water111 cc8801a27b
[goalc] speed up jak3 compilation (#3454)
I noticed that jak 3's compilation was spending a lot of time accessing
the `unordered_map`s we use to store constants and symbol types.

I repurposed the `EnvironmentMap` originally made for GOOS for this. It
turns out that we were copying the entire constant map whenever we
encountered a `deftype`, and fixed that too.

This speeds up jak3 compiles from ~16 to 11 seconds for me.
2024-04-06 16:01:17 -04:00

2013 lines
66 KiB

* @file Interpreter.cpp
* The GOOS Interpreter and implementation of special and "built-in forms"
#include "Interpreter.h"
#include <utility>
#include "ParseHelpers.h"
#include "common/goos/Printer.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/crc32.h"
#include "common/util/string_util.h"
#include "common/util/unicode_util.h"
#include "fmt/core.h"
namespace goos {
Interpreter::Interpreter(const std::string& username) {
m_true_object = intern("#t");
m_false_object = intern("#f");
m_true_sym = m_true_object.as_symbol().name_ptr;
m_false_sym = m_false_object.as_symbol().name_ptr;
// Interpreter startup:
// create the GOOS global environment
global_environment = EnvironmentObject::make_new("global");
// create the environment which is be visible from GOAL
goal_env = EnvironmentObject::make_new("goal");
// make both environments available in both.
define_var_in_env(global_environment, global_environment, "*global-env*");
define_var_in_env(global_environment, goal_env, "*goal-env*");
define_var_in_env(goal_env, goal_env, "*goal-env*");
define_var_in_env(goal_env, global_environment, "*global-env*");
// set user profile name
auto user = Object::make_symbol(&reader.symbolTable, username.c_str());
define_var_in_env(global_environment, user, "*user*");
// setup maps
{"define", &Interpreter::eval_define},
{"quote", &Interpreter::eval_quote},
{"set!", &Interpreter::eval_set},
{"let", &Interpreter::eval_let},
{"let*", &Interpreter::eval_let_star},
{"lambda", &Interpreter::eval_lambda},
{"cond", &Interpreter::eval_cond},
{"or", &Interpreter::eval_or},
{"and", &Interpreter::eval_and},
{"macro", &Interpreter::eval_macro},
{"quasiquote", &Interpreter::eval_quasiquote},
{"while", &Interpreter::eval_while},
init_builtin_forms({{"top-level", &Interpreter::eval_begin},
{"begin", &Interpreter::eval_begin},
{"exit", &Interpreter::eval_exit},
{"read", &Interpreter::eval_read},
{"read-data-file", &Interpreter::eval_read_data_file},
{"read-file", &Interpreter::eval_read_file},
{"print", &Interpreter::eval_print},
{"inspect", &Interpreter::eval_inspect},
{"load-file", &Interpreter::eval_load_file},
{"try-load-file", &Interpreter::eval_try_load_file},
{"eq?", &Interpreter::eval_equals},
{"gensym", &Interpreter::eval_gensym},
{"eval", &Interpreter::eval_eval},
{"cons", &Interpreter::eval_cons},
{"car", &Interpreter::eval_car},
{"cdr", &Interpreter::eval_cdr},
{"set-car!", &Interpreter::eval_set_car},
{"set-cdr!", &Interpreter::eval_set_cdr},
{"+", &Interpreter::eval_plus},
{"-", &Interpreter::eval_minus},
{"*", &Interpreter::eval_times},
{"/", &Interpreter::eval_divide},
{"=", &Interpreter::eval_numequals},
{"<", &Interpreter::eval_lt},
{">", &Interpreter::eval_gt},
{"<=", &Interpreter::eval_leq},
{">=", &Interpreter::eval_geq},
{"null?", &Interpreter::eval_null},
{"type?", &Interpreter::eval_type},
{"fmt", &Interpreter::eval_format},
{"error", &Interpreter::eval_error},
{"string-ref", &Interpreter::eval_string_ref},
{"string-length", &Interpreter::eval_string_length},
{"int->string", &Interpreter::eval_int_to_string},
{"string-append", &Interpreter::eval_string_append},
{"string-starts-with?", &Interpreter::eval_string_starts_with},
{"string-ends-with?", &Interpreter::eval_string_ends_with},
{"string-split", &Interpreter::eval_string_split},
{"string-substr", &Interpreter::eval_string_substr},
{"ash", &Interpreter::eval_ash},
{"symbol->string", &Interpreter::eval_symbol_to_string},
{"string->symbol", &Interpreter::eval_string_to_symbol},
{"get-environment-variable", &Interpreter::eval_get_env},
{"make-string-hash-table", &Interpreter::eval_make_string_hash_table},
{"hash-table-set!", &Interpreter::eval_hash_table_set},
{"hash-table-try-ref", &Interpreter::eval_hash_table_try_ref}});
string_to_type = {{"empty-list", ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST},
{"integer", ObjectType::INTEGER},
{"float", ObjectType::FLOAT},
{"char", ObjectType::CHAR},
{"symbol", ObjectType::SYMBOL},
{"string", ObjectType::STRING},
{"pair", ObjectType::PAIR},
{"array", ObjectType::ARRAY},
{"lambda", ObjectType::LAMBDA},
{"macro", ObjectType::MACRO},
{"environment", ObjectType::ENVIRONMENT}};
// load the standard library
void Interpreter::init_builtin_forms(
const std::unordered_map<std::string,
Object (Interpreter::*)(const Object&,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>&)>&
forms) {
for (const auto& [name, fn] : forms) {
builtin_forms[(void*)intern_ptr(name).name_ptr] = fn;
void Interpreter::init_special_forms(
const std::unordered_map<std::string,
Object (Interpreter::*)(const Object&,
const Object&,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>&)>&
forms) {
for (const auto& [name, fn] : forms) {
special_forms.push_back(std::make_pair((void*)intern_ptr(name).name_ptr, fn));
* Add a user defined special form. The given function will be called with unevaluated arguments.
