ManDude 324def1303
split new pc features in some files into their own code files + address some old issues + ripple graphics improvements (#2216)
Moves PC-specific entity and debug menu things to `entity-debug.gc` and
`default-menu-pc.gc` respectively and makes `(declare-file (debug))`
work as it should (no need to wrap the entire file in `(when
*debug-segment*` now!).

Also changes the DGO descriptor format so that it's less verbose. It
might break custom levels, but the format change is very simple so it
should not be difficult for anyone to update to the new format. Sadly,
you lose the completely useless ability to use DGO object names that
don't match the source file name. The horror!

I've also gone ahead and expanded the force envmap option to also force
the ripple effect to be active. I did not notice any performance or
visual drawbacks from this. Gets rid of some distracting LOD and some
water pools appearing super flat (and pitch back for dark eco).

Fixes #1424
2023-02-13 21:39:14 +00:00

563 lines
18 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: history.gc
;; name in dgo: history
;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME
(defenum collide-status
:bitfield #t
:type uint64
(on-surface 0)
(on-ground 1)
(touch-surface 2)
(touch-wall 3)
(touch-ceiling 4)
(touch-actor 5)
(on-special-surface 6)
(touch-edge 7)
(no-touch 8)
(blocked 9)
(on-water 10)
(impact-surface 11)
(touch-background 12)
(stuck 13)
(touch-ceiling-sticky 14)
(glance 15)
(probe-hit 16)
(defenum history-channel
:type uint8
(trans 0)
(transv 1)
(transv-in 2)
(transv-out 3)
(intersect 4)
(local-normal 5)
(surface-normal 6)
(collide-status 7)
(pat 8)
(time 9)
(friction 10))
;; this file is debug only
(declare-file (debug))
(defun history-channel->string ((arg0 history-channel))
(case arg0
(((history-channel friction))
(((history-channel transv-out))
(((history-channel pat))
(((history-channel transv-in))
(((history-channel trans))
(((history-channel local-normal))
(((history-channel collide-status))
(((history-channel time))
(((history-channel intersect))
(((history-channel surface-normal))
(((history-channel transv))
(deftype history-elt (structure)
((record-tag-bytes uint8 4 :offset-assert 0)
(record-tag uint32 :offset 0)
(record-id uint16 :offset 0)
(owner uint8 :offset 2)
(channel history-channel :offset-assert 4)
(timestamp time-frame :offset-assert 8)
(origin vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
(bytes uint8 16 :offset-assert 32)
(vector vector :inline :offset 32)
(float float :offset 32)
(collide-status collide-status :offset 32)
(collide-reaction-flag uint32 :offset 40)
(pat pat-surface :offset 32)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x30
:flag-assert #x900000030
(deftype history-iterator (basic)
((max-age uint32 :offset-assert 4)
(owner uint8 :offset-assert 8)
(proc process :offset-assert 12)
(out object :offset-assert 16)
(channel-mask uint64 :offset-assert 24)
(index int32 :offset-assert 32)
(done? symbol :offset-assert 36)
:method-count-assert 12
:size-assert #x28
:flag-assert #xc00000028
(new (symbol type uint) _type_ 0)
(frame-counter-delta (_type_ history-elt) time-frame 9)
(update-entries! (_type_) history-elt 10)
(get-age (_type_ history-elt) float 11)
(deftype history (basic)
((alloc-index int32 :offset-assert 4)
(allocated-length int32 :offset-assert 8)
(elts history-elt :inline :dynamic :offset 16)
:method-count-assert 11
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #xb00000010
(new (symbol type int) _type_ 0)
(clear-record-tags! (_type_ history-channel uint uint) history-elt 9)
(clear-history-entries! (_type_) none 10)
(defmethod length history ((obj history))
(-> obj allocated-length)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch uint vs int.
