water111 cee6c21603
Add basic features for types and objects (#52)
* started adding simple functions in gcommon

* more tests and features

* more tests, debug windows

* debug prints for windows

* back up some regs for windows

* remove debugging prints
2020-09-19 13:22:14 -04:00

417 lines
15 KiB

#include "goalc/compiler/Compiler.h"
#include "goalc/logger/Logger.h"
namespace {
bool get_inline_preference(Env* env) {
auto ile = get_parent_env_of_type<WithInlineEnv>(env);
if (ile) {
return ile->inline_preference;
} else {
return false;
const goos::Object& get_lambda_body(const goos::Object& def) {
auto* iter = &def;
while (true) {
auto car = iter->as_pair()->car;
if (car.is_symbol() && car.as_symbol()->name.at(0) == ':') {
iter = &iter->as_pair()->cdr;
iter = &iter->as_pair()->cdr;
} else {
return iter->as_pair()->cdr;
} // namespace
Val* Compiler::compile_inline(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}, {});
auto kv = m_inlineable_functions.find(args.unnamed.at(0).as_symbol());
if (kv == m_inlineable_functions.end()) {
throw_compile_error(form, "Couldn't find function to inline!");
if (kv->second->func && !kv->second->func->settings.allow_inline) {
throw_compile_error(form, "Found function to inline, but it isn't allowed.");
// todo, this should return a "view" of the lambda which indicates its inlined
// so the correct label namespace behavior can be used.
return kv->second;
Val* Compiler::compile_lambda(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto fe = get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env);
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
if (args.unnamed.empty() || !args.unnamed.front().is_list() ||
!args.only_contains_named({"name", "inline-only"})) {
throw_compile_error(form, "Invalid lambda form");
auto place = fe->alloc_val<LambdaVal>(get_none()->type());
auto& lambda = place->lambda;
auto lambda_ts = m_ts.make_typespec("function");
// parse the argument list.
for_each_in_list(args.unnamed.front(), [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (o.is_symbol()) {
// if it has no type, assume object.
lambda.params.push_back({symbol_string(o), m_ts.make_typespec("object")});
} else {
auto param_args = get_va(o, o);
va_check(o, param_args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL, goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}, {});
GoalArg parm;
parm.name = symbol_string(param_args.unnamed.at(0));
parm.type = parse_typespec(param_args.unnamed.at(1));
assert(lambda.params.size() == lambda_ts.arg_count());
// optional name for debugging
if (args.has_named("name")) {
// todo, this probably prints a nasty error if name isn't a string.
lambda.debug_name = symbol_string(args.get_named("name"));
lambda.body = get_lambda_body(rest); // first is the argument list, rest is body
place->func = nullptr;
bool inline_only =
args.has_named("inline-only") && symbol_string(args.get_named("inline-only")) != "#f";
if (!inline_only) {
// compile a function! First create env
auto new_func_env = std::make_unique<FunctionEnv>(env, lambda.debug_name);
new_func_env->set_segment(MAIN_SEGMENT); // todo, how do we set debug?
// set up arguments
assert(lambda.params.size() < 8); // todo graceful error
std::vector<RegVal*> args_for_coloring;
for (u32 i = 0; i < lambda.params.size(); i++) {
IRegConstraint constr;
constr.instr_idx = 0; // constraint at function start
auto ireg = new_func_env->make_ireg(lambda.params.at(i).type, emitter::RegKind::GPR);
constr.ireg = ireg->ireg();
constr.desired_register = emitter::gRegInfo.get_arg_reg(i);
new_func_env->params[lambda.params.at(i).name] = ireg;
place->func = new_func_env.get();
// nasty function block env setup
auto return_reg = new_func_env->make_ireg(get_none()->type(), emitter::RegKind::GPR);
auto func_block_env = new_func_env->alloc_env<BlockEnv>(new_func_env.get(), "#f");
func_block_env->return_value = return_reg;
func_block_env->end_label = Label(new_func_env.get());
// compile the function!
Val* result = nullptr;
bool first_thing = true;
for_each_in_list(lambda.body, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
result = compile_error_guard(o, func_block_env);
if (first_thing) {
first_thing = false;
// you could probably cheat and do a (begin (blorp) (declare ...)) to get around this.
new_func_env->settings.is_set = true;
if (result) {
auto final_result = result->to_gpr(new_func_env.get());
new_func_env->emit(std::make_unique<IR_Return>(return_reg, final_result));