* Lookup from these forms occurs after special/builtin, but before any env lookups.
void Interpreter::register_form(
const std::string& name,
const std::function<
Object(const Object&, Arguments&, const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>&)>& form) {
m_custom_forms.push_back(std::make_pair((void*)intern_ptr(name).name_ptr, form));
Interpreter::~Interpreter() {
// There are some circular references that prevent shared_ptrs from cleaning up if we
// don't do this.
* Disable printfs on errors, to make test output look less messy.
void Interpreter::disable_printfs() {
disable_printing = true;
* Load the goos library, by interpreting (load-file "goal_src/goos-lib.gs") in the global env.
void Interpreter::load_goos_library() {
auto cmd = "(load-file \"goal_src/goos-lib.gs\")";
eval_with_rewind(reader.read_from_string(cmd), global_environment.as_env_ptr());
* In env, set the variable named "name" to the value var.
void Interpreter::define_var_in_env(Object& env, const Object& var, const std::string& name) {
env.as_env()->vars.set(InternedSymbolPtr{intern_ptr(name)}, var);
* Get a symbol with the given name, creating one if none exist.
Object Interpreter::intern(const std::string& name) {
return Object::make_symbol(&reader.symbolTable, name.c_str());
InternedSymbolPtr Interpreter::intern_ptr(const std::string& name) {
return reader.symbolTable.intern(name.c_str());
* Display the REPL, which will run until the user executes exit.
void Interpreter::execute_repl(REPL::Wrapper& repl) {
want_exit = false;
while (!want_exit) {
try {
// read something from the user
auto obj = reader.read_from_stdin("goos> ", repl);
if (!obj) {
// evaluate
Object evald = eval_with_rewind(*obj, global_environment.as_env_ptr());
// print
printf("%s\n", evald.print().c_str());
} catch (std::exception& e) {
printf("REPL Error: %s\n", e.what());
* Signal an evaluation error. This throws an exception which will unwind the evaluation stack
* for debugging.
void Interpreter::throw_eval_error(const Object& o, const std::string& err) {
throw std::runtime_error("[GOOS] Evaluation error on " + o.print() + ": " + err + "\n" +
* Evaluate the given expression, with a "checkpoint" in the evaluation stack here. If there is an
* evaluation error, there will be a print indicating there was an error in the evaluation of "obj",
* and if possible what file/line "obj" comes from.
Object Interpreter::eval_with_rewind(const Object& obj,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
try {
return eval(obj, env);
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
if (!disable_printing) {
printf("From object %s\nat %s\n", obj.inspect().c_str(), reader.db.get_info_for(obj).c_str());
throw e;
* Sets dest to the global variable with the given name, if the variable exists.
* Returns if the variable was found.
bool Interpreter::get_global_variable_by_name(const std::string& name, Object* dest) {
auto* obj = global_environment.as_env()->find(name.c_str(), &reader.symbolTable);
if (obj) {
*dest = *obj;
return true;
return false;
* Sets the variable to the value. Overwrites an existing value, or creates a new global.
void Interpreter::set_global_variable_by_name(const std::string& name, const Object& value) {
define_var_in_env(global_environment, value, name);
void Interpreter::set_global_variable_to_symbol(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) {
auto sym = Object::make_symbol(&reader.symbolTable, value.c_str());
set_global_variable_by_name(name, sym);
void Interpreter::set_global_variable_to_int(const std::string& name, int value) {
set_global_variable_by_name(name, Object::make_integer(value));
* Get arguments being passed to a form. Don't evaluate them. There are two modes, "varargs" and
* "not varargs". With varargs enabled, any number of unnamed and named arguments can be given.
* Without varags, the unnamed/named arguments must match the spec. By default specs are "not
* vararg" - use make_varags() to get a varargs spec. In general, macros/lambdas use specs, but
* built-in forms use varargs.
* If form is "varargs", all arguments go to unnamed or named.
* Ex: (.... a b :key-1 c d) will put a, b, d in unnamed and d in key-1
* If form isn't "varargs", the expected number of unnamed arguments must match, unless "rest"
* is specified, in which case the additional arguments are stored in rest.
* Also, if "varargs" isn't set, all keyword arguments must be defined. If the use doesn't provide
* a value, the default value will be used instead.
Arguments Interpreter::get_args(const Object& form, const Object& rest, const ArgumentSpec& spec) {
Arguments args;
// loop over forms in list
const Object* current = &rest;
while (!current->is_empty_list()) {
const auto& arg = current->as_pair()->car;
// did we get a ":keyword"
if (arg.is_symbol() && arg.as_symbol().name_ptr[0] == ':') {
auto key_name = arg.as_symbol().name_ptr + 1;
const auto& kv = spec.named.find(key_name);
// check for unknown key name
if (!spec.varargs && kv == spec.named.end()) {
throw_eval_error(form, fmt::format("Key argument {} wasn't expected", key_name));
// check for multiple definition of key
if (args.named.find(key_name) != args.named.end()) {
throw_eval_error(form, fmt::format("Key argument {} multiply defined", key_name));
// check for well-formed :key value expression
current = &current->as_pair()->cdr;
if (current->is_empty_list()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "Key argument didn't have a value");
args.named[key_name] = current->as_pair()->car;
} else {
// not a keyword. Add to unnamed or rest, depending on what we expect
if (spec.varargs || args.unnamed.size() < spec.unnamed.size()) {
} else {
current = &current->as_pair()->cdr;
// Check expected key args and set default values on unset ones if possible
for (auto& kv : spec.named) {
const auto& defined_kv = args.named.find(kv.first);
if (defined_kv == args.named.end()) {
// key arg not given by user, try to use a default value.
if (kv.second.has_default) {
args.named[kv.first] = kv.second.default_value;
} else {
"key argument \"" + kv.first + "\" wasn't given and has no default value");
// Check argument size, if spec defines it
if (!spec.varargs) {
if (args.unnamed.size() < spec.unnamed.size()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "didn't get enough arguments");
ASSERT(args.unnamed.size() == spec.unnamed.size());
if (!args.rest.empty() && spec.rest.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "got too many arguments");
return args;
* Same as get_args, but named :key arguments are not parsed.
