Tyler Wilding 60db0e5ef9
deps: update fmt to latest version (#3403)
This updates `fmt` to the latest version and moves to just being a copy
of their repo to make updating easier (no editing their cmake / figuring
out which files to minimally include).

The motivation for this is now that we switched to C++ 20, there were a
ton of deprecated function usages that is going away in future compiler
versions. This gets rid of all those warnings.
2024-03-05 22:11:52 -05:00

271 lines
10 KiB

* @file game_text.cpp
* Builds the XCOMMON.TXT text files. Each file contains all the strings that appear in the game
* translated into a language.
* The decompiler/data/game_text.cpp file extracts text from the game and creates a file that
* can be read with these functions.
* Also builds the XSUBTIT.TXT text files. Each file contains all the strings used as subtitles for
* cutscenes, hints and ambient speech, along with the timings.
* This kind of file is completely custom.
#include "game_text_common.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include "DataObjectGenerator.h"
#include "common/goos/ParseHelpers.h"
#include "common/goos/Reader.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/FontUtils.h"
#include "common/util/json_util.h"
#include "game/runtime.h"
#include "fmt/core.h"
namespace {
// TODO - replace with str_util::to_upper?
std::string uppercase(const std::string& in) {
std::string result;
for (auto c : in) {
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
c -= ('a' - 'A');
return result;
(deftype game-text (structure)
((id uint32 :offset-assert 0)
(text basic :offset-assert 4)
(deftype game-text-info (basic)
((length int32 :offset-assert 4)
(language-id int32 :offset-assert 8)
(group-name basic :offset-assert 12)
(data game-text :dynamic :offset-assert 16)
* Write game text data to a file. Uses the V2 object format which is identical between GOAL and
* OpenGOAL, so this should produce exactly identical files to what is found in the game.
void compile_text(GameTextDB& db, const std::string& output_prefix) {
for (const auto& [group_name, banks] : db.groups()) {
for (const auto& [lang, bank] : banks) {
DataObjectGenerator gen;
gen.add_type_tag("game-text-info"); // type
gen.add_word(bank->lines().size()); // length
gen.add_word(lang); // language-id
// this string is found in the string pool.
gen.add_ref_to_string_in_pool(group_name); // group-name
// now add all the datas: (the lines are already sorted by id)
for (auto& [id, line] : bank->lines()) {
gen.add_word(id); // id
// these strings must be in the string pool, as sometimes there are duplicate
// strings in a single language, and these strings should be stored once and have multiple
// references to them.
gen.add_ref_to_string_in_pool(line); // text
auto data = gen.generate_v2();
file_util::create_dir_if_needed(file_util::get_file_path({"out", output_prefix, "iso"}));
{"out", output_prefix, "iso", fmt::format("{}{}.TXT", lang, uppercase(group_name))}),
data.data(), data.size());
* Write game subtitle data to a file. Uses the V2 object format which is identical between GOAL and
* OpenGOAL.
void compile_subtitles_v1(GameSubtitleDB& db, const std::string& output_prefix) {
for (const auto& [lang, bank] : db.m_banks) {
// get font encoding information
auto font = get_font_bank(bank->m_text_version);
// convert speakers once.
auto speakers_converted = bank->m_speakers;
for (auto& [id, name] : speakers_converted) {
// convert name in-place. we copied the map earlier so this is safe.
// the subtitle lines have the speaker "id" stored in them, which is the map key here.
name = font->convert_utf8_to_game(name);
DataObjectGenerator gen;
gen.add_type_tag("subtitle-text-info"); // type
gen.add_word(bank->m_scenes.size()); // length
gen.add_word(lang); // lang
gen.add_word(0); // dummy
// fifo queue for scene data arrays
std::queue<int> array_link_sources;
// now add all the scene infos
for (auto& [name, scene] : bank->m_scenes) {
gen.add_word((u16)(scene.is_cutscene ? 0 : 2) |
(scene.m_lines.size() << 16)); // kind (lower 16 bits), length (upper 16 bits)
gen.add_word(0); // keyframes (linked later)
// now add all the scene *data!* (keyframes)
for (auto& [name, scene] : bank->m_scenes) {
// link inline-array with reference from earlier
gen.link_word_to_word(array_link_sources.front(), gen.words());
for (auto& subtitle : scene.m_lines) {
gen.add_word(subtitle.metadata.frame_start); // frame
