind::VTX_START) {
dvert = vert;
if (cpy[3]) {
// dvert.adc = true;
dvert.adc = !dvert.adc;
} else {
fmt::print("sc missing vert\n");
dvert.kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::INVALID;
// "cross" copy from the other output buffer
for (u32 cci = 0; cci < frag.header.crosscopy_cnt; cci++) {
auto& cpy = frag.unsigned_four_including_header[srcdst_ptr];
// fmt::print("cci: {}\n", cpy.to_string_hex_byte());
u32 src = cpy[0];
auto& vert = merc_memories[memory_buffer_toggle ^ 1].memory.at(src);
u32 dst = cpy[1];
auto& dvert = merc_memories[memory_buffer_toggle].memory.at(dst);
if (vert.kind == MercOutputQuadword::Kind::VTX_START) {
dvert = vert;
if (cpy[3]) {
// dvert.adc = true;
dvert.adc = !dvert.adc;
} else {
fmt::print("cc missing vert\n");
dvert.kind = MercOutputQuadword::Kind::INVALID;
// now that we've copied all vertices, create index lists.
for (size_t i = first_draw_to_update; i < result.draws.size(); i++) {
auto& draw = result.draws[i];
draw.indices = index_list_from_packet(draw.vtx_offset, draw.vtx_nloop,
memory_buffer_toggle ^= 1;
if (dump) {
{"debug_out/merc", fmt::format("{}_{}.ply", debug_name, effect_idx)}),
debug_dump_to_ply(result.draws, result.vertices));
return result;
u8 convert_mat(int in) {
if (in >= 0) {
return in;
} else {
return 0;
tfrag3::MercVertex convert_vertex(const MercUnpackedVtx& vtx) {
tfrag3::MercVertex out;
out.pos[0] = vtx.pos[0];
out.pos[1] = vtx.pos[1];
out.pos[2] = vtx.pos[2];
out.pad0 = 0;
out.normal[0] = vtx.nrm[0];
out.normal[1] = vtx.nrm[1];
out.normal[2] = vtx.nrm[2];
out.pad1 = 0;
out.weights[0] = vtx.mat_weights[0];
out.weights[1] = vtx.mat_weights[1];
out.weights[2] = vtx.mat_weights[2];
out.pad2 = 0;
out.st[0] = vtx.st[0];
out.st[1] = vtx.st[1];
out.rgba[0] = vtx.rgba[0];
out.rgba[1] = vtx.rgba[1];
out.rgba[2] = vtx.rgba[2];
out.rgba[3] = vtx.rgba[3];
out.mats[0] = convert_mat(vtx.skel_mats[0]);
out.mats[1] = convert_mat(vtx.skel_mats[1]);
out.mats[2] = convert_mat(vtx.skel_mats[2]);
out.pad3 = 0;
return out;
* Top-level merc extraction
void extract_merc(const ObjectFileData& ag_data,
const TextureDB& tex_db,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts,
const std::vector<level_tools::TextureRemap>& map,
tfrag3::Level& out,
bool dump_level) {
if (dump_level) {
// find all merc-ctrls in the object file
auto ctrl_locations = find_merc_ctrls(ag_data.linked_data);
// extract them. this does very basic unpacking of data, as done by the VIF/DMA on PS2.
std::vector<MercCtrl> ctrls;
for (auto location : ctrl_locations) {
auto ctrl = extract_merc_ctrl(ag_data.linked_data, dts, location);
// extract draws. this does no regrouping yet.