} else {
func_block_env->end_label.idx = new_func_env->code().size();
auto obj_env = get_parent_env_of_type<FileEnv>(new_func_env.get());
if (new_func_env->settings.save_code) {
return place;
Val* Compiler::compile_function_or_method_call(const goos::Object& form, Env* env) {
goos::Object f = form;
auto fe = get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env);
auto args = get_va(form, form);
auto uneval_head = args.unnamed.at(0);
Val* head = get_none();
// determine if this call should be automatically inlined.
// this logic will not trigger for a manually inlined call [using the (inline func) form]
bool auto_inline = false;
if (uneval_head.is_symbol()) {
// we can only auto-inline the function if its name is explicit.
// look it up:
auto kv = m_inlineable_functions.find(uneval_head.as_symbol());
if (kv != m_inlineable_functions.end()) {
// it's inlinable. However, we do not always inline an inlinable function by default
if (kv->second->func ==
nullptr || // only-inline, we must inline it as there is no code generated for it
.inline_by_default || // inline when possible, so we should inline
(kv->second->func->settings.allow_inline &&
get_inline_preference(env))) { // inline is allowed, and we prefer it locally
auto_inline = true;
head = kv->second;
bool is_method_call = false;
if (!auto_inline) {
// if auto-inlining failed, we must get the thing to call in a different way.
if (uneval_head.is_symbol()) {
if (is_local_symbol(uneval_head, env) ||
m_symbol_types.find(symbol_string(uneval_head)) != m_symbol_types.end()) {
// the local environment (mlets, lexicals, constants, globals) defines this symbol.
// this will "win" over a method name lookup, so we should compile as normal
head = compile_error_guard(args.unnamed.front(), env);
} else {
// we don't think compiling the head give us a function, so it's either a method or an error
is_method_call = true;
} else {
// the head is some expression. Could be something like (inline my-func) or (-> obj
// func-ptr-field) in either case, compile it - and it can't be a method call.
head = compile_error_guard(args.unnamed.front(), env);
if (!is_method_call) {
// typecheck that we got a function
typecheck(form, m_ts.make_typespec("function"), head->type(), "Function call head");
// see if its an "immediate" application. This happens in three cases:
// 1). the user directly puts a (lambda ...) form in the head (like with a (let) macro)
// 2). the user used a (inline my-func) to grab the LambdaPlace of the function.
// 3). the auto-inlining above looked up the LambdaPlace of an inlinable_function.
// note that an inlineable function looked up by symbol or other way WILL NOT cast to a
// LambdaPlace! so this cast will only succeed if the auto-inliner succeeded, or the user has
// passed use explicitly a lambda either with the lambda form, or with the (inline ...) form.
LambdaVal* head_as_lambda = nullptr;
if (!is_method_call) {
head_as_lambda = dynamic_cast<LambdaVal*>(head);
if (!head_as_lambda && !is_method_call) {
head = head->to_gpr(env);
// compile arguments
std::vector<RegVal*> eval_args;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < args.unnamed.size(); i++) {
auto intermediate = compile_error_guard(args.unnamed.at(i), env);
if (head_as_lambda) {
// inline the function!
// check args are ok
if (head_as_lambda->lambda.params.size() != eval_args.size()) {
throw_compile_error(form, "invalid argument count");
// construct a lexical environment
auto lexical_env = fe->alloc_env<LexicalEnv>(env);
Env* compile_env = lexical_env;
// if needed create a label env.
// we don't want a separate label env with lets, but we do in other cases.
if (auto_inline) {
// TODO - this misses the case of (inline func)!
compile_env = fe->alloc_env<LabelEnv>(lexical_env);
// check arg types
if (!head->type().arg_count()) {
if (head->type().arg_count() - 1 != eval_args.size()) {
throw_compile_error(form, "invalid number of arguments to function call (inline)");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eval_args.size(); i++) {
typecheck(form, head->type().get_arg(i), eval_args.at(i)->type(),
"function (inline) argument");
// copy args...
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eval_args.size(); i++) {
auto type = eval_args.at(i)->type();
auto copy = env->make_ireg(type, get_preferred_reg_kind(type));
env->emit(std::make_unique<IR_RegSet>(copy, eval_args.at(i)));
