water111 c7f2a23abf
[jak2] misc fixes to renderers (#2488)
Fixes decal on tfrag:


Sets up jak 2 alpha shrub test settings. They are still too dark, but
there's no longer incorrect alpha test:


Fix decal on shrub, a feature used in exactly one place in jak 1:


Fixed issue with u16 overflow in castle on the alpha channel, causing
flickering. It barely overflowed, which made me suspicious that we had
some error somewhere. But I think that there code is robust against
2023-04-14 21:13:45 -04:00

83 lines
2.2 KiB

#version 430 core
layout (location = 0) in vec3 position_in;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 tex_coord_in;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 rgba_base;
layout (location = 3) in int time_of_day_index;
uniform vec4 hvdf_offset;
uniform mat4 camera;
uniform float fog_constant;
uniform float fog_min;
uniform float fog_max;
uniform int decal;
layout (binding = 10) uniform sampler1D tex_T1; // note, sampled in the vertex shader on purpose.
out vec4 fragment_color;
out vec3 tex_coord;
out float fogginess;
void main() {
// old system:
// - load vf12
// - itof0 vf12
// - multiply with camera matrix (add trans)
// - let Q = fogx / vf12.w
// - xyz *= Q
// - xyzw += hvdf_offset
// - clip w.
// - ftoi4 vf12
// use in gs.
// gs is 12.4 fixed point, set up with 2048.0 as the center.
// the itof0 is done in the preprocessing step. now we have floats.
// Step 3, the camera transform
vec4 transformed = -camera[3];
transformed -= camera[0] * position_in.x;
transformed -= camera[1] * position_in.y;
transformed -= camera[2] * position_in.z;
// compute Q
float Q = fog_constant / transformed.w;
// do fog!
fogginess = 255 - clamp(-transformed.w + hvdf_offset.w, fog_min, fog_max);
// perspective divide!
transformed.xyz *= Q;
// offset
transformed.xyz += hvdf_offset.xyz;
// correct xy offset
transformed.xy -= (2048.);
// correct z scale
transformed.z /= (8388608);
transformed.z -= 1;
// correct xy scale
transformed.x /= (256);
transformed.y /= -(128);
// hack
transformed.xyz *= transformed.w;
// scissoring area adjust
gl_Position = transformed;
// time of day lookup
// start with the vertex color (only rgb, VIF filled in the 255.)
fragment_color = vec4(rgba_base, 1);
// get the time of day multiplier
vec4 tod_color = texelFetch(tex_T1, time_of_day_index, 0);
// combine
fragment_color *= tod_color * 4;
fragment_color.a *= 2;
if (decal == 1) {
fragment_color.xyz = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
tex_coord = tex_coord_in;
tex_coord.xy /= 4096;