Arguments Interpreter::get_args_no_named(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const ArgumentSpec& spec) {
Arguments args;
// Check expected key args, which should be none
if (!spec.named.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "key arguments were expected in get_args_no_named");
// loop over forms in list
Object current = rest;
while (!current.is_empty_list()) {
auto arg = current.as_pair()->car;
// not a keyword. Add to unnamed or rest, depending on what we expect
if (spec.varargs || args.unnamed.size() < spec.unnamed.size()) {
} else {
current = current.as_pair()->cdr;
// Check argument size, if spec defines it
if (!spec.varargs) {
if (args.unnamed.size() < spec.unnamed.size()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "didn't get enough arguments");
ASSERT(args.unnamed.size() == spec.unnamed.size());
if (!args.rest.empty() && spec.rest.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "got too many arguments");
return args;
* Evaluate arguments in-place in the given environment.
* Evaluation order is:
* - unnamed, in order of appearance
* - keyword, in alphabetical order
* - rest, in order of appearance
* Note that in varargs mode, all unnamed arguments are put in unnamed, not rest.
void Interpreter::eval_args(Arguments* args, const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
for (auto& arg : args->unnamed) {
arg = eval_with_rewind(arg, env);
for (auto& kv : args->named) {
kv.second = eval_with_rewind(kv.second, env);
for (auto& arg : args->rest) {
arg = eval_with_rewind(arg, env);
* Parse argument spec found in lambda/macro definition.
* Like (x y &key z &key (w my-default-value) &rest body)
ArgumentSpec Interpreter::parse_arg_spec(const Object& form, Object& rest) {
ArgumentSpec spec;
Object current = rest;
while (!current.is_empty_list()) {
auto arg = current.as_pair()->car;
if (!arg.is_symbol()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "args must be symbols");
if (arg.as_symbol() == "&rest") {
// special case for &rest
current = current.as_pair()->cdr;
if (!current.is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "rest arg must have a name");
auto rest_name = current.as_pair()->car;
if (!rest_name.is_symbol()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "rest name must be a symbol");
spec.rest = rest_name.as_symbol().name_ptr;
if (!current.as_pair()->cdr.is_empty_list()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "rest must be the last argument");
} else if (arg.as_symbol() == "&key") {
// special case for &key
current = current.as_pair()->cdr;
auto key_arg = current.as_pair()->car;
if (key_arg.is_symbol()) {
// form is &key name
auto key_arg_name = key_arg.as_symbol().name_ptr;
if (spec.named.find(key_arg_name) != spec.named.end()) {
throw_eval_error(form, fmt::format("key argument {} multiply defined", key_arg_name));
spec.named[key_arg_name] = NamedArg();
} else if (key_arg.is_pair()) {
// form is &key (name default-value)
auto key_iter = key_arg;
auto kn = key_iter.as_pair()->car;
key_iter = key_iter.as_pair()->cdr;
if (!kn.is_symbol()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "key argument must have a symbol as a name");
auto key_arg_name = kn.as_symbol().name_ptr;
if (spec.named.find(key_arg_name) != spec.named.end()) {
throw_eval_error(form, fmt::format("key argument {} multiply defined", key_arg_name));
NamedArg na;
if (!key_iter.is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "invalid keyword argument definition");
na.has_default = true;
na.default_value = key_iter.as_pair()->car;
if (!key_iter.as_pair()->cdr.is_empty_list()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "invalid keyword argument definition");
spec.named[key_arg_name] = na;
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, "invalid key argument");
} else {
current = current.as_pair()->cdr;
return spec;
* Argument check.
* Must have the right number of unnamed arguments, with the right type.
* Keyword arguments have a bool for "required" or not.
* Extra keyword arguments are an error.
void Interpreter::vararg_check(
const Object& form,
const Arguments& args,
const std::vector<std::optional<ObjectType>>& unnamed,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<bool, std::optional<ObjectType>>>& named) {
std::string err;
if (!va_check(args, unnamed, named, &err)) {
throw_eval_error(form, err);
* Evaluate a list and return the result of the last evaluation.
Object Interpreter::eval_list_return_last(const Object& /*form*/,
Object rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (rest.is_empty_list()) {
return rest;
const Object* iter = &rest;
while (true) {
const Object* next = &iter->as_pair()->cdr;
const Object* item = &iter->as_pair()->car;
if (next->is_empty_list()) {
return eval_with_rewind(*item, env);
} else {
eval(*item, env);
iter = next;
* If o isn't an environment object, throws an evaluation error on form.
void Interpreter::expect_env(const Object& form, const Object& o) {
if (!o.is_env()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "Object " + o.print() + " is a " + object_type_to_string(o.type) +
" but was expected to be an environment");
* Highest-level evaluation dispatch.
Object Interpreter::eval(Object obj, const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
switch (obj.type) {
case ObjectType::SYMBOL:
return eval_symbol(obj, env);
case ObjectType::PAIR:
return eval_pair(obj, env);
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
case ObjectType::STRING:
case ObjectType::CHAR:
return obj;
throw_eval_error(obj, "cannot evaluate this object");
return Object();
namespace {
* Try to find a symbol in an env or parent env. If successful, set dest and return true. Otherwise
* return false.
bool try_symbol_lookup(const Object& sym,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env,
Object* dest) {
// booleans are hard-coded here
if (sym.as_symbol() == "#t" || sym.as_symbol() == "#f") {
*dest = sym;
return true;
// loop up envs until we find it.