gen.add_ref_to_string_in_pool(font->convert_utf8_to_game(subtitle.text)); // line
// speaker
if (subtitle.metadata.speaker.empty()) {
} else {
auto it = speakers_converted.find(subtitle.metadata.speaker);
if (it == speakers_converted.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("in file `{}`: could not find speaker {}",
bank->m_file_path, subtitle.metadata.speaker));
gen.add_word(subtitle.metadata.offscreen); // offscreen
auto data = gen.generate_v2();
file_util::create_dir_if_needed(file_util::get_file_path({"out", output_prefix, "iso"}));
{"out", output_prefix, "iso", fmt::format("{}{}.TXT", lang, uppercase("subtit"))}),
data.data(), data.size());
* Write game subtitle2 data to a file. Uses the V2 object format which is identical between GOAL
* and OpenGOAL.
void compile_subtitles_v2(GameSubtitleDB& db, const std::string& output_prefix) {
for (const auto& [lang, bank] : db.m_banks) {
auto font = get_font_bank(bank->m_text_version);
DataObjectGenerator gen;
gen.add_type_tag("subtitle2-text-info"); // type
gen.add_word((bank->m_scenes.size() & 0xffff) | (1 << 16)); // length (lo) + version (hi)
// note: we add 1 because "none" isn't included
gen.add_word((lang & 0xffff) | ((bank->m_speakers.size() + 1) << 16)); // lang + speaker-length
int speaker_array_link = gen.add_word(0); // speaker array (dummy for now)
// fifo queue for scene data arrays
std::queue<int> array_link_sources;
// now add all the scenes inline
for (auto& [name, scene] : bank->m_scenes) {
gen.add_ref_to_string_in_pool(name); // scene name
gen.add_word(scene.m_lines.size()); // line amount
gen.add_word(0); // line array (linked later)
// now add all the line arrays and link them to their scene
for (auto& [name, scene] : bank->m_scenes) {
// link inline-array with reference from earlier
gen.link_word_to_word(array_link_sources.front(), gen.words());
for (auto& line : scene.m_lines) {
gen.add_word_float(static_cast<float>(line.metadata.frame_start)); // start frame
gen.add_word_float(static_cast<float>(line.metadata.frame_end)); // end frame
if (line.metadata.merge) {
} else {
gen.add_ref_to_string_in_pool(font->convert_utf8_to_game(line.text)); // line text
u16 speaker = bank->speaker_enum_value_from_name(line.metadata.speaker);
u16 flags = 0;
flags |= line.metadata.offscreen << 0;
flags |= line.metadata.merge << 1;
gen.add_word(speaker | (flags << 16)); // speaker (lo) + flags (hi)
// now write the array of strings for the speakers
// key word array -- it has to be in the right order.
gen.link_word_to_word(speaker_array_link, gen.words());
const auto localized_speakers = bank->speaker_names_ordered_by_enum_value();
for (auto& speaker_localized : localized_speakers) {
// No need to check for invalid speakers here, they are checked at the scene line level above
// and throw an error
auto data = gen.generate_v2();
file_util::create_dir_if_needed(file_util::get_file_path({"out", output_prefix, "iso"}));
{"out", output_prefix, "iso", fmt::format("{}{}.TXT", lang, uppercase("subti2"))}),
data.data(), data.size());
} // namespace
* Read a game text description file and generate GOAL objects.
void compile_game_text(const std::vector<GameTextDefinitionFile>& files,
GameTextDB& db,
const std::string& output_prefix) {
goos::Reader reader;
for (auto& file : files) {
if (file.format == GameTextDefinitionFile::Format::GOAL) {
lg::print("[Build Game Text] GOAL {}\n", file.file_path);
auto code = reader.read_from_file({file.file_path});
parse_text_goal(code, db, file);
} else if (file.format == GameTextDefinitionFile::Format::JSON) {
lg::print("[Build Game Text] JSON {}\n", file.file_path);
auto file_path = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / file.file_path;
auto json = parse_commented_json(file_util::read_text_file(file_path), file.file_path);
parse_text_json(json, db, file);
compile_text(db, output_prefix);
void compile_game_subtitles(const std::vector<GameSubtitleDefinitionFile>& files,
GameSubtitleDB& db,
const std::string& output_prefix) {
goos::Reader reader;
if (db.m_subtitle_version == GameSubtitleDB::SubtitleFormat::V1) {
for (auto& file : files) {
lg::print("[Build Game Subtitle V1] {}:{}\n", file.lines_path, file.meta_path);
compile_subtitles_v1(db, output_prefix);
} else {
for (auto& file : files) {
lg::print("[Build Game Subtitle V2] {}:{}\n", file.lines_path, file.meta_path);
compile_subtitles_v2(db, output_prefix);