(defmethod asize-of history ((obj history))
(the-as int (+ (-> obj type size) (* 48 (-> obj allocated-length))))
(defmethod new history ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* 48 arg0))))))
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(defmethod clear-history-entries! history ((obj history))
"Iterates through each [[history-elt]] in the `elt` dynamic array
For each entry:
- clear `timestamp`
- clear `record-tag`"
(set! (-> obj alloc-index) 0)
(countdown (v1-0 (-> obj allocated-length))
(let ((a1-3 (-> obj elts v1-0)))
(set! (-> a1-3 record-tag) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> a1-3 timestamp) 0)
(define-perm *history* history (new 'debug 'history 4096))
(clear-history-entries! *history*)
;; WARN: new jak 2 until loop case, check carefully
(defmethod clear-record-tags! history ((obj history) (arg0 history-channel) (arg1 uint) (arg2 uint))
"First grab the latest [[history-elt]] at `alloc-index`
1. update it's `channel`, `record-id` and `owner` from the provided args
2. - if it's `record-tag` is zero -- return it
- otherwise, iterate through all `elts` until one is found that does not match it's `timestamp`
- if not `0` out the `record-tag` for that elt and continue iteration"
(let* ((t1-0 (-> obj alloc-index))
(v1-0 (-> obj elts))
(v0-0 (-> v1-0 t1-0))
(let ((t2-0 (-> v0-0 record-tag))
(t0-2 (-> v0-0 timestamp))
(set! (-> v0-0 channel) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 record-id) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-0 owner) arg2)
(set! (-> v0-0 timestamp) (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter))
(let* ((a1-4 (-> obj allocated-length))
(a2-2 (mod (+ t1-0 1) a1-4))
(set! (-> obj alloc-index) a2-2)
(when (nonzero? t2-0)
(until #f
(let ((a0-4 (-> v1-0 a2-2)))
(if (!= t0-2 (-> a0-4 timestamp))
(return v0-0)
(set! (-> a0-4 record-tag) (the-as uint 0))
(set! a2-2 (mod (+ a2-2 1) a1-4))
(defmethod new history-iterator ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 uint))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 max-age) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 owner) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> v0-0 proc) #f)
(set! (-> v0-0 out) *stdcon*)
(set! (-> v0-0 channel-mask) (the-as uint -1))
(set! (-> v0-0 index) (-> *history* alloc-index))
(set! (-> v0-0 done?) #f)
(defmethod update-entries! history-iterator ((obj history-iterator))
"Iterate through each [[history-elt]] in [[*history*]]
- If we hit the end set `done?` to true
- If the `timestamp` on the elt, minus the current framecounter exceeds `max-age`, we are also done, return #f
- However if we find an elt who's `owner` matches the iterator's, break out early returning that `elt`"
(let ((v1-0 *history*)
(a1-2 (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter))
(while (not (-> obj done?))
(let ((a2-1 (+ (-> obj index) -1)))
(if (< a2-1 0)
(set! a2-1 (+ (-> v1-0 allocated-length) -1))
(set! (-> obj index) a2-1)
(if (= a2-1 (-> v1-0 alloc-index))
(set! (-> obj done?) #t)
(let ((a2-5 (-> v1-0 elts a2-1)))
(when (nonzero? (-> a2-5 record-tag))
(when (< (the-as time-frame (-> obj max-age)) (- a1-2 (-> a2-5 timestamp)))
(set! (-> obj done?) #t)
(return (the-as history-elt #f))
(if (= (-> a2-5 owner) (-> obj owner))
(return a2-5)
(the-as history-elt #f)
(defmethod get-age history-iterator ((obj history-iterator) (arg0 history-elt))
"Get the age of a history element"
(- 1.0 (fmin 1.0 (/ (the float (+ (- 1 (-> arg0 timestamp)) (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter)))
(the float (+ (-> obj max-age) 1))
(defmethod frame-counter-delta history-iterator ((obj history-iterator) (arg0 history-elt))
"Returns the difference between [[*display*]]'s `base-clock.frame-counter` and the elt's `timestamp`"
(- (-> *display* base-clock frame-counter) (-> arg0 timestamp))
;; WARN: new jak 2 until loop case, check carefully
(defun history-print ((arg0 history-iterator))
(sv-16 object)
(sv-24 int)
(sv-32 int)
(sv-40 history-elt)
(sv-48 time-frame)
(sv-56 uint)
(sv-64 collide-status)
(sv-72 float)
(sv-80 string)
(sv-96 string)
(set! sv-16 (-> arg0 out))
(set! sv-24 -1)
(set! sv-32 0)
(until #f
(set! sv-40 (update-entries! arg0))
(if (not sv-40)
(goto cfg-71)
(when (logtest? (-> arg0 channel-mask) (ash 1 (-> sv-40 channel)))
(set! sv-48 (frame-counter-delta arg0 sv-40))
(set! sv-56 (-> sv-40 record-id))
((!= sv-24 sv-48)
(set! sv-24 (the-as int sv-48))
(set! sv-32 (the-as int sv-56))
(format sv-16 "~3D ~4X " sv-48 (-> sv-40 record-id))
((!= sv-32 sv-56)
(set! sv-32 (the-as int sv-56))
(format sv-16 " ~4X " (-> sv-40 record-id))
(format sv-16 " ")
(let ((v1-22 (-> sv-40 channel)))
((or (= v1-22 (history-channel trans))
(or (= v1-22 (history-channel transv))
(= v1-22 (history-channel transv-in))
(= v1-22 (history-channel transv-out))
(= v1-22 (history-channel intersect))
"~-15S: ~14Mm ~14Mm ~14Mm~%"
(history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel))
(-> sv-40 vector x)
(-> sv-40 vector y)
(-> sv-40 vector z)
((or (= v1-22 (history-channel local-normal)) (= v1-22 (history-channel surface-normal)))
"~-15S: ~14f ~14f ~14f~%"
(history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel))
(-> sv-40 vector x)
(-> sv-40 vector y)
(-> sv-40 vector z)
((= v1-22 (history-channel pat))