EnvironmentObject* search_env = env.get();
for (;;) {
auto* obj = search_env->vars.lookup(sym.as_symbol());
if (obj) {
*dest = *obj;
return true;
auto pe = search_env->parent_env.get();
if (pe) {
search_env = pe;
} else {
return false;
} // namespace
* Evaluate a symbol by finding the closest scoped variable with matching name.
Object Interpreter::eval_symbol(const Object& sym, const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
Object result;
if (!try_symbol_lookup(sym, env, &result)) {
throw_eval_error(sym, "symbol is not defined");
return result;
bool Interpreter::eval_symbol(const Object& sym,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env,
Object* result) {
return try_symbol_lookup(sym, env, result);
Object Interpreter::eval_let_star(const goos::Object& form,
const goos::Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
return eval_let_common(form, rest, env, true);
Object Interpreter::eval_let(const goos::Object& form,
const goos::Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
return eval_let_common(form, rest, env, false);
Object Interpreter::eval_let_common(const goos::Object& form,
const goos::Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env,
bool is_star) {
if (!rest.is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "first argument to let must be bindings");
const auto* bindings_iter = &rest.as_pair()->car;
const auto* body_iter = &rest.as_pair()->cdr;
if (!bindings_iter->is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "let cannot have empty bindings");
std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject> new_env = std::make_shared<EnvironmentObject>();
new_env->parent_env = env;
while (!bindings_iter->is_empty_list()) {
const auto* binding = &bindings_iter->as_pair()->car;
if (!binding->is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "let binding invalid");
const auto& name = binding->as_pair()->car;
if (!name.is_symbol()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "let binding invalid");
binding = &binding->as_pair()->cdr;
if (!binding->is_pair() || !binding->as_pair()->cdr.is_empty_list()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "let binding invalid");
new_env->vars.set(name.as_symbol(), eval(binding->as_pair()->car, is_star ? new_env : env));
bindings_iter = &bindings_iter->as_pair()->cdr;
return eval_list_return_last(*body_iter, *body_iter, new_env);
* Evaluate a pair, either as special form, builtin form, macro application, or lambda application.
Object Interpreter::eval_pair(const Object& obj, const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
const auto& pair = obj.as_pair();
const Object& head = pair->car;
const Object& rest = pair->cdr;
// first see if we got a symbol:
if (head.type == ObjectType::SYMBOL) {
const auto& head_sym = head.as_symbol();
// try a special form first
for (const auto& sf : special_forms) {
if (sf.first == head_sym.name_ptr) {
return ((*this).*(sf.second))(obj, rest, env);
// try builtins next
const auto& kv_b = builtin_forms.find((void*)head_sym.name_ptr);
if (kv_b != builtin_forms.end()) {
Arguments args = get_args(obj, rest, make_varargs());
// all "built-in" forms expect arguments to be evaluated (that's why they aren't special)
eval_args(&args, env);
return ((*this).*(kv_b->second))(obj, args, env);
// try custom forms next
for (const auto& cf : m_custom_forms) {
if (cf.first == head_sym.name_ptr) {
Arguments args = get_args(obj, rest, make_varargs());
return (cf.second)(obj, args, env);
// try macros next
Object macro_obj;
if (try_symbol_lookup(head, env, &macro_obj) && macro_obj.is_macro()) {
const auto& macro = macro_obj.as_macro();
Arguments args = get_args(obj, rest, macro->args);
auto mac_env_obj = EnvironmentObject::make_new();
auto mac_env = mac_env_obj.as_env_ptr();
mac_env->parent_env = env; // not 100% clear that this is right
set_args_in_env(obj, args, macro->args, mac_env);
// expand the macro!
return eval_with_rewind(eval_list_return_last(macro->body, macro->body, mac_env), env);
// eval the head and try it as a lambda
Object eval_head = eval_with_rewind(head, env);
if (eval_head.type != ObjectType::LAMBDA) {
throw_eval_error(obj, "head of form didn't evaluate to lambda");
const auto& lam = eval_head.as_lambda();
Arguments args = get_args(obj, rest, lam->args);
eval_args(&args, env);
auto lam_env_obj = EnvironmentObject::make_new();
auto lam_env = lam_env_obj.as_env_ptr();
lam_env->parent_env = lam->parent_env;
set_args_in_env(obj, args, lam->args, lam_env);
return eval_list_return_last(lam->body, lam->body, lam_env);
* Given some arguments, an argument spec, and and environment, define the arguments are variables
* in the environment.
void Interpreter::set_args_in_env(const Object& form,
const Arguments& args,
const ArgumentSpec& arg_spec,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (arg_spec.rest.empty() && args.unnamed.size() != arg_spec.unnamed.size()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "did not get the expected number of unnamed arguments (got " +
std::to_string(args.unnamed.size()) + ", expected " +
std::to_string(arg_spec.unnamed.size()) + ")");
} else if (!arg_spec.rest.empty() && args.unnamed.size() < arg_spec.unnamed.size()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "args with rest didn't get enough arguments (got " +
std::to_string(args.unnamed.size()) + " but need at least " +
std::to_string(arg_spec.unnamed.size()) + ")");
// unnamed args
for (size_t i = 0; i < arg_spec.unnamed.size(); i++) {
env->vars.set(intern_ptr(arg_spec.unnamed.at(i).c_str()), args.unnamed.at(i));
// named args
for (const auto& kv : arg_spec.named) {
env->vars.set(intern_ptr(kv.first), args.named.at(kv.first));
// rest args
if (!arg_spec.rest.empty()) {
// will correctly handle the '() case
env->vars.set(intern_ptr(arg_spec.rest), build_list(args.rest));
} else {
if (!args.rest.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "got too many arguments");
* Define a variable in the current environment. The env can be overwritten with :env keyword arg
Object Interpreter::eval_define(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
auto args = get_args(form, rest, make_varargs());
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::SYMBOL, {}}, {{"env", {false, {}}}});
auto define_env = env;
if (args.has_named("env")) {
auto result = eval_with_rewind(args.get_named("env"), env);
expect_env(form, result);
define_env = result.as_env_ptr();
Object value = eval_with_rewind(args.unnamed[1], env);
define_env->vars.set(args.unnamed[0].as_symbol(), value);
return value;
* Set an existing variable. If there is no existing variable in the current environment, will
* look at the parent environment.