lexical_env->vars[head_as_lambda->lambda.params.at(i).name] = copy;
// compile inline!
bool first_thing = true;
Val* result = get_none();
for_each_in_list(head_as_lambda->lambda.body, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
result = compile_error_guard(o, compile_env);
if (first_thing) {
first_thing = false;
lexical_env->settings.is_set = true;
// this doesn't require a return type.
return result;
} else {
// not an inline call
if (is_method_call) {
throw_compile_error(form, "Unrecognized symbol " + uneval_head.print() + " as head of form");
// // determine the method to call by looking at the type of first argument
// if (eval_args.empty()) {
// }
// printf("BAD %s\n", uneval_head.print().c_str());
// assert(false); // nyi
// head = compile_get_method_of_object(eval_args.front(), symbol_string(uneval_head), env);
// convert the head to a GPR
auto head_as_gpr =
head->to_gpr(env); // std::dynamic_pointer_cast<GprPlace>(resolve_to_gpr(head, env));
if (head_as_gpr) {
return compile_real_function_call(form, head_as_gpr, eval_args, env);
} else {
throw_compile_error(form, "can't figure out this function call!");
throw_compile_error(form, "call_function_or_method unreachable");
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_real_function_call(const goos::Object& form,
RegVal* function,
const std::vector<RegVal*>& args,
Env* env) {
auto fe = get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env);
TypeSpec return_ts;
if (function->type().arg_count() == 0) {
// if the type system doesn't know what the function will return, just make it object.
// the user is responsible for getting this right.
return_ts = m_ts.make_typespec("object");
gLogger.log(MSG_WARN, "[Warning] Function call could not determine return type: %s\n",
// todo, should this be a warning? not a great thing if we don't know what a function will
// return?
} else {
return_ts = function->type().last_arg();
auto return_reg = env->make_ireg(return_ts, emitter::RegKind::GPR);
// nope! not anymore.
// for(auto& arg : args) {
// // note: this has to be done in here, because we might want to const prop across lexical
// envs. arg = resolve_to_gpr(arg, env);
// }
// check arg count:
if (function->type().arg_count()) {
if (function->type().arg_count() - 1 != args.size()) {
printf("got type %s\n", function->type().print().c_str());
throw_compile_error(form, "invalid number of arguments to function call: got " +
std::to_string(args.size()) + " and expected " +
std::to_string(function->type().arg_count() - 1) + " for " +
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
typecheck(form, function->type().get_arg(i), args.at(i)->type(), "function argument");
// set args (introducing a move here makes coloring more likely to be possible)
std::vector<RegVal*> arg_outs;
for (auto& arg : args) {
arg_outs.push_back(env->make_ireg(arg->type(), emitter::RegKind::GPR));
env->emit(std::make_unique<IR_RegSet>(arg_outs.back(), arg));
env->emit(std::make_unique<IR_FunctionCall>(function, return_reg, arg_outs));
if (m_settings.emit_move_after_return) {
auto result_reg = env->make_gpr(return_reg->type());
env->emit(std::make_unique<IR_RegSet>(result_reg, return_reg));
return result_reg;
} else {
return return_reg;
Val* Compiler::compile_declare(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto& settings = get_parent_env_of_type<DeclareEnv>(env)->settings;
if (settings.is_set) {
throw_compile_error(form, "function has multiple declares");
settings.is_set = true;
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (!o.is_pair()) {
throw_compile_error(o, "invalid declare specification");
auto first = o.as_pair()->car;
auto rrest = o.as_pair()->cdr;
if (!first.is_symbol()) {
throw_compile_error(first, "invalid declare specification, expected a symbol");
if (first.as_symbol()->name == "inline") {
if (!rrest.is_empty_list()) {
throw_compile_error(first, "invalid inline declare");
settings.allow_inline = true;
settings.inline_by_default = true;
settings.save_code = true;
} else if (first.as_symbol()->name == "allow-inline") {
if (!rrest.is_empty_list()) {
throw_compile_error(first, "invalid allow-inline declare");
settings.allow_inline = true;
settings.inline_by_default = false;
settings.save_code = true;
} else if (first.as_symbol()->name == "asm-func") {
get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env)->is_asm_func = true;
else {
throw_compile_error(first, "unrecognized declare statement");
return get_none();