std::vector<std::vector<ConvertedMercEffect>> all_effects;
for (size_t ci = 0; ci < ctrls.size(); ci++) {
auto& effects_in_ctrl = all_effects.emplace_back();
for (size_t ei = 0; ei < ctrls[ci].effects.size(); ei++) {
effects_in_ctrl.push_back(convert_merc_effect(ctrls[ci].effects[ei], ctrls[ci].header, tex_db,
map, ctrls[ci].name, ci, ei, dump_level));
// convert to PC format
// first pass, before merging indices
u32 first_model = out.merc_data.models.size();
std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<u32>>>> indices_temp; // ctrl, effect, draw, vtx
for (size_t ci = 0; ci < ctrls.size(); ci++) {
auto& pc_ctrl = out.merc_data.models.emplace_back();
auto& ctrl = ctrls[ci];
pc_ctrl.name = ctrl.name;
pc_ctrl.scale_xyz = ctrl.header.xyz_scale;
pc_ctrl.max_draws = 0;
pc_ctrl.max_bones = 0;
for (size_t ei = 0; ei < ctrls[ci].effects.size(); ei++) {
auto& pc_effect = pc_ctrl.effects.emplace_back();
auto& effect = all_effects[ci][ei];
u32 first_vertex = out.merc_data.vertices.size();
for (auto& vtx : effect.vertices) {
auto cvtx = convert_vertex(vtx);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
pc_ctrl.max_bones = std::max(pc_ctrl.max_bones, (u32)cvtx.mats[i]);
// can do two types of de-duplication: toggling back and forth shaders and matrices
std::map<u64, u64> draw_mode_dedup;
for (auto& draw : effect.draws) {
// find draw to add to, or create a new one
const auto& existing = draw_mode_dedup.find(draw.state.merc_draw_mode.as_u64());
tfrag3::MercDraw* pc_draw = nullptr;
u64 pc_draw_idx = -1;
if (existing == draw_mode_dedup.end()) {
pc_draw_idx = pc_effect.draws.size();
draw_mode_dedup[draw.state.merc_draw_mode.as_u64()] = pc_draw_idx;
pc_draw = &pc_effect.draws.emplace_back();
pc_draw->mode = draw.state.merc_draw_mode.mode;
u32 idx_in_level_texture = UINT32_MAX;
for (u32 i = 0; i < out.textures.size(); i++) {
if (out.textures[i].combo_id == draw.state.merc_draw_mode.pc_combo_tex_id) {
idx_in_level_texture = i;
if (idx_in_level_texture == UINT32_MAX) {
// not added to level, add it
auto tex_it = tex_db.textures.find(draw.state.merc_draw_mode.pc_combo_tex_id);
if (tex_it == tex_db.textures.end()) {
} else {
idx_in_level_texture = out.textures.size();
auto& new_tex = out.textures.emplace_back();
new_tex.combo_id = draw.state.merc_draw_mode.pc_combo_tex_id;
new_tex.w = tex_it->second.w;
new_tex.h = tex_it->second.h;
new_tex.debug_name = tex_it->second.name;
new_tex.debug_tpage_name = tex_db.tpage_names.at(tex_it->second.page);
new_tex.data = tex_it->second.rgba_bytes;
pc_draw->tree_tex_id = idx_in_level_texture;
} else {
pc_draw_idx = existing->second;
pc_draw = &pc_effect.draws.at(pc_draw_idx);
for (auto idx : draw.indices) {
if (idx == UINT32_MAX) {
} else {
indices_temp[ci][ei][pc_draw_idx].push_back(idx + first_vertex);
// merge indices
for (size_t ci = 0; ci < ctrls.size(); ci++) {
auto& pc_ctrl = out.merc_data.models.at(ci + first_model);
for (size_t ei = 0; ei < ctrls[ci].effects.size(); ei++) {
auto& pc_effect = pc_ctrl.effects.at(ei);
for (size_t di = 0; di < pc_effect.draws.size(); di++) {
auto& pc_draw = pc_effect.draws.at(di);
auto& inds = indices_temp[ci][ei][di];
pc_draw.num_triangles = clean_up_vertex_indices(inds);
pc_draw.first_index = out.merc_data.indices.size();
pc_draw.index_count = inds.size();
out.merc_data.indices.insert(out.merc_data.indices.end(), inds.begin(), inds.end());
} // namespace decompiler