Object Interpreter::eval_set(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
auto args = get_args(form, rest, make_varargs());
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::SYMBOL, {}}, {});
auto to_define = args.unnamed.at(0);
Object to_set = eval_with_rewind(args.unnamed.at(1), env);
std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject> search_env = env;
for (;;) {
auto kv = search_env->vars.lookup(to_define.as_symbol());
if (kv) {
search_env->vars.set(to_define.as_symbol(), to_set);
return to_set;
auto pe = search_env->parent_env;
if (pe) {
search_env = pe;
} else {
throw_eval_error(to_define, "symbol is not defined");
* Lambda definition special form.
Object Interpreter::eval_lambda(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (!rest.is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "lambda must receive two arguments");
Object arg_list = rest.as_pair()->car;
if (!arg_list.is_pair() && !arg_list.is_empty_list()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "lambda argument list must be a list");
Object new_lambda = LambdaObject::make_new();
auto l = new_lambda.as_lambda();
l->args = parse_arg_spec(form, arg_list);
Object rrest = rest.as_pair()->cdr;
if (!rrest.is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "lambda body must be a list");
l->body = rrest;
l->parent_env = env;
return new_lambda;
* Macro definition special form.
Object Interpreter::eval_macro(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (!rest.is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "macro must receive two arguments");
Object arg_list = rest.as_pair()->car;
if (!arg_list.is_pair() && !arg_list.is_empty_list()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "macro argument list must be a list");
Object new_macro = MacroObject::make_new();
auto m = new_macro.as_macro();
m->args = parse_arg_spec(form, arg_list);
Object rrest = rest.as_pair()->cdr;
if (!rrest.is_pair()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "macro body must be a list");
m->body = rrest;
m->parent_env = env;
return new_macro;
* Quote special form: (quote x) -> x
Object Interpreter::eval_quote(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
auto args = get_args_no_named(form, rest, make_varargs());
if (args.unnamed.size() != 1) {
throw_eval_error(form, "invalid number of arguments to quote");
return args.unnamed.front();
Object build_list_with_spliced_tail(std::vector<Object>&& objects, const Object& tail) {
if (objects.empty()) {
return tail;
std::shared_ptr<PairObject> head = std::make_shared<PairObject>(objects.back(), tail);
s64 idx = ((s64)objects.size()) - 2;
while (idx >= 0) {
Object next;
next.type = ObjectType::PAIR;
next.heap_obj = std::move(head);
head = std::make_shared<PairObject>();
head->car = std::move(objects[idx]);
head->cdr = std::move(next);
Object result;
result.type = ObjectType::PAIR;
result.heap_obj = std::move(head);
return result;
* Recursive quasi-quote evaluation
Object Interpreter::quasiquote_helper(const Object& form,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
const Object* lst_iter = &form;
std::vector<Object> result;
for (;;) {
if (lst_iter->type == ObjectType::PAIR) {
const Object& item = lst_iter->as_pair()->car;
if (item.type == ObjectType::PAIR) {
if (item.as_pair()->car.type == ObjectType::SYMBOL &&
item.as_pair()->car.as_symbol() == "unquote") {
const Object& unquote_arg = item.as_pair()->cdr;
if (unquote_arg.type != ObjectType::PAIR ||
unquote_arg.as_pair()->cdr.type != ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
throw_eval_error(form, "unquote must have exactly 1 arg");
result.push_back(eval_with_rewind(unquote_arg.as_pair()->car, env));
lst_iter = &lst_iter->as_pair()->cdr;
} else if (item.as_pair()->car.type == ObjectType::SYMBOL &&
item.as_pair()->car.as_symbol() == "unquote-splicing") {
const Object& unquote_arg = item.as_pair()->cdr;
if (unquote_arg.type != ObjectType::PAIR ||
unquote_arg.as_pair()->cdr.type != ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
throw_eval_error(form, "unquote must have exactly 1 arg");
// bypass normal addition:
lst_iter = &lst_iter->as_pair()->cdr;
Object splice_result = eval_with_rewind(unquote_arg.as_pair()->car, env);
if (lst_iter->type == ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
// optimization!
return build_list_with_spliced_tail(std::move(result), splice_result);
const Object* to_add = &splice_result;
for (;;) {
if (to_add->type == ObjectType::PAIR) {
to_add = &to_add->as_pair()->cdr;
} else if (to_add->type == ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, "malformed unquote-splicing result");
} else {
lst_iter = &lst_iter->as_pair()->cdr;
if (item.is_pair()) {
result.push_back(quasiquote_helper(item, env));
} else {
lst_iter = &lst_iter->as_pair()->cdr;
} else if (lst_iter->type == ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
return build_list(std::move(result));
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, "malformed quasiquote");
* Quasiquote (backtick) evaluation
Object Interpreter::eval_quasiquote(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (rest.type != ObjectType::PAIR || rest.as_pair()->cdr.type != ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST)
throw_eval_error(form, "quasiquote must have one argument!");
return quasiquote_helper(rest.as_pair()->car, env);
bool Interpreter::truthy(const Object& o) {
return !(o.is_symbol() && o.as_symbol().name_ptr == m_false_sym);
* Scheme "cond" statement - tested by integrated tests only.