(let* ((s2-0 (-> sv-40 vector x))
(s5-2 format)
(s4-2 sv-16)
(s3-2 "~-15S: #x~6X mode:~-8S material:~-10S event:~S~%")
(s1-0 (history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel)))
(s0-0 s2-0)
(set! sv-80 (pat-mode->string (the-as pat-surface s2-0)))
(set! sv-96 (pat-material->string (the-as pat-surface s2-0)))
(let ((t2-0 (pat-event->string (the-as pat-surface s2-0))))
(s5-2 s4-2 s3-2 s1-0 s0-0 sv-80 sv-96 t2-0)
((= v1-22 (history-channel collide-status))
(set! sv-64 (-> sv-40 collide-status))
(set! sv-72 (-> sv-40 vector z))
(format sv-16 "~-15S: #x~6X " (history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel)) sv-64)
(let ((s5-4 sv-64))
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-background)) (collide-status touch-background))
(format sv-16 "touch-background ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status on-special-surface)) (collide-status on-special-surface))
(format sv-16 "on-special-surface ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-wall)) (collide-status touch-wall))
(format sv-16 "touch-wall ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status on-surface)) (collide-status on-surface))
(format sv-16 "on-surface ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status impact-surface)) (collide-status impact-surface))
(format sv-16 "impact-surface ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-ceiling)) (collide-status touch-ceiling))
(format sv-16 "touch-ceiling ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status on-ground)) (collide-status on-ground))
(format sv-16 "on-ground ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status glance)) (collide-status glance))
(format sv-16 "glance ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status blocked)) (collide-status blocked))
(format sv-16 "blocked ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-edge)) (collide-status touch-edge))
(format sv-16 "touch-edge ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-ceiling-sticky)) (collide-status touch-ceiling-sticky))
(format sv-16 "touch-ceiling-sticky ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status on-water)) (collide-status on-water))
(format sv-16 "on-water ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-actor)) (collide-status touch-actor))
(format sv-16 "touch-actor ")
(if (= (logand (collide-status probe-hit) s5-4) (collide-status probe-hit))
(format sv-16 "probe-hit ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status stuck)) (collide-status stuck))
(format sv-16 "stuck ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status no-touch)) (collide-status no-touch))
(format sv-16 "no-touch ")
(if (= (logand s5-4 (collide-status touch-surface)) (collide-status touch-surface))
(format sv-16 "touch-surface ")
(format sv-16 " #x~6X~%" sv-72)
((= v1-22 (history-channel friction))
(let ((f30-0 (-> sv-40 vector x)))
(format sv-16 "~-15S: ~f~%" (history-channel->string (-> sv-40 channel)) f30-0)
(label cfg-71)
;; WARN: new jak 2 until loop case, check carefully
(defun history-draw ((arg0 history-iterator))
(local-vars (sv-16 vector) (sv-20 vector) (sv-24 pat-surface))
(set! sv-16 (the-as vector #f))
(set! sv-20 (the-as vector #f))
(set! sv-24 (new 'static 'pat-surface))
(until #f
(let ((s5-0 (update-entries! arg0)))
(if (not s5-0)
(goto cfg-34)
(when (logtest? (-> arg0 channel-mask) (ash 1 (-> s5-0 channel)))
(let* ((f0-0 (get-age arg0 s5-0))
(v1-8 (the int (lerp 4.0 128.0 f0-0)))
(case (-> s5-0 channel)
(((history-channel trans))
(if sv-16
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(the-as rgba (logior #xffff00 (shl v1-8 24)))
(the-as rgba -1)
(add-debug-x #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) (-> s5-0 vector) (the-as rgba (logior #xffff00 (shl v1-8 24))))
(set! sv-16 (-> s5-0 vector))
(((history-channel intersect))
(if sv-20
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(the-as rgba (logior #xffffff (shl v1-8 24)))
(the-as rgba -1)
(add-debug-x #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) (-> s5-0 vector) (the-as rgba (logior #xffffff (shl v1-8 24))))
(set! sv-20 (-> s5-0 vector))
(((history-channel transv))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(meters 0.000024414063)
(the-as rgba (logior (shl v1-8 24) #xff00))
(((history-channel transv-in))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(meters 0.000024414063)
(the-as rgba (logior #x408040 (shl v1-8 24)))
(((history-channel transv-out))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(meters 0.000024414063)
(the-as rgba (logior #x404080 (shl v1-8 24)))
(((history-channel local-normal) (history-channel surface-normal))
(let ((t1-7
(logand (the-as uint (-> *pat-mode-info* (-> sv-24 mode) hilite-color)) (the-as uint #xffffffff00ffffff))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(-> s5-0 vector)
(meters 1)
(the-as rgba (logior t1-7 (shl v1-8 24)))
(((history-channel pat))
(set! sv-24 (the-as pat-surface (-> s5-0 vector x)))
(((history-channel friction))
(let ((f0-3 (-> s5-0 vector x))
(a3-10 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(set-vector! a3-10 0.0 (* -8192.0 f0-3) 0.0 1.0)
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> s5-0 origin)
(meters 0.00024414062)
(the-as rgba (logior #xffffff (shl v1-8 24)))
(label cfg-34)