Object Interpreter::eval_cond(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (rest.type != ObjectType::PAIR)
throw_eval_error(form, "cond must have at least one clause, which must be a form");
Object result;
Object lst = rest;
for (;;) {
if (lst.type == ObjectType::PAIR) {
Object current_case = lst.as_pair()->car;
if (current_case.type != ObjectType::PAIR)
throw_eval_error(lst, "bogus cond case");
// check condition:
Object condition_result = eval_with_rewind(current_case.as_pair()->car, env);
if (truthy(condition_result)) {
if (current_case.as_pair()->cdr.type == ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
return condition_result;
// got a match!
return eval_list_return_last(current_case, current_case.as_pair()->cdr, env);
} else {
// no match, continue.
lst = lst.as_pair()->cdr;
} else if (lst.type == ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
return m_false_object;
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, "malformed cond");
* Short circuiting "or" statement
Object Interpreter::eval_or(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (rest.type != ObjectType::PAIR) {
throw_eval_error(form, "or must have at least one argument!");
Object lst = rest;
for (;;) {
if (lst.type == ObjectType::PAIR) {
Object current = eval_with_rewind(lst.as_pair()->car, env);
if (truthy(current)) {
return current;
lst = lst.as_pair()->cdr;
} else if (lst.type == ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
return m_false_object;
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, "invalid or form");
* Short circuiting "and" statement
Object Interpreter::eval_and(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (rest.type != ObjectType::PAIR) {
throw_eval_error(form, "and must have at least one argument!");
Object lst = rest;
Object current;
for (;;) {
if (lst.type == ObjectType::PAIR) {
current = eval_with_rewind(lst.as_pair()->car, env);
if (!truthy(current)) {
return m_false_object;
lst = lst.as_pair()->cdr;
} else if (lst.type == ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST) {
return current;
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, "invalid and form");
* Cheating "while loop" because we do not have tail recursion optimization yet.
Object Interpreter::eval_while(const Object& form,
const Object& rest,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (rest.type != ObjectType::PAIR) {
throw_eval_error(form, "while must have condition and body");
Object condition = rest.as_pair()->car;
Object body = rest.as_pair()->cdr;
if (body.type != ObjectType::PAIR) {
throw_eval_error(form, "while must have condition and body");
Object rv = m_false_object;
while (truthy(eval_with_rewind(condition, env))) {
rv = eval_list_return_last(form, body, env);
return rv;
* Exit GOOS. Accepts and ignores all arguments;
Object Interpreter::eval_exit(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
want_exit = true;
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Begin form
Object Interpreter::eval_begin(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (!args.named.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "begin form cannot have keyword arguments");
if (args.unnamed.empty()) {
return Object::make_empty_list();
} else {
return args.unnamed.back();
* Read form, which runs the Reader on a string.
Object Interpreter::eval_read(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {});
try {
return reader.read_from_string(args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data);
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
throw_eval_error(form, std::string("reader error inside of read:\n") + e.what());
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Reads list data from a file, returns the pair. Not a lot of safety here!
Object Interpreter::eval_read_data_file(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {});
try {
return reader.read_from_file({args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data}).as_pair()->cdr;
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
throw_eval_error(form, std::string("reader error inside of read-file:\n") + e.what());
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Open and run the Reader on a text file.
Object Interpreter::eval_read_file(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {});
try {
return reader.read_from_file({args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data});
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
throw_eval_error(form, std::string("reader error inside of read-file:\n") + e.what());
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Combines read-file and eval to load in a file.
Object Interpreter::eval_load_file(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {});
Object o;
try {
o = reader.read_from_file({args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data});
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
throw_eval_error(form, std::string("reader error inside of load-file:\n") + e.what());
try {
return eval_with_rewind(o, global_environment.as_env_ptr());
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
throw_eval_error(form, std::string("eval error inside of load-file:\n") + e.what());
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Combines read-file and eval to load in a file. Return #f if it doesn't exist.
Object Interpreter::eval_try_load_file(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {});
auto path = {args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data};
if (!fs::exists(file_util::get_file_path(path))) {
return m_false_object;
Object o;
try {
o = reader.read_from_file(path);
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
throw_eval_error(form, std::string("reader error inside of try-load-file:\n") + e.what());
try {
return eval_with_rewind(o, global_environment.as_env_ptr());
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
throw_eval_error(form, std::string("eval error inside of try-load-file:\n") + e.what());
return m_true_object;
* Print the form to stdout, including a newline.
* Returns ()
Object Interpreter::eval_print(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}}, {});
if (!disable_printing) {
printf("%s\n", args.unnamed.at(0).print().c_str());
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Print the inspection of a form to stdout, including a newline.
* Returns ()
Object Interpreter::eval_inspect(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}}, {});
if (!disable_printing) {
printf("%s\n", args.unnamed.at(0).inspect().c_str());
return Object::make_empty_list();
const Object& Interpreter::true_or_false(bool val) {
if (val) {
return m_true_object;
} else {
return m_false_object;
* Fancy equality check (using Object::operator==)
Object Interpreter::eval_equals(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}, {}}, {});
return true_or_false(args.unnamed[0] == args.unnamed[1]);
* Convert a number to an integer
IntType Interpreter::number_to_integer(const Object& obj) {
switch (obj.type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return obj.integer_obj.value;
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return (int64_t)obj.float_obj.value;
case ObjectType::CHAR:
return (int8_t)obj.char_obj.value;
throw_eval_error(obj, "object cannot be interpreted as a number!");
return 0;
* Convert a number to floating point
FloatType Interpreter::number_to_float(const Object& obj) {
switch (obj.type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return obj.integer_obj.value;
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return obj.float_obj.value;
throw_eval_error(obj, "object cannot be interpreted as a number!");
return 0;
* Convert number to template type.
template <>
FloatType Interpreter::number(const Object& obj) {
return number_to_float(obj);
* Convert number to template type.
template <>
IntType Interpreter::number(const Object& obj) {
return number_to_integer(obj);
* Template implementation of addition.
template <typename T>
Object Interpreter::num_plus(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
T result = 0;
for (const auto& arg : args.unnamed) {
result += number<T>(arg);
return Object::make_number<T>(result);
* Addition
Object Interpreter::eval_plus(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (!args.named.empty() || args.unnamed.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "+ must receive at least one unnamed argument!");
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return num_plus<int64_t>(form, args, env);
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return num_plus<double>(form, args, env);
throw_eval_error(form, "+ must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Template implementation of multiplication.
template <typename T>
Object Interpreter::num_times(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
T result = 1;
for (const auto& arg : args.unnamed) {
result *= number<T>(arg);
return Object::make_number<T>(result);
* Multiplication
Object Interpreter::eval_times(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (!args.named.empty() || args.unnamed.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "* must receive at least one unnamed argument!");
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return num_times<int64_t>(form, args, env);
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return num_times<double>(form, args, env);
throw_eval_error(form, "* must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Template implementation of subtraction.
template <typename T>
Object Interpreter::num_minus(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
T result;
if (args.unnamed.size() > 1) {
result = number<T>(args.unnamed[0]);
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < args.unnamed.size(); i++) {
result -= number<T>(args.unnamed[i]);
} else {
result = -number<T>(args.unnamed[0]);
return Object::make_number<T>(result);
* Subtraction
Object Interpreter::eval_minus(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (!args.named.empty() || args.unnamed.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "- must receive at least one unnamed argument!");
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return num_minus<int64_t>(form, args, env);
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return num_minus<double>(form, args, env);
throw_eval_error(form, "- must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Template implementation of division.
template <typename T>
Object Interpreter::num_divide(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
T result = number<T>(args.unnamed[0]) / number<T>(args.unnamed[1]);
return Object::make_number<T>(result);
* Division
Object Interpreter::eval_divide(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}, {}}, {});
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return num_divide<int64_t>(form, args, env);
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return num_divide<double>(form, args, env);
throw_eval_error(form, "/ must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Compare numbers for equality
Object Interpreter::eval_numequals(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (!args.named.empty() || args.unnamed.size() < 2) {
throw_eval_error(form, "= must receive at least two unnamed arguments!");
bool result = true;
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER: {
int64_t ref = number_to_integer(args.unnamed.front());
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < args.unnamed.size(); i++) {
if (ref != number_to_integer(args.unnamed[i])) {
result = false;
} break;
case ObjectType::FLOAT: {
double ref = number_to_float(args.unnamed.front());
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < args.unnamed.size(); i++) {
if (ref != number_to_float(args.unnamed[i])) {
result = false;
} break;
throw_eval_error(form, "= must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
return true_or_false(result);
template <typename T>
Object Interpreter::num_lt(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
T a = number<T>(args.unnamed[0]);
T b = number<T>(args.unnamed[1]);
return true_or_false(a < b);
Object Interpreter::eval_lt(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}, {}}, {});
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return num_lt<int64_t>(form, args, env);
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return num_lt<double>(form, args, env);
throw_eval_error(form, "< must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
template <typename T>
Object Interpreter::num_gt(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
T a = number<T>(args.unnamed[0]);
T b = number<T>(args.unnamed[1]);
return true_or_false(a > b);
Object Interpreter::eval_gt(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}, {}}, {});
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return num_gt<int64_t>(form, args, env);
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return num_gt<double>(form, args, env);
throw_eval_error(form, "> must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
template <typename T>
Object Interpreter::num_leq(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
T a = number<T>(args.unnamed[0]);
T b = number<T>(args.unnamed[1]);
return true_or_false(a <= b);
Object Interpreter::eval_leq(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}, {}}, {});
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return num_leq<int64_t>(form, args, env);
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return num_leq<double>(form, args, env);
throw_eval_error(form, "<= must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
template <typename T>
Object Interpreter::num_geq(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
T a = number<T>(args.unnamed[0]);
T b = number<T>(args.unnamed[1]);
return true_or_false(a >= b);
Object Interpreter::eval_geq(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}, {}}, {});
switch (args.unnamed.front().type) {
case ObjectType::INTEGER:
return num_geq<int64_t>(form, args, env);
case ObjectType::FLOAT:
return num_geq<double>(form, args, env);
throw_eval_error(form, ">= must have a numeric argument");
return Object::make_empty_list();
Object Interpreter::eval_eval(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}}, {});
return eval(args.unnamed[0], env);
Object Interpreter::eval_car(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::PAIR}, {});
return args.unnamed[0].as_pair()->car;
Object Interpreter::eval_set_car(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::PAIR, {}}, {});
args.unnamed[0].as_pair()->car = args.unnamed[1];
return args.unnamed[0];
Object Interpreter::eval_set_cdr(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::PAIR, {}}, {});
args.unnamed[0].as_pair()->cdr = args.unnamed[1];
return args.unnamed[0];
Object Interpreter::eval_cdr(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::PAIR}, {});
return args.unnamed[0].as_pair()->cdr;
Object Interpreter::eval_gensym(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {}, {});
return Object::make_symbol(&reader.symbolTable, ("gensym" + std::to_string(gensym_id++)).c_str());
Object Interpreter::eval_cons(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}, {}}, {});
return PairObject::make_new(args.unnamed[0], args.unnamed[1]);
Object Interpreter::eval_null(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}}, {});
return true_or_false(args.unnamed[0].is_empty_list());
Object Interpreter::eval_type(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{ObjectType::SYMBOL}, {}}, {});
auto kv = string_to_type.find(args.unnamed[0].as_symbol().name_ptr);
if (kv == string_to_type.end()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "invalid type given to type?");
if (args.unnamed[1].type == kv->second) {
return m_true_object;
} else {
return m_false_object;
Object Interpreter::eval_format(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (args.unnamed.size() < 2) {
throw_eval_error(form, "format must get at least two arguments");
auto dest = args.unnamed.at(0);
auto format_str = args.unnamed.at(1);
if (!format_str.is_string()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "format string must be a string");
// Note: this might be relying on internal implementation details of libfmt to work properly
// and isn't a great solution.
std::vector<fmt::basic_format_arg<fmt::format_context>> args2;
std::vector<std::string> strings;
for (size_t i = 2; i < args.unnamed.size(); i++) {
if (args.unnamed.at(i).is_string()) {
} else {
for (auto& x : strings) {
auto formatted =
fmt::format_args(args2.data(), static_cast<unsigned>(args2.size())));
if (truthy(dest)) {
lg::print("{}", formatted.c_str());
return StringObject::make_new(formatted);
Object Interpreter::eval_error(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {});
throw_eval_error(form, "Error: " + args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data);
return Object::make_empty_list();
Object Interpreter::eval_string_ref(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING, ObjectType::INTEGER}, {});
auto str = args.unnamed.at(0).as_string();
auto idx = args.unnamed.at(1).as_int();
if ((size_t)idx >= str->data.size()) {
throw_eval_error(form, fmt::format("String index {} out of range for string of size {}", idx,
return Object::make_char(str->data.at(idx));
Object Interpreter::eval_string_length(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {});
auto str = args.unnamed.at(0).as_string();
return Object::make_integer(str->data.length());
Object Interpreter::eval_string_append(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
if (!args.named.empty()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "string-append does not accept named arguments");
std::string result;
for (auto& arg : args.unnamed) {
if (!arg.is_string()) {
throw_eval_error(form, "string-append can only operate on strings");
result += arg.as_string()->data;
return StringObject::make_new(result);
Object Interpreter::eval_string_starts_with(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING, ObjectType::STRING}, {});
auto& str = args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data;
auto& suffix = args.unnamed.at(1).as_string()->data;
if (str_util::starts_with(str, suffix)) {
return m_true_object;
return m_false_object;
Object Interpreter::eval_string_ends_with(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING, ObjectType::STRING}, {});
auto& str = args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data;
auto& suffix = args.unnamed.at(1).as_string()->data;
if (str_util::ends_with(str, suffix)) {
return m_true_object;
return m_false_object;
Object Interpreter::eval_string_split(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING, ObjectType::STRING}, {});
auto& str = args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data;
auto& delim = args.unnamed.at(1).as_string()->data;
return pretty_print::build_list(str_util::split(str, delim.at(0)));
Object Interpreter::eval_string_substr(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING, ObjectType::INTEGER, ObjectType::INTEGER}, {});
auto& str = args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data;
auto off = args.unnamed.at(1).as_int();
auto len = args.unnamed.at(2).as_int();
return StringObject::make_new(len != 0 ? str.substr(off, len) : str.substr(off));
Object Interpreter::eval_ash(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& env) {
vararg_check(form, args, {{}, {}}, {});
auto val = number_to_integer(args.unnamed.at(0));
auto sa = number_to_integer(args.unnamed.at(1));
if (sa >= 0 && sa < 64) {
return Object::make_integer(val << sa);
} else if (sa > -64) {
return Object::make_integer(val >> -sa);
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, fmt::format("Shift amount {} is out of range", sa));
return Object::make_empty_list();
Object Interpreter::eval_symbol_to_string(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>&) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::SYMBOL}, {});
return StringObject::make_new(args.unnamed.at(0).as_symbol().name_ptr);
Object Interpreter::eval_string_to_symbol(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>&) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {});
return Object::make_symbol(&reader.symbolTable, args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data.c_str());
Object Interpreter::eval_int_to_string(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>&) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::INTEGER}, {});
return StringObject::make_new(std::to_string(args.unnamed.at(0).as_int()));
Object Interpreter::eval_get_env(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>&) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING}, {{"default", {false, ObjectType::STRING}}});
const std::string var_name = args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data;
auto env_p = get_env(var_name);
if (env_p.empty()) {
if (args.has_named("default")) {
return args.get_named("default");
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, fmt::format("env-var {} not found and no default provided", var_name));
return Object::make_empty_list();
return StringObject::make_new(env_p);
* Create a new empty hash table object.
Object Interpreter::eval_make_string_hash_table(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& /*env*/) {
vararg_check(form, args, {}, {});
return StringHashTableObject::make_new();
* Set a value in a hash table. Overwrites a previous value or inserts a new one.
* Returns empty list always.
Object Interpreter::eval_hash_table_set(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& /*env*/) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING_HASH_TABLE, {}, {}}, {});
const char* str = nullptr;
if (args.unnamed.at(1).is_symbol()) {
str = args.unnamed.at(1).as_symbol().name_ptr;
} else if (args.unnamed.at(1).is_string()) {
str = args.unnamed.at(1).as_string()->data.c_str();
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, "Hash table must use symbol or string as the key.");
args.unnamed.at(0).as_string_hash_table()->data[str] = args.unnamed.at(2);
return Object::make_empty_list();
* Try to look up a value by key in a hash table. The result is a pair of (success . value).
Object Interpreter::eval_hash_table_try_ref(const Object& form,
Arguments& args,
const std::shared_ptr<EnvironmentObject>& /*env*/) {
vararg_check(form, args, {ObjectType::STRING_HASH_TABLE, {}}, {});
const auto* table = args.unnamed.at(0).as_string_hash_table();
const char* str = nullptr;
if (args.unnamed.at(1).is_symbol()) {
str = args.unnamed.at(1).as_symbol().name_ptr;
} else if (args.unnamed.at(1).is_string()) {
str = args.unnamed.at(1).as_string()->data.c_str();
} else {
throw_eval_error(form, "Hash table must use symbol or string as the key.");
const auto& it = table->data.find(str);
if (it == table->data.end()) {
// not in table
return PairObject::make_new(m_false_object, Object::make_empty_list());
} else {
return PairObject::make_new(m_true_object, it->second);
} // namespace goos